sequenced from hermod, teletype and turing machine -- bd: synthesized on er er301 sd: gated pll (tracking pico vcs sequenced by benjolin) through clouds sd (solos): quark + monsoon hh: pll through fld6 through wasp through lpg crush delay perc: bass osc + a110 (random notes within scale from teletype) through warps, gated with lpg add perc: benjolin rungler through fb22 through lpg through data bender granular hh (solos): er301 bass: pico vco through humpback main melody: minilogue main mel add: a110 saw through doepfer sem filter texture: a110 (random notes within scale from teletype) as input for rings sequenced from teletype pad: opsix ep: blofeld key solo: blofeld knob solo: product