#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c) 2013, Arista Networks, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # - Neither the name of Arista Networks nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ARISTA NETWORKS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR # BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN # IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Port auto-description # # Version 2.0 8/8/2013 # Written by: # Mark Berly, Arista Networks # # Version 3.0 7/28/2015 # Written by: # Phil DiLeo, Arista Networks # # Revision history: # 1.0 - initially written using native sysdb calls (deprecated) # 2.0 - rewritten using eAPI # 3.0 - added show lldp neighbors detail # 3.1 - added unix socket support """ DESCRIPTION Port auto-description tool automatically updates the port description of an interface based on the lldp neighbor information of the attached device. INSTALLATION In order to install this extension: - copy 'portAuto' to /mnt/flash - enable the Command API interface: management api http-commands no shutdown protocol unix-socket #if supported by EOS - change SWITCH_IP, USERNAME and PASSWORD at the top of the script to the ones appropriate for your installation. If running locallty, use '' for the IP. - if you are running a version of EOS that support unix socket connections, then simply use TRANSPORT='socket'. The remaining credentials will be ignored. portAuto can then be started using any of the following methods: 1 - Execute directly from bash (from the switch, or a remote switch/server running Python): (bash)# /mnt/flash/portAuto 2 - Configure an alias on the switch: (config)# alias portAuto bash /mnt/flash/portAuto 3 - Schedule a job on the switch: e.g.: In order to run portAuto every 12 hours, use: (config)# schedule portAuto interval 720 max-log-files 0 command bash sudo /mnt/flash/portAuto 4 - Run at switch boot time by adding the following startup config: (config)# event-handler portAutoDescription (config)# trigger on-boot (config)# action bash /mnt/flash/portAuto (config)# asynchronous (config)# exit Note that in order for this to work, you will also have to enable the Command API interface in the startup-config (see above). COMPATIBILITY Version 2.0 has been developed and tested against EOS-4.12.0 and is using the Command API interface. Hence, it should maintain backward compatibility with future EOS releases. LIMITATIONS None known. """ import jsonrpclib import logging import pprint as pp import re #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration section #---------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSPORT = 'socket' # These are not required if using socket SWITCH_IP = '' USERNAME = 'test' PASSWORD = 'test' #---------------------------------------------------------------- def log(msg): '''Log message to stdout and logging file Args: msg: string to print Returns: None ''' logging.basicConfig(filename='PortAuto.log',level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug(msg) #print msg - uncomment to print logs to stdout def setup_eapi_connection(): if TRANSPORT == 'socket': url = 'unix:/var/run/command-api.sock' else: url = "%s://%s:%s@%s/command-api" % (TRANSPORT, USERNAME, PASSWORD, SWITCH_IP) log("Setting up connection to %s" % url) eapi = jsonrpclib.Server(url) return eapi def run_cmds(eapi, commands, format="json"): log("Running command: %s" % commands) try: result = eapi.runCmds(1, commands, format) except jsonrpclib.ProtocolError: errorResponse = jsonrpclib.loads(jsonrpclib.history.response) log("Failed to run cmd:%s. %s" % (commands, errorResponse["error"]["data"][0]["errors"][-1])) sys.exit(1) return result def get_lldp_info(eapi): local_interfaces = _get_local_interfaces(eapi) lldp_info = list() # Build a dictionary keyed by local interfaces. for intf in local_interfaces: # Run lldp neighbors detail against specific interfaces to limit output raw_detail = _get_lldp_detail(eapi, intf) # Remove the first item in the array - useless info unique_neighbors = raw_detail.split('\n\n')[1:] # Look through all of the raw output and scrape. for neigh in unique_neighbors: output = _parse_raw_neighbor(neigh) if output: output['port'] = intf lldp_info.append(output) return lldp_info def _get_local_interfaces(eapi): '''Use the JSON output of show lldp neighbors since it filters out the ports that have no lldp neighbors. Then we create a list of the unique local ports. ''' output = run_cmds(eapi, ['show lldp neighbors'], format='json')[0] neighbors = output['lldpNeighbors'] out = [x['port'] for x in neighbors] return list(set(out)) def _get_lldp_detail(eapi, intf): return run_cmds(eapi, ['show lldp neighbors %s detail' % intf], format='text')[0]['output'] def _search(data, regex): if data and regex: reg = re.compile(r'%s' % regex) match = reg.search(data) if match: return match else: return None def _parse_raw_neighbor(data): if not data: return neighbor = dict() # Parse the data to find neighbor mac address mac = _search(data, 'Chassis\s+ID\s+:\s+(\S+)') neighbor['neighborMac'] = mac.group(1) if mac else '' # Parse the data to find neighbor port intf = _search(data, r'\s+Port\s+ID\s+:\s+\"(\S+)\"') neighbor['neighborPort'] = intf.group(1) if intf else '' # Parse the data to find neighbor port description port_desc = _search(data, r'Port\s+Description:\s+\"(.*)\"\n') neighbor['neighborPortDescription'] = port_desc.group(1) if port_desc else '' # Parse the data to find age age = _search(data, r'\s+age\s+(\d+)\s+seconds') neighbor['age'] = int(age.group(1)) if age else '' # Parse the data to find ttl ttl = _search(data, r'Time\s+To\sLive:\s+(\d+)\s+seconds') neighbor['ttl'] = int(ttl.group(1)) if ttl else '' # Parse the data to find neighbor system name name = _search(data, r'System\s+Name:\s+?\"(\S+)\"') neighbor['neighborDevice'] = name.group(1) if name else '' # Parse the data to find neighbor system description desc = _search(data, r'System\s+Description:\s+\"(.*)\"\n') neighbor['neighborSystemDescription'] = desc.group(1) if desc else '' # Parse the data to find neighbor system capabilities capa = _search(data, r'System\s+Capabilities\s+:\s+(.*)\n') neighbor['neighborSystemCapabilities'] = capa.group(1).split(', ') if capa else '' # Parse the data to find neighbor system enabled capabilities en_capa = _search(data, r'Enabled\s+Capabilities\s?:\s+(.*)\n') neighbor['neighborEnabledCapabilities'] = en_capa.group(1).split(', ') if en_capa else '' # Parse the data to find neighbor mgmt ip type mgmt_addr_type = _search(data, r'Management\s+Address\s+Subtype:\s+(\w+)') neighbor['neighborMgmtAddrType'] = mgmt_addr_type.group(1) if mgmt_addr_type else '' # Parse the data to find neighbor mgmt ip mgmt_addr = _search(data, r'Management\s+Address\s+:\s+(.*)\n') neighbor['neighborMgmtAddr'] = mgmt_addr.group(1) if mgmt_addr else '' # Parse the data to find neighbor OID string mgmt_addr_oid = _search(data, r'OID\s+String\s+:\s+(\w+)\n') neighbor['neighborMgmtOid'] = mgmt_addr_oid.group(1) if mgmt_addr_oid else '' # Parse the data to find neighbor VLAN ID vid = _search(data, r'Port\s+VLAN\s+ID:\s+(\d+)\n') neighbor['neighborVlanId'] = vid.group(1) if vid else '' # Parse the data to find IEEE802.3 Max Frame Size max_frame = _search(data, r'Maximum\s+Frame\s+Size:\s+(\d+)\s+bytes') neighbor['neighborMaxFrameSize'] = max_frame.group(1) if max_frame else '' return neighbor def main(): eapi = setup_eapi_connection() neighbors = get_lldp_info(eapi) log(neighbors) for i in neighbors: localIntf = i['port'] intfDesc = '*** Link to %s(%s)' % (i['neighborDevice'], i['neighborPort']) rc = run_cmds(eapi, ['enable', 'configure', 'interface %s' % localIntf, 'description %s' % intfDesc]) if __name__ == '__main__': main()