{ "info": { "_postman_id": "9754013f-989f-48cb-9ac7-1d6d63fe9dfb", "name": "Auth0 Management API", "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json" }, "item": [ { "name": "Blacklists", "item": [ { "name": "Get all blacklisted tokens", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/blacklists/tokens", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "blacklists", "tokens" ] }, "description": "Retrieves the jti and aud of all tokens in the blacklist." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Blacklist a token", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"aud\": \"\",\r\n \"jti\": \"\"\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/blacklists/tokens", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "blacklists", "tokens" ] }, "description": "Adds the token identified by the jti to a blacklist for the tenant." }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Blacklists" }, { "name": "Client Grants", "item": [ { "name": "Get all client grants", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/client-grants", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "client-grants" ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create a client grant", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"client_id\": \"\",\r\n \"audience\": \"\",\r\n \"scope\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ]\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/client-grants", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "client-grants" ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete a client grant", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/client-grants/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "client-grants", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update a client grant", "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"scope\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ]\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/client-grants/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "client-grants", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Client Grants" }, { "name": "Clients", "item": [ { "name": "Get all clients", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/clients", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "clients" ] }, "description": "Retrieves a list of all client applications. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude.
Important: The client_secret and encryption_key attributes can only be retrieved with the read:client_keys scope." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create a client", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"name\": \"\",\r\n \"client_secret\": \"\",\r\n \"logo_uri\": \"\",\r\n \"callbacks\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ],\r\n \"allowed_origins\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ],\r\n \"client_aliases\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ],\r\n \"allowed_clients\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ],\r\n \"allowed_logout_urls\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ],\r\n \"token_endpoint_auth_method\": \"\",\r\n \"app_type\": \"\",\r\n \"is_first_party\": true,\r\n \"jwt_configuration\": {\r\n \"lifetime_in_seconds\": 0,\r\n \"secret_encoded\": true,\r\n \"scopes\": {},\r\n \"alg\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n \"encryption_key\": {\r\n \"pub\": \"\",\r\n \"cert\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n \"sso\": true,\r\n \"custom_login_page_on\": true,\r\n \"custom_login_page\": \"\",\r\n \"custom_login_page_preview\": \"\",\r\n \"form_template\": \"\",\r\n \"is_heroku_app\": true,\r\n \"addons\": {\r\n \"aws\": {},\r\n \"azure_blob\": {},\r\n \"azure_sb\": {},\r\n \"rms\": {},\r\n \"mscrm\": {},\r\n \"slack\": {},\r\n \"box\": {},\r\n \"cloudbees\": {},\r\n \"concur\": {},\r\n \"dropbox\": {},\r\n \"echosign\": {},\r\n \"egnyte\": {},\r\n \"firebase\": {},\r\n \"newrelic\": {},\r\n \"office365\": {},\r\n \"salesforce\": {},\r\n \"salesforce_api\": {},\r\n \"salesforce_sandbox_api\": {},\r\n \"samlp\": {},\r\n \"layer\": {},\r\n \"sap_api\": {},\r\n \"sharepoint\": {},\r\n \"springcm\": {},\r\n \"wams\": {},\r\n \"wsfed\": {},\r\n \"zendesk\": {},\r\n \"zoom\": {}\r\n },\r\n \"resource_servers\": [\r\n {\r\n \"identifier\": \"\",\r\n \"scopes\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"client_metadata\": {},\r\n \"mobile\": {\r\n \"android\": {},\r\n \"ios\": {}\r\n }\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/clients", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "clients" ] }, "description": "Creates a new client application. The samples on the right show every attribute that can be used." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get a client", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/clients/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "clients", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Retrieves a client by its id.
Important: The client_secret,encryption_key and signing_keys attributes can only be retrieved with the read:client_keys scope." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete a client", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/clients/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "clients", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Deletes a client and all its related assets (like rules, connections, etc) given its id." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update a client", "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"name\": \"\",\r\n \"client_secret\": \"\",\r\n \"logo_uri\": \"\",\r\n \"callbacks\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ],\r\n \"allowed_origins\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ],\r\n \"client_aliases\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ],\r\n \"allowed_clients\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ],\r\n \"allowed_logout_urls\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ],\r\n \"jwt_configuration\": {\r\n \"lifetime_in_seconds\": 0,\r\n \"secret_encoded\": true,\r\n \"scopes\": {},\r\n \"alg\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n \"encryption_key\": {\r\n \"pub\": \"\",\r\n \"cert\": \"\",\r\n \"subject\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n \"sso\": true,\r\n \"custom_login_page_on\": true,\r\n \"token_endpoint_auth_method\": \"\",\r\n \"app_type\": \"\",\r\n \"is_first_party\": true,\r\n \"custom_login_page\": \"\",\r\n \"custom_login_page_preview\": \"\",\r\n \"form_template\": \"\",\r\n \"addons\": {\r\n \"aws\": {},\r\n \"azure_blob\": {},\r\n \"azure_sb\": {},\r\n \"rms\": {},\r\n \"mscrm\": {},\r\n \"slack\": {},\r\n \"box\": {},\r\n \"cloudbees\": {},\r\n \"concur\": {},\r\n \"dropbox\": {},\r\n \"echosign\": {},\r\n \"egnyte\": {},\r\n \"firebase\": {},\r\n \"newrelic\": {},\r\n \"office365\": {},\r\n \"salesforce\": {},\r\n \"salesforce_api\": {},\r\n \"salesforce_sandbox_api\": {},\r\n \"samlp\": {},\r\n \"layer\": {},\r\n \"sap_api\": {},\r\n \"sharepoint\": {},\r\n \"springcm\": {},\r\n \"wams\": {},\r\n \"wsfed\": {},\r\n \"zendesk\": {},\r\n \"zoom\": {}\r\n },\r\n \"resource_servers\": [\r\n {\r\n \"identifier\": \"\",\r\n \"scopes\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"client_metadata\": {},\r\n \"mobile\": {\r\n \"android\": {},\r\n \"ios\": {}\r\n }\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/clients/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "clients", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Important: The client_secret and encryption_key attributes can only be updated with the update:client_keys scope." }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Clients" }, { "name": "Connections", "item": [ { "name": "Get all connections", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/connections", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "connections" ] }, "description": "Retrieves every connection matching the specified strategy. All connections are retrieved if no strategy is being specified. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude in the resulting list of connection objects." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create a connection", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"name\": \"\",\r\n \"strategy\": \"\",\r\n \"options\": {\r\n \"validation\": {},\r\n \"passwordPolicy\": \"\",\r\n \"password_history\": {},\r\n \"password_no_personal_info\": {},\r\n \"password_dictionary\": {}\r\n },\r\n \"enabled_clients\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ]\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/connections", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "connections" ] }, "description": "Creates a new connection according to the JSON object received in body.
The samples on the right show all available attributes. Mandatory attributes are name and strategy.
Valid Strategy names are: ad, adfs, amazon, dropbox, bitbucket, aol, auth0-adldap, auth0-oidc, auth0, baidu, bitly, box, custom, dwolla, email, evernote-sandbox, evernote, exact, facebook, fitbit, flickr, github, google-apps, google-oauth2, google-openid, instagram, ip, linkedin, miicard, oauth1, oauth2, office365, paypal, pingfederate, planningcenter, renren, salesforce-community, salesforce-sandbox, salesforce, samlp, sharepoint, shopify, sms, soundcloud, thecity-sandbox, thecity, thirtysevensignals, twitter, untappd, vkontakte, waad, weibo, windowslive, wordpress, yahoo, yammer, yandex" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get a connection", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/connections/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "connections", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Retrieves a connection by its id." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete a connection", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/connections/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "connections", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Deletes a connection and all its users." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update a connection", "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"options\": {\r\n \"validation\": {},\r\n \"passwordPolicy\": \"\",\r\n \"password_history\": {},\r\n \"password_no_personal_info\": {},\r\n \"password_dictionary\": {}\r\n },\r\n \"enabled_clients\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ]\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/connections/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "connections", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Note: if you use the options parameter, the whole options object will be overridden, ensure all parameters are present" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete a connection user", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/connections/:id/users", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "connections", ":id", "users" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Deletes a specified connection user by its email (currently only database connections are supported and you cannot delete all users from specific connection)." }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Connections" }, { "name": "Device Credentials", "item": [ { "name": "List device credentials", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/device-credentials", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "device-credentials" ] }, "description": "You can use the device-credentials endpoint using Basic authentication with username and password from a database connection
The Authorization header should be Authorization: Basic base64(\"{db_conn_name}\\{user}:{password}\")\n" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create a device public key", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"device_name\": \"\",\r\n \"type\": \"\",\r\n \"value\": \"\",\r\n \"device_id\": \"\",\r\n \"client_id\": \"\"\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/device-credentials", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "device-credentials" ] }, "description": "You can use the device-credentials endpoint using Basic authentication with username and password from a database connection
The Authorization header should be Authorization: Basic base64(\"{db_conn_name}\\{user}:{password}\")\n" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete a device credential", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/device-credentials/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "device-credentials", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "You can use the device-credentials endpoint using Basic authentication with username and password from a database connection
The Authorization header should be Authorization: Basic base64(\"{db_conn_name}\\{user}:{password}\")\n" }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Device Credentials" }, { "name": "Emails", "item": [ { "name": "Get the email provider", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/emails/provider", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "emails", "provider" ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete the email provider", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/emails/provider", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "emails", "provider" ] }, "description": "USE WITH CAUTION" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Configure the email provider", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"name\": \"\",\r\n \"enabled\": true,\r\n \"default_from_address\": \"\",\r\n \"credentials\": {\r\n \"api_key\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n \"settings\": {}\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/emails/provider", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "emails", "provider" ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update the email provider", "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"name\": \"\",\r\n \"enabled\": true,\r\n \"default_from_address\": \"\",\r\n \"credentials\": {\r\n \"api_key\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n \"settings\": {}\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/emails/provider", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "emails", "provider" ] } }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Emails" }, { "name": "Guardian", "item": [ { "name": "Get a list of factors and statuses", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/guardian/factors", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "guardian", "factors" ] }, "description": "Retrieves all factors. Useful to check factor enablement and trial status." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get a Guardian enrollment", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/guardian/enrollments/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "guardian", "enrollments", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Retrieves an enrollment. Useful to check its type and related metadata." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete a Guardian enrollment", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/guardian/enrollments/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "guardian", "enrollments", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Deletes an enrollment. Useful when you want to force re-enroll." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get enrollment and verification templates", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/guardian/factors/sms/templates", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "guardian", "factors", "sms", "templates" ] }, "description": "Retrieve both templates. Useful to check if a different template than default were set." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update enrollment and verification SMS templates.", "request": { "method": "PUT", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"enrollment_message\": \"\",\r\n \"verification_message\": \"\"\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/guardian/factors/sms/templates", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "guardian", "factors", "sms", "templates" ] }, "description": "Useful to send custom messages on sms enrollment and verification" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get Guardian factor provider", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/guardian/factors/:factor_name/providers/:name", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "guardian", "factors", ":factor_name", "providers", ":name" ], "variable": [ { "key": "factor_name" }, { "key": "name" } ] }, "description": "Returns provider configuration" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update Guardian Factor", "request": { "method": "PUT", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"enabled\": true\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/guardian/factors/:name", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "guardian", "factors", ":name" ], "variable": [ { "key": "name" } ] }, "description": "Useful to enable / disable factor" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update Guardian's Twilio SMS factor provider", "request": { "method": "PUT", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"from\": \"\",\r\n \"messaging_service_sid\": \"\",\r\n \"auth_token\": \"\",\r\n \"sid\": \"\"\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/guardian/factors/sms/providers/twilio", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "guardian", "factors", "sms", "providers", "twilio" ] }, "description": "Useful to configure SMS provider" }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Guardian" }, { "name": "Jobs", "item": [ { "name": "Get a job", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/jobs/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "jobs", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Retrieves a job. Useful to check its status." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get failed job error details", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/jobs/:id/errors", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "jobs", ":id", "errors" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Import users", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/jobs/users-imports", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "jobs", "users-imports" ] }, "description": "Imports users to a connection from a file using a long running job. Important: The documentation for the file format is here." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Send a \"verify email address\" email", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"user_id\": \"\"\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/jobs/verification-email", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "jobs", "verification-email" ] }, "description": "Send an email to the specified user that asks them to click a link to verify their email address." }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Jobs" }, { "name": "Logs", "item": [ { "name": "Search log events", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/logs", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "logs" ] }, "description": "Retrieves log entries that match the specified search criteria (or list all entries if no criteria is used).
You can search with a criteria using the q parameter or you can search by a specific log ID (search by checkpoint):

The search by criteria can use the following parameters:
The search by checkpoint use the following parameters:
Event acronym mapping
List of fields that can be used in fields and sort
" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get a log event by id", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/logs/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "logs", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Retrieves the data related to the log entry identified by id. This returns a single log entry representation as specified in the schema." }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Logs" }, { "name": "Resource Servers", "item": [ { "name": "Get a resource server by its id", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/resource-servers/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "resource-servers", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete a resource server", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/resource-servers/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "resource-servers", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update a resource server", "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"name\": \"\",\r\n \"scopes\": [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"\",\r\n \"description\": \"\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"signing_alg\": \"\",\r\n \"signing_secret\": \"\",\r\n \"token_lifetime\": 0\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/resource-servers/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "resource-servers", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create a resource server", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"name\": \"\",\r\n \"identifier\": \"\",\r\n \"scopes\": [\r\n {\r\n \"value\": \"\",\r\n \"description\": \"\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"signing_alg\": \"\",\r\n \"signing_secret\": \"\",\r\n \"token_lifetime\": 0\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/resource-servers", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "resource-servers" ] } }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Resource Servers" }, { "name": "Rules", "item": [ { "name": "Get all rules", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/rules", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "rules" ] }, "description": "Retrieves a list of all rules. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude.
The enabled parameter can be specified to get enabled or disabled rules. The rule's stage of executing could be set to the following values login_success, login_failure or pre_authorize" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create a rule", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"name\": \"\",\r\n \"script\": \"\",\r\n \"order\": {},\r\n \"enabled\": true,\r\n \"stage\": \"\"\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/rules", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "rules" ] }, "description": "Creates a new rule according to the JSON object received in body.
The samples on the right show you every attribute that could be used. Mandatory attributes are name and scriptNote: Changing a rule's stage of execution from the default login_success can change the rule's function signature to have user omitted." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get a rule", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/rules/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "rules", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Retrieves a rule by its ID. Accepts a list of fields to include or exclude in the result." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete a rule", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/rules/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "rules", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update a rule", "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"script\": \"\",\r\n \"name\": \"\",\r\n \"order\": {},\r\n \"enabled\": true\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/rules/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "rules", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Rules" }, { "name": "Stats", "item": [ { "name": "Get active users count", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/stats/active-users", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "stats", "active-users" ] }, "description": "Gets the active users count (logged in during the last 30 days)." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get daily stats", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/stats/daily", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "stats", "daily" ] }, "description": "Gets the daily stats for a particular period." }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Stats" }, { "name": "Tenants", "item": [ { "name": "Get tenant settings", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/tenants/settings", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "tenants", "settings" ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update tenant settings", "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"change_password\": {\r\n \"enabled\": true,\r\n \"html\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n \"guardian_mfa_page\": {\r\n \"enabled\": true,\r\n \"html\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n \"error_page\": {\r\n \"html\": \"\",\r\n \"show_log_link\": true,\r\n \"url\": \"\"\r\n },\r\n \"flags\": {\r\n \"change_pwd_flow_v1\": true,\r\n \"enable_client_connections\": true,\r\n \"enable_apis_section\": true,\r\n \"enable_pipeline2\": true\r\n },\r\n \"friendly_name\": \"\",\r\n \"picture_url\": \"\",\r\n \"support_email\": \"\",\r\n \"support_url\": \"\",\r\n \"allowed_logout_urls\": [\r\n \"\"\r\n ],\r\n \"session_lifetime\": 0\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/tenants/settings", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "tenants", "settings" ] } }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Tenants" }, { "name": "Tickets", "item": [ { "name": "Create an email verification ticket", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"result_url\": \"\",\r\n \"user_id\": \"\"\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/tickets/email-verification", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "tickets", "email-verification" ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create a password change ticket", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"result_url\": \"\",\r\n \"user_id\": \"\",\r\n \"new_password\": \"\",\r\n \"connection_id\": \"\",\r\n \"email\": \"\",\r\n \"ttl_sec\": 0\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/tickets/password-change", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "tickets", "password-change" ] } }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Tickets" }, { "name": "User Blocks", "item": [ { "name": "Get blocks by identifier", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/user-blocks", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "user-blocks" ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Unblock by identifier", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/user-blocks", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "user-blocks" ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get a user's blocks", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/user-blocks/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "user-blocks", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Unblock a user", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/user-blocks/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "user-blocks", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] } ], "description": "User Blocks" }, { "name": "Users", "item": [ { "name": "List or search users", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users" ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create a user", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"connection\": \"\",\r\n \"email\": \"\",\r\n \"username\": \"\",\r\n \"password\": \"\",\r\n \"phone_number\": \"\",\r\n \"user_metadata\": {},\r\n \"email_verified\": true,\r\n \"app_metadata\": {}\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users" ] }, "description": "Creates a new user according to the JSON object received in body.
The samples on the right show you every attribute that could be used. The attribute connection is always mandatory but depending on the type of connection you are using there could be others too. For instance, Auth0 DB Connections require email and password." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get a user", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete a user", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update a user", "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"blocked\": true,\r\n \"email_verified\": true,\r\n \"email\": \"\",\r\n \"verify_email\": true,\r\n \"phone_number\": \"\",\r\n \"phone_verified\": true,\r\n \"verify_phone_number\": true,\r\n \"password\": \"\",\r\n \"verify_password\": true,\r\n \"user_metadata\": {},\r\n \"app_metadata\": {},\r\n \"connection\": \"\",\r\n \"username\": \"\",\r\n \"client_id\": \"\"\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users/:id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users", ":id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Updates a user with the object's properties received in the request's body (the object should be a JSON object).
These are the attributes that can be updated at the root level:Some considerations:
Updating a field (non-metadata property)
To mark the email address of a user as verified, the body to send should be:
{ \"email_verified\": true }
Updating a user metadata root property
Let's asume that our test user has the following user_metadata:
{ \"user_metadata\" : { \"profileCode\": 1479 } }
To add the field addresses the body to send should be:
{ \"user_metadata\" : { \"addresses\": {\"work_address\": \"100 Industrial Way\"} }}
The modified object ends up with the following user_metadata property:
{\n  \"user_metadata\": {\n    \"profileCode\": 1479,\n    \"addresses\": { \"work_address\": \"100 Industrial Way\" }\n  }\n}
Updating an inner user metadata property
Starting from previous user metadata, if we want to add the field \"home_address\": \"742 Evergreen Terrace\" in addresses we should send the whole addresses object (since this object is on the first level, it will be merged in, but it's own properties won't). The body to send should be:\n
{\n  \"user_metadata\": {\n    \"addresses\": {\n      \"work_address\": \"100 Industrial Way\",\n      \"home_address\": \"742 Evergreen Terrace\"\n    }\n  }\n}
The modified object ends up with the following user_metadata property:
{\n  \"user_metadata\": {\n    \"profileCode\": 1479,\n    \"addresses\": {\n      \"work_address\": \"100 Industrial Way\",\n      \"home_address\": \"742 Evergreen Terrace\"\n    }\n  }\n}
" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get user's log events", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users/:user_id/logs", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users", ":user_id", "logs" ], "variable": [ { "key": "user_id" } ] }, "description": "Retrieve every log event for a specific user id
Event acronym mapping
List of fields that can be used in fields and sort
" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get a list of Guardian enrollments", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users/:id/enrollments", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users", ":id", "enrollments" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Retrieves all Guardian enrollments." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete a user's multifactor provider", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users/:id/multifactor/:provider", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users", ":id", "multifactor", ":provider" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" }, { "key": "provider" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Unlink a user identity", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users/:id/identities/:provider/:user_id", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users", ":id", "identities", ":provider", ":user_id" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" }, { "key": "provider" }, { "key": "user_id" } ] }, "description": "Unlinks an identity from the target user, and it becomes a separated user again.\n" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Removes the current recovery token, generates and returns a new one", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users/:id/recovery-code-regeneration", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users", ":id", "recovery-code-regeneration" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Link a user account", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" }, { "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"provider\": \"\",\r\n \"connection_id\": \"\",\r\n \"user_id\": \"\",\r\n \"link_with\": \"\"\r\n}" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users/:id/identities", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users", ":id", "identities" ], "variable": [ { "key": "id" } ] }, "description": "Links the account specified in the body (secondary account) to the account specified by the id param of the URL (primary account).
There are two ways of invoking the endpoint:
On successful linking, the endpoint returns the new array of the primary account identities." }, "response": [] } ], "description": "Users" }, { "name": "Users By Email", "item": [ { "name": "Search users by email", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "Authorization", "value": "Bearer {{auth0_token}}" } ], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "" }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{auth0_domain}}/api/v2/users-by-email?email=", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{auth0_domain}}" ], "path": [ "api", "v2", "users-by-email" ], "query": [ { "key": "email", "value": "", "description": "Email address to search for" } ] }, "description": "If Auth0 is the identify provider (idP), the email address associated with a user is saved in lower case, regardless of how you initially provided it. For example, if you register a user as **JohnSmith@example.com**, Auth0 saves the user's email as **johnsmith@example.com**.\n\nIn cases where Auth0 is not the idP, the `email` is stored based on the rules of idP, so make sure the search is made using the correct capitalization.\n\nWhen using this endpoint, make sure that you are searching for users via email addresses using the correct case." }, "response": [] } ] } ] }