# Erato Markdown - Sublime Text 2/3 Adds a handy command and menu item to open your current file with [Erato](http://9muses.se/erato/). ## Installation Instructions **Package Installer** * Install [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) * Select "Package Control: Install Package" from the Command Palette (`super+shift+p`) * Find "Erato Markdown" and select ## Usage With the view selected containing the file you wish to preview in Marked: **Command Palette:** * Select "Markdown: Open with Erato" from the Command Palette (`super+shift+p`) **Menus:** * Select Tools → Open with Erato # Thanks Entirely based on the excellent [Mou Markdown Sublime Extension](https://github.com/rwoody/mou-markdown-sublime)