version: "3" services: automuteus: # Either: # - Use a prebuilt image image: automuteus/automuteus:${AUTOMUTEUS_TAG:?err} # - Use an old prebuilt image (prior to 6.16.1) #image: denverquane/amongusdiscord:${AUTOMUTEUS_TAG:?err} # - Build image from local source # build: ../amongusdiscord # - Build image from github directly #build: restart: always environment: # These are required and will fail if not present - DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=${DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN:?err} - HOST=${GALACTUS_HOST:?err} - POSTGRES_USER=${POSTGRES_USER:?err} - POSTGRES_PASS=${POSTGRES_PASS:?err} # These Variables are optional - EMOJI_GUILD_ID=${EMOJI_GUILD_ID:-} - CAPTURE_TIMEOUT=${CAPTURE_TIMEOUT:-} - AUTOMUTEUS_LISTENING=${AUTOMUTEUS_LISTENING:-} - BASE_MAP_URL=${BASE_MAP_URL:-} - SLASH_COMMAND_GUILD_IDS=${SLASH_COMMAND_GUILD_IDS:-} # Do **NOT** change this - REDIS_ADDR=${AUTOMUTEUS_REDIS_ADDR} - GALACTUS_ADDR=${GALACTUS_ADDR} - POSTGRES_ADDR=${POSTGRES_ADDR} # - SHARDS=0,1 # - NUM_SHARDS=2 stop_grace_period: ${STOP_GRACE_PERIOD:-2m} depends_on: - redis - galactus - postgres volumes: - "bot-logs:/app/logs" galactus: # Either: # - Use a prebuilt image image: automuteus/galactus:${GALACTUS_TAG:?err} # - Build image from local source #build: ../galactus # - Build image from github directly #build: ports: # See sample.env for details, but in general, match the GALACTUS_EXTERNAL_PORT w/ the GALACTUS_HOST's port - ${GALACTUS_EXTERNAL_PORT:-8123}:${BROKER_PORT} restart: always environment: # This Variable is optional - WORKER_BOT_TOKENS=${WORKER_BOT_TOKENS:-} # Do **NOT** change these - DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=${DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN:?err} - BROKER_PORT=${BROKER_PORT} - REDIS_ADDR=${GALACTUS_REDIS_ADDR} - GALACTUS_PORT=${GALACTUS_PORT} # - NUM_SHARDS=2 depends_on: - redis redis: image: redis:alpine restart: always volumes: - "redis-data:/data" postgres: image: postgres:12-alpine restart: always environment: - POSTGRES_USER=${POSTGRES_USER} - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=${POSTGRES_PASS} volumes: - "postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data" volumes: bot-logs: redis-data: postgres-data: