/* * Copyright 2017 Arthur Ivanets, arthur.ivanets.work@gmail.com * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.arthurivanets.arvi.widget; import android.net.Uri; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewParent; import androidx.annotation.FloatRange; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView; import com.arthurivanets.arvi.Config; import com.arthurivanets.arvi.PlayerProviderImpl; import com.arthurivanets.arvi.model.PlaybackInfo; import com.arthurivanets.arvi.model.VolumeInfo; import com.arthurivanets.arvi.player.Player; import com.arthurivanets.arvi.util.cache.PlaybackInfoCache; import com.arthurivanets.arvi.util.misc.ExoPlayerUtils; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ExoPlaybackException; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.MediaSource; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.TrackGroupArray; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.trackselection.TrackSelectionArray; import com.google.android.exoplayer2.ui.PlayerView; /** *
* A {@link Playable} implementation based on the {@link RecyclerView.ViewHolder} designed to * enable the Video Autoplayability in the {@link RecyclerView}-based containers. *
* To enable the proper handling of the Video Playback associated with each corresponding Item {@link RecyclerView.ViewHolder} * you should use a {@link RecyclerView}-based container that supports the aforementioned handling. *
* Use the {@link PlayableItemsRecyclerView} which has all the necessary handling and related features implemented for you, * or create your own {@link RecyclerView}-based container with your own implementations of the necessary handling functionality. *
*/ public abstract class PlayableItemViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder implements Playable, Player.AttachmentStateDelegate, Player.EventListener { public static final String TAG = "PlayableItemViewHolder"; private static final float DEFAULT_TRIGGER_OFFSET = 0.5f; public final ViewGroup mParentViewGroup; public final PlayerView mPlayerView; public PlayableItemViewHolder(ViewGroup parentViewGroup, View itemView) { super(itemView); mParentViewGroup = parentViewGroup; mPlayerView = itemView.findViewById(com.arthurivanets.arvi.R.id.player_view); } @Override public final void start() { if (!isTrulyPlayable()) { return; } if (startPlayer()) { onStateChanged((getPlaybackState() == Player.PlaybackState.READY) ? PlaybackState.READY : PlaybackState.STARTED); } } @Override public final void restart() { if (!isTrulyPlayable()) { return; } restartPlayer(); onStateChanged(PlaybackState.RESTARTED); } @Override public final void pause() { if (!isTrulyPlayable()) { return; } pausePlayer(); onStateChanged(PlaybackState.PAUSED); } @Override public final void stop() { if (!isTrulyPlayable()) { return; } stopPlayer(); onStateChanged(PlaybackState.STOPPED); } @Override public final void release() { if (!isTrulyPlayable()) { return; } releasePlayer(); onStateChanged(PlaybackState.STOPPED); } private boolean startPlayer() { // creating/updating the PlaybackInfo for this particular Playable final PlaybackInfo playbackInfo = getPlaybackInfo(); final VolumeInfo volumeInfo = playbackInfo.getVolumeInfo(); setPlaybackInfo(playbackInfo); // determining whether the current Playable should play this time final boolean shouldPlay = (isLooping() || !playbackInfo.isEnded() || canStartPlaying()); // preparing the Player final Player player = getOrInitPlayer(); player.init(); player.attach(mPlayerView); player.getVolumeController().setVolume(volumeInfo.getVolume()); player.getVolumeController().setMuted(volumeInfo.isMuted()); player.setMediaSource(createMediaSource()); player.setAttachmentStateDelegate(this); player.addEventListener(this); // performing the playing related operations (if necessary) if (shouldPlay) { player.seek(playbackInfo.getPlaybackPosition()); player.prepare(false); player.play(); } return shouldPlay; } private void restartPlayer() { // updating the PlaybackInfo final PlaybackInfo playbackInfo = getPlaybackInfo(); playbackInfo.setPlaybackPosition(0); final VolumeInfo volumeInfo = playbackInfo.getVolumeInfo(); setPlaybackInfo(playbackInfo); // preparing the Player final Player player = getOrInitPlayer(); player.init(); player.attach(mPlayerView); player.getVolumeController().setVolume(volumeInfo.getVolume()); player.getVolumeController().setMuted(volumeInfo.isMuted()); player.setMediaSource(createMediaSource()); player.setAttachmentStateDelegate(this); player.removeEventListener(this); player.addEventListener(this); player.seek(playbackInfo.getPlaybackPosition()); player.prepare(false); player.play(); } private void pausePlayer() { final Player player = getPlayer(); final PlaybackInfo playbackInfo = getPlaybackInfo(); if (player != null) { player.pause(); player.removeEventListener(this); playbackInfo.setPlaybackPosition(player.getPlaybackPosition()); setPlaybackInfo(playbackInfo); } } private void stopPlayer() { final PlaybackInfo playbackInfo = getPlaybackInfo(); final Player player = getPlayer(); if (player != null) { player.pause(); player.detach(mPlayerView); player.stop(true); player.setAttachmentStateDelegate(null); player.removeEventListener(this); playbackInfo.setPlaybackPosition(0L); setPlaybackInfo(playbackInfo); } } private void releasePlayer() { final Player player = getPlayer(); unregisterPlayer(); removePlaybackInfo(); if (player != null) { player.pause(); player.stop(true); player.detach(mPlayerView); player.setAttachmentStateDelegate(null); player.removeEventListener(this); } } @Override public final void seekTo(long positionInMillis) { final PlaybackInfo playbackInfo = getPlaybackInfo(); final Player player = getPlayer(); if (player != null) { player.seek(positionInMillis); playbackInfo.setPlaybackPosition(positionInMillis); setPlaybackInfo(playbackInfo); } } @Override public final long getPlaybackPosition() { final Player player = getPlayer(); return ((player != null) ? player.getPlaybackPosition() : 0); } @Override public long getDuration() { final Player player = getPlayer(); return ((player != null) ? player.getDuration() : 0); } @Override public final View getPlayerView() { return mPlayerView; } @Override public final ViewParent getParent() { return (ViewParent) itemView; } private Player getPlayer() { return PlayerProviderImpl.getInstance(itemView.getContext()).getPlayer(getConfig(), getKey()); } private Player getOrInitPlayer() { return PlayerProviderImpl.getInstance(itemView.getContext()).getOrInitPlayer(getConfig(), getKey()); } private void unregisterPlayer() { PlayerProviderImpl.getInstance(itemView.getContext()).unregister(getConfig(), getKey()); } private MediaSource createMediaSource() { return PlayerProviderImpl.getInstance(itemView.getContext()).createMediaSource( getConfig(), Uri.parse(getUrl()), isLooping() ); } private void setPlaybackInfo(PlaybackInfo playbackInfo) { PlaybackInfoCache.getInstance().put(getKey(), playbackInfo); } @Override public final PlaybackInfo getPlaybackInfo() { return PlaybackInfoCache.getInstance().get(getKey(), new PlaybackInfo()); } private void removePlaybackInfo() { PlaybackInfoCache.getInstance().remove(getKey()); } private int getPlaybackState() { final Player player = getPlayer(); return ((player != null) ? player.getPlaybackState() : Player.PlaybackState.IDLE); } @NonNull @Override public Config getConfig() { return PlayerProviderImpl.DEFAULT_CONFIG; } @NonNull @Override public String getTag() { return ""; } @NonNull @Override public final String getKey() { return (getUrl() + getTag()); } /** *
* Used to determine the current {@link PlayableItemViewHolder}'s Item {@link View} area visibility ratio that's * sufficient enough to start/stop the video playback. *
* This method is used internally by the {@link #wantsToPlay()} method to properly determine whether it's * the time to start or stop the video playback. *
* You can override this method and specify your own area visibility ratio to be used for the handling of the aforementioned events, * just keep in mind the fact that the ratio should be between 0.0 and 1.0, where * 0.0 and 1.0 are 0% and 100% Item {@link View} visibility correspondingly. * * @return a value between 0.0 and 1.0. */ @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) protected float getTriggerOffset() { return DEFAULT_TRIGGER_OFFSET; } /** *
* Sets the audio volume to be used during the playback of the video associated with this {@link PlayableItemViewHolder}. *
* If the playback is the active state, then the volume will be adjusted directly on the corresponding {@link Player} instance. * * @param audioVolume the exact audio volume (a value between 0.0 and 1.0). */ protected final void setVolume(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float audioVolume) { // creating/updating the corresponding Playback Info final PlaybackInfo playbackInfo = getPlaybackInfo(); playbackInfo.getVolumeInfo().setVolume(audioVolume); setPlaybackInfo(playbackInfo); // updating the Player-related state (if necessary) final Player player = getPlayer(); if (player != null) { player.getVolumeController().setVolume(audioVolume); } } /** * Retrieves the audio volume that's associated with the current instance of the {@link PlayableItemViewHolder}. * * @return an audio volume ratio (a value between 0.0 and 1.0). */ @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) protected final float getVolume() { final PlaybackInfo playbackInfo = getPlaybackInfo(); final Player player = getPlayer(); return ((player != null) ? player.getVolumeController().getVolume() : playbackInfo.getVolumeInfo().getVolume()); } /** *
* Sets the audio muted state to be used during the playback of the video associated with this {@link PlayableItemViewHolder}. *
* If the playback is the active state, then the audio muted state will be adjusted directly on the corresponding {@link Player} instance. * * @param isMuted the exact audio muted state. */ protected final void setMuted(boolean isMuted) { // creating/updating the corresponding Playback Info final PlaybackInfo playbackInfo = getPlaybackInfo(); playbackInfo.getVolumeInfo().setMuted(isMuted); setPlaybackInfo(playbackInfo); // updating the Player-related state (if necessary) final Player player = getPlayer(); if (player != null) { player.getVolumeController().setMuted(isMuted); } } /** * Retrieves the muted state of the audio that's associated with the current instance of the {@link PlayableItemViewHolder}. * * @return the muted state of the audio. */ protected final boolean isMuted() { final PlaybackInfo playbackInfo = getPlaybackInfo(); final Player player = getPlayer(); return ((player != null) ? player.getVolumeController().isMuted() : playbackInfo.getVolumeInfo().isMuted()); } @Override public final boolean isPlaying() { final Player player = getPlayer(); return ((player != null) && player.isPlaying()); } @Override public final boolean isTrulyPlayable() { return (mPlayerView != null); } @Override public boolean isLooping() { return false; } private boolean isEnded() { final Player player = getPlayer(); return ((player != null) && (player.getPlaybackState() == Player.PlaybackState.ENDED)); } @Override public final boolean isAttached(@NonNull Player player) { return (isTrulyPlayable() && player.isAttached(mPlayerView)); } @Override public final boolean wantsToPlay() { return (ExoPlayerUtils.getVisibleAreaOffset(this) >= getTriggerOffset()); } /** *
* Used to determine whether the playback of a non-looping video can be started. * (Used as a last means of confirmation of the initiation of the playback) *
* It is to be overridden and used only in cases when you need a specific * control over when the video playback starts (or can be started). *
* By default, it's always true. * * @return true to allow the initiation of the video playback, false otherwise. */ protected boolean canStartPlaying() { return true; } /** * Gets called when the Playback {@link PlaybackState} changes. * * @param playbackState the new Playback {@link PlaybackState}. */ protected void onStateChanged(@NonNull PlaybackState playbackState) { // to be overridden. } @Override public final void onAttach(@NonNull Player player) { if (mPlayerView != null) { player.attach(mPlayerView); } } @Override public final void onDetach(@NonNull Player player) { if (mPlayerView != null) { player.detach(mPlayerView); } } @Override public void onPlayabilityStateChanged(boolean isPlayable) { // to be overridden if necessary. } @Override public final void onPlayerStateChanged(int playbackState) { switch (playbackState) { case Player.PlaybackState.IDLE: onPlaybackIdle(); break; case Player.PlaybackState.BUFFERING: onPlaybackBuffering(); break; case Player.PlaybackState.READY: onPlaybackReady(); break; case Player.PlaybackState.ENDED: onPlaybackEnded(); break; } } private void onPlaybackIdle() { getPlaybackInfo().setEnded(isEnded()); onStateChanged(PlaybackState.STOPPED); } private void onPlaybackBuffering() { getPlaybackInfo().setEnded(isEnded()); onStateChanged(PlaybackState.BUFFERING); } private void onPlaybackReady() { getPlaybackInfo().setEnded(isEnded()); onStateChanged(PlaybackState.READY); } private void onPlaybackEnded() { onStateChanged(PlaybackState.STOPPED); final PlaybackInfo playbackInfo = getPlaybackInfo(); playbackInfo.setPlaybackPosition(0); playbackInfo.setEnded(isEnded()); setPlaybackInfo(playbackInfo); } @Override public final void onLoadingChanged(boolean isLoading) { // do nothing. } @Override public final void onTracksChanged(TrackGroupArray trackGroups, TrackSelectionArray trackSelections) { // do nothing. } @Override public final void onPlayerError(ExoPlaybackException error) { Log.e(TAG, ("onPlayerError: " + error.getLocalizedMessage())); onStateChanged(PlaybackState.ERROR); //TODO <--- onPlayback ended?! } }