#!/usr/bin/env python # sedsed - Debugger and code formatter for sed scripts # Since 27 November 2001, by Aurelio Jargas # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-lines # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-statements from __future__ import print_function # pylint: disable=unused-variable import sys import re import os import getopt import tempfile # sedparse is a translation to Python of the GNU sed parser C code # https://github.com/aureliojargas/sedparse import sedparse __version__ = "2.0.0" myname = "sedsed" myhome = "https://aurelio.net/projects/sedsed/" # Default config # fmt: off sedbin = "sed" # name (or full path) of the sed program color = 1 # colored output or not? (--color, --nocolor) dump_debug = 0 # dump debug script to screen? (--dump-debug) indent_prefix = " "*4 # default indent prefix for blocks (--prefix) debug_prefix = "\t\t" # default prefix for debug commands action = "indent" # default action if none specified (-d,-i,-t,-H) DEBUG = 0 # set developer's debug level [0-3] # fmt: on # HTML data for --htmlize # You may edit here to change the defaults html_colors = { # fmt: off "addr1": "#8080ff", "addr1flag": "#ff6060", "addr2": "#8080ff", "addr2flag": "#ff6060", "lastaddr": "", "modifier": "#ff6060", "id": "#ffff00", "content": "#ff00ff", "delimiter": "#ff6060", "pattern": "#8080ff", "replace": "", "flag": "#00ff00", "comment": "#00ffff", "escape": "#ff6060", "special": "#00ff00", "pattmeta": "#ff00ff", "plaintext": "", "branch": "", "BGCOLOR": "#000000", "TEXT": "#ffffff", "LINK": "#ff00ff", "ALINK": "#ff00ff", "VLINK": "#ff00ff" } # Note that the %s will be expanded later html_header = """\ Colorized %s

html_footer = """
### colorized by sedsed, \
a debugger and code formatter for sed scripts

\ """.format( html_colors["comment"], myhome ) # sedsed expects multiline text (aic text, s/// replacement) to have this # odd string instead of inner \n's in the string linesep = "@#linesep#@" # Data holders that will be set by command line options # fmt: off action_modifiers = [] # --hide contents and others sedscript = [] # join all scripts found here script_file = "" # last sedscript filename for --htmlize quiet_flag = 0 # tell if the #n is needed or not textfiles = [] # fmt: on # Color-related variables, will be set in set_colors() color_YLW = "" color_RED = "" color_REV = "" color_NO = "" # Color-dependent variable, will be set after the command line parsing newlineshow = "" # Debug-related variables, will be set by set_debug_commands() showpatt = "" showhold = "" save_t = "" showcomm = "" nullcomm = "" # Regex to match the shebang, grouping the sed options topopts_regex = r"#!\s*/[^\s]+\s+-([nf]+)" # All sed commands grouped by kind sedcmds = { "file": "rw" + "RW", # standard + GNU sed "multi": "sy", "solo": "=dDgGhHnNpPx" + "Fz", # standard + GNU sed "text": "aci" + "e", # standard + GNU sed "jump": ":bt" + "T", # standard + GNU sed "block": "{}", "int": "qQlL", # standard (q, l), GNU sed (q, l, Q, L) "misc": "v", # GNU sed } # All fields used by the sedsed AST dictionary cmdfields = [ "linenr", "addr1", "addr1flag", "addr2", "addr2flag", "lastaddr", "modifier", "id", "content", "delimiter", "pattern", "replace", "flag", "comment", ] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special adjustments # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The identifier recognized by sed as STDIN # - BSD sed does not support '-' # - Windows, Termux and others do not have /dev/stdin if os.path.exists("/dev/stdin"): stdin_id = "/dev/stdin" else: stdin_id = "-" # Turn color OFF on Windows because ANSI.SYS is not installed by default. # Windows users who have ANSI.SYS configured, can use the --color option # or comment the following line. # ANSI.SYS resources: # http://www.evergreen.edu/biophysics/technotes/program/ansi_esc.htm#notes # http://www3.sympatico.ca/rhwatson/dos7/v-ansi-escseq.html if os.name == "nt": color = 0 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # General Functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def print_usage(exitcode=1): print( """ Usage: sedsed OPTION [-e sedscript] [-f sedscriptfile] [inputfile] OPTIONS: -f, --file add file contents to the commands to be parsed -e, --expression add the script to the commands to be parsed -n, --quiet suppress automatic printing of pattern space --silent alias to --quiet -d, --debug debug the sed script --hide hide some debug info (options: PATT,HOLD,COMM) --color shows debug output in colors (default: ON) --nocolor no colors on debug output --dump-debug dumps to screen the debugged sed script -i, --indent script beautifier, prints indented and one-command-per-line output do STDOUT --prefix indent prefix string (default: 4 spaces) --sedbin specify sed executable (name or full path) -t, --tokenize script tokenizer, prints extensive command by command information -H, --htmlize converts sed script to a colorful HTML page -V, --version prints the program version and exit -h, --help prints this help message and exit """ ) print("Website: %s\n" % myhome) sys.exit(exitcode) def fatal_error(msg): "All error messages are handled by me" print("ERROR: %s: %s" % (myname, msg), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def echo(msg): # pylint: disable=unused-variable print("\033[33;1m%s\033[m" % msg) def devdebug(msg, level=1): # pylint: disable=unused-variable if DEBUG and DEBUG >= level: print("+++ DEBUG%d: %s" % (level, msg)) def read_file(file_path): "Reads a file into a list, removing line breaks" if file_path in (stdin_id, "-"): try: data = sys.stdin.readlines() except KeyboardInterrupt: # ^C sys.exit(1) # Ideally the exit code should be 128+signal.SIGINT in Unix, but # I'm not sure about other platforms. So I'll keep it simple. else: try: with open(file_path) as f: data = f.readlines() except IOError as e: fatal_error("Cannot read file: %s\n%s" % (file_path, e)) return [re.sub("[\n\r]+$", "", x) for x in data] def write_file(file_path, lines): "Writes a list contents into file, adding correct line breaks" try: with open(file_path, "w") as f: # TODO maybe use os.linesep? - all this is really necessary? # ensuring line break lines = [re.sub("\n$", "", x) + "\n" for x in lines] f.writelines(lines) except IOError as e: fatal_error("Cannot write file: %s\n%s" % (file_path, e)) def system_command(cmd): "Returns a (#exit_code, program_output[]) tuple" ret = None output = [] fd = os.popen(cmd) for line in fd.readlines(): output.append(line.rstrip()) # stripping \s*\n ret = fd.close() if ret: ret = ret / 256 # 16bit number return ret, output def validate_script_syntax(script_text): """Validate a sed script using system's sed.""" # Using tmpfile2 because "sed -f script /dev/null" won't work in Windows tmpfile1 = tempfile.mktemp() tmpfile2 = tempfile.mktemp() write_file(tmpfile1, script_text) write_file(tmpfile2, "") # Note that even when running against an empty file, there could be # consequences on the system, such as a 'w' command writing files. # sed -f sed_script empty_file ret, _ = system_command("%s -f '%s' '%s'" % (sedbin, tmpfile1, tmpfile2)) os.remove(tmpfile1) os.remove(tmpfile2) # The sed command will fail when there's something wrong: # - syntax error # - unknown command # - permission denied for file read/write commands (r, w, s///w) # Example: touch a; chmod 000 a; sedsed -d -e 'w a' if ret: # At this point, the sed error message was already shown to the user, # explaining the reason for the failure. So now we abort giving some # context of what we were trying to do. fatal_error( "%d: Failed validating your script using system's sed: %s" % (ret, sedbin) ) def set_colors(): # pylint: disable=global-statement global color_YLW global color_RED global color_REV global color_NO # Add the terminal escapes for color (or not): # yellow text, red text, reverse video, back to default if color: color_YLW = "\033[33;1m" color_RED = "\033[31;1m" color_REV = "\033[7m" color_NO = "\033[m" else: color_YLW = color_RED = color_REV = color_NO = "" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Command line # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_command_line(arguments=None): # pylint: disable=global-statement, global-variable-not-assigned global action global action_modifiers global color global DEBUG global dump_debug global indent_prefix global newlineshow global quiet_flag global script_file global sedscript global sedbin global textfiles arguments = arguments or sys.argv[1:] # Here's all the valid command line options short_options = "he:f:ditVHn" long_options = [ # actions "debug", "tokenize", "htmlize", "indent", # sed-like "version", "help", "file=", "expression=", "silent", "quiet", # misc "nocolor", "color", "hide=", "prefix=", "sedbin=", # other "dump-debug", # admin "_debuglevel=", "_stdout-only", "dumpcute", ] # Check it! try: opt, args = getopt.getopt(arguments, short_options, long_options) except getopt.error as errmsg: fatal_error("%s (try --help)" % errmsg) # Command Line is OK, now let's parse its values for o in opt: if o[0] in ("-d", "--debug"): action = "debug" elif o[0] in ("-i", "--indent"): action = "indent" color = 0 elif o[0] in ("-t", "--tokenize"): action = "token" color = 0 elif o[0] in ("-H", "--htmlize"): action = "html" color = 0 elif o[0] in ("-n", "--quiet", "--silent"): quiet_flag = 1 elif o[0] in ("-e", "--expression"): sedscript.extend(o[1].split("\n")) elif o[0] in ("-f", "--file"): sedscript.extend(read_file(o[1])) script_file = o[1] elif o[0] in ("-h", "--help"): print_usage(0) elif o[0] in ("-V", "--version"): print("%s v%s" % (myname, __version__)) sys.exit(0) elif o[0] == "--dump-debug": action = "debug" dump_debug = 1 color = 0 elif o[0] == "--nocolor": color = 0 elif o[0] == "--color": color = 1 elif o[0] == "--hide": # --hide=comm,hold ==> action_modifiers = ['nocomm', 'nohold'] for hide in o[1].split(","): hide_me = hide.strip().lower() action_modifiers.append("no" + hide_me) elif o[0] == "--prefix": # Is the prefix valid? if re.sub(r"\s", "", o[1]): fatal_error("--prefix: must be spaces and/or TABs") indent_prefix = o[1] elif o[0] == "--sedbin": sedbin = o[1] # Undocumented admin options elif o[0] == "--_debuglevel": DEBUG = int(o[1]) elif o[0] == "--_stdout-only": action = "debug" action_modifiers.append(o[0][2:]) elif o[0] == "--dumpcute": action = "dumpcute" DEBUG = 0 color = 1 # There's a SED script? if not sedscript: if args: # the script is the only argument (echo | sed 's///') sedscript.append(args.pop(0)) else: fatal_error("there's no SED script to parse! (try --help)") # Get all text files, if none, use STDIN textfiles = args or [stdin_id] # All command line arguments were read and parsed. Now we need to do some # adjustments in the data, based on the current config state. # Add the leading #n to the sed script, when using -n if quiet_flag: sedscript.insert(0, "#n") # At this point we know if colors are configured or not set_colors() # When showing the inner \n's to the user use this red \N newlineshow = "%s\\N%s" % (color_RED, color_NO) # The SED debugger magic lines # ---------------------------- # # Here is where the 'magic' lives. The heart of this program are the # following lines, which are the special SED commands responsible for # the DEBUG behaviour. For *each* command of the original script, # several commands are added before, to show buffers and command # contents. Some tricks are needed to preserve script's original # behaviour, they are explained ahead. # # 1. Show PATTERN SPACE contents: # The 'PATT:' prefix is added, then the 'l' command shows the # buffer contents, then the prefix is removed. # # 2. Show HOLD SPACE contents: # Similar to PATTERN SPACE, but use the 'x' command to access and # restore the HOLD buffer contents. The prefix used is 'HOLD:'. # # 3. Show current SED COMMAND: # Uses a single 'i' command to show the full 'COMM:' line, as it # does not depend on execution data. The color codes are added or # not, depending on user options. # # 4. 'Last Address' trick: # On SED, the empty address // refers to the last address matched. # As this behaviour can be affected when several DEBUG lines are # inserted before the command, sedsed uses a trick to force it. # The last address used on the original script is repeated with a # null command (/last-address/ y/!/!/). This way sedsed repeat the # addressing, ensuring the next command will have it as the right # 'last' address. # # 5. 't Status' trick: # The 't' command behaviour, from SED manual page: # # If a s/// has done a successful substitution since the last # input line was read and since the last t command, then branch # to label # # As all the DEBUG commands use lots of 's///' commands, the 't' # status is always true. The trick here is to add fake labels # between *any* command and fake 't' commands to jump to them: # # # t zzset001 # ... debug commands ... # t zzclr001 # : zzset001 # ... debug commands ... # : zzclr001 # # # The DEBUG commands are repeated and placed into two distinct # blocks: 'zzset' and 'zzclr', which represents the 't' status # of the last command. The execution order follows: # # zzset: 1st jump (t), then debug (s///), t status is ON # zzclr: 1st debug (s///), then jump (t), t status is OFF # # The 001 count is incremented on each command to have unique # labels. # # For the GNU sed 'T' command, the behaviour is the opposite: it only # branches when there was *no* successful substitution. Luckily, the # trick used for 't' applies to 'T' with no changes, because we can # save and restore the correct last 's///' status. # # # --- THANK YOU VERY MUCH --- # # - Paolo Bonzini (GNU sed 4.x maintainer) for the idea of the # 't status' trick. # # - Thobias Salazar Trevisan for the idea of using the 'i' # command for the COMM: lines. # def set_debug_commands(): # pylint: disable=global-statement global showpatt global showhold global save_t global showcomm global nullcomm # show pattern space, show hold space, show sed command # null sed command to restore last address, 't' and 'T' status trick # fmt: off showpatt = [ "s/^/PATT:/", "l", "s/^PATT://" ] showhold = ["x", "s/^/HOLD:/", "l", "s/^HOLD://", "x"] showcomm = ["i\\", "COMM:%s\a%s" % (color_YLW, color_NO)] nullcomm = ["y/!/!/"] save_t = ["t zzset\a\n#DEBUG#", "t zzclr\a", ":zzset\a\n#DEBUG#", ":zzclr\a"] # fmt: on def format_debugcmds(cmds): "One per line, with prefix (spaces)" return debug_prefix + ("\n" + debug_prefix).join(cmds) + "\n" showpatt = format_debugcmds(showpatt) showhold = format_debugcmds(showhold) save_t = format_debugcmds(save_t) showcomm = debug_prefix + "\n".join(showcomm) + "\n" nullcomm = nullcomm[0] # If user specified --hide, unset DEBUG commands for them if "nopatt" in action_modifiers: showpatt = "" if "nohold" in action_modifiers: showhold = "" if "nocomm" in action_modifiers: showcomm = "" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Auxiliary Functions - Tools # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def escape_text_commands_specials(text): text = text.replace("\\", "\\\\") # escape the escape return text def paint_html(element, txt=""): if not txt: return txt # nothing to paint # Escape HTML special chars txt = txt.replace("&", "&") txt = txt.replace(">", ">") txt = txt.replace("<", "<") # Some color adjustments and emphasis if element == "id" and txt in sedcmds["block"]: element = "delimiter" elif element == "id" and txt == ":": element = "content" elif element == "replace": # highlight \n, & and \$ newtxt = paint_html("special", "\\" + linesep) txt = txt.replace("\\" + linesep, newtxt) txt = re.sub("(\\\\[1-9]|&)", paint_html("special", "\\1"), txt) elif element == "pattern": # highlight ( and | txt = re.sub("(\\\\)([(|])", "\\1" + paint_html("pattmeta", "\\2"), txt) elif element == "plaintext": # highlight \$ newtxt = paint_html("special", "\\" + linesep) txt = txt.replace("\\" + linesep, newtxt) elif element == "branch": # nice link to the label txt = '%s' % (txt, txt) elif element == "target": # link target txt = '%s' % (txt, txt) element = "content" # Paint it! if html_colors.get(element) and txt: font_color = html_colors[element] txt = '%s' % (font_color, txt) return txt # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Hardcore Address/Command Composer Functions # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def compose_sed_address(data): """Format the full sed address as plain text or HTML.""" if not data["addr1"]: return "" # no address if action == "html": address1 = "%s%s" % ( data["addr1html"], paint_html("addr1flag", data.get("addr1flag")), ) address2 = "%s%s" % ( data.get("addr2html"), paint_html("addr2flag", data.get("addr2flag")), ) else: address1 = "%s%s" % (data.get("addr1"), data.get("addr1flag")) address2 = "%s%s" % (data.get("addr2"), data.get("addr2flag")) if data["addr2"]: address = "%s,%s" % (address1, address2) else: address = address1 return address + " " # address, space, (command) def compose_sed_command(data): if data["delimiter"]: # s/// if action != "html": cmd = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ( data["modifier"], data["id"], data["delimiter"], data["pattern"], data["delimiter"], data["replace"], data["delimiter"], data["flag"], ) if data["content"]: # s///w filename cmd = cmd + " " + data["content"] else: cmd = """%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s""" % ( # fmt: off paint_html("modifier", data["modifier"]), paint_html("id", data["id"]), paint_html("delimiter", data["delimiter"]), paint_html("pattern", data["pattern"]), paint_html("delimiter", data["delimiter"]), paint_html("replace", data["replace"]), paint_html("delimiter", data["delimiter"]), paint_html("flag", data["flag"]), ) if data["content"]: # s///w filename painted = paint_html("content", data["content"]) cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, painted) else: idsep = "" # spacer on r,w,b,t,v commands only spaceme = sedcmds["file"] + sedcmds["jump"] + sedcmds["int"] + "v" spaceme = spaceme.replace(":", "") # : label (no space!) if data["id"] in spaceme and data["content"]: idsep = " " cmd = "%s%s%s%s" % (data["modifier"], data["id"], idsep, data["content"]) if action == "html": if data["id"] in sedcmds["text"]: content_type = "plaintext" elif data["id"] in ("b", "t", "T"): content_type = "branch" elif data["id"] == ":": content_type = "target" else: content_type = "content" cmd = "%s%s%s%s" % ( paint_html("modifier", data["modifier"]), paint_html("id", data["id"]), idsep, paint_html(content_type, data["content"]), ) cmd = cmd.replace(linesep, "\n") return cmd # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The dump* Functions - They 4mat 4you! # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dump_key_value_pair(datalist): "Returns field:value command data line by line (lots of lines!)" outlist = [] for data in datalist[1:]: # skip headers at 0 if not data["id"]: # blank line continue for key in datalist[0]["fields"]: if key == "replace": data[key] = data[key].replace(linesep, newlineshow) outlist.append("%10s:%s" % (key, data[key])) outlist.append("") return outlist # Format: line:ad1:ad1f:ad2:ad2f:mod:cmd:content:delim:patt:rplc:flag:comment def dump_oneliner(datalist, fancy=0): # pylint: disable=unused-variable "Returns a command per line, elements separated by : (looooong lines)" outlist = [] r = n = "" if fancy: r = "\033[7m" n = "\033[m" for data in datalist[1:]: # skip headers at 0 outline = data["linenr"] if data["id"]: for key in datalist[0]["fields"][1:]: # skip linenr outline = "%s:%s%s%s" % (outline, r, data[key], n) outlist.append(outline) return outlist def dump_cute(datalist): "Returns a strange representation of SED commands. Use --dumpcute." outlist = [] r = color_REV n = color_NO for data in datalist[1:]: # skip headers at 0 if not data["id"]: outlist.append("%40s" % "[blank]") elif data["id"] == "#": outlist.append(data["comment"]) else: idsep = "" if data["id"] in ("b", "t", "T"): idsep = " " cmd = "%s%s%s%s" % (data["modifier"], data["id"], idsep, data["content"]) if data["delimiter"]: cmd = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ( cmd, data["delimiter"], data["pattern"], data["delimiter"], data["replace"], data["delimiter"], data["flag"], ) cmd = cmd.replace(linesep, n + newlineshow + r) outlist.append("%s" % "-" * 40) outlist.append( "adr: %s%s%s%s ::: %s%s%s%s" % ( r, data["addr1"], data["addr1flag"], n, r, data["addr2"], data["addr2flag"], n, ) ) outlist.append("cmd: %s%s%s [%s]" % (r, cmd, n, data["comment"])) return outlist # dump_script: This is a handy function, used by --indent AND --htmlize # It formats the SED script in a human-friendly way, with one command # per line and adding spaces on the right places. If --htmlize, it # also adds the HTML code to the script. # def dump_script(datalist, indent_prefix): "Returns the indented script in plain text or HTML" indfmt = {"string": indent_prefix, "initlevel": 0} outlist = [] indent = indfmt["initlevel"] if action == "html": outlist.append(html_header % os.path.basename(script_file)) for data in datalist[1:]: # skip headers at 0 if not data["id"]: # blank line outlist.append("") continue if data["id"] == "#": indentstr = indfmt["string"] * indent if action != "html": outlist.append(indentstr + data["comment"]) else: outlist.append(indentstr + paint_html("comment", data["comment"])) else: if data["id"] == "}": indent = indent - 1 # only indent++ after open { indentstr = indfmt["string"] * indent if data["id"] == "{": indent = indent + 1 cmd = compose_sed_command(data) addr = compose_sed_address(data) # saving full line cmd = "%s%s%s" % (indentstr, addr, cmd) if data["comment"]: # Inline comments are aligned at column 40 # The leading ; before # is required by non-GNU seds outlist.append("%-39s;%s" % (cmd, data["comment"])) else: outlist.append(cmd) if action == "html": outlist.append(html_footer) return outlist # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # do_debug - Here is where the fun begins # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This function performs the --debug action. # # After the SED script was parsed by the parser (below), this function # is called with the script data found. It loops, shouts and screams, # inserting the nice DEBUG lines between the SED script commands. # # After all lines are composed, it call the system's SED to run the # script, and SED will do its job, but this time showing you all the # secrets that the PATTERN SPACE and HOLD SPACE buffers holds. # def do_debug(datalist): outlist = [] cmdlineopts = "f" t_count = 0 hideregisters = 0 set_debug_commands() if "topopts" in datalist[0]: cmdlineopts = datalist[0]["topopts"] # If we have at least one 't' or 'T' command on the script, we need # to save the t command status between debug commands. As they perform # s/// commands, the t status of the "last substitution" is lost. # So, we save the status doing a nice loop trick before *every* # command (necessary overhead). This loops uses the :zzsetNNN and # zzclrNNN labels, where NNN is the label count. # TIP: t status resets: line read, t call if datalist[0]["has_t"]: t_count = 1 for i, data in enumerate(datalist): if i == 0: continue # skip headers at 0 if not data["id"]: continue # ignore blank line if data["id"] == "#": outlist.append("%s\n" % (data["comment"])) else: cmd = compose_sed_command(data) addr = compose_sed_address(data) cmdshow = cmd.replace("\n", newlineshow + color_YLW) cmdshow = escape_text_commands_specials(addr + cmdshow) showsedcmd = showcomm.replace("\a", cmdshow) registers = showpatt + showhold if hideregisters: registers = "" showall = "%s%s" % (registers, showsedcmd) # Add the 't status' trick to commands. # Exception: read-next-line commands (n,d,q) # Exception: no PATT/HOLD registers to show (no s///) if t_count and showall: if data["id"] not in ("n", "d", "q") and registers: tmp = save_t.replace("\a", "%03d" % t_count) showall = tmp.replace("#DEBUG#", showall) t_count = t_count + 1 # null cmd to restore last addr: /addr/y/!/!/ # Bug: https://github.com/aureliojargas/sedsed/issues/15 if data["lastaddr"]: showall = showall + debug_prefix + data["lastaddr"] + nullcomm + "\n" # after jump, block or void commands don't show # registers, because they're not affected. # exception: after b or t without target # (read next line) hideregisters = 0 if data["id"] in sedcmds["jump"] and data["content"]: hideregisters = 1 elif data["id"] in sedcmds["block"]: hideregisters = 1 elif data["id"] == "v": hideregisters = 1 outlist.append("%s#%s\n%s\n" % (showall, "-" * 50, addr + cmd)) outlist.append(showpatt + showhold) # last line status # executing sed script cmdextra = "" if "_stdout-only" in action_modifiers: # cmdextra = "| egrep -v '^PATT|^HOLD|^COMM|\$$|\\$'" # sed cmdextra = "-l 9999 | egrep -v '^PATT|^HOLD|^COMM'" # gsed inputfiles = " ".join(textfiles) if dump_debug: for line in [re.sub("\n$", "", x) for x in outlist]: print(line) print( "\n# Debugged SED script generated by %s-%s (%s)" % (myname, __version__, myhome) ) else: tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp() write_file(tmpfile, outlist) os.system( "%s -%s %s %s %s" % (sedbin, cmdlineopts, tmpfile, inputfiles, cmdextra) ) os.remove(tmpfile) ############################################################################### # # # SED Script Parser # # ------------------------- # # Extract Every Info of Every Command # # # ############################################################################### # # Here we used to have a custom brute force buggy parser. # Now we are using sedparse, a direct translation of the GNU sed C code. # # To avoid having to adapt the whole sedsed code to the sedparse AST, the # following `parse()` function will convert the sedparse AST into the same AST # used by the old parser: a list having a flat dictionary for each command. # # TODO properly document sedsed and sedparse AST's def parse(sedscript): """ Parse the sedscript (a list of strings) and return a sedsed AST (a flat list of dictionaries). """ the_program = [] ret = [] ret.append({}) # for header # Parse the sed script and save the output to `the_program` sedparse.compile_string(the_program, "\n".join(sedscript) + "\n") ### Translate from GNU sed struct_sed_cmd objects to sedsed ZZ objects # Flag to detect if there's at least one 't' or 'T' command in the script. # If so, some special treatment is required in the debugger. has_t = 0 # Stores the lastest address. When an empty address command such as //p or # s//foo/ is found, this value will be saved into `cmddict['lastaddr']`. lastaddr = "" def set_address(gsed_data, sedsed_data, prefix="addr1"): if not gsed_data: return if gsed_data.addr_regex: # set cmddict['addr1'] = /foo/ sedsed_data[prefix] = "%s%s%s%s" % ( gsed_data.addr_regex.escape(), gsed_data.addr_regex.slash, gsed_data.addr_regex.pattern, gsed_data.addr_regex.slash, ) # set cmddict['addr1html'] sedsed_data[prefix + "html"] = "%s%s%s%s" % ( paint_html("escape", gsed_data.addr_regex.escape()), paint_html("delimiter", gsed_data.addr_regex.slash), paint_html("pattern", gsed_data.addr_regex.pattern), paint_html("delimiter", gsed_data.addr_regex.slash), ) # set cmddict['addr1flag'] = I sedsed_data[prefix + "flag"] = gsed_data.addr_regex.flags else: # set cmddict['addr1'] = 99 | $ sedsed_data[prefix] = str(gsed_data) sedsed_data[prefix + "html"] = paint_html("pattern", str(gsed_data)) # For each sed command found by the parser for xx in the_program: # Set empty dict with all the keys cmddict = {} for key in cmdfields: cmddict[key] = "" cmddict["id"] = xx.cmd cmddict["linenr"] = xx.line if xx.addr_bang: cmddict["modifier"] = "!" set_address(xx.a1, cmddict, "addr1") set_address(xx.a2, cmddict, "addr2") # Special case for regex addresses # Set cmddict['lastaddr'] for the current command when the address is # empty //. Otherwise just update the lastaddr holder. # TODO investigate bug in sedsed if both addresses are regexes, the # 'reset' address command should involve both addresses again, and # not only `lastaddr` if xx.a1 and xx.a1.addr_regex: if not xx.a1.addr_regex.pattern: cmddict["lastaddr"] = lastaddr else: lastaddr = cmddict["addr1"] + cmddict["addr1flag"] if xx.a2 and xx.a2.addr_regex: if not xx.a2.addr_regex.pattern: cmddict["lastaddr"] = lastaddr else: lastaddr = cmddict["addr2"] + cmddict["addr2flag"] if xx.cmd == "\n": cmddict["id"] = "" elif xx.cmd == "#": cmddict["comment"] = "#" + xx.x.comment # 1st line, try to find #!/... if cmddict["linenr"] == 1: m = re.match(topopts_regex, cmddict["comment"]) if m: # we have options! ret[0]["topopts"] = m.group(1) # saved on list header del m elif xx.cmd in sedcmds["solo"] + sedcmds["block"]: pass # nothing else to collect elif xx.cmd in sedcmds["text"]: if str(xx.x.cmd_txt): # command "e" is allowed to be empty cmddict["content"] = "\\%s%s" % ( linesep, str(xx.x.cmd_txt).replace("\n", linesep), ) elif xx.cmd in sedcmds["jump"] + "v": cmddict["content"] = xx.x.label_name elif xx.cmd in sedcmds["file"]: cmddict["content"] = xx.x.fname elif xx.cmd in sedcmds["int"]: if xx.x.int_arg > -1: cmddict["content"] = str(xx.x.int_arg) elif xx.cmd in sedcmds["multi"]: # s/// & y/// cmddict["delimiter"] = xx.x.cmd_subst.regx.slash cmddict["pattern"] = str(xx.x.cmd_subst.regx.pattern) cmddict["replace"] = str(xx.x.cmd_subst.replacement.text).replace( "\n", linesep ) cmddict["flag"] = "".join(xx.x.cmd_subst.regx.flags) if "w" in cmddict["flag"]: cmddict["content"] = xx.x.cmd_subst.outf.name ## save sedsed specific data # saving last address content if xx.cmd == "s": if cmddict["pattern"]: lastaddr = ( xx.x.cmd_subst.regx.escape() + cmddict["delimiter"] + cmddict["pattern"] + cmddict["delimiter"] ) else: cmddict["lastaddr"] = lastaddr if xx.cmd in ("t", "T"): has_t = 1 ret.append(cmddict) # populating list header ret[0]["fields"] = cmdfields ret[0]["has_t"] = has_t return ret def fix_partial_comments(commands): """ Scan all commands and move comments to the previous command, if necessary. If there's only one command in the line, and a comment at the end, being it preceded by a ';' or not, this comment will be "tied" to the command. Examples: /foo/ d # remove foo /bar/ d ;# remove bar In both cases, the comment will be moved to the 'comment' field of the respective 'd' command. The --indent output will be: /foo/ d ;# remove foo /bar/ d ;# remove bar """ headers = commands[0] data = commands[1:] accept_comment = ( sedcmds["solo"] + sedcmds["block"] + sedcmds["jump"] + sedcmds["multi"] + sedcmds["int"] + "v" ) fake = {"linenr": 0} data.insert(0, fake) # because of i-2 data.append(fake) # because of i+1 # i==0 skip: it's the fake # i==1 skip: first command (nothing previous to append) # i==2 good: first possible partial comment # last skip: it's the fake i = 2 while i < len(data) - 1: # Move solo comment into previous command as partial comment when... if ( data[i]["id"] == "#" # ...previous command accepts comments and data[i - 1]["id"] in accept_comment # ...there's only *one* previous command in the same source line and data[i]["linenr"] != data[i - 2]["linenr"] and data[i]["linenr"] == data[i - 1]["linenr"] and data[i]["linenr"] != data[i + 1]["linenr"] ): # Move solo comment to previous command data[i - 1]["comment"] = data[i]["comment"] del data[i] # Since we're removing, 'i' won't be incremented else: i += 1 return [headers] + data[1:-1] # remove fakes def entrypoint(): parse_command_line() # When debugging, the system's sed will be used to run the modified script. # So it's mandatory that the original script is runnable in that specific # sed version (i.e., no syntax errors and no unknown commands or flags). if action == "debug": validate_script_syntax(sedscript) # Parse the script and process/fix the resulting data. # AST is sedsed's internal data structure to represent a sed script. try: AST = fix_partial_comments(parse(sedscript)) except sedparse.ParseError as err: fatal_error(err.message) if action == "indent": print("\n".join(dump_script(AST, indent_prefix))) elif action == "html": print("\n".join(dump_script(AST, indent_prefix))) elif action == "debug": do_debug(AST) elif action == "token": print("\n".join(dump_key_value_pair(AST))) elif action == "dumpcute": print("\n".join(dump_cute(AST))) if __name__ == "__main__": entrypoint()