# This file configures the Terraform for Atlassian DC on Kubernetes for Data Center applications performance testing # with DCAPT toolkit and enterprise-scale dataset. # Please configure this file carefully before installing the infrastructure. # See https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/marketplace/dc-apps-performance-and-scale-testing/ for more information. ################################################################################ # Configuration settings to change ################################################################################ # Unique name of your enterprise-scale test cluster. # This value can not be altered after the configuration has been applied. # ! REQUIRED ! environment_name = "dcapt-product" # Supported products: jira, confluence, bitbucket, crowd and bamboo. # For JSM set product as jira. # e.g.: products = ["jira"] # ! REQUIRED ! products = ["product-to-deploy"] # License # To avoid storing license in a plain text file, we recommend storing it in an environment variable prefixed with `TF_VAR_` (i.e. `TF_VAR_jira_license`) and keep the below line commented out # If storing license as plain-text is not a concern for this environment, feel free to uncomment the following line and supply the license here. # ! IMPORTANT ! Please make sure valid license is used without spaces and new line symbols. # ! REQUIRED ! jira_license = "jira-license" confluence_license = "confluence-license" bitbucket_license = "bitbucket-license" crowd_license = "crowd-license" bamboo_license = "bamboo-license" # Replica count. # Number of product application nodes. # Note: For initial installation this value needs to be set to 1 and it can be changed only after product is fully # installed and configured. jira_replica_count = 1 confluence_replica_count = 1 bitbucket_replica_count = 1 crowd_replica_count = 1 # (Optional) Domain name used by the ingress controller. # The final ingress domain is a subdomain within this domain. (eg.: environment.domain.com) # You can also provide a subdomain and the final ingress domain will be . # When commented out, the ingress controller is not provisioned and the application is accessible over HTTP protocol (not HTTPS). # #domain = "" ################################################################################ # Common Settings ################################################################################ # Default AWS region for DCAPT snapshots. Supported regions: us-east-2, us-east-1. # If any other specific region is required, please contact support via community slack channel. region = "us-east-2" # List of IP ranges that are allowed to access the running applications over the World Wide Web. # By default the deployed applications are publicly accessible ( You can restrict this access by changing the # default value to your desired CIDR blocks. e.g. ["" , ""] whitelist_cidr = [""] # Path to a JSON file with EBS and RDS snapshot IDs snapshots_json_file_path = "dcapt-snapshots.json" # (optional) Custom tags for all resources to be created. Please add all tags you need to propagate among the resources. resource_tags = {Name: "dcapt-testing"} # Instance types that is preferred for EKS node group. instance_types = ["m5.2xlarge"] instance_disk_size = 200 # Minimum and maximum size of the EKS cluster. # Cluster-autoscaler is installed in the EKS cluster that will manage the requested capacity # and increase/decrease the number of nodes accordingly. This ensures there is always enough resources for the workloads # and removes the need to change this value. min_cluster_capacity = 2 max_cluster_capacity = 6 # By default, Ingress controller listens on 443 and 80. You can enable only http port 80 by # uncommenting the below line, which will disable port 443. This results in fewer inbound rules in Nginx controller security group. # This can be used in case you hit the limit which can happen if 30+ whitelist_cidrs are provided. #enable_https_ingress = false ################################################################################ # Execution Environment Settings ################################################################################ # Create a docker-in-docker privileged container as execution environment pod start_test_deployment = "true" test_deployment_cpu_request = "3" test_deployment_cpu_limit = "4" test_deployment_mem_request = "8Gi" test_deployment_mem_limit = "8Gi" ################################################################################ # Jira/JSM Settings ################################################################################ # To select a different image repository for the Jira application, you can change following variable: # Official suitable values are: # - "atlassian/jira-software" # - "atlassian/jira-servicemanagement" # # Jira jira_image_repository = "atlassian/jira-software" # JSM # ! REQUIRED for JSM ! # jira_image_repository = "atlassian/jira-servicemanagement" # Supported versions by DCAPT: https://github.com/atlassian/dc-app-performance-toolkit#supported-versions # Jira version jira_version_tag = "9.12.4" # JSM version # ! REQUIRED for JSM ! # jira_version_tag = "5.12.4" # Dataset size. Used only when snapshots_json_file_path is defined. Defaults to large. jira_dataset_size = "large" # Helm chart version of Jira # jira_helm_chart_version = "" # Installation timeout # Different variables can influence how long it takes the application from installation to ready state. These # can be dataset restoration, resource requirements, number of replicas and others. jira_installation_timeout = 25 # Jira/JSM instance resource configuration jira_cpu = "6" jira_mem = "16Gi" jira_min_heap = "12288m" jira_max_heap = "12288m" jira_reserved_code_cache = "2048m" # Storage # initial volume size of local/shared home EBS. jira_local_home_size = "200Gi" jira_shared_home_size = "200Gi" # RDS instance configurable attributes. Note that the allowed value of allocated storage and iops may vary based on instance type. # You may want to adjust these values according to your needs. # Documentation can be found via: # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Storage.html#USER_PIOPS jira_db_major_engine_version = "12" jira_db_instance_class = "db.m5.xlarge" jira_db_allocated_storage = 200 jira_db_iops = 1000 # If you restore the database, make sure `jira_db_name' is set to the db name from the snapshot. # Set `null` if the snapshot does not have a default db name. jira_db_name = "jira" # The master user credential for the database instance. # If username is not provided, it'll be default to "postgres". # If password is not provided, a random password will be generated. jira_db_master_username = "atljira" jira_db_master_password = "Password1!" # Custom values file location. Defaults to an empty string which means only values from config.tfvars # are passed to Helm chart. Variables from config.tfvars take precedence over those defined in a custom values.yaml. # jira_custom_values_file = "/path/to/values.yaml" # A list of JVM arguments to be passed to the server. Defaults to an empty list. # Example: ["-Dproperty=value", "-Dproperty1=value1"] jira_additional_jvm_args = ["-Dupm.plugin.upload.enabled=true"] ################################################################################ # Confluence Settings ################################################################################ # Supported versions by DCAPT: https://github.com/atlassian/dc-app-performance-toolkit#supported-versions confluence_version_tag = "8.5.6" # Dataset size. Used only when snapshots_json_file_path is defined. Defaults to large confluence_dataset_size = "large" # Helm chart version of Confluence # confluence_helm_chart_version = "" # Installation timeout # Different variables can influence how long it takes the application from installation to ready state. These # can be dataset restoration, resource requirements, number of replicas and others. confluence_installation_timeout = 30 # Confluence instance resource configuration confluence_cpu = "6" confluence_mem = "16Gi" confluence_min_heap = "12288m" confluence_max_heap = "12288m" # Synchrony instance resource configuration synchrony_cpu = "1" synchrony_mem = "3Gi" synchrony_min_heap = "1024m" synchrony_max_heap = "2048m" synchrony_stack_size = "2048k" # Storage confluence_local_home_size = "200Gi" confluence_shared_home_size = "200Gi" # RDS instance configurable attributes. Note that the allowed value of allocated storage and iops may vary based on instance type. # You may want to adjust these values according to your needs. # Documentation can be found via: # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Storage.html#USER_PIOPS confluence_db_major_engine_version = "14" confluence_db_instance_class = "db.m5.xlarge" confluence_db_allocated_storage = 200 confluence_db_iops = 1000 # If you restore the database, make sure `confluence_db_name' is set to the db name from the snapshot. # Set `null` if the snapshot does not have a default db name. confluence_db_name = "confluence" # The master user credential for the database instance. # If username is not provided, it'll be default to "postgres". # If password is not provided, a random password will be generated. confluence_db_master_username = "atlconfluence" confluence_db_master_password = "Password1!" # Enables Collaborative editing in Confluence confluence_collaborative_editing_enabled = true # Use AWS S3 to store attachments. See: https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/configuring-s3-object-storage-1206794554.html # Terraform will automatically create S3 bucket, IAM role and policy #confluence_s3_attachments_storage = true # Custom values file location. Defaults to an empty string which means only values from config.tfvars # are passed to Helm chart. Variables from config.tfvars take precedence over those defined in a custom values.yaml. # confluence_custom_values_file = "/path/to/values.yaml" # A list of JVM arguments to be passed to the server. Defaults to an empty list. # confluence_additional_jvm_args = ["-Dproperty=value", "-Dproperty1=value1"] ################################################################################ # Bitbucket Settings ################################################################################ # Supported versions by DCAPT: https://github.com/atlassian/dc-app-performance-toolkit#supported-versions bitbucket_version_tag = "8.9.10" # Dataset size. Used only when snapshots_json_file_path is defined. Defaults to large bitbucket_dataset_size = "large" # Helm chart version of Bitbucket #bitbucket_helm_chart_version = "" # Installation timeout # Different variables can influence how long it takes the application from installation to ready state. These # can be dataset restoration, resource requirements, number of replicas and others. bitbucket_installation_timeout = 30 # Termination grace period # Under certain conditions, pods may be stuck in a Terminating state which forces shared-home pvc to be stuck # in Terminating too causing Terraform destroy error (timing out waiting for a deleted PVC). Set termination graceful period to 0 # if you encounter such an issue bitbucket_termination_grace_period = 0 # Bitbucket system admin credentials # To pre-seed Bitbucket with the system admin information, uncomment the following settings and supply the system admin information: # # To avoid storing password in a plain text file, we recommend storing it in an environment variable prefixed with `TF_VAR_` # (i.e. `TF_VAR_bitbucket_admin_password`) and keep `bitbucket_admin_password` commented out # If storing password as plain-text is not a concern for this environment, feel free to uncomment `bitbucket_admin_password` and supply system admin password here # bitbucket_admin_username = "admin" bitbucket_admin_password = "admin" bitbucket_admin_display_name = "admin" bitbucket_admin_email_address = "admin@example.com" # Bitbucket instance resource configuration bitbucket_cpu = "4" bitbucket_mem = "16Gi" bitbucket_min_heap = "2048m" bitbucket_max_heap = "4096m" # Storage bitbucket_local_home_size = "1000Gi" bitbucket_shared_home_size = "1000Gi" # Bitbucket NFS instance resource configuration bitbucket_nfs_requests_cpu = "2" bitbucket_nfs_requests_memory = "8Gi" bitbucket_nfs_limits_cpu = "3" bitbucket_nfs_limits_memory = "10Gi" # Elasticsearch resource configuration for Bitbucket bitbucket_elasticsearch_requests_cpu = "1.5" bitbucket_elasticsearch_requests_memory = "4Gi" bitbucket_elasticsearch_limits_cpu = "2" bitbucket_elasticsearch_limits_memory = "5Gi" bitbucket_elasticsearch_storage = "1000" bitbucket_elasticsearch_replicas = "2" # RDS instance configurable attributes. Note that the allowed value of allocated storage and iops may vary based on instance type. # You may want to adjust these values according to your needs. # Documentation can be found via: # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Storage.html#USER_PIOPS bitbucket_db_major_engine_version = "14" bitbucket_db_instance_class = "db.m5.large" bitbucket_db_allocated_storage = 100 bitbucket_db_iops = 1000 # If you restore the database, make sure `bitbucket_db_name' is set to the db name from the snapshot. # Set `null` if the snapshot does not have a default db name. bitbucket_db_name = "bitbucket" # The master user credential for the database instance. # If username is not provided, it'll be default to "postgres". # If password is not provided, a random password will be generated. bitbucket_db_master_username = "atlbitbucket" bitbucket_db_master_password = "Password1!" # Custom values file location. Defaults to an empty string which means only values from config.tfvars # are passed to Helm chart. Variables from config.tfvars take precedence over those defined in a custom values.yaml. # bitbucket_custom_values_file = "/path/to/values.yaml" # A list of JVM arguments to be passed to the server. Defaults to an empty list. # Example: ["-Dproperty=value", "-Dproperty1=value1"] bitbucket_additional_jvm_args = ["-Dupm.plugin.upload.enabled=true"] ################################################################################ # Crowd Settings ################################################################################ # Supported versions by DCAPT: https://github.com/atlassian/dc-app-performance-toolkit#supported-versions crowd_version_tag = "5.2.3" # Helm chart version of Crowd and Crowd agent instances. By default the latest version is installed. # crowd_helm_chart_version = "" # Installation timeout # Different variables can influence how long it takes the application from installation to ready state. These # can be dataset restoration, resource requirements, number of replicas and others. crowd_installation_timeout = 20 # Crowd instance resource configuration crowd_cpu = "2" crowd_mem = "8Gi" crowd_min_heap = "2048m" crowd_max_heap = "2048m" # Storage crowd_local_home_size = "20Gi" crowd_shared_home_size = "20Gi" # Crowd NFS instance resource configuration crowd_nfs_requests_cpu = "1" crowd_nfs_requests_memory = "1Gi" crowd_nfs_limits_cpu = "1" crowd_nfs_limits_memory = "2Gi" # RDS instance configurable attributes. Note that the allowed value of allocated storage and iops may vary based on instance type. # You may want to adjust these values according to your needs. # Documentation can be found via: # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Storage.html#USER_PIOPS crowd_db_major_engine_version = "14" crowd_db_instance_class = "db.m5.large" crowd_db_allocated_storage = 200 crowd_db_iops = 1000 crowd_db_name = "crowd" # Termination grace period # Under certain conditions, pods may be stuck in a Terminating state which forces shared-home pvc to be stuck # in Terminating too causing Terraform destroy error (timing out waiting for a deleted PVC). Set termination graceful period to 0 # if you encounter such an issue. This will apply to Crowd pods. crowd_termination_grace_period = 0 # The master user credential for the database instance. # If username is not provided, it'll be default to "postgres". # If password is not provided, a random password will be generated. crowd_db_master_username = "atlcrowd" crowd_db_master_password = "Password1!" # Custom values file location. Defaults to an empty string which means only values from config.tfvars # are passed to Helm chart. Variables from config.tfvars take precedence over those defined in a custom values.yaml. # crowd_custom_values_file = "/path/to/values.yaml" # A list of JVM arguments to be passed to the server. Defaults to an empty list. # crowd_additional_jvm_args = ["-Dproperty=value", "-Dproperty1=value1"] ################################################################################ # Bamboo Settings ################################################################################ # By default, latest supported by DCAPT version is set. # https://hub.docker.com/r/atlassian/bamboo/tags # https://hub.docker.com/r/atlassian/bamboo-agent-base/tags bamboo_version_tag = "9.2.11" bamboo_agent_version_tag = "9.2.11" # Helm chart version of Bamboo and Bamboo agent instances # bamboo_helm_chart_version = "" # bamboo_agent_helm_chart_version = "" # Number of Bamboo remote agents to launch # To install and use the Bamboo agents, you need to provide pre-seed data including a valid Bamboo license and system admin information. number_of_bamboo_agents = 50 # Termination grace period # Under certain conditions, pods may be stuck in a Terminating state which forces shared-home pvc to be stuck # in Terminating too causing Terraform destroy error (timing out waiting for a deleted PVC). Set termination graceful period to 0 # if you encounter such an issue bamboo_termination_grace_period = 0 # Bamboo system admin credentials # To pre-seed Bamboo with the system admin information, uncomment the following settings and supply the system admin information: # # WARNING: In case you are restoring an existing dataset (see the `dataset_url` property below), you will need to use credentials # existing in the dataset to set this section. Otherwise any other value for the `bamboo_admin_*` properties below are ignored. # # To avoid storing password in a plain text file, we recommend storing it in an environment variable prefixed with `TF_VAR_` # (i.e. `TF_VAR_bamboo_admin_password`) and keep `bamboo_admin_password` commented out # If storing password as plain-text is not a concern for this environment, feel free to uncomment `bamboo_admin_password` and supply system admin password here # bamboo_admin_username = "admin" bamboo_admin_password = "admin" bamboo_admin_display_name = "admin" bamboo_admin_email_address = "admin@example.com" # Installation timeout # Different variables can influence how long it takes the application from installation to ready state. These # can be dataset restoration, resource requirements, number of replicas and others. bamboo_installation_timeout = 20 # Bamboo instance resource configuration bamboo_cpu = "4" bamboo_mem = "16Gi" bamboo_min_heap = "2048m" bamboo_max_heap = "4096m" # Bamboo Agent instance resource configuration bamboo_agent_cpu = "250m" bamboo_agent_mem = "700m" # Storage bamboo_local_home_size = "200Gi" bamboo_shared_home_size = "400Gi" # Bamboo NFS instance resource configuration bamboo_nfs_requests_cpu = "1" bamboo_nfs_requests_memory = "1Gi" bamboo_nfs_limits_cpu = "2" bamboo_nfs_limits_memory = "2Gi" # RDS instance configurable attributes. Note that the allowed value of allocated storage and iops may vary based on instance type. # You may want to adjust these values according to your needs. # Documentation can be found via: # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/Concepts.DBInstanceClass.html # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Storage.html#USER_PIOPS bamboo_db_major_engine_version = "14" bamboo_db_instance_class = "db.t3.medium" bamboo_db_allocated_storage = 100 bamboo_db_iops = 1000 bamboo_db_name = "bamboo" # (Optional) URL for dataset to import # The provided default is the dataset used in the DCAPT framework. # See https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/marketplace/dc-apps-performance-toolkit-user-guide-bamboo # bamboo_dataset_url = "https://centaurus-datasets.s3.amazonaws.com/bamboo/dcapt-bamboo.zip" # Custom values file location. Defaults to an empty string which means only values from config.tfvars # are passed to Helm chart. Variables from config.tfvars take precedence over those defined in a custom values.yaml. # bamboo_custom_values_file = "/path/to/values.yaml" # A list of JVM arguments to be passed to the server. Defaults to an empty list. # Example: ["-Dproperty=value", "-Dproperty1=value1"] bamboo_additional_jvm_args = ["-Dupm.plugin.upload.enabled=true"] ################################################################################ # Monitoring settings ################################################################################ # Deploy https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart # to kube-monitoring namespace. Defaults to false. # # monitoring_enabled = true # Create Grafana service of LoadBalancer type. Defaults to false. To restrict access to LB URL # the list of CIRDs from whitelist_cidr will be automatically applied. # # To get Grafana URL see README.MD instructions. # # monitoring_grafana_expose_lb = true # Prometheus Persistent Volume Claim size. Defaults to 10Gi. # Out of the box EKS cluster is created with gp2 storage class which does not allow volume expansion, # i.e. if you expect a high volume of metrics or metrics with high cardinality it is recommended # to override the default Prometheus 10Gi PVC storage request when creating enabling monitoring for the first time. # prometheus_pvc_disk_size = "100Gi" # Grafana Persistent Volume Claim size. Defaults to 10Gi. # grafana_pvc_disk_size = "20Gi" # Custom values file location. Defaults to an empty string which means only values from config.tfvars # are passed to Helm chart. Variables from config.tfvars take precedence over those defined in a custom values.yaml. # monitoring_custom_values_file = "/path/to/values.yaml"