#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ ### OpenCV2 Installation Script ### ################################################################################ # Source code at https://github.com/arthurbeggs/scripts # ################################################################################ # # # Feel free to copy and modify this file. Giving me credit for it is your # # choice, but please keep references to other people's work, which I don't # # have ownership and thus cannot decide what to do with the licenses. # # # ################################################################################ ### Single line script will download and run this script automatically: # curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arthurbeggs/scripts/master/install_apps/install_opencv2.sh" | bash ### Dependencies sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y build-essential cmake libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config \ python-numpy python-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev \ libswscale-dev libjpeg-dev libpng12-dev libtiff5-dev \ libjasper-dev libopencv-dev checkinstall pkg-config \ yasm libjpeg-dev libjasper-dev libavcodec-dev \ libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libdc1394-22-dev \ libxine2 libgstreamer0.10-dev libv4l-dev \ libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev python-dev \ python-numpy libtbb-dev libqt4-dev libgtk2.0-dev \ libmp3lame-dev libopencore-amrnb-dev \ libopencore-amrwb-dev libtheora-dev libvorbis-dev \ libxvidcore-dev x264 v4l-utils ### Download opencv- wget https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/ -O opencv- unzip opencv- cd opencv- mkdir release cd release ### Compile and install cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/bin/g++ CMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DWITH_TBB=ON -DBUILD_NEW_PYTHON_SUPPORT=ON -DWITH_V4L=ON -DINSTALL_C_EXAMPLES=ON -DINSTALL_PYTHON_EXAMPLES=ON -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=ON -DWITH_QT=ON -DWITH_OPENGL=ON -DBUILD_FAT_JAVA_LIB=ON -DINSTALL_TO_MANGLED_PATHS=ON -DINSTALL_CREATE_DISTRIB=ON -DINSTALL_TESTS=ON -DENABLE_FAST_MATH=ON -DWITH_IMAGEIO=ON -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DWITH_GSTREAMER=ON .. make all -j$(nproc) # Uses all machine cores sudo make install cd ../../ rm -rf ./opencv- sudo apt-get install python-opencv -y ### Echoes OpenCV installed version if installation process was successful echo -e "OpenCV version:" pkg-config --modversion opencv