@echo off REM Self-installing wrapper script for Digestif setlocal REM Change the line below to install in a different location set "DIGESTIF_HOME=%APPDATA%\digestif" REM Git repo from which to fetch Digestif set "DIGESTIF_REPO=https://github.com/astoff/digestif" if not exist "%DIGESTIF_HOME%" ( echo>&2 Digestif not found in %DIGESTIF_HOME%, fetching it now md "%DIGESTIF_HOME%" git clone --depth 1 "%DIGESTIF_REPO%" "%DIGESTIF_HOME%" echo>&2 Done! If you are running this interactively, press Control-C to quit ) set "LUA_PATH=%DIGESTIF_HOME%\?.lua" set "DIGESTIF_PRERELEASE=dev" texlua "%DIGESTIF_HOME%\bin\digestif" %*