# https://github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy %global goipath github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy %global forgeurl https://github.com/vouch/vouch-proxy Version: 0.37.0 %gometa %global common_description %{an SSO and OAuth / OIDC login solution for Nginx %using the auth_request module } %global golicenses LICENSE %global godocs *.md %global godevelheader %{expand: # The devel package will usually benefit from corresponding project binaries. Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} } Name: %{goname} Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: an SSO and OAuth / OIDC login solution for Nginx using the auth_request module # Detected licences # - *No copyright* Apache License (v2.0) at 'LICENSE' # json/ is BSD License: MIT URL: %{gourl} Source: %{gosource} BuildRequires: golang(github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter) BuildRequires: golang(go.uber.org/zap) %description %{common_description} %gopkg %prep %goprep %build %gobuild -o %{gobuilddir}/bin/vouch %{goipath} %install %gopkginstall install -m 0755 -vd %{buildroot}%{_bindir} install -m 0755 -vp %{gobuilddir}/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ /* %check */ /* %gocheck */ %files %license %{golicenses} %doc %{godocs} %{_bindir}/* %gopkgfiles %changelog * Wed Apr 13 15:10:43 CET 2022 Arne Soete - 0.37.0-1 - Initial packaging