# Maintainer: Caleb Maclennan # Contributor: Jaroslav Lichtblau # Contributor: leif_thande # Contributor: tranquility # Contributor: Daniel J Griffiths pkgname=atool pkgver=0.39.0 pkgrel=8 pkgdesc='A script for managing file archives of various types' arch=(any) url="https://www.nongnu.org/$pkgname" license=(GPL3) depends=(file perl) optdepends=('bzip2: support bzip2 compression' 'cpio: support cpio archives' 'gzip: support gzip compression' 'lha: support lha, lharc, and similar archives' 'xz: support lzma compressed archives' 'lzop: support lzop compressed archives' 'p7zip: support 7z cpmressed archives' 'tar: support tar archives' 'unace: support ace archives' 'unrar: support rar archives' 'zip: support creating zip archives' 'unzip: support extracting zip archives') _archive="$pkgname-$pkgver" source=("https://savannah.nongnu.org/download/$pkgname/$_archive.tar.gz"{,.sig}) validpgpkeys=('4E6E6521EF300E30457D7AFB8AAAC30E7088EFCB') # Oskar Liljeblad sha256sums=('aaf60095884abb872e25f8e919a8a63d0dabaeca46faeba87d12812d6efc703b' 'SKIP') build() { cd "$_archive" ./configure --prefix=/usr } package() { cd "$_archive" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install }