AssaultCube Documentation

Player skins

This page covers implementation/use of custom playerskins (not how to create/edit a custom playerskin). To learn how to edit a playerskin, please refer elsewhere.
Note: You can use ./packages/models/playermodels/skin.jpg as a template for a new playerskin.

The AssaultCube playermodel/playerskin was originally created by Darren “HitmanDaz[MT]” Pattenden.

Under the license provided by him, you may use these models/skins for personal use only (i.e. NOT for commercial use). This also means any derivatives/modifications you make MUST also be licensed to ONLY allow personal use. We recommend including the ./packages/models/playermodels/license.txt file whenever you redistribute a new player skin.

Single-name nickname skins

Single-name nickname skins allow you to assign ONE specific skin to ONE specific player's name. This is great if you have, for example, an adversary in the game who you want to be able to always recognise easily, so you can specifically target them.

To implement this, add your new skin file into the folder: ./packages/models/playermodels/custom and then name it as below (note: nicknames and filenames are case sensitive).

Multi-name nickname skins

Multi-name nickname skins search for key words in a nickname instead. This is especially useful if you want all of your clan to display the same skin, rather than a single person.

To implement this, add your new skin file into the folder: ./packages/models/playermodels/custom and then name it as below (note: nicknames and filenames are case sensitive. Also note how there are *TWO* underscores, not one!)

If you can't see your custom skins in-game, make sure you've selected the correct option under
SettingsGameplay settingsCustom player skins

File replacement

Some players prefer file replacement, where you simply replace the existing skin file with your new skin; this way, anybody using the same skin that you replaced, would appear with your new skin. This isn't recommended. If you do decide to do this however, it is best to implement it as a mod so that none of your previous files are missing.

© Copyright, Rabid Viper Productions
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