# Googler Sublime Text plugin for easy googling. ## Features and Abilities * Open Google homepage * Google current selection * Auto-prefix file type with selection * Selections/queries are editable before search * Configurable search query prefixes & suffixes for each file type ## Usage Press `super` then type `og` * Without any selections, it will take you to Google * With selections it will open a panel where you can edit the query (hit `Enter` after confirmation) ## Settings From the menu bar: `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Package Settings -> Googler -> Settings - User` Default and sample settings can be found in the `Settings - Default` file. ## Finding the file type Press ``ctrl + ` `` to open the console in Sublime Text. Paste in the below command and hit `Enter` to find the file type. `self.view.scope_name(region.begin()).rpartition('.')[2].strip()` You can then use this as the key in your settings file. ## Configuration In your `Settings - User` file: ``` { "includeScope": false, // Disables file type configs "ruby": { // For .rb files the file type is 'ruby' "prefix": "rails", // Useful if you are working on a Rails project "suffix": "site:api.rubyonrails.org" // Restrict results to a site }, "js": { "prefix": "", // Disable the prefix for this scope "suffix": "react docs" } } ```