import os import mapwidget.cesium as mapwidget import panel as pn pn.extension("ipywidgets") try: token = os.environ["CESIUM_TOKEN"] except KeyError as ex: raise EnvironmentError( "CESIUM_TOKEN environment variable not set. " "Sign up for free and get a free Cesium token here" ) from ex cesium_map = mapwidget.Map( center=[40.70605, -74.01177], height="650px", altitude=600, token=token ) component = pn.panel(cesium_map, sizing_mode="stretch_width") description = """# MapWidget Custom Jupyter widgets for creating interactive 2D/3D maps using popular JavaScript libraries with bidirectional communication, such as `Cesium`, `Mapbox`, `MapLibre`, `Leaflet`, and `OpenLayers`. By **Qiusheng Wu** # Cesium Cesium is the open platform for software applications designed to unleash the power of 3D data. """ pn.template.FastListTemplate( site="Awesome Panel", site_url="", logo="", title="mapwidget.cesium", main=[component], sidebar=[description], ).servable()