/** * Bootstrap based calendar full view. * * https://github.com/Serhioromano/bootstrap-calendar * * User: Sergey Romanov */ "use strict"; Date.prototype.getWeek = function() { var onejan = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 0, 1); return Math.ceil((((this.getTime() - onejan.getTime()) / 86400000) + onejan.getDay() + 1) / 7); }; Date.prototype.getMonthFormatted = function() { var month = this.getMonth() + 1; return month < 10 ? '0' + month : month; }; Date.prototype.getDateFormatted = function() { var date = this.getDate(); return date < 10 ? '0' + date : date; }; if(!String.prototype.format) { String.prototype.format = function() { var args = arguments; return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); }; } if(!String.prototype.formatNum) { String.prototype.formatNum = function(decimal) { var r = "" + this; while(r.length < decimal) r = "0" + r; return r; }; } (function($) { var defaults = { // Width of the calendar width: '100%', // Initial view (can be 'month', 'week', 'day') view: 'month', // Initial date. No matter month, week or day this will be a starting point. Can be 'now' or a date in format 'yyyy-mm-dd' day: 'now', // Day Start time and end time with time intervals. Time split 10, 15 or 30. time_start: '06:00', time_end: '22:00', time_split: '30', // Source of events data. It can be one of the following: // - URL to return JSON list of events in special format. // {success:1, result: [....]} or for error {success:0, error:'Something terrible happened'} // events: [...] as described in events property description // The start and end variables will be sent to this url // - A function that received the start and end date, and that // returns an array of events (as described in events property description) // - An array containing the events events_source: '', // Path to templates should end with slash /. It can be as relative // /component/bootstrap-calendar/tmpls/ // or absolute // http://localhost/component/bootstrap-calendar/tmpls/ tmpl_path: 'tmpls/', tmpl_cache: true, classes: { months: { inmonth: 'cal-day-inmonth', outmonth: 'cal-day-outmonth', saturday: 'cal-day-weekend', sunday: 'cal-day-weekend', holidays: 'cal-day-holiday', today: 'cal-day-today' }, week: { workday: 'cal-day-workday', saturday: 'cal-day-weekend', sunday: 'cal-day-weekend', holidays: 'cal-day-holiday', today: 'cal-day-today' } }, // ID of the element of modal window. If set, events URLs will be opened in modal windows. modal: null, // modal handling setting, one of "iframe", "ajax" or "template" modal_type: "iframe", // function to set modal title, will be passed the event as a parameter modal_title: null, views: { year: { slide_events: 1, enable: 1 }, month: { slide_events: 1, enable: 1 }, week: { enable: 1 }, day: { enable: 1 } }, merge_holidays: false, // ------------------------------------------------------------ // CALLBACKS. Events triggered by calendar class. You can use // those to affect you UI // ------------------------------------------------------------ onAfterEventsLoad: function(events) { // Inside this function 'this' is the calendar instance }, onBeforeEventsLoad: function(next) { // Inside this function 'this' is the calendar instance next(); }, onAfterViewLoad: function(view) { // Inside this function 'this' is the calendar instance }, onAfterModalShown: function(events) { // Inside this function 'this' is the calendar instance }, onAfterModalHidden: function(events) { // Inside this function 'this' is the calendar instance }, // ------------------------------------------------------------- // INTERNAL USE ONLY. DO NOT ASSIGN IT WILL BE OVERRIDDEN ANYWAY // ------------------------------------------------------------- events: [], templates: { year: '', month: '', week: '', day: '' }, stop_cycling: false }; var defaults_extended = { first_day: 2, holidays: { // January 1 '01-01': "New Year's Day", // Third (+3*) Monday (1) in January (01) '01+3*1': "Birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.", // Third (+3*) Monday (1) in February (02) '02+3*1': "Washington's Birthday", // Last (-1*) Monday (1) in May (05) '05-1*1': "Memorial Day", // July 4 '04-07': "Independence Day", // First (+1*) Monday (1) in September (09) '09+1*1': "Labor Day", // Second (+2*) Monday (1) in October (10) '10+2*1': "Columbus Day", // November 11 '11-11': "Veterans Day", // Fourth (+4*) Thursday (4) in November (11) '11+4*4': "Thanksgiving Day", // December 25 '25-12': "Christmas" } }; var strings = { error_noview: 'Calendar: View {0} not found', error_dateformat: 'Calendar: Wrong date format {0}. Should be either "now" or "yyyy-mm-dd"', error_loadurl: 'Calendar: Event URL is not set', error_where: 'Calendar: Wrong navigation direction {0}. Can be only "next" or "prev" or "today"', error_timedevide: 'Calendar: Time split parameter should divide 60 without decimals. Something like 10, 15, 30', no_events_in_day: 'No events in this day.', title_year: '{0}', title_month: '{0} {1}', title_week: 'week {0} of {1}', title_day: '{0} {1} {2}, {3}', week: 'Week {0}', all_day: 'All day', time: 'Time', events: 'Events', before_time: 'Ends before timeline', after_time: 'Starts after timeline', m0: 'January', m1: 'February', m2: 'March', m3: 'April', m4: 'May', m5: 'June', m6: 'July', m7: 'August', m8: 'September', m9: 'October', m10: 'November', m11: 'December', ms0: 'Jan', ms1: 'Feb', ms2: 'Mar', ms3: 'Apr', ms4: 'May', ms5: 'Jun', ms6: 'Jul', ms7: 'Aug', ms8: 'Sep', ms9: 'Oct', ms10: 'Nov', ms11: 'Dec', d0: 'Sunday', d1: 'Monday', d2: 'Tuesday', d3: 'Wednesday', d4: 'Thursday', d5: 'Friday', d6: 'Saturday' }; var browser_timezone = ''; try { if($.type(window.jstz) == 'object' && $.type(jstz.determine) == 'function') { browser_timezone = jstz.determine().name(); if($.type(browser_timezone) !== 'string') { browser_timezone = ''; } } } catch(e) { } function buildEventsUrl(events_url, data) { var separator, key, url; url = events_url; separator = (events_url.indexOf('?') < 0) ? '?' : '&'; for(key in data) { url += separator + key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[key]); separator = '&'; } return url; } function getExtentedOption(cal, option_name) { var fromOptions = (cal.options[option_name] != null) ? cal.options[option_name] : null; var fromLanguage = (cal.locale[option_name] != null) ? cal.locale[option_name] : null; if((option_name == 'holidays') && cal.options.merge_holidays) { var holidays = {}; $.extend(true, holidays, fromLanguage ? fromLanguage : defaults_extended.holidays); if(fromOptions) { $.extend(true, holidays, fromOptions); } return holidays; } else { if(fromOptions != null) { return fromOptions; } if(fromLanguage != null) { return fromLanguage; } return defaults_extended[option_name]; } } function getHolidays(cal, year) { var hash = []; var holidays_def = getExtentedOption(cal, 'holidays'); for(var k in holidays_def) { hash.push(k + ':' + holidays_def[k]); } hash.push(year); hash = hash.join('|'); if(hash in getHolidays.cache) { return getHolidays.cache[hash]; } var holidays = []; $.each(holidays_def, function(key, name) { var firstDay = null, lastDay = null, failed = false; $.each(key.split('>'), function(i, chunk) { var m, date = null; if(m = /^(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/.exec(chunk)) { date = new Date(year, parseInt(m[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(m[1], 10)); } else if(m = /^(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d\d\d)$/.exec(chunk)) { if(parseInt(m[3], 10) == year) { date = new Date(year, parseInt(m[2], 10) - 1, parseInt(m[1], 10)); } } else if(m = /^easter(([+\-])(\d+))?$/.exec(chunk)) { date = getEasterDate(year, m[1] ? parseInt(m[1], 10) : 0); } else if(m = /^(\d\d)([+\-])([1-5])\*([0-6])$/.exec(chunk)) { var month = parseInt(m[1], 10) - 1; var direction = m[2]; var offset = parseInt(m[3]); var weekday = parseInt(m[4]); switch(direction) { case '+': var d = new Date(year, month, 1 - 7); while(d.getDay() != weekday) { d = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate() + 1); } date = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate() + 7 * offset); break; case '-': var d = new Date(year, month + 1, 0 + 7); while(d.getDay() != weekday) { d = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate() - 1); } date = new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate() - 7 * offset); break; } } if(!date) { warn('Unknown holiday: ' + key); failed = true; return false; } switch(i) { case 0: firstDay = date; break; case 1: if(date.getTime() <= firstDay.getTime()) { warn('Unknown holiday: ' + key); failed = true; return false; } lastDay = date; break; default: warn('Unknown holiday: ' + key); failed = true; return false; } }); if(!failed) { var days = []; if(lastDay) { for(var date = new Date(firstDay.getTime()); date.getTime() <= lastDay.getTime(); date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1)) { days.push(new Date(date.getTime())); } } else { days.push(firstDay); } holidays.push({name: name, days: days}); } }); getHolidays.cache[hash] = holidays; return getHolidays.cache[hash]; } getHolidays.cache = {}; function warn(message) { if($.type(window.console) == 'object' && $.type(window.console.warn) == 'function') { window.console.warn('[Bootstrap-Calendar] ' + message); } } function Calendar(params, context) { this.options = $.extend(true, {position: {start: new Date(), end: new Date()}}, defaults, params); this.setLanguage(this.options.language); this.context = context; context.css('width', this.options.width).addClass('cal-context'); this.view(); return this; } Calendar.prototype.setOptions = function(object) { $.extend(this.options, object); if('language' in object) { this.setLanguage(object.language); } if('modal' in object) { this._update_modal(); } } Calendar.prototype.setLanguage = function(lang) { if(window.calendar_languages && (lang in window.calendar_languages)) { this.locale = $.extend(true, {}, strings, calendar_languages[lang]); this.options.language = lang; } else { this.locale = strings; delete this.options.language; } } Calendar.prototype._render = function() { this.context.html(''); this._loadTemplate(this.options.view); this.stop_cycling = false; var data = {}; data.cal = this; data.day = 1; // Getting list of days in a week in correct order. Works for month and week views if(getExtentedOption(this, 'first_day') == 1) { data.days_name = [this.locale.d1, this.locale.d2, this.locale.d3, this.locale.d4, this.locale.d5, this.locale.d6, this.locale.d0] } else { data.days_name = [this.locale.d0, this.locale.d1, this.locale.d2, this.locale.d3, this.locale.d4, this.locale.d5, this.locale.d6] } // Get all events between start and end var start = parseInt(this.options.position.start.getTime()); var end = parseInt(this.options.position.end.getTime()); data.events = this.getEventsBetween(start, end); switch(this.options.view) { case 'month': break; case 'week': this._calculate_hour_minutes(data); break; case 'day': this._calculate_hour_minutes(data); break; } data.start = new Date(this.options.position.start.getTime()); data.lang = this.locale; this.context.append(this.options.templates[this.options.view](data)); this._update(); }; Calendar.prototype._calculate_hour_minutes = function(data) { var $self = this; var time_split = parseInt(this.options.time_split); var time_split_count = 60 / time_split; var time_split_hour = Math.min(time_split_count, 1); if(((time_split_count >= 1) && (time_split_count % 1 != 0)) || ((time_split_count < 1) && (1440 / time_split % 1 != 0))) { $.error(this.locale.error_timedevide); } var time_start = this.options.time_start.split(":"); var time_end = this.options.time_end.split(":"); data.hours = (parseInt(time_end[0]) - parseInt(time_start[0])) * time_split_hour; var lines = data.hours * time_split_count - parseInt(time_start[1]) / time_split; var ms_per_line = (60000 * time_split); var start = new Date(this.options.position.start.getTime()); start.setHours(time_start[0]); start.setMinutes(time_start[1]); var end = new Date(this.options.position.end.getTime()); end.setHours(time_end[0]); end.setMinutes(time_end[1]); data.all_day = []; data.by_hour = []; data.after_time = []; data.before_time = []; $.each(data.events, function(k, e) { var s = new Date(parseInt(e.start)); var f = new Date(parseInt(e.end)); e.start_hour = s.getHours().toString().formatNum(2) + ':' + s.getMinutes().toString().formatNum(2); e.end_hour = f.getHours().toString().formatNum(2) + ':' + f.getMinutes().toString().formatNum(2); if(e.start < start.getTime()) { warn(1); e.start_hour = s.getDate() + ' ' + $self.locale['ms' + s.getMonth()] + ' ' + e.start_hour; } if(e.end > end.getTime()) { warn(1); e.end_hour = f.getDate() + ' ' + $self.locale['ms' + f.getMonth()] + ' ' + e.end_hour; } if(e.start < start.getTime() && e.end > end.getTime()) { data.all_day.push(e); return; } if(e.end < start.getTime()) { data.before_time.push(e); return; } if(e.start > end.getTime()) { data.after_time.push(e); return; } var event_start = start.getTime() - e.start; if(event_start >= 0) { e.top = 0; } else { e.top = Math.abs(event_start) / ms_per_line; } var lines_left = Math.abs(lines - e.top); var lines_in_event = (e.end - e.start) / ms_per_line; if(event_start >= 0) { lines_in_event = (e.end - start.getTime()) / ms_per_line; } e.lines = lines_in_event; if(lines_in_event > lines_left) { e.lines = lines_left; } data.by_hour.push(e); }); //var d = new Date('2013-03-14 13:20:00'); //warn(d.getTime()); }; Calendar.prototype._hour_min = function(hour) { var time_start = this.options.time_start.split(":"); var time_split = parseInt(this.options.time_split); var in_hour = 60 / time_split; return (hour == 0) ? (in_hour - (parseInt(time_start[1]) / time_split)) : in_hour; }; Calendar.prototype._hour = function(hour, part) { var time_start = this.options.time_start.split(":"); var time_split = parseInt(this.options.time_split); var h = "" + (parseInt(time_start[0]) + hour * Math.max(time_split / 60, 1)); var m = "" + time_split * part; return h.formatNum(2) + ":" + m.formatNum(2); }; Calendar.prototype._week = function(event) { this._loadTemplate('week-days'); var t = {}; var start = parseInt(this.options.position.start.getTime()); var end = parseInt(this.options.position.end.getTime()); var events = []; var self = this; var first_day = getExtentedOption(this, 'first_day'); $.each(this.getEventsBetween(start, end), function(k, event) { event.start_day = new Date(parseInt(event.start)).getDay(); if(first_day == 1) { event.start_day = (event.start_day + 6) % 7; } if((event.end - event.start) <= 86400000) { event.days = 1; } else { event.days = ((event.end - event.start) / 86400000); } if(event.start < start) { event.days = event.days - ((start - event.start) / 86400000); event.start_day = 0; } event.days = Math.ceil(event.days); if(event.start_day + event.days > 7) { event.days = 7 - (event.start_day); } events.push(event); }); t.events = events; t.cal = this; return self.options.templates['week-days'](t); } Calendar.prototype._month = function(month) { this._loadTemplate('year-month'); var t = {cal: this}; var newmonth = month + 1; t.data_day = this.options.position.start.getFullYear() + '-' + (newmonth < 10 ? '0' + newmonth : newmonth) + '-' + '01'; t.month_name = this.locale['m' + month]; var curdate = new Date(this.options.position.start.getFullYear(), month, 1, 0, 0, 0); t.start = parseInt(curdate.getTime()); t.end = parseInt(new Date(this.options.position.start.getFullYear(), month + 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime()); t.events = this.getEventsBetween(t.start, t.end); return this.options.templates['year-month'](t); } Calendar.prototype._day = function(week, day) { this._loadTemplate('month-day'); var t = {tooltip: '', cal: this}; var cls = this.options.classes.months.outmonth; var firstday = this.options.position.start.getDay(); if(getExtentedOption(this, 'first_day') == 2) { firstday++; } else { firstday = (firstday == 0 ? 7 : firstday); } day = (day - firstday) + 1; var curdate = new Date(this.options.position.start.getFullYear(), this.options.position.start.getMonth(), day, 0, 0, 0); // if day of the current month if(day > 0) { cls = this.options.classes.months.inmonth; } // stop cycling table rows; var daysinmonth = (new Date(this.options.position.end.getTime() - 1)).getDate(); if((day + 1) > daysinmonth) { this.stop_cycling = true; } // if day of the next month if(day > daysinmonth) { day = day - daysinmonth; cls = this.options.classes.months.outmonth; } cls = $.trim(cls + " " + this._getDayClass("months", curdate)); if(day <= 0) { var daysinprevmonth = (new Date(this.options.position.start.getFullYear(), this.options.position.start.getMonth(), 0)).getDate(); day = daysinprevmonth - Math.abs(day); cls += ' cal-month-first-row'; } var holiday = this._getHoliday(curdate); if(holiday !== false) { t.tooltip = holiday; } t.data_day = curdate.getFullYear() + '-' + curdate.getMonthFormatted() + '-' + (day < 10 ? '0' + day : day); t.cls = cls; t.day = day; t.start = parseInt(curdate.getTime()); t.end = parseInt(t.start + 86400000); t.events = this.getEventsBetween(t.start, t.end); return this.options.templates['month-day'](t); } Calendar.prototype._getHoliday = function(date) { var result = false; $.each(getHolidays(this, date.getFullYear()), function() { var found = false; $.each(this.days, function() { if(this.toDateString() == date.toDateString()) { found = true; return false; } }); if(found) { result = this.name; return false; } }); return result; }; Calendar.prototype._getHolidayName = function(date) { var holiday = this._getHoliday(date); return (holiday === false) ? "" : holiday; }; Calendar.prototype._getDayClass = function(class_group, date) { var self = this; var addClass = function(which, to) { var cls; cls = (self.options.classes && (class_group in self.options.classes) && (which in self.options.classes[class_group])) ? self.options.classes[class_group][which] : ""; if((typeof(cls) == "string") && cls.length) { to.push(cls); } }; var classes = []; if(date.toDateString() == (new Date()).toDateString()) { addClass("today", classes); } var holiday = this._getHoliday(date); if(holiday !== false) { addClass("holidays", classes); } switch(date.getDay()) { case 0: addClass("sunday", classes); break; case 6: addClass("saturday", classes); break; } addClass(date.toDateString(), classes); return classes.join(" "); }; Calendar.prototype.view = function(view) { if(view) { if(!this.options.views[view].enable) { return; } this.options.view = view; } this._init_position(); this._loadEvents(); this._render(); this.options.onAfterViewLoad.call(this, this.options.view); }; Calendar.prototype.navigate = function(where, next) { var to = $.extend({}, this.options.position); if(where == 'next') { switch(this.options.view) { case 'year': to.start.setFullYear(this.options.position.start.getFullYear() + 1); break; case 'month': to.start.setMonth(this.options.position.start.getMonth() + 1); break; case 'week': to.start.setDate(this.options.position.start.getDate() + 7); break; case 'day': to.start.setDate(this.options.position.start.getDate() + 1); break; } } else if(where == 'prev') { switch(this.options.view) { case 'year': to.start.setFullYear(this.options.position.start.getFullYear() - 1); break; case 'month': to.start.setMonth(this.options.position.start.getMonth() - 1); break; case 'week': to.start.setDate(this.options.position.start.getDate() - 7); break; case 'day': to.start.setDate(this.options.position.start.getDate() - 1); break; } } else if(where == 'today') { to.start.setTime(new Date().getTime()); } else { $.error(this.locale.error_where.format(where)) } this.options.day = to.start.getFullYear() + '-' + to.start.getMonthFormatted() + '-' + to.start.getDateFormatted(); this.view(); if(_.isFunction(next)) { next(); } }; Calendar.prototype._init_position = function() { var year, month, day; if(this.options.day == 'now') { var date = new Date(); year = date.getFullYear(); month = date.getMonth(); day = date.getDate(); } else if(this.options.day.match(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/g)) { var list = this.options.day.split('-'); year = parseInt(list[0], 10); month = parseInt(list[1], 10) - 1; day = parseInt(list[2], 10); } else { $.error(this.locale.error_dateformat.format(this.options.day)); } switch(this.options.view) { case 'year': this.options.position.start.setTime(new Date(year, 0, 1).getTime()); this.options.position.end.setTime(new Date(year + 1, 0, 1).getTime()); break; case 'month': this.options.position.start.setTime(new Date(year, month, 1).getTime()); this.options.position.end.setTime(new Date(year, month + 1, 1).getTime()); break; case 'day': this.options.position.start.setTime(new Date(year, month, day).getTime()); this.options.position.end.setTime(new Date(year, month, day + 1).getTime()); break; case 'week': var curr = new Date(year, month, day); var first; if(getExtentedOption(this, 'first_day') == 1) { first = curr.getDate() - ((curr.getDay() + 6) % 7); } else { first = curr.getDate() - curr.getDay(); } this.options.position.start.setTime(new Date(year, month, first).getTime()); this.options.position.end.setTime(new Date(year, month, first + 7).getTime()); break; default: $.error(this.locale.error_noview.format(this.options.view)) } return this; }; Calendar.prototype.getTitle = function() { var p = this.options.position.start; switch(this.options.view) { case 'year': return this.locale.title_year.format(p.getFullYear()); break; case 'month': return this.locale.title_month.format(this.locale['m' + p.getMonth()], p.getFullYear()); break; case 'week': return this.locale.title_week.format(p.getWeek(), p.getFullYear()); break; case 'day': return this.locale.title_day.format(this.locale['d' + p.getDay()], p.getDate(), this.locale['m' + p.getMonth()], p.getFullYear()); break; } return; }; Calendar.prototype.isToday = function() { var now = new Date().getTime(); return ((now > this.options.position.start) && (now < this.options.position.end)); } Calendar.prototype.getStartDate = function() { return this.options.position.start; } Calendar.prototype.getEndDate = function() { return this.options.position.end; } Calendar.prototype._loadEvents = function() { var self = this; var source = null; if('events_source' in this.options && this.options.events_source !== '') { source = this.options.events_source; } else if('events_url' in this.options) { source = this.options.events_url; warn('The events_url option is DEPRECATED and it will be REMOVED in near future. Please use events_source instead.'); } var loader; switch($.type(source)) { case 'function': loader = function() { return source(self.options.position.start, self.options.position.end, browser_timezone); }; break; case 'array': loader = function() { return [].concat(source); }; break; case 'string': if(source.length) { loader = function() { var events = []; var params = {from: self.options.position.start.getTime(), to: self.options.position.end.getTime()}; if(browser_timezone.length) { params.browser_timezone = browser_timezone; } $.ajax({ url: buildEventsUrl(source, params), dataType: 'json', type: 'GET', async: false }).done(function(json) { if(!json.success) { $.error(json.error); } if(json.result) { events = json.result; } }); return events; }; } break; } if(!loader) { $.error(this.locale.error_loadurl); } this.options.onBeforeEventsLoad.call(this, function() { self.options.events = loader(); self.options.events.sort(function(a, b) { var delta; delta = a.start - b.start; if(delta == 0) { delta = a.end - b.end; } return delta; }); self.options.onAfterEventsLoad.call(self, self.options.events); }); }; Calendar.prototype._templatePath = function(name) { if(typeof this.options.tmpl_path == 'function') { return this.options.tmpl_path(name) } else { return this.options.tmpl_path + name + '.html'; } }; Calendar.prototype._loadTemplate = function(name) { if(this.options.templates[name]) { return; } var self = this; $.ajax({ url: self._templatePath(name), dataType: 'html', type: 'GET', async: false, cache: this.options.tmpl_cache }).done(function(html) { self.options.templates[name] = _.template(html); }); }; Calendar.prototype._update = function() { var self = this; $('*[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({container: 'body'}); $('*[data-cal-date]').click(function() { var view = $(this).data('cal-view'); self.options.day = $(this).data('cal-date'); self.view(view); }); $('.cal-cell').dblclick(function() { var view = $('[data-cal-date]', this).data('cal-view'); self.options.day = $('[data-cal-date]', this).data('cal-date'); self.view(view); }); this['_update_' + this.options.view](); this._update_modal(); }; Calendar.prototype._update_modal = function() { var self = this; $('a[data-event-id]', this.context).unbind('click'); if(!self.options.modal) { return; } var modal = $(self.options.modal); if(!modal.length) { return; } var ifrm = null; if(self.options.modal_type == "iframe") { ifrm = $(document.createElement("iframe")) .attr({ width: "100%", frameborder: "0" }); } $('a[data-event-id]', this.context).on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var url = $(this).attr('href'); var id = $(this).data("event-id"); var event = _.find(self.options.events, function(event) { return event.id == id }); if(self.options.modal_type == "iframe") { ifrm.attr('src', url); $('.modal-body', modal).html(ifrm); } if(!modal.data('handled.bootstrap-calendar') || (modal.data('handled.bootstrap-calendar') && modal.data('handled.event-id') != event.id)) { modal .off('show.bs.modal') .off('shown.bs.modal') .off('hidden.bs.modal') .on('show.bs.modal', function() { var modal_body = $(this).find('.modal-body'); switch(self.options.modal_type) { case "iframe" : var height = modal_body.height() - parseInt(modal_body.css('padding-top'), 10) - parseInt(modal_body.css('padding-bottom'), 10); $(this).find('iframe').height(Math.max(height, 50)); break; case "ajax": $.ajax({url: url, dataType: "html", async: false, success: function(data) { modal_body.html(data); }}); break; case "template": self._loadTemplate("modal"); // also serve calendar instance to underscore template to be able to access current language strings modal_body.html(self.options.templates["modal"]({"event": event, "calendar": self})) break; } // set the title of the bootstrap modal if(_.isFunction(self.options.modal_title)) { modal.find("h3").html(self.options.modal_title(event)); } }) .on('shown.bs.modal', function() { self.options.onAfterModalShown.call(self, self.options.events); }) .on('hidden.bs.modal', function() { self.options.onAfterModalHidden.call(self, self.options.events); }) .data('handled.bootstrap-calendar', true).data('handled.event-id', event.id); } modal.modal('show'); }); }; Calendar.prototype._update_day = function() { $('#cal-day-panel').height($('#cal-day-panel-hour').height()); }; Calendar.prototype._update_week = function() { }; Calendar.prototype._update_year = function() { this._update_month_year(); }; Calendar.prototype._update_month = function() { this._update_month_year(); var self = this; var week = $(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', 'cal-week-box'); var start = this.options.position.start.getFullYear() + '-' + this.options.position.start.getMonthFormatted() + '-'; self.context.find('.cal-month-box .cal-row-fluid') .on('mouseenter', function() { var p = new Date(self.options.position.start); var child = $('.cal-cell1:first-child .cal-month-day', this); var day = (child.hasClass('cal-month-first-row') ? 1 : $('[data-cal-date]', child).text()); p.setDate(parseInt(day)); day = (day < 10 ? '0' + day : day); week.html(self.locale.week.format(p.getWeek())); week.attr('data-cal-week', start + day).show().appendTo(child); }) .on('mouseleave', function() { week.hide(); }) ; week.click(function() { self.options.day = $(this).data('cal-week'); self.view('week'); }); $('a.event').mouseenter(function() { $('a[data-event-id="' + $(this).data('event-id') + '"]').closest('.cal-cell1').addClass('day-highlight dh-' + $(this).data('event-class')); }); $('a.event').mouseleave(function() { $('div.cal-cell1').removeClass('day-highlight dh-' + $(this).data('event-class')); }); }; Calendar.prototype._update_month_year = function() { if(!this.options.views[this.options.view].slide_events) { return; } var self = this; var activecell = 0; var downbox = $(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', 'cal-day-tick').html(''); $('.cal-month-day, .cal-year-box .span3') .on('mouseenter', function() { if($('.events-list', this).length == 0) return; if($(this).children('[data-cal-date]').text() == self.activecell) return; downbox.show().appendTo(this); }) .on('mouseleave', function() { downbox.hide(); }) .on('click', function(event) { if($('.events-list', this).length == 0) return; if($(this).children('[data-cal-date]').text() == self.activecell) return; showEventsList(event, downbox, slider, self); }) ; var slider = $(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', 'cal-slide-box'); slider.hide().click(function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); this._loadTemplate('events-list'); downbox.click(function(event) { showEventsList(event, $(this), slider, self); }); }; Calendar.prototype.getEventsBetween = function(start, end) { var events = []; $.each(this.options.events, function() { if(this.start == null) { return true; } var event_end = this.end || this.start; if((parseInt(this.start) < end) && (parseInt(event_end) >= start)) { events.push(this); } }); return events; }; function showEventsList(event, that, slider, self) { event.stopPropagation(); var that = $(that); var cell = that.closest('.cal-cell'); var row = cell.closest('.cal-before-eventlist'); var tick_position = cell.data('cal-row'); that.fadeOut('fast'); slider.slideUp('fast', function() { var event_list = $('.events-list', cell); slider.html(self.options.templates['events-list']({ cal: self, events: self.getEventsBetween(parseInt(event_list.data('cal-start')), parseInt(event_list.data('cal-end'))) })); row.after(slider); self.activecell = $('[data-cal-date]', cell).text(); $('#cal-slide-tick').addClass('tick' + tick_position).show(); slider.slideDown('fast', function() { $('body').one('click', function() { slider.slideUp('fast'); self.activecell = 0; }); }); }); // Wait 400ms before updating the modal & attach the mouseenter&mouseleave(400ms is the time for the slider to fade out and slide up) setTimeout(function() { $('a.event-item').mouseenter(function() { $('a[data-event-id="' + $(this).data('event-id') + '"]').closest('.cal-cell1').addClass('day-highlight dh-' + $(this).data('event-class')); }); $('a.event-item').mouseleave(function() { $('div.cal-cell1').removeClass('day-highlight dh-' + $(this).data('event-class')); }); self._update_modal(); }, 400); } function getEasterDate(year, offsetDays) { var a = year % 19; var b = Math.floor(year / 100); var c = year % 100; var d = Math.floor(b / 4); var e = b % 4; var f = Math.floor((b + 8) / 25); var g = Math.floor((b - f + 1) / 3); var h = (19 * a + b - d - g + 15) % 30; var i = Math.floor(c / 4); var k = c % 4; var l = (32 + 2 * e + 2 * i - h - k) % 7; var m = Math.floor((a + 11 * h + 22 * l) / 451); var n0 = (h + l + 7 * m + 114) var n = Math.floor(n0 / 31) - 1; var p = n0 % 31 + 1; return new Date(year, n, p + (offsetDays ? offsetDays : 0), 0, 0, 0); } $.fn.calendar = function(params) { return new Calendar(params, this); } }(jQuery));