= Document Title Doc Writer :reproducible: :listing-caption: Listing :source-highlighter: rouge :toc: // Uncomment next line to add a title page (or set doctype to book) //:title-page: // Uncomment next line to set page size (default is A4) //:pdf-page-size: Letter An example of a basic https://asciidoc.org[AsciiDoc] document prepared by {author}. == Introduction A paragraph followed by an unordered list{empty}footnote:[AsciiDoc supports unordered, ordered, and description lists.] with square bullets.footnote:[You may choose from square, disc, and circle for the bullet style.] [square] * item 1 * item 2 * item 3 == Main Here's how you say "`Hello, World!`" in Prawn: .Create a basic PDF document using Prawn [source,ruby] ---- require 'prawn' Prawn::Document.generate 'example.pdf' do text 'Hello, World!' end ---- == Conclusion That's all, folks!