// ==UserScript== // @name UserCSSLoader // @description CSS Codes - Styles laden und verwalten // @namespace http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Griever/ // @author Griever // @include main // @license MIT License // @compatibility Firefox 4 // @charset UTF-8 // @version 0.0.4f // @note 0.0.4 Remove E4X // @note CSSEntry-Klasse erstellt // @note Style-Test-Funktion überarbeitet // @note Wenn die Datei gelöscht wurde, CSS beim Neu erstellen und Löschen des Menüs abbrechen // @note uc einlesen .uc.css temporäre Korrespondenz zum erneuten Lesen // ==/UserScript== /****** Bedienungsanleitung ****** Da der CSS-Ordner im Chrome-Ordner erstellt wurde, CSS-Dateien dort ablegen - speichern. Diejenigen, deren Dateiname mit "xul-" beginnen, diejenigen, die mit ".as.css" enden, sind AGENT_SHEET, andere außer USER_SHEET werden gelesen. Da der Inhalt der Datei nicht überprüft wird, darauf achten, @ Namespace Angabe nicht zu vergessen! CSS-Menü wird zur Menüleiste hinzugefügt Linksklick auf Stil, zum aktivieren/deaktivieren Mittelklick auf Stil zum aktivieren/deaktivieren, ohne Menü zu schließen Rechtsklick auf Stil zum Öffnen im Editor Verwenden des in "view_source.editor.path" angegebenen Editors Ordner kann geändert werden, indem ein Pfad in "UserCSSLoader.FOLDER" eingefügt wird **** Anleitung Ende ****/ (function(){ let { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu, results: Cr } = Components; if (!window.Services) Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); // Wenn beim Start ein anderes Fenster angezeigt wird (das zweite Fenster), wird es beendet let list = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); while(list.hasMoreElements()){ if(list.getNext() != window) return; } if (window.UCL) { window.UCL.destroy(); delete window.UCL; } window.UCL = { USE_UC: "UC" in window, AGENT_SHEET: Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.AGENT_SHEET, USER_SHEET : Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.USER_SHEET, readCSS : {}, get disabled_list() { let obj = []; try { obj = this.prefs.getCharPref("disabled_list").split("|"); } catch(e) {} delete this.disabled_list; return this.disabled_list = obj; }, get prefs() { delete this.prefs; return this.prefs = Services.prefs.getBranch("UserCSSLoader.") }, get styleSheetServices(){ delete this.styleSheetServices; return this.styleSheetServices = Cc["@mozilla.org/content/style-sheet-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService); }, get FOLDER() { let aFolder; try { // UserCSSLoader.FOLDER verwenden let folderPath = this.prefs.getCharPref("FOLDER"); aFolder = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile) aFolder.initWithPath(folderPath); } catch (e) { aFolder = Services.dirsvc.get("UChrm", Ci.nsIFile); aFolder.appendRelativePath("CSS"); } if (!aFolder.exists() || !aFolder.isDirectory()) { aFolder.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0664); } delete this.FOLDER; return this.FOLDER = aFolder; }, getFocusedWindow: function() { let win = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; if (!win || win == window) win = content; return win; }, init: function() { const cssmenu = $C("menu", { id: "usercssloader-menu", label: "CSS", accesskey: "C" }); const menupopup = $C("menupopup", { id: "usercssloader-menupopup" }); cssmenu.appendChild(menupopup); let menu = $C("menu", { label: "Style Loader Menü", accesskey: "M" }); menupopup.appendChild(menu); let mp = $C("menupopup", { id: "usercssloader-submenupopup" }); menu.appendChild(mp); mp.appendChild($C("menuitem", { label: "Styles importieren", accesskey: "R", acceltext: "Alt + R", oncommand: "UCL.rebuild();" })); mp.appendChild($C("menuseparator")); mp.appendChild($C("menuitem", { label: "CSS Datei erstellen", accesskey: "D", oncommand: "UCL.create();" })); mp.appendChild($C("menuitem", { label: "CSS Ordner öffnen", accesskey: "O", oncommand: "UCL.openFolder();" })); mp.appendChild($C("menuitem", { label: "userChrome.css bearbeiten", hidden: false, oncommand: "UCL.editUserCSS(\'userChrome.css\');" })); mp.appendChild($C("menuitem", { label: "userContent.css bearbeiten", hidden: false, oncommand: "UCL.editUserCSS(\'userContent.css\');" })); mp.appendChild($C("menuseparator")); mp.appendChild($C("menuitem", { label: "Style Test (Chrome)", id: "usercssloader-test-chrome", hidden: true, accesskey: "C", oncommand: "UCL.styleTest(window);" })); mp.appendChild($C("menuitem", { label: "Style Test (Web)", id: "usercssloader-test-content", hidden: true, accesskey: "W", oncommand: "UCL.styleTest();" })); mp.appendChild($C("menuitem", { label: "Styles dieser Seite auf userstyles.org finden", accesskey: "S", oncommand: "UCL.searchStyle();" })); menu = $C("menu", { label: ".uc.css", accesskey: "U", hidden: !UCL.USE_UC }); menupopup.appendChild(menu); mp = $C("menupopup", { id: "usercssloader-ucmenupopup" }); menu.appendChild(mp); mp.appendChild($C("menuitem", { label: "Importieren(.uc.js)", oncommand: "UCL.UCrebuild();" })); mp.appendChild($C("menuseparator", { id: "usercssloader-ucsepalator" })); CustomizableUI.createWidget({ id: 'usercssloader-menu-item', type: 'custom', defaultArea: CustomizableUI.AREA_MENUBAR, onBuild: function(aDocument) { let toolbaritem = aDocument.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'toolbaritem'); toolbaritem.id = 'usercssloader-menu-item'; toolbaritem.className = 'chromeclass-toolbar-additional'; return toolbaritem; } }); $('usercssloader-menu-item').appendChild(cssmenu); $("mainKeyset").appendChild($C("key", { id: "usercssloader-rebuild-key", oncommand: "UCL.rebuild();", key: "R", modifiers: "alt", })); this.rebuild(); this.initialized = true; if (UCL.USE_UC) { setTimeout(function() { UCL.UCcreateMenuitem(); }, 1000); } window.addEventListener("unload", this, false); }, uninit: function() { const dis = []; for (let x of Object.keys(this.readCSS)) { if (!this.readCSS[x].enabled) dis.push(x); } this.prefs.setCharPref("disabled_list", dis.join("|")); window.removeEventListener("unload", this, false); }, destroy: function() { var i = document.getElementById("usercssloader-menu"); if (i) i.parentNode.removeChild(i); var i = document.getElementById("usercssloader-rebuild-key"); if (i) i.parentNode.removeChild(i); this.uninit(); }, handleEvent: function(event) { switch(event.type){ case "unload": this.uninit(); break; } }, rebuild: function() { let ext = /\.css$/i; let not = /\.uc\.css/i; let files = this.FOLDER.directoryEntries.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISimpleEnumerator); while (files.hasMoreElements()) { let file = files.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile); if (!ext.test(file.leafName) || not.test(file.leafName)) continue; let CSS = this.loadCSS(file); CSS.flag = true; } for (let leafName of Object.keys(this.readCSS)) { const CSS = this.readCSS[leafName]; if (!CSS.flag) { CSS.enabled = false; delete this.readCSS[leafName]; } delete CSS.flag; this.rebuildMenu(leafName); } if (this.initialized) { if (typeof(StatusPanel) !== "undefined") StatusPanel._label = "Style importiert"; else XULBrowserWindow.statusTextField.label = "Styles importieren"; } }, loadCSS: function(aFile) { var CSS = this.readCSS[aFile.leafName]; if (!CSS) { CSS = this.readCSS[aFile.leafName] = new CSSEntry(aFile); if (this.disabled_list.indexOf(CSS.leafName) === -1) { CSS.enabled = true; } } else if (CSS.enabled) { CSS.enabled = true; } return CSS; }, rebuildMenu: function(aLeafName) { var CSS = this.readCSS[aLeafName]; var menuitem = document.getElementById("usercssloader-" + aLeafName); if (!CSS) { if (menuitem) menuitem.parentNode.removeChild(menuitem); return; } if (!menuitem) { menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuitem.setAttribute("label", aLeafName); menuitem.setAttribute("id", "usercssloader-" + aLeafName); menuitem.setAttribute("class", "usercssloader-item " + (CSS.SHEET == this.AGENT_SHEET? "AGENT_SHEET" : "USER_SHEET")); menuitem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); menuitem.setAttribute("autocheck", "false"); menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", "UCL.toggle('"+ aLeafName +"');"); menuitem.setAttribute("onclick", "UCL.itemClick(event);"); document.getElementById("usercssloader-menupopup").appendChild(menuitem); } menuitem.setAttribute("checked", CSS.enabled); }, toggle: function(aLeafName) { var CSS = this.readCSS[aLeafName]; if (!CSS) return; CSS.enabled = !CSS.enabled; this.rebuildMenu(aLeafName); }, itemClick: function(event) { if (event.button == 0) return; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); let label = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("label"); if (event.button == 1) { this.toggle(label); } else if (event.button == 2) { closeMenus(event.target); this.edit(this.getFileFromLeafName(label)); } }, getFileFromLeafName: function(aLeafName) { let f = this.FOLDER.clone(); f.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile); // use appendRelativePath f.appendRelativePath(aLeafName); return f; }, styleTest: function(aWindow) { aWindow || (aWindow = this.getFocusedWindow()); new CSSTester(aWindow, function(tester){ if (tester.saved) UCL.rebuild(); }); }, searchStyle: function() { let word; try { word = gBrowser.currentURI.host; } catch { word = gBrowser.currentURI.spec; } openLinkIn("https://userstyles.org/styles/search/" + word, "tab", {}); }, openFolder: function() { this.FOLDER.launch(); }, editUserCSS: function(aLeafName) { let file = Services.dirsvc.get("UChrm", Ci.nsIFile); file.appendRelativePath(aLeafName); this.edit(file); }, edit: function(aFile) { var editor = Services.prefs.getCharPref("view_source.editor.path"); if (!editor) return alert("Unter about:config den vorhandenen Schalter:\n view_source.editor.path mit dem Editorpfad ergänzen"); try { var UI = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter); UI.charset = window.navigator.platform.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") >= 0? "Shift_JIS": "UTF-8"; var path = UI.ConvertFromUnicode(aFile.path); var app = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile); app.initWithPath(editor); var process = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/util;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIProcess); process.init(app); process.run(false, [path], 1); } catch (e) {} }, create: function(aLeafName) { if (!aLeafName) aLeafName = prompt("Name des Styles", dateFormat(new Date(), "%Y_%m%d_%H%M%S")); if (aLeafName) aLeafName = aLeafName.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/[\\/:*?\"<>|]/g, ""); if (!aLeafName || !/\S/.test(aLeafName)) return; if (!/\.css$/.test(aLeafName)) aLeafName += ".css"; let file = this.getFileFromLeafName(aLeafName); this.edit(file); }, UCrebuild: function() { let re = /^file:.*\.uc\.css(?:\?\d+)?$/i; let query = "?" + new Date().getTime(); Array.slice(document.styleSheets).forEach(function(css){ if (!re.test(css.href)) return; if (css.ownerNode) { css.ownerNode.parentNode.removeChild(css.ownerNode); } let pi = document.createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet','type="text/css" href="'+ css.href.replace(/\?.*/, '') + query +'"'); document.insertBefore(pi, document.documentElement); }); UCL.UCcreateMenuitem(); }, UCcreateMenuitem: function() { let sep = $("usercssloader-ucsepalator"); let popup = sep.parentNode; if (sep.nextSibling) { let range = document.createRange(); range.setStartAfter(sep); range.setEndAfter(popup.lastChild); range.deleteContents(); range.detach(); } let re = /^file:.*\.uc\.css(?:\?\d+)?$/i; Array.slice(document.styleSheets).forEach(function(css) { if (!re.test(css.href)) return; let fileURL = decodeURIComponent(css.href).split("?")[0]; let aLeafName = fileURL.split("/").pop(); let m = document.createElement("menuitem"); m.setAttribute("label", aLeafName); m.setAttribute("tooltiptext", fileURL); m.setAttribute("id", "usercssloader-" + aLeafName); m.setAttribute("type", "checkbox"); m.setAttribute("autocheck", "false"); m.setAttribute("checked", "true"); m.setAttribute("oncommand", "this.setAttribute('checked', !(this.css.disabled = !this.css.disabled));"); m.setAttribute("onclick", "UCL.UCItemClick(event);"); m.css = css; popup.appendChild(m); }); }, UCItemClick: function(event) { if (event.button == 0) return; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (event.button == 1) { event.target.doCommand(); } else if (event.button == 2) { closeMenus(event.target); let fileURL = event.currentTarget.getAttribute("tooltiptext"); let file = Services.io.getProtocolHandler("file").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler).getFileFromURLSpec(fileURL); this.edit(file); } }, }; function CSSEntry(aFile) { this.path = aFile.path; this.leafName = aFile.leafName; this.lastModifiedTime = 1; this.SHEET = /^xul-|\.as\.css$/i.test(this.leafName) ? Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.AGENT_SHEET: Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.USER_SHEET; } CSSEntry.prototype = { sss: Cc["@mozilla.org/content/style-sheet-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService), _enabled: false, get enabled() { return this._enabled; }, set enabled(isEnable) { var aFile = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile) aFile.initWithPath(this.path); var isExists = aFile.exists(); // Wenn die Datei existiert true var lastModifiedTime = isExists ? aFile.lastModifiedTime : 0; var isForced = this.lastModifiedTime != lastModifiedTime; // Wenn es eine Änderung in der Datei gibt true var fileURL = Services.io.getProtocolHandler("file").QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileProtocolHandler).getURLSpecFromFile(aFile); var uri = Services.io.newURI(fileURL, null, null); if (this.sss.sheetRegistered(uri, this.SHEET)) { // Wenn diese Datei bereits gelesen wurde if (!isEnable || !isExists) { this.sss.unregisterSheet(uri, this.SHEET); } else if (isForced) { // Nach Stornierung erneut einlesen this.sss.unregisterSheet(uri, this.SHEET); this.sss.loadAndRegisterSheet(uri, this.SHEET); } } else { // Datei wurde nicht gelesen if (isEnable && isExists) { this.sss.loadAndRegisterSheet(uri, this.SHEET); } } if (this.lastModifiedTime !== 1 && isEnable && isForced) { log(this.leafName + " wurde aktualisiert"); } this.lastModifiedTime = lastModifiedTime; return this._enabled = isEnable; }, }; function CSSTester(aWindow, aCallback) { this.win = aWindow || window; this.doc = this.win.document; this.callback = aCallback; this.init(); } CSSTester.prototype = { sss: Cc["@mozilla.org/content/style-sheet-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService), preview_code: "", saved: false, init: function() { this.dialog = openDialog( "data:text/html;charset=utf8,"+encodeURIComponent('CSSTester'), "", "width=550,height=400,dialog=no"); this.dialog.addEventListener("load", this, false); }, destroy: function() { this.preview_end(); this.dialog.removeEventListener("unload", this, false); this.previewButton.removeEventListener("click", this, false); this.saveButton.removeEventListener("click", this, false); this.closeButton.removeEventListener("click", this, false); }, handleEvent: function(event) { switch(event.type) { case "click": if (event.button != 0) return; if (this.previewButton == event.currentTarget) { this.preview(); } else if (this.saveButton == event.currentTarget) { this.save(); } else if (this.closeButton == event.currentTarget) { this.dialog.close(); } break; case "load": var doc = this.dialog.document; doc.body.innerHTML = '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ '; this.textbox = doc.querySelector("textarea"); this.previewButton = doc.querySelector('input[value="Vorschau"]'); this.saveButton = doc.querySelector('input[value="Speichern"]'); this.closeButton = doc.querySelector('input[value="Schließen"]'); this.logField = doc.querySelector('.log'); var code = "@namespace url(" + this.doc.documentElement.namespaceURI + ");\n"; code += this.win.location.protocol.indexOf("http") === 0? "@-moz-document domain(" + this.win.location.host + ") {\n\n\n\n}": "@-moz-document url(" + this.win.location.href + ") {\n\n\n\n}"; this.textbox.value = code; this.dialog.addEventListener("unload", this, false); this.previewButton.addEventListener("click", this, false); this.saveButton.addEventListener("click", this, false); this.closeButton.addEventListener("click", this, false); this.textbox.focus(); let p = this.textbox.value.length - 3; this.textbox.setSelectionRange(p, p); break; case "unload": this.destroy(); this.callback(this); break; } }, preview: function() { var code = this.textbox.value; if (!code || !/\:/.test(code)) return; code = "data:text/css;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(this.textbox.value); if (code == this.preview_code) return; this.preview_end(); var uri = Services.io.newURI(code, null, null); this.sss.loadAndRegisterSheet(uri, Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.AGENT_SHEET); this.preview_code = code; this.log("Preview"); }, preview_end: function() { if (this.preview_code) { let uri = Services.io.newURI(this.preview_code, null, null); this.sss.unregisterSheet(uri, Ci.nsIStyleSheetService.AGENT_SHEET); this.preview_code = ""; } }, save: function() { var data = this.textbox.value; if (!data) return; var fp = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker); fp.init(window, "", Ci.nsIFilePicker.modeSave); fp.appendFilter("CSS Files","*.css"); fp.defaultExtension = "css"; if (window.UCL) fp.displayDirectory = UCL.FOLDER; var res = fp.show(); if (res != fp.returnOK && res != fp.returnReplace) return; var suConverter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter); suConverter.charset = "UTF-8"; data = suConverter.ConvertFromUnicode(data); var foStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream); foStream.init(fp.file, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, 0664, 0); foStream.write(data, data.length); foStream.close(); this.saved = true; }, log: function() { this.logField.textContent = dateFormat(new Date(), "%H:%M:%S") + ": " + $A(arguments); } }; UCL.init(); function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function $A(arr) { return Array.slice(arr); } function $C(name, attr) { var el = document.createElement(name); if (attr) Object.keys(attr).forEach(function(n) { el.setAttribute(n, attr[n]) }); return el; } function dateFormat(date, format) { format = format.replace("%Y", ("000" + date.getFullYear()).substr(-4)); format = format.replace("%m", ("0" + (date.getMonth()+1)).substr(-2)); format = format.replace("%d", ("0" + date.getDay()).substr(-2)); format = format.replace("%H", ("0" + date.getHours()).substr(-2)); format = format.replace("%M", ("0" + date.getMinutes()).substr(-2)); format = format.replace("%S", ("0" + date.getSeconds()).substr(-2)); return format; } function log() { Application.console.log(Array.slice(arguments)); } })();