;; init-7.scm -- core library procedures for R7RS ;; Copyright (c) 2009-2021 Alex Shinn. All rights reserved. ;; BSD-style license: http://synthcode.com/license.txt (define (caar x) (car (car x))) (define (cadr x) (car (cdr x))) (define (cdar x) (cdr (car x))) (define (cddr x) (cdr (cdr x))) (define (cons-source kar kdr source) ((lambda (pair source) (if (pair? source) (pair-source-set! pair (pair-source source))) pair) (cons kar kdr) (strip-syntactic-closures source))) (define (not x) (if x #f #t)) (define (boolean? x) (if (eq? x #t) #t (eq? x #f))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; basic utils (define (procedure? x) (if (closure? x) #t (opcode? x))) (define (length ls) (if (list? ls) (length* ls) (error "length: not a list" ls))) (define (list . args) args) (define (list-tail ls k) (if (eq? k 0) ls (list-tail (cdr ls) (- k 1)))) (define (list-ref ls k) (car (list-tail ls k))) (define (append-helper ls res) (if (null? ls) res (append-helper (cdr ls) (append2 (car ls) res)))) (define (append . o) (if (null? o) '() ((lambda (lol) (append-helper (cdr lol) (car lol))) (reverse o)))) (define (apply proc arg1 . args) (if (null? args) (apply1 proc arg1) ((lambda (lol) (apply1 proc (append2 (reverse (cdr lol)) (car lol)))) (reverse (cons arg1 args))))) ;; map with a fast-path for single lists (define (map proc ls . lol) (define (map1 proc ls res) (if (pair? ls) (map1 proc (cdr ls) (cons (proc (car ls)) res)) (if (null? ls) (reverse res) (error "map: improper list" ls)))) (define (mapn proc lol res) (if (every pair? lol) (mapn proc (map1 cdr lol '()) (cons (apply proc (map1 car lol '())) res)) (if (every (lambda (x) (if (null? x) #t (pair? x))) lol) (reverse res) (error "map: improper list in list" lol)))) (if (null? lol) (map1 proc ls '()) (mapn proc (cons ls lol) '()))) (define (for-each f ls . lol) (define (for1 f ls) (if (pair? ls) (begin (f (car ls)) (for1 f (cdr ls))) (if (not (null? ls)) (error "for-each: improper list" ls)))) (if (null? lol) (for1 f ls) (begin (apply map f ls lol) (if #f #f)))) (define (any pred ls . lol) (define (any1 pred ls) (if (pair? (cdr ls)) ((lambda (x) (if x x (any1 pred (cdr ls)))) (pred (car ls))) (pred (car ls)))) (define (anyn pred lol) (if (every pair? lol) ((lambda (x) (if x x (anyn pred (map cdr lol)))) (apply pred (map car lol))) #f)) (if (null? lol) (if (pair? ls) (any1 pred ls) #f) (anyn pred (cons ls lol)))) (define (every pred ls . lol) (define (every1 pred ls) (if (null? (cdr ls)) (pred (car ls)) (if (pred (car ls)) (every1 pred (cdr ls)) #f))) (if (null? lol) (if (pair? ls) (every1 pred ls) #t) (not (apply any (lambda xs (not (apply pred xs))) ls lol)))) (define (error msg . args) (raise (make-exception 'user msg args #f #f))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; syntax (define close-syntax (lambda (form env) (make-syntactic-closure env '() form))) (define make-renamer (lambda (mac-env) (define rename ((lambda (renames) (lambda (identifier) ((lambda (cell) (if cell (cdr cell) ((lambda (name) (set! renames (cons (cons identifier name) renames)) name) ((lambda (id) (syntactic-closure-set-rename! id rename) id) (close-syntax identifier mac-env))))) (assq identifier renames)))) '())) rename)) (define sc-macro-transformer (lambda (f) (lambda (expr use-env mac-env) (close-syntax (f expr use-env) mac-env)))) (define rsc-macro-transformer (lambda (f) (lambda (expr use-env mac-env) (f expr mac-env)))) (define er-macro-transformer (lambda (f) (lambda (expr use-env mac-env) (f expr (make-renamer mac-env) (lambda (x y) (identifier=? use-env x use-env y)))))) (define-syntax cond (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (if (null? (cdr expr)) (if #f #f) ((lambda (cl) (if (compare (rename 'else) (car cl)) (if (pair? (cddr expr)) (error "non-final else in cond" expr) (cons (rename 'begin) (cdr cl))) (if (if (null? (cdr cl)) #t (compare (rename '=>) (cadr cl))) (list (list (rename 'lambda) (list (rename 'tmp)) (list (rename 'if) (rename 'tmp) (if (null? (cdr cl)) (rename 'tmp) (list (car (cddr cl)) (rename 'tmp))) (cons (rename 'cond) (cddr expr)))) (car cl)) (list (rename 'if) (car cl) (cons (rename 'begin) (cdr cl)) (cons (rename 'cond) (cddr expr)))))) (cadr expr)))))) (define-syntax or (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (cond ((null? (cdr expr)) #f) ((null? (cddr expr)) (cadr expr)) (else (list (rename 'let) (list (list (rename 'tmp) (cadr expr))) (list (rename 'if) (rename 'tmp) (rename 'tmp) (cons (rename 'or) (cddr expr))))))))) (define-syntax and (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (cond ((null? (cdr expr))) ((null? (cddr expr)) (cadr expr)) (else (list (rename 'if) (cadr expr) (cons (rename 'and) (cddr expr)) #f)))))) (define-syntax quasiquote (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (define (qq x d) (cond ((pair? x) (cond ((compare (rename 'unquote) (car x)) (if (<= d 0) (cadr x) (list (rename 'list) (list (rename 'quote) 'unquote) (qq (cadr x) (- d 1))))) ((compare (rename 'unquote-splicing) (car x)) (if (<= d 0) (list (rename 'cons-source) (qq (car x) d) (qq (cdr x) d) (list (rename 'quote) x)) (list (rename 'list) (list (rename 'quote) 'unquote-splicing) (qq (cadr x) (- d 1))))) ((compare (rename 'quasiquote) (car x)) (list (rename 'list) (list (rename 'quote) 'quasiquote) (qq (cadr x) (+ d 1)))) ((and (<= d 0) (pair? (car x)) (compare (rename 'unquote-splicing) (caar x))) (if (null? (cdr x)) (cadr (car x)) (list (rename 'append) (cadr (car x)) (qq (cdr x) d)))) (else (list (rename 'cons-source) (qq (car x) d) (qq (cdr x) d) (list (rename 'quote) x))))) ((vector? x) (list (rename 'list->vector) (qq (vector->list x) d))) ((if (identifier? x) #t (null? x)) (list (rename 'quote) x)) (else x))) (qq (cadr expr) 0)))) (define-syntax letrec (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) ((lambda (defs) `((,(rename 'lambda) () ,@defs ,@(cddr expr)))) (map (lambda (x) (cons (rename 'define) x)) (cadr expr)))))) (define-syntax let (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (if (null? (cdr expr)) (error "empty let" expr)) (if (null? (cddr expr)) (error "no let body" expr)) ((lambda (bindings) (if (list? bindings) #f (error "bad let bindings")) (if (every (lambda (x) (if (pair? x) (if (pair? (cdr x)) (null? (cddr x)) #f) #f)) bindings) ((lambda (vars vals) (if (identifier? (cadr expr)) `((,(rename 'lambda) ,vars (,(rename 'letrec) ((,(cadr expr) (,(rename 'lambda) ,vars ,@(cdr (cddr expr))))) (,(cadr expr) ,@vars))) ,@vals) ((lambda (res) (pair-source-set! res (pair-source expr)) res) `((,(rename 'lambda) ,vars ,@(cddr expr)) ,@vals)))) (map car bindings) (map cadr bindings)) (error "bad let syntax" expr))) (if (identifier? (cadr expr)) (car (cddr expr)) (cadr expr)))))) (define-syntax let* (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (if (null? (cdr expr)) (error "empty let*" expr)) (if (null? (cddr expr)) (error "no let* body" expr)) (if (null? (cadr expr)) `(,(rename 'let) () ,@(cddr expr)) (if (if (list? (cadr expr)) (every (lambda (x) (if (pair? x) (if (pair? (cdr x)) (null? (cddr x)) #f) #f)) (cadr expr)) #f) `(,(rename 'let) (,(caar (cdr expr))) (,(rename 'let*) ,(cdar (cdr expr)) ,@(cddr expr))) (error "bad let* syntax")))))) (define-syntax case (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (define (body exprs) (cond ((null? exprs) (rename 'tmp)) ((compare (rename '=>) (car exprs)) `(,(cadr exprs) ,(rename 'tmp))) (else `(,(rename 'begin) ,@exprs)))) (define (clause ls) (cond ((null? ls) #f) ((compare (rename 'else) (caar ls)) (body (cdar ls))) ((and (pair? (car (car ls))) (null? (cdr (car (car ls))))) `(,(rename 'if) (,(rename 'eqv?) ,(rename 'tmp) (,(rename 'quote) ,(car (caar ls)))) ,(body (cdar ls)) ,(clause (cdr ls)))) (else `(,(rename 'if) (,(rename 'memv) ,(rename 'tmp) (,(rename 'quote) ,(caar ls))) ,(body (cdar ls)) ,(clause (cdr ls)))))) `(,(rename 'let) ((,(rename 'tmp) ,(cadr expr))) ,(clause (cddr expr)))))) (define-syntax do (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (let* ((body `(,(rename 'begin) ,@(cdr (cddr expr)) (,(rename 'lp) ,@(map (lambda (x) (if (pair? (cddr x)) (if (pair? (cdr (cddr x))) (error "too many forms in do iterator" x) (car (cddr x))) (car x))) (cadr expr))))) (check (car (cddr expr))) (wrap (if (null? (cdr check)) `(,(rename 'let) ((,(rename 'tmp) ,(car check))) (,(rename 'if) ,(rename 'tmp) ,(rename 'tmp) ,body)) `(,(rename 'if) ,(car check) (,(rename 'begin) ,@(cdr check)) ,body)))) `(,(rename 'let) ,(rename 'lp) ,(map (lambda (x) (list (car x) (cadr x))) (cadr expr)) ,wrap))))) (define-syntax delay-force (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (if (null? (cdr expr)) (error "not enough args" expr)) (if (not (null? (cddr expr))) (error "too many args" expr)) `(,(rename 'promise) #f (,(rename 'lambda) () ,(cadr expr)))))) (define-syntax delay (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (if (null? (cdr expr)) (error "not enough args" expr)) (if (not (null? (cddr expr))) (error "too many args" expr)) `(,(rename 'delay-force) (,(rename 'promise) #t ,(cadr expr)))))) (define-syntax define-auxiliary-syntax (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) `(,(rename 'define-syntax) ,(cadr expr) (,(rename 'er-macro-transformer) (,(rename 'lambda) (expr rename compare) (,(rename 'error) "invalid use of auxiliary syntax" ',(cadr expr)))))))) (define-auxiliary-syntax _) (define-auxiliary-syntax =>) (define-auxiliary-syntax ...) (define-auxiliary-syntax else) (define-auxiliary-syntax unquote) (define-auxiliary-syntax unquote-splicing) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; SRFI-0 (define-syntax cond-expand (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (define (check x) (if (pair? x) (case (car x) ((and) (every check (cdr x))) ((or) (any check (cdr x))) ((not) (not (check (cadr x)))) ((library) (eval `(find-module ',(cadr x)) (%meta-env))) (else (error "cond-expand: bad feature" x))) (memq (identifier->symbol x) *features*))) (let expand ((ls (cdr expr))) (cond ((null? ls)) ; (error "cond-expand: no expansions" expr) ((not (pair? (car ls))) (error "cond-expand: bad clause" (car ls))) ((eq? 'else (identifier->symbol (caar ls))) (if (pair? (cdr ls)) (error "cond-expand: else in non-final position") `(,(rename 'begin) ,@(cdar ls)))) ((check (caar ls)) `(,(rename 'begin) ,@(cdar ls))) (else (expand (cdr ls)))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; string cursors (define (string-copy str . o) (apply substring str (if (pair? o) o '(0)))) (cond-expand (safe-string-cursors (define Safe-String-Cursor (register-simple-type "Safe-String-Cursor" #f '(string where size))) (define %make-string-cursor (make-constructor "%make-string-cursor" Safe-String-Cursor)) (set! string-cursor? (make-type-predicate "string-cursor?" Safe-String-Cursor)) (define string-cursor-string (make-getter "string-cursor-string" Safe-String-Cursor 0)) (define string-cursor-string-set! (make-setter "string-cursor-string-set!" Safe-String-Cursor 0)) (define string-cursor-where (make-getter "string-cursor-where" Safe-String-Cursor 1)) (define string-cursor-where-set! (make-setter "string-cursor-where-set!" Safe-String-Cursor 1)) (define string-cursor-size (make-getter "string-cursor-size" Safe-String-Cursor 2)) (define string-cursor-size-set! (make-setter "string-cursor-size-set!" Safe-String-Cursor 2)) (define (make-string-cursor string where size) (let ((res (%make-string-cursor))) (string-cursor-string-set! res string) (string-cursor-where-set! res where) (string-cursor-size-set! res size) res)) (define (validate-cursor str sc) (cond ((not (eq? str (string-cursor-string sc))) (error "attempt to use string cursor on different string" str sc)) ((not (= (string-size str) (string-cursor-size sc))) (error "string has mutated since cursor was created" str sc)))) (define orig-string-cursor-offset string-cursor-offset) (define orig-string-cursor->index string-cursor->index) (define orig-string-index->cursor string-index->cursor) (define orig-substring-cursor substring-cursor) (define orig-string-cursor-end string-cursor-end) (set! string-cursor-offset (lambda (sc) (orig-string-cursor-offset (string-cursor-where sc)))) (set! string-cursor->index (lambda (str sc) (orig-string-cursor->index str (string-cursor-where sc)))) (set! string-index->cursor (lambda (str i) (make-string-cursor str (orig-string-index->cursor str i) (string-size str)))) (set! substring-cursor (lambda (str start . o) (validate-cursor str start) (cond ((pair? o) (validate-cursor str (car o)) (orig-substring-cursor str (string-cursor-where start) (string-cursor-where (car o)))) (else (orig-substring-cursor str (string-cursor-where start)))))) (define (string-cursor=? sc1 sc2 . o) (and (equal? ((values string-cursor-offset) sc1) ((values string-cursor-offset) sc2)) (or (null? o) (apply string-cursor=? sc2 o)))) (define (string-cursor? sc1 sc2 . o) (and (> ((values string-cursor-offset) sc1) ((values string-cursor-offset) sc2)) (or (null? o) (apply string-cursor>? sc2 o)))) (define (string-cursor>=? sc1 sc2 . o) (and (>= ((values string-cursor-offset) sc1) ((values string-cursor-offset) sc2)) (or (null? o) (apply string-cursor>=? sc2 o)))) (define string-cursor-start (let ((start (string-index->cursor "" 0))) (lambda (s) (make-string-cursor s start (string-size s))))) (set! string-cursor-end (lambda (s) (let ((end (orig-string-cursor-end s))) (make-string-cursor s end (string-size s))))) (define (string-size s) (orig-string-cursor-offset (orig-string-cursor-end s))) (define orig-string-cursor-ref string-cursor-ref) (define orig-string-cursor-next string-cursor-next) (define orig-string-cursor-prev string-cursor-prev) (set! string-cursor-ref (lambda (str sc) (validate-cursor str sc) (orig-string-cursor-ref str (string-cursor-where sc)))) (set! string-cursor-next (lambda (str sc) (validate-cursor str sc) (make-string-cursor str (orig-string-cursor-next str (string-cursor-where sc)) (string-cursor-size sc)))) (set! string-cursor-prev (lambda (str sc) (validate-cursor str sc) (make-string-cursor str (orig-string-cursor-prev str (string-cursor-where sc)) (string-cursor-size sc))))) (full-unicode (define string-cursor=? eq?) (define string-cursor-start (let ((start (string-index->cursor "" 0))) (lambda (s) start))) (define (string-size s) (string-cursor-offset (string-cursor-end s)))) (else (define string-cursor? fixnum?) (define string-cursor=? eq?) (define string-cursor? >) (define string-cursor>=? >=) (define (string-index->cursor str i) i) (define (string-cursor->index str off) off) (define (string-cursor-offset str off) off) (define string-size string-length) (define substring-cursor substring) (define (string-cursor-start s) 0) (define string-cursor-end string-length) (define string-cursor-ref string-ref) (define (string-cursor-next s i) (+ i 1)) (define (string-cursor-prev s i) (- i 1)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; library functions ;; char utils (define (char-alphabetic? ch) (<= 65 (char->integer (char-upcase ch)) 90)) (define (char-numeric? ch) (<= 48 (char->integer ch) 57)) (define (char-whitespace? ch) (if (eq? ch #\space) #t (if (eq? ch #\tab) #t (if (eq? ch #\newline) #t (if (eq? ch #\xC0) #f (eq? ch #\return)))))) (define (char-upper-case? ch) (<= 65 (char->integer ch) 90)) (define (char-lower-case? ch) (<= 97 (char->integer ch) 122)) (define (char-cmp op a ls) (let lp ((op op) (a (char->integer a)) (ls ls)) (if (null? ls) #t (let ((b (char->integer (car ls)))) (and (op a b) (lp op b (cdr ls))))))) (define (char=? a . ls) (char-cmp = a ls)) (define (char? a . ls) (char-cmp > a ls)) (define (char<=? a . ls) (char-cmp <= a ls)) (define (char>=? a . ls) (char-cmp >= a ls)) (define (char-cmp-ci op a ls) (let lp ((op op) (a (char->integer (char-downcase a))) (ls ls)) (if (null? ls) #t (let ((b (char->integer (char-downcase (car ls))))) (and (op a b) (lp op b (cdr ls))))))) (define (char-ci=? a . ls) (char-cmp-ci = a ls)) (define (char-ci? a . ls) (char-cmp-ci > a ls)) (define (char-ci<=? a . ls) (char-cmp-ci <= a ls)) (define (char-ci>=? a . ls) (char-cmp-ci >= a ls)) ;; string utils (define (digit-char n) (if (<= n 9) (integer->char (+ n (char->integer #\0))) (integer->char (+ (- n 10) (char->integer #\a))))) (define (%number->string num) (call-with-output-string (lambda (out) (write num out)))) (define (number->string num . o) (cond ((not (number? num)) (error "not a number" num)) ((if (null? o) #t (eq? 10 (car o))) (%number->string num)) (else (let ((d (car o))) (cond ((%complex? num) (let ((real (real-part num)) (imag (imag-part num))) (string-append (number->string real d) (if (negative? imag) "-" "+") (number->string imag d) "i"))) ((inexact? num) (string-append "#i" (number->string (inexact->exact num) d))) ((ratio? num) (string-append (number->string (numerator num) d) "/" (number->string (denominator num) d))) (else (let lp ((n (abs num)) (res '())) (cond ((> n 0) (lp (quotient n d) (cons (digit-char (remainder n d)) res))) ((null? res) "0") (else (list->string (if (negative? num) (cons #\- res) res))))))))))) (define (list->string ls) (call-with-output-string (lambda (out) (for-each (lambda (ch) (write-char ch out)) ls)))) (define (string->list str . o) (cond ((null? o) (let ((start (string-cursor-start str))) (let lp ((i (string-cursor-prev str (string-cursor-end str))) (res '())) (if (string-cursorlist (apply substring str o))))) (define (string-fill! str ch . o) (let ((start (if (pair? o) (car o) 0)) (end (if (and (pair? o) (pair? (cdr o))) (cadr o) (string-length str)))) (let lp ((i (- end 1))) (if (>= i start) (begin (string-set! str i ch) (lp (- i 1))))))) (define (string . args) (list->string args)) (define (string-append . args) (string-concatenate args)) (define (string-cmp-ls op ci? s ls) (if (null? ls) #t (and (op (string-cmp s (car ls) ci?) 0) (string-cmp-ls op ci? (car ls) (cdr ls))))) (define (string=? s . ls) (string-cmp-ls eq? #f s ls)) (define (string? s . ls) (string-cmp-ls > #f s ls)) (define (string<=? s . ls) (string-cmp-ls <= #f s ls)) (define (string>=? s . ls) (string-cmp-ls >= #f s ls)) (define (string-ci=? s . ls) (string-cmp-ls eq? #t s ls)) (define (string-ci? s . ls) (string-cmp-ls > #t s ls)) (define (string-ci<=? s . ls) (string-cmp-ls <= #t s ls)) (define (string-ci>=? s . ls) (string-cmp-ls >= #t s ls)) ;; list utils (define (make-list n . o) (let ((default (if (pair? o) (car o)))) (let lp ((n n) (res '())) (if (<= n 0) res (lp (- n 1) (cons default res)))))) (define (list-copy ls) (let lp ((ls ls) (res '())) (if (pair? ls) (lp (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) res)) (append (reverse res) ls)))) (define (member obj ls . o) (let ((eq (if (pair? o) (car o) equal?))) (let lp ((ls ls)) (and (pair? ls) (if (eq obj (car ls)) ls (lp (cdr ls))))))) (define (memv obj ls) (member obj ls eqv?)) (define (assoc obj ls . o) (let ((eq (if (pair? o) (car o) equal?))) (let assoc ((ls ls)) (cond ((null? ls) #f) ((eq obj (caar ls)) (car ls)) (else (assoc (cdr ls))))))) (define (assv obj ls) (assoc obj ls eqv?)) (define (find-tail pred ls) (and (pair? ls) (if (pred (car ls)) ls (find-tail pred (cdr ls))))) (define (find pred ls) (cond ((find-tail pred ls) => car) (else #f))) ;; vector utils (define (vector-copy vec . o) (let* ((start (if (pair? o) (car o) 0)) (end (if (and (pair? o) (pair? (cdr o))) (cadr o) (vector-length vec))) (res (make-vector (- end start)))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (j start (+ j 1))) ((>= j end) res) (vector-set! res i (vector-ref vec j))))) (define (list->vector ls) (let ((vec (make-vector (length ls) #f))) (let lp ((ls ls) (i 0)) (if (pair? ls) (begin (vector-set! vec i (car ls)) (lp (cdr ls) (+ i 1))))) vec)) (define (vector->list vec . o) (let ((start (if (pair? o) (car o) 0)) (end (if (and (pair? o) (pair? (cdr o))) (cadr o) (vector-length vec)))) (let lp ((i (- end 1)) (res '())) (if (< i start) res (lp (- i 1) (cons (vector-ref vec i) res)))))) (define (vector-fill! vec ch . o) (let ((start (if (pair? o) (car o) 0)) (end (if (and (pair? o) (pair? (cdr o))) (cadr o) (vector-length vec)))) (let lp ((i (- end 1))) (if (>= i start) (begin (vector-set! vec i ch) (lp (- i 1))))))) (define (vector . args) (list->vector args)) ;; I/O utils (define (display x . o) (let ((out (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-output-port)))) (cond ((char? x) (write-char x out)) ((string? x) (%write-string x #t out)) (else (write x out))))) (define (newline . o) (write-char #\newline (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-output-port)))) (define (port? x) (or (input-port? x) (output-port? x))) (define textual-port? port?) (define (call-with-input-string str proc) (let* ((in (open-input-string str)) (res (proc in))) (close-input-port in) res)) (define (call-with-output-string proc) (let ((out (open-output-string))) (proc out) (let ((res (get-output-string out))) (close-output-port out) res))) (define (call-with-input-file file proc) (let* ((in (open-input-file file)) (res (proc in))) (close-input-port in) res)) (define (call-with-output-file file proc) (let* ((out (open-output-file file)) (res (proc out))) (close-output-port out) res)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; values (define *values-tag* (list 'values)) (define (%values ls) (if (and (pair? ls) (null? (cdr ls))) (car ls) (cons *values-tag* ls))) (define (values . ls) (%values ls)) (define (call-with-values producer consumer) (let ((res (producer))) (if (and (pair? res) (eq? *values-tag* (car res))) (apply consumer (cdr res)) (consumer res)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; dynamic-wind (define %make-point vector) (define (%point-depth point) (vector-ref point 0)) (define (%point-in point) (vector-ref point 1)) (define (%point-out point) (vector-ref point 2)) (define (%point-parent point) (vector-ref point 3)) (define root-point ; Shared among all state spaces (%make-point 0 (lambda () (error "winding in to root!")) (lambda () (error "winding out of root!")) #f)) (cond-expand (threads) (else (define %dk (let ((dk root-point)) (lambda o (if (pair? o) (set! dk (car o)) dk)))))) (%dk root-point) (define (dynamic-wind in body out) (in) (let ((here (%dk))) (%dk (%make-point (+ (%point-depth here) 1) in out here)) (let ((res (body))) (%dk here) (out) res))) (define (travel-to-point! here target) (cond ((eq? here target) 'done) ((< (%point-depth here) (%point-depth target)) (travel-to-point! here (%point-parent target)) ((%point-in target))) (else ((%point-out here)) (travel-to-point! (%point-parent here) target)))) (define (continuation->procedure cont point) (lambda res (travel-to-point! (%dk) point) (%dk point) (cont (%values res)))) (define (call-with-current-continuation proc) (%call/cc (lambda (cont) (proc (continuation->procedure cont (%dk)))))) (define (with-input-from-file file thunk) (let ((old-in (current-input-port)) (tmp-in (open-input-file file))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (current-input-port tmp-in)) (lambda () (let ((res (thunk))) (close-input-port tmp-in) res)) (lambda () (current-input-port old-in))))) (define (with-output-to-file file thunk) (let ((old-out (current-output-port)) (tmp-out (open-output-file file))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (current-output-port tmp-out)) (lambda () (let ((res (thunk))) (close-output-port tmp-out) res)) (lambda () (current-output-port old-out))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; syntax-rules (define (syntax-rules-transformer expr rename compare) (let ((ellipsis-specified? (identifier? (cadr expr))) (count 0) (_er-macro-transformer (rename 'er-macro-transformer)) (_lambda (rename 'lambda)) (_let (rename 'let)) (_begin (rename 'begin)) (_if (rename 'if)) (_and (rename 'and)) (_or (rename 'or)) (_eq? (rename 'eq?)) (_equal? (rename 'equal?)) (_car (rename 'car)) (_cdr (rename 'cdr)) (_cons (rename 'cons)) (_pair? (rename 'pair?)) (_null? (rename 'null?)) (_expr (rename 'expr)) (_rename (rename 'rename)) (_compare (rename 'compare)) (_quote (rename 'syntax-quote)) (_apply (rename 'apply)) (_append (rename 'append)) (_map (rename 'map)) (_vector? (rename 'vector?)) (_list? (rename 'list?)) (_len (rename 'len)) (_length (rename 'length*)) (_- (rename '-)) (_>= (rename '>=)) (_error (rename 'error)) (_ls (rename 'ls)) (_res (rename 'res)) (_i (rename 'i)) (_reverse (rename 'reverse)) (_vector->list (rename 'vector->list)) (_list->vector (rename 'list->vector)) (_cons3 (rename 'cons-source)) (_underscore (rename '_))) (define ellipsis (if ellipsis-specified? (cadr expr) (rename '...))) (define lits (if ellipsis-specified? (car (cddr expr)) (cadr expr))) (define forms (if ellipsis-specified? (cdr (cddr expr)) (cddr expr))) (define full-match? (any (lambda (x) (not (pair? (car x)))) forms)) (define (next-symbol s) (set! count (+ count 1)) (rename (string->symbol (string-append s (%number->string count))))) (define (expand-pattern pat tmpl) (let lp ((p (if full-match? pat (cdr pat))) (x (if full-match? _expr (list _cdr _expr))) (dim 0) (vars '()) (k (lambda (vars) (list _cons (expand-template tmpl vars) #f)))) (let ((v (next-symbol "v."))) (list _let (list (list v x)) (cond ((identifier? p) (cond ((ellipsis-mark? p) (error "bad ellipsis" p)) ((memq p lits) (list _and (list _compare v (list _rename (list _quote p))) (k vars))) ((compare p _underscore) (k vars)) (else (list _let (list (list p v)) (k (cons (cons p dim) vars)))))) ((ellipsis? p) (cond ((not (null? (cdr (cdr p)))) (cond ((any (lambda (x) (and (identifier? x) (ellipsis-mark? x))) (cddr p)) (error "multiple ellipses" p)) (else (let ((len (length* (cdr (cdr p)))) (_lp (next-symbol "lp."))) `(,_let ((,_len (,_length ,v))) (,_and (,_>= ,_len ,len) (,_let ,_lp ((,_ls ,v) (,_i (,_- ,_len ,len)) (,_res (,_quote ()))) (,_if (,_>= 0 ,_i) ,(lp `(,(cddr p) (,(car p) ,(car (cdr p)))) `(,_cons ,_ls (,_cons (,_reverse ,_res) (,_quote ()))) dim vars k) (,_lp (,_cdr ,_ls) (,_- ,_i 1) (,_cons3 (,_car ,_ls) ,_res ,_ls)))))))))) ((identifier? (car p)) (list _and (list _list? v) (list _let (list (list (car p) v)) (k (cons (cons (car p) (+ 1 dim)) vars))))) (else (let* ((w (next-symbol "w.")) (_lp (next-symbol "lp.")) (new-vars (all-vars (car p) (+ dim 1))) (ls-vars (map (lambda (x) (next-symbol (string-append (symbol->string (identifier->symbol (car x))) "-ls"))) new-vars)) (once (lp (car p) (list _car w) (+ dim 1) '() (lambda (_) (cons _lp (cons (list _cdr w) (map (lambda (x l) (list _cons (car x) l)) new-vars ls-vars))))))) (list _let _lp (cons (list w v) (map (lambda (x) (list x (list _quote '()))) ls-vars)) (list _if (list _null? w) (list _let (map (lambda (x l) (list (car x) (list _reverse l))) new-vars ls-vars) (k (append new-vars vars))) (list _and (list _pair? w) once))))))) ((pair? p) (list _and (list _pair? v) (lp (car p) (list _car v) dim vars (lambda (vars) (lp (cdr p) (list _cdr v) dim vars k))))) ((vector? p) (list _and (list _vector? v) (lp (vector->list p) (list _vector->list v) dim vars k))) ((null? p) (list _and (list _null? v) (k vars))) (else (list _and (list _equal? v p) (k vars)))))))) (define ellipsis-mark? (if (if ellipsis-specified? (memq ellipsis lits) (any (lambda (x) (compare ellipsis x)) lits)) (lambda (x) #f) (if ellipsis-specified? (lambda (x) (eq? ellipsis x)) (lambda (x) (compare ellipsis x))))) (define (ellipsis-escape? x) (and (pair? x) (ellipsis-mark? (car x)))) (define (ellipsis? x) (and (pair? x) (pair? (cdr x)) (ellipsis-mark? (cadr x)))) (define (ellipsis-depth x) (if (ellipsis? x) (+ 1 (ellipsis-depth (cdr x))) 0)) (define (ellipsis-tail x) (if (ellipsis? x) (ellipsis-tail (cdr x)) (cdr x))) (define (all-vars x dim) (let lp ((x x) (dim dim) (vars '())) (cond ((identifier? x) (if (or (memq x lits) (compare x _underscore)) vars (cons (cons x dim) vars))) ((ellipsis? x) (lp (car x) (+ dim 1) (lp (cddr x) dim vars))) ((pair? x) (lp (car x) dim (lp (cdr x) dim vars))) ((vector? x) (lp (vector->list x) dim vars)) (else vars)))) (define (free-vars x vars dim) (let lp ((x x) (free '())) (cond ((identifier? x) (if (and (not (memq x free)) (cond ((assq x vars) => (lambda (cell) (>= (cdr cell) dim))) (else #f))) (cons x free) free)) ((pair? x) (lp (car x) (lp (cdr x) free))) ((vector? x) (lp (vector->list x) free)) (else free)))) (define (expand-template tmpl vars) (let lp ((t tmpl) (dim 0) (ell-esc #f)) (cond ((identifier? t) (cond ((find (lambda (v) (eq? t (car v))) vars) => (lambda (cell) (if (<= (cdr cell) dim) t (error "too few ...'s")))) (else (list _rename (list _quote t))))) ((pair? t) (cond ((and (ellipsis-escape? t) (not ell-esc)) (lp (if (and (pair? (cdr t)) (null? (cddr t))) (cadr t) (cdr t)) dim #t)) ((and (ellipsis? t) (not ell-esc)) (let* ((depth (ellipsis-depth t)) (ell-dim (+ dim depth)) (ell-vars (free-vars (car t) vars ell-dim))) (cond ((null? ell-vars) (error "too many ...'s")) ((and (null? (cdr (cdr t))) (identifier? (car t))) ;; shortcut for (var ...) (lp (car t) ell-dim ell-esc)) (else (let* ((once (lp (car t) ell-dim ell-esc)) (nest (if (and (null? (cdr ell-vars)) (identifier? once) (eq? once (car vars))) once ;; shortcut (cons _map (cons (list _lambda ell-vars once) ell-vars)))) (many (do ((d depth (- d 1)) (many nest (list _apply _append many))) ((= d 1) many)))) (if (null? (ellipsis-tail t)) many ;; shortcut (list _append many (lp (ellipsis-tail t) dim ell-esc)))))))) (else (list _cons3 (lp (car t) dim ell-esc) (lp (cdr t) dim ell-esc) (list _quote t))))) ((vector? t) (list _list->vector (lp (vector->list t) dim ell-esc))) ((null? t) (list _quote '())) (else t)))) (list _er-macro-transformer (list _lambda (list _expr _rename _compare) (list _car (cons _or (append (map (lambda (clause) (if (and (list? clause) (= (length clause) 2)) (expand-pattern (car clause) (cadr clause)) (error "invalid syntax-rules clause, which must be of the form (pattern template) (note fenders are not supported)" clause))) forms) (list (list _cons (list _error "no expansion for" (list (rename 'strip-syntactic-closures) _expr)) #f))))))))) (define-syntax syntax-rules (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (syntax-rules-transformer expr rename compare)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; let(rec)-syntax and datum->syntax (define (symbol->identifier id symbol) (cond ((symbol? id) symbol) ((syntactic-closure-rename id) => (lambda (renamer) (renamer symbol))) (else symbol))) ;; TODO: Handle cycles in datum. (define (datum->syntax id datum) (let loop ((datum datum)) (cond ((pair? datum) (cons (loop (car datum)) (loop (cdr datum)))) ((vector? datum) (do ((res (make-vector (vector-length datum))) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i (vector-length datum)) res) (vector-set! res i (loop (vector-ref datum i))))) ((symbol? datum) (symbol->identifier id datum)) (else datum)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; additional syntax (define-syntax syntax-error (er-macro-transformer (lambda (expr rename compare) (apply error (cdr expr))))) (define-syntax letrec* (syntax-rules () ((letrec* ((var val) ...) . body) (let () (define var val) ... . body)))) (define-syntax let-optionals* (syntax-rules () ((let-optionals* opt-ls () . body) (begin . body)) ((let-optionals* (op . args) vars . body) (let ((tmp (op . args))) (let-optionals* tmp vars . body))) ((let-optionals* tmp ((var default) . rest) . body) (let ((var (if (pair? tmp) (car tmp) default)) (tmp2 (if (pair? tmp) (cdr tmp) '()))) (let-optionals* tmp2 rest . body))) ((let-optionals* tmp (var . rest) . body) (let ((var (car tmp))) (let-optionals* (cdr tmp) rest . body))) ((let-optionals* tmp tail . body) (let ((tail (list-copy tmp))) . body)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; exceptions ;; We wrap continuable objects in specially marked exceptions. (define (raise-continuable exn) (raise (make-exception 'continuable "" exn #f #f))) (cond-expand (threads (define (%with-exception-handler handler thunk) (let* ((old (thread-parameters)) (new (cons (cons current-exception-handler handler) old))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (thread-parameters-set! new)) thunk (lambda () (thread-parameters-set! old)))))) (else (define (%with-exception-handler handler thunk) (let ((old (current-exception-handler))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (current-exception-handler handler)) thunk (lambda () (current-exception-handler old))))))) (define (with-exception-handler handler thunk) (letrec ((orig-handler (current-exception-handler)) (self (lambda (exn) (%with-exception-handler orig-handler (lambda () (cond ((and (exception? exn) (eq? 'continuable (exception-kind exn))) (handler (exception-irritants exn))) (else (handler exn) (error "exception handler returned")))))))) (%with-exception-handler self thunk))) (define-syntax protect (syntax-rules () ((protect (var clause ...) e1 e2 ...) (let ((orig-handler (current-exception-handler))) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (protect-k) (with-exception-handler (lambda (condition) (let ((var condition)) ; clauses may set! var (protect-k (protect-aux (raise-continuable condition) clause ...)))) (lambda () e1 e2 ...)))))))) (define-syntax protect-aux (syntax-rules (else =>) ((protect-aux reraise (else result1 result2 ...)) (begin result1 result2 ...)) ((protect-aux reraise (test => result)) (let ((temp test)) (if temp (result temp) reraise))) ((protect-aux reraise (test => result) clause1 clause2 ...) (let ((temp test)) (if temp (result temp) (protect-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...)))) ((protect-aux reraise (test)) (or test reraise)) ((protect-aux reraise (test) clause1 clause2 ...) (or test (protect-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...))) ((protect-aux reraise (test result1 result2 ...)) (if test (begin result1 result2 ...) reraise)) ((protect-aux reraise (test result1 result2 ...) clause1 clause2 ...) (if test (begin result1 result2 ...) (protect-aux reraise clause1 clause2 ...))))) ;; Similar to unwind-protect, but allows escape via continuations ;; assuming they'll return, whereas exceptions are assumed to not return. (define (with-exception-protect thunk final) (let* ((finalized? #f) (run-finalize (lambda () (cond ((not finalized?) (set! finalized? #t) (final)))))) (protect (exn (else (run-finalize) (raise exn))) (let ((res (thunk))) (run-finalize) res)))) (define-syntax exception-protect (syntax-rules () ((exception-protect expr final) (with-exception-protect (lambda () expr) (lambda () final))))) (define (eval x . o) (let ((thunk (compile x (if (pair? o) (car o) (interaction-environment))))) (if (procedure? thunk) (thunk) (raise thunk)))) (define (load file . o) (let* ((env (if (pair? o) (car o) (interaction-environment))) (len (if (port? file) 0 (string-length file))) (ext *shared-object-extension*) (ext-len (string-length ext))) (cond ((and (> len ext-len 0) (equal? ext (substring file (- len ext-len)))) (%load file env)) (else (let ((old-env (current-environment))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (set-current-environment! env)) (lambda () (let ((in (if (port? file) file (open-input-file file)))) (set-port-line! in 1) (let lp ((res (if #f #f))) (let ((x (read in))) (cond ((eof-object? x) (if (not (port? file)) (close-input-port in))) (else (lp (eval x env)))))))) (lambda () (set-current-environment! old-env)))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; promises (cond-expand (auto-force ) (else (define *promise-tag* (list 'promise)) (define (promise done? proc) (cons (cons done? proc) *promise-tag*)) (define (promise? x) (and (pair? x) (eq? *promise-tag* (cdr x)))) (define (promise-done? x) (car (car x))) (define (promise-value x) (cdr (car x))) (define (promise-update! new old) (set-car! (car old) (promise-done? new)) (set-cdr! (car old) (promise-value new)) (set-car! new (car old))) (define (force promise) (if (promise-done? promise) (promise-value promise) (let ((promise* ((promise-value promise)))) (if (not (promise-done? promise)) (promise-update! promise* promise)) (force promise)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; math utils (cond-expand (complex (define (exact-complex? x) (and (%complex? x) (exact? (complex-real x)) (exact? (complex-imag x))))) (else (define (%complex? x) #f) (define (exact-complex? x) #f))) (cond-expand (ratios (cond-expand (complex (define (exact? x) (if (fixnum? x) #t (if (bignum? x) #t (if (ratio? x) #t (exact-complex? x)))))) (else (define (exact? x) (if (fixnum? x) #t (if (bignum? x) #t (ratio? x)))))) (define (numerator x) (if (ratio? x) (ratio-numerator x) (if (inexact? x) (exact->inexact (numerator (inexact->exact x))) x))) (define (denominator x) (if (exact? x) (if (ratio? x) (ratio-denominator x) 1) (if (integer? x) 1.0 (exact->inexact (denominator (inexact->exact x))))))) (else (define (ratio? x) #f) (cond-expand (complex (define (exact? x) (if (fixnum? x) #t (if (bignum? x) #t (exact-complex? x))))) (else (define (exact? x) (if (fixnum? x) #t (bignum? x))))) (define (numerator x) (if (integer? x) x (numerator (* x 10)))) (define (denominator x) (if (exact? x) 1 (let lp ((x x) (r 1.0)) (if (integer? x) r (lp (* x 10) (* r 10)))))))) (cond-expand (complex (define (inexact? x) (if (flonum? x) #t (and (%complex? x) (not (exact-complex? x)))))) (else (define inexact? flonum?))) (define (exact-integer? x) (if (fixnum? x) #t (bignum? x))) (define (integer? x) (if (exact-integer? x) #t (and (flonum? x) (= x (truncate x))))) (define (number? x) (if (inexact? x) #t (exact? x))) (define complex? number?) (cond-expand (complex (define (real? x) (and (number? x) (not (%complex? x))))) (else (define real? number?))) (define (rational? x) (and (real? x) (= x x) (if (or (> x 1) (< x -1)) (not (= x (/ x 2))) (<= -1 x 1)))) (define (eqv? a b) (if (eq? a b) #t (and (number? a) (equal? a b)))) (define (zero? x) (= x 0)) (define (positive? x) (> x 0)) (define (negative? x) (< x 0)) (define (even? n) (= (remainder n 2) 0)) (define (odd? n) (not (= (remainder n 2) 0))) (define (abs x) (if (< x 0) (- x) x)) (define (modulo a b) (let ((res (remainder a b))) (if (< b 0) (if (<= res 0) res (+ res b)) (if (>= res 0) res (+ res b))))) (define (gcd2 a b) (if (= b 0) (abs a) (gcd b (remainder a b)))) (define (gcd . args) (if (null? args) 0 (let lp ((x (car args)) (ls (cdr args))) (if (null? ls) x (lp (gcd2 x (car ls)) (cdr ls)))))) (define (lcm2 a b) (abs (quotient (* a b) (gcd a b)))) (define (lcm . args) (if (null? args) 1 (let lp ((x (car args)) (ls (cdr args))) (if (null? ls) x (lp (lcm2 x (car ls)) (cdr ls)))))) (define (max x . rest) (define (~max hi ls) (if (null? ls) (exact->inexact hi) (~max (if (> (car ls) hi) (car ls) hi) (cdr ls)))) (if (inexact? x) (~max x rest) (let lp ((hi x) (ls rest)) (cond ((null? ls) hi) ((inexact? (car ls)) (~max hi ls)) (else (lp (if (> (car ls) hi) (car ls) hi) (cdr ls))))))) (define (min x . rest) (define (~min lo ls) (if (null? ls) (exact->inexact lo) (~min (if (< (car ls) lo) (car ls) lo) (cdr ls)))) (if (inexact? x) (~min x rest) (let lp ((lo x) (ls rest)) (cond ((null? ls) lo) ((inexact? (car ls)) (~min lo ls)) (else (lp (if (< (car ls) lo) (car ls) lo) (cdr ls))))))) (cond-expand (complex (define (real-part z) (if (%complex? z) (complex-real z) z)) (define (imag-part z) (if (%complex? z) (complex-imag z) 0)) (define (magnitude z) (sqrt (+ (* (real-part z) (real-part z)) (* (imag-part z) (imag-part z))))) (define (angle z) (atan (imag-part z) (real-part z))) (define (make-rectangular x y) (+ x (* y (sqrt -1)))) (define (make-polar r phi) (make-rectangular (* r (cos phi)) (* r (sin phi))))) (else (define (real-part z) z) (define (imag-part z) 0.0) (define magnitude abs) (define (angle z) (if (< z 0) 3.141592653589793 0)))) (define (log x . o) (if (pair? o) (/ (ln x) (ln (car o))) (ln x))) (define (atan y . o) (define (inf? z) (if (= +inf.0 z) #t (= -inf.0 z))) (if (null? o) (atan1 y) (let ((x (exact->inexact (car o)))) (if (and (inf? x) (inf? y)) (* (if (< y 0) -1 1) (if (= x -inf.0) 3 1) 0.7853981633974483) (if (negative? x) (if (or (negative? y) (eqv? y -0.0)) (- (atan1 (/ y x)) 3.141592653589793) (- 3.141592653589793 (atan1 (/ y (- x))))) (if (and (zero? x) (zero? y)) (* (if (eqv? y -0.0) -1 1) (if (eqv? x -0.0) 3.141592653589793 x)) (atan1 (/ y x))))))))