# This example shows how to use a PVC and optional input artifacts to avoid work. apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: work-avoidance- spec: entrypoint: main volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: work spec: accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ] resources: requests: storage: 10Mi onExit: save-markers templates: - name: main steps: - - name: load-markers template: load-markers - - name: echo template: echo arguments: parameters: - name: num value: "{{item}}" withSequence: count: "3" - name: load-markers inputs: artifacts: - name: markers path: /work/markers optional: true s3: key: work-avoidance-markers bucket: my-bucket endpoint: minio:9000 insecure: true accessKeySecret: name: my-minio-cred key: accesskey secretKeySecret: name: my-minio-cred key: secretkey container: image: busybox command: - mkdir - -p - /work/markers volumeMounts: - name: work mountPath: /work - name: echo inputs: parameters: - name: num script: image: busybox command: - sh - -eux source: | marker=/work/markers/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-echo-{{inputs.parameters.num}} if [ -e ${marker} ]; then echo "work already done" exit 0 fi echo "working very hard" # toss a virtual coin and exit 1 if 1 if [ $(($(($RANDOM%10))%2)) -eq 1 ]; then echo "oh no!" exit 1 fi touch ${marker} volumeMounts: - name: work mountPath: /work - name: save-markers container: image: busybox command: - "true" volumeMounts: - name: work mountPath: /work outputs: artifacts: - name: markers path: /work/markers s3: key: work-avoidance-markers bucket: my-bucket endpoint: minio:9000 insecure: true accessKeySecret: name: my-minio-cred key: accesskey secretKeySecret: name: my-minio-cred key: secretkey