#!/bin/bash # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # About create_studio.sh # Creates a new Amazon EMR Studio and its associated AWS resource stack # through the following actions: # - Prompts for AWS Region. # - Prompts for the new EMR Studio name. # - Provisions a Studio resource stack called emr-studio-dependencies # using the full_studio_dependencies.yml AWS CloudFormation template # located in the same repository. # - Creates an EMR Studio using the provisioned resources. # - Returns the details about the new Studio. # # Prerequisites # - The default Amazon EMR IAM roles, security groups, # and Amazon S3 logging bucket must already exist in the AWS Region # where you want to create the Studio. # Read AWS Region echo "Enter the code for the AWS Region in which you want to create the Studio. For example, us-east-1." read region # Read Studio name echo "Enter a descriptive name for the Studio. For example, my-first-emr-studio." read studio_name # Retrieve full_studio_dependencies.yml curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/emr-studio-samples/main/full_studio_dependencies.yml --output full_studio_dependencies.yml # Provision the Studio resource stack using AWS CloudFormation stack_name=emr-studio-dependencies aws cloudformation --region $region describe-stacks --stack-name $stack_name > /dev/null 2>&1 retVal=$? if [ $retVal -ne 0 ]; then echo "Creating the following CloudFormation stack to provision dependencies for the Studio: $stack_name. This takes a few minutes..." aws cloudformation --region $region \ create-stack --stack-name $stack_name \ --template-body 'file://full_studio_dependencies.yml' \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM else echo "There is an existing dependency Cloudformation stack: $stack_name. Resuming with that stack." fi # Check whether the resource stack has been created status="" while [ "$status" != "CREATE_COMPLETE" ] do status=$(aws cloudformation --region $region describe-stacks --stack-name $stack_name --query "Stacks[0].StackStatus" --output text) if [[ "$status" == "CREATE_COMPLETE" ]] then echo "Dependency Cloudfomaton stack has completed." break elif [[ "$status" != "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS" ]] then echo "Failed to create the Cloudformation stack. Fix the cause, delete the failed stack ($stack_name), and try again." exit 1 else echo "Waiting for CloudFormation to finish. Current status: $status" echo "Checking the status again in 10 seconds..." sleep 10 fi done # Return the resource stack details outputs=$(aws cloudformation --region $region describe-stacks --stack-name $stack_name --query "Stacks[0].Outputs" --output text) # Remove the default allow-all egress rule of engine security group engine_sg=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'EngineSecurityGroup' | tail -n1) aws ec2 --region $region revoke-security-group-egress --group-id $engine_sg --protocol all --port all --cidr > /dev/null 2>&1 # Create the Studio vpc=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'VPC' | tail -n1) private_subnet_1=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'PrivateSubnet1' | tail -n1) private_subnet_2=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'PrivateSubnet2' | tail -n1) service_role=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'EMRStudioServiceRoleArn' | tail -n1) user_role=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'EMRStudioUserRoleArn' | tail -n1) workspace_sg=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'WorkspaceSecurityGroup' | tail -n1) engine_sg=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'EngineSecurityGroup' | tail -n1) storage_bucket=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'EmrStudioStorageBucket' | tail -n1) echo "Creating a studio with $vpc, $private_subnet_1, $private_subnet_2, $service_role, $user_role, $workspace_sg, $engine_sg" echo "......" studio_outputs=$(aws emr create-studio --region $region \ --name $studio_name \ --auth-mode SSO \ --vpc-id $vpc \ --subnet-ids $private_subnet_1 $private_subnet_2 \ --service-role $service_role \ --user-role $user_role \ --workspace-security-group-id $workspace_sg \ --engine-security-group-id $engine_sg \ --default-s3-location s3://$storage_bucket \ --output text) studio_id=$(echo $studio_outputs | tr " " "\n" | head -n1) studio_url=$(echo $studio_outputs | tr " " "\n" | tail -n1) # Return additional information about managing the Studio echo "Successfully created an EMR Studio with this ID: $studio_id" echo "Users can log in to the Studio with this access URL: $studio_url" echo "To fetch details about the Studio, use:" printf "aws emr describe-studio --region $region --studio-id $studio_id" printf "\n" echo "To list all of the Studios in the specified Region, use:" printf "aws emr list-studios --region $region" printf "\n" echo "To delete the Studio, use:" echo "aws emr delete-studio --region $region --studio-id $studio_id" printf "\n" echo "Specify one of the following session policies when you assign a user or group to the Studio: " basic_policy=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'EMRStudioBasicUserPolicyArn' | tail -n1) intermediate_policy=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'EMRStudioIntermediateUserPolicyArn' | tail -n1) advanced_policy=$(echo $outputs | tr " " "\n" | grep -A 1 'EMRStudioAdvancedUserPolicyArn' | tail -n1) echo "------------------------------------------------------------" echo $basic_policy echo $intermediate_policy echo $advanced_policy ; echo "------------------------------------------------------------" printf "\n" echo "To assign a user to the Studio and attach a session policy, use:" echo "aws emr create-studio-session-mapping --region $region --studio-id $studio_id --identity-name johndoe@enterprise.com --identity-type USER --session-policy-arn $advanced_policy" printf "\n" echo "To assign a group (for example, data-org) to the Studio and attach a session policy, use:" echo "aws emr create-studio-session-mapping --region $region --studio-id $studio_id --identity-name data-org --identity-type GROUP --session-policy-arn $advanced_policy"