(function(global, window, document){ /* Function: Boot.now Gets a current timestamp. Returns: Timestamp */ function now() { return new Date().getTime(); } // global.now = now; /* Function: Boot.trim Trims whitespace before and after a string. Parameters str - The string to trim leading whitespace. Returns String - The trimmed string. */ function trim( str ) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""); } // global.trim = trim; /* Function: Boot.contains Determines if the given string contains given text. Parameters: haystack - The string to search inside. needle - The string to find. Returns: Boolean Usage: if ( contains( "a", "abcde" ) ) { // true Do something knowing this value contains it. } */ function contains( haystack, needle ){ return haystack && haystack.indexOf( needle ) !== -1; } // global.contains = contains; var strString = "string", strObject = "object", strSpace = " ", head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement; function is( str, type ) { return typeof str === type; } function isArray( obj ) { return obj && contains( obj.constructor.toString(), "rray" ); } function isObject( obj ) { return obj !== null && is( obj, strObject ); } function isString( obj ) { return is( obj, strString ); } function isFunction( obj ) { return is( obj, "function" ); } function isElement( obj ) { return isObject( obj ) && obj.nodeType; } /* Boot.extend Merge the contents of two or more objects together into the first object. Boot.extend( target, [object1], [objectN] ) Parameters target - An object that will receive the new properties if additional objects are passed in [or that will extend the Boot namespace if it is the sole argument]. object1 - An object containing additional properties to merge in. objectN - Additional objects containing properties to merge in. */ function extend() { var args = arguments, target = args[0], name, source, i = 1, // Source pointer. l = args.length; // Feature to consider: // If it's a string, we should grab the // object from our modules. // if ( isString( target ) ) { // target = modules[ target ]; // } /* // If the length is 1, extend Boot, and // set the source to thefirst argument. // // Artz: Removing this, think this is not // worth the bytes and/or non-intuitive. if ( l === i ) { target = global; i = 0; } */ for (; i < l; i++ ) { source = args[i]; for ( name in source ) { if ( source.hasOwnProperty(name) ) { // If an object or array and NOT a DOM node, we need to deep copy. // Artz: Should isObject weed out elements, maybe? if ( isObject( source[name] ) && ! isElement( source[name] ) ) { target[name] = extend( isArray( source[name] ) ? [] : {}, target[name], source[name] ); } else { target[name] = source[name]; } } } } return target; } // global.extend = extend; /* Boot.setup A function that appends a new "option" method on a method to allow developers to override default options. */ function setup( method, defaultOptions ) { defaultOptions = defaultOptions || {}; // Create an option method on the method. method.option = function( key, value ) { if ( isString( key ) ) { // Retrieve an option using the key. if ( value === undefined ) { return defaultOptions[ key ]; // Set an option using a key. } else { defaultOptions[ key ] = value; } // Extend the default options. } else if ( isObject( key ) ) { extend( defaultOptions, key ); // Return a copy of the current options. } else { return extend( {}, defaultOptions ); } }; // return global; } // global.setup = setup; /* Boot.poll Function useful for checking/polling something and then executing a callback once it's true. */ var timers = {}, timerId = 0; function poll( check, callback, pollDelay, timeout ){ var name = timerId++, start = now(), time, isTimeout = false; // Internet Explorer needs at least a 1 for setInterval. pollDelay = pollDelay || 1; timers[ name ] = setInterval(function(){ time = now() - start; if ( check() || ( timeout && ( isTimeout = time > timeout )) ) { callback.call( window, isTimeout, time ); clearInterval( timers[ name ] ); } }, pollDelay ); } // global.poll = poll; /* Simple add/remove classname functions. Valuable as Boot.removeClass / Boot.addClass or jQuery's job? Supports multiple class additions. */ function addClass( elem, classNames ) { // Adding the class name greedily won't // hurt and keeps things small. classNames = classNames.split( strSpace ); var elemClassName = elem.className, className, l = classNames.length, reg; while ( l-- ) { className = classNames[l]; reg = new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + className + "(\\s|$)"); if ( ! reg.test( elem.className ) ) { elemClassName += strSpace + className; } } elem.className = elemClassName; } // Supports multiple class removals. function removeClass( elem, classNames ) { classNames = classNames.split( strSpace ); var elemClassName = elem.className, className, l = classNames.length, reg; while ( l-- ) { className = classNames[l]; reg = new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + className + "(\\s|$)", "g"); elemClassName = elemClassName.replace( reg, strSpace ); } elem.className = trim( elemClassName ); } /* Boot.inlineCSS Thanks Stoyan! http://www.phpied.com/dynamic-script-and-style-elements-in-ie/ */ function inlineCSS( css ){ var style = document.createElement("style"), textNode; // Stoyan says this is "absolutely required", // but so far has passed all our unit tests. // style.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); // This must happen before setting CSS for IE. head.insertBefore( style, head.firstChild ); // IE if ( style.styleSheet ) { style.styleSheet.cssText = css; // The World } else { textNode = document.createTextNode( css ); style.appendChild( textNode ); } } // global.inlineCSS = inlineCSS; /* Boot.createHTML Research: http://domscripting.com/blog/display/99 */ function createHTML( html ) { var div = document.createElement("c"); div.innerHTML = html; return div.firstChild; } // global.createHTML = createHTML; /* Boot.getFont */ var fontTestDiv, // Keep it empty until invoked the first time. fontTestDivStatus, strLoading = "-loading", strActive = "-active", strInactive = "-inactive", docElem = document.documentElement; function getFont() { var args = arguments, arg, options = getFont.option(), pollDelay = options.pollDelay, callback = options.callback, fontTemplate = /\{f\}/g, fontPathTemplate = /\{p\}/g, fontDiv, fontDivParent = docElem, fontName, namespacedFontName, fontPath, fontFace, fontfaceCSS = [], i = 0, l = args.length; // Create the test
on demand so as not to impact performance up front. if ( ! fontTestDiv ) { // Removed these (from webfontloader): // height:auto;line-height:normal;margin:0;padding:0;font-variant:normal; fontTestDiv = createHTML("
" ); } function fontReady( fontDiv, namespacedFontName ) { function fontReadyTest() { // Insert the
with font to be tested. fontDivParent.insertBefore( fontDiv, fontDivParent.firstChild ); // Poll the DOM every interval to see if width changes. poll(function(){ // alert( namespacedFontName + ": " + fontTestDiv.offsetWidth + "!==" + fontDiv.offsetWidth ); return fontTestDiv.offsetWidth !== fontDiv.offsetWidth; }, function( isTimeout ){ if ( isTimeout ) { removeClass( docElem, namespacedFontName + strLoading ); addClass( docElem, namespacedFontName + strInactive ); // publish( eventNamespace + namespacedFontName + strInactive ); } else { removeClass( docElem, namespacedFontName + strLoading ); addClass( docElem, namespacedFontName + strActive ); // publish( eventNamespace + namespacedFontName + strActive ); } if ( callback ) { callback( namespacedFontName, isTimeout ); } }, pollDelay, options.timeout ); } if ( fontTestDivStatus === 2 ) { fontReadyTest(); } else { // IE 6/7 is not ready yet, wait until it is. poll(function(){ return fontTestDivStatus === 2; }, fontReadyTest, pollDelay); } } // Artz: Not proud of this code but IE6/7 need to queue up // font requests and wait until a element exists. // Lots of polling and waiting going on here. Good news // is that all other browsers zip on through this mess. if ( ! fontTestDivStatus ) { // Indicate we already inserted the font test
. docElem.insertBefore( fontTestDiv, docElem.firstChild ); fontTestDivStatus = 1; // We detect if our
has a 0 width, something that // only happens in IE6/7. Internet Explorer appears to // need a test element inside the to apply CSS. if ( fontTestDiv.offsetWidth === 0 ) { // Poll until we have a body. When we do, update // our status so anyone watching knows. poll(function(){ return document.body; }, function(){ fontDivParent = document.body; fontDivParent.insertBefore( fontTestDiv, fontDivParent.firstChild ); fontTestDivStatus = 2; }, pollDelay); } else { fontTestDivStatus = 2; } } // Boot.each might be a cleaner approach, revisit someday (maybe). for (; i < l; i++ ) { arg = args[i]; if ( isString(arg) ) { fontName = arg.toLowerCase(); fontPath = options.path.replace( fontTemplate, fontName ); fontFace = options.fontface.replace( fontTemplate, fontName ).replace( fontPathTemplate, fontPath ); fontfaceCSS.push( fontFace ); fontDiv = fontTestDiv.cloneNode( true ); fontDiv.style.fontFamily = "'" + fontName + "',serif"; namespacedFontName = options.namespace + fontName; // Add the "loading" class for this font. addClass( docElem, namespacedFontName + strLoading ); fontReady( fontDiv, namespacedFontName ); // If we have an object, extend our current options. } else if ( isObject(arg) ) { extend( options, arg ); // If a function is present, add it as a callback to options. } else if ( isFunction(arg) ) { callback = arg; } } // Inject the @fontface rules into the head. inlineCSS( fontfaceCSS.join("") ); } setup( getFont, { namespace: "wf-", path: "fonts/{f}/{f}-webfont", pollDelay: 100, timeout: 10000, fontface: "@font-face { font-family: '{f}'; src: url('{p}.eot'); src: url('{p}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('{p}.woff') format('woff'), url('{p}.ttf') format('truetype'), url('{p}.svg#{f}') format('svg'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; }" }); if ( ! window[ global ] ) { window[ global ] = {}; } window[ global ].getFont = getFont; }("Boot", this, document));