<# Get-BatteryInfo.ps1 #> $path = $env:temp $computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME $timestamp = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d" $empty_line = "" $batteries = Get-WmiObject Win32_Battery -ComputerName $computer $compsys = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $computer $compsysprod = Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystemProduct -ComputerName $computer $enclosure = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_SystemEnclosure -ComputerName $computer $number_of_batteries = ($batteries | Measure-Object).Count $os = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $computer $obj_battery = @() ForEach ($battery in $batteries) { Switch ($enclosure.ChassisTypes) { { $_ -lt 1 } { $chassis = "" } { $_ -eq 1 } { $chassis = "Other" } { $_ -eq 2 } { $chassis = "Unknown" } { $_ -eq 3 } { $chassis = "Desktop " } { $_ -eq 4 } { $chassis = "Low Profile Desktop" } { $_ -eq 5 } { $chassis = "Pizza Box" } { $_ -eq 6 } { $chassis = "Mini Tower" } { $_ -eq 7 } { $chassis = "Tower" } { $_ -eq 8 } { $chassis = "Portable" } { $_ -eq 9 } { $chassis = "Laptop" } { $_ -eq 10 } { $chassis = "Notebook" } { $_ -eq 11 } { $chassis = "Hand Held" } { $_ -eq 12 } { $chassis = "Docking Station" } { $_ -eq 13 } { $chassis = "All in One" } { $_ -eq 14 } { $chassis = "Sub Notebook" } { $_ -eq 15 } { $chassis = "Space-Saving" } { $_ -eq 16 } { $chassis = "Lunch Box" } { $_ -eq 17 } { $chassis = "Main System Chassis" } { $_ -eq 18 } { $chassis = "Expansion Chassis" } { $_ -eq 19 } { $chassis = "SubChassis" } { $_ -eq 20 } { $chassis = "Bus Expansion Chassis" } { $_ -eq 21 } { $chassis = "Peripheral Chassis" } { $_ -eq 22 } { $chassis = "Storage Chassis" } { $_ -eq 23 } { $chassis = "Rack Mount Chassis" } { $_ -eq 24 } { $chassis = "Sealed-Case PC" } { $_ -gt 24 } { $chassis = "" } } # switch chassistypes $is_a_laptop = $false If ($enclosure | Where-Object { $_.ChassisTypes -eq 9 -or $_.ChassisTypes -eq 10 -or $_.ChassisTypes -eq 14}) { $is_a_laptop = $true } # if Switch ($compsys.DomainRole) { { $_ -lt 0 } { $domain_role = "" } { $_ -eq 0 } { $domain_role = "Standalone Workstation" } { $_ -eq 1 } { $domain_role = "Member Workstation" } { $_ -eq 2 } { $domain_role = "Standalone Server" } { $_ -eq 3 } { $domain_role = "Member Server" } { $_ -eq 4 } { $domain_role = "Backup Domain Controller" } { $_ -eq 5 } { $domain_role = "Primary Domain Controller" } { $_ -gt 5 } { $domain_role = "" } } # switch domainrole Switch ($compsys.PCSystemType) { { $_ -lt 0 } { $pc_type = "" } { $_ -eq 0 } { $pc_type = "Unspecified" } { $_ -eq 1 } { $pc_type = "Desktop" } { $_ -eq 2 } { $pc_type = "Mobile" } { $_ -eq 3 } { $pc_type = "Workstation" } { $_ -eq 4 } { $pc_type = "Enterprise Server" } { $_ -eq 5 } { $pc_type = "Small Office and Home Office (SOHO) Server" } { $_ -eq 6 } { $pc_type = "Appliance PC" } { $_ -eq 7 } { $pc_type = "Performance Server" } { $_ -eq 8 } { $pc_type = "Maximum" } { $_ -gt 8 } { $pc_type = "" } } # switch pcsystemtype Switch ($os.ProductType) { { $_ -lt 1 } { $product_type = "" } { $_ -eq 1 } { $product_type = "Work Station" } { $_ -eq 2 } { $product_type = "Domain Controller" } { $_ -eq 3 } { $product_type = "Server" } { $_ -gt 3 } { $product_type = "" } } # switch producttype Switch ($battery.Availability) { { $_ -lt 1 } { $availability = "" } { $_ -eq 1 } { $availability = "Other" } { $_ -eq 2 } { $availability = "Unknown" } { $_ -eq 3 } { $availability = "Running or Full Power" } { $_ -eq 4 } { $availability = "Warning" } { $_ -eq 5 } { $availability = "In Test" } { $_ -eq 6 } { $availability = "Not Applicable" } { $_ -eq 7 } { $availability = "Power Off" } { $_ -eq 8 } { $availability = "Off Line" } { $_ -eq 9 } { $availability = "Off Duty" } { $_ -eq 10 } { $availability = "Degraded" } { $_ -eq 11 } { $availability = "Not Installed" } { $_ -eq 12 } { $availability = "Install Error" } { $_ -eq 13 } { $availability = "Power Save - Unknown: The device is known to be in a power save mode, but its exact status is unknown." } { $_ -eq 14 } { $availability = "Power Save - Low Power Mode: The device is in a power save state but still functioning, and may exhibit degraded performance." } { $_ -eq 15 } { $availability = "Power Save - Standby: The device is not functioning, but could be brought to full power quickly." } { $_ -eq 16 } { $availability = "Power Cycle" } { $_ -eq 17 } { $availability = "Power Save - Warning: The device is in a warning state, though also in a power save mode." } { $_ -eq 18 } { $availability = "Paused: The device is paused." } { $_ -eq 19 } { $availability = "Not Ready: The device is not ready." } { $_ -eq 20 } { $availability = "Not Configured: The device is not configured." } { $_ -eq 21 } { $availability = "Quiesced: The device is quiet." } { $_ -gt 21 } { $availability = "" } } # switch availability Switch ($battery.BatteryStatus) { { $_ -lt 1 } { $status = "" } { $_ -eq 1 } { $status = "Other: The battery is discharging." } { $_ -eq 2 } { $status = "Unknown: The system has access to AC so no battery is being discharged. However, the battery is not necessarily charging." } { $_ -eq 3 } { $status = "Fully Charged" } { $_ -eq 4 } { $status = "Low" } { $_ -eq 5 } { $status = "Critical" } { $_ -eq 6 } { $status = "Charging" } { $_ -eq 7 } { $status = "Charging and High" } { $_ -eq 8 } { $status = "Charging and Low" } { $_ -eq 9 } { $status = "Charging and Critical" } { $_ -eq 10 } { $status = "Undefined" } { $_ -eq 11 } { $status = "Partially Charged" } { $_ -gt 11 } { $status = "" } } # switch batterystatus Switch ($battery.Chemistry) { { $_ -lt 1 } { $chemistry = "" } { $_ -eq 1 } { $chemistry = "Other" } { $_ -eq 2 } { $chemistry = "Unknown" } { $_ -eq 3 } { $chemistry = "Lead Acid" } { $_ -eq 4 } { $chemistry = "Nickel Cadmium" } { $_ -eq 5 } { $chemistry = "Nickel Metal Hydride" } { $_ -eq 6 } { $chemistry = "Lithium-ion" } { $_ -eq 7 } { $chemistry = "Zinc Air" } { $_ -eq 8 } { $chemistry = "Lithium Polymer" } { $_ -gt 8 } { $chemistry = "" } } # switch chemistry Switch ($battery.PowerManagementCapabilities) { { $_ -lt 0 } { $power_management = "" } { $_ -eq 0 } { $power_management = "Unknown" } { $_ -eq 1 } { $power_management = "Not Supported" } { $_ -eq 2 } { $power_management = "Disabled" } { $_ -eq 3 } { $power_management = "Enabled" } { $_ -eq 4 } { $power_management = "Power Saving Modes Entered Automatically" } { $_ -eq 5 } { $power_management = "Power State Settable" } { $_ -eq 6 } { $power_management = "Power Cycling Supported" } { $_ -eq 7 } { $power_management = "Timed Power On Supported" } { $_ -gt 7 } { $power_management = "" } } # switch powermanagementcapabilities # Function used to calculate the Estimated Charge Remaining in a battery function Get-BatteryRunTime { param () $charge_remaining = [timespan]::FromMinutes($battery.EstimatedRunTime) If ($charge_remaining.Days -ge 2) { $result = [string]$charge_remaining.Days + ' days ' + $charge_remaining.Hours + ' h ' + $charge_remaining.Minutes + ' min' } ElseIf ($charge_remaining.Days -gt 0) { $result = [string]$charge_remaining.Days + ' day ' + $charge_remaining.Hours + ' h ' + $charge_remaining.Minutes + ' min' } ElseIf ($charge_remaining.Hours -gt 0) { $result = [string]$charge_remaining.Hours + ' h ' + $charge_remaining.Minutes + ' min' } ElseIf ($charge_remaining.Minutes -gt 0) { $result = [string]$charge_remaining.Minutes + ' min ' + $charge_remaining.Seconds + ' sec' } ElseIf ($charge_remaining.Seconds -gt 0) { $result = [string]$charge_remaining.Seconds + ' sec' } Else { $result = [string]'' } # else (if) If ($result.Contains(" 0 h")) { $result = $result.Replace(" 0 h"," ") } If ($result.Contains(" 0 min")) { $result = $result.Replace(" 0 min"," ") } If ($result.Contains(" 0 sec")) { $result = $result.Replace(" 0 sec"," ") } # if ($result: first) $result } # function # Manufacturer $Manufacturer_data = $compsysprod.Vendor If ($Manufacturer_data.Contains("HP")) { $Manufacturer_data = $Manufacturer_data.Replace("HP","Hewlett-Packard") } # if $obj_battery += New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{ 'Battery Availability' = $availability 'Battery Chemistry' = $chemistry 'Battery Class' = $battery.Description 'Battery Name' = $battery.DeviceID 'Battery Status' = $status 'Battery Type' = $battery.Name 'Battery Voltage' = [string](($battery.DesignVoltage) / 1000) + ' V' 'Chassis' = $chassis 'Computer' = $battery.SystemName 'Computer Model' = $compsys.Model 'Domain Role' = $domain_role 'Estimated Charge Remaining' = [string]($battery.EstimatedChargeRemaining) + ' %' 'Estimated Run Time' = (Get-BatteryRunTime) 'Is a Laptop?' = $is_a_laptop 'Manufacturer' = $Manufacturer_data 'PC Type' = $pc_type 'Power Management Capabilities' = $power_management 'Product Type' = $product_type 'Status' = $battery.Status 'System Type' = $compsys.SystemType 'Total Number of Batteries' = $number_of_batteries } # New-Object $obj_battery.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,"Battery") $obj_battery_selection = $obj_battery | Select-Object 'Computer','Manufacturer','Computer Model','System Type','Domain Role','Product Type','Chassis','PC Type','Is a Laptop?','Total Number of Batteries','Battery Class','Battery Name','Battery Type','Estimated Charge Remaining','Estimated Run Time','Battery Voltage','Battery Availability','Battery Status','Battery Chemistry','Power Management Capabilities','Status' } # foreach $battery # Write the battery results in console Write-Output $empty_line Write-Output $empty_line Write-Output $obj_battery_selection | Format-List # Gather some data for a summary table $gps = Get-Process | Measure-Object -Property ProcessName $average_load = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor -ComputerName $computer | Measure-Object -property LoadPercentage -Average # Write the summary table in console Write-Output $empty_line Write-Output "Processes: $($gps.Count) Average CPU Load: $($average_load.Average) % Battery Level: $($obj_battery | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Estimated Charge Remaining') Remaining Battery Time: $($obj_battery | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Estimated Run Time')" Write-Output $empty_line Write-Output $empty_line Write-Output $empty_line Write-Output $empty_line # Write a battery report (and an adjacent xml-file) in $path on Windows 8+ machines # Source: http://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-10-tip-check-the-performance-of-your-laptop-battery/ # Source: Windows version numbers: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724833%28v=vs.85%29.aspx # Credit: Richard: "How to find the Windows version from the PowerShell command line?" If (([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version) -ge (New-Object 'Version' 6.2)) { # Determine the current directory # Credit: JaredPar and Matthew Pirocchi: "What's the best way to determine the location of the current PowerShell script?" $script_path = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition cd $path Start-Process PowerCfg -ArgumentList batteryreport | Out-Null cd $script_path } Else { $continue = $true } # else # [End of Line] <# ____ _ _ / __ \ | | (_) | | | |_ __ | |_ _ ___ _ __ ___ | | | | '_ \| __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| | |__| | |_) | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ \____/| .__/ \__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ | | |_| # Write the battery info to a CSV-file $obj_battery_selection | Export-Csv $path\battery_info.csv -Delimiter ';' -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 # Open the battery info CSV-file Invoke-Item -Path $path\battery_info.csv battery_info_$timestamp.csv # an alternative filename format $time = Get-Date -Format g # a "general short" time-format (short date and short time) _____ / ____| | (___ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ \___ \ / _ \| | | | '__/ __/ _ \ ____) | (_) | |_| | | | (_| __/ |_____/ \___/ \__,_|_| \___\___| http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5466329/whats-the-best-way-to-determine-the-location-of-the-current-powershell-script?noredirect=1&lq=1 # JaredPar and Matthew Pirocchi: "What's the best way to determine the location of the current PowerShell script?" http://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-10-tip-check-the-performance-of-your-laptop-battery/ # Windows 10 tip: Check the performance of your laptop battery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330187/how-to-find-the-windows-version-from-the-powershell-command-line # Richard: "How to find the Windows version from the PowerShell command line?" _ _ _ | | | | | | | |__| | ___| |_ __ | __ |/ _ \ | '_ \ | | | | __/ | |_) | |_| |_|\___|_| .__/ | | |_| #> <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves basic battery information. .DESCRIPTION Get-BatteryInfo uses Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to retrieve basic battery and computer information and displays the results in console. On Windows 8+ machines Get-BatteryInfo also launches the inbuilt PowerCfg /batteryreport command to generate a detailed Battery Report HTML-file. .OUTPUTS General computer information, such as Computer, Manufacturer, Computer Model, System Type, Domain Role, Chassis, PC Type, Processes, Average CPU Load and whether the machine is a laptop or not (based on the chassis information) is displayed along with battery related information, such as Total Number of installed Batteries, Battery Class, Battery Name, Battery Type, Estimated Charge Remaining, Estimated Run Time, Battery Voltage, Battery Availability, Battery Status, Battery Chemistry, Power Management Capabilities, Status, Battery Level and Remaining Battery Time in console. On Windows 8+ machines also a detailed Battery Report (battery-report.html and an adjacent XML-file) will be created at $path. .NOTES Please note that on Windows 8+ machines the battery report files will be created in a directory, which is specified with the $path variable (at line 6). The $env:temp variable points to the current temp folder. The default value of the $env:temp variable is C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp (i.e. each user account has their own separate temp folder at path %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp). To see the current temp path, for instance a command [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() may be used at the PowerShell prompt window [PS>]. To change the temp folder for instance to C:\Temp, please, for example, follow the instructions at http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/23500-temporary-files-folder-change-location-windows.html Homepage: https://github.com/auberginehill/get-battery-info Short URL: http://tinyurl.com/jnnuvq3 Version: 1.1 .EXAMPLE ./Get-BatteryInfo Run the script. Please notice to insert ./ or .\ before the script name. .EXAMPLE help ./Get-BatteryInfo -Full Display the help file. .EXAMPLE Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned This command is altering the Windows PowerShell rights to enable script execution. Windows PowerShell has to be run with elevated rights (run as an administrator) to actually be able to change the script execution properties. The default value is "Set-ExecutionPolicy restricted". Parameters: Restricted Does not load configuration files or run scripts. Restricted is the default execution policy. AllSigned Requires that all scripts and configuration files be signed by a trusted publisher, including scripts that you write on the local computer. RemoteSigned Requires that all scripts and configuration files downloaded from the Internet be signed by a trusted publisher. Unrestricted Loads all configuration files and runs all scripts. If you run an unsigned script that was downloaded from the Internet, you are prompted for permission before it runs. Bypass Nothing is blocked and there are no warnings or prompts. Undefined Removes the currently assigned execution policy from the current scope. This parameter will not remove an execution policy that is set in a Group Policy scope. For more information, please type "help Set-ExecutionPolicy -Full" or visit https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849812.aspx. .EXAMPLE New-Item -ItemType File -Path C:\Temp\Get-BatteryInfo.ps1 Creates an empty ps1-file to the C:\Temp directory. The New-Item cmdlet has an inherent -NoClobber mode built into it, so that the procedure will halt, if overwriting (replacing the contents) of an existing file is about to happen. Overwriting a file with the New-Item cmdlet requires using the Force. For more information, please type "help New-Item -Full". .LINK https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394074%28v=vs.85%29.aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394474(v=vs.85).aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394102(v=vs.85).aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394239(v=vs.85).aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724833%28v=vs.85%29.aspx http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330187/how-to-find-the-windows-version-from-the-powershell-command-line http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5466329/whats-the-best-way-to-determine-the-location-of-the-current-powershell-script?noredirect=1&lq=1 http://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-10-tip-check-the-performance-of-your-laptop-battery/ #>