Distributers invoicing
Customer data management application
Order management application
Invoicing application
Shipping application
Distributors management
Financial application
DC order management
Based on ISA-95 Part 1:
Figure 3, Page 19,
Figure 5, Page 26
Activity Model of Production Operations Management
Based on part 3 Figure 9 page 30. Specific relationships to elements of functional enterprise-control model in part 1 is not clear
This model is based on a model used internally by The Standard for CRM platform selection several years ago. Some attribution may be necessary; this needs to be further researched. Enterprise elements of the ISA functional model have been added also.
Enterprise Business Function Usage of CRM Application Functions
Based on ISA-95 Part 1 Figure 3, Page 19, Figure 4, page 23. This view applies the ArchiMate definition of location "A location is defined as a conceptual point or extent in space." to machinery as well, since machinery occupies space. All machinery is assumed also to have a processing capacity, i.e. a node that can run control applications, including ones that are embedded.
Equipment Hierarchy
Object Model Summary
Based on ISA-95 Part I Figure 24, page 77
All associations can be interpreted as right-to-left "Corresponds to a..." relation
Scenario: Large, urgent customer order triggers production schedule change
Add feedback loop: Communication from contol to enterprise, e.g. order status. See part 5, page 30, Figure 9 Also part 5, page 94, Table 25
Messages defined in part 5
ArchiMetal CRM Vision
This Case Study demonstrates the value of the ArchiMate 2.1 modeling language for planning and expressing complex business transformation.
The Case Study is about a fictitious manufacturer named ArchiMetal. Through high-level architecture modeling, the ArchiMate language illuminates the coherence between an organization, and its processes, applications, and infrastructure. This Case Study presents examples of ArchiMate models that can be elaborated as necessary for analysis, communication, decision support, and implementation.