--- title: Essay layout: about permalink: /essay.html # include CollectionBuilder info at bottom credits: true # Edit the markdown on in this file to describe your collection # Look in _includes/feature for options to easily add features to the page --- {% include feature/jumbotron.html objectid="https://cdil.lib.uidaho.edu/images/palouse_sm.jpg" %} {% include feature/nav-menu.html sections="About the Collection;About the About Page" %} ## About the Collection This site is generated using [CollectionBuilder-GH](https://collectionbuilding.github.io/gh/), a project to create a free and simple digital collection using [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/) from: - a CSV of collection metadata - a folder of JPG images or PDF documents The template repository features four objects from the University of Idaho Library's [Digital Collections](https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital). For full details of creating your own collection site, visit [CollectionBuilder Documentation](https://collectionbuilder.github.io/cb-docs/)!