;;;; srfi-38.scm - reading and writing shared structures ;; ;; This code was written by Alex Shinn in 2009 and placed in the ;; Public Domain. All warranties are disclaimed. (define escaped-chars '((#\alarm . "alarm") (#\backspace . "backspace") (#\delete . "delete") (#\escape . "escape") (#\newline . "newline") (#\null . "null") (#\return . "return") (#\space . "space") (#\tab . "tab"))) (define (raise-typed-error type) (lambda (msg . args) (raise (make-exception type msg args #f #f)))) (define read-error (raise-typed-error 'read)) (define read-incomplete-error (raise-typed-error 'read-incomplete)) (define (extract-shared-objects x cyclic-only?) (let ((seen (make-hash-table eq?))) ;; find shared references (let find ((x x)) (let ((type (type-of x))) (cond ;; only interested in pairs, vectors and records ((or (pair? x) (vector? x) (and type (type-printer type))) ;; increment the count (hash-table-update!/default seen x (lambda (n) (+ n 1)) 0) ;; walk if this is the first time (cond ((> (hash-table-ref seen x) 1)) ((pair? x) (find (car x)) (find (cdr x))) ((vector? x) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i (vector-length x))) (find (vector-ref x i)))) (else (let ((num-slots (type-num-slots type))) (let lp ((i 0)) (cond ((< i num-slots) (find (slot-ref type x i)) (lp (+ i 1)))))))) ;; delete if this shouldn't count as a shared reference (if (and cyclic-only? (<= (hash-table-ref/default seen x 0) 1)) (hash-table-delete! seen x)))))) ;; extract shared references (let ((res (make-hash-table eq?))) (hash-table-walk seen (lambda (k v) (if (> v 1) (hash-table-set! res k #t)))) res))) (define (write-with-shared-structure x . o) (let ((out (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-output-port))) (shared (extract-shared-objects x (and (pair? o) (pair? (cdr o)) (cadr o)))) (count 0)) (define (check-shared x prefix cont) (let ((index (hash-table-ref/default shared x #f))) (cond ((integer? index) (display prefix out) (display "#" out) (write index out) (display "#" out)) (else (cond (index (display prefix out) (display "#" out) (write count out) (display "=" out) (hash-table-set! shared x count) (set! count (+ count 1)))) (cont x index))))) (let wr ((x x)) (define (wr-one x shared?) (cond ((pair? x) (display "(" out) (wr (car x)) (let lp ((ls (cdr x))) (check-shared ls " . " (lambda (ls shared?) (cond ((null? ls)) ((pair? ls) (cond (shared? (display "(" out) (wr (car ls)) (check-shared (cdr ls) " . " (lambda (ls shared?) (lp ls))) (display ")" out)) (else (display " " out) (wr (car ls)) (lp (cdr ls))))) (shared? ;; shared dotted tail (wr-one ls #f)) (else (display " . " out) (wr ls)))))) (display ")" out)) ((vector? x) (display "#(" out) (let ((len (vector-length x))) (cond ((> len 0) (wr (vector-ref x 0)) (do ((i 1 (+ i 1))) ((= i len)) (display " " out) (wr (vector-ref x i)))))) (display ")" out)) ((let ((type (type-of x))) (and (type? type) (type-printer type))) => (lambda (printer) (printer x wr out))) ((null? x) (display "()" out)) ((char? x) (display "#\\" out) (let ((pair (assv x escaped-chars))) (if pair (display (cdr pair) out) (write-char x out)))) ((symbol? x) (write x out)) ((number? x) (display (number->string x) out)) ((eq? x #t) (display "#t" out)) ((eq? x #f) (display "#f" out)) (else ;; (display "#" out) (write x out)))) (check-shared x "" wr-one)))) (define write/ss write-with-shared-structure) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (skip-line in) (let ((c (read-char in))) (if (not (or (eof-object? c) (eqv? c #\newline))) (skip-line in)))) (define (skip-horizontal-whitespace in) (case (peek-char in) ((#\space #\tab) (read-char in) (skip-horizontal-whitespace in)))) (define (skip-whitespace in) (case (peek-char in) ((#\space #\tab #\newline #\return) (read-char in) (skip-whitespace in)))) (define (skip-whitespace-and-line-comments in) (case (peek-char in) ((#\space #\tab #\newline #\return) (read-char in) (skip-whitespace-and-line-comments in)) ((#\;) (skip-line in) (skip-whitespace-and-line-comments in)))) (define (skip-comment in depth) (case (read-char in) ((#\#) (skip-comment in (if (eqv? #\| (peek-char in)) (+ depth 1) depth))) ((#\|) (if (eqv? #\# (peek-char in)) (if (zero? depth) (read-char in) (skip-comment in (- depth 1))) (skip-comment in depth))) (else (if (eof-object? (peek-char in)) (read-incomplete-error "unterminated #| comment") (skip-comment in depth))))) ;; returns #f if a trailing # was consumed (define (skip-whitespace-and-sexp-comments in read) (skip-whitespace-and-line-comments in) (cond ((eqv? #\# (peek-char in)) (read-char in) (cond ((eqv? #\; (peek-char in)) (read-char in) (read in) (skip-whitespace-and-sexp-comments in read)) ((eqv? #\| (peek-char in)) (skip-comment in 0) (skip-whitespace-and-sexp-comments in read)) (else #f))) (else #t))) (define delimiters '(#\; #\" #\| #\( #\) #\{ #\} #\space #\tab #\newline #\return)) (define named-chars `(("newline" . #\newline) ("return" . #\return) ("space" . #\space) ("tab" . #\tab) ("null" . ,(integer->char 0)) ("alarm" . ,(integer->char 7)) ("backspace" . ,(integer->char 8)) ("escape" . ,(integer->char 27)) ("delete" . ,(integer->char 127)))) (define U1 1) (define S8 2) (define U8 3) (define S16 4) (define U16 5) (define S32 6) (define U32 7) (define S64 8) (define U64 9) (define F32 10) (define F64 11) (define C64 12) (define C128 13) (define (resolve-uniform-type c prec) (or (case prec ((1) (and (eqv? c #\u) U1)) ((8) (case c ((#\u) U8) ((#\s) S8) (else #f))) ((16) (case c ((#\u) U16) ((#\s) S16) (else #f))) ((32) (case c ((#\u) U32) ((#\s) S32) ((#\f) F32) (else #f))) ((64) (case c ((#\u) U64) ((#\s) S64) ((#\f) F64) ((#\c) C64) (else #f))) ((128) (case c ((#\c) C128) (else #f))) (else #f)) (error "invalid uniform type" c prec))) (define read-with-shared-structure (let ((read read)) (lambda o (let ((in (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-input-port))) (shared '())) (define (read-label res) (let ((c (peek-char in))) (cond ((and (not (eof-object? c)) (or (char-numeric? c) (memv (char-downcase c) '(#\- #\+ #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\i)))) (read-label (cons (read-char in) res))) ((and (eqv? c #\/) (not (memv #\/ res))) (read-label (cons (read-char in) res))) ((and (eqv? c #\@) (not (memv #\@ res))) (read-label (cons (read-char in) res))) (else (list->string (reverse res)))))) (define (read-numeric-hashes res) (if (eqv? #\# (peek-char in)) (let* ((res (cons (read-char in) res)) (c (read-char in))) (if (memv c '(#\b #\d #\o #\x #\e #\i)) (read-numeric-hashes (cons c res)) (error "invalid numeric hash escape #" c))) res)) (define (read-number base) (let* ((str (read-label (read-numeric-hashes '()))) (n (string->number str base)) (c (peek-char in))) (if (or (not n) (not (or (eof-object? c) (memv c delimiters)))) (read-error "read error: invalid number syntax" str c) n))) (define (read-float-tail in) ;; called only after a leading period (let lp ((res 0.0) (k 0.1)) (let ((c (peek-char in))) (cond ((char-numeric? c) (lp (+ res (* (- (char->integer (read-char in)) (char->integer #\0)) k)) (* k 0.1))) ((or (eof-object? c) (memv c delimiters)) res) (else (read-error "invalid char in float syntax" c)))))) (define (read-name c in) (let lp ((ls (if (char? c) (list c) '()))) (let ((c (peek-char in))) (cond ((or (eof-object? c) (memv c delimiters)) (list->string (reverse ls))) (else (lp (cons (read-char in) ls))))))) (define (read-named-char c in) (let ((name (read-name c in))) (cond ((assoc name named-chars string-ci=?) => cdr) ((and (or (eqv? c #\x) (eqv? c #\X)) (string->number (substring name 1 (string-length name)) 16)) => integer->char) (else (read-error "unknown char name" name))))) (define (read-type-id in) (let ((ch (peek-char in))) (cond ((eqv? ch #\#) (read-char in) (let ((id (read in))) (cond ((eq? id 't) #t) ((integer? id) id) (else (read-error "invalid type identifier" id))))) ((eqv? ch #\") (read in)) (else (read-error "invalid type identifier syntax" ch))))) (define (read-escape-sequence) (let ((ch (read-char in))) (cond ((eof-object? ch) (read-incomplete-error "incomplete escape")) (else (case ch ((#\a) #\alarm) ((#\b) #\backspace) ((#\n) #\newline) ((#\r) #\return) ((#\t) #\tab) ((#\newline) (skip-horizontal-whitespace in) #f) ((#\space #\tab) (skip-line in) (skip-horizontal-whitespace in) #f) ((#\x #\X) (let* ((n (read-number 16)) (ch2 (read-char in))) (if (not (and n (eqv? ch2 #\;))) (read-error "invalid string escape" n ch2) (integer->char n)))) (else ch)))))) (define (read-delimited terminal) (let ((out (open-output-string))) (let lp () (let ((ch (read-char in))) (cond ((eof-object? ch) (read-incomplete-error "incomplete string")) ((eqv? ch terminal) (get-output-string out)) ((eqv? ch #\\) (let ((ch2 (read-escape-sequence))) (if ch2 (write-char ch2 out)) (lp))) (else (write-char ch out) (lp))))))) (define (read-object) (let ((name (read-name #f in))) (skip-whitespace-and-line-comments in) (let* ((id (read-type-id in)) (type (lookup-type name id))) (let lp ((ls '())) (skip-whitespace-and-line-comments in) (cond ((eof-object? (peek-char in)) (read-error "missing closing }")) ((eqv? #\} (peek-char in)) (read-char in) (let ((res ((make-constructor #f type)))) (let lp ((ls (reverse ls)) ( i 0)) (cond ((null? ls) res) (else (slot-set! type res i (car ls)) (lp (cdr ls) (+ i 1))))))) (else (lp (cons (read-one in) ls)))))))) (define (read-hash in) (if (eof-object? (peek-char in)) (read-error "read error: incomplete # found at end of input")) (case (char-downcase (peek-char in)) ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9) (let* ((str (read-label '())) (n (string->number str))) (if (not n) (read-error "read error: invalid reference" str)) (cond ((eqv? #\= (peek-char in)) (if (assv n shared) (read-error "read error: duplicate label" str)) (read-char in) (let* ((cell (list #f)) (thunk (lambda () (car cell)))) (set! shared (cons (cons n thunk) shared)) (let ((x (read-one in))) (if (hole? x) (read-error "read error: self label reference" n)) (set-car! cell x) x))) ((eqv? #\# (peek-char in)) (read-char in) (cond ((assv n shared) => cdr) (else (read-error "read error: unknown reference" n)))) (else (read-error "read error: expected # after #n" (read-char in)))))) ((#\;) (read-char in) (read-one in) ;; discard (read-one in)) ((#\|) (skip-comment in 0) (read-one in)) ((#\!) (read-char in) (let ((c (peek-char in))) (cond ((or (char-whitespace? c) (eqv? c #\/)) (skip-line in) (read-one in)) (else (let ((name (read-name #f in))) (cond ((string-ci=? name "fold-case") (set-port-fold-case! in #t)) ((string-ci=? name "no-fold-case") (set-port-fold-case! in #f)) (else ;; assume a #!/bin/bash line (read-error "unknown #! symbol" name))) (read-one in)))))) ((#\() (list->vector (read-one in))) ((#\') (read-char in) (list 'syntax (read-one in))) ((#\`) (read-char in) (list 'quasisyntax (read-one in))) ((#\,) (read-char in) (let ((sym (if (eqv? #\@ (peek-char in)) (begin (read-char in) 'unsyntax-splicing) 'unsyntax))) (list sym (read-one in)))) ((#\t) (let ((s (read-name #f in))) (or (string-ci=? s "t") (string-ci=? s "true") (read-error "bad # syntax" s)))) ((#\f) (let ((s (read-name #f in))) (cond ((or (string-ci=? s "f") (string-ci=? s "false")) #f) ((member s '("f32" "F32")) (list->uvector F32 (read in))) ((member s '("f64" "F64")) (list->uvector F64 (read in))) (else (read-error "bad # syntax" s))))) ((#\d) (read-char in) (read in)) ((#\x) (read-char in) (read-number 16)) ((#\o) (read-char in) (read-number 8)) ((#\b) (read-char in) (read-number 2)) ((#\i) (read-char in) (exact->inexact (read-one in))) ((#\e) (let ((s (read-name #\# in))) (or (string->number s) (read-one (open-input-string (substring s 2)))))) ((#\u #\v #\s #\c) (if (char-ci=? #\v (peek-char in)) (read-char in)) (let* ((c (char-downcase (read-char in))) (prec (read-number 10)) (etype (resolve-uniform-type c prec)) (ls (read-one in))) (if (not (list? ls)) (read-error "invalid uniform vector syntax" ls)) (list->uvector etype ls))) ((#\\) (read-char in) (let* ((c1 (read-char in)) (c2 (peek-char in))) (if (or (eof-object? c2) (memv c2 delimiters)) c1 (read-named-char c1 in)))) (else (read-error "unknown # syntax: " (peek-char in))))) (define (read-one in) (cond ((not (skip-whitespace-and-sexp-comments in read-one)) (read-hash in)) (else (case (peek-char in) ((#\#) (read-char in) (read-hash in)) ((#\() (read-char in) (let lp ((res '())) (cond ((not (skip-whitespace-and-sexp-comments in read-one)) (lp (cons (read-hash in) res))) (else (let ((c (peek-char in))) (case c ((#\)) (read-char in) (reverse res)) ((#\.) (read-char in) (cond ((memv (peek-char in) delimiters) (let ((tail (read-one in))) (cond ((null? res) (read-error "dot before any elements in list")) ((and (skip-whitespace-and-sexp-comments in read-one) (eqv? #\) (peek-char in))) (read-char in) (append (reverse res) tail)) ((eof-object? (peek-char in)) (read-incomplete-error "unterminated dotted list")) (else (read-error "expected end of list after dot"))))) ((char-numeric? (peek-char in)) (lp (cons (read-float-tail in) res))) (else (lp (cons (string->symbol (read-name #\. in)) res))))) (else (if (eof-object? c) (read-incomplete-error "unterminated list") (lp (cons (read-one in) res)))))))))) ((#\{) (read-char in) (read-object)) ((#\") (read-char in) (read-delimited #\")) ((#\|) (read-char in) (string->symbol (read-delimited #\|))) ((#\') (read-char in) (list 'quote (read-one in))) ((#\`) (read-char in) (list 'quasiquote (read-one in))) ((#\,) (read-char in) (let ((sym (if (eqv? #\@ (peek-char in)) (begin (read-char in) 'unquote-splicing) 'unquote))) (list sym (read-one in)))) (else (read in)))))) ;; body (let ((res (read-one in))) (if (pair? shared) (patch res)) res))))) (define (hole? x) (procedure? x)) (define (fill-hole x) (if (hole? x) (fill-hole (x)) x)) (define (patch x) (cond ((pair? x) (if (hole? (car x)) (set-car! x (fill-hole (car x))) (patch (car x))) (if (hole? (cdr x)) (set-cdr! x (fill-hole (cdr x))) (patch (cdr x)))) ((vector? x) (do ((i (- (vector-length x) 1) (- i 1))) ((< i 0)) (let ((elt (vector-ref x i))) (if (hole? elt) (vector-set! x i (fill-hole elt)) (patch elt))))) (else (let* ((type (type-of x)) (slots (and type (type-slots type)))) (cond (slots (let lp ((i 0) (ls slots)) (cond ((pair? ls) (let ((elt (slot-ref type x i))) (if (hole? elt) (slot-set! type x i (fill-hole elt)) (patch elt)) (lp (+ i 1) (cdr ls)))))))))))) (define read/ss read-with-shared-structure)