# Default values for ako. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. replicaCount: 1 image: repository: avinetworks/ako pullPolicy: IfNotPresent ### This section outlines the generic AKO settings AKOSettings: logLevel: "INFO" #enum: INFO|DEBUG|WARN|ERROR fullSyncFrequency: "1800" # This frequency controls how often AKO polls the Avi controller to update itself with cloud configurations. apiServerPort: 8080 # Internal port for AKO's API server for the liveness probe of the AKO pod default=8080 deleteConfig: "false" # Has to be set to true in configmap if user wants to delete AKO created objects from AVI disableStaticRouteSync: "false" # If the POD networks are reachable from the Avi SE, set this knob to true. clusterName: "my-cluster" # A unique identifier for the kubernetes cluster, that helps distinguish the objects for this cluster in the avi controller. // MUST-EDIT cniPlugin: "" # Set the string if your CNI is calico or openshift. enum: calico|canal|flannel|openshift #NamespaceSelector contains label key and value used for namespacemigration #Same label has to be present on namespace/s which needs migration/sync to AKO namespaceSelector: labelKey: "" labelValue: "" ### This section outlines the network settings for virtualservices. NetworkSettings: ## This list of network and cidrs are used in pool placement network for vcenter cloud. ## Node Network details are not needed when in nodeport mode / static routes are disabled / non vcenter clouds. nodeNetworkList: [] # nodeNetworkList: # - networkName: "network-name" # cidrs: # - # - subnetIP: "" # Subnet IP of the vip network subnetPrefix: "" # Subnet Prefix of the vip network networkName: "" # Network Name of the vip network enableRHI: false # This is a cluster wide setting for BGP peering. ### This section outlines all the knobs used to control Layer 7 loadbalancing settings in AKO. L7Settings: defaultIngController: "true" l7ShardingScheme: "hostname" serviceType: ClusterIP #enum NodePort|ClusterIP shardVSSize: "LARGE" # Use this to control the layer 7 VS numbers. This applies to both secure/insecure VSes but does not apply for passthrough. ENUMs: LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL passthroughShardSize: "SMALL" # Control the passthrough virtualservice numbers using this ENUM. ENUMs: LARGE, MEDIUM, SMALL ### This section outlines all the knobs used to control Layer 4 loadbalancing settings in AKO. L4Settings: advancedL4: "false" # Use this knob to control the settings for the services API usage. Default to not using services APIs: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/service-apis defaultDomain: "" # If multiple sub-domains are configured in the cloud, use this knob to set the default sub-domain to use for L4 VSes. ### This section outlines settings on the Avi controller that affects AKO's functionality. ControllerSettings: serviceEngineGroupName: "Default-Group" # Name of the ServiceEngine Group. controllerVersion: "18.2.10" # The controller API version cloudName: "Default-Cloud" # The configured cloud name on the Avi controller. controllerHost: "" # IP address or Hostname of Avi Controller tenantsPerCluster: "false" # If set to true, AKO will map each kubernetes cluster uniquely to a tenant in Avi tenantName: "admin" # Name of the tenant where all the AKO objects will be created in AVI. // Required only if tenantsPerCluster is set to True nodePortSelector: # Only applicable if serviceType is NodePort key: "" value: "" resources: limits: cpu: 250m memory: 300Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 200Mi podSecurityContext: {} rbac: # Creates the pod security policy if set to true pspEnable: false avicredentials: username: password: certificateAuthorityData: # optional - used for controller identity verification service: type: ClusterIP port: 80 persistentVolumeClaim: "" mountPath: "/log" logFile: "avi.log"