=================================== Since Tue Nov 24 21:57:03 UTC 2015 =================================== * build/ 531e203 Revert "Apply correct, optimized mfpu compiler flag for ARMv7-A Cortex CPUs" * device/xiaomi/armani/ 58ec073 fstab: Disable apps to usb 8bf3fac Remove setup_fs bb272a8 init: set permissions for dynamic FPS * external/whispersystems/WhisperPush/ 6c9e071 Automatic translation import * frameworks/base/ 6e398bc Revert "Services : Ensure proximity check is taken into consideration" fd51970 Automatic translation import 62059d9 ZenMode : Update defaults for CTSVerifier * hardware/qcom/fm/ 973a8b7 Automatic translation import * kernel/xiaomi/armani/ 55c26e9 ARM: dts: armani: Enable dynamic FPS feature * packages/apps/AudioFX/ f4202d9 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Bluetooth/ 16a0a59 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/BluetoothExt/ a989410 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/CMAccount/ ffa5551 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/CMBugReport/ 56d3846 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/CMFileManager/ 4d187b0 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/CMUpdater/ 527e699 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/CMWallpapers/ 83ff47a Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Calculator/ 28b610e Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Calendar/ e35fc79 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Camera2/ 44584d8 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/CellBroadcastReceiver/ 0f22a23 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Contacts/ aee0a2f Automatic translation import * packages/apps/ContactsCommon/ af25a24 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/DeskClock/ 4ac2ef0 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Dialer/ 2c80a61 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Eleven/ 0a6a663 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Email/ eea9a9b Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Gallery2/ 576b59f Automatic translation import * packages/apps/InCallUI/ 724b906 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/LockClock/ a4937a2 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Mms/ c976da8 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/PhoneCommon/ b00b94d Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Settings/ db5ca86 Automatic translation import ee71fe5 Settings: Listen to preferapn changes via observer. * packages/apps/SetupWizard/ ce01418 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/SoundRecorder/ 58e4313 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Stk/ d9e00fb Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Terminal/ 5912e1a Automatic translation import * packages/apps/ThemeChooser/ eea3c15 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Trebuchet/ 39dc7a8 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/TvSettings/ 7ea059f Automatic translation import * packages/apps/UnifiedEmail/ 65793f1 Automatic translation import * packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/ 8cd1ec6 Automatic translation import * packages/providers/DownloadProvider/ c57fa08 Automatic translation import * packages/providers/ThemesProvider/ ea3af8d Automatic translation import * packages/services/Mms/ be1f336 Automatic translation import * packages/services/Telecomm/ 0f6914b Automatic translation import * packages/services/Telephony/ 89e62ed Automatic translation import * packages/wallpapers/Galaxy4/ e0b8665 Automatic translation import * packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/ f9a0023 Automatic translation import * vendor/cmsdk/ 5331d13 Automatic translation import =================================== Since Tue Nov 17 18:01:11 UTC 2015 =================================== * build/ 60ca2b7 kernel: add `make kernelxconfig' target * device/xiaomi/armani/ 74793c0 thermal-engine: Increase battery monitor sampling 34cbbcd Changes in power configuration 45b1dd0 Add Quick Charge service ec5dc4b fstab: put f2fs above ext4 aa8e2f5 fstab: Mark cache and userdata as "formattable" 066b606 init.armani.rc: Fix cmhw permissions and cleanup * external/koush/ion/ 728b211 Ion: Update mediafile to match mediastores BMP entries * external/libnetfilter_conntrack/ 78f8a86 Fix build breaks on L * frameworks/base/ fea0a82 SysUI: Fix navbar theme changing with status bar e49d5ea Recents: Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException ed834ca Shell: Declare cyanogenmod WRITE for system and secure settings. efb9ba7 Listen phone state change * frameworks/opt/chips/ 778bda8 Fix plus sign on number dropdown * frameworks/opt/telephony/ 2057518 Fix default network mode reset on sim1 * kernel/xiaomi/armani/ 9eb74fb wlan: Address buffer overflow due to invalid length * packages/apps/CMBugReport/ a6f67a6 Increase timeout on upload * packages/apps/Camera2/ 3cc0f8b Fix writing to external storage. * packages/apps/Dialer/ b159add Remove duplicate permission "android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS" 5fbf6ec Add people and reverse lookup provider "Auskunft" (AT). 4395a7e Remove usage legacy HTTP Client 386fc09 dialer: fix fc on secundary users * packages/apps/Mms/ 5978d51 Remove text watcher that is incorrectly formatting numbers in RTL. * packages/services/Telecomm/ 87c8bd7 Fix getAllPhoneAccounts() returning no accounts. 15679e2 Telecomm: Fix crash for SIP on dual sims device e08bab3 - Fix SIP soft-reboot on call * packages/services/Telephony/ 153e645 PhoneToggler: use current phone with data to toggle network modes * vendor/xiaomi/ afbcadd Add Quick Charge binary =================================== Since Sat Nov 14 09:34:09 UTC 2015 =================================== * build/ 1395703 gdbclient: fix build output directory path * device/xiaomi/armani/ b7cd754 sepolicy: Fixes for mpdecision fce0d50 Enable gapless offload and disable multichannel f0026ca Revert "Change path of /system/etc scripts" 7b1a68d WCNSS: Enable TDLS auto mode * kernel/xiaomi/armani/ 64d0f7f Revert "prima: Increase max number of items that can be configured" * packages/apps/ContactsCommon/ 8ace389 Fix contact JSON record parsing. * packages/apps/Settings/ ff01cb1 Settings: regulatory: Wrap the layout in a ScrollView * packages/apps/Trebuchet/ 1c46bab Live Settings: always rebuild DynamicGrid * vendor/cm/ e5b8b5a cm: make cgroups files read-only for all users =================================== Since Sun Nov 8 01:47:11 UTC 2015 =================================== * bootable/recovery/ c9b1143 recovery: add opt-out of exFAT * device/xiaomi/armani/ 64958c6 Update irsc_util to not use logwrapper 9569008 CameraWrapper: Small cleanup bd9908b sepolicy: Cleanup unneeded policies 6e2d137 media_profiles.xml: Enable SloMo recording at 720p 0b1494c power_profile.xml: Fix battery.capacity and lower cpu.idle 3d51ef9 armani: Stop the QC-QMI message spam cc92421 Change path of /system/etc scripts d5a8548 Cleanup and update mixer_paths.xml 2a8a934 msm8226: Disable Mac Spoofing by default in ini. d01152a wlan: Add TDLS parameters in the ini. 77f9dbb sepolicy: Less specific (part 2) * external/wpa_supplicant_8/ 9ec7ddc NFC: Fix payload length validation in NDEF record parser 47b5051 WNM: Ignore Key Data in WNM Sleep Mode Response frame if no PMF in use bac9fa8 EAP-pwd peer: Fix last fragment length validation c69b9d1 EAP-pwd server: Fix last fragment length validation 6a51515 EAP-pwd peer: Fix error path for unexpected Confirm message * frameworks/opt/telephony/ 7df85d5 telephony: use phoneaccounts to determine voiceprompt status aea6eb3 [DO NOT MERGE] Harmlessly (?) fixes LOD on Sprint and Verizon (?) via Fallback * kernel/xiaomi/armani/ 88cf62a prima: Increase max number of items that can be configured * packages/apps/Settings/ 50fed8b Settings: add opt out stats event c2ca831 Settings: Add security level default string * packages/providers/ThemesProvider/ 2f386fc Fix applied previews query when component doesn't exist * prebuilts/gcc/darwin-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-android-4.9/ f22f062 Add NOTICE and MODULE_LICENSE files. 3122899 Revert "Revert "Update prebuilt gold for --pic-veneer option."" * system/extras/su/ ee9de09 Merge "replace insecure uid spoofing code" into cm-12.1 860479b replace insecure uid spoofing code 1e7b152 daemon: Validate the socket caller's requested FDs 4f4cd57 su: Remove dead code * system/vold/ 336f513 cryptfs: Unbreak hardware-backed pattern lock + encryption 314f910 vold: add opt-out for exFAT * vendor/cm/ 675f474 cm: add opt-out for exFAT * vendor/cmsdk/ 0c0aef6 CMSettings: add reporting status setting =================================== Since Wed Nov 4 20:40:16 UTC 2015 =================================== * device/xiaomi/armani/ ad8c82f CameraWrapper: Disable HDR snapshots in video mode 2015d44 Revert "Revert "Set multicore power saving in performance profiles"" bbc2913 sepolicy: Less specific ba7df24 CameraWrapper: Modify base.common.version API define 27a4568 CameraWrapper: Updates * frameworks/av/ 861b59e audiopolicy: Fix A family a2dp mismerge * frameworks/base/ 857b8ef Automatic translation import d6aedda base: get rid of android time class 317990f Revert "Only accept user rotations when in USER_ROTATION_FREE mode" * frameworks/opt/net/wifi/ af2b866 wifi: don't disable AP on sub change if it's the same sub * kernel/xiaomi/armani/ 8b09594 arm/dts: armani: Enable bam_dmux fast shutdown bceb7df defconfig: armani: Enable LZ4, and use it for ZRAM. 1b4a11d lib: lz4: Set ARM_EFFICIENT_UNALIGNED_ACCESS 66f62a4 zram: Add LZ4 support 38f9fef lz4: add overrun checks to lz4_uncompress_unknownoutputsize() b633db1 lz4: fix another possible overrun fce87e2 lz4: ensure length does not wrap fb7997a lz4: fix compression/decompression signedness mismatch 03a7db7 lib/lz4: correct the LZ4 license 0a991b5 lib: add lz4 compressor module 7be2981 lib: add support for LZ4-compressed kernel 343d53a decompressor: add LZ4 decompressor module c61274f arm/dts: armani: Only include specific DTBs 74760e3 ARM: dts: msm: Enable RTC write and alarm powerup on 8x26 * packages/apps/AudioFX/ 4a77508 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/CMFileManager/ 8c39954 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Camera2/ e6b9797 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Contacts/ aa29642 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Dialer/ a3845ef Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Eleven/ 9d2f804 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Gallery2/ 6912a34 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/LockClock/ 8751c90 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Mms/ fee5d24 Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Settings/ 7a985ee Remove CM translations of security_patch 99c7c51 Automatic translation import 24a133a wifi: Add a filter * packages/apps/ThemeChooser/ cb8b79c Automatic translation import * packages/apps/Trebuchet/ 692799c Automatic translation import * packages/apps/TvSettings/ 11ffa66 Automatic translation import * packages/services/Telephony/ c10cca6 Automatic translation import 1acdc19 TeleService: Ensure the right phone object is used for MSIM * packages/wallpapers/PhotoPhase/ 7ee94ae Automatic translation import * prebuilts/gcc/darwin-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-android-4.9/ 4b05a5a Revert "Update prebuilt gold for --pic-veneer option." 3d2f537 Update prebuilt gold for --pic-veneer option. * vendor/cm/ d9d3201 Remove instance of server="" * vendor/cmsdk/ a6d50e0 Automatic translation import =================================== Since Sat Oct 31 17:30:38 UTC 2015 =================================== * android/ f4b3d08 intel: Use our own intel hw projects for libdrm, hwc, & libmix a1a71ff android-5.1.1_r24 -> android-5.1.1_r26 * bootable/recovery/ 29e9b2f Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r26' into cm-12.1 * build/ 4a013e5 build: Don't load dt.img task if custom mkbootimg is used 3e8b427 build: create dt.img task a306ef0 ota_from_target_files: Don't validate data signatures with data wipe 1249533 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r26' into HEAD * cts/ 04eebc6 rename android_security_cts_AudioflingerBinderTest.cpp to android_security_cts_AudioFlingerBinderTest.cpp 9446958 Manually fix build errors from an MNC cherry-pick. a49f503 add more binder tests for AudioFlinger and AudioPolicyService. 4783561 CTS: verify ConnectivityManager.requestNetwork throws for restricted networks 74d90b3 Test if libstagefright dies in onInputBufferFilled on currupted file 59cddac Add 5-second timeout to testFlacHeapOverflow f0ec278 DO NOT MERGE - Add security test for IEffect binder command a41f1b6 DO NOT MERGE: Test whether mediaserver leaks info across invalid binder calls b0e6092 DO NOT MERGE - Add CTS tests for IAudioflinger binder checks. * device/xiaomi/armani/ c1a0e20 Stop using custom mkbootimg.mk 97b8958 Revert "Set multicore power saving in performance profiles" 2229b40 overlay: Update tetherable interfaces 02fa4d5 overlay: Disable hot swapping an UICC card ebd9005 Revert "Add overlay for non-roaming operator" * frameworks/av/ ee4b4d3 stagefright: MPEG4Extractor: allow 'hdlr' box before first track 8295e4e DO NOT MERGE: Protect data source access with mutex during disconnect 5d567cc Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r26' into cm-12.1 * frameworks/base/ d19d27b Update boosted audio files 1/2 bd0e2f2 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r26' into cm-12.1 04d2436 Fix crash if Exif-Tag buffer-length and component-count are both 0 * frameworks/native/ 1cba324 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r26' into cm-12.1 * frameworks/opt/telephony/ c1b6b90 Fix NOT_RESTRICTED network capability and enforce it. 35fc15d Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r26' into cm-12.1 * hardware/qcom/media-caf/msm8916/ bb144e5 Build mm-video-v4l2 on msm8909's * kernel/xiaomi/armani/ 1166569 defconfig: armani: Enable ANDROID_BG_SCAN_MEM 98786a5 drivers:lmk: Fix null pointer issue 1c2e3da lowmemorykiller: Account for highmem during kswapd reclaim 0047bf3 staging:android:lmk: read rb tree root with spinlock 4160937 staging: android: lmk: add rcu lock while test task flag d1ef493 staging: android: lmk: check TIF directly a18d39b staging: android: lmk: skip if killed by lmk 6421204 staging: android: lmk: check free memory when tasks switch to background badd164 trace: memkill: provide fixed zone info columns. 5310b1d trace: memkill: per-zone page state for LMK 6579924 staging: android: lowmemorykiller: select a new task to kill befbd25 slub: fix a memory leak in get_partial_node() c10637d PM: devfreq: Fix simple_ondemand crashing on startup ab97633 msm: kgsl: Only wake GPU on multitouch events 9f3c8d3 msm: vidc: Always return 0 for EXTRADATA_SIZE 252e15c fbdev: add events for early fb event support 0b5c67b fbmem: add open2 and release2 which pass file argument 2a032ca defconfig: armani: Disable CPU_BOOST 366d21b futex: use freezable blocking call d6d479a nanosleep: use freezable blocking call 84372b0 freezer: skip waking up tasks with PF_FREEZER_SKIP set ee690e8 freezer: shorten freezer sleep time using exponential backoff 61aad3c lockdep: remove task argument from debug_check_no_locks_held a63c005 PM: Remove legacy code leftovers 41356d2 lmk: wrap the lmk code with config 8940880 drivers:lmk: Fix double delete issue a723013 stop_machine: fix race when queue work to stopper thread b839309 tracing/syscalls: Ignore numbers outside NR_syscalls' range 56e7611 tracing/syscalls: Fix perf syscall tracing when syscall_nr == -1 32351af futex: Make lookup_pi_state more robust 64383e4 futex: Always cleanup owner tid in unlock_pi d45e23b futex: Validate atomic acquisition in futex_lock_pi_atomic() 552fe7f sched: Remove redundant update_runtime notifier f288d5a proc: stat: fix idle time jump d9104c3 tick: don't update idle time if cpu offline b7cd1a2 cgroup: Fix use after free of cgrp (cgrp->css_sets) aec0f5e Revert "(CR) cgroup: check cgrp's count before removing" a4cdfc8 block: blktrace: MOST trace to use tgid 9ac61bc timekeeping: cast to s64 when calculating monotonic boottime 135f2fa block: blk-core: trace task names for blk requests 225d587 cgroup: check cgrp's count before removing 1645f35 cgroup: Take css_set_lock from cgroup_css_sets_empty() f55272f sched: fix race between try_to_wake_up() and move_task() 5b51fa2 stop_machine: fix race between hotplug and sched ae230b7 defconfig: armani: Optimize with O2 * packages/apps/Camera2/ 44d2333 Fix crash if Exif-Tag buffer-length and component-count are both 0 * packages/apps/DeskClock/ 60d907d deskclock: support ogg music files * packages/apps/Gallery2/ 77db8c7 Fix crash if Exif-Tag buffer-length and component-count are both 0 * packages/apps/LockClock/ d2d601f LockClock : Add api key for open weather * packages/apps/Mms/ 7965b67 Fix crash if Exif-Tag buffer-length and component-count are both 0 * packages/apps/Settings/ 58c9d69 Add translations for Security Patch Level. e6be537 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r26' into cm-12.1 185ef46 Settings: update contributors cloud * packages/apps/ThemeChooser/ e6c8aec themechooser: listen for previews * packages/apps/Trebuchet/ 2d723e2 GMS 3.0 : Update optional apps and folders 8361472 Update default workspace to GMS 3.0 req f6a8d4f Fix crash if Exif-Tag buffer-length and component-count are both 0 88dc0de Trebuchet: Enable HW Layers in app drawer * packages/providers/ThemesProvider/ 0fe2d61 themeprovider: notify uri on preview deletion * system/core/ 323bb81 Merge tag 'android-5.1.1_r26' into cm-12.1 4743d5c healthd: Turn screen off before rebooting * vendor/cm/ 902c2cc Update boosted audio files 2/2 7a218f8 Ventelo is now Phonero 48a042e contributors: add LG G4, remove cody from some devices