### TODOS ➜ [Create a Kind Cluster](#create-kind-cluster) ➜ [Deploy the Demo Microservice and Install Litmus](#deploy-demo-microservice-and-install-litmus) ➜ [Run Experiments and Observe (repeat steps for each experiment)](#run-experiments-and-observe) ### Requirements - Kubernetes/kubectl - [kind](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start/) Note: I am using the [sock shop](https://github.com/microservices-demo/microservices-demo) microservice ### Create Kind Cluster 1. Verify kind installation ```BASH kind version ``` 2. Create kind cluster ```BASH kind create cluster --config kind-config.yaml ``` 3. Set context and verify nodes ```BASH #specify cluster name as a context kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind #verify kubectl get nodes ``` ### Deploy demo microservice and install Litmus 1. Deploy demo microservice and verify pods are running ```BASH #deploy kubectl create -f sock-shop.yaml #verify - wait for running status kubectl get pods -n sock-shop ``` 2. Deploy Litmus ChaosOperator ```BASH kubectl apply -f https://litmuschaos.github.io/litmus/litmus-operator-v1.9.0.yaml ``` 3. Install Litmus Experiments ```BASH curl -sL https://github.com/litmuschaos/chaos-charts/archive/1.9.0.tar.gz -o litmus.tar.gz tar -zxvf litmus.tar.gz rm litmus.tar.gz find chaos-charts-1.9.0 -name experiments.yaml | grep generic | xargs kubectl apply -n sock-shop -f ``` 4. Create Service Account ```BASH kubectl create -f rbac.yaml ``` 5. Get front-end deployment port info ```BASH kubectl get deploy front-end -n sock-shop -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?(@.name == "front-end")].ports[0].containerPort}' ``` 6. Set port forwarding ```BASH kubectl port-forward deploy/front-end -n sock-shop 3000:8079 #browser address: ``` ### Run experiments and observe 1. Delete any existing Chaos engines in the namespace ```BASH kubectl delete chaosengine kind-chaos -n sock-shop ``` 2. Run the experiment ```BASH kubectl create -f litmus/container-kill.yaml -n sock-shop ``` 3. Observe Results (Takes a few seconds for command to turnover, results initially in `await` state) ```BASH kubectl get pods -n sock-shop --watch kubectl describe chaosengine kind-chaos -n sock-shop kubectl describe chaosresult kind-chaos-container-kill -n sock-shop #to save results to file: kubectl describe chaosengine kind-chaos -n sock-shop > chaosengine.txt kubectl describe chaosresult kind-chaos-container-kill -n sock-shop > chaosresult.txt ``` 4. Uninstall ```BASH kubectl delete -f https://litmuschaos.github.io/litmus/litmus-operator-v1.9.0.yaml kubectl delete chaosengine --all -n sock-shop kubectl delete chaosengine --all -n litmus kubectl delete namespaces sock-shop ```