==================== 2022-04-23 ==================== * device/xiaomi/sagit 2b3e02af sagit: overlay: Define proximity sensor type with custom threshold [Michael W] * packages/apps/Updater 16cb5c2 UpdateInstaller: Set file permissions on uncrypt ota package [Arian] * system/core a8e1e24fa Add wrapped key support [dianlujitao] * system/security a9ff7ac Handle key parameter conversion for FBE_ICE tag [Phanindra Babu Pabba] * system/vold bc9cb46 Revert "system: vold: Upgrade the FBE key" [Arian] bb726f0 vold: Bring in more wrapped key changes [Pig] 1aacace system: vold: Upgrade the FBE key [Neeraj Soni] 8cb2506 vold: Enable legacy support for wrapped key [Neeraj Soni] de9cb35 system: vold: Use wrapped key for metadata encryption [Neeraj Soni] * tools/buildscript e4f60ff unset time variable in release method [Arian] 2fc5479 Drop sourceforge [Arian] 3fc29f5 drop set -e [Arian] ==================== 2022-04-22 ==================== * device/xiaomi/msm8998-common 9ffec9ff0 msm8998-common: doze: Treat ProximitySensor values as int [Arian] b05eb8777 msm8998-common: Patch camera HAL for Q bringup [Bruno Martins] 536ddae2d Revert "msm8998-common: sepolicy: Allow hal_camera_default to read bootanim_system_prop" [Arian] 00a18f30d msm8998-common: sepolicy: Add contexts for exported telephony props [Inseob Kim] 4df875d4f msm8998-common: properties: Use threaded GLES render engine [Kyle Harrison] e8884c75d msm8998-common: properties: Disable SDM Scalar [clarencelol] d3de143f2 msm8998-common: properties: Remove obsolete debug.sf.disable_backpressure [SamarV-121] e116eb17b msm8998-common: properties: don't latch unsignal buffers [Midas Chien] 881afa9a8 msm8998-common: Remove activity_recognition libs [Jeferson] 6c8384e15 msm8998-common: Drop QTI datastatusnotification [daniml3] 109461f5d msm8998-common: qcril: fix MT SMS sent during power off [Tim Lin] c2ba7f614 mms8998-common: Squashed removal of TetheringOverlay [Nolen Johnson] 19f7c0827 msm8998-common: Patch libminikin-v28.so to load libicuuc-v28.so [Arian] 93e947005 msm8998-common: vndk: Enable runtime isolation [Arian] * packages/apps/LineageParts 0700955 LineageParts: switch to 3-button navigation when disabling navbar [Timi Rautamäki] * tools/buildscript 43271b8 Move to github releases [Arian] 646be21 Exit if a command fails [Arian] dc2c278 rename upload to upload_sourceforge [Arian] 7cd4dda simplify lineage prefixed variable names [Arian] ==================== 2022-04-21 ==================== * device/xiaomi/davinci 91bd98c davinci: overlay: Remove obsolete fps location config [Alexander Koskovich] * device/xiaomi/msm8998-common cc5ac6c3c msm8998-common: sepolicy: Allow hal_camera_default to read bootanim_system_prop [Nolen Johnson] 88f5ff5ee msm8998-common: Move dpm system property to system_prop.mk [Arian] 75de8ce1e msm8998-common: Move DPM property to system [Nolen Johnson] ffb828a5c msm8998-common: Drop support for Snapdragon Camera [Alexander Koskovich] f59d93da2 msm8998-common: Remove CLANG compile flag [Georg Veichtlbauer] 1fe3f1977 msm8998-common: Uprev manifests/FCM level [Nolen Johnson] c34793677 msm8998-common: Move libui_shim to system_ext and align with libgui_shim [Arian] 26390d7a8 msm8998-common: Move libgui_shim to ims dir [Arian] 24c4058b4 msm8998-common: libshims: Add shim for camera blobs [Erfan Abdi] 884c7369f msm8998-common: Unbreak peripheral manager [Bruno Martins] 564dcb323 msm8998-common: Remove leading dash from remaining apks [Arian] 31ef32e9c msm8998-common: Automatically add apk/jar/vintf fragments to PRODUCT_PACKAGES [Michael Bestas] 90dfa12a7 msm8998-common: Copy cgroups and task_profiles directly from system/core [Bruno Martins] 4c96077e6 msm8998-common: Ship cgroups.json and task_profiles.json in vendor [Chenyang Zhong] 15de6c8c0 msm8998-common: Modify Vulkan and OpenGL version to 2020-03-01 [linjoey] 1ff94b0af msm8998-common: Add OpenGL ES and update Vulkan dEQP feature flags [Alastair Donaldson] 1173784bf msm8998-common: Set manufacturer and soc properties [sudharani] d2d152dd0 msm8998-common: Remove odex/oat files from pinner list [Nicolas Geoffray] c126a75e8 msm8998-common: Update SurfaceFlinger pin on all targets [Kevin Jeon] 48fe62c29 msm8998-common: Drop unnecessary HIDL libs from vendor [Arian] * device/xiaomi/sagit aa8b06b5 sagit: overlay: Set physical power button and fps location [Bruno Martins] dfb93c6c sagit: overlay: Remove obsolete fps location config [Alexander Koskovich] * kernel/xiaomi/msm8998 f4d429ae82f1 {chiron,sagit}_defconfig: enable CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512 and savedefconfig [Lorenzo Colitti] 7384a7ddfc28 {chiron,sagit}_defconfig: Enable eBPF [ivanmeler] ffe3466ae84d Merge remote-tracking branch 'msm8998/lineage-19.1' into lineage-19.1 [Michael Bestas] 56500d8b2ae3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'msm8998/lineage-18.1' into lineage-18.1 [Michael Bestas] * lineage/mirror ed669e6 Updated aosp-minimal to 21-Apr-2022 12:01 UTC [Tim Schumacher] * tools/buildscript cf886a3 Pass gms argument from upload to release [Arian] * vendor/xiaomi 7afd7332 msm8998-common: Patch camera HAL for Q bringup [Bruno Martins] 9a9b425e msm8998-common: Remove activity_recognition libs [Jeferson] 714e3bf9 msm8998-common: Drop QTI datastatusnotification [daniml3] 93a9a9f0 msm8998-common: Patch libminikin-v28.so to load libicuuc-v28.so [Arian] ==================== 2022-04-20 ==================== * device/xiaomi/msm8998-common 759d54fe0 msm8998-common: Build needed HIDL libs into vendor [LuK1337] 6ae51a232 msm8998-common: Disable APEX compression [LuK1337] 5dbc4f4c5 msm8998-common: clearkey plugin to drm HAL v1.4 [Edwin Wong] 8ff1b0726 msm8998-common: sepolicy: Attach vendor_property_type to properties [Inseob Kim] aeb42a045 msm8998-common: doze: Adapt to S style [TheScarastic] 27be3c520 msm8998-common: Allow ELF prebuilts in PRODUCT_COPY_FILES. [Roger Ellis] 2b899ed8f msm8998-common: RIP com.dsi.ant.antradio_library [LuK1337] f20c1ce6a msm8998-common: Use PRODUCT_*_SEPOLICY_DIRS to build product sepolicy [Tri Vo] * device/xiaomi/sm6150-common ef38d89 sm6150-common: Remove odex/oat files from pinner list [Nicolas Geoffray] cb96f74 sm6150-common: Update SurfaceFlinger pin on all targets [Kevin Jeon] b01b18c sm6150-common: Drop renderscript pin [Arian] * frameworks/base af01fc24bb52 SystemUI: Split status bar icon controls for vibrate and mute [althafvly] * packages/apps/Recorder f90745b Recorder: do not set top system inset to list padding [2bllw8] abba63c Material you? [luca020400] * vendor/firmware 8653e9f mata: Import from lineage-18.1 [Nolen Johnson] 6bc6989 cheryl: Import from lineage-18.1 [Nolen Johnson] 3084485 aura: Import from lineage-18.1 [Nolen Johnson] ef02c4a PL2: Import from lineage-18.1 [Nolen Johnson] * vendor/gms a084fce tools: Use double brackets [Arian] 288151b update_PixelSetupWizardStringsOverlay: Dynamically get the strings to replace [Arian] a9afcab Update PixelSetupWizardStringsOverlay after extracting proprietary files [Arian] 1719e32 Update from oriole SP2A.220405.004 [Arian] * vendor/xiaomi c5f4f3d4 msm8998-common: libshims: Add shim for camera blobs [Erfan Abdi] cc330411 msm8998-common: Unbreak peripheral manager [Bruno Martins] 7ce7488a msm8998-common: Automatically add apk/jar/vintf fragments to PRODUCT_PACKAGES [Michael Bestas] ==================== 2022-04-19 ==================== * device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy-um a7822ada sepolicy-legacy-um: poweroffalarm_app: Add power off alarm app [Mao Jinlong] 5b46e54e legacy: vendor: Allow location to read wifi_hal_prop [Nolen Johnson] 31edd788 sdm660: Remove overly broad init rule [Michael Bestas] 23ede551 sdm660: Remove duplicate init rule [Michael Bestas] 9ffbcb4c Label persist.vendor.bluetooth. properties [Michael Bestas] 77f4c831 Revert "sepolicy: label persist.vendor.bluetooth.a4wp" [Michael Bestas] ddf1fab9 sepolicy: legacy: qva: Allow cnd to read wifi_hal_prop [Arian] 961d737b Sepolicy: add define for lksecapp [Arthur Shuai] 9589ed82 Allow vendor_init set vendor_time_service_prop [Michael Bestas] 2170d77a sdm660: Label sysfs_uio_file [Michael Bestas] 7b177661 sdm660: Label sysfs_ssr_toggle [Michael Bestas] 709f9f65 Label persist/rfs recursively [Chirayu Desai] e5458dfe common: Fix sysfs_socinfo Label for sensors [Max Weffers] 37a36ee0 common: Label persist.vendor.camera.debug.logfile [Michael Bestas] 2bccd127 sdm660: Generate contexts for rtc [Aayush Gupta] fcde3370 sepolicy: setting secontext to rtc node [Mohit Aggarwal] a870b256 sepolicy: Add rw permission for i2c touch sys node [Amit P Choudhari] 2e5d4f5b Use set_prop() macro for property sets [Michael Bestas] 5f259f40 sepolicy: Switch to BOARD_VENDOR_SEPOLICY_DIRS [Aayush Gupta] b59bea96 fixup! sepolicy: Remove rules for non legacy platforms [Michael Bestas] 4e5afc67 fixup! qcom: Label vendor files with (vendor|system/vendor) instead of vendor [Michael Bestas] * external/chromium-webview 0f78a8f Update arm{,64} and x86 Chromium Webview to 100.0.4896.127 [Kevin F. Haggerty] * kernel/xiaomi/msm8998 aaf94607d52f bpf: fix missing header inclusion [Zi Shen Lim] c74db0a426c5 UPSTREAM: security: selinux: allow per-file labeling for bpffs [Connor O'Brien] 8e649e002117 BACKPORT: ANDROID: Remove xt_qtaguid module from new kernels. [Chenbo Feng] afd77913f88b wireguard: compat: udp_tunnel: Account for kernel 4.4 BPF backport [Bruno Martins] e1efec194166 selinux: distinguish non-init user namespace capability checks [Stephen Smalley] 3139e1053fc9 selinux: check ss_initialized before revalidating an inode label [Paul Moore] 86720e523c73 selinux: delay inode label lookup as long as possible [Paul Moore] 7e70da37dcc9 selinux: don't revalidate an inode's label when explicitly setting it [Paul Moore] f41375dfdccf selinux: simply inode label states to INVALID and INITIALIZED [Paul Moore] 07b510cbe286 gfs2: Invalid security labels of inodes when they go invalid [Andreas Gruenbacher] cf0d42043fc6 selinux: Inode label revalidation performance fix [Andreas Gruenbacher] 99496f4811f5 selinux: Revalidate invalid inode security labels [Andreas Gruenbacher] 0619b8efce13 security: Add hook to invalidate inode security labels [Andreas Gruenbacher] db0ce4ad3621 selinux: Add accessor functions for inode->i_security [Andreas Gruenbacher] 5fec55e3dfb0 security: Make inode argument of inode_getsecid non-const [Andreas Gruenbacher] cdd6e5ac4e93 security: Make inode argument of inode_getsecurity non-const [Andreas Gruenbacher] 6d6db4fc001f selinux: Remove unused variable in selinux_inode_init_security [Andreas Gruenbacher] c4c77c3c0e4b arm64: bpf: optimize LD_ABS, LD_IND [Zi Shen Lim] e5d46ad659ea arm64: bpf: optimize JMP_CALL [Zi Shen Lim] 9fcb3c3c1b2d ANDROID: arm64: bpf: implement arch_bpf_jit_check_func [Sami Tolvanen] 4e2737a8b6c7 bpf, arm64: fix out of bounds access in tail call [Daniel Borkmann] 12c9e8141f8a bpf, arm64: fix faulty emission of map access in tail calls [Daniel Borkmann] 402d666e2c1a BACKPORT: Add support for BPF_FUNC_probe_read_str [Joel Fernandes] fc1c9bcecd40 bpf: Fix un-initialized variable in bpf_trace_printk [Jayant Chowdhary] 2b50881dac23 bpf: fix bpf_trace_printk on 32 bit archs [Daniel Borkmann] b56efca08920 FROMLIST: Remove the redundant skb->dev initialization in ip6_fragment [Chenbo Feng] 6e3845998250 FROMLIST: bpf: Remove duplicate tcp_filter hook in ipv6 [Chenbo Feng] 8dba22656a2a FROMLIST: ipv6: Initial skb->dev and skb->protocol in ip6_output [Chenbo Feng] 8bd67d650d32 FROMLIST: bpf: cgroup skb progs cannot access ld_abs/ind [Daniel Borkmann] af5b89865ab9 bpf: Remove recursion prevention from rcu free callback [Thomas Gleixner] 1f459d731993 ANDROID: bpf: validate bpf_func when BPF_JIT is enabled with CFI [Sami Tolvanen] c6da67a69b16 net: ipv4, ipv6: run cgroup eBPF egress programs [Daniel Mack] d44772d02041 bpf: add XDP_TX xdp_action for direct forwarding [Brenden Blanco] 68c4031dca3c bpf: Add kconfig knob for disabling unpriv bpf by default [Daniel Borkmann] 279032497473 bpf: Check for integer overflow when using roundup_pow_of_two() [Bui Quang Minh] e6c4b4b97e4c bpf: Fix integer overflow in prealloc_elems_and_freelist() [Tatsuhiko Yasumatsu] f153a4358cef UPSTREAM: bpf: bpf_prog_array_alloc() should return a generic non-rcu pointer [Roman Gushchin] f10e982d3b2e bpf: Prevent increasing bpf_jit_limit above max [Lorenz Bauer] bfe07625dede UPSTREAM: bpf: fix rcu annotations in compute_effective_progs() [Roman Gushchin] 7679bac78e33 bpf: reject wrong sized filters earlier [Daniel Borkmann] 94fb8cbb7306 soreuseport: Prep for fast reuseport TCP socket selection [Craig Gallek] f4b390557584 FROMGIT: bpf: Do not change gso_size during bpf_skb_change_proto() [Maciej Żenczykowski] 1e6a46707234 UPSTREAM: bpf: restore skb->sk before pskb_trim() call [Eric Dumazet] ae1bab40b111 BACKPORT: net: dev_is_mac_header_xmit() true for ARPHRD_RAWIP [Maciej Żenczykowski] 190a838d3efd bpf: add bpf_clone_redirect to bpf_helper_changes_pkt_data [Daniel Borkmann] 7c035c5e26a7 bpf: Fix bpf_redirect to an ipip/ip6tnl dev [Martin KaFai Lau] 73ae9db64e85 bpf: Remove MTU check in __bpf_skb_max_len [Jesper Dangaard Brouer] a80aca14a33e UPSTREAM: net: filter: run cgroup eBPF ingress programs [Daniel Mack] 8ef7935342ee cgroup: Add task_under_cgroup_hierarchy cgroup inline function to headers [Sargun Dhillon] 69a91e6165ee bpf: use skb_to_full_sk helper in bpf_skb_under_cgroup [Daniel Borkmann] 997b40bc5c5a bpf, events: fix offset in skb copy handler [Daniel Borkmann] c3e6fac2b900 perf, events: add non-linear data support for raw records [Daniel Borkmann] be326ad58cc8 bpf: use bpf_get_smp_processor_id_proto instead of raw one [Daniel Borkmann] 96faaeaafcac net/compat: Add missing sock updates for SCM_RIGHTS [Kees Cook] da703ef5130b bpf: Constify bpf_verifier_ops structure [Julia Lawall] d07f0b4132a0 bpf, trace: fetch current cpu only once [Daniel Borkmann] fc6c6256bb10 bpf, trace: add BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU flag for bpf_perf_event_read [Daniel Borkmann] 73a23d04435e FROMLIST: [net-next,v2,1/2] bpf: Allow CGROUP_SKB eBPF program to access sk_buff [Chenbo Feng] 8604eec97967 BACKPORT [FROMLIST] New getsockopt option to get socket cookie [Chenbo Feng] 1a759ab3516b perf, bpf: fix conditional call to bpf_overflow_handler [Arnd Bergmann] 290f63d0da22 kernel: Nuke void *priv from cpuset_fork [Maitreya29] 64b13eb76e2a net, sysctl: Fix compiler warning when only cBPF is present [Alexander Lobakin] ae9449f65682 Revert "net/compat: Add missing sock updates for SCM_RIGHTS" [Maitreya29] 8c07f6507022 bpf: fix bpf_jit_limit knob for PAGE_SIZE >= 64K [Daniel Borkmann] 21abfd815324 Revert "cgroup: Disable IRQs while holding css_set_lock" [Anay Wadhera] 26a3e01de61c cgroup: Add generic cgroup subsystem permission checks [Colin Cross] 55ab7be4f799 cgroup: refactor allow_attach function into common code [Rom Lemarchand] a2b6897af5af bpf: Fix buggy rsh min/max bounds tracking [Daniel Borkmann] b0d7bc01c2ad cgroup: add tracepoints for basic operations [Tejun Heo] afdbf72a75ea cgroup: Disable IRQs while holding css_set_lock [Daniel Bristot de Oliveira] 8be9674bf85c FROMLIST: kernel: cgroup: add poll file operation [Johannes Weiner] 689be33ae1a6 UPSTREAM: cgroup add cftype->open/release() callbacks [Tejun Heo] b0bd6e78068a netprio_cgroup: Fix unlimited memory leak of v2 cgroups [Zefan Li] efac1c94383c cgroup: memcg: net: do not associate sock with unrelated cgroup [Shakeel Butt] 64599b136283 cgroup: add missing skcd->no_refcnt check in cgroup_sk_clone() [Yang Yingliang] 8466ed4fdaac cgroup: fix cgroup_sk_alloc() for sk_clone_lock() [Cong Wang] 1710f4649171 BACKPORT: UPSTREAM: Add a eBPF helper function to retrieve socket uid [Chenbo Feng] 7b8bf634ea1a BACKPORT: UPSTREAM: Add a helper function to get socket cookie in eBPF [Chenbo Feng] fcca68dd4382 ANDROID: Fix missing uapi headers [Chenbo Feng] a21831767092 bpf: add helper to invalidate hash [Daniel Borkmann] dcfb4feb709d net: take compile fix from 4.9 [Anay Wadhera] 01f9280f931a cgroup: replace out_idr_free with actual code [Anay Wadhera] 340293f93556 ip_tunnel: add support for setting flow label via collect metadata [Daniel Borkmann] 86c651d631b8 net: simplify and make pkt_type_ok() available for other users [Jamal Hadi Salim] 7c2ad1220f8f kernfs: define kernfs_node_dentry [Aditya Kali] 483cbe97b0e4 BACKPORT: cgroup: misc changes [Tejun Heo] 01974b4687bb objtool, modules: Discard objtool annotation sections for modules [Josh Poimboeuf] 80d9285dc2d0 objtool: Add STACK_FRAME_NON_STANDARD() macro [Josh Poimboeuf] 912f78ee8b0c remove leftovers from 6ea07b4590d3174a53303 [Anay Wadhera] 0338cb47c1dd fs: Add user namespace member to struct super_block [Eric W. Biederman] a3b31e9a916a vfs: Pass data, ns, and ns->userns to mount_ns [Eric W. Biederman] 4314aa40f48a kernfs: make kernfs_path*() behave in the style of strlcpy() [Tejun Heo] 2ca94206ebd4 kernfs_path_from_node_locked: don't overwrite nlen [Serge Hallyn] ae72d2cb0a67 arm64: bpf_jit_comp: drop artifact [Anay Wadhera] 3db01ce9d318 UPSTREAM: cgroup: move CONFIG_SOCK_CGROUP_DATA to init/Kconfig [Arnd Bergmann] 6126fdfff4b8 UPSTREAM: cgroup: Fix CGROUP_BPF config [Andy Lutomirski] a85b6c28bb28 BACKPORT: bpf: permit multiple bpf attachments for a single perf event [Yonghong Song] 3f79f14b6220 perf, bpf: minimize the size of perf_trace_() tracepoint handler [Alexei Starovoitov] 9d74f999359b UPSTREAM: bpf: use the same condition in perf event set/free bpf handler [Yonghong Song] 8e99edf71c2d BACKPORT: bpf: multi program support for cgroup+bpf [Alexei Starovoitov] dc85f706114c bpf: add bpf_jit_limit knob to restrict unpriv allocations [Daniel Borkmann] f5ca8c9e8bbc bpf: restrict access to core bpf sysctls [Daniel Borkmann] 0b60d6d0eab4 bpf: get rid of pure_initcall dependency to enable jits [Daniel Borkmann] a3130be14101 arm64: bpf: implement bpf_tail_call() helper [Zi Shen Lim] f2ff2852cf78 bpf: arm64: remove callee-save registers use for tmp registers [Yang Shi] b63b623cb9de bpf, arm64: add support for constant blinding [Daniel Borkmann] 67a0053b6d35 arm64: bpf: add extra pass to handle faulty codegen [Zi Shen Lim] a3ad689ea403 bpf: silence warning messages in core [Valdis Klētnieks] 64d6e2e3b447 UPSTREAM: bpf: relax inode permission check for retrieving bpf program [Chenbo Feng] 51086b442410 bpf: convert htab map to hlist_nulls [Alexei Starovoitov] 4b64d2b748de bpf: fix struct htab_elem layout [Alexei Starovoitov] 01be844fcf75 bpf: check pending signals while verifying programs [Alexei Starovoitov] 36d8a3628f4f bpf: Prevent memory disambiguation attack [Alexei Starovoitov] 8d9e005f1375 bpf/verifier: Pass instruction index to check_mem_access() and check_xadd() [Ben Hutchings] 2e201a9af129 bpf/verifier: Add spi variable to check_stack_write() [Ben Hutchings] 61ca638c1dfe bpf: fix references to free_bpf_prog_info() in comments [Jakub Kicinski] 57aab2d68727 bpf: map_get_next_key to return first key on NULL [Teng Qin] dae4afe695a1 bpf: skip unnecessary capability check [Chenbo Feng] b10f71bc3105 BACKPORT: fix "netfilter: xt_bpf: Fix XT_BPF_MODE_FD_PINNED mode of 'xt_bpf_info_v1'" [Al Viro] 4ffdc4f9405e UPSTREAM: netfilter: xt_bpf: add overflow checks [Jann Horn] 875d062678ae UPSTREAM: netfilter: xt_bpf: Fix XT_BPF_MODE_FD_PINNED mode of 'xt_bpf_info_v1' [Shmulik Ladkani] d6709b1f55f3 UPSTREAM: netfilter: xt_bpf: support ebpf [Willem de Bruijn] ab653ea5031f perf, bpf: add perf events core support for BPF_PROG_TYPE_PERF_EVENT programs [Alexei Starovoitov] 5434dca0dbda perf/core: Set event's default ::overflow_handler() [Wang Nan] bf6c8c4cd830 bpf: add schedule points in percpu arrays management [Eric Dumazet] 4c0842eaa41d bpf: fix mlock precharge on arraymaps [Daniel Borkmann] e40b6220c27a bpf: fix wrong exposure of map_flags into fdinfo for lpm [Daniel Borkmann] 3d81a0680884 bpf: fix function type for __bpf_prog_run [Sami Tolvanen] 94c369583ac3 bpf: reject stores into ctx via st and xadd [Daniel Borkmann] a921e0fa5ec0 bpf: fix 32-bit divide by zero [Alexei Starovoitov] 0d9c494ce097 bpf: fix divides by zero [Eric Dumazet] 27ccd8a0afe3 bpf: arsh is not supported in 32 bit alu thus reject it [Daniel Borkmann] 6568af0c1e4d bpf: introduce BPF_JIT_ALWAYS_ON config [Alexei Starovoitov] abf40f885b9e bpf: fix bpf_tail_call() x64 JIT [Alexei Starovoitov] 534dacc01676 bpf, array: fix overflow in max_entries and undefined behavior in index_mask [Daniel Borkmann] 2a2f943d0243 bpf: prevent out-of-bounds speculation [Alexei Starovoitov] dcb2c67f72db bpf: refactor fixup_bpf_calls() [Alexei Starovoitov] 39910b98c639 bpf: move fixup_bpf_calls() function [Alexei Starovoitov] 9dec46f1b30e bpf/verifier: Fix states_equal() comparison of pointer and UNKNOWN [Ben Hutchings] 331501cd097b bpf: fix incorrect sign extension in check_alu_op() [Jann Horn] 93188ebdf304 bpf: reject out-of-bounds stack pointer calculation [Jann Horn] 4c5e87a5de85 bpf: fix branch pruning logic [Alexei Starovoitov] c60a218c818a bpf: adjust insn_aux_data when patching insns [Alexei Starovoitov] 5e83bdee0398 bpf: fix lockdep splat [Eric Dumazet] aa9eba07a784 UPSTREAM: selinux: bpf: Add addtional check for bpf object file receive [Chenbo Feng] 5dd97a8acaf4 UPSTREAM: selinux: bpf: Add selinux check for eBPF syscall operations [Chenbo Feng] 6d6e905c034a BACKPORT: security: bpf: Add LSM hooks for bpf object related syscall [Chenbo Feng] eae207dc0ff6 BACKPORT: bpf: Add file mode configuration into bpf maps [Chenbo Feng] 3b67371b712b bpf: move bpf_map_show_fdinfo to match upstream location [Anay Wadhera] ca563aa11a35 bpf/verifier: reject BPF_ALU64|BPF_END [Edward Cree] d2c1edd9de93 bpf/verifier: fix min/max handling in BPF_SUB [Edward Cree] f717a7b2a9c3 bpf: fix mixed signed/unsigned derived min/max value bounds [Daniel Borkmann] 873971799139 bpf, verifier: fix alu ops against map_value{, _adj} register types [Daniel Borkmann] 6957eb5de51e bpf: adjust verifier heuristics [Daniel Borkmann] 03d51fb16206 bpf, verifier: add additional patterns to evaluate_reg_imm_alu [John Fastabend] 6b87734396f0 bpf: prevent leaking pointer via xadd on unpriviledged [Daniel Borkmann] 6e5860e46b48 bpf: don't trigger OOM killer under pressure with map alloc [Daniel Borkmann] 2d18534cf9e5 FROMLIST: bpf: cgroup skb progs cannot access ld_abs/ind [Daniel Borkmann] 0d559c9e9f1b FROMLIST: [net-next,v2,2/2] bpf: Remove the capability check for cgroup skb eBPF program [Chenbo Feng] b5be810c12a1 FROMLIST: [net-next,v2,1/2] bpf: Allow CGROUP_SKB eBPF program to access sk_buff [Chenbo Feng] c90c9a2ac769 UPSTREAM: bpf: cgroup: fix documentation of __cgroup_bpf_update() [Daniel Mack] f67c0d994a42 BACKPORT: bpf: introduce BPF_F_ALLOW_OVERRIDE flag [Alexei Starovoitov] 7f6453136b0d UPSTREAM: samples: bpf: add userspace example for attaching eBPF programs to cgroups [Daniel Mack] c8e7f1683892 UPSTREAM: bpf: add new prog type for cgroup socket filtering [Daniel Mack] 92f7609bdf5f BACKPORT: UPSTREAM: bpf: pass sk to helper functions [Willem de Bruijn] cbb19ce2324a UPSTREAM: bpf: add BPF_PROG_ATTACH and BPF_PROG_DETACH commands [Daniel Mack] 8de2dd69e0de kernfs: implement kernfs_walk_and_get() [Tejun Heo] 0fda01db8b25 BACKPORT: fs: kernfs: add poll file operation [Johannes Weiner] 4dc7c37c789e UPSTREAM: kernfs: add kernfs_ops->open/release() callbacks [Tejun Heo] d15f8654cf1c kernfs: Add API to generate relative kernfs path [Aditya Kali] de66fe2e2211 sched: new clone flag CLONE_NEWCGROUP for cgroup namespace [Aditya Kali] b6b7346069a3 UPSTREAM: cgroup: add support for eBPF programs [Daniel Mack] 0a346079605c cgroup: don't online subsystems before cgroup_name/path() are operational [Tejun Heo] ad91dc20ab6a cgroup: fix error handling regressions in proc_cgroup_show() and cgroup_release_agent() [Tejun Heo] b4bb24aeda54 cgroup: fix invalid controller enable rejections with cgroup namespace [Tejun Heo] 6c69e3aa5f24 kernel: add a helper to get an owning user namespace for a namespace [Andrey Vagin] 25ef12806840 fs: Limit file caps to the user namespace of the super block [Seth Forshee] 74d16621d49d cgroup: duplicate cgroup reference when cloning sockets [Johannes Weiner] 44635c8089a8 cgroup: make cgroup_path() and friends behave in the style of strlcpy() [Tejun Heo] b0e4c4db1842 cgroupns: Only allow creation of hierarchies in the initial cgroup namespace [Eric W. Biederman] 1ae35060f4d2 cgroupns: Fix the locking in copy_cgroup_ns [Eric W. Biederman] 1287b8c676e1 cgroup: Add cgroup_get_from_fd [Martin KaFai Lau] f039bb0eae49 cgroup: allow NULL return from ss->css_alloc() [Tejun Heo] c091fc3cb816 cgroup: remove unnecessary 0 check from css_from_id() [Johannes Weiner] bb21941ae247 cgroup: fix idr leak for the first cgroup root [Johannes Weiner] b9c37d3d1e01 cgroup: remove redundant cleanup in css_create [Wenwei Tao] 18a0a15c4572 cgroup: fix compile warning [Felipe Balbi] 59e20db6750e cgroup, kernfs: make mountinfo show properly scoped path for cgroup namespaces [Serge E. Hallyn] e7bc302979fc cgroup: implement cgroup_subsys->implicit_on_dfl [Tejun Heo] eec76e8d7379 cgroup: use css_set->mg_dst_cgrp for the migration target cgroup [Tejun Heo] 50d67d95aaca cgroup: make cgroup[_taskset]_migrate() take cgroup_root instead of cgroup [Tejun Heo] d3da2e1818ab cgroup: move migration destination verification out of cgroup_migrate_prepare_dst() [Tejun Heo] b73ad13d7ea1 cgroup: fix incorrect destination cgroup in cgroup_update_dfl_csses() [Tejun Heo] 2486334d03dc cgroup: update css iteration in cgroup_update_dfl_csses() [Tejun Heo] f0a1738a16fd cgroup: allocate 2x cgrp_cset_links when setting up a new root [Tejun Heo] 8f1e56d63f05 cgroup: make cgroup_calc_subtree_ss_mask() take @this_ss_mask [Tejun Heo] b77fa7d76c77 cgroup: reimplement rebind_subsystems() using cgroup_apply_control() and friends [Tejun Heo] 1befa28ffdbf cgroup: use cgroup_apply_enable_control() in cgroup creation path [Tejun Heo] 3d068fba0fd2 cgroup: combine cgroup_mutex locking and offline css draining [Tejun Heo] ca7b35a5a96a cgroup: factor out cgroup_{apply|finalize}_control() from cgroup_subtree_control_write() [Tejun Heo] 819ffe6d2005 cgroup: introduce cgroup_{save|propagate|restore}_control() [Tejun Heo] 193117b0c2aa cgroup: make cgroup_drain_offline() and cgroup_apply_control_{disable|enable}() recursive [Tejun Heo] 964ccb80314b cgroup: factor out cgroup_apply_control_enable() from cgroup_subtree_control_write() [Tejun Heo] 3707f9752514 cgroup: factor out cgroup_apply_control_disable() from cgroup_subtree_control_write() [Tejun Heo] bb3797f35799 cgroup: factor out cgroup_drain_offline() from cgroup_subtree_control_write() [Tejun Heo] e4c0b90270f0 cgroup: introduce cgroup_control() and cgroup_ss_mask() [Tejun Heo] 02ea5278d7c2 cgroup: factor out cgroup_create() out of cgroup_mkdir() [Tejun Heo] 319331fe671f cgroup: reorder operations in cgroup_mkdir() [Tejun Heo] 4241636e2fb0 cgroup: explicitly track whether a cgroup_subsys_state is visible to userland [Tejun Heo] d1ef6eadeef2 cgroup: separate out interface file creation from css creation [Tejun Heo] 732ba579b536 cgroup: suppress spurious de-populated events [Tejun Heo] 3e88a756d001 cgroup: re-hash init_css_set after subsystems are initialized [Tejun Heo] 97d8ea8e7771 cgroup: reset css on destruction [Vladimir Davydov] 90c1aa475b3a cgroup: fix and restructure error handling in copy_cgroup_ns() [Tejun Heo] 06924aa5c1dd cgroup: fix a mistake in warning message [Xiubo Li] c7f6c9c17122 cgroup: use ->subtree_control when testing no internal process rule [Tejun Heo] abfb376960dc cgroup: make css_tryget_online_from_dir() also recognize cgroup2 fs [Tejun Heo] 20ffd1d0225f cgroup: s/cgrp_dfl_root_/cgrp_dfl_/ [Tejun Heo] 9e74c6149397 cgroup: make cgroup subsystem masks u16 [Tejun Heo] 7b66ea74a739 cgroup: use do_each_subsys_mask() where applicable [Tejun Heo] 3cf23fe298f0 cgroup: convert for_each_subsys_which() to do-while style [Tejun Heo] 5725a1b29354 cgroup: s/child_subsys_mask/subtree_ss_mask/ [Tejun Heo] 1d1a2cde48fc Revert "cgroup: add cgroup_subsys->css_e_css_changed()" [Tejun Heo] ef1feb8e5a09 cgroup: fix error return value of cgroup_addrm_files() [Tejun Heo] 9362431dd68f cgroup: fix alloc_cgroup_ns() error handling in copy_cgroup_ns() [Tejun Heo] 4235f35d858d Add FS_USERNS_FLAG to cgroup fs [Serge Hallyn] 1a8324853337 cgroup: mount cgroupns-root when inside non-init cgroupns [Serge Hallyn] 2a297a519a3a cgroup: cgroup namespace setns support [Aditya Kali] 72ec3255d5d4 cgroup: introduce cgroup namespaces [Aditya Kali] 0c5f44c742d3 cgroup: provide cgroup_nov1= to disable controllers in v1 mounts [Johannes Weiner] e970b4f4a6e2 cgroup: demote subsystem init messages to KERN_DEBUG [Tejun Heo] a11747d3b837 cgroup: fix a typo. [Rami Rosen] f8c9248ec327 net, cgroup: cgroup_sk_updat_lock was missing initializer [Tejun Heo] dc325884390d sock, cgroup: add sock->sk_cgroup [Tejun Heo] c19ee5707948 net: wrap sock->sk_cgrp_prioidx and ->sk_classid inside a struct [Tejun Heo] 401836253c76 netprio_cgroup: limit the maximum css->id to USHRT_MAX [Tejun Heo] 55b3b34cb39e cgroup: kill cgrp_ss_priv[CGROUP_CANFORK_COUNT] and friends [Oleg Nesterov] 3f3561ffd458 cgroup: implement cgroup_get_from_path() and expose cgroup_put() [Tejun Heo] d34063c30fd6 cgroup: record ancestor IDs and reimplement cgroup_is_descendant() using it [Tejun Heo] 510a764231a7 bpf: don't let ldimm64 leak map addresses on unprivileged [Daniel Borkmann] e935a6568e0e bpf: enhance verifier to understand stack pointer arithmetic [Yonghong Song] 2942b407cb32 bpf: improve verifier packet range checks [Alexei Starovoitov] 82ee5b153fa5 bpf: fix mark_reg_unknown_value for spilled regs on map value marking [Daniel Borkmann] 148279052454 bpf: fix regression on verifier pruning wrt map lookups [Daniel Borkmann] 374de4583305 bpf: fix state equivalence [Alexei Starovoitov] 3cabd8310f63 bpf: Detect identical PTR_TO_MAP_VALUE_OR_NULL registers [Thomas Graf] 26c8d31fd896 bpf: fix states equal logic for varlen access [Josef Bacik] f7c164284703 bpf: fix range arithmetic for bpf map access [Josef Bacik] 81116e9c3f3b bpf: fix htab map destruction when extra reserve is in use [Daniel Borkmann] 7fafceffcf79 bpf: allow access into map value arrays [Josef Bacik] f183248c58ff bpf: clean up put_cpu_var usage [Shaohua Li] 15d7a22b358f bpf: Set register type according to is_valid_access() [Mickaël Salaün] fbef6962fc78 bpf: recognize 64bit immediate loads as consts [Jakub Kicinski] eb716e539725 bpf: enable non-core use of the verfier [Jakub Kicinski] 6a08ae23fb10 bpf: expose internal verfier structures [Jakub Kicinski] 62156277c8ad bpf: don't (ab)use instructions to store state [Jakub Kicinski] c49aac581f04 bpf: direct packet write and access for helpers for clsact progs [Daniel Borkmann] 46eab9e9b7b1 bpf, verifier: enforce larger zero range for pkt on overloading stack buffs [Daniel Borkmann] c71e31cdaf72 bpf: add BPF_CALL_x macros for declaring helpers [Daniel Borkmann] f7d8d3b831cb bpf: fix checksum for vlan push/pop helper [Daniel Borkmann] de2ebb7583bd bpf: fix checksum fixups on bpf_skb_store_bytes [Daniel Borkmann] fc71068d05bf bpf: also call skb_postpush_rcsum on xmit occasions [Daniel Borkmann] e68e305a718b bpf: enforce recursion limit on redirects [Daniel Borkmann] 51cc52494706 bpf: add own ctx rewriter on ifindex for clsact progs [Daniel Borkmann] 4fd9231d11ea bpf, perf: split bpf_perf_event_output [Daniel Borkmann] 8b0bd6001fe3 bpf: add BPF_SIZEOF and BPF_FIELD_SIZEOF macros [Daniel Borkmann] a71a0208f8be bpf: introduce BPF_PROG_TYPE_PERF_EVENT program type [Alexei Starovoitov] 80f736af8bd0 bpf: allow bpf_get_prandom_u32() to be used in tracing [Alexei Starovoitov] eee2aa696486 bpf: minor cleanups in helpers [Daniel Borkmann] d5010c4ff46b bpf: get rid of cgroup helper related ifdefs [Daniel Borkmann] d7d56b9dc848 bpf: enable event output helper also for xdp types [Daniel Borkmann] 7a0f966b3bec bpf: add bpf_skb_change_tail helper [Daniel Borkmann] 0d35a9dd1aa0 bpf: use skb_pkt_type_ok helper in bpf_skb_change_type [Daniel Borkmann] 94486a4018bf bpf: fix write helpers with regards to non-linear parts [Daniel Borkmann] 31bc4ab87050 bpf: add test cases for direct packet access [Daniel Borkmann] 45741fd766d6 bpf: fix range propagation on direct packet access [Daniel Borkmann] 1784e157ac49 samples/bpf: add verifier tests for the helper access to the packet [Aaron Yue] fb3f8fac0a11 samples/bpf: add verifier tests [Alexei Starovoitov] 93ee41ab3708 bpf, samples: add test cases for raw stack [Daniel Borkmann] 14fb42b5a504 samples/bpf: add map_flags to bpf loader [Alexei Starovoitov] 264bd51672f6 samples/bpf: unit test for BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY [tom.leiming@gmail.com] bba23d575b6f samples/bpf: make map creation more verbose [Alexei Starovoitov] 1c5ae0cb8d8f samples/bpf: unit test for BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH [Martin KaFai Lau] 6fb2e7e6badd bpf: perf_event progs should only use preallocated maps [Alexei Starovoitov] b103579f6a01 bpf: support 8-byte metafield access [Alexei Starovoitov] 54369560a245 bpf: allow helpers access the packet directly [Alexei Starovoitov] be359f3244d4 bpf: fix bpf_skb_in_cgroup helper naming [Daniel Borkmann] b1bc7f7d97bb cgroup: bpf: Add an example to do cgroup checking in BPF [Martin KaFai Lau] a47f5e868e43 samples/bpf: add 'pointer to packet' tests [Alexei Starovoitov] 13c0c1c80974 samples/bpf: add tracepoint vs kprobe performance tests [Alexei Starovoitov] 24b5be775fbe samples/bpf: add map performance test [Alexei Starovoitov] 3ed83931a233 samples/bpf: add bpf map stress test [Alexei Starovoitov] c14dbe71e5b6 bpf: Add bpf_current_task_under_cgroup helper [Sargun Dhillon] 7816b3995152 bpf: Add bpf_probe_write_user BPF helper to be called in tracers [Sargun Dhillon] f76bd4696527 samples/bpf: offwaketime example [Alexei Starovoitov] ccde46f2cb6b kernel/trace/bpf_trace.c: work around gcc-4.4.4 anon union initialization bug [Andrew Morton] c80f66cc54b2 bpf: introduce bpf_get_current_task() helper [Alexei Starovoitov] 8dbaaca1649b bpf: add bpf_get_hash_recalc helper [Daniel Borkmann] 388c8f8d94fe bpf: restore behavior of bpf_map_update_elem [Alexei Starovoitov] e86e5a0e118a bpf: fix method of PTR_TO_PACKET reg id generation [Jakub Kicinski] 7e9918962ead bpf: enable direct packet data write for xdp progs [Brenden Blanco] ea8617a28d8e bpf: add XDP prog type for early driver filter [Brenden Blanco] 3b03a0c92238 bpf: wire in data and data_end for cls_act_bpf [Alexei Starovoitov] 84cbe200721a bpf: cleanup bpf_prog_run_{save,clear}_cb helpers [Daniel Borkmann] 6bff0d68d68f bpf: add bpf_prog_add api for bulk prog refcnt [Brenden Blanco] 7eca70725f8a bpf: bpf_event_entry_gen's alloc needs to be in atomic context [Daniel Borkmann] a9873b071769 bpf: avoid stack copy and use skb ctx for event output [Daniel Borkmann] 1a85e07e59d9 bpf: make inode code explicitly non-modular [Paul Gortmaker] 12ca04ee1573 cgroup: bpf: Add bpf_skb_in_cgroup_proto [Martin KaFai Lau] 0a12e067b58a bpf: add bpf_skb_change_type helper [Daniel Borkmann] 728e86960b57 bpf: add bpf_skb_change_proto helper [Daniel Borkmann] 84a6ddb7cc7d cgroup: bpf: Add BPF_MAP_TYPE_CGROUP_ARRAY [Martin KaFai Lau] a8b4c9b99c3e bpf: refactor bpf_prog_get and type check into helper [Daniel Borkmann] c5ba36665247 bpf: generally move prog destruction to RCU deferral [Daniel Borkmann] 9e5ed83f1c17 bpf: don't use raw processor id in generic helper [Daniel Borkmann] a2b2b7dd22bf bpf: minor cleanups on fd maps and helpers [Daniel Borkmann] b4277a5013fc bpf, maps: flush own entries on perf map release [Daniel Borkmann] 4da150313904 bpf, maps: extend map_fd_get_ptr arguments [Daniel Borkmann] bdcfb8d9a329 bpf, maps: add release callback [Daniel Borkmann] 58df94a330f5 bpf: fix matching of data/data_end in verifier [Alexei Starovoitov] 4721ee922cbc perf core: Per event callchain limit [Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo] e0857fb93f9d bpf, inode: disallow userns mounts [Daniel Borkmann] 8921ee79acff bpf: teach verifier to recognize imm += ptr pattern [Alexei Starovoitov] c1829863f55f bpf: support decreasing order in direct packet access [Alexei Starovoitov] 7e34e620d8ea bpf: Use mount_nodev not mount_ns to mount the bpf filesystem [Eric W. Biederman] 2627bc364215 bpf: rather use get_random_int for randomizations [Daniel Borkmann] 918b55bfd3cb perf core: Pass max stack as a perf_callchain_entry context [Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo] 335e6f723771 bpf: add generic constant blinding for use in jits [Daniel Borkmann] fc8a66b74bd1 bpf: move bpf_jit_enable declaration [Daniel Borkmann] c9ec65e0586d bpf, trace: use READ_ONCE for retrieving file ptr [Daniel Borkmann] 2d48473e968e bpf, trace: add BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU flag for bpf_perf_event_output [Daniel Borkmann] 192465896e92 bpf: avoid warning for wrong pointer cast [Arnd Bergmann] d9d04ea88b41 bpf: prepare bpf_int_jit_compile/bpf_prog_select_runtime apis [Daniel Borkmann] e472c005cd7d bpf: add bpf_patch_insn_single helper [Daniel Borkmann] afd45676cb0b bpf: minor cleanups in ebpf code [Daniel Borkmann] 7bc109e280ef bpf: improve verifier state equivalence [Alexei Starovoitov] dff8793e123b bpf: direct packet access [Alexei Starovoitov] f122b803c3f5 bpf: cleanup verifier code [Alexei Starovoitov] 019e7ff28222 bpf: fix check_map_func_compatibility logic [Alexei Starovoitov] 42328c53dddc bpf: fix refcnt overflow [Alexei Starovoitov] f4bdbecf075d perf core: Allow setting up max frame stack depth via sysctl [Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo] f7e38e862fb6 perf: generalize perf_callchain [Alexei Starovoitov] c16c3d51c500 bpf: fix double-fdput in replace_map_fd_with_map_ptr() [Jann Horn] ad1638f493fc bpf: add event output helper for notifications/sampling/logging [Daniel Borkmann] e86f2fb9e4df bpf: convert relevant helper args to ARG_PTR_TO_RAW_STACK [Daniel Borkmann] bf234b28f3c9 bpf: make padding in bpf_tunnel_key explicit [Daniel Borkmann] d7cb0ec47fc4 ip_tunnels, bpf: define IP_TUNNEL_OPTS_MAX and use it [Daniel Borkmann] 49d7a6877aeb bpf, dst: add and use dst_tclassid helper [Daniel Borkmann] 1c4f960f2e7c bpf: make skb->tc_classid also readable [Daniel Borkmann] e8a3a06c6113 bpf: support flow label for bpf_skb_{set, get}_tunnel_key [Daniel Borkmann] 1dead2920077 bpf: support for access to tunnel options [Daniel Borkmann] e19aca1c78f5 bpf: allow to propagate df in bpf_skb_set_tunnel_key [Daniel Borkmann] 9c4fec72ee1d bpf: make helper function protos static [Daniel Borkmann] ce8b33a484f8 bpf: add flags to bpf_skb_store_bytes for clearing hash [Daniel Borkmann] c18d2a0a102e bpf: allow bpf_csum_diff to feed bpf_l3_csum_replace as well [Daniel Borkmann] bc3cb1ee2640 bpf: fix csum setting for bpf_set_tunnel_key [Daniel Borkmann] 2682f68f559b bpf: fix csum update in bpf_l4_csum_replace helper for udp [Daniel Borkmann] d6b2448e0026 bpf: don't emit mov A,A on return [Daniel Borkmann] b4af04db5d6d bpf: remove artificial bpf_skb_{load, store}_bytes buffer limitation [Daniel Borkmann] 1079540e56b5 bpf: add generic bpf_csum_diff helper [Daniel Borkmann] fb8a9a7af92b tun: use socket locks for sk_{attach,detatch}_filter [Hannes Frederic Sowa] 5e952161d30c bpf, verifier: add ARG_PTR_TO_RAW_STACK type [Daniel Borkmann] f3a168c63f10 bpf, verifier: add bpf_call_arg_meta for passing meta data [Daniel Borkmann] 5483a016e6d6 bpf/verifier: reject invalid LD_ABS | BPF_DW instruction [Alexei Starovoitov] 29ca8572685f bpf: simplify verifier register state assignments [Alexei Starovoitov] 5337e36330c3 bpf, verifier: further improve search pruning [Daniel Borkmann] 60e9dc17c5d0 bpf: sanitize bpf tracepoint access [Alexei Starovoitov] 1e128e8111f9 bpf: support bpf_get_stackid() and bpf_perf_event_output() in tracepoint programs [Alexei Starovoitov] 98cfc604842c bpf: register BPF_PROG_TYPE_TRACEPOINT program type [Alexei Starovoitov] c31b29c9f8bc perf, bpf: allow bpf programs attach to tracepoints [Alexei Starovoitov] 538fc7a1e7a3 perf: split perf_trace_buf_prepare into alloc and update parts [Alexei Starovoitov] dea3c5c4bc50 perf: remove unused __addr variable [Alexei Starovoitov] 00d46abc9186 bpf: reject invalid names right in ->lookup() [Al Viro] 74a0154ea398 bpf: add missing map_flags to bpf_map_show_fdinfo [Daniel Borkmann] 83c97e49018a bpf: avoid copying junk bytes in bpf_get_current_comm() [Alexei Starovoitov] 0477cab1b84f bpf: bpf_stackmap_copy depends on CONFIG_PERF_EVENTS [Alexei Starovoitov] e3c32c274818 bpf: convert stackmap to pre-allocation [Alexei Starovoitov] b19452c6e5c0 bpf: check for reserved flag bits in array and stack maps [Alexei Starovoitov] a1f1100f019c bpf: pre-allocate hash map elements [Alexei Starovoitov] 15ef4e0e842d bpf: introduce percpu_freelist [Alexei Starovoitov] 7c2bea9e288a bpf: prevent kprobe+bpf deadlocks [Alexei Starovoitov] 5bb60e8db549 bpf: Mark __bpf_prog_run() stack frame as non-standard [Josh Poimboeuf] 034f206d0353 bpf: add new arg_type that allows for 0 sized stack buffer [Daniel Borkmann] 0d50c2bb6f2a bpf: introduce BPF_MAP_TYPE_STACK_TRACE [Alexei Starovoitov] 8154902909a7 bpf: support ipv6 for bpf_skb_{set,get}_tunnel_key [Daniel Borkmann] 605cd84140b6 bpf: export helper function flags and reject invalid ones [Daniel Borkmann] 6c7bddf73099 bpf: add skb_postpush_rcsum and fix dev_forward_skb occasions [Daniel Borkmann] acc4e8388aad soreuseport: setsockopt SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_[CE]BPF [Craig Gallek] 6a594c47d152 soreuseport: fast reuseport UDP socket selection [Craig Gallek] 87093ebf65c2 soreuseport: define reuseport groups [Craig Gallek] 35f475c6aea1 bpf: fix misleading comment in bpf_convert_filter [Daniel Borkmann] cb52b525e423 bpf: add bpf_skb_load_bytes helper [Daniel Borkmann] e0834ff25b4d bpf: grab rcu read lock for bpf_percpu_hash_update [Sasha Levin] 6770f8403622 bpf: fix branch offset adjustment on backjumps after patching ctx expansion [Daniel Borkmann] 1111246a8df1 bpf: add lookup/update support for per-cpu hash and array maps [Alexei Starovoitov] efa15aad1d2f bpf: introduce BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY map [Alexei Starovoitov] a57abb64c535 bpf: introduce BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH map [Alexei Starovoitov] 7a8e98c6e338 perf/bpf: Convert perf_event_array to use struct file [Alexei Starovoitov] e340286c920f net: bpf: reject invalid shifts [Rabin Vincent] 99ca4c863fad bpf: hash: use per-bucket spinlock [tom.leiming@gmail.com] 27182c89d1a2 bpf: hash: move select_bucket() out of htab's spinlock [tom.leiming@gmail.com] c61bcc117ab3 bpf: hash: use atomic count [tom.leiming@gmail.com] 66011e671797 bpf: move clearing of A/X into classic to eBPF migration prologue [Daniel Borkmann] 08a487c81eb2 bpf, inode: allow for rename and link ops [Daniel Borkmann] e3c98e375cde bpf: fix allocation warnings in bpf maps and integer overflow [Alexei Starovoitov] 7d697783d1d8 bpf, array: fix heap out-of-bounds access when updating elements [Daniel Borkmann] 65ec60f0b7c8 bpf: fix clearing on persistent program array maps [Daniel Borkmann] 8c55ad7b96e4 bpf: add show_fdinfo handler for maps [Daniel Borkmann] 4c60d1c4fe45 Revert "bpf: fix clearing on persistent program array maps" [Anay Wadhera] d692db0fad2f Revert "bpf, array: fix heap out-of-bounds access when updating elements" [Anay Wadhera] 923e1be9b328 Revert "bpf: fix allocation warnings in bpf maps and integer overflow" [Anay Wadhera] d84ee2be3555 Revert "net: bpf: reject invalid shifts" [Anay Wadhera] 8f106203481e Revert "bpf: fix branch offset adjustment on backjumps after patching ctx expansion" [Anay Wadhera] 24aab25813b2 Revert "bpf: avoid copying junk bytes in bpf_get_current_comm()" [Anay Wadhera] 0684d621c770 Revert "bpf/verifier: reject invalid LD_ABS | BPF_DW instruction" [Anay Wadhera] 252d80993837 Revert "bpf: fix double-fdput in replace_map_fd_with_map_ptr()" [Anay Wadhera] 82e0685e29ea Revert "bpf: fix refcnt overflow" [Anay Wadhera] 323182b631c3 Revert "bpf: fix check_map_func_compatibility logic" [Anay Wadhera] cb3d90016fbe Revert "bpf: Use mount_nodev not mount_ns to mount the bpf filesystem" [Anay Wadhera] 205c12845c5d Revert "bpf, inode: disallow userns mounts" [Anay Wadhera] 327e59d570a3 Revert "bpf: prevent leaking pointer via xadd on unpriviledged" [Anay Wadhera] efb21a8bffd3 Revert "bpf/verifier: reject BPF_ALU64|BPF_END" [Anay Wadhera] 341aa44f157c Revert "bpf: don't let ldimm64 leak map addresses on unprivileged" [Anay Wadhera] 2c63f6f80991 Revert "bpf: add bpf_patch_insn_single helper" [Anay Wadhera] fa8efd4e5634 Revert "bpf: don't (ab)use instructions to store state" [Anay Wadhera] 4a5b59ae5f3f Revert "bpf: move fixup_bpf_calls() function" [Anay Wadhera] bba7716bb525 Revert "bpf: refactor fixup_bpf_calls()" [Anay Wadhera] 0f8a8a5cee8e Revert "bpf: adjust insn_aux_data when patching insns" [Anay Wadhera] fbd2037fcf5d Revert "bpf: prevent out-of-bounds speculation" [Anay Wadhera] 980add4490a1 Revert "bpf, array: fix overflow in max_entries and undefined behavior in index_mask" [Anay Wadhera] f0233b20e681 Revert "bpf: fix branch pruning logic" [Anay Wadhera] d93445ad89b2 Revert "bpf: fix bpf_tail_call() x64 JIT" [Anay Wadhera] 23e6e6ae2fe1 Revert "bpf: introduce BPF_JIT_ALWAYS_ON config" [Anay Wadhera] 58c5030c405c Revert "bpf: arsh is not supported in 32 bit alu thus reject it" [Anay Wadhera] bae72d3c34f7 Revert "bpf: avoid false sharing of map refcount with max_entries" [Anay Wadhera] 8a34cd948236 Revert "bpf: fix divides by zero" [Anay Wadhera] 427c939d0def Revert "bpf: fix 32-bit divide by zero" [Anay Wadhera] 062efce09d3a Revert "bpf: reject stores into ctx via st and xadd" [Anay Wadhera] 14005dff302d Revert "bpf: fix incorrect sign extension in check_alu_op()" [Anay Wadhera] a5f81e8c0e89 Revert "bpf: skip unnecessary capability check" [Anay Wadhera] 6e5270c40005 Revert "bpf: map_get_next_key to return first key on NULL" [Anay Wadhera] 084fb699df86 Revert "bpf: fix references to free_bpf_prog_info() in comments" [Anay Wadhera] e45eb0f3226d Revert "bpf: generally move prog destruction to RCU deferral" [Anay Wadhera] e10bf956c959 Revert "bpf: support 8-byte metafield access" [Anay Wadhera] 40086f156641 Revert "bpf/verifier: Add spi variable to check_stack_write()" [Anay Wadhera] af30bb72b074 Revert "bpf/verifier: Pass instruction index to check_mem_access() and check_xadd()" [Anay Wadhera] a2b3af0ff2eb Revert "bpf: Prevent memory disambiguation attack" [Anay Wadhera] b5829ffaf76f Revert "bpf: silence warning messages in core" [Anay Wadhera] * lineage/scripts 5cc4c2d build-webview: Update default webview to 100.0.4896.127 [Kevin F. Haggerty] e2c47f1 pixel: Run regen-vendor before extracting [Chirayu Desai] a8b11ec build-webview: Only try to am files with a .patch extension [Kevin F. Haggerty] * packages/apps/Recorder 5f91a27 Improve high quality recorder [luca020400] a9c599f Fix amplitude in high quality recorder [luca020400] 5ab9683 Fix high quality recorder [luca020400] * vendor/lineage 8f67d055 Remove libbfqio [Han Wang] ==================== 2022-04-18 ==================== * device/lineage/sepolicy 2819ec7 atv: Update mediashell_app policy [Nolen Johnson] * lineage/hudson 97bf93e Update Experimental targets [Nolen Johnson] * lineage/mirror be43ceb The full quail experience [Chirayu Desai] f5fa0f0 Updated to 17-Apr-2022 23:03 UTC [Kevin F. Haggerty] 7775092 Updated to 17-Apr-2022 14:31 UTC [Kevin F. Haggerty] * lineage/wiki 5ddf403a wiki: Fix steps numbering and indentations in heimdall template [razorloves] * packages/apps/DeskClock fa6047db2 DeskClock: Remove compatibility to old APIs [Michael W] 23d7064d1 DeskClock: Material Me? No YOU! [Michael W] a997c68c8 DeskClock: Remove legacy support [Michael W] fa5bf24dd DeskClock: Fix left button display [Michael W] 8ac239324 DeskClock: Add FLAG_IMMUTABLE [Michael W] * packages/apps/Recorder 540b471 Recorder: material you colors [2bllw8] 90ac7c1 Recorder: save in Music directory on older devices [2bllw8] ed6f957 Recorder: play/pause animation for pause/resume button [2bllw8] a69487e Recorder: set appropriate notification title [2bllw8] f57c146 Recorder: move lastItemUri preference methods to PreferencesManager [2bllw8] 2433725 Recorder: improve file name selection logic [2bllw8] 335c199 Recorder: add recording elapsed time below the title [2bllw8] 0b5c423 Recorder: move preferences management to its own class [2bllw8] fac9475 Recorder: refactor SoundRecorderService and status management [2bllw8] * packages/inputmethods/LatinIME 37de94c8c LatinIME: Update emojis [George Zacharia] c879b4dcf LatinIME: update follow system theme label [Timi Rautamäki] * vendor/firmware e8f33f2 exynos9610: Update splash screens to correct ones [Nolen Johnson] * vendor/lineage 9c4fd99f config: Disable remote keyguard animation until it's fixed [LuK1337] ==================== 2022-04-17 ==================== * system/core cecb11d0b fs_mgr: Don't assume partitions replaced by DSU are logical already [Tim Zimmermann] * vendor/lineage 6d0a45fb Update default wallpaper [Nolen Johnson]