var _jq = (jQuery || django.jQuery) // We need this exports because Select2 needs window.jQuery // to initialize. In fact it removes jQuery.noConflict(true) if // django.jQuery is used. if (window.jQuery == undefined) { window.jQuery = _jq; } if (window.$ == undefined) { window.$ = _jq; } /** * $ - external JQuery ref * _djq - django Jquery ref */ (function ($, _djq) { "use strict"; // store for keeping all the select2 widget ids for fail-safe parsing later var _all_easy_select2_ids = []; /** * passing the current element to initialize and the options to initialize with * @param $el - Jquery object to initialize with select2 * @param obj - select2 constructor options */ function redisplay_select2($el, obj){ if(!$.fn.select2){ if(jQuery.fn.select2){ $ = jQuery } else if (_djq.fn.select2) { $ = _djq; } } var $selectEle = $("#" + $el.attr('id')); if($selectEle.hasClass("select2-hidden-accessible")){ $selectEle.select2('destroy').select2(obj); } else{ $selectEle.select2(obj); } $selectEle.change(function (e) { var $pencilEle = $('#change_'+$(this).attr('id')); if($pencilEle.length < 1 ) return; $pencilEle.attr('href', $pencilEle.attr('data-href-template').replace('__fk__', $(this).val()) ); }); _all_easy_select2_ids.push($el.attr('id')); } /** * core function call for easy_select2 * @param options - select2 constructor properties */ function add_select2_handlers(options){ $('div.field-easy-select2:not([id*="__prefix__"])').each(function(){ // taking data-* for select2 constructor properties for backward compatibility var obj = $(this).data(); // merging the options and data properties, modifying the first // NOTE: obj properties will be overwritten by options // $.extend(obj, options); redisplay_select2($(this), obj); }); $(document).bind('DOMNodeInserted', function (e) { var $changedEle = $(; if(!$changedEle.parentsUntil('select').length < 1) return; updateSelect($changedEle); }); function updateSelect($changedEle) { var $select2Eles = $changedEle.find('div.field-easy-select2:not([id*="__prefix__"])'); if($select2Eles.length) { $changedEle.find('div.field-easy-select2:not([id*="__prefix__"])').each(function () { // taking data-* for select2 constructor properties for backward compatibility var obj = $(this).data(); // merging the options and data properties, modifying the first // NOTE: obj properties will be overwritten by options // $.extend(obj, options); redisplay_select2($(this), obj); }); } else { $.each(_all_easy_select2_ids, function(idx, val){ var obj = $("#" + val).data(); $.extend(obj, options); $("#" + val).select2('destroy').select2(); }); } }; // using django.jQuery for accessing django specific events _djq(document).on('formset:added', function (event, $row, formsetName) { updateSelect($row); }); } /** * JQuery plugin for django-easy-select2 * @param options - object containing select2 constructor properties */ $.fn.easy_select = function(options){ add_select2_handlers(options); }; }(jQuery || django.jQuery, django.jQuery));