# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Welcome to the AvaIre Configuration #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Below you'll find all the configurable options for Ava, if you're using # a plugin that you want to configure, you should look for a config file # in the "plugins/plugin name" folder. # # The configuration is written in a format known as YAML, you can learn # more about the format at https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/yaml # # Need to validate if the config has no errors and will pass Avas config # management system? Try out https://codebeautify.org/yaml-validator # # Got any questions? Contact the development team on the official support # server for Ava at https://avairebot.com/support # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Application Environment #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The application environment determines what is logged to the console, and # what applications are loaded, this is to give a better user experience # since having the console flooded with information can be very # overwhelming if you don't know what you're looking at. # # AvaIre supports two different environments, "production" and "development" # # Production is used for minimal console output and for all parts of the # application to be enabled. Development is used for debugging messages # and preventing some parts of the application from running, to stop # in-development changes from ruining the production environment. # environment: 'production' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Discord Application Information #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Discord application information is things like your application token, # application id, application secret, etc. To run a Discord bot you'll # need an application token, if you don't already have an application # with discord you can easily create one in two minutes. # # Start by going to the link below, create a new application, give it some # name, then click on "Create a Bot User", and you're good to go! # https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me # # AvaIre needs your Discord application token to login and interact with # users, and optionally the application ID for handling music using # Lavalink instead of doing it internally, you can also use the # application ID to create a invite link for your bot. # discord: # This is your Discord application client id, if you don't have a Discord # application, check the link above and follow the short guide to # create one, once you have it, replace the text between the # quotes with your client id. # clientId: 'YourBotClientIdShouldGoHere' # This is your Discord application token, if you don't have a Discord # application, check the link above and follow the short guide to # create one, once you have it, replace the text between the # quotes with your token. # token: 'YourBotTokenShouldGoHere' # This is the OAuth2 URL used for invite links, you should replace # the "" with your Discord application client ID to # make the link valid so people can actually use it to invite # your bot to their server. # oauth: 'https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=&scope=bot&permissions=66186303' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database Information #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # AvaIre uses a database for storing things like custom prefixes, playlists, # user XP and levels, statistics, autoroles, aliases and everything else. # # AvaIre currently supports MySQL and SQLite database types, with support for # more types coming in the future, to get started simply just populate the # fields below with your database login information. # # Note: When using a MySQL database make sure the database user has permission # to create, delete and edit tables in the database you want to use, Ava uses # a migration system that will create all the needed tables, and roll out # changes between versions automatically, this require creating new # tables, and editing and deleting existing tables. # database: # This is the database type that Ava should use, "MySQL" is used by default however # it can be changed to "SQLite" if you'd like to use a flatfile database instead. # type: 'mysql' #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SQLite Settings #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Ths is the SQLite settings used in Ava, by default MySQL is used so if # you want to use the SQLite setup, change the "type" value above to # SQLite and you should be good to go! # # SQLite does not require any external software to be installed to use it. # # This is the name of the flatfile used for the SQLite database, although # SQLite has support for in-memory databases, Ava does not yet support # them, if you just want to try using SQLite you should be fine # leaving the value as "database.sqlite" # filename: 'database.sqlite' #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MySQL Settings (Recommended) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This is the MySQL settings used in Ava, MySQL is used by default and is # recommend for use in general as it's more stable and has more features # than SQLite. You must install a MySQL server to use the MySQL database # settings, if you're on hosting the bot on a VPS, using the default # "mysql-server" package should be fine, if you're on Windows/Mac, # using something like XAMPP is a great alternative. # # XAMPP Website: https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html # # This is the name of the database that Ava should use for all tables. # database: 'avaire' # This is the hostname of the database, if you're hosting the database on # the same machine the bot is also hosted on you should be fine keeping # it as "localhost", if you're using an external server for database # hosting you could use the IP address here. # hostname: 'localhost' # This is the username for the user that should be used by Ava to access # the database, the user should have permission to create, read, # update and delete tables in order for Ava to work correctly. # username: 'username' # The password for the database user, used to access the database. # password: 'password' # Determine if server certificates should be verified upon connecting to # the database, disabling this will still allow for a valid connection # from a cryptographic perspective, but the database server will not # be verified if it is actually the right server or not. # verifyServerCertificate: true #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default Command Prefix #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # All internal commands registered with Ava will be linked to a command # category, each category has a default prefix which are used for all # commands linked to that category, below you can set the default # prefix used by all the official AvaIre command categories. # # Note: Plugins that adds commands and categories to the Ava registry doesn't # necessarily have to follow the default prefix set below, check in with the # developer for the plugin about the command prefix if one is used, or just # change the prefix for the category using the "Change Prefix" command. # default-prefix: '!' # The system commands can only be used by bot administrators, bot # administrators are users who have their user ID in the # "botAccess" field in the config. # system-prefix: ';' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bot Status #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Once every minute, Ava will change her "playing" status to something on # the list below, you can define what type of status it is by prefixing # the status with one of the options below. # # "watching:something" This produces "Watching something" # "listening:some cool music" This produces "Listening to some cool music" # "streaming:video games" This produces "Streaming video games" # # If no prefix is given the playing status type will be used instead. # playing: - '!help' - 'watching:avairebot.com' - 'listening:%users% users' - 'playing:in %guilds% servers' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Music Commands & Events #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This option can enable or disable all music features within Ava. # # when the option is disabled the bot will stop responding to any voice # related events from Discord, and all the music commands in Ava won't # be registered to the command container, this means that the bot # will function as if the music commands doesn't exists. # use-music: true #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Music Lavalink Nodes (Advanced Music Settings) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Lavalink is used internally in Ava to delegate sending and encoding jobs, # using Lavalink makes it easy to provided good quality music to everyone # around the world at the same time by spreading the needed resources # for streaming music out to external encoding nodes. # # Lavalink is NOT a requirement to use the music features in Ava, it's # simply an alternative way to deliver the end result to the user, # for more information about Lavalink checkout: # # https://github.com/Frederikam/Lavalink # lavalink: # This determines if Ava should use Lavalink for encoding and sending the # audio instead of doing it internally, if Lavalink is enabled and no # valid nodes has been provided, none of the music will work. # enabled: false # This is your Lavalink encoding nodes, each node must have a valid name # that the node is identified by, a valid web-socket host and port, # and a valid password for the given Lavalink node. # # If a encoding node is closed, all music that is streamed through the node # will stop and the load-balancer built into Lavalink will begin to # spread the load out to the remaining working nodes. # nodes: - name: "local" host: "ws://localhost:5555" pass: "youshallnotpass" - name: "remote1" host: "ws://" pass: "youshallnotpass" - name: "remote2" host: "ws://lavalink.example.com:5557" pass: "youshallnotpass" #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Music Activity Settings #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Music Activity is a tracking system built into Ava that disconnects the # bot from voice channels if no one is listening to music anyway, this # can help free up memory and bandwidth that wasn't being used to # serve users anyway. # # The music activity tracks a few things: # # 1. When no one is listening to the music, like when the bot is muted, # everyone is deafened, or no one is in the voice channel with the bot. # # 2. If the queue is empty, when you request a song by name the queue # will be empty until the user selects the song they want to be # played, this applies here, if the last song in the queue is # playing it will disconnect once the song is done anyway. # # 3. If the music is paused, this should be self-explanatory, if you # pause the music the bot it will disconnect after awhile unless # it is unpaused(resumed). # music-activity: # This determines if the music activity tracker should be enabled or not, # if set to false all the values below will never be used and the bot # will stay connect to voice channels regardless of time, until the # queue is either empty of it is forced to leave by a user. # enabled: true # This is the time in minutes that the bot should wait before disconnecting # if no one is listening to the bot. # # Note: Other bots does not count as valid listeners. # missing-listeners: 5 # This is the time in minutes that the bot should wait before disconnecting # if the queue is empty and nothing is added before the timer runs out. # empty-queue-timeout: 2 # This is the time in minutes that the bot should wait before disconnecting # if the music is paused. # paused-music-timeout: 10 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Audio Encoding and Resampling Quality #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Audio encoding and audio resampling is a way to control the quality of # audio the bot will deliver for music related commands. # # Lower encoding and resampling will use less memory and CPU, but will also # produce worse audio quality in the end, while higher encoding and # resampling will use more memory and CPU but will in turn produce # more clear and "crisp" audio. # audio-quality: # Audio resampling is tasked with sending the data from the server the bot # is hosted on to the Discord servers so people can listen to the music. # # Higher resampling rates gives a higher chance that the audio reaches # Discord servers so people can hear the audio by sending each frame # multiple times, higher resampling uses more CPU since it has to # send each frame multiple times. # # The supported resampling qualities are: # "high", "medium", and "low" # resampling: 'medium' # Audio encoding is tasked with encoding the audio track so it is playable by # Discord, higher values will produce a higher quality encoded track, which # in turn uses more CPU, while lower values will produce a worse quality # audio track but ues less CPU to do so. # # The encoding value must be a number between 0 and 10. # encoding: 10 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Audio Cache and Storage #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Audio caching and storage is used by Ava when requesting music from # different providers(YouTube, Soundcloud, etc), allowing the bot # save and re-use responses for different queries. # # The system allows the bot is able to serve users faster if the same song # is requested twice, as-well as lowing the number of times needed to # send requests to YouTube, Soundcloud, Twitch, etc. # audio-cache: # The maximum cache size value is used to determine the maximum amount of # audio playlists that is allowed to be stored in the memory cache for # audio requests. # # The higher the value the more tracks is able to be stored in the cache, # however more tracks stored in-memory also means the bot will require # more RAM to store all the information. # # Note: The in-memory cache will only store data for 30 minutes at a time # unless it's requested a lot, in which case the cached time is reset # until it's not requested anymore. # # The cache isn't necessarily full at any time either, so even if the max # cache size is high, it doesn't mean every slot in the cache is always # used if there isn't enough requested tracks to store in the cache. # maximum-cache-size: 1000 # The default max cache age is used when querying for search results and # no specific cache age scope is set for the request, some audio cache # lookups may specify their own max cache age, however if non is # defined, the default max cache age will be used instead. # # The cache age is used with looking for search results in the database # cache, if entries are found matching our query but the entries are # older than the max age, it will be excluded from the results. # # The default max cache age is set in seconds, by default it is set to 86,400 # which is 24 hours, the number can be raised to increase the lookup range, # or lower it to narrow the search range down, however the number has to # be more than 60 seconds, so the cache is at most 1 minute old. # default-max-cache-age: 86400 # The max persistence age is the maximum amount of time an audio search result # is allowed to be stored in the database cache before it is counted as # invalid, and is deleted completely from the database. # # Once a track is deleted from the database cache it will no-longer exist in # any cache and will have to be re-requested via a lookup with # the "!play" command to be re-stored in the database. # # The max persistence age is set in seconds, by default it is set to 172,800 # which is 48 hours, the number can be raised to store tracks for a longer # period of time, or lowered in order to not store tracks for long # periods of time, however the number has to be greater than # the default max age set above. # max-persistence-age: 172800 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Audio Ratelimit (Advanced Music Settings) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The audio ratelimiting feature can be used to help circumvent YouTubes # request restrictions on larger bots which might send a lot of # requests to YouTube for music every second/minute. # # The system uses a list of IP blocks to generate IPs that should be used for # outgoing requests, this means each request can have an unique IP attached # to it, or IPs being rotated when it gets banned, the selected strategy # will determine what IP is chosen, and whether IPs are re-used or not. # # This feature requires the server administrator to setup a link to the different # subnets they wish the bot to be able to bind with for requests, if the subnets # are not configured correctly with the machine, the bot won't be able to bind # correctly with the subnet. Thus, this feature should only be enabled if you # know what you're doing, music from YouTube will still work with this # feature disabled for smaller bots. # audio-ratelimit: # Determines if the audio ratelimiting IP blocks should be used # for outgoing audio requests. # enabled: false # A list of IPs or subnets that should be used for audio related requests, # the system will only support one type of IP at a time, so all the IPs # in the block must be either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, and not both # in the same list. # ip-blocks: - '' - '' # A list of IP addresses that should be excluded from being used to make # audio requests, any IP will be ignored for requests and should # never be ratelimited. # exclude-ips: - '' # The ratelimit strategy determines how the bot should send requests to YouTube # to prevent being ratelimited. Different strategies will use up the available # IPs in various of different ways, the following strategies is available. # # LoadBalance # - Uses a random IP address for each outgoing request. # NanoSwitch # - Requires a /64 IPv6 subnet, picks an address using a nano offset. # RotateOnBan # - Rotates to a new IP each time the current address gets ratelimited. # RotatingNanoSwitch # - Uses a combination of NanoSwitch and RotateOnBan. # strategy: 'NanoSwitch' # Determines if a 429 error response code for search requests # should mark an IP address as failing. # search-triggers-fail: true #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bot Access (Bot Administrators) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The list below should contain a list of user IDs of people you want to be # able to access all system commands for Ava, things like restarting, # system information, code evaluation, etc. # # You can find your user ID by using the !userid command in Ava. # botAccess: - '88739639380172800' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sentry.io Error Logging #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Sentry.io is an open source error tracking service, it can provide a lot # of helpful information to developers on what is going wrong, and where # in real-time, Sentry.io uses a DSN url for establishing a link # between the bot and their service, you can enter your DSN # url below if yo want to enable Sentry.io error logging. # # To learn more, checkout: https://sentry.io/welcome/ # sentryDsn: '' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Web Servlet - Prometheus Metrics & API #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Ava uses an internal API to power outside applications by allowing the # apps to pull information about the bot directly from it, it also # collects and exposes internal metrics which can be helpful for # seeing what is happening inside the bot in real-time, all # this is powered by an internal web servlet. # # The API are exposed on "ip:port", where the port is the web servlet port # defined below, note that only the routes that are enabled will actually # be exposed through the API, so you can fine tune what you want to # expose to the rest of the world. # web-servlet: # Ava uses Prometheus metrics for tracking a long list of different things # within the application during runtime, the metrics are then displayed # using Grafana to users on a web-dashboard using graphs. # # For setup guides, see: # # https://prometheus.io/ # https://grafana.com/ # metrics: true # Ava exposes some API endpoints for interacting with the bot or pulling # information about of the bot in real-time, below you'll find a list # of different types of API endpoints which can be exposed in # the internal API. # api-routes: # Exposes a per-server leaderboard route for getting the 100 users on # the given server ID, as well as some level role and XP settings # information. # # Route: # GET /leaderboard/:id # leaderboard: true # Exposes a player cleanup route which for getting a list of expired user # XP records, any IDs returned from the route are IDs for users who are # no long on the server the record is attached to. # # Route: # GET /players/cleanup # players: true # Exposes multiple guild information routes, as well as cleanup routes, # the information routes can be used to pull information about a # specific server by their ID, or to check if the bot is on the # server with the given ID, while the cleanup routes can be # used to get or delete expired and old records for guilds # the bot is no longer on. # # Routes: # POST /guilds/cleanup # GET /guilds/cleanup # GET /guilds/:ids/exists # GET /guilds/:ids # guilds: true # Exposes a stats route which can be used to get some stats on individual # shards, the machine the bot is running on, as well as uptime and # global collected bot info. # # Route: # GET /stats # stats: true # The port the API and metrics should be exposed to, the port must not be used # by another application on the system, otherwise the API won't be able to # start up correctly. # port: 1256 # This is the auth token that should be given to validate incoming vote requests, # any requests to the vote route that is either missing the auth header, or # has a key that does not match the key below will be ignored. # authToken: 'avaire-auth-token' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Vote Locking #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Vote locking will limit some features so only users who have voted for the # bot will be able to use them, voting resets every 12 hours. # # When using the vote-lock feature, make sure the vote webhook has been setup # correctly with the auth token, you can find the auth token setting in the # metrics above. without a valid token setup the votes will not be synced # in real-time, which can cause a lot of lag between the user voting, # and them being allowed to use vote locked features. # vote-lock: # This option determines if the vote-locking feature should be enabled at all, # if set to true, any command or feature using the "vote" middleware will be # restricted to users who have voted for the bot within the last 12 hours. # # Enabling this option exposes a "/vote" POST route in the web-servlet which # can be used to handle vote request sent by DBL, making it easy and # automatic to reward users when they vote. # enabled: false # This option determines where the vote check requests generated using the "!vote check" # command should be sent, if this option is set to false all requests will use the # "vote-sync-token" below to try and sync the requests with DBLs public API, # however if the option is set to true, the "vote-sync-token" will not be # used, and requests will instead be redirected to Avas public API to # try and sync votes made for the public bot. sync-with-public-bot: false # This is the bot application API token for DBL(Discord Bot List), the API token # is used to sync votes between the API and the bot during startup, so anyone # who voted while the bot was offline will still get their rewards. # # You can get your DBL API key at: https://discordbots.org/api/docs#mybots # vote-sync-token: 'ReplaceThisWithYourAPITokenForDBL' #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # API Keys (These are all optional) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # API keys are access tokens for different services used by Ava to provided # additional functionality, all the API key fields are optional, however # some services may be disabled if they're left out. # apiKeys: # Holiday API key, this is used for the holiday command # in order to retrieve current holiday information. # # You can get a free API key that allows 1000 requests per-month by signing up on # their website, then going to the "API Keys" tab and creating a new key. # Get a key at: https://holidayapi.com/ # holidayapi: '' # Google API key, this is used for music requests to YouTube and the # Shorten API for shortening links, note the play command will still # work with youtube links without an API key. # # Get a key at: https://developers.google.com/youtube/registering_an_application # google: '' # DialogFlow is the service used by Ava for her artificial intelligence, # the AI will be disabled without the API key, you can register for # an API key on their website as well as creating your own custom # AI agent, if you want to use the same AI agent Ava uses you # can find it on github at: https://github.com/avaire/agent # # Get a key at: https://dialogflow.com/docs/reference/agent # dialogflow: '' # Meow API is a simple services that provides lots of cat pictures, the service # was custom built for Ava since the old cat picture services was having some # issues. The API can be used without a key, although it will only allow # 10 requests per minute, if your needs are higher then that, you can # request for an API key. # # Get a key at: https://meow.senither.com/ # meowApi: '' # Open Weather Map is a free service that provides lots of ways to get weather # and wind data based on a location, Ava uses it for the weather command, if # no valid API key is given, the command will disable itself. # # You can get a free API key that allows 60 requests per-minute by singing up on # their website, then going to the "API Keys" tab and creating a new key, keep # in mind that it may take a few hours for the API key to fully activate. # # Get a key at: https://home.openweathermap.org/api_keys # openWeatherMap: ''