# Sublime Test Plier | Master | Develop | |:------------------------|:------------------------| | [![Build Status][2]][1] | [![Build Status][3]][1] | | [![codecov][13]][11] | [![codecov][14]][12] | This [Sublime Text 3 (only)][4] plugin allows python developers to run (a single or more) tests quickly from within a project environment. ### Preface Unlike [other plugins for running python tests][5], which mostly use a regex pattern to find a given test to run, Sublime Test Plier parses the source [using AST][6], and locates the class/method/function whose definition contains the caret position. The found results are passed as named arguments to the test command, which can be anything (`py.test`, `nosetests`, `python manage.py` or `your-own-test-runner`). ## Usage The simplest usage is simply running the build system; ctrl+shift+b (super+shift+b on OSX) and select **test_plier - Python Tests** from the build system selection drop-down, after using it once you may hit ctrl+b (super+b on OSX) to run the build system again. Alternatively, select **test_plier - Python Tests (external)** to run the test in [an external terminal window](#launching-an-external-terminal-window). _Note: this works by running the test runner executable found using the same environment varaibles SublimeText was launched with; which, will work for the simplest of cases, but for most projects you will want to configure the test environment; for more details on this see [configuration section](#configuration) below._ ### Run a specific test This is the main reason for using Test Plier: you can use it to run a specified test module, class or function by placing the caret at the desired test location prior to running test all placeholders are replaced in `cmd` by the located test and selected text. ### Launching an external terminal window By default the test command is passed to SublimeText's built-in `exec` command which spawns the command and pipes it's output to the build results panel in the editor. In most cases this is sufficient; but sometimes, an external terminal window is preferred, most often when user input is required (e.g pdb entered). Luckily, it is now possible to pass the test command to run in an external terminal window. If `RunPythonTestsCommand.external_runner` is set (e.g in a subclass), or the build system kwargs contains an "external" property, the given command array is executed. The existing command kwargs are parsed into a "shell-friendly" command (delimited arguments) that is passed as to this "external" command. #### Default/Example An example for an external command execution helpers is provided in the `utils/` sub-dir. And when "external" command argument is set to `true`, the `utils/run_externally.py` is launched, and this spawns a child process that calls `osascript launch_in_iterm.applescript` to run the test in an iTerm session ([iTerm is an OSX terminal][9]). If you add your own terminal/os don't forget to submit a pull-request :) ! ## Configuration ### Test Command By default the command we run is `pytest {filename}::{test_class}::{test_func} -k {selection} --doctest-modules -v`. Let us look at the substitute arguments with more detail: - `--doctest-modules - ` if no UnitTest class/method given run module unittests - `-v - ` verbose test output Placeholder arguments are optional, and will be cleanly removed where possible: - `{filename} - ` test target file - `{test_class} - ` test target class - `{test_func} - ` test target function/method - `-k {selection} - ` use selected text as pattern You may customize the command and any of it's parameters (all optional) in your `project.sublime-project` settings. ### Build arguments When setting up your build system, you may specify additional arguments: | argument | description | | --- | --- | | *cmd* | list of cmd line arguments as described in the above section | | *env* | key/value pair of ENV_VARIABLE: "value" to be passed to the process | | *extra_cmd_args* | extra arguments to add to the default command | | *working_dir* | set the working dir (reqiored to import the currently run module) | | *python_executable* | absolute path to a python executable, to run module parsing (AST) with, rather than the built-in python version (which is limited to 3.3 as of Sublime Text 3 build 3124, and through 7/2019) | | *sep_cleanup* | override the default seperator ("::") to strip inbetween interpolated parts. | | *syntax* | syntax file to use for styling the build result panel | | *external* | set to `true` to run the default external command (a python script that launches the test in existing or new iterm window); can be a list of arguments to launch custom commands (see `get_default_command()` function in [`utils/__init__.py`](https://github.com/asfaltboy/SublimeTestPlier/blob/8e86faa466744b2328070bc697306eb724b4ff44/utils/__init__.py#L100) for an example, and the [relevant section above](#launching-an-external-terminal-window)) | **IMPORTANT:** The only required argument of the build system is the **target**. It _must_ be set to `run_python_tests` command, in order to execute build with SublimeTestPlier's command. ### Examples For example Django's test runner can be run like so: ```json { "build_systems": [ { "cmd": [ "python", "manage.py", "test", "--noinput", "{filename}:{test_class}.{test_func}", "--settings=test_settings" ], "env": { "PYTHONPATH": "/home/user/.venvs/project/lib/python2.7/site-packages", "REUSE_DB": "1" // WARNING: remember to use strings as values }, "name": "Django Test", "target": "run_python_tests", "working_dir": "${project_path}/project/" } ] } ``` A py.test runner can be cofigured like this: ```json { "build_systems": [ { "cmd": [ "/home/user/.venvs/project/bin/pytest", "{filename}::{test_class}::{test_func}", "-k {selection}", "--doctest-modules", "-v" ], "name": "Pytest Runner", "target": "run_python_tests" } ] } ``` For more info on the SublimeText build-system configuration see [the unofficial documentation][7]. ## Sublime ANSI This plugin supports passing the command through [SublimeANSI][8] to display ANSI colors in the ST output panel. This will be automatically activated if the plugin is installed. ## Contributing Please refer to the [contributing documentation][10] [1]: https://travis-ci.org/asfaltboy/SublimeTestPlier [2]: https://travis-ci.org/asfaltboy/SublimeTestPlier.svg?branch=master [3]: https://travis-ci.org/asfaltboy/SublimeTestPlier.svg?branch=develop [4]: http://www.sublimetext.com/3 [5]: https://packagecontrol.io/search/test+python [6]: test_parser.py [7]: http://sublime-text-unofficial-documentation.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/build_systems/configuration.html [8]: https://github.com/aziz/SublimeANSI [9]: https://www.iterm2.com/ [10]: CONTRIBUTING.md [11]: https://codecov.io/gh/asfaltboy/SublimeTestPlier?branch=master [12]: https://codecov.io/gh/asfaltboy/SublimeTestPlier?branch=develop [13]: https://codecov.io/gh/asfaltboy/SublimeTestPlier/branch/master/graph/badge.svg [14]: https://codecov.io/gh/asfaltboy/SublimeTestPlier/branch/develop/graph/badge.svg