Changelog ========= 1.3.0 (2023-09-30) ------------------ - [ADDED] Added official support for Python 3.11 and 3.12. - [ADDED] Added dependency on ``types-python-dateutil`` to improve Arrow mypy compatibility. `PR #1102 `_ - [FIX] Updates to Italian, Romansh, Hungarian, Finish and Arabic locales. - [FIX] Handling parsing of UTC prefix in timezone strings. - [CHANGED] Update documentation to improve readability. - [CHANGED] Dropped support for Python 3.6 and 3.7, which are end-of-life. - [INTERNAL] Migrate from ````/Twine to ``pyproject.toml``/Flit for packaging and distribution. - [INTERNAL] Adopt ``.readthedocs.yaml`` configuration file for continued ReadTheDocs support. 1.2.3 (2022-06-25) ------------------ - [NEW] Added Amharic, Armenian, Georgian, Laotian and Uzbek locales. - [FIX] Updated Danish locale and associated tests. - [INTERNAL] Small fixes to CI. 1.2.2 (2022-01-19) ------------------ - [NEW] Added Kazakh locale. - [FIX] The Belarusian, Bulgarian, Czech, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Slovak and Ukrainian locales now support ``dehumanize``. - [FIX] Minor bug fixes and improvements to ChineseCN, Indonesian, Norwegian, and Russian locales. - [FIX] Expanded testing for multiple locales. - [INTERNAL] Started using ``xelatex`` for pdf generation in documentation. - [INTERNAL] Split requirements file into ``requirements.txt``, ``requirements-docs.txt`` and ``requirements-tests.txt``. - [INTERNAL] Added ``flake8-annotations`` package for type linting in ``pre-commit``. 1.2.1 (2021-10-24) ------------------ - [NEW] Added quarter granularity to humanize, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> import arrow >>> now = >>> four_month_shift = now.shift(months=4) >>> now.humanize(four_month_shift, granularity="quarter") 'a quarter ago' >>> four_month_shift.humanize(now, granularity="quarter") 'in a quarter' >>> thirteen_month_shift = now.shift(months=13) >>> thirteen_month_shift.humanize(now, granularity="quarter") 'in 4 quarters' >>> now.humanize(thirteen_month_shift, granularity="quarter") '4 quarters ago' - [NEW] Added Sinhala and Urdu locales. - [NEW] Added official support for Python 3.10. - [CHANGED] Updated Azerbaijani, Hebrew, and Serbian locales and added tests. - [CHANGED] Passing an empty granularity list to ``humanize`` now raises a ``ValueError``. 1.2.0 (2021-09-12) ------------------ - [NEW] Added Albanian, Tamil and Zulu locales. - [NEW] Added support for ``Decimal`` as input to ``arrow.get()``. - [FIX] The Estonian, Finnish, Nepali and Zulu locales now support ``dehumanize``. - [FIX] Improved validation checks when using parser tokens ``A`` and ``hh``. - [FIX] Minor bug fixes to Catalan, Cantonese, Greek and Nepali locales. 1.1.1 (2021-06-24) ------------------ - [NEW] Added Odia, Maltese, Serbian, Sami, and Luxembourgish locales. - [FIXED] All calls to ``arrow.get()`` should now properly pass the ``tzinfo`` argument to the Arrow constructor. See PR `#968 `_ for more info. - [FIXED] Humanize output is now properly truncated when a locale class overrides ``_format_timeframe()``. - [CHANGED] Renamed ``requirements.txt`` to ``requirements-dev.txt`` to prevent confusion with the dependencies in ````. - [CHANGED] Updated Turkish locale and added tests. 1.1.0 (2021-04-26) ------------------ - [NEW] Implemented the ``dehumanize`` method for ``Arrow`` objects. This takes human readable input and uses it to perform relative time shifts, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> arw >>> arw.dehumanize("8 hours ago") >>> arw.dehumanize("in 4 days") >>> arw.dehumanize("in an hour 34 minutes 10 seconds") >>> arw.dehumanize("hace 2 años", locale="es") - [NEW] Made the start of the week adjustable when using ``span("week")``, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> arw >>> arw.isoweekday() 1 # Monday >>> arw.span("week") (, ) >>> arw.span("week", week_start=4) (, ) - [NEW] Added Croatian, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian and Malay locales. - [FIX] Internally standardize locales and improve locale validation. Locales should now use the ISO notation of a dash (``"en-gb"``) rather than an underscore (``"en_gb"``) however this change is backward compatible. - [FIX] Correct type checking for internal locale mapping by using ``_init_subclass``. This now allows subclassing of locales, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> from arrow.locales import EnglishLocale >>> class Klingon(EnglishLocale): ... names = ["tlh"] ... >>> from arrow import locales >>> locales.get_locale("tlh") <__main__.Klingon object at 0x7f7cd1effd30> - [FIX] Correct type checking for ``arrow.get(2021, 3, 9)`` construction. - [FIX] Audited all docstrings for style, typos and outdated info. 1.0.3 (2021-03-05) ------------------ - [FIX] Updated internals to avoid issues when running ``mypy --strict``. - [FIX] Corrections to Swedish locale. - [INTERNAL] Lowered required coverage limit until ``humanize`` month tests are fixed. 1.0.2 (2021-02-28) ------------------ - [FIXED] Fixed an ``OverflowError`` that could occur when running Arrow on a 32-bit OS. 1.0.1 (2021-02-27) ------------------ - [FIXED] A ``py.typed`` file is now bundled with the Arrow package to conform to PEP 561. 1.0.0 (2021-02-26) ------------------ After 8 years we're pleased to announce Arrow v1.0. Thanks to the entire Python community for helping make Arrow the amazing package it is today! - [CHANGE] Arrow has **dropped support** for Python 2.7 and 3.5. - [CHANGE] There are multiple **breaking changes** with this release, please see the `migration guide `_ for a complete overview. - [CHANGE] Arrow is now following `semantic versioning `_. - [CHANGE] Made ``humanize`` granularity="auto" limits more accurate to reduce strange results. - [NEW] Added support for Python 3.9. - [NEW] Added a new keyword argument "exact" to ``span``, ``span_range`` and ``interval`` methods. This makes timespans begin at the start time given and not extend beyond the end time given, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> start = Arrow(2021, 2, 5, 12, 30) >>> end = Arrow(2021, 2, 5, 17, 15) >>> for r in arrow.Arrow.span_range('hour', start, end, exact=True): ... print(r) ... (, ) (, ) (, ) (, ) (, ) - [NEW] Arrow now natively supports PEP 484-style type annotations. - [FIX] Fixed handling of maximum permitted timestamp on Windows systems. - [FIX] Corrections to French, German, Japanese and Norwegian locales. - [INTERNAL] Raise more appropriate errors when string parsing fails to match. 0.17.0 (2020-10-2) ------------------- - [WARN] Arrow will **drop support** for Python 2.7 and 3.5 in the upcoming 1.0.0 release. This is the last major release to support Python 2.7 and Python 3.5. - [NEW] Arrow now properly handles imaginary datetimes during DST shifts. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> just_before = arrow.get(2013, 3, 31, 1, 55, tzinfo="Europe/Paris") >>> just_before.shift(minutes=+10) .. code-block:: python >>> before = arrow.get("2018-03-10 23:00:00", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", tzinfo="US/Pacific") >>> after = arrow.get("2018-03-11 04:00:00", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", tzinfo="US/Pacific") >>> result=[(t,"utc")) for t in arrow.Arrow.range("hour", before, after)] >>> for r in result: ... print(r) ... (, ) (, ) (, ) (, ) (, ) - [NEW] Added ``humanize`` week granularity translation for Tagalog. - [CHANGE] Calls to the ``timestamp`` property now emit a ``DeprecationWarning``. In a future release, ``timestamp`` will be changed to a method to align with Python's datetime module. If you would like to continue using the property, please change your code to use the ``int_timestamp`` or ``float_timestamp`` properties instead. - [CHANGE] Expanded and improved Catalan locale. - [FIX] Fixed a bug that caused ``Arrow.range()`` to incorrectly cut off ranges in certain scenarios when using month, quarter, or year endings. - [FIX] Fixed a bug that caused day of week token parsing to be case sensitive. - [INTERNAL] A number of functions were reordered in for better organization and grouping of related methods. This change will have no impact on usage. - [INTERNAL] A minimum tox version is now enforced for compatibility reasons. Contributors must use tox >3.18.0 going forward. 0.16.0 (2020-08-23) ------------------- - [WARN] Arrow will **drop support** for Python 2.7 and 3.5 in the upcoming 1.0.0 release. The 0.16.x and 0.17.x releases are the last to support Python 2.7 and 3.5. - [NEW] Implemented `PEP 495 `_ to handle ambiguous datetimes. This is achieved by the addition of the ``fold`` attribute for Arrow objects. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> before = Arrow(2017, 10, 29, 2, 0, tzinfo='Europe/Stockholm') >>> before.fold 0 >>> before.ambiguous True >>> after = Arrow(2017, 10, 29, 2, 0, tzinfo='Europe/Stockholm', fold=1) >>> after = before.replace(fold=1) - [NEW] Added ``normalize_whitespace`` flag to ``arrow.get``. This is useful for parsing log files and/or any files that may contain inconsistent spacing. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> arrow.get("Jun 1 2005 1:33PM", "MMM D YYYY H:mmA", normalize_whitespace=True) >>> arrow.get("2013-036 \t 04:05:06Z", normalize_whitespace=True) 0.15.8 (2020-07-23) ------------------- - [WARN] Arrow will **drop support** for Python 2.7 and 3.5 in the upcoming 1.0.0 release. The 0.15.x, 0.16.x, and 0.17.x releases are the last to support Python 2.7 and 3.5. - [NEW] Added ``humanize`` week granularity translation for Czech. - [FIX] ``arrow.get`` will now pick sane defaults when weekdays are passed with particular token combinations, see `#446 `_. - [INTERNAL] Moved arrow to an organization. The repo can now be found `here `_. - [INTERNAL] Started issuing deprecation warnings for Python 2.7 and 3.5. - [INTERNAL] Added Python 3.9 to CI pipeline. 0.15.7 (2020-06-19) ------------------- - [NEW] Added a number of built-in format strings. See the `docs `_ for a complete list of supported formats. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> arw = arrow.utcnow() >>> arw.format(arrow.FORMAT_COOKIE) 'Wednesday, 27-May-2020 10:30:35 UTC' - [NEW] Arrow is now fully compatible with Python 3.9 and PyPy3. - [NEW] Added Makefile, tox.ini, and requirements.txt files to the distribution bundle. - [NEW] Added French Canadian and Swahili locales. - [NEW] Added ``humanize`` week granularity translation for Hebrew, Greek, Macedonian, Swedish, Slovak. - [FIX] ms and μs timestamps are now normalized in ``arrow.get()``, ``arrow.fromtimestamp()``, and ``arrow.utcfromtimestamp()``. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> ts = 1591161115194556 >>> arw = arrow.get(ts) >>> arw.timestamp 1591161115 - [FIX] Refactored and updated Macedonian, Hebrew, Korean, and Portuguese locales. 0.15.6 (2020-04-29) ------------------- - [NEW] Added support for parsing and formatting `ISO 8601 week dates `_ via a new token ``W``, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> arrow.get("2013-W29-6", "W") >>> utc=arrow.utcnow() >>> utc >>> utc.format("W") '2020-W04-4' - [NEW] Formatting with ``x`` token (microseconds) is now possible, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> dt = arrow.utcnow() >>> dt.format("x") '1585669870688329' >>> dt.format("X") '1585669870' - [NEW] Added ``humanize`` week granularity translation for German, Italian, Polish & Taiwanese locales. - [FIX] Consolidated and simplified German locales. - [INTERNAL] Moved testing suite from nosetest/Chai to pytest/pytest-mock. - [INTERNAL] Converted xunit-style setup and teardown functions in tests to pytest fixtures. - [INTERNAL] Setup GitHub Actions for CI alongside Travis. - [INTERNAL] Help support Arrow's future development by donating to the project on `Open Collective `_. 0.15.5 (2020-01-03) ------------------- - [WARN] Python 2 reached EOL on 2020-01-01. arrow will **drop support** for Python 2 in a future release to be decided (see `#739 `_). - [NEW] Added bounds parameter to ``span_range``, ``interval`` and ``span`` methods. This allows you to include or exclude the start and end values. - [NEW] ``arrow.get()`` can now create arrow objects from a timestamp with a timezone, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> arrow.get(1367900664, tzinfo=tz.gettz('US/Pacific')) - [NEW] ``humanize`` can now combine multiple levels of granularity, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> later140 = arrow.utcnow().shift(seconds=+8400) >>> later140.humanize(granularity="minute") 'in 139 minutes' >>> later140.humanize(granularity=["hour", "minute"]) 'in 2 hours and 19 minutes' - [NEW] Added Hong Kong locale (``zh_hk``). - [NEW] Added ``humanize`` week granularity translation for Dutch. - [NEW] Numbers are now displayed when using the seconds granularity in ``humanize``. - [CHANGE] ``range`` now supports both the singular and plural forms of the ``frames`` argument (e.g. day and days). - [FIX] Improved parsing of strings that contain punctuation. - [FIX] Improved behaviour of ``humanize`` when singular seconds are involved. 0.15.4 (2019-11-02) ------------------- - [FIX] Fixed an issue that caused package installs to fail on Conda Forge. 0.15.3 (2019-11-02) ------------------- - [NEW] ``factory.get()`` can now create arrow objects from a ISO calendar tuple, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> arrow.get((2013, 18, 7)) - [NEW] Added a new token ``x`` to allow parsing of integer timestamps with milliseconds and microseconds. - [NEW] Formatting now supports escaping of characters using the same syntax as parsing, for example: .. code-block:: python >>> arw = >>> fmt = "YYYY-MM-DD h [h] m" >>> arw.format(fmt) '2019-11-02 3 h 32' - [NEW] Added ``humanize`` week granularity translations for Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese. - [CHANGE] Added ``ParserError`` to module exports. - [FIX] Added support for midnight at end of day. See `#703 `_ for details. - [INTERNAL] Created Travis build for macOS. - [INTERNAL] Test parsing and formatting against full timezone database. 0.15.2 (2019-09-14) ------------------- - [NEW] Added ``humanize`` week granularity translations for Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. - [NEW] Embedded changelog within docs and added release dates to versions. - [FIX] Fixed a bug that caused test failures on Windows only, see `#668 `_ for details. 0.15.1 (2019-09-10) ------------------- - [NEW] Added ``humanize`` week granularity translations for Japanese. - [FIX] Fixed a bug that caused Arrow to fail when passed a negative timestamp string. - [FIX] Fixed a bug that caused Arrow to fail when passed a datetime object with ``tzinfo`` of type ``StaticTzInfo``. 0.15.0 (2019-09-08) ------------------- - [NEW] Added support for DDD and DDDD ordinal date tokens. The following functionality is now possible: ``arrow.get("1998-045")``, ``arrow.get("1998-45", "YYYY-DDD")``, ``arrow.get("1998-045", "YYYY-DDDD")``. - [NEW] ISO 8601 basic format for dates and times is now supported (e.g. ``YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZ``). - [NEW] Added ``humanize`` week granularity translations for French, Russian and Swiss German locales. - [CHANGE] Timestamps of type ``str`` are no longer supported **without a format string** in the ``arrow.get()`` method. This change was made to support the ISO 8601 basic format and to address bugs such as `#447 `_. The following will NOT work in v0.15.0: .. code-block:: python >>> arrow.get("1565358758") >>> arrow.get("1565358758.123413") The following will work in v0.15.0: .. code-block:: python >>> arrow.get("1565358758", "X") >>> arrow.get("1565358758.123413", "X") >>> arrow.get(1565358758) >>> arrow.get(1565358758.123413) - [CHANGE] When a meridian token (a|A) is passed and no meridians are available for the specified locale (e.g. unsupported or untranslated) a ``ParserError`` is raised. - [CHANGE] The timestamp token (``X``) will now match float timestamps of type ``str``: ``arrow.get(“1565358758.123415”, “X”)``. - [CHANGE] Strings with leading and/or trailing whitespace will no longer be parsed without a format string. Please see `the docs `_ for ways to handle this. - [FIX] The timestamp token (``X``) will now only match on strings that **strictly contain integers and floats**, preventing incorrect matches. - [FIX] Most instances of ``arrow.get()`` returning an incorrect ``Arrow`` object from a partial parsing match have been eliminated. The following issue have been addressed: `#91 `_, `#196 `_, `#396 `_, `#434 `_, `#447 `_, `#456 `_, `#519 `_, `#538 `_, `#560 `_. 0.14.7 (2019-09-04) ------------------- - [CHANGE] ``ArrowParseWarning`` will no longer be printed on every call to ``arrow.get()`` with a datetime string. The purpose of the warning was to start a conversation about the upcoming 0.15.0 changes and we appreciate all the feedback that the community has given us! 0.14.6 (2019-08-28) ------------------- - [NEW] Added support for ``week`` granularity in ``Arrow.humanize()``. For example, ``arrow.utcnow().shift(weeks=-1).humanize(granularity="week")`` outputs "a week ago". This change introduced two new untranslated words, ``week`` and ``weeks``, to all locale dictionaries, so locale contributions are welcome! - [NEW] Fully translated the Brazilian Portuguese locale. - [CHANGE] Updated the Macedonian locale to inherit from a Slavic base. - [FIX] Fixed a bug that caused ``arrow.get()`` to ignore tzinfo arguments of type string (e.g. ``arrow.get(tzinfo="Europe/Paris")``). - [FIX] Fixed a bug that occurred when ``arrow.Arrow()`` was instantiated with a ``pytz`` tzinfo object. - [FIX] Fixed a bug that caused Arrow to fail when passed a sub-second token, that when rounded, had a value greater than 999999 (e.g. ``arrow.get("2015-01-12T01:13:15.9999995")``). Arrow should now accurately propagate the rounding for large sub-second tokens. 0.14.5 (2019-08-09) ------------------- - [NEW] Added Afrikaans locale. - [CHANGE] Removed deprecated ``replace`` shift functionality. Users looking to pass plural properties to the ``replace`` function to shift values should use ``shift`` instead. - [FIX] Fixed bug that occurred when ``factory.get()`` was passed a locale kwarg. 0.14.4 (2019-07-30) ------------------- - [FIX] Fixed a regression in 0.14.3 that prevented a tzinfo argument of type string to be passed to the ``get()`` function. Functionality such as ``arrow.get("2019072807", "YYYYMMDDHH", tzinfo="UTC")`` should work as normal again. - [CHANGE] Moved ``backports.functools_lru_cache`` dependency from ``extra_requires`` to ``install_requires`` for ``Python 2.7`` installs to fix `#495 `_. 0.14.3 (2019-07-28) ------------------- - [NEW] Added full support for Python 3.8. - [CHANGE] Added warnings for upcoming factory.get() parsing changes in 0.15.0. Please see `#612 `_ for full details. - [FIX] Extensive refactor and update of documentation. - [FIX] factory.get() can now construct from kwargs. - [FIX] Added meridians to Spanish Locale. 0.14.2 (2019-06-06) ------------------- - [CHANGE] Travis CI builds now use tox to lint and run tests. - [FIX] Fixed UnicodeDecodeError on certain locales (#600). 0.14.1 (2019-06-06) ------------------- - [FIX] Fixed ``ImportError: No module named 'dateutil'`` (#598). 0.14.0 (2019-06-06) ------------------- - [NEW] Added provisional support for Python 3.8. - [CHANGE] Removed support for EOL Python 3.4. - [FIX] Updated with modern Python standards. - [FIX] Upgraded dependencies to latest versions. - [FIX] Enabled flake8 and black on travis builds. - [FIX] Formatted code using black and isort. 0.13.2 (2019-05-30) ------------------- - [NEW] Add is_between method. - [FIX] Improved humanize behaviour for near zero durations (#416). - [FIX] Correct humanize behaviour with future days (#541). - [FIX] Documentation updates. - [FIX] Improvements to German Locale. 0.13.1 (2019-02-17) ------------------- - [NEW] Add support for Python 3.7. - [CHANGE] Remove deprecation decorators for Arrow.range(), Arrow.span_range() and Arrow.interval(), all now return generators, wrap with list() to get old behavior. - [FIX] Documentation and docstring updates. 0.13.0 (2019-01-09) ------------------- - [NEW] Added support for Python 3.6. - [CHANGE] Drop support for Python 2.6/3.3. - [CHANGE] Return generator instead of list for Arrow.range(), Arrow.span_range() and Arrow.interval(). - [FIX] Make arrow.get() work with str & tzinfo combo. - [FIX] Make sure special RegEx characters are escaped in format string. - [NEW] Added support for ZZZ when formatting. - [FIX] Stop using datetime.utcnow() in internals, use instead. - [FIX] Return NotImplemented instead of TypeError in arrow math internals. - [NEW] Added Estonian Locale. - [FIX] Small fixes to Greek locale. - [FIX] TagalogLocale improvements. - [FIX] Added test requirements to setup. - [FIX] Improve docs for get, now and utcnow methods. - [FIX] Correct typo in depreciation warning. 0.12.1 ------ - [FIX] Allow universal wheels to be generated and reliably installed. - [FIX] Make humanize respect only_distance when granularity argument is also given. 0.12.0 ------ - [FIX] Compatibility fix for Python 2.x 0.11.0 ------ - [FIX] Fix grammar of ArabicLocale - [NEW] Add Nepali Locale - [FIX] Fix month name + rename AustriaLocale -> AustrianLocale - [FIX] Fix typo in Basque Locale - [FIX] Fix grammar in PortugueseBrazilian locale - [FIX] Remove pip --user-mirrors flag - [NEW] Add Indonesian Locale 0.10.0 ------ - [FIX] Fix getattr off by one for quarter - [FIX] Fix negative offset for UTC - [FIX] Update 0.9.0 ----- - [NEW] Remove duplicate code - [NEW] Support gnu date iso 8601 - [NEW] Add support for universal wheels - [NEW] Slovenian locale - [NEW] Slovak locale - [NEW] Romanian locale - [FIX] respect limit even if end is defined range - [FIX] Separate replace & shift functions - [NEW] Added tox - [FIX] Fix supported Python versions in documentation - [NEW] Azerbaijani locale added, locale issue fixed in Turkish. - [FIX] Format ParserError's raise message 0.8.0 ----- - [] 0.7.1 ----- - [NEW] Esperanto locale (batisteo) 0.7.0 ----- - [FIX] Parse localized strings #228 (swistakm) - [FIX] Modify tzinfo parameter in ``get`` api #221 (bottleimp) - [FIX] Fix Czech locale (PrehistoricTeam) - [FIX] Raise TypeError when adding/subtracting non-dates (itsmeolivia) - [FIX] Fix pytz conversion error (Kudo) - [FIX] Fix overzealous time truncation in span_range (kdeldycke) - [NEW] Humanize for time duration #232 (ybrs) - [NEW] Add Thai locale (sipp11) - [NEW] Adding Belarusian (be) locale (oire) - [NEW] Search date in strings (beenje) - [NEW] Note that arrow's tokens differ from strptime's. (offby1) 0.6.0 ----- - [FIX] Added support for Python 3 - [FIX] Avoid truncating oversized epoch timestamps. Fixes #216. - [FIX] Fixed month abbreviations for Ukrainian - [FIX] Fix typo timezone - [FIX] A couple of dialect fixes and two new languages - [FIX] Spanish locale: ``Miercoles`` should have acute accent - [Fix] Fix Finnish grammar - [FIX] Fix typo in 'Arrow.floor' docstring - [FIX] Use read() utility to open README - [FIX] span_range for week frame - [NEW] Add minimal support for fractional seconds longer than six digits. - [NEW] Adding locale support for Marathi (mr) - [NEW] Add count argument to span method - [NEW] Improved docs 0.5.1 - 0.5.4 ------------- - [FIX] test the behavior of simplejson instead of calling for_json directly (tonyseek) - [FIX] Add Hebrew Locale (doodyparizada) - [FIX] Update documentation location (andrewelkins) - [FIX] Update Development Status level (andrewelkins) - [FIX] Case insensitive month match (cshowe) 0.5.0 ----- - [NEW] struct_time addition. (mhworth) - [NEW] Version grep (eirnym) - [NEW] Default to ISO 8601 format (emonty) - [NEW] Raise TypeError on comparison (sniekamp) - [NEW] Adding Macedonian(mk) locale (krisfremen) - [FIX] Fix for ISO seconds and fractional seconds (sdispater) (andrewelkins) - [FIX] Use correct Dutch wording for "hours" (wbolster) - [FIX] Complete the list of english locales (indorilftw) - [FIX] Change README to reStructuredText (nyuszika7h) - [FIX] Parse lower-cased 'h' (tamentis) - [FIX] Slight modifications to Dutch locale (nvie) 0.4.4 ----- - [NEW] Include the docs in the released tarball - [NEW] Czech localization Czech localization for Arrow - [NEW] Add fa_ir to locales - [FIX] Fixes parsing of time strings with a final Z - [FIX] Fixes ISO parsing and formatting for fractional seconds - [FIX] test_fromtimestamp sp - [FIX] some typos fixed - [FIX] removed an unused import statement - [FIX] docs table fix - [FIX] Issue with specify 'X' template and no template at all to arrow.get - [FIX] Fix "import" typo in docs/index.rst - [FIX] Fix unit tests for zero passed - [FIX] Update layout.html - [FIX] In Norwegian and new Norwegian months and weekdays should not be capitalized - [FIX] Fixed discrepancy between specifying 'X' to arrow.get and specifying no template 0.4.3 ----- - [NEW] Turkish locale (Emre) - [NEW] Arabic locale (Mosab Ahmad) - [NEW] Danish locale (Holmars) - [NEW] Icelandic locale (Holmars) - [NEW] Hindi locale (Atmb4u) - [NEW] Malayalam locale (Atmb4u) - [NEW] Finnish locale (Stormpat) - [NEW] Portuguese locale (Danielcorreia) - [NEW] ``h`` and ``hh`` strings are now supported (Averyonghub) - [FIX] An incorrect inflection in the Polish locale has been fixed (Avalanchy) - [FIX] ``arrow.get`` now properly handles ``Date`` (Jaapz) - [FIX] Tests are now declared in ```` and the manifest (Pypingou) - [FIX] ``__version__`` has been added to ```` (Sametmax) - [FIX] ISO 8601 strings can be parsed without a separator (Ivandiguisto / Root) - [FIX] Documentation is now more clear regarding some inputs on ``arrow.get`` (Eriktaubeneck) - [FIX] Some documentation links have been fixed (Vrutsky) - [FIX] Error messages for parse errors are now more descriptive (Maciej Albin) - [FIX] The parser now correctly checks for separators in strings (Mschwager) 0.4.2 ----- - [NEW] Factory ``get`` method now accepts a single ``Arrow`` argument. - [NEW] Tokens SSSS, SSSSS and SSSSSS are supported in parsing. - [NEW] ``Arrow`` objects have a ``float_timestamp`` property. - [NEW] Vietnamese locale (Iu1nguoi) - [NEW] Factory ``get`` method now accepts a list of format strings (Dgilland) - [NEW] A file has been added (Pypingou) - [NEW] Tests can be run directly from ```` (Pypingou) - [FIX] Arrow docs now list 'day of week' format tokens correctly (Rudolphfroger) - [FIX] Several issues with the Korean locale have been resolved (Yoloseem) - [FIX] ``humanize`` now correctly returns unicode (Shvechikov) - [FIX] ``Arrow`` objects now pickle / unpickle correctly (Yoloseem) 0.4.1 ----- - [NEW] Table / explanation of formatting & parsing tokens in docs - [NEW] Brazilian locale (Augusto2112) - [NEW] Dutch locale (OrangeTux) - [NEW] Italian locale (Pertux) - [NEW] Austrian locale (LeChewbacca) - [NEW] Tagalog locale (Marksteve) - [FIX] Corrected spelling and day numbers in German locale (LeChewbacca) - [FIX] Factory ``get`` method should now handle unicode strings correctly (Bwells) - [FIX] Midnight and noon should now parse and format correctly (Bwells) 0.4.0 ----- - [NEW] Format-free ISO 8601 parsing in factory ``get`` method - [NEW] Support for 'week' / 'weeks' in ``span``, ``range``, ``span_range``, ``floor`` and ``ceil`` - [NEW] Support for 'weeks' in ``replace`` - [NEW] Norwegian locale (Martinp) - [NEW] Japanese locale (CortYuming) - [FIX] Timezones no longer show the wrong sign when formatted (Bean) - [FIX] Microseconds are parsed correctly from strings (Bsidhom) - [FIX] Locale day-of-week is no longer off by one (Cynddl) - [FIX] Corrected plurals of Ukrainian and Russian nouns (Catchagain) - [CHANGE] Old 0.1 ``arrow`` module method removed - [CHANGE] Dropped timestamp support in ``range`` and ``span_range`` (never worked correctly) - [CHANGE] Dropped parsing of single string as tz string in factory ``get`` method (replaced by ISO 8601) 0.3.5 ----- - [NEW] French locale (Cynddl) - [NEW] Spanish locale (Slapresta) - [FIX] Ranges handle multiple timezones correctly (Ftobia) 0.3.4 ----- - [FIX] Humanize no longer sometimes returns the wrong month delta - [FIX] ``__format__`` works correctly with no format string 0.3.3 ----- - [NEW] Python 2.6 support - [NEW] Initial support for locale-based parsing and formatting - [NEW] ArrowFactory class, now proxied as the module API - [NEW] ``factory`` api method to obtain a factory for a custom type - [FIX] Python 3 support and tests completely ironed out 0.3.2 ----- - [NEW] Python 3+ support 0.3.1 ----- - [FIX] The old ``arrow`` module function handles timestamps correctly as it used to 0.3.0 ----- - [NEW] ``Arrow.replace`` method - [NEW] Accept timestamps, datetimes and Arrows for datetime inputs, where reasonable - [FIX] ``range`` and ``span_range`` respect end and limit parameters correctly - [CHANGE] Arrow objects are no longer mutable - [CHANGE] Plural attribute name semantics altered: single -> absolute, plural -> relative - [CHANGE] Plural names no longer supported as properties (e.g. ``arrow.utcnow().years``) 0.2.1 ----- - [NEW] Support for localized humanization - [NEW] English, Russian, Greek, Korean, Chinese locales 0.2.0 ----- - **REWRITE** - [NEW] Date parsing - [NEW] Date formatting - [NEW] ``floor``, ``ceil`` and ``span`` methods - [NEW] ``datetime`` interface implementation - [NEW] ``clone`` method - [NEW] ``get``, ``now`` and ``utcnow`` API methods 0.1.6 ----- - [NEW] Humanized time deltas - [NEW] ``__eq__`` implemented - [FIX] Issues with conversions related to daylight savings time resolved - [CHANGE] ``__str__`` uses ISO formatting 0.1.5 ----- - **Started tracking changes** - [NEW] Parsing of ISO-formatted time zone offsets (e.g. '+02:30', '-05:00') - [NEW] Resolved some issues with timestamps and delta / Olson time zones