1. Access to Information

Abbreviated as www, the World Wide Web has turned the world into a social village. That is because, all kinds of information are available on the internet widely from around the globe. Although much of the news you get to see on social media is simply factual, images for specific news can also be seen. Not only is there more news available, but access to all these information is also straightforward.
All thanks to modern technology and computer companies like Dell, IBM, Apple, etc. In the comfort of their bed, one can get to read a book and have a cup of coffee. For this reason, eBooks are available on the internet. Modern technology has also replaced television radios, and even televisions have now been digitized to “LCD’s” and “LED’s.”

2. New Jobs

The increasing demand of IT professionals around industries generates new opportunities every day. Several emerging economies around the world are setting new records now by enhancing their competence in this field. A greater number of people are now interested in jobs such as computer programming, system analysis, testing, developing software and hardware, and designing web applications.

3. Saves Time

Ever faced navigation issues in an unfamiliar city? Sure, as we move to a new location we’ve all faced these issues. If it’s a business trip or a holiday; the new technology helps you to enjoy your trips by helping you navigate anywhere easily. One can search for a specific place, and then even identify its particular route. The program does rest itself. It won’t even allow you to miss a single turn and it also shows you the traffic situation on your route.

4. Entertainment

Widespread internet use on laptops, tablets, smartphones, iPods, and other devices has provided us unrestricted access to diverse entertainment channels. Remember the days when people had to wait on television for the Friday night broadcast or special telecast! Now you can easily and conveniently download and buy music, movies, TV shows, and games.

5. Communication

Modern technology has replaced old technology, it’s a fact. And without that replacement we cannot imagine our lives. Letters were less than a century ago the most common form of communication,
but now no one will even think of writing a letter because why would you want a paperwork over a video call?

Instant messaging and photo and video sharing has never been so easy. We have to understand that it’s only the use of technology that makes it harmful otherwise nothing can beat the level of comfort in our lives that is because of technology.

Businesses are gaining maximum benefit from this and employees distributed across a wide range can now stay connected via internal chat rooms or open source apps.

6. Ease of Mobility

Have you ever imagined your life without a car or a motorbike? Certainly not because technology has brought such things under our feet. It is easy to judge the value of a vehicle from the fact that the distance between the United States of America and Australia is approximately 15,187 kilometers but you can fly in only 16-17 hours.

Much less than in a day and trust me, these 16-17 hours of your life you will not ever regret. All this has been made possible by planes, electric trains and vehicles that are being invented every single day.

7. Cost Efficient

Some of the technology’s key objectives is making it more affordable and cheaper for people. Thanks to technology, people are seeing cost-efficiency these days. The equipment of such value is available at so much lower price we can’t imagine. Most frequently, there is competition between two or more industries which leads to even lower prices.

8. Learning Techniques

Bring a little fun into your classroom. You can develop your teaching skills and incorporate research approaches that will offer your students inspiration. Most apps and electronic devices are implemented to help educate the students. An individual can be amazed by the simplest example of a calculator. The solution comes with only one click, with several calculations and different binary operations.

9. Disabled are Empowered

Nowadays modern science and technology has made almost everything possible. Recently, brails were discovered that operate on the electronic pulses. Artificial foot, smart sticks, and what not. Handicapped people are no longer disabled. They are certainly alongside the normal ones in the long run of success.

10. Globalization

Digital technology has eliminated the physical barriers between nations through their mutual ideas and opportunities. The rise of social media has encouraged communication, and the use of Facebook, Twitter and many other social networking platforms has allowed culturally diverse people to connect with each other. Users on the social media are now becoming ‘global ‘people.

11. Improved Banking

No one ever imagined, less than a decade ago, that they would pay in bitcoins rather than dollars. Thanks to its usefulness, Cryptocurrency has recently become viral. Now no one will have to wait in a long line only to pay their utility bills.

12. AI (Artificial Intelligence)

The new paradigm of artificial intelligence is quickly growing, and gaining prominence. The explanation behind this is that it will usher about a whole new age of change. No more people will have to worry as the chances are that an AI system will worry about how it can be enhanced. It will give the human race a break and potentially one of modern technology’s greatest favor on humanity.