Icons made by Alfredo Hernandez from www.flaticon.com

Hi! I'm Arpan.

An undergrad programmer and so much more.

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I am a undergrad student currently in my sophomore year at Jadavpur University.
I love cricket like a typical Indian,sometimes dabble in programming,competitive coding and basketball.

My Skills.


Data Structures and Algorithms

I frequently participate in coding challenges across Codechef,Codeforces and Hackerearth. I am eager to learn and implement my data structure skills and convert them into problem solving skills.


Quick Learner

I try to learn as much as I can. I am currently pursuing and have completed courses in Web Development,MERN stack,Machine and Deep Learning from various MOOC platforms. I am always on the lookout to increase my current skillset.

Get In Touch

If you are willing to collaborate or have any awesome ideas to share.

Maybe we can have a lengthy chat about cricket and code on the side.Who knows?

LinkedIn Codechef Codeforces Hackerearth