{ "11001": "The letters आ, ऐ and औ are called 'वृद्धि'.", "11002": "The letters अ, ए and ओ are called 'गुण'.", "11003": "If the words गुण or वृद्धि are used to denote the operation of गुणादेश or वृद्धि-आदेश without specifying where such an आदेश happens, then this आदेश should be done in place of the 'इक्' letter.", "11004": "If a part of धातु gets removed due to an आर्धधातुक प्रत्यय, then that प्रत्यय cannot cause any गुण or वृद्धि on the इक् letter of the remaining part of that धातु.", "11005": "In presence of a कित्, गित् or a ङित् प्रत्यय, any गुण or वृद्धि that might happen on an इक्-letter of an अङ्ग is prohibited.\n", "11006": "The इक् letter of - (a) the verb दीधीङ्, (b) The verb वेवीङ् , and (c) इडागम - do not undergo a गुण or a वृद्धि. ", "11007": "Group of two or more व्यञ्जनानि pronounced together without any स्वर or a pause between them is referred as संयोग. ", "11008": "A letter whose pronunciation needs the usage of nose as well as mouth is called an अनुनासिक.", "11009": "Two letters are called सवर्ण of each other if their mouth-based location of pronunciation and their आभ्यन्तरप्रयत्न are same as of each other.", "11010": "A स्वर and a व्यञ्जन cannot be सवर्ण of each other.", "11011": "दीर्घ-ईकारान्त, दीर्घ-ऊकारान्त and एकारान्त forms of द्विवचन are known as 'प्रगृह्य'.", "11012": "The forms of the अदस् word which end in मी / मू / मे are known as 'प्रगृह्य'.", "11013": "'शे' is called प्रगृह्य.", "11014": "Except for the word आङ्, all other निपाताः that contain only one स्वर (and no व्यञ्जन) are known as प्रगृह्य.", "11015": "All ओकारान्त निपातs are known as प्रगृह्य.", "11016": "According to Shakalya, the ओकार at end of the सम्बोधन-एकवचन form, when followed by the word 'इति' in a non vedic context, gets the term प्रगृह्य.", "11017": "According to Shakalya, the निपात 'उञ्', when followed by the word 'इति' in a non vedic context, gets the term 'प्रगृह्य'.", "11018": "According to Shakalya, the 'उञ्' when followed by the अवैदिक 'इति' word gets optionally converted to प्रगृह्य ऊँ.", "11019": "An ईकारान्त and an ऊकारान्त word that represents the meaning of सप्तमी gets the term 'प्रगृह्य'.", "11020": "Except for the verbs दाप् and दैप्, all other verbs that are referred to as 'दारूपाः' or 'धारूपाः' are known as 'घु'. ", "11021": "If a word has a single letter, it acts as the first letter, and it also acts as the last letter. ", "11022": "The तरप् प्रत्यय and the तमप् प्रत्यय are known as 'घ'", "11023": "The words बहु and गण, and the words ending in the वतुँप् and डति प्रत्यय are known as 'संख्या'.", "11024": "The षकारान्त and the नकारान्त words which are referred to as 'संख्या' are also called 'षट्'.", "11025": "The word ending in the डति प्रत्यय which is referred to as 'संख्या' is also called 'षट्'.", "11026": "The 'क्त' and 'क्तवतु' pratyayas are called 'निष्ठा'.", "11027": "The words belonging to the सर्वादिगण are called सर्वनाम.", "11028": "The words of सर्वादिगण in a दिशावाची बहुव्रीहि समास are optionally considered सर्वनाम. ", "11029": "The words of सर्वादिगण, when used to create a बहुव्रीहिसमास are not called सर्वनाम.", "11030": "The words of the सर्वादिगण participating in a तृतीयासमास are not called सर्वनाम.", "11031": "The words formed by the द्वन्द्व समास of the words of सर्वादिगण are not called सर्वनाम.", "11032": "The words formed by the द्वन्द्व समास of the words of सर्वादिगण are optionally called सर्वनाम when they get the 'जस्' pratyay. ", "11033": "The words - प्रथम, चरम, अल्प, अर्ध, कतिपय, and नेम ; and also the words ending in the 'तयप्' प्रत्यय are optionally called सर्वनाम when they get the 'जस्' प्रत्यय.", "11034": "The words 'पूर्व', 'पर', 'अवर', 'दक्षिण', 'उत्तर', 'अपर' and 'अधर'; when used in the sense of 'limit' but not as a proper noun; are optionally called सर्वनाम when followed by the जस् प्रत्यय. ", "11035": "The word 'स्व', when used in a meaning different than 'relatives' and 'money' is optionally called सर्वनाम when followed by the जस् प्रत्यय.", "11036": "The word 'अन्तर', when used in the meaning of 'outside a certain place' or 'undergarment', is optionally called 'सर्वनाम' when followed by the 'जस्' प्रत्यय.", "11037": "The words of the स्वरादिगण and the words which are called 'निपात' are all also known as 'अव्यय'.", "11038": "A तद्धितान्त word to which all the विभक्तिप्रत्ययाः cannot be attached is known as 'अव्यय'. ", "11039": "A word that ends in - (a) a मकारान्त कृत्-प्रत्यय, or (b) a कृत्-प्रत्यय that ends in the एच् letter - is known as 'अव्यय'. ", "11040": "The words ending in क्त्वा, तोसुन् and कसुन् प्रत्यय are known as 'अव्यय'. ", "11041": "The word formed using an अव्ययीभाव समास are known as अव्यय. ", "11042": "'शि' is also called 'सर्वनामस्थान'. ", "11043": "The सुँ, औ, जस्, अम्, and औट् प्रत्ययाः attached to a non-नपुंसकलिङ्ग word are called 'सर्वनामस्थान'. ", "11044": "The word विभाषा is used to indicate the meaning of 'optional negation' and 'optional application'.", "11045": "An 'इक्' letter that comes as a replacement for a 'यण्' letter is known as सम्प्रसारण. ", "11046": "A टित्-आगम is attached before its substrate, and a कित्-आगम comes after its substrate.", "11047": "A मित्-आगम is attached after the last स्वर of its substrate.", "11048": "When an 'एच्' letter undergoes a हस्वादेश, it is replaced by an 'इक्' letter.", "11049": "When the षष्ठी विभक्ति occurring in a sutra does not indicate a clear relationship, it is considered to indicate the स्थानी.", "11050": "Out of multiple आदेशाः possible in a place, the one that is closest in properties gets selected. ", "11051": "Any अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ letter appearing as an आदेश in place of a ऋकार/ऌकार is always followed by the letter र्/ल् respectively.", "11052": "आदेश told in a sutra happens in the place of the last letter of the स्थानी.", "11053": "A ङित्-आदेश happens to the last letter of the स्थानी.", "11054": "The आदेश told on the latter word of a given निमित्त happens on its first letter. ", "11055": "An आदेश which either has more than one letters, or is शित् - replaces the entire स्थानी. \n", "11056": "An आदेश acts like a स्थानी in the context of the operations that are not associated with a single letter.\n", "11057": "An आदेश done in place of an अच् letter due to the परनिमित्त acts like the स्थानी even in the context of कार्याणि that are associated with a single letter; as long as the कार्याणि are on an entity prior to the location of the स्थानी. \n", "11058": "An आदेश done in place of an अच् letter due to the परनिमित्त never acts like a स्थानी; even for the single-letter-कार्याणि done on an entity prior to the location of the स्थानी; in the context of - (1) पदान्तकार्य (2) द्वित्वकार्य (3) 'वरच्' प्रत्ययकार्य (4) यकारलोप (5) स्वरविधि (6) सवर्णकार्य (7) अनुस्वारविधि (8) दीर्घादेशकार्य (9) जश्त्वकार्य and (10) चर्त्वकार्य.", "11059": "An आदेश done in place of an अच् letter acts like a स्थानी for the द्वित्वकार्य, provided that such a द्वित्वकार्य is caused by an अजादि षनिमित्त. ", "11060": "non-appearance of a letter or a group of letters is called लोप.", "11061": "The elision of a प्रत्यय done using the specific words लुक्, श्लु and लुप् is respectively known by the terms लुक्, श्लु, लुप्.", "11062": "The कार्य associated with a प्रत्यय happens even when the प्रत्यय undergoes a लोप.", "11063": "A प्रत्यय that has been removed लुक् , श्लु or लुप् does not cause any अङ्गकार्यम्.", "11064": "The fragment of a word starting from its last अच् letter till the end is called टि.", "11065": "The second-last letter of a word is called उपधा.", "11066": "The words in the सप्तमी विभक्ति are used to indicate that the कार्य happens on an immediately previous entity.", "11067": "The words in the पञ्चमी विभक्ति are used to indicate that the कार्य happens on an immediately next entity.", "11068": "The words used in the rules of the grammar represent the verbatim sequence of the letters (and not their underlying meaning); except for the technical terms which represent the meaning rather than the verbatim sequence of the letters.", "11069": "An अण् letter which does not represent an आदेश, and an उदित letter (one of कु, चु, टु, तु, पु) used in a sutra represent all the सवर्ण forms.\n", "11070": "A letter that follows or is followed by 'त्' represents only those सवर्णाः which require the same time for pronunciation as that letter. ", "11071": "A beginning letter, when combined with an ending इत् letter, stands for itself and for all the letters in between.\n", "11072": "A विधि mentioned using an adjective happens in the context of that adjective, and also in context of the words which end in that adjective. ", "11073": "A word whose first स्वर is वृद्धि is called 'वृद्ध'.", "11074": "The words of the त्यदादिगण are called 'वृद्ध'.", "11075": "A word that represent the name of an eastern country and whose first स्वर is ए or ओ is called 'वृद्ध'.", "12001": "The non-ञित् and non-णित् प्रत्ययाः attached to the - (1) the 'गाङ्' आदेश (that happens to the धातु 'इङ् अध्ययने'), and (2) the verbs of the कुटादिगण (an अन्तर्गण of तुदादिगण) - behave as if they are ङित्.", "12002": "A प्रत्यय that gets an इडागम is considered ङित् when attached to the dhatu 'विज्'.", "12003": "", "12004": "An अपित् सार्वधातुकप्रत्ययः behaves like a ङित् प्रत्यय. ", "12005": "For a verb root that does not end in a संयोग, the अपित् प्रत्यय of लिट्-लकार behaves like a कित् प्रत्यय.", "12006": "", "12007": "", "12008": "", "12009": "", "12010": "", "12011": "", "12012": "", "12013": "", "12014": "", "12015": "", "12016": "", "12017": "", "12018": "", "12019": "", "12020": "", "12021": "", "12022": "", "12023": "", "12024": "", "12025": "", "12026": "", "12027": "Vowels are classified as ह्रस्व, दीर्घ and प्लुत based on the time taken for their pronunciation, as compared against the time of उ, ऊ and उ3 respectively. ", "12028": "Action denoted by the words ह्रस्व / दीर्घ / प्लुत happens in place of an अच् letter.", "12029": "A vowel that is pronounced using the upper-half portion of its उच्चारणस्थान is known as उदात्त.", "12030": "A vowel that is pronounced using the lower-half portion of its उच्चारणस्थान is known as अनुदात्त.", "12031": "A vowel that is pronounced using the upper as well as lower portions of its उच्चारणस्थान is known as स्वरित.", "12032": "The first half part of a स्वरित-स्वर is considered उदात्त.", "12033": "", "12034": "", "12035": "", "12036": "", "12037": "", "12038": "", "12039": "", "12040": "", "12041": "A प्रत्ययः that contains only one letter is called अपृक्त । ", "12042": "", "12043": "", "12044": "", "12045": "A meaningful word which is not a धातु, not a प्रत्यय, and which does not end in प्रत्यय is called a 'प्रातिपदिक'.", "12046": "कृत्-प्रत्ययान्त words, तद्धितप्रत्ययान्त words and the सामासिकशब्दाः are known as प्रातिपदिक.", "12047": "The last letter of an अजन्त प्रातिपदिक is becomes हस्व in context of नपुंसकलिङ्ग.", "12048": "", "12049": "", "12050": "", "12051": "", "12052": "", "12053": "", "12054": "", "12055": "", "12056": "", "12057": "", "12058": "", "12059": "", "12060": "", "12061": "", "12062": "", "12063": "", "12064": "If two or more words have identical forms for all विभक्तिs, then in usage only one word is used by applying appropriate वचन to it. ", "12065": "", "12066": "", "12067": "", "12068": "", "12069": "", "12070": "", "12071": "", "12072": "", "12073": "", "13001": "The words भू and others, when used to denote an action, are called 'धातु'.", "13002": "An अनुनासिक स्वर present in an उपदेश is called 'इत्'.", "13003": "The ending हल् letter of an उपदेश is called 'इत्'.", "13004": "The letters - त्, थ्, द्, ध्, न्, स्, म् - occurring in the औपदेशिक form of a विभक्ति are not called 'इत्' । ", "13005": "The groups ञि, टु and डु occurring at the beginning of an उपदेश are called 'इत्'.", "13006": "The letter ष् at the beginning of the औपदेशिक form of a प्रत्यय is called 'इत्' ।", "13007": "The letters - च्, छ्, ज्, झ्, ञ्, ट्, ठ्, ड्, ढ्, ण् - at the beginning of the औपदेशिक form of a प्रत्यय are called इत् ।", "13008": "The letters ल्, श्, क्, ख्, ग्, घ्, ङ् at the beginning of the औपदेशिक form of a non-तद्धित प्रत्यय are called इत् ।", "13009": "The इत् letter is elided during the प्रक्रिया. ", "13010": "When a certain relation is given between two groups having same number of elements, then the relation is considered to exist only between the correspondingly positioned members of the two groups.", "13011": "In this सूत्रपाठ, a स्वरित स्वर is used to denote अनुवृत्तिs.", "13012": "A verb that contains (a) इत्संज्ञक ङकारः, or (b) an इत्संज्ञक अनुदात्त स्वर gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद.", "13013": "A verb gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद in the भावे and the कर्मणि प्रयोग. ", "13014": "A verb gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद, even in the कर्तरि प्रयोग, in the context of व्यतिहार (exchange of actions).", "13015": "The verbs indicating the action of - (a) movement, or (2) violence - do not get the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद in the कर्तरि प्रयोग, in the context of व्यतिहार (exchange of actions).", "13016": "A verb does not get the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद in the कर्तरि प्रयोग, in the context of व्यतिहार (exchange of actions) when either of the words 'इतरेतर' or 'अन्योन्य' is used to describe the situation.\n", "13017": "When the उपसर्ग 'नि' is attached to the verb 'विश्', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद. ", "13018": "When any of the उपसर्गs - परि, वि, अव - is attached to the verb 'क्री', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद.\n", "13019": "When any of the उपसर्गs - वि or परा - is attached to the verb 'जि', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद.", "13020": "When the उपसर्ग आङ् is attached to the verb 'दा'; it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद, provided that the meaning is something other than 'opening the mouth'.", "13021": "When any of the उपसर्गs - आङ् , अनु, सम or परि - is attached to the verb 'क्रीड्', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद.", "13022": "When any of the उपसर्गs - सम् , अव, प्र, वि - is attached to the verb 'स्था', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद.\n", "13023": "The verb स्था gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद when used in the meaning of - (a) Clearing explaining own opinion, and (b) Putting and end to a question / debate.", "13024": "When the उपसर्ग 'उत्' is attached to the verb 'स्था', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद, provided that the meaning is not 'moving upwards / standing up'.\n", "13025": "When the उपसर्ग 'उप' is attached to the verb 'स्था', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद ; provided the meaning is 'to approach using the मन्त्रs'.\n", "13026": "When the उपसर्ग 'उप' is attached to the verb 'स्था', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद ; provided that the verb is used in an अकर्मक sense. ", "13027": "When either of the उपसर्गs - 'उत्', 'वि' - is attached to the verb 'तप्', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of 'आत्मनेपद' ; provided that the verb is used in an अकर्मक sense. ", "13028": "When the उपसर्ग 'आङ्' is attached to verbs यम् / हन् , they get the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद ; provided that the verbs are used in an अकर्मक sense.", "13029": "When the उपसर्ग 'सम्' is attached to any of the verbs - गम्, ऋच्छ्, प्रच्छ्, स्वर्, ऋ, श्रु, विद् - they get the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद ; provided that the verbs are used in an अकर्मक sense.", "13030": "When any of the उपसर्गs - नि, सम्, वि - is attached to the verb 'ह्वे', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद.", "13031": "When the उपसर्ग 'आङ्' is attached to the verb 'ह्वे', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of 'आत्मनेपद', provided the meaning is 'to complete / to wish to defeat'. ", "13032": "The verb कृ gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद, when used in the meanings of - \n(1) गन्धनम् - To backbite, \n(2) अवक्षेपणम् - To defame, \n(3) सेवन् - To serve or help out \n(4) साहसिक्यम् - To force someone to do something against their wish, To rape\n(5) प्रतियत्न -To make someone change their character, \n(6) प्रकथनम् - To narrate, \nand\n(7) उपयोग - To bring in practice, to use. \n", "13033": "When the उपसर्ग 'अधि' is attached to the verb 'कृ', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद ; provided that the meaning is 'to forgive / to obtain victory'. ", "13034": "When the उपसर्ग 'वि' is attached to the verb 'कृ', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद ; provided the meaning is 'to make sound / to pronounce'. \n", "13035": "When the उपसर्ग 'वि' is attached to the verb 'कृ', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद ; provided that the verb is used in an अकर्मक sense.", "13036": "The verb नी gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद ; when used in the meaning of - (1) सम्मानन, To respect in an appropriate way (2) उत्सञ्जन, To lift up, to toss (3) आचार्यकरण, To convert someone into a teacher (by imparting proper knowledge to them) (4) ज्ञान, To decide, fix upon (5) भृतिः, Employ someone by giving money (6) निगणन, To pay off, to give loan ; and (7) व्यय, To spend.", "13037": "The verb 'नी' when used in the कर्तरि सकर्मकप्रयोग gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद, provided that the कर्मपद does not represent either the body or a part of the body of an animal. ", "13038": "The verb 'क्रम्' gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद, when it is used in the meaning of - (1) वृत्तिः , To progress without getting stuck , (2) सर्गः, enthusiasm, (3) तायनः, expansion, elaboration.", "13039": "When the verb 'क्रम्' comes with an उपसर्ग, it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद only in the meaning of - (1) वृत्तिः , To progress without getting stuck , (2) सर्गः, enthusiasm, (3) तायनः, expansion, elaboration.", "13040": "When the उपसर्ग 'आङ्' is attached to the verb 'क्रम्', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद, provided the meaning is 'to rise, to travel upwards'.", "13041": "When the उपसर्ग 'वि' is attached to the verb 'क्रम्', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद, provided the meaning is 'to roam around with feet'.", "13042": "When the उपसर्ग 'प्र' or 'उप' is attached to the verb 'क्रम्', it gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद ; provided that the meaning expressed is 'the beginning of'.", "13043": "When the verb क्रम् is used without any उपसर्ग, it optionally gets the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद.", "13044": "", "13045": "", "13046": "", "13047": "", "13048": "", "13049": "", "13050": "", "13051": "", "13052": "", "13053": "", "13054": "", "13055": "", "13056": "", "13057": "", "13058": "", "13059": "", "13060": "", "13061": "", "13062": "", "13063": "When the verb root कृ is used after the आम् प्रत्यय, the verb root कृ gets the same पद as the original verb to which the आम् प्रत्यय has been attached.", "13064": "", "13065": "", "13066": "", "13067": "", "13068": "", "13069": "", "13070": "", "13071": "", "13072": "A verb that contains इत्संज्ञक ञकार or an इत्संज्ञक स्वरित स्वरः gets the प्रत्यया of आत्मनेपद when the doer of the action does the action for himself.", "13073": "", "13074": "", "13075": "", "13076": "", "13077": "", "13078": "The verbs that do not get the प्रत्ययाः of आत्मनेपद will get the प्रत्ययाः of परस्मैपद.\n", "13079": "", "13080": "", "13081": "", "13082": "", "13083": "", "13084": "", "13085": "", "13086": "", "13087": "", "13088": "", "13089": "", "13090": "", "13091": "", "13092": "", "13093": "", "14001": "If a word is given two संज्ञाs under this अधिकार, and if the संज्ञा given by the later sutra can only be given whenever the संज्ञा given by the earlier sutra is given, then under such circumstances, the word gets only the संज्ञा given by the later sutra, not the earlier sutra. ", "14002": "If two sutras that can be invoked independent of each other happen to conflict at the same step during a प्रक्रिया, then the later occurring sutra gets applied by precedence. ", "14003": "The दीर्घ-ईकारान्त and दीर्घ-ऊकारान्त words which are only used as स्त्रीलिङ्ग forms get the term 'नदी'.", "14004": "Except for the word 'स्त्री', any other word which is eligible for getting an इयङ्-आदेश or an उवङ्-आदेश is not referred to as नदी.", "14005": "Except for the word 'स्त्री', any other word which is eligible for getting an इयङ्-आदेश or an उवङ्-आदेश optionally gets the term नदी in presence of the आम् प्रत्यय of षष्ठी बहुवचन.", "14006": "Except for the word 'स्त्री', any other word which is eligible for getting an इयङ्-आदेश or an उवङ्-आदेश, and any ह्रस्व-इकारान्त/हस्व-उकारान्त word optionally gets the term नदी in presence of a ङित् प्रत्यय.", "14007": "Except for the word सखि, all ह्रस्व-इकारान्त and ह्रस्व-उकारान्त words get the term घि whenever they do not get the term नदी.", "14008": "The word पति gets the term घि only when used in a समास.", "14009": "The word पति, when associated with a word of षष्ठी विभक्ति, optionally gets the term घि in वेदाः.", "14010": "A ह्रस्व स्वर gets the term लघु.", "14011": "A ह्रस्व स्वर which is followed by a संयोग gets the term गुरु.", "14012": "A दीर्घ स्वर gets the term गुरु.", "14013": "When a प्रत्यय is attached to a word, everything that begins with the first letter of that word up to (and excluding) the first letter of the प्रत्ययः itself, is called the an अङ्गम् of that प्रत्यय. ", "14014": "Any word ending in a सुप् प्रत्यय or a तिङ् प्रत्यय is called a पद.", "14015": "A नकारान्त word gets the term 'पद' when followed by a प्रत्यय that begins with क्य.", "14016": "In presence of a प्रत्यय having सकार as इत्संज्ञक, the प्रकृति gets the term पद.", "14017": "If a प्रत्यय which is not a सर्वनामस्थान and which is specified in the fourth or fifth chapter gets attached to an प्रकृति , the प्रकृति gets the term पद.", "14018": "If a यकारादि or an अजादि प्रत्यय which is not a सर्वनामस्थान and which is specified in the fourth or fifth chapter gets attached to a प्रकृति , the प्रकृति gets the term भ.", "14019": "A तकारान्त or a सकारान्त word gets the term 'भ' when followed by a मत्वर्थीय प्रत्यय.", "14020": "The 'अयस्मय' and other words should be considered valid words in the वैदिक literature. ", "14021": "For referring to many, the बहुवचन forms are used.", "14022": "For referring to two, the द्विवचन forms are used, where as for referring to one, the एकवचन forms are used.", "14023": "", "14024": "", "14025": "", "14026": "", "14027": "", "14028": "", "14029": "", "14030": "", "14031": "", "14032": "", "14033": "", "14034": "", "14035": "", "14036": "", "14037": "", "14038": "", "14039": "", "14040": "", "14041": "", "14042": "", "14043": "", "14044": "", "14045": "", "14046": "", "14047": "", "14048": "", "14049": "", "14050": "", "14051": "", "14052": "For verbs indicating motion (गति), knowledge (बुद्धि), eating (भक्षण); for verbs whose action involves a word (शब्दकर्म) ; and for the अकर्मक verbs the कर्ता of the अप्रयोजक sentence becomes कर्म in the प्रयोजक sentence.", "14053": "", "14054": "", "14055": "", "14056": "The words discussed till <<अधिरीश्वरे>> [[1.4.97]] are known as निपात. ", "14057": "The words included in the चादिगण are called निपात when used in a sense that does not denote an object.", "14058": "The words included in the प्रादिगण are called निपात when used in a sense that does not denote an object.", "14059": "The words belonging to the प्रादिगण are called उपसर्ग when used along with a verb. ", "14060": "The words belonging to the प्रादिगण are also called गति when used along with a verb.", "14061": "", "14062": "", "14063": "", "14064": "", "14065": "", "14066": "", "14067": "", "14068": "", "14069": "", "14070": "", "14071": "", "14072": "", "14073": "", "14074": "", "14075": "", "14076": "", "14077": "", "14078": "", "14079": "", "14080": "Words referred as उपसर्ग or गति are attached before the verb root.", "14081": "", "14082": "", "14083": "", "14084": "", "14085": "", "14086": "", "14087": "", "14088": "", "14089": "", "14090": "", "14091": "", "14092": "", "14093": "", "14094": "", "14095": "", "14096": "", "14097": "", "14098": "", "14099": "The आदेशा that occur in place of a लकार are known as परस्मैपद. ", "14100": "The तङ्, शानच् and कानच् आदेशाः that occur in place of a लकार are known as आत्मनेपद.", "14101": "The तिङ्-प्रत्ययाः, when grouped into groups of three, are sequentially known as प्रथम, मध्यम and उत्तम.", "14102": "The तिङ्-प्रत्ययाः are sequentially referred as एकवचन, द्विवचन and बहुवचन.", "14103": "The सुप्-प्रत्ययाः are sequentially referred as एकवचन, द्विवचन and बहुवचन.", "14104": "The सुप्-प्रत्ययाः and the तिङ्-प्रत्ययाः are called विभक्ति.", "14105": "Where a form of the word युष्मद् shows the same substance which is shown by the लकार, there the तिङन्तपद must be expressed using the मध्यमपुरुष प्रत्ययाs. ", "14106": "When one person wants to make fun of what other person thinks, and he uses the verb 'मन्' to indicate the thinking process, the verb मन् is used in उत्तमपुरुष-एकवचन and the other verb is used in मध्यमपुरुष. For example, consider this statement - 'Do you think you can eat the rice' (एहि मन्ये ओदनम् भोक्ष्यसे)? Here the speaker is making fun of the thinking process of other person, saying that the other person is thinking he could eat the rice, but he would not be able to. In such a case, the verb मन् would get उत्तमपुरुष (instead of ideally getting मध्यमपुरुष), and the other word (भुज् in this case) would get मध्यमपुरुष instead of ideally getting उत्तमपुरुष). So, instead of saying रे बुभुक्षित, किम् त्वं एतत् मन्यसे यत् अहम् ओदनम् भोक्ष्ये, we would say - एहि मन्ये ओदनम् भोक्ष्यसे?\n", "14107": "Where a form of the word अस्मद् shows the same substance which is shown by the लकार, there the तिङन्तपद must be expressed using the उत्तमपुरुष प्रत्ययाs.", "14108": "Where a form of the word other than अस्मद् or युष्मद् shows the same substance which is shown by the लकार, there the तिङन्तपद must be expressed using the प्रथमपुरुष प्रत्ययाs.", "14109": "Extreme closeness of letters is called संहिता.", "14110": "Absence of letters is called अवसान.", "21001": "The 'पदविधि' given in the व्याकरणशास्त्र happens only for the words that exhibit सामर्थ्य (that is, those which are related to each other). ", "21002": "A सुबन्त that is followed by an आमन्त्रित will behave exactly like the अङ्ग of that आमन्त्रित,when it comes to determination of the स्वर in that सुबन्त. ", "21003": "The समास term is discussed from this sutra onwards till the end of second पाद of the second chapter. ", "21004": "A समास is formed when one सुबन्त combines with another related सुबन्त. ", "21005": "The समासाः told till 2.1.22 are called अव्ययीभावसमासाः । ", "21006": "An अव्यय that is used in any of these meanings- विभक्तिः (e.g. 'अधि'), समीपम् (near, e.g. 'उप'), समृद्धिः (prosperity, e.g. 'सु') , व्यृद्धिः (deterioration, e.g. 'दुस्','दुर्'), अर्थाभावः (absence, e.g 'निर्'), अत्ययम् (expiry, e.g. 'अति'), असम्प्रतिः (non-presence, e.g. 'अति'), शब्दप्रादुर्भावः (appearance of the word, e.g. 'तत्'), पश्चात् (later, e.g. 'अनु'), यथा (eligibility, e.g. 'यथा'), आनुपूर्व्य (sequentially, e.g. 'अनु'), यौगपद्य (simultaneously, e.g. 'स'), सादृश्य (similarity, e.g. 'स'), सम्पत्ति (appropriate, e.g. 'स'), साकल्यार्थः (entirety, e.g. 'स'), अन्तवचनम् ('till', e.g. 'स') - undergoes a समास with a related सुबन्त, and the समास is called अव्ययीभावसमास.", "21007": "The word 'यथा', when used in a meaning different than 'similarity', undergoes a समास with a related सुबन्त, and the समास is called अव्ययीभावसमास.", "21008": "When the word 'यावत्' is used in the the meaning of अवधारणा (indication of a number, For example - 'as many'), it undergoes a समास with a related सुबन्त, and the समास is called अव्ययीभावसमास. ", "21009": "The word 'प्रति' when used in the meaning of 'मात्रा' (little, a small amount) undergoes a समास with related सुबन्त, and the समास is called अव्ययीभाव. ", "21010": "The word अक्ष (dice), the word शलाका (stick) and the words indicating a number - all undergo a समास with a related 'परि' शब्द, and the समास is called अव्ययीभावसमास. ", "21011": "All the समासाः that are told henceforth (in the following sutras) happen optionally.", "21012": "The words 'अप', 'परि', 'बहि' and the words generated from the verb 'अञ्च्' (E.g. प्राच्, प्रत्यच्, उदच् etc) optionally undergo a समास with related पञ्चम्यन्त word; and the समास is called अव्ययीभावसमास. ", "21013": "The word 'आङ्' used in the meaning of मर्यादा (exclusive limit) and अभिविधि (inclusive limit) optionally undergoes a समास with a related word in पञ्चमी, and the समास is called अव्ययीभावसमास. ", "21014": "", "21015": "", "21016": "", "21017": "", "21018": "", "21019": "", "21020": "", "21021": "", "21022": "", "21023": "", "21024": "", "21025": "", "21026": "", "21027": "", "21028": "", "21029": "", "21030": "", "21031": "", "21032": "", "21033": "", "21034": "", "21035": "", "21036": "", "21037": "", "21038": "", "21039": "", "21040": "", "21041": "", "21042": "", "21043": "", "21044": "", "21045": "", "21046": "", "21047": "", "21048": "", "21049": "", "21050": "", "21051": "", "21052": "", "21053": "", "21054": "", "21055": "", "21056": "", "21057": "", "21058": "", "21059": "", "21060": "", "21061": "", "21062": "", "21063": "", "21064": "", "21065": "", "21066": "", "21067": "", "21068": "", "21069": "", "21070": "", "21071": "", "21072": "", "22001": "", "22002": "", "22003": "", "22004": "", "22005": "", "22006": "", "22007": "", "22008": "", "22009": "", "22010": "", "22011": "", "22012": "", "22013": "", "22014": "", "22015": "", "22016": "", "22017": "", "22018": "", "22019": "", "22020": "", "22021": "", "22022": "", "22023": "", "22024": "", "22025": "", "22026": "", "22027": "", "22028": "", "22029": "", "22030": "", "22031": "", "22032": "", "22033": "", "22034": "", "22035": "", "22036": "", "22037": "", "22038": "", "23001": "", "23002": "", "23003": "", "23004": "", "23005": "", "23006": "", "23007": "", "23008": "", "23009": "", "23010": "", "23011": "", "23012": "", "23013": "", "23014": "", "23015": "", "23016": "", "23017": "", "23018": "", "23019": "", "23020": "", "23021": "", "23022": "", "23023": "", "23024": "", "23025": "", "23026": "", "23027": "", "23028": "", "23029": "", "23030": "", "23031": "", "23032": "", "23033": "", "23034": "", "23035": "", "23036": "", "23037": "", "23038": "", "23039": "", "23040": "", "23041": "", "23042": "", "23043": "", "23044": "", "23045": "", "23046": "", "23047": "", "23048": "", "23049": "The प्रथमा-एकवचन when used in the context of सम्बोधन gets the term 'सम्बुद्धि'.", "23050": "", "23051": "", "23052": "", "23053": "", "23054": "", "23055": "", "23056": "", "23057": "", "23058": "", "23059": "", "23060": "", "23061": "", "23062": "", "23063": "", "23064": "", "23065": "", "23066": "", "23067": "", "23068": "", "23069": "", "23070": "", "23071": "", "23072": "", "23073": "", "24001": "", "24002": "", "24003": "", "24004": "", "24005": "", "24006": "", "24007": "", "24008": "", "24009": "", "24010": "", "24011": "", "24012": "", "24013": "", "24014": "", "24015": "", "24016": "", "24017": "", "24018": "", "24019": "", "24020": "", "24021": "", "24022": "", "24023": "", "24024": "", "24025": "", "24026": "", "24027": "", "24028": "", "24029": "", "24030": "", "24031": "", "24032": "", "24033": "", "24034": "", "24035": "", "24036": "", "24037": "", "24038": "", "24039": "", "24040": "", "24041": "", "24042": "", "24043": "", "24044": "", "24045": "", "24046": "", "24047": "", "24048": "", "24049": "", "24050": "", "24051": "", "24052": "", "24053": "", "24054": "", "24055": "", "24056": "", "24057": "", "24058": "", "24059": "", "24060": "", "24061": "", "24062": "", "24063": "", "24064": "", "24065": "", "24066": "", "24067": "", "24068": "", "24069": "", "24070": "", "24071": "A सुप् प्रत्यय that comes as a part of a धातु or a प्रातिपदिक is removed.\n", "24072": "", "24073": "", "24074": "", "24075": "", "24076": "", "24077": "For the verb roots गा, स्था, पा, भू and the verb roots referred as 'घु', the सिच्-विकरण is removed when followed by the प्रत्यय of परस्मैपद.", "24078": "For the verbs घ्रा, धेट्, शो, छो and सो, the सिच्-प्रत्यय is removed optionally when followed by a प्रत्यय of परस्मैपद.", "24079": "", "24080": "", "24081": "The लकार that follows the 'आम्' प्रत्यय is removed. ", "24082": "The आप्-प्रत्ययाः and the सुप्-प्रत्ययाः attached to an अव्यय are removed by doing a लुक्.", "24083": "", "24084": "", "24085": "The प्रथमपुरुष प्रत्ययाः of लुट्-लकार are converted respectively to डा, रौ and रस्.", "31001": "Everything told in this अधिकार are known as प्रत्ययाः. ", "31002": "All the words told in this अधिकार are to be attached at the end of the प्रकृति.", "31003": "The first स्वर of all the प्रत्ययाः mentioned in this अधिकार becomes उदात्त.", "31004": "The first letter of the सुप् and the पित् प्रत्ययाः is अनुदात्त.", "31005": "", "31006": "", "31007": "", "31008": "", "31009": "", "31010": "", "31011": "", "31012": "", "31013": "", "31014": "", "31015": "", "31016": "", "31017": "", "31018": "", "31019": "", "31020": "", "31021": "", "31022": "", "31023": "", "31024": "", "31025": "", "31026": "", "31027": "", "31028": "", "31029": "", "31030": "", "31031": "", "31032": "The words ending in a सनादि प्रत्यय are called 'धातु'.", "31033": "In case of लृट् लकार and लृङ्लकार, the अङ्ग gets the विकरणप्रत्यय 'स्य'. In case of लुट्लकार, the अङ्ग gets the विकरणप्रत्यय तास्.", "31034": "", "31035": "", "31036": "A verb which can be called as 'इजादिः गुरुमान्' gets an आम् प्रत्यय when followed by लिट्-लकार. However, this प्रत्यय is not seen for the verb root ऋच्छ्.", "31037": "", "31038": "", "31039": "", "31040": "The लिट्-लकार forms of verb roots कृ, भू, and अस् are applied after the आम्-प्रत्यय.", "31041": "", "31042": "", "31043": "In case of लुङ्लकार, धातु gets the च्लि विकरणप्रत्यय.", "31044": "The च्लि विकरण is converted to सिच्.", "31045": "The च्लि प्रत्यय that follows a शल्-वर्णान्त, इगुपध and अनिट्-धातु is converted to 'क्स.", "31046": "When used with the meaning of 'giving a hug', The च्लि-प्रत्यय that follows the verb root श्लिष् is converted to क्स.", "31047": "For the verb root दृश्, च्लि is not converted to क्स.", "31048": "For the verbs ending in णि-प्रत्यय, and for the verbs श्रि, द्रु and स्रु, the च्लि-प्रत्यय is converted to चङ् in the कर्तरि context.", "31049": "For the verbs धेट् and श्वि , the च्लि प्रत्यय is optionally converted to चङ्.", "31050": "", "31051": "", "31052": "For the verbs असुँ (क्षेपणे), वच्, and ख्या, the च्लि-प्रत्यय is converted to अङ्.", "31053": "For the verb roots लिप् , सिच् and ह्वे , the च्लि-प्रत्यय is converted to अङ्.", "31054": "For the verb roots लिप् , सिच् and ह्वे , the च्लि-प्रत्यय is optionally converted to अङ् when followed by a प्रत्यय of आत्मनेपद.", "31055": "For the verbs of पुषादिगण and द्युतादिगण, as well as for the ऌदित verbs, च्लि is converted to अङ् when followed by a प्रत्यय of परस्मैपद.", "31056": "For the verbs सृ, शास् and ऋ, the च्लि-प्रत्यय is converted to अङ्.", "31057": "For the इरित्-verbs, the च्लि प्रत्यय is optionally converted to अङ्.", "31058": "For the verbs जॄ, स्तन्भ्, म्रुच्, म्लुच्, ग्रुच्, ग्लुच्, ग्लुञ्च्, टुओश्वि - the च्लि-प्रत्यय is optionally converted to अङ्.", "31059": "", "31060": "", "31061": "", "31062": "", "31063": "", "31064": "", "31065": "", "31066": "", "31067": "In the कर्मणि and the प्रयोगे भावे प्रयोग, धातु gets 'यक्' प्रत्यय when followed by a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय.", "31068": "A verb gets the विकरणप्रत्यय 'शप्' in presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in कर्तरि प्रयोग.", "31069": "A verb belonging to the दिवादिगण gets the विकरणप्रत्यय 'श्यन्' in presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in कर्तरि प्रयोग.", "31070": "In presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in the कर्तरि प्रयोग, the verbs भ्राश् , भ्लाश्, भ्रम्, क्रम्, क्लम्, त्रस्, त्रुट्, लष् get the श्यन् विकरण optionally.", "31071": "In presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in the कर्तरि प्रयोग, the verb यस् when used without an उपसर्ग gets the श्यन् विकरण optionally.", "31072": "In presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in the कर्तरि प्रयोग, the verb यस् when used with the उपसर्ग 'सम्' gets the श्यन् विकरण optionally.", "31073": "A verb belonging to the स्वादिगण gets the विकरणप्रत्यय 'श्नु' in presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in कर्तरि प्रयोग.", "31074": "In presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in the कर्तरि प्रयोग, the verb श्रु is converted to शृ and it gets the श्नु विकरणप्रत्यय.", "31075": "In presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in the कर्तरि प्रयोग, the verb अक्ष् gets the श्नु विकरण optionally.", "31076": "In presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in the कर्तरि प्रयोग, the verb तक्ष् with the meaning 'to peel off / to scrape off' gets the श्नु विकरण optionally.", "31077": "A verb belonging to the तुदादिगण gets the विकरणप्रत्यय 'श' in presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in कर्तरि प्रयोग.", "31078": "A verb belonging to the रुधादिगण gets the विकरणप्रत्यय 'श्नम्' in presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in कर्तरि प्रयोग.", "31079": "A verb belonging to the तनादिगण gets the विकरणप्रत्यय 'उ' in presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in कर्तरि प्रयोग.", "31080": "In presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in the कर्तरि प्रयोग, the verbs धिन्व्, कृण्व् gets the 'उ' विकरणप्रत्यय.", "31081": "A verb belonging to the क्र्यादिगण gets the विकरणप्रत्यय 'श्ना' in presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in कर्तरि प्रयोग.", "31082": "In presence of a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय in the कर्तरि प्रयोग, the verbs स्तम्भ्, स्तुम्भ्, स्कम्भ्, स्कुम्भ्, स्कुञ् gets the श्ना or the श्नु विकरणप्रत्यय.", "31083": "The श्ना प्रत्यय following a हल् letter is converted to शानच् when followed by the 'हि' प्रत्यय.\n", "31084": "The श्ना प्रत्यय following a हल् letter is seen converted either to शायच् or शानच् when followed by the 'हि' प्रत्यय.", "31085": "In the context of वेदाः - Some kind of irregularity might be seen with reference to application of विकरणप्रत्ययाः", "31086": "In the context of वेदाः - The सार्वधातुक forms of आशीर्लिङ्गलकार can also use अङ् as गणविकरणप्रत्यय.", "31087": "", "31088": "", "31089": "", "31090": "", "31091": "", "31092": "The words referenced by the सप्तमीस्थ words of the sutras in this धात्वधिकार get the term 'उपपद'.", "31093": "", "31094": "", "31095": "", "31096": "", "31097": "", "31098": "", "31099": "", "31100": "", "31101": "", "31102": "", "31103": "", "31104": "", "31105": "", "31106": "", "31107": "", "31108": "", "31109": "", "31110": "", "31111": "", "31112": "", "31113": "", "31114": "", "31115": "", "31116": "", "31117": "", "31118": "", "31119": "", "31120": "", "31121": "", "31122": "", "31123": "", "31124": "", "31125": "", "31126": "", "31127": "", "31128": "", "31129": "", "31130": "", "31131": "", "31132": "", "31133": "", "31134": "", "31135": "", "31136": "", "31137": "", "31138": "", "31139": "", "31140": "", "31141": "", "31142": "", "31143": "", "31144": "", "31145": "", "31146": "", "31147": "", "31148": "", "31149": "", "31150": "", "32001": "", "32002": "", "32003": "", "32004": "", "32005": "", "32006": "", "32007": "", "32008": "", "32009": "", "32010": "", "32011": "", "32012": "", "32013": "", "32014": "", "32015": "", "32016": "", "32017": "", "32018": "", "32019": "", "32020": "", "32021": "", "32022": "", "32023": "", "32024": "", "32025": "", "32026": "", "32027": "", "32028": "", "32029": "", "32030": "", "32031": "", "32032": "", "32033": "", "32034": "", "32035": "", "32036": "", "32037": "", "32038": "", "32039": "", "32040": "", "32041": "", "32042": "", "32043": "", "32044": "", "32045": "", "32046": "", "32047": "", "32048": "", "32049": "", "32050": "", "32051": "", "32052": "", "32053": "", "32054": "", "32055": "", "32056": "", "32057": "", "32058": "", "32059": "The words - ऋत्विक्, दधृष्, स्रज् , दिश्, उष्णिह् - are considered to be readymade forms made using the क्विन् प्रत्यय. Also, the verb अञ्च् gets the क्विन् प्रत्यय in presence of an उपपद, where as the verbs युज् and क्रुञ्च् get the क्विन् प्रत्यय in absence of an उपपद. ", "32060": "", "32061": "", "32062": "", "32063": "", "32064": "", "32065": "", "32066": "", "32067": "", "32068": "", "32069": "", "32070": "", "32071": "", "32072": "", "32073": "", "32074": "", "32075": "", "32076": "", "32077": "", "32078": "", "32079": "", "32080": "", "32081": "", "32082": "", "32083": "", "32084": "", "32085": "", "32086": "", "32087": "", "32088": "", "32089": "", "32090": "", "32091": "", "32092": "", "32093": "", "32094": "", "32095": "", "32096": "", "32097": "", "32098": "", "32099": "", "32100": "", "32101": "", "32102": "", "32103": "", "32104": "", "32105": "", "32106": "", "32107": "", "32108": "", "32109": "", "32110": "The लुङ्-प्रत्ययः is used to indicate the past tense.", "32111": "लङ्-लकार is used to indicate actions that have happened yesterday or before.", "32112": "", "32113": "", "32114": "", "32115": "लिट्-लकार is used to indicate an action which was done yesterday or before and which was not seen by the speaker of the sentence. ", "32116": "", "32117": "", "32118": "", "32119": "", "32120": "", "32121": "", "32122": "", "32123": "", "32124": "The लट्-लकार gets शतृ and शानच् as आदेशाः to denote the present-tense, provided a विभक्ति other than प्रथमा is used along with these. ", "32125": "", "32126": "", "32127": "", "32128": "", "32129": "", "32130": "", "32131": "", "32132": "", "32133": "", "32134": "", "32135": "", "32136": "", "32137": "", "32138": "", "32139": "", "32140": "", "32141": "", "32142": "", "32143": "", "32144": "", "32145": "", "32146": "", "32147": "", "32148": "", "32149": "", "32150": "", "32151": "", "32152": "", "32153": "", "32154": "", "32155": "", "32156": "", "32157": "", "32158": "", "32159": "", "32160": "", "32161": "", "32162": "", "32163": "", "32164": "", "32165": "", "32166": "", "32167": "", "32168": "", "32169": "", "32170": "", "32171": "", "32172": "", "32173": "", "32174": "", "32175": "", "32176": "", "32177": "", "32178": "", "32179": "", "32180": "", "32181": "", "32182": "", "32183": "", "32184": "", "32185": "", "32186": "", "32187": "", "32188": "", "33001": "", "33002": "", "33003": "", "33004": "", "33005": "", "33006": "", "33007": "", "33008": "", "33009": "", "33010": "", "33011": "", "33012": "", "33013": "When a helper action is done for doing a main action in future (For example, 'going to school for studying'), the लृट्लकार can be used to denote the main action ('studying' in this example). In addition, the लृट्लकार can also be used to indicate a general action to be done in future, even when no helper action is indicated. ", "33014": "", "33015": " लुट्-लकार is used to indicate actions that will happen tomorrow or later.", "33016": "", "33017": "", "33018": "", "33019": "", "33020": "", "33021": "", "33022": "", "33023": "", "33024": "", "33025": "", "33026": "", "33027": "", "33028": "", "33029": "", "33030": "", "33031": "", "33032": "", "33033": "", "33034": "", "33035": "", "33036": "", "33037": "", "33038": "", "33039": "", "33040": "", "33041": "", "33042": "", "33043": "", "33044": "", "33045": "", "33046": "", "33047": "", "33048": "", "33049": "", "33050": "", "33051": "", "33052": "", "33053": "", "33054": "", "33055": "", "33056": "", "33057": "", "33058": "", "33059": "", "33060": "", "33061": "", "33062": "", "33063": "", "33064": "", "33065": "", "33066": "", "33067": "", "33068": "", "33069": "", "33070": "", "33071": "", "33072": "", "33073": "", "33074": "", "33075": "", "33076": "", "33077": "", "33078": "", "33079": "", "33080": "", "33081": "", "33082": "", "33083": "", "33084": "", "33085": "", "33086": "", "33087": "", "33088": "", "33089": "", "33090": "", "33091": "", "33092": "", "33093": "", "33094": "", "33095": "", "33096": "", "33097": "", "33098": "", "33099": "", "33100": "", "33101": "", "33102": "", "33103": "", "33104": "", "33105": "", "33106": "", "33107": "", "33108": "", "33109": "", "33110": "", "33111": "", "33112": "", "33113": "", "33114": "", "33115": "", "33116": "", "33117": "", "33118": "", "33119": "", "33120": "", "33121": "", "33122": "", "33123": "", "33124": "", "33125": "", "33126": "", "33127": "", "33128": "", "33129": "", "33130": "", "33131": "", "33132": "", "33133": "", "33134": "", "33135": "", "33136": "", "33137": "", "33138": "", "33139": "In the context of future, if the cause-effect scenario is being described with an implication that the action did not happen, the लृङ्लकारः is used.", "33140": "", "33141": "", "33142": "", "33143": "", "33144": "", "33145": "", "33146": "", "33147": "", "33148": "", "33149": "", "33150": "", "33151": "", "33152": "", "33153": "", "33154": "", "33155": "", "33156": "", "33157": "", "33158": "", "33159": "", "33160": "", "33161": "लिङ्लकार can be used to indicate विधि (= order) , निमन्त्रण ( = an invitation that cannot be rejected), आमन्त्रण (= an invitation that can be rejected), अधीष्ट (= Ask something with respect, often in exchange of money or something else), सम्प्रश्न (= A question about doing or not doing something) and प्रार्थना (= request).", "33162": "लोट्लकार can be used to indicate विधि (= order) , निमन्त्रण ( = an invitation that cannot be rejected), आमन्त्रण (= an invitation that can be rejected), अधीष्ट (= Ask something with respect, often in exchange of money or something else), सम्प्रश्न (= A question about doing or not doing something) and प्रार्थना (= request).", "33163": "", "33164": "", "33165": "", "33166": "", "33167": "", "33168": "", "33169": "", "33170": "", "33171": "", "33172": "", "33173": "लिङ्लकार and लोट्लकार are used to express the desire of something that cannot be easily attained.\n", "33174": "", "33175": "In presence of the अव्यय माङ्, लुङ्लकारः is used. ", "33176": "When माङ् is followed by स्म, the verb लुङ्लकार or लङ्लकार is used. ", "34001": "", "34002": "", "34003": "", "34004": "", "34005": "", "34006": "", "34007": "", "34008": "", "34009": "", "34010": "", "34011": "", "34012": "", "34013": "", "34014": "", "34015": "", "34016": "", "34017": "", "34018": "", "34019": "", "34020": "", "34021": "", "34022": "", "34023": "", "34024": "", "34025": "", "34026": "", "34027": "", "34028": "", "34029": "", "34030": "", "34031": "", "34032": "", "34033": "", "34034": "", "34035": "", "34036": "", "34037": "", "34038": "", "34039": "", "34040": "", "34041": "", "34042": "", "34043": "", "34044": "", "34045": "", "34046": "", "34047": "", "34048": "", "34049": "", "34050": "", "34051": "", "34052": "", "34053": "", "34054": "", "34055": "", "34056": "", "34057": "", "34058": "", "34059": "", "34060": "", "34061": "", "34062": "", "34063": "", "34064": "", "34065": "", "34066": "", "34067": "", "34068": "", "34069": "For the सकर्मक verb roots, the लकार can be used in the कर्तरि as well as the कर्मणि sense. For the अकर्मक verb roots, the लकार can be used in कर्तरि as well as भावे sense.", "34070": "", "34071": "", "34072": "", "34073": "", "34074": "", "34075": "", "34076": "", "34077": "All the आदेशs mentioned in this अधिकार happen in place of लकारs.", "34078": "A लकार is initially converted to one of these 18 आदेशाः - तिप्, तस्, झि, सिप्, थस्, थ, मिप्, वस्, मस्, त, आताम्, झ, थास्, आथाम्, ध्वम्, इड्, वहि, महिङ्.", "34079": "In case of टित्-लकारs, the 'टि' of the आत्मनेपद प्रत्ययs is converted to 'ए'.", "34080": "In case of टित्-लकारs, the आत्मनेपद प्रत्यय थास् is converted to 'से'.", "34081": "In case of आत्मनेपद of लिट्-लकार, the त-प्रत्यय is converted to एश् and झ प्रत्यय is converted to इरेच्.", "34082": "In case of the लिट् लकार, the परस्मैपद प्रत्ययाः are respectively converted to - णल्,अतुस्, उस्, थल्, अथुस्, अ, णल्, व, म.", "34083": "For the verb विद्, the प्रत्ययाः of लिट्लकार are optionally converted (respectively) to णल्,अतुस्, उस्, थल्, अथुस्, अ, णल्, व, म.", "34084": "In case of the verb ब्रू, the first five परस्मैपद-प्रत्ययाः of लट्लकार are converted optionally to (respectively) णल्, अतुस्, उस्, थल्, and अथुस्. Also, when this happens, the verb 'ब्रू' is converted to 'आह्'. ", "34085": "The प्रत्ययाः of the लोट्-लकार are derived in the same way as that of the लङ्लकार.", "34086": "The इकार present in the प्रत्ययाs of लोट्लकार is converted to उकार.", "34087": "The सिप्-प्रत्यय of the लोट्-लकार is converted to 'हि'.", "34088": "In the context of वेदाः, the 'हि' आदेश given to the सिप्-प्रत्यय of लोट्-लकार could be seen considered as पित्.", "34089": "In the context of लोट्लकार, the मिप् प्रत्यय is converted to नि.", "34090": "An एकार present in the प्रत्ययाः of लोट्-लकार is converted to आम्.", "34091": "An एकार coming after a सकार or a वकार of प्रत्यय of लोट्लकार is respectively converted to व and अम्. ", "34092": "The उत्तमपुरुष प्रत्ययाः of लोट्-लकार get the आट्-आगम, and this आगम is considered पित्. ", "34093": "The एकार occurring in the उत्तमपुरुष प्रत्ययाः of लोट्-लकार is converted to ऐ.", "34094": "", "34095": "", "34096": "", "34097": "", "34098": "", "34099": "In case of ङित् लकारs, the ending सकार of the प्रत्ययाः of उत्तमपुरुष is removed. ", "34100": "In case of ङित् लकारs, The इकार present in the परस्मैपद-प्रत्ययs is removed. ", "34101": "In case of ङित्-लकारs, तस्, थस्, थ and मिप् are converted respectively to ताम्, तम्, त and अम्.", "34102": "", "34103": "The परस्मैपदस्य प्रत्ययाः of लिङ्लकार get a 'यासुट्' आगम which is both - उदात्त and ङित्.", "34104": "The परस्मैपदस्य प्रत्ययाः of आशीर्लिङ्लकार get a 'यासुट्' आगम which is both - उदात्त and कित्.", "34105": "The झ-प्रत्यय of लिङ्लकार is converted to रन्.", "34106": "The इट्-प्रत्यय of लिङ्लकार is converted to 'अ'.", "34107": "In case of लिङ्लकार, the तकार and थकार present in the प्रत्ययाः get the 'सुट्' आगम.", "34108": "The 'झि' प्रत्यय of लिङ्लकार is converted to 'जुस्'.", "34109": "The झि-प्रत्यय of a ङित्-लकार that follows सिच्, अभ्यस्त or the verb root विद् is converted to जुस्.", "34110": "For an आकारान्त अङ्ग, even when the सिच् प्रत्यय is removed, the झि-प्रत्यय of a ङित्-लकार is converted to जुस्.", "34111": "", "34112": "", "34113": "The तिङ् प्रत्ययs and the शित् प्रत्ययs are called 'सार्वधातुक'.", "34114": "Except for तिङ् and शित् प्रत्ययs, other प्रत्ययs that are attached to verbs are called 'आर्धधातुक'.", "34115": "The तिङ्-प्रत्ययs of the लिट्-लकार get the term आर्धधातुक.", "34116": "The प्रत्ययs of आशीर्लिङ्-लकार are termed आर्धधातुक.", "34117": "", "41001": "This is an अधिकार, and all the प्रत्ययाः told in this अधिकार are to be applied to ङ्यन्त, आबन्त and प्रातिपदिक words.", "41002": "The प्रत्ययाः - सुँ-औ-जस्-अम्-औट्-शस्-टा-भ्याम्-भिस्-ङे-भ्याम्-भ्यस्-ङसिँ-भ्याम्-भ्यस्-ङस्-ओस्-आम्-ङि-ओस्-सुप् get attached to a word that ends in ङीप्/ङीष्/ङीन्/टाप्/डाप्/चाप् pratyay, or is a प्रातिपदिक.", "41003": "This is an अधिकार which spans from the current sutra till (and just before) । समर्थानां प्रथमाद् वा' 4.1.82.", "41004": "To indicate the feminine property, the अकारान्त words and the words belonging to the अजादिगण get the प्रत्यय टाप्.\n", "41005": "To indicate the feminine property, the ऋकारान्त and the नकारान्त words get the ङीप्-प्रत्यय.\n", "41006": "प्रातिपदिकानि which end with इत्संज्ञक उक् letter get the ङीप्-प्रत्यय to indicate the feminine property.", "41007": "", "41008": "", "41009": "", "41010": "The words that get the term 'षट्', and the words स्वसृ, तिसृ, चतसृ, ननान्दृ, दुहितृ, यातृ, मातृ do not get the ङीप्-प्रत्यय to indicate the feminine property.", "41011": "", "41012": "", "41013": "", "41014": "", "41015": "", "41016": "", "41017": "", "41018": "", "41019": "", "41020": "", "41021": "", "41022": "", "41023": "", "41024": "", "41025": "", "41026": "", "41027": "", "41028": "", "41029": "", "41030": "", "41031": "", "41032": "", "41033": "", "41034": "", "41035": "", "41036": "", "41037": "", "41038": "", "41039": "", "41040": "", "41041": "", "41042": "", "41043": "", "41044": "", "41045": "", "41046": "", "41047": "", "41048": "", "41049": "", "41050": "", "41051": "", "41052": "", "41053": "", "41054": "", "41055": "", "41056": "", "41057": "", "41058": "", "41059": "", "41060": "", "41061": "", "41062": "", "41063": "", "41064": "", "41065": "", "41066": "", "41067": "", "41068": "", "41069": "", "41070": "", "41071": "", "41072": "", "41073": "", "41074": "", "41075": "", "41076": "The प्रत्ययाः that are being told from now onwards up to end of the fifth chapter are called तद्धितप्रत्ययाः.", "41077": "To indicate the feminine property, the, word युवन् which is not an gets उपसर्जनसंज्ञक the तद्धितप्रत्यय 'ति'.", "41078": "", "41079": "", "41080": "", "41081": "", "41082": "The word indicated by the first समर्थ present in the अर्थज्ञापकसूत्र gets the तद्धितप्रत्ययः optionally.", "41083": "The अण् प्रत्यय is used as a default for the प्राग्दीव्यतीय meanings. ", "41084": "The words of the अश्वपत्यादि गण get the अण् प्रत्यय in the प्राग्दीव्यतीय meaning.\n", "41085": "The words दिति, अदिति, आदित्य and the words that end in 'पति' get the ण्य प्रत्यय in the प्राग्दीव्यतीय meanings.\n", "41086": "For the words of the उत्सादिगण, the अण्-प्रत्ययः is used in all the प्राग्दीव्यतीय meanings. ", "41087": "For the meanings given till the end of the first पाद of the पञ्चमाध्याय, the word स्त्री gets the प्रत्यय नञ्, and the word पुम्स् gets the प्रत्यय स्नञ्.", "41088": "In case of a द्विगु-समास that gets created in context of a तद्धितार्थ, the अजादि तद्धितप्रत्यय involved in this समास is removed.\n", "41089": "", "41090": "", "41091": "", "41092": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', the word in the षष्ठी विभक्ति gets an appropriate प्रत्यय.", "41093": "", "41094": "", "41095": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', an अदन्त word in the षष्ठी विभक्ति gets the 'इञ्' प्रत्यय.", "41096": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', the words belonging to the बाह्वादिगण get the 'इञ्' प्रत्यय.", "41097": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', the word सुधातृ gets the इञ् प्रत्यय and also the word gets the अकङ् आदेश.", "41098": "", "41099": "", "41100": "", "41101": "", "41102": "", "41103": "", "41104": "", "41105": "", "41106": "", "41107": "", "41108": "", "41109": "", "41110": "", "41111": "", "41112": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', the words belonging to the शिवादिगण get the 'अण्' प्रत्यय.", "41113": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', the words that are not वृद्धसंज्ञक and represent name of a river or a human female get the 'अण्' प्रत्यय.", "41114": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', the words that are names of a ऋषि, or which belong to the अन्धक / वृष्णि / कुरु family get the 'अण्' प्रत्यय.", "41115": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', the words that contain either a संख्या , or 'सम्' or 'भद्र' as a पूर्वपद and 'मातृ' as the उत्तरपद get the अण् प्रत्यय. Also, for such words, the उत्तरपद मातृ gets उकारादेश.", "41116": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', the word कन्या gets the 'अण्' प्रत्यय and it also gets 'कानीन' as आदेश. ", "41117": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring' - \n1) The word विकर्ण when refers to the वत्सकुल,\n2) The word शुङ्ग when refers to the भरद्वाजकुल, and \n3) The word छगल when refers to the अत्रिकुल\nget the अण् प्रत्यय.\n", "41118": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', the word पीला gets the अण्-प्रत्यय optionally. ", "41119": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', the word मण्डूक gets the अण् as well as ढक् प्रत्यय optionally.", "41120": "To indicate the meaning of 'his/her offspring', the स्त्रीप्रत्ययान्त words get the 'ढक्' प्रत्यय.", "41121": "", "41122": "", "41123": "", "41124": "", "41125": "", "41126": "", "41127": "", "41128": "", "41129": "", "41130": "", "41131": "", "41132": "", "41133": "", "41134": "", "41135": "", "41136": "", "41137": "", "41138": "", "41139": "", "41140": "", "41141": "", "41142": "", "41143": "", "41144": "", "41145": "", "41146": "", "41147": "", "41148": "", "41149": "", "41150": "", "41151": "", "41152": "", "41153": "", "41154": "", "41155": "", "41156": "", "41157": "", "41158": "", "41159": "", "41160": "", "41161": "", "41162": "", "41163": "", "41164": "", "41165": "", "41166": "", "41167": "", "41168": "", "41169": "", "41170": "", "41171": "", "41172": "", "41173": "", "41174": "", "41175": "", "41176": "", "41177": "", "41178": "", "42001": "To express the meaning of 'colored by', an appropriate प्रत्यय gets added to the तृतीयासमर्थ word representing the name of the color. ", "42002": "For the word लाक्षा, रोचना, शकल and कर्दम, ठक्-प्रत्ययः is used to indicate the meaning of 'colored by'. ", "42003": "To indicate the meaning of 'time occupied by a certain नक्षत्र', an appropriateतद्धित प्रत्यय can be attached to the word in तृतीया विभक्ति that indicates name of the नक्षत्र.", "42004": "To indicate the meaning of 'time occupied by a certain नक्षत्र', an appropriate तद्धित प्रत्यय which gets attached to the word in तृतीया विभक्ति undergoes a लुप् if the time being indicated does not have a particular name. ", "42005": "", "42006": "To indicate the meaning of 'time occupied by a certain नक्षत्र', छ प्रत्यय can be attached to the word in तृतीया विभक्ति that indicates name of a नक्षत्रद्वन्द्व.", "42007": "To indicate the name of a साम using its visionary, an appropriate तद्धितप्रत्यय gets attached to the तृतीयासमर्थ name of the visionary.", "42008": "The word कलि gets the तद्धितप्रत्यय 'ढक्' in the meaning of 'दृष्टं साम'. ", "42009": "The word वामदेव gets the प्रत्ययs ड्यत् and ड्य in the meaning of 'तेन दृष्टं साम'.", "42010": "To represent a रथ using a material used to cover it completely, an appropriate तद्धितप्रत्यय can be attached to the तृतीयासमर्थ indicating the covering entity. ", "42011": "The word पाण्डुकम्बल gets the प्रत्यय 'इनि' in the meaning of 'परिवृतो रथः'. ", "42012": "The words द्वैप and वैयाघ्र get the प्रत्यय अञ् in the meaning of 'परिवृतो रथः'", "42013": "", "42014": "When a food item is taken out in certain vessel, the food item can be represented by attaching an appropriate तद्धितप्रत्यय to the name of the vessel occurring in the सप्तमी विभक्ति.", "42015": "", "42016": "To indicate a food item using the vessel or the medium used for its processing / culturing / preparation, an appropriate तद्धितप्रत्यय can be used with the word in the सप्तमी विभक्ति indicating the name of the vessel or the medium.", "42017": "The words शूल and उखा get the प्रत्यय यत् in the meaning of संस्कृतं भक्षाः. ", "42018": "The word दधि gets the प्रत्यय ठक् in the meaning of संस्कृतं भक्षाः. ", "42019": "The word उदश्वित् gets the प्रत्यय ठक् optionally the meaning of संस्कृतं भक्षाः.", "42020": "The word क्षीर gets the प्रत्यय ढञ् in the meaning of 'संस्कृतं भक्षाः'", "42021": "To indicate the name of a month, fortnight or a year based on the name of the full-moon-day falling in it, the प्रथमासमर्थ name of the full moon day gets the appropriate तद्धितप्रत्यय.", "42022": "The words आग्रहायण and अश्वत्थ get the प्रत्यय ठक् in the meaning of 'सा अस्मिन् पौर्णमासी इति संज्ञायाम्'. ", "42023": "The words फाल्गुनी, श्रवणा, कार्त्तिकी and चैत्री optionally get the प्रत्यय ठक् in the meaning of 'सा अस्मिन् पौर्णमासी इति संज्ञायाम्'.", "42024": "To indicate an entity by referring to its god, an appropriate तद्धित प्रत्यय can be attached to the प्रथमासमर्थ word representing the name of the god.", "42025": "In the meaning of 'सा अस्य देवता', the word 'क' gets the 'इत्' आदेश. ", "42026": "The word शुक्र gets the घन् प्रत्यय in the meaning of 'सा अस्य देवता'.", "42027": "The words 'अपोनप्तात्' and 'अपान्नप्तात्' get the घ प्रत्यय in the meaning of सा अस्य देवता, and they also get converted to 'अपोनप्तृ' and 'अपान्नप्तृ' respectively.", "42028": "The words 'अपोनप्तात्' and 'अपान्नप्तात्' get the छ-प्रत्यय in the meaning of सा अस्य देवता, and they also get converted to 'अपोनप्तृ' and 'अपान्नप्तृ' respectively.", "42029": "The word 'महेन्द्र' gets the प्रत्ययाः घ, छ, and अण् in the meaning of 'सा अस्य देवता'.", "42030": "The word सोम gets the प्रत्यय 'ट्यण्' in the meaning of 'सा अस्य देवता'.", "42031": "The words 'वायु', 'ऋतु', 'पितृ' and 'उषस्' get the प्रत्यय यत् in the meaning of 'सा अस्य देवता'.", "42032": "The words द्यावापृथिवी, शुनासीर, मरुत्वत्, अग्नीषोम, वास्तोष्पति and गृहमेध get the यत् and the छ प्रत्यय in the meaning of 'सा अस्य देवता'.", "42033": "The word अग्नि gets the प्रत्यय ढक् in the meaning of 'सा अस्य देवता'.", "42034": "For the कालवाची words, the same प्रत्यय that is provided for the meaning 'तत्र भवः' comes for the meaning 'सा अस्य देवता' as well.", "42035": "The words 'महाराज' and 'प्रोष्ठपद' get the प्रत्यय ठञ् in the meaning of 'सा अस्य देवता'.", "42036": "The words पितृव्य, मातुल, मातामह and पितामह are given 'readymade' (that is, without any प्रक्रिया). ", "42037": "To indicate the meaning of 'collection / group', a षष्ठीसमर्थ word gets an appropriate तद्धितप्रत्यय.", "42038": "", "42039": "For the words that indicate a गोत्र, and for the words in this list - उक्षन्, उष्ट्र, उरभ्र, राजन्, राजन्य, राजपुत्र, वत्स, मनुष्य, अज - The वुञ् प्रत्यय is added to indicate the meaning of तस्य समूहः.", "42040": "", "42041": "The words केदार and कवचिन् get the ठञ् प्रत्यय in the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः'.", "42042": "The words ब्राह्मण, माणव, वाडव get the 'यन्' प्रत्यय in the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः'. ", "42043": "The words ग्राम, जन, बन्धु, सहाय get the प्रत्यय तल् to express the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः'", "42044": "For the words whose first vowel is अनुदात्त, the अञ् प्रत्यय is added in the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः'.", "42045": "The words of the खण्डिकादिगण get अञ् प्रत्यय to indicate the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः'", "42046": "For the words that represent the names of stanzas of a poem, the प्रत्ययाः that are applicable in the meaning given by the वार्त्तिक 'चरणात् धर्माम्नानयोः इष्यते' should also be used in the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः' as well. ", "42047": "For the words that represent non-living entities, and also for the words हस्तिन् and धेनु, the प्रत्यय ठक् is used to indicate the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः'.", "42048": "The word केश optionally gets the प्रत्यय यञ् to indicate the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः'. The word अश्व optionally gets the प्रत्यय छ to indicate the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः'", "42049": "The words of पाशादिगण get the प्रत्यय 'य' in the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः'", "42050": "The words खल, गो and रथ get the प्रत्यय 'य' to indicate the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः'.", "42051": "The words खल, गो and रथ respectively get the प्रत्ययाः - इनि, त्र, कट्यच् to indicate the meaning of 'तस्य समूहः'.", "42052": "When the word विषय is used to indicate the meaning of देश (ग्रामसमुदाय), then the षष्ठीसमर्थ with which the word विषय is associated gets an appropriate तद्धितप्रत्यय.", "42053": "The words of the राजन्यादिगण get the प्रत्यय 'वुञ्' in the meaning of 'विषयः देशे'.", "42054": "The words of the भौरिक्यादिगण get the प्रत्यय 'विधल्' to indicate the meaning of 'विषयः देशे'. \nThe words of the ऐषुकार्यादिगण get the प्रत्यय 'भक्तल्' to indicate the meaning of 'विषयः देशे'. ", "42055": "To indicate a प्रगाथ using the छन्द of the first stanza of that प्रगाथ, an appropriate तद्धितप्रत्यय can be attached to the प्रथमासमर्थ representing the name of the छन्द.", "42056": "To indicate a battle using the purpose or the participants of that battle, an appropriate तद्धितप्रत्यय can be attached to the word in the प्रथमा विभक्ति which represents the purpose or the participants of the battle.", "42057": "To indicate a sport using an entity used for hitting in that sport, an appropriate तद्धितप्रत्यय gets attached to the प्रथमासमर्थ word indicating the name of the entity used for hitting.", "42058": "", "42059": "", "42060": "", "42061": "", "42062": "", "42063": "", "42064": "", "42065": "", "42066": "", "42067": "To indicate the name of a country by referring to the entities present in that country, an appropriate तद्धित प्रत्यय gets attached to the word in प्रथमाविभक्ति representing the name of that entity.", "42068": "To indicate the name of a country by referring to its creator, an appropriate तद्धित प्रत्यय gets attached to the word in तृतीयाविभक्ति representing the name of the creator.", "42069": "To indicate the name of a country by referring to its residents, an appropriate तद्धित प्रत्यय gets attached to the word in षष्ठीविभक्ति representing the name of the residents.", "42070": "To indicate the name of a country by referring to the another country that is near it, an appropriate तद्धित प्रत्यय gets attached to the word in षष्ठीविभक्ति representing the name of the country that is nearby.", "42071": "The उवर्णान्त प्रातिपदिकs get the प्रत्यय अञ् in the context of चतुरर्थाः. ", "42072": "For the word that ends in a मतुप्-प्रत्यय and has three or more स्वराः in the अङ्ग to which the मतुप्-प्रत्यय is attached, the अञ् प्रत्यय is used in the context of चतुरर्थाः.", "42073": "In the context of चतुरर्थाः, to indicate the name of a well by referring to a word that has three or more स्वराः , अञ् प्रत्यय is used. ", "42074": "In the context of चतुरर्थाः, to indicate the name of a well by referring to a word having one or two स्वराः, अञ् प्रत्यय is used if the well exists in the northern region of the river विपाश् . ", "42075": "In the context of चतुरर्थाः, the words belonging to the सङ्कलादिगण get the अञ् प्रत्यय.", "42076": "In the context of चतुरर्थाः, To indicate the feminine name of a country in the सौवीर region, शाल्व region or eastern region, the अञ् प्रत्यय is used. ", "42077": "In the context of चतुरर्थाः, the words of the सुवास्तुगण get the अण् प्रत्यय.", "42078": "In the context of चतुरर्थाः, the words ending in 'रोणी' get the 'अण्' प्रत्यय.", "42079": "", "42080": "", "42081": "", "42082": "", "42083": "", "42084": "", "42085": "", "42086": "", "42087": "", "42088": "", "42089": "", "42090": "", "42091": "", "42092": "", "42093": "", "42094": "", "42095": "", "42096": "", "42097": "", "42098": "", "42099": "", "42100": "", "42101": "", "42102": "", "42103": "", "42104": "", "42105": "", "42106": "", "42107": "", "42108": "", "42109": "", "42110": "", "42111": "", "42112": "", "42113": "", "42114": "", "42115": "", "42116": "", "42117": "", "42118": "", "42119": "", "42120": "", "42121": "", "42122": "", "42123": "", "42124": "", "42125": "", "42126": "", "42127": "", "42128": "", "42129": "", "42130": "", "42131": "", "42132": "", "42133": "", "42134": "", "42135": "", "42136": "", "42137": "", "42138": "", "42139": "", "42140": "", "42141": "", "42142": "", "42143": "", "42144": "", "42145": "", "43001": "", "43002": "", "43003": "", "43004": "", "43005": "", "43006": "", "43007": "", "43008": "", "43009": "", "43010": "", "43011": "", "43012": "", "43013": "", "43014": "", "43015": "", "43016": "", "43017": "", "43018": "", "43019": "", "43020": "", "43021": "", "43022": "", "43023": "The words सायम्, चिरम्, प्रगे, प्राह्णे, and all the कालवाचक-अव्ययानि get the ट्यु and ट्युल् प्रत्यय in the शैषिक-meanings. Also, the ट्यु and ट्युल् प्रत्यय get a तुट् आगम in this context.", "43024": "", "43025": "", "43026": "", "43027": "", "43028": "", "43029": "", "43030": "", "43031": "", "43032": "", "43033": "", "43034": "", "43035": "", "43036": "", "43037": "", "43038": "", "43039": "", "43040": "", "43041": "", "43042": "", "43043": "", "43044": "", "43045": "", "43046": "", "43047": "", "43048": "", "43049": "", "43050": "", "43051": "", "43052": "", "43053": "", "43054": "", "43055": "", "43056": "", "43057": "", "43058": "", "43059": "", "43060": "", "43061": "", "43062": "", "43063": "", "43064": "", "43065": "", "43066": "", "43067": "", "43068": "", "43069": "", "43070": "", "43071": "", "43072": "", "43073": "", "43074": "", "43075": "", "43076": "", "43077": "", "43078": "", "43079": "", "43080": "", "43081": "", "43082": "", "43083": "", "43084": "", "43085": "", "43086": "", "43087": "", "43088": "", "43089": "", "43090": "", "43091": "", "43092": "", "43093": "", "43094": "", "43095": "", "43096": "", "43097": "", "43098": "", "43099": "", "43100": "", "43101": "", "43102": "", "43103": "", "43104": "", "43105": "", "43106": "", "43107": "", "43108": "", "43109": "", "43110": "", "43111": "", "43112": "", "43113": "", "43114": "", "43115": "", "43116": "", "43117": "", "43118": "", "43119": "", "43120": "", "43121": "", "43122": "", "43123": "", "43124": "", "43125": "", "43126": "", "43127": "", "43128": "", "43129": "", "43130": "", "43131": "", "43132": "", "43133": "", "43134": "", "43135": "", "43136": "", "43137": "", "43138": "", "43139": "", "43140": "", "43141": "", "43142": "", "43143": "", "43144": "", "43145": "", "43146": "", "43147": "", "43148": "", "43149": "", "43150": "", "43151": "", "43152": "", "43153": "", "43154": "", "43155": "", "43156": "", "43157": "", "43158": "", "43159": "", "43160": "", "43161": "", "43162": "", "43163": "", "43164": "", "43165": "", "43166": "", "43167": "", "43168": "", "44001": "The ठक् प्रत्यय is used as a default for the प्राग्वहतीय meanings.", "44002": "The ठक् प्रत्यय is attached to a तृतीयासमर्थ instrument to indicate (1) a person who gambles, (2) A person who digs, (3) A person who wins, (4) An entity that is won.", "44003": "To express an entity that has been cultured / processed, an appropriate तद्धितप्रत्यय gets attached to the तृतीयासमर्थ word indicating the substance used for culturing / processing.", "44004": "", "44005": "", "44006": "", "44007": "", "44008": "", "44009": "", "44010": "", "44011": "", "44012": "", "44013": "", "44014": "", "44015": "", "44016": "", "44017": "", "44018": "", "44019": "", "44020": "", "44021": "", "44022": "", "44023": "", "44024": "", "44025": "", "44026": "", "44027": "", "44028": "", "44029": "", "44030": "", "44031": "", "44032": "", "44033": "", "44034": "", "44035": "", "44036": "", "44037": "", "44038": "", "44039": "", "44040": "", "44041": "", "44042": "", "44043": "", "44044": "", "44045": "", "44046": "", "44047": "", "44048": "", "44049": "", "44050": "", "44051": "", "44052": "", "44053": "", "44054": "", "44055": "", "44056": "", "44057": "", "44058": "", "44059": "", "44060": "", "44061": "", "44062": "", "44063": "", "44064": "", "44065": "", "44066": "", "44067": "", "44068": "", "44069": "", "44070": "", "44071": "", "44072": "", "44073": "", "44074": "", "44075": "The यत् प्रत्यय is used as a default for the प्राक्-हितीय meanings.", "44076": "", "44077": "", "44078": "", "44079": "", "44080": "", "44081": "", "44082": "", "44083": "", "44084": "", "44085": "", "44086": "", "44087": "", "44088": "", "44089": "", "44090": "", "44091": "", "44092": "", "44093": "", "44094": "", "44095": "", "44096": "", "44097": "", "44098": "", "44099": "", "44100": "", "44101": "", "44102": "", "44103": "", "44104": "", "44105": "", "44106": "", "44107": "", "44108": "", "44109": "", "44110": "", "44111": "", "44112": "", "44113": "", "44114": "", "44115": "", "44116": "", "44117": "", "44118": "", "44119": "", "44120": "", "44121": "", "44122": "", "44123": "", "44124": "", "44125": "", "44126": "", "44127": "", "44128": "", "44129": "", "44130": "", "44131": "", "44132": "", "44133": "", "44134": "", "44135": "", "44136": "", "44137": "", "44138": "", "44139": "", "44140": "", "44141": "", "44142": "", "44143": "", "44144": "", "51001": "The छ प्रत्यय is used as a default for the प्राक्-क्रीतीय meanings.", "51002": "", "51003": "", "51004": " \n", "51005": "", "51006": "", "51007": "", "51008": "", "51009": "", "51010": "", "51011": "", "51012": "", "51013": "", "51014": "", "51015": "", "51016": "", "51017": "", "51018": "The ठञ् प्रत्यय is used as a default for the प्राग्वतीय meanings.", "51019": "", "51020": "", "51021": "", "51022": "", "51023": "", "51024": "", "51025": "", "51026": "", "51027": "", "51028": "", "51029": "", "51030": "", "51031": "", "51032": "", "51033": "\t", "51034": "", "51035": "", "51036": "", "51037": "", "51038": "", "51039": "", "51040": "", "51041": "", "51042": "", "51043": "", "51044": "", "51045": "", "51046": "", "51047": "", "51048": "", "51049": "", "51050": "", "51051": "", "51052": "", "51053": "", "51054": "", "51055": "", "51056": "", "51057": "", "51058": "", "51059": "", "51060": "", "51061": "", "51062": "", "51063": "", "51064": "", "51065": "", "51066": "", "51067": "", "51068": "", "51069": "", "51070": "", "51071": "", "51072": "", "51073": "", "51074": "", "51075": "", "51076": "", "51077": "", "51078": "", "51079": "", "51080": "", "51081": "", "51082": "", "51083": "", "51084": "", "51085": "", "51086": "", "51087": "", "51088": "", "51089": "", "51090": "", "51091": "", "51092": "", "51093": "", "51094": "", "51095": "", "51096": "", "51097": "", "51098": "", "51099": "", "51100": "", "51101": "", "51102": "", "51103": "", "51104": "", "51105": "", "51106": "", "51107": "", "51108": "", "51109": "", "51110": "", "51111": "", "51112": "", "51113": "", "51114": "", "51115": "", "51116": "", "51117": "", "51118": "", "51119": "", "51120": "", "51121": "", "51122": "", "51123": "", "51124": "", "51125": "", "51126": "", "51127": "", "51128": "", "51129": "", "51130": "", "51131": "", "51132": "", "51133": "", "51134": "", "51135": "", "51136": "", "52001": "", "52002": "", "52003": "", "52004": "", "52005": "", "52006": "", "52007": "", "52008": "", "52009": "", "52010": "", "52011": "", "52012": "", "52013": "", "52014": "", "52015": "", "52016": "", "52017": "", "52018": "", "52019": "", "52020": "", "52021": "", "52022": "", "52023": "", "52024": "", "52025": "", "52026": "", "52027": "", "52028": "", "52029": "", "52030": "", "52031": "", "52032": "", "52033": "", "52034": "", "52035": "", "52036": "", "52037": "", "52038": "", "52039": "", "52040": "", "52041": "", "52042": "", "52043": "", "52044": "", "52045": "", "52046": "", "52047": "When the cost of 'one unit' of an entity is to be expressed in terms of the cost of 'multiple units' of another entity, मयट् प्रत्यय can be applied to the number that represents the 'number of units' of the second entity.\n\n", "52048": "", "52049": "", "52050": "", "52051": "", "52052": "", "52053": "", "52054": "", "52055": "", "52056": "", "52057": "", "52058": "", "52059": "", "52060": "", "52061": "", "52062": "", "52063": "", "52064": "", "52065": "", "52066": "", "52067": "", "52068": "", "52069": "", "52070": "", "52071": "", "52072": "", "52073": "", "52074": "", "52075": "", "52076": "", "52077": "", "52078": "", "52079": "", "52080": "", "52081": "", "52082": "", "52083": "", "52084": "", "52085": "", "52086": "", "52087": "", "52088": "", "52089": "", "52090": "", "52091": "", "52092": "", "52093": "", "52094": "", "52095": "", "52096": "", "52097": "", "52098": "", "52099": "", "52100": "", "52101": "", "52102": "", "52103": "", "52104": "", "52105": "", "52106": "", "52107": "", "52108": "", "52109": "", "52110": "", "52111": "", "52112": "", "52113": "", "52114": "", "52115": "", "52116": "", "52117": "", "52118": "", "52119": "", "52120": "", "52121": "", "52122": "", "52123": "", "52124": "", "52125": "", "52126": "", "52127": "", "52128": "", "52129": "", "52130": "", "52131": "", "52132": "", "52133": "", "52134": "", "52135": "", "52136": "", "52137": "", "52138": "", "52139": "", "52140": "", "53001": "", "53002": "", "53003": "", "53004": "", "53005": "", "53006": "", "53007": "", "53008": "", "53009": "", "53010": "", "53011": "", "53012": "", "53013": "", "53014": "", "53015": "", "53016": "", "53017": "", "53018": "", "53019": "", "53020": "", "53021": "", "53022": "", "53023": "", "53024": "", "53025": "", "53026": "", "53027": "", "53028": "", "53029": "", "53030": "", "53031": "", "53032": "", "53033": "", "53034": "", "53035": "", "53036": "", "53037": "", "53038": "", "53039": "", "53040": "", "53041": "", "53042": "", "53043": "", "53044": "", "53045": "", "53046": "", "53047": "", "53048": "", "53049": "", "53050": "", "53051": "", "53052": "", "53053": "", "53054": "", "53055": "", "53056": "", "53057": "", "53058": "", "53059": "", "53060": "", "53061": "", "53062": "", "53063": "", "53064": "", "53065": "", "53066": "", "53067": "", "53068": "", "53069": "", "53070": "", "53071": "For an अव्यय, a सर्वनामशब्द and a तिङ्गन्त word the प्रत्यय 'अकच्' comes just before the 'टि'संज्ञक component of that word under all the प्राग्-इवीय meanings.\n\n", "53072": "", "53073": "", "53074": "", "53075": "", "53076": "", "53077": "", "53078": "", "53079": "", "53080": "", "53081": "", "53082": "", "53083": "", "53084": "", "53085": "", "53086": "", "53087": "", "53088": "", "53089": "", "53090": "", "53091": "", "53092": "", "53093": "", "53094": "", "53095": "", "53096": "", "53097": "", "53098": "", "53099": "", "53100": "", "53101": "", "53102": "", "53103": "", "53104": "", "53105": "", "53106": "", "53107": "", "53108": "", "53109": "", "53110": "", "53111": "", "53112": "", "53113": "", "53114": "", "53115": "", "53116": "", "53117": "", "53118": "", "53119": "", "54001": "", "54002": "", "54003": "", "54004": "", "54005": "", "54006": "", "54007": "", "54008": "", "54009": "", "54010": "", "54011": "", "54012": "", "54013": "", "54014": "", "54015": "", "54016": "", "54017": "", "54018": "", "54019": "", "54020": "", "54021": "", "54022": "", "54023": "", "54024": "", "54025": "", "54026": "", "54027": "", "54028": "", "54029": "", "54030": "", "54031": "", "54032": "", "54033": "", "54034": "", "54035": "", "54036": "", "54037": "", "54038": "", "54039": "", "54040": "", "54041": "", "54042": "", "54043": "", "54044": "", "54045": "", "54046": "", "54047": "", "54048": "", "54049": "", "54050": "", "54051": "", "54052": "", "54053": "", "54054": "", "54055": "", "54056": "", "54057": "", "54058": "", "54059": "", "54060": "", "54061": "", "54062": "", "54063": "", "54064": "", "54065": "", "54066": "", "54067": "", "54068": "", "54069": "", "54070": "", "54071": "", "54072": "", "54073": "", "54074": "", "54075": "", "54076": "", "54077": "", "54078": "", "54079": "", "54080": "", "54081": "", "54082": "", "54083": "", "54084": "", "54085": "", "54086": "", "54087": "", "54088": "", "54089": "", "54090": "", "54091": "", "54092": "", "54093": "", "54094": "", "54095": "", "54096": "", "54097": "", "54098": "", "54099": "", "54100": "", "54101": "", "54102": "", "54103": "", "54104": "", "54105": "", "54106": "", "54107": "", "54108": "", "54109": "", "54110": "", "54111": "", "54112": "", "54113": "", "54114": "", "54115": "", "54116": "", "54117": "", "54118": "", "54119": "", "54120": "", "54121": "", "54122": "", "54123": "", "54124": "", "54125": "", "54126": "", "54127": "", "54128": "", "54129": "", "54130": "", "54131": "", "54132": "", "54133": "", "54134": "", "54135": "", "54136": "", "54137": "", "54138": "", "54139": "", "54140": "", "54141": "", "54142": "", "54143": "", "54144": "", "54145": "", "54146": "", "54147": "", "54148": "", "54149": "", "54150": "", "54151": "", "54152": "", "54153": "", "54154": "", "54155": "", "54156": "", "54157": "", "54158": "", "54159": "", "54160": "", "61001": "In this अधिकार the doubling happens for the first एकाच् entity of the verb", "61002": "The द्वित्व mandated in the <<एकाचो द्वे प्रथमस्य>> [[6.1.1]] अधिकार happens for the second एकाच् component of an अनेकाच् अजादि word.", "61003": "When doubling of an अनेकाच् अजादि verb root is to be done, the नकार, दकार, and रेफ present at the beginning of a संयोग are not duplicated. ", "61004": "When a repetition is done, the first entity out of the two is called अभ्यास.", "61005": "When the doubling happens in this अधिकार, the two copies are collectively referred as 'अभ्यस्त'.", "61006": "The verb roots belonging to the जक्षित्यादिगण are called 'अभ्यस्त'.", "61007": "", "61008": "When followed by a प्रत्यय of लिट् लकार, a verb root that have not yet undergone द्वित्वम् undergoes द्वित्वम्. ", "61009": "When followed by the सन्-प्रत्यय or the यङ्-प्रत्यय, a verb root that have not yet undergone द्वित्वम् undergoes द्वित्वम्. ", "61010": "When a प्रत्यय is removed using the word श्लु, अङ्ग which is not yet duplicated is duplicated. ", "61011": "When followed by the चङ्-प्रत्यय, a verb root that have not yet undergone द्वित्वम् undergoes द्वित्वम्.", "61012": "", "61013": "", "61014": "", "61015": "", "61016": "", "61017": "", "61018": "", "61019": "", "61020": "", "61021": "", "61022": "", "61023": "", "61024": "", "61025": "", "61026": "", "61027": "", "61028": "", "61029": "", "61030": "", "61031": "", "61032": "", "61033": "", "61034": "", "61035": "", "61036": "", "61037": "", "61038": "", "61039": "", "61040": "", "61041": "", "61042": "", "61043": "", "61044": "", "61045": "", "61046": "", "61047": "", "61048": "", "61049": "", "61050": "", "61051": "", "61052": "", "61053": "", "61054": "", "61055": "", "61056": "", "61057": "", "61058": "", "61059": "", "61060": "", "61061": "", "61062": "", "61063": "The आदेशाs पद्,दत्,नस्, मास्, हृत्, निश्, असन्, यूषन्, दोषन्, यकन्, शकन्, उदन्, आसन् are created (to the appropriate words) in presence शस् and other विभक्तिs from तृतीया onwards. ", "61064": "A षकार present at the beginning of औपदेशिक form of a धातु is converted to सकार.", "61065": "A णकार present at the beginning of औपदेशिक form of a धातु is converted to नकार.", "61066": "A वकार and a यकार are deleted when followed by a letter of the वल् प्रत्याहार.", "61067": "The प्रत्यय 'वि' is removed when it appears अपृक्त.", "61068": "The सुँ, ति, or सि प्रत्यय, when present as a single letter, is removed when attached to - (1) a word ending in a हल् letter, or (2) A दीर्घ word ending in the ङीप् / ङीष् / ङीन् / चाप् / टाप् / डाप् प्रत्यय.\n", "61069": "The हल् letter that belongs to a सम्बुद्धिप्रत्यय attached to एङन्त or ह्रस्वान्त word is removed.\n", "61070": "In वेदाः, 'शि' is seen removed at some places.", "61071": "A ह्रस्व letter that is followed by a कृत्-प्रत्यय that is पित् gets a तुगागम.", "61072": "This is an अधिकार that runs till <<पारस्करप्रभृतीनि च संज्ञायाम्>> [[6.1.157]]. Anything told in this अधिकार happens only in the context of संहिता.", "61073": "A ह्रस्व स्वर gets a तुक्-आगमः when followed by a छकार, in the context of संहिता. ", "61074": "The words आङ् and माङ् get a तुक्-आगम when followed by a छकार, in the context of संहिता. ", "61075": "A दीर्घ स्वर gets a तुक्-आगमः when followed by a छकार, in the context of संहिता. ", "61076": "A दीर्घ स्वर at end of a पद gets optional तुक्-आगमः when followed by a छकार, in the context of संहिता. ", "61077": "An इक् letter which is followed by a स्वर is converted to a corresponding यण् letter in the context of संहिता. ", "61078": "When followed by a स्वर, the letters of the एच् प्रत्याहार are respectively converted to अय्, अव्, आय् and आव् in the context of संहिता. ", "61079": "An ओकार and an औकार are respectively converted to अव् and आव् when followed by a यकारादि प्रत्यय, in the context of संहिता. \n", "61080": "In the context of संहिता, the ओकार/औकार at the end of a धातु, when followed by यकारादि-प्रत्यय, is converted to अव् / आव् only if that ओकार/औकार is generated by that यकारादिप्रत्यय itself. ", "61081": "The words क्षय्य and जय्य are considered to be derived, in the meaning of (respectively) 'the one that is capable of being destroyed' and 'the one that is capable of being won over'.", "61082": "The words क्रय्य is considered to be derived, in the meaning of 'the one that can be purchased'.", "61083": "In the context of Vedas, the words भय्य (the one from which somebody is afraid) and the word प्रवय्या (= a female being impregnated) are seen used (and should thus be considered derived). ", "61084": "This is an अधिकार that runs till <<ऋतः उत्>> [[6.1.111]]. Any आदेश told in this अधिकार should be understood as combined आदेश done on the participating entities. ", "61085": "The एकादेश told in the एकः पूर्वपरयोः अधिकार acts like the last letter of the पूर्वशब्द as well as the first letter of the परशब्द.", "61086": "The एकादेश mentioned under the एकः पूर्वपरयोः अधिकार should be considered असिद्ध while doing षत्वम् or a तुक् आगम.", "61087": "When an अवर्ण is followed by an अच् letter in the context of संहिता, both of them are replaced by a single गुण letter", "61088": "When an अवर्ण is followed by an एच् letter in the context of संहिता, both of them are replaced by a single वृद्धि letter. ", "61089": "In the context of संहिता, When an अवर्ण followed by the एच् letter of the इण् धातु or एध् धातु, or the word ऊठ् ; both of them are replaced by a single वृद्धि letter. ", "61090": "When the आट्-आगम is followed by a अच्-letter, both of them are replaced by a single वृद्धि letter. ", "61091": "When an अवर्णान्त उपसर्ग is followed by a ऋकारादि verb form, both of them are replaced by a single वृद्धि letter. ", "61092": "When an अवर्णान्त उपसर्ग is followed by a ऋकारादि सुब्धातु, both of them are optionally replaced by a single वृद्धि letter. ", "61093": "When an ओकार is followed by the अम्-प्रत्यय or the शस्-प्रत्यय, both the letters are replaced by single आकार.", "61094": "When an अवर्णान्त उपसर्ग is followed by a एकारादि or ओकारादि verb form, both the letters are replaced by a single पररूप.", "61095": "In the context of संहिता, When अवर्ण is followed by the word ओम् or the word आङ् , both the letters are replaced by a single पररूप.", "61096": "In the context of संहिता, ऌhen a अवर्ण not occurring at end of a पद is followed by the word 'उस्', both of them are replaced by a single पररूप.", "61097": "In the context of संहिता, when an अपदान्त अकार is followed by a गुण letter, both of them are replaced by a single पररूप.", "61098": "In the context of संहिता, When a word which is used to imitate some abstract sound and which ends is the phrase 'अत्' is followed by the word 'इति', then the 'अत्' of the previous word and the इ of इति are combined to form a पररूप-एकादेश.", "61099": "When a word which is used to imitate some abstract sound and which ends is the phrase 'अत्' and which is also an आम्रेडितसंज्ञक is followed by the word 'इति', then the 'अत्' of the previous word and the इ of इति are not combined as mentioned in the previous rule 'अव्यक्तानुकरणस्यात इतौ'. Instead, the त् and इ optionally combine to form a पररूप-एकादेश.", "61101": "In the context of संहिता, when an अक् letter is followed by a सवर्ण अच् letter, both of them are replaced by a दीर्घ-एकादेश. ", "61102": "When a letter from the अक् प्रत्याहार is followed by an अजादि प्रत्यय of प्रथमा or द्वितीया विभक्ति, then पूर्व and the पर letters are replaced by a single पूर्वसवर्णदीर्घ.", "61103": "When the rule 'प्रथमयोः पूर्वसवर्णः' is used to create a पूर्वसवर्णदीर्घ for a पुंलिङ्ग word in presence of the शस्-प्रत्यय, then the सकार of the शस्-प्रत्यय is converted to नकार. ", "61104": "When अकार / आकार is followed by a प्रत्यय of प्रथमा or द्वितीया विभक्ति that begins with a letter of इच्-प्रत्याहार, then the पूर्वसवर्णदीर्घ given by 'प्रथमयोः पूर्वसवर्णः' does not happen.", "61105": "When दीर्घस्वर is followed by either the जस्-प्रत्यय, or a प्रत्यय of प्रथमा or द्वितीया विभक्ति that begins with a letter of इच्-प्रत्याहार, then the पूर्वसवर्णदीर्घ mandated by 'प्रथमयोः पूर्वसवर्णः' does not happen. ", "61106": "The पूर्वसवर्णदीर्घनिषेध given by the sutra 'दीर्घाज्जसि च' is optional while deriving the Vedic forms. ", "61107": "When a letter from the अक् प्रत्याहार is followed अकार of the अम्-प्रत्यय, both the letters are combined to form a पूर्वरूप-एकादेश. ", "61108": "When a letter having the sanjna सम्प्रसारण is followed by an अच् letter, both of them are combined to form a पूर्वरूप-एकादेश.", "61109": "If a पदान्त ए / ओ letter is followed by a ह्रस्व अकार, then both of them combine to form a पूर्वरूप एकादेश.", "61110": "If an एकार or ओकार is followed by the अकार of ङसिँ or ङस् प्रत्यय, then both of them combined to form a पूर्वरूप एकादेश.", "61111": "If a ऋकार or ऌकार is followed by the अकार of ङसिँ or ङस् प्रत्यय, then both of them combined to form an उकार.", "61112": "The अकार of the ङसिँ/ङस् प्रत्यय following a 'ख्य्' / 'त्य्' is converted to उकार.", "61113": "A रुँ letter that is sandwiched between an अप्लुत-ह्रस्व-अकार from each side is converted to an उकार.", "61114": "A रुँ letter that follows an अप्लुत-ह्रस्व-अकार and is followed by a हश् letter is converted to an उकार.", "61115": "", "61116": "", "61117": "", "61118": "", "61119": "", "61120": "", "61121": "", "61122": "In the context of संहिता, an ओकार occurring at the end of the पदसंज्ञक गो शब्द exhibits optional प्रकृतिभाव when followed by a ह्रस्व अकार.\n", "61123": "In the context of संहिता, The पदसंज्ञक गो word when followed by a स्वर gets an अवङ् आदेश optionally.", "61124": "In the context of संहिता, The word गो when followed by the word इन्द्र gets the अवङ्-आदेश.", "61125": "प्लुत letters and प्रगृह्य words do not undergo a सन्धि when followed by an अच्-letter, even when there is संहिता.", "61126": "In the context of संहिता and in the derivation of the वैदिक forms, when आङ् is followed by an अच् letter, आङ् becomes अनुनासिक and does not undergo sandhi with the अच् letter. ", "61127": "According to शाकल्य, In the context of संहिता a पदान्त-इक्-letter, when followed by an असवर्ण अच्-letter undergoes ह्रस्वादेशः and then no other sandhi happens.\n\n", "61128": "According to शाकल्य, In the context of संहिता a पदान्त-अक्-letter, when followed by a ह्रस्व ऋ/ऌ-letter undergoes ह्रस्वादेशः and then no other sandhi happens.", "61129": "When followed by an अवैदिक 'इति' word, a प्लुत behaves as if it is not प्लुत in the context of संहिता.", "61130": "According to चाक्रवर्मण, the प्लुतः ईकारः behaves as if it is not प्लुत when followed by an अच्-letter in the context of संहिता. ", "61131": "The 'दिव्' word that is a पद also gets the उत्-आदेश.", "61132": "Except for the नञ् समास, when a form of एतद्/तद् word which does not contain a ककार is followed by a सुँ-प्रत्यय which in turn is followed by a व्यञ्जन. the सुँ-प्रत्यय gets removed in the context of संहिता.", "61133": "In the derivation of the Vedic words, the सुँ-प्रत्यय attached to the प्रथमा-एकवचन of the word त्यद् might or might not be removed when followed by a हल् in the context of संहिता. ", "61134": "The सुँ-प्रत्यय of सः gets removed when followed by an अच्, provided that (only) by doing so, the पाद can be completed.", "61135": "", "61136": "", "61137": "", "61138": "", "61139": "", "61140": "", "61141": "", "61142": "", "61143": "", "61144": "", "61145": "", "61146": "", "61147": "", "61148": "", "61149": "", "61150": "", "61151": "", "61152": "", "61153": "", "61154": "", "61155": "", "61156": "", "61157": "", "61158": "", "61159": "", "61160": "", "61161": "", "61162": "", "61163": "The word ending in चित्-प्रत्यय becomes अन्तोदात्त. ", "61164": "The word ending in a तद्धितसंज्ञक चित्-प्रत्यय become अन्तोदात्त.", "61165": "The word ending in a तद्धितसंज्ञक कित्-प्रत्यय become अन्तोदात्त.", "61166": "", "61167": "", "61168": "", "61169": "", "61170": "", "61171": "", "61172": "", "61173": "", "61174": "", "61175": "", "61176": "", "61177": "", "61178": "", "61179": "", "61180": "", "61181": "", "61182": "", "61183": "", "61184": "", "61185": "The first स्वर of a तित् प्रत्यय becomes स्वरित.", "61186": "", "61187": "", "61188": "", "61189": "", "61190": "", "61191": "", "61192": "", "61193": "For the प्रकृति-प्रत्यय-समुदाय that ends in a लित्-प्रत्यय, the स्वर that comes before the प्रत्यय becomes उदात्त. ", "61194": "", "61195": "", "61196": "", "61197": "The word ending in a ञित् or a नित् प्रत्यय become आद्युदात्त.", "61198": "", "61199": "", "61200": "", "61201": "", "61202": "", "61203": "", "61204": "", "61205": "", "61206": "", "61207": "", "61208": "", "61209": "", "61210": "", "61211": "", "61212": "", "61213": "", "61214": "", "61215": "", "61216": "", "61217": "The second last स्वर of the प्रकृति-प्रत्यय-समुदाय that ends in a रित् प्रत्यय becomes उदात्त.", "61218": "", "61219": "", "61220": "", "61221": "", "61222": "", "61223": "", "62001": "", "62002": "", "62003": "", "62004": "", "62005": "", "62006": "", "62007": "", "62008": "", "62009": "", "62010": "", "62011": "", "62012": "", "62013": "", "62014": "", "62015": "", "62016": "", "62017": "", "62018": "", "62019": "", "62020": "", "62021": "", "62022": "", "62023": "", "62024": "", "62025": "", "62026": "", "62027": "", "62028": "", "62029": "", "62030": "", "62031": "", "62032": "", "62033": "", "62034": "", "62035": "", "62036": "", "62037": "", "62038": "", "62039": "", "62040": "", "62041": "", "62042": "", "62043": "", "62044": "", "62045": "", "62046": "", "62047": "", "62048": "", "62049": "", "62050": "", "62051": "", "62052": "", "62053": "", "62054": "", "62055": "", "62056": "", "62057": "", "62058": "", "62059": "", "62060": "", "62061": "", "62062": "", "62063": "", "62064": "", "62065": "", "62066": "", "62067": "", "62068": "", "62069": "", "62070": "", "62071": "", "62072": "", "62073": "", "62074": "", "62075": "", "62076": "", "62077": "", "62078": "", "62079": "", "62080": "", "62081": "", "62082": "", "62083": "", "62084": "", "62085": "", "62086": "", "62087": "", "62088": "", "62089": "", "62090": "", "62091": "", "62092": "", "62093": "", "62094": "", "62095": "", "62096": "", "62097": "", "62098": "", "62099": "", "62100": "", "62101": "", "62102": "", "62103": "", "62104": "", "62105": "", "62106": "", "62107": "", "62108": "", "62109": "", "62110": "", "62111": "", "62112": "", "62113": "", "62114": "", "62115": "", "62116": "", "62117": "", "62118": "", "62119": "", "62120": "", "62121": "", "62122": "", "62123": "", "62124": "", "62125": "", "62126": "", "62127": "", "62128": "", "62129": "", "62130": "", "62131": "", "62132": "", "62133": "", "62134": "", "62135": "", "62136": "", "62137": "", "62138": "", "62139": "", "62140": "", "62141": "", "62142": "", "62143": "", "62144": "", "62145": "", "62146": "", "62147": "", "62148": "", "62149": "", "62150": "", "62151": "", "62152": "", "62153": "", "62154": "", "62155": "", "62156": "", "62157": "", "62158": "", "62159": "", "62160": "", "62161": "", "62162": "", "62163": "", "62164": "", "62165": "", "62166": "", "62167": "", "62168": "", "62169": "", "62170": "", "62171": "", "62172": "", "62173": "", "62174": "", "62175": "", "62176": "", "62177": "", "62178": "", "62179": "", "62180": "", "62181": "", "62182": "", "62183": "", "62184": "", "62185": "", "62186": "", "62187": "", "62188": "", "62189": "", "62190": "", "62191": "", "62192": "", "62193": "", "62194": "", "62195": "", "62196": "", "62197": "", "62198": "", "62199": "", "63001": "", "63002": "", "63003": "", "63004": "", "63005": "", "63006": "", "63007": "", "63008": "", "63009": "", "63010": "", "63011": "", "63012": "", "63013": "", "63014": "", "63015": "", "63016": "", "63017": "", "63018": "", "63019": "", "63020": "", "63021": "", "63022": "", "63023": "", "63024": "", "63025": "", "63026": "", "63027": "", "63028": "", "63029": "", "63030": "", "63031": "", "63032": "", "63033": "", "63034": "", "63035": "", "63036": "", "63037": "", "63038": "", "63039": "", "63040": "", "63041": "", "63042": "", "63043": "", "63044": "", "63045": "", "63046": "", "63047": "The words द्वि and अष्टन् get an आकारादेश in presence of a सङ्ख्याशब्द, provided that there is no बहुव्रीहि समास and the word अशीति is not present.\n", "63048": "The words त्रि gets an आकारादेश in presence of a सङ्ख्याशब्द, provided that there is no बहुव्रीहि समास and the word अशीति is not present.\n", "63049": "", "63050": "", "63051": "", "63052": "", "63053": "", "63054": "", "63055": "", "63056": "", "63057": "", "63058": "", "63059": "", "63060": "", "63061": "", "63062": "", "63063": "", "63064": "", "63065": "", "63066": "", "63067": "", "63068": "", "63069": "", "63070": "", "63071": "", "63072": "", "63073": "", "63074": "", "63075": "", "63076": "", "63077": "", "63078": "", "63079": "", "63080": "", "63081": "", "63082": "", "63083": "", "63084": "", "63085": "", "63086": "", "63087": "", "63088": "", "63089": "", "63090": "", "63091": "", "63092": "", "63093": "If the 'सम्' उपसर्ग is followed by an लुप्तप्रत्ययान्त-अञ्च् word, then 'सम्' is converted to 'समि'.", "63094": "If the word 'तिरस्' is followed by a लुप्तप्रत्ययान्त-अञ्च् word from which an अकार has not been removed, then the word 'तिरस्' is converted to 'तिरि'. ", "63095": "If the word 'सह' is followed by an लुप्तप्रत्ययान्त-अञ्च् word, then 'सह' is converted to 'सध्रि'.", "63096": "", "63097": "", "63098": "", "63099": "", "63100": "", "63101": "", "63102": "", "63103": "", "63104": "", "63105": "", "63106": "", "63107": "", "63108": "", "63109": "", "63110": "When the word अह्न appears as an उत्तरपद in a समास where the पूर्वपद is either a number, or the words वि or साय, it is optionally converted to अहन् in presence of the प्रत्यय ङि.", "63111": "When a ढकार is deleted due to a ढकार that follows it, or when a रेफ is deleted due to a रेफ that follows the अण् letter occurring before the deleted ढकार/रेफ becomes दीर्घ.", "63112": "For the verbs सह् and वह्, when a ढकार is deleted due to a ढकार that follows it, the अकार occurring before the deleted ढकार is converted to ओ.", "63113": "", "63114": "", "63115": "", "63116": "", "63117": "", "63118": "", "63119": "", "63120": "", "63121": "", "63122": "", "63123": "", "63124": "", "63125": "", "63126": "", "63127": "", "63128": "", "63129": "", "63130": "", "63131": "", "63132": "", "63133": "", "63134": "", "63135": "", "63136": "", "63137": "", "63138": "When the अञ्च् word is in a state where its अकार and नकार have been removed, it causes the दीर्घ of the previous अण् letter. ", "63139": "", "64001": "In all the rules starting from this sutra till the end of the seventh chapter the word 'अङ्गस्य' should be included while interpreting the sutras. ", "64002": "The letter which has been generated using सम्प्रसारणम् and which occurs at end of an अङ्ग becomes दीर्घ when there is a हल् letter which occurs just before it in that अङ्ग.", "64003": "In presence of the नाम् प्रत्यय, the last letter of the अङ्ग becomes दीर्घ.", "64004": "The words तिसृ and चतसृ do not become दीर्घ in presence of the नाम् प्रत्यय. ", "64005": "In presence of the नाम् प्रत्यय, the last letter of the अङ्ग might or might not be made दीर्घ in वेदाः.", "64006": "In presence of the नाम् प्रत्यय, the last letter of the word नृ becomes दीर्घ optionally.", "64007": "The उपधा of the नकारान्त words becomes दीर्घ when the नकारान्त word is followed by the नाम्-प्रत्यय.", "64008": "The उपधा letter of a नकारान्त अङ्ग becomes दीर्घ when followed by a प्रत्यय which is a सर्वनामस्थान other than सम्बोधन-एकवचन.", "64009": "When followed by a प्रत्यय which is a सर्वनामस्थान other than सम्बोधन-एकवचन, the उपधा स्वर of a नकारान्त अङ्ग becomes optionally दीर्घ in वेदाः, if that उपधा स्वर is preceded by a षकार.", "64010": "The स्वर preceding the नकार from (a) महत् and (b) any word that ends in न्स् - becomes दीर्घ in presence of \nप्रत्यय that is also a सर्वनामस्थान, other than सम्बोधन-एकवचन.", "64011": "The उपधा letter of the words अप्, स्वसृ, नप्तृ, नेष्टृ, त्वष्टृ, क्षत्तृ, होतृ, पोतृ, and प्रशातृ, and also of the words ending in a तृन् or तृच् प्रत्यय becomes दीर्घ in presence of a प्रत्यय that is also a सर्वनामस्थान, other than सम्बोधन-एकवचन.", "64012": "For the words हन्, पूषन् and अर्यमन्, and for also the words that end in 'इन्', the उपधादीर्घ happens only in case of the 'शि' प्रत्यय, and not in case of other सर्वनामस्थानप्रत्ययाः. ", "64013": "For the words हन्, पूषन् and अर्यमन्, and for also the words that end in 'इन्', the उपधादीर्घ happens in case of the सुँ-प्रत्यय of प्रथमा-एकवचन.", "64014": "The उपधा of the words ending in either मत्, वत्, or अस् becomes दीर्घ in presence of the सुँ-प्रत्यय of प्रथमा एकवचन, provided these words do not end in a धातु. \n", "64015": "If an अङ्ग ends in an अनुनासिक, the उपधा letter of that अङ्ग becomes दीर्घ in presence of a क्विप्-प्रत्यय, झलादि-कित्-प्रत्यय and a झलादि-ङित्-प्रत्यय. ", "64016": "", "64017": "", "64018": "The उपधा letter of the verb-root 'क्रम्' undergoes an optional दीर्घादेश when followed by a झलादि क्त्वा प्रत्यय.", "64019": "The last 'त्छ्' of an अङ्ग is converted to 'श्', and the last 'व्' of an अङ्ग is converted to 'ऊठ्' when followed by an अनुनासिकादि or झलादि प्रत्यय that is either कित् or ङित् । ", "64020": "", "64021": "", "64022": "All the sutras present from here onward till the the end of this पाद should be considered as असिद्ध towards each other when they are invoked in such a way that their आश्रयs are exactly the same. ", "64023": "", "64024": "The उपधा नकार of an अङ्ग that is अनिदित् and हलन्त is removed in presence of a कित् or a ङित्-प्रत्यय.", "64025": "The उपधा-नकार of the verbs दंश्, सञ्ज् and स्वञ्ज् is removed in presence of the विकरणप्रत्यय शप् । ", "64026": "The उपधा-नकार of the verb रञ्ज् is removed in presence of the विकरणप्रत्यय शप्.", "64027": "When followed by the घञ्-प्रत्यय in the meaning of भाव or करण the उपधा-नकार of the verb root रञ्ज् is removed.\n", "64028": "", "64029": "", "64030": "When used in the meaning of 'to pray', the नकार of the verb root अञ्च् is not removed.\n", "64031": "In presence of the क्त्वा प्रत्यय, the उपधा-नकार of the verb roots स्कन्द् and स्यन्द् is not removed. ", "64032": "The उपधा नकार of the जकारान्त verb roots and the verb root 'नश्' is optionally removed when followed by the क्त्वा प्रत्यय.", "64033": "", "64034": "", "64035": "The शास्-धातु gets the 'शा' आदेश when followed by the हि-प्रत्यय of लोट्लकार.", "64036": "The 'हन्' धातु gets the 'ज' आदेश when followed by the हि-प्रत्यय of लोट्लकार.", "64037": "1) For the verb roots that end in an अनुनासिक letter and have an अनुदात्त स्वर in the उपदेश,\n2) For the verb root वन्, and\n3) For the verb roots that end in an अनुनासिक letter and belong to the तनोत्यादिगण, \n\nThe अनुनासिक is removed when the verb is followed by a झलादि कित् /ङित् प्रत्यय. ", "64038": "", "64039": "", "64040": "", "64041": "", "64042": "", "64043": "", "64044": "", "64045": "", "64046": "", "64047": "When followed by an आर्धधातुक प्रत्यय, रेफ and the उपधावर्ण of the the verb root gets the 'रम्' आगम.", "64048": "", "64049": "", "64050": "", "64051": "", "64052": "", "64053": "", "64054": "", "64055": "", "64056": "", "64057": "", "64058": "", "64059": "", "64060": "", "64061": "", "64062": "", "64063": "", "64064": "", "64065": "", "64066": "", "64067": "", "64068": "", "64069": "", "64070": "", "64071": "In case of the लुङ्लकार, लङ्लकार and लृङ्लकार, the अङ्ग gets an 'अट्' आगम, which is also उदात्त.", "64072": "For the लुङ्लकार, लङ्लकार and लृङ्लकार, an अजादि अङ्ग gets an आट्-आगम, which is also उदात्त.", "64073": "In वेदाः , even the verbs that are not अजादि can be seen to get आट्-आगम for लुङ्लकार, लङ्लकार, and लृङ्लकार.", "64074": "In presence of the अव्यय माङ्, the अडागमः / आडागमः does not happen even in case of लुङ्लकार, लङ्लकार, and लृङ्लकार", "64075": "In वेदाः, the अडागम आडागम may or may not be seen done in presence of माङ्.", "64076": "", "64077": "When followed by an अजादि प्रत्यय, the ending इवर्ण and the उवर्ण are converted respectively to इयङ् / उवङ् आदेशs for a) विकरणप्रत्यय श्नु, b) Any धातु, and c) The word भ्रू.", "64078": "An इवर्ण and an उवर्ण occurring at end of an अभ्यास respectively get इयङ् and उवङ् आदेश when followed by an असवर्ण letter.", "64079": "The word 'स्त्री' gets an इयङ्-आदेश when followed by an अजादि प्रत्यय.", "64080": "The word 'स्त्री' gets an इयङ्-आदेश optionally when followed by अम् प्रत्यय or शस् प्रत्यय.", "64081": "The verb root इण् gets a यणादेश when followed by an अच् letter.", "64082": "An इवर्ण occurring at end of an a असंयोगपूर्व धातु which in turn occurs at end of an अनेकाच् अङ्ग is converted to यण् letter when followed by an अजादिप्रत्यय.", "64083": "An उवर्ण occurring at end of an a असंयोगपूर्व धातु which in turn occurs at end of an अनेकाच् अङ्ग is converted to यण् letter when followed by a सुप् अजादिप्रत्यय.", "64084": "The word वर्षाभू gets a यणादेश when followed by an अजादि-सुप्-प्रत्यय.", "64085": "The words भू and सुधी do not undergo यणादेश when followed by अजादि सुप् प्रत्यय.", "64086": "In वेदाः, the words भू and सुधी might or might not undergo a यणादेश when followed by an अजादि सुप् प्रत्यय.", "64087": "The उवर्ण of an अनेकाच्-अङ्ग of 'हु' तथा 'श्नु' undergoes a यणादेश, provided that this उवर्ण does not follow a संयोग.", "64088": "The verb root 'भू' gets a वुक् आगम when followed by an अजादि-प्रत्यय of लुङ्लकार or लिट्लकार.", "64089": "When the उपधा of verb root गुह् has a chance of undergoing a गुणादेश while followed by an अजादिप्रत्यय, the गुणादेश is blocked and the उपधा becomes दीर्घ instead.", "64090": "The उपधा letter of the verb root दुष् is converted to ऊकार when followed by the णिच् प्रत्यय. ", "64091": "To indicate impurification of mind / intellect, the उपधा letter of the verb root दुष् is optionally converted to ऊकार when followed by the णिच् प्रत्यय.", "64092": "The उपधा letter of a मित्संज्ञक अङ्ग becomes ह्रस्व when followed by the णिच् प्रत्यय.", "64093": "", "64094": "", "64095": "", "64096": "", "64097": "", "64098": "The उपधा letter of the verb roots गम्, हन्, जन्, खन्, घस् is removed when followed by a कित् / ङित् प्रत्यय, except for the अङ् प्रत्यय.", "64099": "", "64100": "", "64101": "The 'हि' प्रत्यय that follows the verb root 'हु' or a झल् letter is converted to 'धि'.", "64102": "", "64103": "", "64104": "The तिङ् प्रत्यय that follows the चिण् विकरणप्रत्यय undergoes a लुक्.", "64105": "The 'हि' प्रत्यय that follows an अदन्त अङ्ग is removed.", "64106": "The 'हि' प्रत्यय that follows an उकार is deleted, provided -\na) The उकार occurs at end of a प्रत्यय, and\nb) A संयोग is not present immediately before this उकार.", "64107": "The उकार which occurs at end of a प्रत्यय is optionally deleted when followed by a मकार / वकार , provided that a संयोग is not present immediately before this उकार.", "64108": "The उकार occurring at end of a प्रत्यय that is attached to the verb root कृ is removed when followed by a मकार or a वकार.", "64109": "The उकार occurring at end of a प्रत्यय that is attached to the verb root कृ is removed when followed by a यकार.", "64110": "If an अङ्ग of verb root कृ ends in an उकारान्त प्रत्यय, then the अकार of that अङ्ग is converted to उकार when followed by a कित् / ङित् प्रत्यय.\n", "64111": "The अकार of the 'श्नम्' विकरण and of the verb root 'अस्' is removed when followed by a सार्वधातुक किति / ङित् प्रत्यय.", "64112": "The आकार of the विकरण श्ना and also of an अभ्यस्त is removed when followed by a सार्वधातुक कित् and ङित् प्रत्यय.", "64113": "The आकार of the विकरण श्ना and also of an अभ्यस्त is converted to ई when followed by a हलादि सार्वधातुक कित् and ङित् प्रत्यय. But this does not happen for the verb roots that get the term 'घु'.", "64114": "The आकार of the verb root 'दरिद्रा' is converted to ह्रस्व-इकार when followed by हलादि-सार्वधातुक कित्/ङित्-प्रत्यय.", "64115": "The last letter of the अङ्ग of verb root 'भी' is optionally converted to ह्रस्व-इकार when followed by हलादि-सार्वधातुक कित्/ङित्-प्रत्यय.\n", "64116": "The verb root 'हा' is converted to ह्रस्व-इकार when followed by हलादि-सार्वधातुक कित्/ङित्-प्रत्यय.", "64117": "The verb root 'हा' gets an optional इकारादेश or an आकारादेश when followed by the प्रत्यय 'हि'.", "64118": "The last letter of हा is removed when followed by a यकारादि प्रत्यय.", "64119": "The घु-संज्ञक verb roots and the verb root अस् get an एकार as आदेश when followed by the 'हि' प्रत्यय. Also, अभ्यास, if present, is removed.", "64120": "When followed by a कित्-प्रत्यय of लिट्-लकार, The अकारः of an अङ्गम् is converted to एकार, and the अभ्यास is removed; provided that there is no संयोग before as well as after this अकार, and that the first letter of the अङ्गम् is not changed due to any आदेश.", "64121": "", "64122": "", "64123": "", "64124": "", "64125": "", "64126": "", "64127": "", "64128": "", "64129": "All the rules starting from this sutra, till the end of the sixth chapter are being told for a भसंज्ञक.", "64130": "The भसंज्ञक अङ्ग of the word पाद् gets पद् as आदेश.", "64131": "A भसंज्ञक अङ्ग ending in a वसुँ प्रत्यय undergoes सम्प्रसारणम्.", "64132": "भसंज्ञक वाह् is converted to 'ऊठ्' by सम्प्रसारणम्.", "64133": "The भसंज्ञक अङ्ग of श्वन् , युवन् and मघवन् undergoes सम्प्रसारणम् when followed by a प्रत्यय which is not a तद्धितप्रत्यय.", "64134": "If a भसंज्ञक अङ्ग ends in the word 'अन्' then the 'अ' of this 'अन्' is omitted.\n", "64135": "The उपधा-अकार of a भसंज्ञकस्य अङ्ग is omitted in presence of an अण्-प्रत्यय, if the अङ्ग ends in one of (1) षन्, (2) हन् or (3) धृतराजन् .", "64136": "If a भसंज्ञक अङ्ग end in the word 'अन्' and is followed by the ङि or शी प्रत्यय, then the 'अ' of this 'अन्' is omitted optionally. ", "64137": "For a भसंज्ञक अङ्ग which ends in an 'अन्', and also contains a मकारान्त / वकारान्त संयोगवर्ण before this अन्, the 'अ' of अन् does not get omitted.", "64138": "The अकार of the word अच् that occurs at end of a भसंज्ञक अङ्ग is omitted if this 'अच्' happens to be derived from the धातु अञ्च् (गतौ).\n", "64139": "If the word अच् -\n(1) happens to be derived from the धातु अञ्च् (गतौ) ,\n(2) follows the word उद्, and\n(3) gets the भसंज्ञा, \n then the अकार of अच् is converted to ईकार.\n", "64140": "The ending आकार of the भसंज्ञक अङ्ग of an आकारान्त धातु is removed.\n", "64141": "", "64142": "The 'ति' of the भसंज्ञक 'विंशति' word is removed.", "64143": "The 'टि'component of a भसंज्ञक अङ्ग is removed when followed by a डित् प्रत्यय.", "64144": "The टिसंज्ञक of a नकारान्त भसंज्ञक अङ्ग is removed when followed by a तद्धितप्रत्यय.", "64145": "", "64146": "An उवर्णान्त भसंज्ञक undergoes a गुणादेश when followed by a तद्धितप्रत्यय.", "64147": "The last letter of an उवर्णान्त-भसंज्ञक word is removed when followed by a ढकारादि-तद्धितप्रत्यय. But this does not happen for the word 'कद्रू'.\n", "64148": "The अकार and इकार of a भसंज्ञक अङ्ग is removed when followed by a तद्धितप्रत्यय or an ईकार.", "64149": "", "64150": "", "64151": "", "64152": "", "64153": "", "64154": "", "64155": "", "64156": "", "64157": "", "64158": "", "64159": "", "64160": "", "64161": "", "64162": "", "64163": "", "64164": "", "64165": "", "64166": "", "64167": "", "64168": "", "64169": "", "64170": "", "64171": "", "64172": "", "64173": "", "64174": "", "64175": "", "71001": "The यु and वु belonging to a प्रत्यय are converted respectively to अन and अक. ", "71002": "The letters फ्-ढ्-ख्-छ्-घ् occurring at the beginning of a प्रत्यय are converted respectively to आयन्-एय्-ईन्-ईय् and इय्", "71003": "The letter झ् occurring in a प्रत्यय is converted to अन्त्.", "71004": "झकार of the प्रत्यय that follows an अभ्यस्त is converted to अत्.", "71005": "The झकार of the आत्मनेपदी प्रत्यय that follows an अनदन्त अङ्ग gets the 'अत्' आदेश.", "71006": "When the झ-प्रत्यय attached to the verb root शीङ् gets the आदेश अत्, then this आदेश also gets a आगम 'रुट्'.", "71007": "", "71008": "", "71009": "The भिस्-प्रत्यय following an अदन्त अङ्ग is converted to ऐस्.", "71010": "", "71011": "", "71012": "The टा, ङसिँ, and ङस् प्रत्ययाः attached to an अदन्त अङ्ग are converted respectively to इन, आत् and स्य.", "71013": "The ङे प्रत्यय attached to an अदन्त अङ्ग is converted to a यकार.\n\n", "71014": "The ङे-प्रत्यय attached to an अदन्त सर्वनाम get an आदेश 'स्मै'.", "71015": "The ङसिँ and ङि प्रत्ययs attached to an अदन्त सर्वनाम are converted respectively to स्मात् and स्मिन्.", "71016": "For the nine words - पूर्व, पर, अवर, दक्षिण, उत्तर, अपर, अधर, स्व, अन्तर - when they are used as a सर्वनाम, the ङसिँ and ङि- प्रत्ययs after them are optionally converted to स्मात् and स्मिन् respectively. \n", "71017": "The जस्-प्रत्यय attached to an अदन्त सर्वनाम get an आदेश शी.", "71018": "The औ and औट्-प्रत्ययs following a आबन्त अङ्ग get the आदेश 'शी'.", "71019": "The औ and औट्-प्रत्ययs following a नपुंसक अङ्ग get the आदेश 'शी'.", "71020": "The जस्/शस्-प्रत्ययs that follow a नपुंसकलिङ्ग word get 'शि' आदेश.", "71021": "The जस् and शस् प्रत्ययs following the 'अष्टा' form of the word अष्टन् get the औश् आदेश.", "71022": "The जस्/शस्-प्रत्यय following a षट्-संज्ञक अङ्ग are removed.", "71023": "The सुँ and अम् attached to a नपुंसक अङ्ग are removed.", "71024": "The सुँ and अम् attached to an अकारान्त नपुंसक अङ्ग are converted to अम्. ", "71025": "The सुँ / अम् प्रत्यय occurring after the words ending in डतर and डतम प्रत्यय, and after the words 'अन्य', 'अन्यतर', 'इतर' gets the अद्ड् आदेश.", "71026": "In case of Vedas - The सुँ and अम् प्रत्यय occurring after the नपुंसकलिङ्गवाची 'इतर' शब्द do not get the अद्ड्-आदेशः ।", "71027": "", "71028": "", "71029": "", "71030": "", "71031": "", "71032": "", "71033": "", "71034": "", "71035": "When the लोट्-लकार is used to express the 'desire of unattainable', the तु and हि प्रत्यय are optionally converted to तातङ्.", "71036": "The शतृ प्रत्यय attached to the verb विद् (ज्ञाने) is optionally converted to 'वसुँ'.", "71037": "", "71038": "", "71039": "", "71040": "", "71041": "", "71042": "", "71043": "", "71044": "", "71045": "", "71046": "", "71047": "", "71048": "", "71049": "", "71050": "", "71051": "", "71052": "An आम्-प्रत्यय appearing after an अकारान्त सर्वनामशब्द gets a सुट्-आगम.", "71053": "The word त्रि gets the आदेश 'त्रय' when followed by the प्रत्यय 'आम्'.", "71054": "The आम्-प्रत्यय that follows a ह्रस्व word, a नदीसंज्ञक word, or an आबन्त word gets a नुट्-आगम.", "71055": "The आम्-प्रत्यय present after a षट्-संज्ञक word or after the word चतुर् gets a नुट्-आगम.", "71056": "", "71057": "", "71058": "The verb roots that have इकार as इत्संज्ञक get a नुमागम.", "71059": "The verb roots that belong to the मुचादि-अन्तर्गण, get a नुम्-आगम when followed by 'श' प्रत्यय.", "71060": "The verb roots मस्ज् and नश् get a नुमागम when followed by a झलादि प्रत्यय.", "71061": "The verb roots रध् and जभ् get a नुमागम when followed by an अजादि प्रत्यय.", "71062": "For the verb root रध्, there is no नुमागम if an इडागम is done. However, in case of लिट्-लकार, नुमागम happens in-spite of इडागम.", "71063": "The verb root रभ् which is followed by an अजादि प्रत्यय gets a नुमागम. But this नुमागम is not seen in presence of शप् विकरणप्रत्यय as well as in presence of लिट्-लकार.", "71064": "The verb root लभ् which is followed by an अजादि प्रत्यय gets a नुमागम. But this नुमागम is not seen in presence of शप् विकरणप्रत्यय as well as in presence of लिट्-लकार.", "71065": "The verb root आङ् + लभ् gets a नुमागम in the anticipation of a pratyay that starts with य् । ", "71066": "The verb root उप + लभ् gets a नुमागम in the anticipation of a pratyay that starts with य्, if the intended meaning of the resultant word is 'to praise'. ", "71067": "The verb root लभ् gets a नुमागम in presence of खल्-प्रत्यय and घञ्-प्रत्यय (only when) it is attached to an उपसर्ग .", "71068": "The verb root लभ् , when attached to only the 'सु' or 'दुर्' उपसर्ग (and no other उपसर्ग) does not get a नुमागम in presence of खल्-प्रत्यय and घञ्-प्रत्यय.", "71069": "The verb root लभ् (when used without any उपसर्ग) optionally gets a नुमागम in presence of चिण्-प्रत्यय and णमुल्-प्रत्यय. ", "71070": "", "71071": "The word युज् gets नुमागम in presence of a सर्वनामस्थान. However, if this word is in a समस्तपद, then the नुमागम does not happen. ", "71072": "A झलन्त and an अजन्त नपुंसक word gets a नुमागम when followed by a सर्वनामस्थान. ", "71073": "An इगन्त नपुंसकलिङ्ग word gets नुमागम when followed by an अजादि विभक्तिप्रत्यय.", "71074": "According to गालवाचार्य, for a नपुंसकलिङ्ग word which can be used also as a पुंलिङ्ग word with the same meaning, the तृतीया onwards forms are like that of the पुंलिङ्ग word.", "71075": "The words अस्थि, दधि, सक्थि and अक्षि get an उदात्तः अनङ्-आदेश when followed by an अजादि विभक्ति of तृतीया onwards. ", "71076": "", "71077": "", "71078": "", "71079": "", "71080": "", "71081": "", "71082": "The अवर्ण of the word अनडुह् get a नुमागम in presence of the सुँ प्रत्यय.", "71083": "", "71084": "The word दिव् gets the 'औ' आदेश in presence of the प्रत्यय सुँ । ", "71085": "The words पथिन्, मथिन् and ऋभुक्षिन् get an 'आ' आदेश in presence of the सुँ-प्रत्यय.", "71086": "The इकार of the words पथिन्, मथिन् and ऋभुक्षिन् get an 'अ' आदेश in presence of a सर्वनामस्थान.", "71087": "The थकार of the words पथिन् तथा मथिन् get the 'न्थ्' आदेश in presence of a सर्वनामस्थान. ", "71088": "The टि of the भसंज्ञक अङ्ग of पथिन्, मथिन् and ऋभुक्षिन् is removed.", "71089": "The पुम्स् अङ्ग gets the असुङ् आदेश when it is expected to be followed by a सर्वनामस्थान.", "71090": "The सर्वनामस्थान-प्रत्यय following the word गो becomes णित्.\n", "71091": "The णल्-प्रत्यय of लिट्लकार-परस्मैपद-उत्तमपुरुषैकवचन is only optionally णित्.", "71092": "The सर्वनामस्थानप्रत्यय not belonging to सम्बोधन-एकवचन when attached to the word सखि becomes णित्.", "71093": "The word सखि gets an अनङ्-आदेश when it is followed by सुँ-प्रत्यय of प्रथमा-एकवचन.", "71094": "The ऋकारान्त words, and the words उशनस्/पुरुदंसस्/अनेहस् get अनङ् आदेश when followed by a सुँ-प्रत्यय not belonging to \nसम्बोधन एकवचन.", "71095": "The word क्रोष्टु behaves like a तृच्-प्रत्ययान्त word when followed by a सर्वनामस्थान not belonging to सम्बोधनैकवचनम्.\n", "71096": "In feminine context, the word क्रोष्टु behaves similar to the तृच्-प्रत्ययान्त words. ", "71097": "The word क्रोष्टु optionally behaves like a तृच्-प्रत्ययान्त word when followed by an अजादि विभक्ति of तृतीया onwards.\n", "71098": "The words चतुर् and अनडुह् get an उदात्तः आम्-आगम when followed by a सर्वनामस्थान.", "71099": "The words चतुर् and अनडुह् get an अमागम when followed by सुँ प्रत्यय of सम्बोधन-एकवचन.", "71100": "The last letter of the दीर्घ-ॠकारान्त-धातु is converted to इकार.", "71101": "The उपधा-ॠकार present in a धातु is converted to इकार.", "71102": "If a verb root ends in a दीर्घ ॠकार before which an ओष्ठ्य letter is present, the ॠकार of that verb root is converted to उकार.\n", "71103": "", "72001": "An अङ्ग ending in the सिच्-प्रत्यय gets a वृद्धि आदेश in presence of a प्रत्यय belonging to परस्मैपद.", "72002": "", "72003": "", "72004": "", "72005": "", "72006": "", "72007": "", "72008": "", "72009": "", "72010": "", "72011": "", "72012": "", "72013": "", "72014": "", "72015": "", "72016": "", "72017": "", "72018": "", "72019": "", "72020": "", "72021": "", "72022": "", "72023": "", "72024": "", "72025": "", "72026": "", "72027": "", "72028": "", "72029": "", "72030": "", "72031": "", "72032": "", "72033": "", "72034": "", "72035": "An आर्धधातुक-प्रत्यय that starts with a वल् letter gets an इट् आगम.", "72036": "", "72037": "", "72038": "", "72039": "", "72040": "", "72041": "", "72042": "", "72043": "", "72044": "", "72045": "", "72046": "", "72047": "", "72048": "", "72049": "", "72050": "", "72051": "", "72052": "", "72053": "", "72054": "", "72055": "", "72056": "", "72057": "", "72058": "", "72059": "", "72060": "", "72061": "", "72062": "", "72063": "", "72064": "", "72065": "", "72066": "", "72067": "", "72068": "", "72069": "", "72070": "", "72071": "", "72072": "", "72073": "", "72074": "", "72075": "", "72076": "", "72077": "", "72078": "", "72079": "For सार्वधातुक-लिङ्लकार, the सकार which is present in the प्रत्यय but which is not present at the end of the प्रत्यय is removed.", "72080": "'या' present in the प्रत्यय of सार्वधातुक-लिङ्लकार is converted to एय् when it follows an अकार.", "72081": "", "72082": "", "72083": "", "72084": "The word अष्टन् gets an optional आकारादेश when followed by a हलादि विभक्तिप्रत्यय.", "72085": "The word 'रै' gets an आकारादेश when followed by हलादि विभक्तिप्रत्यय.", "72086": "", "72087": "", "72088": "", "72089": "", "72090": "", "72091": "", "72092": "", "72093": "", "72094": "", "72095": "", "72096": "", "72097": "", "72098": "", "72099": "The words त्रि and चतुर् are respectively converted to तिसृ and चतसृ to indicate the feminine property, when followed by a विभक्ति-प्रत्यय\n", "72100": "The ऋकार of the words तिसृ and चतसृ is converted to रेफ when followed by an अजादि-विभक्तिप्रत्यय.", "72101": "The word जरा is optionally converted to the word जरस् when followed by an अजादि विभक्ति.\n", "72102": "The words of त्यदादिगण get an अकारादेश when followed by a विभक्तिप्रत्यय.", "72103": "The word किम् is converted to 'क' in presence of a विभक्ति प्रत्यय.", "72104": "The word किम् is converted to कु when followed by a विभक्तिप्रत्यय that begins with a शब्दस्य तकार or a हकार.", "72105": "The word किम् is converted to क्व when followed by the विभक्तिप्रत्यय 'अत्'.", "72106": "For the words of त्यदादिगण, a तकार or a दकार which is not at end of the word is converted to सकार when followed by the सुँ-प्रत्यय.", "72107": "The word अदस् gets an 'औ' आदेशः when followed by the सुँ-प्रत्यय, and the सुँ-प्रत्यय is removed. ", "72108": "The word इदम् gets a मकारादेश when followed by the सुँ-प्रत्यय.", "72109": "The दकार of the word इदम् is converted to a मकार when followed by a विभक्तिप्रत्यय.", "72110": "The दकार of the word इदम् is converted to यकार when followed by the सुँ-प्रत्यय.", "72111": "In पुंलिङ्ग, the 'इद्' part of the word 'इदम्' is converted to 'अय्' when followed by the सुँ-प्रत्यय.\n", "72112": "The 'इद्' part of the word 'इदम्' is converted to अन् when followed by a विभक्तिप्रत्यय of तृतीया to सप्तमी. But this conversion does not happen if the word इदम् has a ककार in it.", "72113": "The 'इद्' part of the word 'इदम्' is removed when followed by a हलादि विभक्तिप्रत्यय of तृतीया to सप्तमी. But this conversion does not happen if the word इदम् has a ककार in it.", "72114": "The verb root मृज् undergoes a वृद्धि.", "72115": "An अजन्त अङ्ग undergoes वृद्धि when followed by a णित् or a ञित् प्रत्यय.", "72116": "The उपधा-अकार of an अङ्ग undergoes a वृद्धिः when followed by a णित् or a ञित् प्रत्यय.", "72117": "When followed by a णित् / ञित् तद्धित-प्रत्यय, the आदि-स्वर of the अङ्ग undergoes a वृद्धि.", "72118": "When followed by a कित् तद्धित-प्रत्यय, the आदि-स्वर of the अङ्ग undergoes a वृद्धि.", "73001": "", "73002": "", "73003": "", "73004": "", "73005": "", "73006": "", "73007": "", "73008": "", "73009": "", "73010": "This is an अधिकार, which spans till 'यथातथयथापुरयोः पर्यायेण' 7.3.31. Whatever is being told in this अधिकार happens only to an उत्तरपद.", "73011": "", "73012": "", "73013": "", "73014": "", "73015": "", "73016": "", "73017": "", "73018": "", "73019": "", "73020": "", "73021": "", "73022": "", "73023": "", "73024": "", "73025": "", "73026": "", "73027": "", "73028": "", "73029": "", "73030": "", "73031": "", "73032": "", "73033": "", "73034": "", "73035": "", "73036": "", "73037": "", "73038": "", "73039": "", "73040": "", "73041": "", "73042": "", "73043": "", "73044": "", "73045": "", "73046": "", "73047": "", "73048": "", "73049": "", "73050": "A ठकार present at the beginning of a प्रत्यय is converted to 'इक्'.", "73051": "A ठकार present at the beginning of a प्रत्यय is converted to 'क्' for an इस्-प्रत्ययान्त अङ्ग, उस्-प्रत्ययान्त अङ्ग, \nउक्-वर्णान्त अङ्ग and तकारान्त अङ्ग.\n", "73052": "", "73053": "", "73054": "The हकार of the verb हन् undergoes कुत्वम् in presence of (1) a ञित्-प्रत्यय, (2) a णित्-प्रत्यय, (3) a नकार.", "73055": "", "73056": "", "73057": "", "73058": "", "73059": "", "73060": "", "73061": "", "73062": "", "73063": "", "73064": "", "73065": "", "73066": "", "73067": "", "73068": "", "73069": "", "73070": "", "73071": "", "73072": "", "73073": "", "73074": "", "73075": "", "73076": "", "73077": "", "73078": "", "73079": "", "73080": "", "73081": "", "73082": "", "73083": "", "73084": "When followed by an सार्वधातुक or an आर्धधातुक प्रत्यय, an इगन्त अङ्ग gets a गुणादेश.", "73085": "", "73086": "When followed by a सार्वधातुक or an आर्धधातुक प्रत्यय, a पुगन्त अङ्ग and a लघूपध अङ्ग get a गुणादेश.", "73087": "", "73088": "For the verbs भू and सु, the अङ्ग does not undergo a गुण when followed by a सार्वधातुक तिङ्-प्रत्यय.", "73089": "", "73090": "", "73091": "", "73092": "", "73093": "A सार्वधातुक पित् प्रत्यय which begins with a हल्-letter gets ईट् आगम when attached to the verb ब्रू.", "73094": "A हलादि-पित्-सार्वधातुकप्रत्यय attached to a यङ्-प्रत्ययान्त-अङ्ग gets ईडागम optionally. ", "73095": " A हलादि सार्वधातुक तिङ् प्रत्यय optionally gets an ईट् आगम when it is attached to the verbs तु, रु, स्तु, शम्, अम्", "73096": "A सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय which contains only one हल् letter (and no अच् letter) gets an 'ईट्' आगम when it follows either the अस् धातु or the सिच्-प्रत्यय.\n", "73097": " In the context of vedas - a सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय which contains only one हल् letter (and no अच् letter) might or might not get an 'ईट्' आगम when it follows either the अस् धातु or the सिच्-प्रत्यय.\n", "73098": "A सार्वधातुक-पित्-अपृक्त-हल्-प्रत्यय that follows the verbs रुद्, स्वप् , श्वस्, प्रण्, जक्ष् gets an ईट् आगम.", "73099": "A सार्वधातुक-पित्-अपृक्त-हल्-प्रत्यय that follows the verbs रुद्, स्वप् , श्वस्, प्रण्, जक्ष् optionally gets an अट् आगम.", "73100": "A सार्वधातुक-अपृक्त-प्रत्यय that follows the verb अद् gets an अट् आगम.", "73101": "The last letter of an अदन्त अङ्ग becomes दीर्घ when followed by a यञादि सार्वधातुक प्रत्यय.", "73102": "The last letter of an अदन्त अङ्ग becomes दीर्घ when followed by a यञादि सुप्-प्रत्यय.", "73103": "The last letter of an अदन्त अङ्ग gets an एकारादेश when followed by a सुप्-प्रत्यय which begins with a झल letter and which represents बहुवचन.", "73104": "An अदन्त अङ्ग gets a एकारादेश in presence of the ओस्-प्रत्यय.", "73105": "An आबन्त अङ्ग gets एकारादेश in presence of the ओस् and टा प्रत्यय. ", "73106": "An आबन्त अङ्ग gets an एकारादेश in presence of the सुँ-प्रत्यय of सम्बोधन-एकवचन.", "73107": "For the words that are used with the meaning same as अम्बा, and for the words that get the नदीसंज्ञा, the अङ्ग get a ह्रस्वादेश in presence of सुँ-प्रत्यय of सम्बोधन-एकवचन.", "73108": "If an अङ्ग ends in ह्रस्व letter, that ह्रस्व letter gets a गुणादेश in presence of the सुँ-प्रत्यय of सम्बोधन एकवचन.", "73109": "If an अङ्ग ends in ह्रस्व letter, that ह्रस्व letter gets a गुणादेश in presence of the जस्-प्रत्यय.", "73110": "The last letter of a ऋदन्त word is replaced by अर् in presence of - (a) ङि-प्रत्यय and (b) a प्रत्यय that is also a सर्वनामस्थान. ", "73111": "A घि-संज्ञक अङ्ग gets a गुणादेश in presence of a ङित्-प्रत्यय.", "73112": "A ङित्-प्रत्यय that comes after a नदीसंज्ञक अङ्ग get an आट् आगम.", "73113": "A ङित्-प्रत्यय that comes after an आबन्त word get a याट् आगम.", "73114": "A ङित्-प्रत्यय that comes after an सर्वनामसंज्ञक आबन्त word get a स्याट् आगम, and the आबन्त अङ्ग gets a ह्रस्वादेश.", "73115": "A ङित्-प्रत्यय that comes after the words द्वितीया and तृतीया optionally get a स्याट् आगम, and अङ्ग becomes ह्रस्व when such an आगम happens.", "73116": "The ङि-प्रत्यय gets आमादेश when it comes after - (a) a नदीसंज्ञक word, (b) an आबन्त word, and (c) a word that ends in 'नी'.", "73117": "The ङि-प्रत्यय gets आमादेश when it comes after a ह्रस्व-इकारान्त or ह्रस्व-उकारान्त नदीसंज्ञक word.\n", "73118": "The ङि-प्रत्यय gets औ आदेश when it comes after a ह्रस्व-इकारान्त or ह्रस्व-उकारान्त word.\n", "73119": "The ङि-प्रत्यय that comes after a घिसंज्ञक इकारान्त/उकारान्त word gets औ-आदेश, and the भवति, and the last letter of the घिसंज्ञक अङ्ग gets an अकारादेश । ", "73120": "The आङ्-प्रत्यय that comes after a non-feminine घिसंज्ञक अङ्ग is converted to 'ना'.", "74001": "", "74002": "", "74003": "", "74004": "", "74005": "", "74006": "", "74007": "", "74008": "", "74009": "", "74010": "", "74011": "", "74012": "", "74013": "", "74014": "", "74015": "", "74016": "", "74017": "", "74018": "", "74019": "", "74020": "", "74021": "", "74022": "", "74023": "", "74024": "", "74025": "", "74026": "", "74027": "", "74028": "A ऋकारान्त-धातु get a रिङ्-आदेश in presence of 'श' प्रत्यय, यक्-प्रत्यय and आशीर्लिङ् लकार.", "74029": "", "74030": "", "74031": "", "74032": "", "74033": "", "74034": "", "74035": "", "74036": "", "74037": "", "74038": "", "74039": "", "74040": "", "74041": "", "74042": "", "74043": "", "74044": "", "74045": "", "74046": "", "74047": "", "74048": "", "74049": "A सकारान्त अङ्ग gets a तकारादेश When followed by a सकारादि-आर्धधातुक प्रत्यय.", "74050": "The सकार of तास् प्रत्यय and the verb root अस् is removed when followed by सकार.", "74051": "The last letter (सकार) of the तास्-प्रत्यय is removed when followed by a रेफ.", "74052": "", "74053": "", "74054": "", "74055": "", "74056": "", "74057": "", "74058": "", "74059": "अभ्यास is converted to ह्रस्व.", "74060": "Only the first हल् letter from अभ्यास is retained, rest all हल् letters are removed. ", "74061": "For an अभ्यास, all खय् letters that follows शर् letters are retained, all other हल् letters are removed.", "74062": "The कवर्गीय letter and the हकार of an अभ्यास are converted to an appropriate चवर्गीय letter.", "74063": "", "74064": "", "74065": "", "74066": "A ऋ letter present in an अभ्यास is converted to अकार.", "74067": "", "74068": "", "74069": "", "74070": "", "74071": "", "74072": "", "74073": "When followed by लिट्-लकार, the अभ्यास of the verb root भू is converted to अकार.", "74074": "", "74075": "", "74076": "", "74077": "", "74078": "", "74079": "", "74080": "", "74081": "", "74082": "", "74083": "", "74084": "", "74085": "", "74086": "", "74087": "", "74088": "", "74089": "", "74090": "", "74091": "", "74092": "", "74093": "", "74094": "", "74095": "", "74096": "", "74097": "", "81001": "In the contexts that will henceforth be told till the sutra <<पदस्य>> [[8.1.16]], the participating words will get duplicated. ", "81002": "When a word gets replicated in the 'सर्वस्य द्वे' अधिकार, the second occurrence is known as आम्रेडित.", "81003": "", "81004": "", "81005": "", "81006": "", "81007": "", "81008": "", "81009": "", "81010": "", "81011": "", "81012": "", "81013": "", "81014": "", "81015": "", "81016": "", "81017": "", "81018": "", "81019": "", "81020": "", "81021": "", "81022": "", "81023": "", "81024": "", "81025": "", "81026": "", "81027": "", "81028": "", "81029": "", "81030": "", "81031": "", "81032": "", "81033": "", "81034": "", "81035": "", "81036": "", "81037": "", "81038": "", "81039": "", "81040": "", "81041": "", "81042": "", "81043": "", "81044": "", "81045": "", "81046": "", "81047": "", "81048": "", "81049": "", "81050": "", "81051": "", "81052": "", "81053": "", "81054": "", "81055": "", "81056": "", "81057": "", "81058": "", "81059": "", "81060": "", "81061": "", "81062": "", "81063": "", "81064": "", "81065": "", "81066": "", "81067": "", "81068": "", "81069": "", "81070": "", "81071": "", "81072": "", "81073": "", "81074": "", "82001": "The rules defined in त्रिपादी are non existent with-respect-to the rules of सपादसप्ताध्यायी. Even within त्रिपादी, the later rules are non existent with-respect-to the former rules. ", "82002": "The नकारलोप given by 'न लोपः प्रातिपदिकान्तस्य' is असिद्ध only with reference to (1) सुप्-विधि, (2) स्वरविधि, (3) संज्ञाविधि, and (4) तुगागम caused by a कृत्-प्रत्यय.", "82003": "The मु आदेश is not considered असिद्ध while and after doing the 'ना' आदेश.", "82004": "", "82005": "", "82006": "", "82007": "The terminal न् letter of a प्रातिपदिक is omitted if the प्रातिपदिक also gets the पदसंंज्ञा.", "82008": "For a प्रातिपदिक that also gets the पदसंंज्ञा, the terminal न् letter is not omitted in presence of the \nङि or सम्बुद्धि प्रत्यय. ", "82009": "", "82010": "", "82011": "", "82012": "", "82013": "", "82014": "", "82015": "", "82016": "", "82017": "", "82018": "", "82019": "", "82020": "", "82021": "", "82022": "", "82023": "The last letter of a पद that ends in a संयोग is removed. ", "82024": "For a संयोग occurring at end of a पद which contains रेफ as the first letter, the last letter is deleted only if it is a सकार and not otherwise.\n", "82025": "", "82026": "", "82027": "", "82028": "", "82029": "If there is a संयोगः at end of a पद, or if there is a संयोगः which is followed by a झल्-वर्ण, and if the first letter of that संयोगः is either स् or क् , then this letter is deleted. ", "82030": "A चवर्गीय letter which occurs at the end of a पद or before झल् letter is converted to the corresponding कवर्गीय letter.", "82031": "A हकार is converted to a ढकार at पदान्त or when followed by a झल् letter.", "82032": "A हकार occurring at end of a दकारादि-धातु is converted to a घकार at पदान्त or when followed by a झल् letter.", "82033": "A हकार occurring at end of verbs द्रुहँ, मुहँ, ष्णुहँ and ष्णिहँ at पदान्त or when followed by a झल् letter is converted optionally to a घकार.", "82034": "The हकार for the verb नह् is converted to धकार at पदान्त or when followed by a झल् letter.", "82035": "The हकार of 'आह्' is converted to थकार when followed by a झल् letter. ", "82036": "The laster letter of the word व्रश्च्, भ्रस्ज्, सृज्, मृज्, यज्, राज्, भ्राज् and शकारान्त / च्छकारान्त words gets षकारादेश at पदान्त, or when झल् letter is in front.\n", "82037": "A बश्-वर्ण of an एकाच् and झषन्त part of a verb is converted to a भष् वर्ण - (1) in presence of a सकार, (2) in presence of a the word ध्व, or (3) at end of a पद", "82038": "The बश्-letter of the the झषन्त-एकाच्-अवयव present in the 'दध्' form of the verb root 'धा' is converted to a corresponding भष् letter when followed by तकार, थकार, सकार, or the word ध्व.\n", "82039": "A झल् letter occurring at end of a पद is converted to the corresponding जश् letter.", "82040": "The तकार and थकार that follows a झष् letter is converted to धकार. But this conversion does not happen for the verb root 'धा'.", "82041": "षकार and ढकार not occurring at end of a पद are converted to ककार when followed by सकार.", "82042": "", "82043": "", "82044": "", "82045": "", "82046": "", "82047": "", "82048": "", "82049": "", "82050": "", "82051": "", "82052": "", "82053": "", "82054": "", "82055": "", "82056": "", "82057": "", "82058": "", "82059": "", "82060": "", "82061": "", "82062": "The word ending in a क्विन्-प्रत्यय gets a कवर्गादेश at पदान्त । ", "82063": "The word नश् undergoes an optional कुत्वम् at पदान्त.", "82064": "A मकार occurring at end of a धातु which in turn occurs at end of a पद is converted to नकार.\n", "82065": "", "82066": "The सकार at end of a पद, and the षकार at end of the सजुष् पद get a रुँ-आदेश । ", "82067": "The words अवयाः, श्वेतवाः, पुरोडाः are considered derived. ", "82068": "The word अहन् gets रुँत्व at पदान्त.", "82069": "The word अहन् gets रेफादेश at पदान्त, except when followed by a सुप्-प्रत्यय. ", "82070": "", "82071": "", "82072": "The सकारान्त वसुँ-प्रत्ययान्तशब्द, स्रंसु-शब्द, ध्वंसु-शब्द and अनडुह्-शब्द get a दकारादेशः at पदान्त.", "82073": "", "82074": "", "82075": "", "82076": "The उपधा letter of a रेफान्त or a वकारान्त पद which also has a धातुसंज्ञा becomes दीर्घ if that letter belongs to the इक् प्रत्याहार.", "82077": "The उपधा letter of a रेफान्त or a वकारान्त धातु becomes दीर्घ if that letter belongs to the इक् प्रत्याहार and if the धातु is followed by a हल् letter. ", "82078": "When a धातु has (1) a हल्-letter at the end (2) a रेफ / वकार in the second-last position, and (3) an इक् letter in the third-last position, then the इक् letter undergoes a दीर्घादेश.", "82079": "", "82080": "", "82081": "", "82082": "In the context of all the सूत्राणि till the end of this पाद, the टि-संज्ञक स्वर of the sentence would be considered प्लुत and उदात्त.", "82083": "The टिसंज्ञक of the sentence which is used to answer a greeting, becomes प्लुत and उदात्त, provided that the sentence is not addressed to a शूद्र.", "82084": "The टिसंज्ञक स्वर of the sentence used for calling someone from a distance becomes प्लुत and उदात्त.", "82085": "If the words हे / है are used in a sentence that is used for calling someone from a distance, then the स्वर of the only हे / है becomes प्लुत and उदात्त.", "82086": "For the words whose टि has been mandated to be प्लुत and उदात्त by the earlier sutras, all the other ऋकारभिन्न गुरु letters of that word can also take turns one by one to become प्लुत and उदात्त, according to the experts of the east. ", "82087": "", "82088": "", "82089": "", "82090": "", "82091": "", "82092": "", "82093": "", "82094": "", "82095": "", "82096": "", "82097": "", "82098": "", "82099": "", "82100": "", "82101": "", "82102": "", "82103": "", "82104": "", "82105": "", "82106": "", "82107": "", "82108": "", "83001": "In the Vedic usages, the पद ending in मतुँप् or क्वसुँ प्रत्यय undergo रुँत्वम् in the formation of सम्बोधन-एकवचन form. ", "83002": "For the रुँ generated using the rules from this रूत्वप्रकरण, the letter before this रुँ is optionally converted to an अनुनासिक.", "83003": "In this रूत्वप्रकरण, The रुँ that gets constructed at end of a पद causes an अनुनासिक of the आकार just preceding it. ", "83004": "If the रुँ letter generated in this रूत्वप्रकरण does not cause the previous letter to get an अनुनासिक, then it will generate an अनुस्वार आगम just after that previous letter. ", "83005": "When followed by सुट् आगम, the मकार of सम् is converted to रुँ.", "83006": "In the context of संहिता, when the word पुम् is followed by a letter from खय् प्रत्याहार which in turn is followed by a letter form अम् प्रत्याहार, the मकार of पुम् is converted to रुँ.\n", "83007": "In the context of संहिता, when a पदान्त नकार is followed by a letter from छव् प्रत्याहार, which in turn is followed by a letter from अम् प्रत्याहार, then the नकार is converted to रुँ. But this conversion does not happen for the word 'प्रशान्'. \n", "83008": "In the context of संहिता and in the vedas, when a पदान्त नकार is followed by a letter from छव् प्रत्याहार, which in turn is followed by a letter from अम् प्रत्याहार, then the नकार is optionally converted to रुँ. ", "83009": "In the context of वेदाः - If a पदान्त-नकार present after a दीर्घ स्वर is followed by a letter from the अट् प्रत्याहार in the same पाद, then the नकार is optionally converted to रुँ.", "83010": "In the context of संहिता, the ending नकार of the word नॄन् , when followed by पकार is optionally converted to रुँ.", "83011": "In the context of संहिता, when the word स्वतवान् is followed by the word पायु, the नकार of स्वतवान् is optionally converted to रुँ.", "83012": "The नकार of 'कान्' is converted to रुँ when followed by an आम्रेडित.", "83013": "A ढकार is removed when it is followed by another ढकार in the context of संहिता.", "83014": "A रेफ is removed when it is followed by another रेफ in the context of संहिता.", "83015": "A र् present at end of a पद is converted to a विसर्ग when it is either followed by nothing, or when it is followed by a खर् letter in the context of संहिता.\n", "83016": "In presence of the सुप् प्रत्यय of सप्तमी-बहुवचन, a पदान्त र्-वर्ण is converted to a विसर्ग only if that र् is generated from रुँ, and not otherwise. ", "83017": "In the context of संहिता, A पदान्त रुँ that is present either at the end of भोस्/भगोस्/अघोस्, or after the letter अ/आ is converted to यकार when followed by a letter from the अश् प्रत्याहार.", "83018": "In the context of संहिता, according to शाकटायन, the पदान्त-वकार and पदान्त-यकार, when followed by a letter from अश्-प्रत्याहार are converted respectively to लघु-उच्चारण-वकार and लघु-उच्चारण-यकार.", "83019": "According to Shakalya, a वकार/यकार present at end of a पद and situated after अ/आ gets removed when it is followed by a letter from अश् प्रत्याहार in the context of संहिता.\n", "83020": "Non-लघूच्चारण-यकार present at end of a पद and situated after the letter ओ gets removed when it is followed by a letter from अश् प्रत्याहार in the context of संहिता.\n", "83021": "A पदान्तयकार and a पदान्तवकार coming after an अकार is removed when followed by the पद उञ् in the context of संहिता.", "83022": "In the context of संहिता, all the grammarians say that the normal यकार as well as the लघु-उच्चारण-यकार is removed when it is followed by a हल्-letter, provided that such a यकार occurs at end of a पद and comes after the letter अ , or if such a यकार occurs at the end of the words भोस्, भगोस्, or अघोस्. ", "83023": "In the context of संहिता, the मकार at the end of a पद is converted to अनुस्वार when it is followed by a हल् वर्ण.", "83024": "In the context of संहिता, a मकार and a नकार which do not occur at the end of a पद are converted to अनुस्वार when followed by a झल् letter.", "83025": "When the verb सम् + राज् gets the क्विप् pratyay, the म् of सम् is converted to म् itself. ", "83026": "In the context of संहिता, if a पदान्तमकार is followed by 'ह् + म्' then that पदान्तमकार is optionally converted to मकार. ", "83027": "In the context of संहिता, if a पदान्तमकार is followed by 'ह् + न्' then that पदान्तमकार is optionally converted to नकार. ", "83028": "In the context of संहिता, a ङकार and a णकार at end of a पद optionally get कुक् and टुक् आगम respectively.\n", "83029": "In the context of संहिता, a सकार present after a पदान्त डकार optionally gets a धुट् आगम.", "83030": "In the context of संहिता, a सकार present after a पदान्त नकार optionally gets a धुट् आगम.", "83031": "In the context of संहिता, a नकार occurring at end of a पद optionally gets a तुगागम when followed by a शकार.", "83032": "In the context of संहिता, अ ङ्/ण्/न् letter occurring after a ह्रस्व स्वर causes a corresponding ङुट् / णुट् / नुट् आगम to an अच् letter following it. \n", "83033": "In the context of संहिता, when a letter of the मय् प्रत्याहार occurring at end of a पद is followed by word उञ् which in turn is followed by a स्वर, then the word उञ् is optionally converted to a वकार.", "83034": "A विसर्ग occurring at end of a पद is converted to a सकार when followed by a letter from the खर् प्रत्याहार.", "83035": "A विसर्ग is converted to विसर्ग if it is followed by a खर् letter after which a शर् letter is present. ", "83036": "When a विसर्ग is followed by a letter from the शर्प्रत्याहार, the विसर्ग optionally remains as विसर्ग.", "83037": "When a विसर्ग is followed by a ककार or a खकार, it is converted either to a जिह्वामूलीय or to a विसर्ग. \nWhen a विसर्ग is followed by a पकार or a फकार, it is converted either to a उपध्मानीय or to a विसर्ग. \n", "83038": "A पदान्त विसर्ग is converted to a सकार when it is followed by the प्रत्ययाः पाश्य, कल्प, क, काम्य.", "83039": "A पदान्त विसर्ग which comes after a letter from the इण् प्रत्याहार, and which is followed by प्रत्ययाः - पाश्य, कल्प, क, काम्य - is converted to a षकार. ", "83040": "The विसर्ग of गतिसंज्ञक नमस् and पुरस् words is converted to सकार when followed by कवर्ग letter or a पवर्ग letter.", "83041": "A विसर्ग present after an इकार or an उकार which is not made from a प्रत्यय is converted to ष in presence of a कवर्ग or a पवर्ग.", "83042": "The विसर्ग of the word तिरस् is optionally converted to सकार in presence of कवर्ग / पवर्ग letter.\n", "83043": "For the words द्विस् (= twice), त्रिस् (= thrice), and चतुर् = (four times) which are used to indicate frequency, their विसर्ग when followed by a letter from कवर्ग or पवर्ग is optionally converted to ष्.", "83044": "The विसर्ग of the इस्/उस्-प्रत्यय when followed by a letter from कवर्ग or पवर्ग is optionally converted to a षकार whenever the words involved in the सन्धि are associated with each other. ", "83045": "While doing a समास, the विसर्ग of the इस्/उस्-प्रत्यय when followed by a letter from कवर्ग or पवर्ग is always converted to a षकार whenever the words involved in the समास are associated with each other. However, if the पूर्वपद of this समास is a समास on its own, then the षत्व is completely prohibited.\n", "83046": "While doing a समास, if all the following conditions are met - \n1. the पूर्वपद ends in a विसर्ग that follows an अकार, \n2. the उत्तरपद is either a form of the verb 'कृ', or a form of the verb 'कमि' or is one of these words - कंस/कुम्भ/पात्र/कुशा/कर्णी\n3. पू्र्वपद is not an अव्यय\n4. पू्र्वपद is not a समास\n- then the विसर्ग of the पूर्वपद is converted to सकार.", "83047": "While doing a समास, if the पूर्वपद is either the word अधः or the word शिरः and if the the उत्तरपद the word पद, then then the विसर्ग of the पूर्वपद is converted to सकार. However, if the पूर्वपद is itself a समास, then this सकारादेश does not happen.", "83048": "For the words in the कस्कादिगण, the विसर्ग is to be converted to षकार / सकार as shown for each word. ", "83049": "", "83050": "", "83051": "", "83052": "", "83053": "", "83054": "", "83055": "This is an अधिकार, which goes till the end of the पाद. For the स्थानी that does not occur at end of a पद, the closest 'मूर्धन्य' letter comes as the आदेश.", "83056": "The अपदान्त-सकार present in the 'साड्' form of the verb सह् is converted to षकार.", "83057": "This is an अधिकार, which goes till the end of the पाद. The कार्य designated in this अधिकार happens for a स्थानी that follows an इण् letter or a letter from कवर्ग.", "83058": "The षकारादेश mandated in the इण्कोः अधिकार happens even when at most one of अनुस्वार/विसर्ग/शकार/षकार/सकार appears between the इण्/कुवर्ग वर्ण and the सकार. ", "83059": "An अपदान्त सकार that was obtained either as an आदेश or through a प्रत्यय is converted to षकार when it follows a letter from इण्-प्रत्याहार or a कवर्ग.", "83060": "The सकार of the verb roots शास्/वस्/घस् is converted to षकार when it follows a letter from the इण्-प्रत्याहार or the कवर्ग.", "83061": "", "83062": "", "83063": "", "83064": "", "83065": "", "83066": "", "83067": "", "83068": "", "83069": "", "83070": "", "83071": "", "83072": "", "83073": "", "83074": "", "83075": "", "83076": "", "83077": "", "83078": "", "83079": "", "83080": "", "83081": "", "83082": "", "83083": "", "83084": "", "83085": "", "83086": "", "83087": "", "83088": "", "83089": "", "83090": "", "83091": "", "83092": "", "83093": "", "83094": "", "83095": "", "83096": "", "83097": "", "83098": "", "83099": "", "83100": "", "83101": "", "83102": "", "83103": "", "83104": "", "83105": "", "83106": "", "83107": "", "83108": "", "83109": "", "83110": "", "83111": "", "83112": "", "83113": "", "83114": "", "83115": "", "83116": "", "83117": "", "83118": "", "83119": "", "84001": "a नकार occurring immediately after ष् or र् in the same पद is converted to a णकार.", "84002": "a नकार occurring after ष् or र् in the same पद is converted to a णकार even when it is separated from the ष् or र् by one or more letters from the अट् प्रत्याहार, कवर्ग, पवर्ग, आङ् , or अनुस्वार.", "84003": "For a समस्तपद which is defined as a संज्ञा, The र् and ष् present in the पूर्वपद causes the णत्वम् of नकार from the उत्तरपद, as long as there is no गकार in between.", "84004": "", "84005": "", "84006": "", "84007": "", "84008": "", "84009": "", "84010": "", "84011": "", "84012": "For a समस्तपद, a रेफ or a षकार present in the पूर्वपद causes the णत्व of the नकार present in the एकाच् उत्तरपद whenever the नकार is (1) at end of a प्रातिपदिक, or (2) created due to a नुमागम, or (3) part of a विभक्ति.\n", "84013": "", "84014": "A धातु which has णकार in the औपदेशिक form get णत्वम् in presence of an उपसर्ग that has रेफ or षकार. ", "84015": "The नकार associated with the forms of the verbs हि and मी is converted to णकार in presence of a रेफयुक्त उपसर्ग.", "84016": "A रेफ present in an उपसर्ग causes the णत्व of नकार of the 'आनि' प्रत्यय of लोट्-लकार.", "84017": "A णत्वनिमित्तक उपसर्ग causes the णत्व of the उपसर्ग 'नि' attached to the following verbs - गद्, नद्, पत्, पद्, मा, सो, हन्, या, वा, द्रा, प्सा, वप्, वह्, शप्, चि, दिह् , and also for घुसंज्ञक verbs.", "84018": "A णत्वनिमित्तक उपसर्ग causes an optional णत्व of the उपसर्ग 'नि' attached to the verbs that are not ककारादि, not खकारादि, not षकारान्त and not mentioned in <<नेर्गदनद..>> [[8.4.16]] sutra.\n", "84019": "The नकार of the verb 'अन् (प्राणने)' becomes णकार when the verb is used along with an उपसर्ग that could cause the णत्व to happen (like प्र or परा). ", "84020": "When the verb अन् (प्राणने) is used along with a रेफ/षकारयुक्त उपसर्ग (like प्र or परा), its नकार becomes णकार when it appears at the end of a पद.\n", "84021": "When the verb अन् (प्राणने) is used along with a रेफ/षकारयुक्त उपसर्ग (like प्र or परा), and when such a verb undergoes a द्वित्व, then both of the नकारs become णकार.", "84022": "When the word हन् comes after an उपसर्ग containing a रेफ, the नकार of हन् is converted to णकार only if that नकार is preceded by an अकार, not otherwise.", "84023": "When the word हन् comes after an उपसर्ग containing a रेफ, and when the नकार of हन् is preceded by a ह्रस्व अकार, this नकार is optionally converted to णकार in presence of a प्रत्यय that begins with a वकार or a मकार.", "84024": "The नकार of हन् is converted to णकार when this word follows the word 'अन्तर्' and when this नकार is preceded by a ह्रस्व अकार. But this णत्व does not happen if the resultant word indicates the name of a place. ", "84025": "The नकार of अयन is converted to णकार when this word follows the word 'अन्तर्'. But this णत्व does not happen if the resultant word indicates the name of a place. ", "84026": "", "84027": "", "84028": "", "84029": "", "84030": "", "84031": "", "84032": "", "84033": "", "84034": "", "84035": "", "84036": "", "84037": "A नकार occurring at end of a पद does not get णत्वम् । ", "84038": "", "84039": "", "84040": "In the context of संहिता, A सकार and a तवर्ग letter are converted (respectively) to a शकार and चवर्ग letter when associated with a शकार or a चवर्ग letter.", "84041": "In the context of संहिता, A सकार and a तवर्ग letter are converted (respectively) to a षकार and टवर्ग letter when associated with a षकार or a टवर्ग letter.", "84042": "Except when followed by the प्रत्यय नाम्, a पदान्तटवर्ग letter does not cause the ष्टुत्वम् of सकार or a तवर्ग letter that follows it.\n", "84043": "A तवर्ग letter which is followed by a षकार does not undergo ष्टुत्वम्.", "84044": "A तवर्गीय letter following a शकार does not undergo श्चुत्वम्.", "84045": "A यर् letter occurring at end of a पद is optionally converted to an अनुनासिक when it is followed by an अनुनासिक.", "84046": "If र् or ह् is present after अच् letter, then a यर् letter occurring after such a र् or ह् is optionally duplicated. ", "84047": "The यर् letter that follows an अच् letter but is not followed by an अच् letter is optionally duplicated. ", "84048": "The तकार of the word पुत्रादिनी does not get a द्वित्व when this word is used while shouting / while talking in angry tone. ", "84049": "A शर्-letter does not undergo द्वित्वम् when followed by an अच् letter.", "84050": "According to शाकटायन, when three or more letters are joined using a संयोग, the द्वित्वम् does not happen.", "84051": "According to शाकल्य, a यर् letter is never duplicated. ", "84052": "According to various experts, a यर्-letter following a दीर्घ letter does not undergo द्वित्वम्.", "84053": "A झल्-letter is converted to a corresponding जश्-letter when followed by a झश् letter.", "84054": "A झल् letter present in an अभ्यास is converted either to a जश् letter or a चर् letter as appropriate.", "84055": "A झल्-letter is converted to a corresponding चर्-letter when followed by a खर्-letter.", "84056": "A झल् letter is optionally converted to a corresponding चर् -letter when it is not followed by any other letter. ", "84057": "The अण् letter of a non-प्रगृह्य word becomes अनुनासिक optionally when it is followed by an अवसान. ", "84058": "An अनुस्वार when followed by a यय् वर्ण is converted to the परसवर्ण.", "84059": "An अनुस्वार occurring at end of a पद when followed by a यय् वर्ण is optionally converted to the परसवर्ण.", "84060": "A letter of तवर्ग is converted to a परसवर्ण when followed by a लकार.", "84061": "The स्था and स्तम्भ् are converted to पूर्वसवर्ण when they follow the upasarga उत् ।\n", "84062": "A हकार following a झय् letter is optionally converted to the पूर्वसवर्ण (i.e. वर्गचतुर्थ). ", "84063": "A शकार sandwiched between a झय् letter on the left and an अट् letter on the right is optionally converted to a छकार.", "84064": "A यम्-letter sandwiched between a हल्-letter (on left) and the same यम्-letter (on right) is optionally removed.", "84065": "A झर् letter coming after an हल् letter is optionally deleted if it is followed by a सवर्ण झर् letter.", "84066": "", "84067": "", "84068": "The ह्रस्वः अकारः which was being treated as विवृत during the प्रक्रिया now becomes संवृतः for प्रयोग. ", "61100": "When a word which is used to imitate some abstract sound and which ends is the phrase 'त्' is followed by an आम्रेडितसंज्ञक which is further followed by the pratyay डाच्, then the 'त्' of the first word and the first letter of the आम्रेडितसंज्ञक are combined to form a पररूप-एकादेश." }