# git badges like VS Code This plugin changes default Sublime Text git badges in left sidebar into VS Code looks. Instead of dots and chevrons there are letters `A`, `M`, `S` and `U`. Also colors are changed. Based on [OdatNurd's gist](https://gist.github.com/OdatNurd/4bb596e6162693567642b7aef4cab4c0) ## Install Install as plugin via [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Git%20badges%20like%20VS%20Code) > Note that this plugin works only on Sublime Text 3.2 and above *(>=3200)*, as in this version native git implementation was added. ### Usage with other than default themes If you are using another theme like Ayu or others, you cannot switch theme, but only color schema. Because there is difference between **Select color scheme** and **Select Theme**. So do the following: 1. Open command pallete (CTRL + Shift + P) and type **UI: Select Theme** and select Adaptive or Default/Default Dark. (**not** Ayu or others) 2. Open command pallete (CTRL + Shift + P) and type **UI: Select Color scheme** and select any of Ayu or others. ## How it looks ![New VC Code like badges](./screenshot.png) **Explanation:**
- New files are **green** with `U` badge (untracked) or `A` badge when added to staging area - Modified files are **yellow** with `M` badge when unstaged or `S` badge when staged - Folder of deleted file has no color (red evoke error) but has **red** circle badge - Conflicted file is **red** with git merge badge - Folder has always circle badge (no letter or icon) except Conflicted ## Contribute Contribution is welcome. Leave an Issue or Pull request ### Icons Icons must be in PNG format in RGB mode (not palette mode). Use prepared PSD in [Photopea](https://www.photopea.com), which can export file in RGB mode. ## Changelog ### v1.2.0 - Added new Default Dark theme, which was added in ST4 - Improved looks in Default (light) and Adaptive theme ### v1.1.0 - Create new `A`, `M`, `S` and `U` icons - Fixed path to custom icons