AssaultCube Documentation

Map editing - Official maps

If you want to create maps with the intention of getting them into the official AssaultCube package, then you're best to read the following...

AssaultCube only adds high quality maps to their release. No exceptions. So we have added this guide to make it somewhat easier for you, the map editor, to know what we are looking out for...
Note: If you're looking for a place where your map will most likely be seen by a AssaultCube developer, post it on Mapping and Modding subforum.


Please, read this page, which entails a guide and tips on making a good map, the majority of the details on that apply to our specifications!

What we're looking for...

This list is by no means exact, and there are exceptions to every rule, but this will at least give you an idea on what we're looking out for...

© Copyright, Rabid Viper Productions
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