@prefix : .
@prefix mcperson: .
@prefix mcorg: .
@prefix mcrole: .
@prefix mcproduct: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix skos: .
# A quick and dirty ontology across seed and m2c
# M2C classes
:Appearance a owl:Class .
:Celebrity a owl:Class .
:Emotion a owl:Class .
:Entity a owl:Class .
:Label a owl:Class .
:Sentiment a owl:Class .
:Gender a owl:Class .
:VideoAnalysis a owl:Class .
# Seed classes
:Person a owl:Class .
:Organization a owl:Class .
:Role a owl:Class .
:Product a owl:Class .
:RoleType a owl:Class .
# common properties
:id a owl:DatatypeProperty .
:name a owl:DatatypeProperty .
:count a owl:DatatypeProperty .
:hasExternalURL a owl:ObjectProperty .
:hasWikidataRef a owl:ObjectProperty .
:hasGender a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range :Gender.
# M2C datatype properties
:filename a owl:DatatypeProperty .
:appearance a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Appearance .
:appearancePct a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Appearance .
:extractedKeyphrase a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :VideoAnalysis .
:observedText a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :VideoAnalysis .
:personCount a owl:DatatypeProperty .
:subtype a owl:DatatypeProperty .
:sentimentCount a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain :VideoAnalysis .
:sentimentCountMixed a owl:DatatypeProperty;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasSentiment .
:sentimentCountNeutral a owl:DatatypeProperty;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasSentiment .
:sentimentCountPositive a owl:DatatypeProperty;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasSentiment .
:sentimentCountNegative a owl:DatatypeProperty;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasSentiment .
# M2C object properties
:hasAppearanceSubject a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Appearance .
:hasAppearance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :VideoAnalysis ;
rdfs:range :Appearance .
:hasCelebAppearance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasAppearance .
:hasLabelAppearance a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf :hasAppearance .
:hasEmotion a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :VideoAnalysis .
:hasExtractedEntity a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :VideoAnalysis ;
rdfs:range :Entity .
# seed object properties
:hasRole a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range :Role .
:hasRoleType a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range :RoleType .
:hasRoleOrg a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range :Organization.
:producedBy a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Product.
mcperson:JonyIve a :Person ;
:name "Jony Ive";
skos:altLabel "Johnny Ive" ;
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:hasWikidataRef ;
:hasRole [ a :Role; :hasRoleType :VP_IndustrialDesign; :hasRoleOrg mcorg:Apple ] ;
mcperson:ElonMusk a :Person ;
:name "Elon Musk";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:hasWikidataRef ;
:hasRole [ a :Role; :hasRoleType :CEO; :hasRoleOrg mcorg:Tesla ] ;
mcperson:SteveJobs a :Person ;
:name "Steve Jobs";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:hasWikidataRef ;
:hasRole [ a :Role; :hasRoleType :CEO; :hasRoleOrg mcorg:Apple ] ;
mcperson:TimCook a :Person ;
:name "Tim Cook";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:hasWikidataRef ;
:hasRole [ a :Role; :hasRoleType :CEO; :hasRoleOrg mcorg:Apple ] ;
mcperson:JohnSculley a :Person ;
:name "John Sculley";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:hasWikidataRef ;
:hasRole [ a :Role; :hasRoleType :CEO; :hasRoleOrg mcorg:Apple ] ;
mcorg:Tesla a :Organization;
:name "Tesla";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
skos:altLabel "Tesla, Inc";
skos:altLabel "Tesla Motors";
:hasWikidataRef ;
mcorg:Apple a :Organization;
:name "Apple";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
skos:altLabel "Apple Computer";
:hasWikidataRef ;
mcproduct:TeslaRoadster a :Product;
:name "Tesla Roadster";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:producedBy mcorg:Tesla;
:hasWikidataRef ;
mcproduct:AppleNewton a :Product;
:name "Apple Newton";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:producedBy mcorg:Apple;
:hasWikidataRef ;
mcproduct:AppleTV a :Product;
:name "Apple TV";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:producedBy mcorg:Apple;
:hasWikidataRef ;
mcproduct:AppleWatch a :Product;
:name "Apple Watch";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:producedBy mcorg:Apple;
:hasWikidataRef ;
mcproduct:AppleIPAD a :Product;
:name "iPad";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:producedBy mcorg:Apple;
:hasWikidataRef ;
mcproduct:AppleIPOD a :Product;
:name "iPod";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:producedBy mcorg:Apple;
:hasWikidataRef ;
mcproduct:AppleIMAC a :Product;
:name "iMac";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:producedBy mcorg:Apple;
:hasWikidataRef ;
mcproduct:AppleMAC a :Product;
:name "Mac";
skos:altLabel "Mackintosh";
skos:altLabel "Apple Mackintosh";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:producedBy mcorg:Apple;
:hasWikidataRef ;
mcproduct:AppleIPHONE a :Product;
:name "iPhone";
:mypred "from my data sources on subject";
:producedBy mcorg:Apple;
:hasWikidataRef ;