- 0.9.1: Future version. - 0.9.0: Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6. Migrate to pyproject.toml project layout (PEP 621). New output formats: `asciidoc`, various `*grid` and `*outline` formats. New output features: vertical row alignment, separating lines. New input format: list of dataclasses (Python 3.7 or later). Support infinite iterables as row indices. Improve column width options. Improve support for ANSI escape sequences and document the behavior. Various bug fixes. - 0.8.10: Python 3.10 support. Bug fixes. Column width parameter. - 0.8.9: Bug fix. Revert support of decimal separators. - 0.8.8: Python 3.9 support, 3.10 ready. New formats: ``unsafehtml``, ``latex_longtable``, ``fancy_outline``. Support lists of UserDicts as input. Support hyperlinks in terminal output. Improve testing on systems with proxies. Migrate to pytest. Various bug fixes and improvements. - 0.8.7: Bug fixes. New format: `pretty`. HTML escaping. - 0.8.6: Bug fixes. Stop supporting Python 3.3, 3.4. - 0.8.5: Fix broken Windows package. Minor documentation updates. - 0.8.4: Bug fixes. - 0.8.3: New formats: `github`. Custom column alignment. Bug fixes. - 0.8.2: Bug fixes. - 0.8.1: Multiline data in several output formats. New ``latex_raw`` format. Column-specific floating point formatting. Python 3.5 & 3.6 support. Drop support for Python 2.6, 3.2, 3.3 (should still work). - 0.7.7: Identical to 0.7.6, resolving some PyPI issues. - 0.7.6: Bug fixes. New table formats (``psql``, ``jira``, ``moinmoin``, ``textile``). Wide character support. Printing from database cursors. Option to print row indices. Boolean columns. Ragged rows. Option to disable number parsing. - 0.7.5: Bug fixes. ``--float`` format option for the command line utility. - 0.7.4: Bug fixes. ``fancy_grid`` and ``html`` formats. Command line utility. - 0.7.3: Bug fixes. Python 3.4 support. Iterables of dicts. ``latex_booktabs`` format. - 0.7.2: Python 3.2 support. - 0.7.1: Bug fixes. ``tsv`` format. Column alignment can be disabled. - 0.7: ``latex`` tables. Printing lists of named tuples and NumPy record arrays. Fix printing date and time values. Python <= 2.6.4 is supported. - 0.6: ``mediawiki`` tables, bug fixes. - 0.5.1: Fix README.rst formatting. Optimize (performance similar to 0.4.4). - 0.5: ANSI color sequences. Printing dicts of iterables and Pandas' dataframes. - 0.4.4: Python 2.6 support. - 0.4.3: Bug fix, None as a missing value. - 0.4.2: Fix manifest file. - 0.4.1: Update license and documentation. - 0.4: Unicode support, Python3 support, ``rst`` tables. - 0.3: Initial PyPI release. Table formats: ``simple``, ``plain``, ``grid``, ``pipe``, and ``orgtbl``.