## Change Log ### v9.0.2 - fix position in toast config ### v9.0.1 ### v9.0.0 - add Angular 9.x support - fix sass files - bump package name to match angular version ### v8.0.3 ### v8.0.2 ### v8.0.1 ### v8.0.0 - add Angular 8.x support - bump package name to match angular version ### v7.0.0 - add Angular 7.x support - bump package name to match angular version ### v6.0.0 - add Angular 6.1 support - bump package name to match angular version ### v4.3.0 - add Angular 6 support thx [MatissJanis](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/pull/43) - add input `autofocus` to prompt toast - add wai-aria attrs [#36](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/issues/36) - add fix backdrop [#41](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/issues/41) ### v4.2.0 - add Angular 5 support ### v4.1.0 - escape SVG icons bug with Safari, Firefox - add [iconClass](https://artemsky.github.io/ng-snotify/documentation/api/options.html#iconclass) ### v4.0.2 - fix toast reposition if position changed in async method - bump dependencies ### v4.0.1 - fix css icons width & height - update doc ### v4.0.0 - **Breaking changes -** [Look migration guide](https://artemsky.github.io/ng-snotify/documentation/essentials/upgrade.html) - **Features** - [New Documentation](https://artemsky.github.io/ng-snotify/documentation) based on gitbook - Prompt input [validation](https://artemsky.github.io/ng-snotify/documentation/essentials/examples.html#prompt--validation) - New [callbacks](https://artemsky.github.io/ng-snotify/documentation/api/callbacks.html) with jQuery-like syntax - Reworked toast arguments ordering based on - see [function signatures](https://artemsky.github.io/ng-snotify/documentation/api/snotify.html) - Replaced all animations and icons to styles (now it more customizable up to you) - Add toast [default configuration](https://artemsky.github.io/ng-snotify/documentation/api/options.html) - Reworked toast `timeout` interval - now based on `requestAnimationFrame` - Now 1kb lighter :) ### v3.0.1 - fix invisible backdrop blinking ### v3.0.0 - Removed style encapsulation. Now you can style component directly in your global styles.scss(css) without using `/deep/` directive. - Added 3 themes. Now styles are outside of the component. You should read [migration guide](documentation/v2-to-v3-migration-guide.md) - Added the ability to simultaneously display toasts in different positions of the screen - Added `maxAtPosition` option, so you can control max toast count at the position - update angular 4.3.4 -> 4.3.6 (and other dev dependencies) ### v2.2.0 - thx [ganeshkantu](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/issues/19), now you can pass HTML into toasts within config object, or use new _html_ toast type - update angular 4.3.0 -> 4.3.4 (and other dev dependencies) ### v2.1.0 - optimize components rerender - update angular 4.3.0 -> 4.3.1 (and other dev dependencies) ### v2.0.3 - fix horizontal center backdrop thx [ktriek](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/pull/18) - update angular 4.2.6 -> 4.3.0 (and other dev dependencies) ### v2.0.0 - **Breaking changes -** [Look migration guide](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/tree/master/documentation/v1-to-v2-migration-guide.md) - **Features** - Now unlimited amount of buttons. - New [callback](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/tree/master/documentation/v2/api.md#callbacks) `onInput` for **prompt** toast - reduce start code amount - add custom [animations](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/tree/master/documentation/v2/animations.md) - **Fixes** - rewrite components. Now more optimized. Divided into separate components. - Optimized for AOT build in right way. - rewrite [documentation](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/tree/master/documentation) - add few test in example app - update dependencies - Auto-documentation add - Interfaces (thx @compodoc/compodoc) - Auto-documentation add - Default values (thx @compodoc/compodoc) ### v1.4.0 - add backdrop ([#15](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/issues/15)) - fix @compodoc/compodoc inteface generator - [source 1](https://github.com/compodoc/compodoc/issues/198) [source 2](https://github.com/jvandemo/generator-angular2-library/issues/112) ### v1.3.0 - add **Custom Styling** - [Read more](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/wiki/Custom-Styling) - fix max-height collapsing closeOnClick ### v1.2.0 - add custom icons [Wiki](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/wiki/API#custom-icon) You can see an example of custom icon by calling _Simple toast_ in the example app ### v1.1.7 - fix **AOT** compilation ([#13](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/issues/13)) ### v1.1.6 - Add callback text when **No** button pressed (Prompt) - Improve documentation - Create wiki ### v1.1.4 - remove min-height ([#11](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/issues/11)) - fix max-height animation - change 2-branches developing (develop\master) onto 1 branch (master) - Upgrade example app **angular cli** 1.0.2 -> 1.1.0 - Upgrade **yeomen generator-angular2-library** 10.0.0 -> 10.2.2 ### v1.1.3 - fix TruncatePipe error ([#9](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/issues/9)) - fix box-sizing ### v1.1.2 - fix async toast ([#8](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/issues/8)) - add `truncate` pipe - add toast `titleMaxLeght` and `bodyMaxLeght` to `SnotifyToastConfig` - add toast `maxHeight` to `SnotifyOptions` ([#7](https://github.com/artemsky/ng-snotify/issues/7)) - add body to **prompt** type and replace input preview text wih new option `placeholder` of `SnotifyToastConfig` type ### v1.0.0 - First release