angular.module('getLostApp', ['ngMaterial']). controller('MainCtrl', function($rootScope, $scope, $mdToast, $animate, $http, $timeout, $q, $log) { 'use strict'; // Initialize the scope variables $ = { origin: {}, maxfare: {}, returndate: new Date(), departuredate: new Date() }; $scope.prices = [{ show: '$200', value: 200 }, { show: '$300', value: 300 }, { show: '$400', value: 400 }, { show: '$500', value: 500 }, { show: '$600', value: 600 }, { show: '$700', value: 700 }, { show: '$800', value: 800 }, { show: '$900', value: 900 }, { show: '$1000', value: 1000 }, { show: '$1100', value: 1100 }, { show: '$1200', value: 1200 }, { show: '$1300', value: 1300 }, { show: '$1400', value: 1400 }, { show: '$1500', value: 1500 }]; // The main function that submits the data $scope.submit = function() { $scope.error = null; $scope.fareinfo = null; $http.get('/api/v1/places?origin=' + $scope.ctrl.selectedItem.value + '&departuredate=' + formatDate($ + '&returndate=' + formatDate($ + '&maxfare=' + $ .success(function(data) { $scope.results = data; $ =; if ($scope.results.status) { $scope.fareinfo = JSON.parse($; console.log($scope.fareinfo); $scope.showSimpleToast('Successfully got flight info'); } else { $scope.showSimpleToast('Error: ' + JSON.parse($ + '. Try again!'); } }) .error(function(err) { $scope.showSimpleToast('Error: ' + JSON.parse( + '. Try again!'); }); }; var self = this; self.states = []; (function getCityInformation() { var cities = []; $http.get('/api/v1/cities').success(function(data) { cities = (JSON.parse( || []; self.states = { return { value: state.code, display: state.code + '-' + state.countryName }; }); }).error(function(err) { $scope.showSimpleToast('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(err) + '. Try again!'); }); })(); self.querySearch = function(query) { var results = query ? self.states.filter(createFilterFor(query)) : self.states; return results; }; function createFilterFor(query) { var lowercaseQuery = angular.lowercase(query); return function filterFn(state) { return ((angular.lowercase(state.value)).indexOf(lowercaseQuery) === 0); }; } // Helper function to format the date function formatDate(date) { var d = new Date(date), month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1), day = '' + d.getDate(), year = d.getFullYear(); if (month.length < 2) { month = '0' + month; } if (day.length < 2) { day = '0' + day; } return [year, month, day].join('-'); } // Helper functions to show the toast message on success or error (function toastHelper() { $scope.toastPosition = { bottom: false, top: true, left: false, right: true, fit: true }; $scope.getToastPosition = function() { return Object.keys($scope.toastPosition) .filter(function(pos) { return $scope.toastPosition[pos]; }) .join(' '); }; $scope.showSimpleToast = function(msg) { $ $mdToast.simple() .content(msg) .position($scope.getToastPosition()) .hideDelay(3000) ); }; })(); });