# available tags: # # # Celsius/Fahrenheit/Kelvin # Celsius/Fahrenheit/Kelvin # Celsius/Fahrenheit/Kelvin # Celsius/Fahrenheit/Kelvin # Celsius/Fahrenheit/Kelvin # Millimeter/Inch # Percentage # Percentage # Percentage # Meter/Kilometer/Mile # Ms/Kmh/Mph # Hpa # Integer # Integer # H:M # H:M # default: ' °C' format = ' °C' # in seconds # if a negative interval is specified, wedder exits after printing the weather once interval = 300 [units] # available units: # Celsius # Fahrenheit # Kelvin # default: Celsius temperature = 'Celsius' # available units: # Ms # Kmh # Mph # default: Kmh wind_speed = 'Kmh' # available units: # Meter # Kilometer # Mile # default: Kilometer distance = 'Kilometer' # available units: # Millimeter # Inch # default: Millimeter precipitation = 'Millimeter' [weather] # available providers: # OpenWeatherMap # default: OpenWeatherMap provider = 'OpenWeatherMap' # enter your API key here api_key = '' [location] # available providers: # IpApi # Manual # default: IpApi provider = 'IpApi' # if you choose 'Manual' as provider, you can set your coordinates #lat = 51.509865 #lon = -0.118092 # install one of the patched fonts from Nerd Fonts to display the icons: # https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts#patched-fonts [icons] # the icons displayed here are also the defaults clear_sky = '' few_clouds = '' clouds = '' many_clouds = '' rain = '' heavy_rain = '' thunderstorm = '' snow = '' mist = ''