.. :changelog: History ------- 0.4.4 (2017-04-13) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Notify users for file i/o issues. Thanks @lukehinds! 0.4.3 (2017-04-13) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Restricted chardet to anything 3.0.2 or higher due to https://github.com/chardet/chardet/issues/113. Thanks @dan-blanchard for the quick fix! 0.4.2 (2017-04-12) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Restricted chardet to anything under 3.0 due to https://github.com/chardet/chardet/issues/113 * Added pyup badge * Added utilities for pushing new versions up 0.4.0 (2015-08-21) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Enhanced detection for some binary streams and UTF texts. (#10, 11) Thanks `@pombredanne`_. * Set up Appveyor for continuous testing on Windows. Thanks `@pydanny`_. * Update link to Perl source implementation. (#9) Thanks `@asmeurer`_ `@pombredanne`_ `@audreyr`_. * Handle UnicodeDecodeError in check. (#12) Thanks `@DRMacIver`_. * Add very simple Hypothesis based tests. (#13) Thanks `@DRMacIver`_. * Use setup to determine requirements and remove redundant requirements.txt. (#14) Thanks `@hackebrot`_. * Add documentation status badge to README.rst. (#15) Thanks `@hackebrot`_. * Run tox in travis.yml. Add pypy and Python 3.4 to tox environments. (#16) Thanks `@hackebrot`_ `@pydanny`_. * Handle LookupError when detecting encoding. (#17) Thanks `@DRMacIver`_. .. _`@pombredanne`: https://github.com/pombredanne .. _`@pydanny`: https://github.com/pydanny .. _`@asmeurer`: https://github.com/asmeurer .. _`@audreyr`: https://github.com/audreyr .. _`@DRMacIver`: https://github.com/DRMacIver .. _`@hackebrot`: https://github.com/hackebrot 0.3.0 (2014-05-05) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Include tests, docs in source package. (#6) Thanks `@vincentbernat`_. * Drop unnecessary shebangs and executable bits. (#8) Thanks `@scop`_. * Generate string of printable extended ASCII bytes only once. (#7) Thanks `@scop`_. * Make number of bytes to read parametrizable. (#7) Thanks `@scop`_. .. _`@vincentbernat`: https://github.com/vincentbernat .. _`@scop`: https://github.com/scop 0.2.0 (2013-09-22) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Complete rewrite of everything. Thanks `@ncoghlan`_. .. _`@ncoghlan`: https://github.com/ncoghlan 0.1.1 (2013-08-17) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Tests pass under Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, PyPy. 0.1.0 (2013-08-17) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * First release on PyPI.