# Praxis ![Praxis](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ascendancyy/praxis/gh/images/screenshots/praxis_transparent.png) ## Installation If you're going to install with Git or manually you will need to open up your `Packages` directory by going to: `Preferences -> Browse Packages...`. ### Using Git While inside the `Packages` directory, clone the theme repository using the command below: git clone https://github.com/ascendancyy/praxis/ "Theme - Praxis" ### Manually Download the .zip file from GitHub and extract the folder into your `Packages` directory, then rename the extracted folder to: `Theme - Praxis` ### Using Package Control If you're a [Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) type of person, you can easily install Praxis via the `Package Control: Install Package` command. Just search for `Theme - Praxis` in the packages list. ## Activating the theme * Open your User Settings Preferences file: `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User` * Add (or change) your theme entry to be `"theme": "Praxis.sublime-theme"` **Example Sublime Text 3 User Settings:** { "theme": "Praxis.sublime-theme" } ## Additional Features ### Color scheme Praxis includes a leaner and modified version of [Monokai Extended](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/sublime-monokai-extended). You can enable the color scheme by going to `Preferences -> Color Scheme -> Theme - Praxis` and clicking on `Monokai (Praxis)` ### Alternate Tab Styles There are two available tab styles in Praxis: ![Praxis Tab Styles](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ascendancyy/praxis/gh/images/screenshots/tab_preview.png) Square tabs are used by default. You can enabled curved tabs by adding the following setting to your `Settings - User` file: "praxis_round_tabs": true ## License This work is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/). You are free to share and remix the theme, however please abide by the license terms when doing so.