{ "version": "2.0", "metadata": { "apiVersion": "2017-08-08", "endpointPrefix": "connect", "jsonVersion": "1.1", "protocol": "rest-json", "protocols": [ "rest-json" ], "serviceAbbreviation": "Amazon Connect", "serviceFullName": "Amazon Connect Service", "serviceId": "Connect", "signatureVersion": "v4", "signingName": "connect", "uid": "connect-2017-08-08", "auth": [ "aws.auth#sigv4" ] }, "operations": { "ActivateEvaluationForm": { "name": "ActivateEvaluationForm", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/evaluation-forms/{InstanceId}/{EvaluationFormId}/activate" }, "input": { "shape": "ActivateEvaluationFormRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ActivateEvaluationFormResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Activates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. After the evaluation form is activated, it is available to start new evaluations based on the form.

" }, "AssociateAnalyticsDataSet": { "name": "AssociateAnalyticsDataSet", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/analytics-data/instance/{InstanceId}/association" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "AssociateAnalyticsDataSetResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Associates the specified dataset for a Amazon Connect instance with the target account. You can associate only one dataset in a single call.

" }, "AssociateApprovedOrigin": { "name": "AssociateApprovedOrigin", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/approved-origin" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateApprovedOriginRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Associates an approved origin to an Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "AssociateBot": { "name": "AssociateBot", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/bot" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateBotRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bot.

" }, "AssociateDefaultVocabulary": { "name": "AssociateDefaultVocabulary", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/default-vocabulary/{InstanceId}/{LanguageCode}" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateDefaultVocabularyRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "AssociateDefaultVocabularyResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Associates an existing vocabulary as the default. Contact Lens for Amazon Connect uses the vocabulary in post-call and real-time analysis sessions for the given language.

" }, "AssociateFlow": { "name": "AssociateFlow", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/flow-associations/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateFlowRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "AssociateFlowResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Associates a connect resource to a flow.

" }, "AssociateInstanceStorageConfig": { "name": "AssociateInstanceStorageConfig", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/storage-config" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "AssociateInstanceStorageConfigResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Associates a storage resource type for the first time. You can only associate one type of storage configuration in a single call. This means, for example, that you can't define an instance with multiple S3 buckets for storing chat transcripts.

This API does not create a resource that doesn't exist. It only associates it to the instance. Ensure that the resource being specified in the storage configuration, like an S3 bucket, exists when being used for association.

" }, "AssociateLambdaFunction": { "name": "AssociateLambdaFunction", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/lambda-function" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateLambdaFunctionRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Lambda function.

" }, "AssociateLexBot": { "name": "AssociateLexBot", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/lex-bot" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateLexBotRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Amazon Lex V1 bot. This API only supports the association of Amazon Lex V1 bots.

" }, "AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlow": { "name": "AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlow", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/phone-number/{PhoneNumberId}/contact-flow" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Associates a flow with a phone number claimed to your Amazon Connect instance.

If the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group, and you are calling this API using an instance in the Amazon Web Services Region where the traffic distribution group was created, you can use either a full phone number ARN or UUID value for the PhoneNumberId URI request parameter. However, if the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group and you are calling this API using an instance in the alternate Amazon Web Services Region associated with the traffic distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If a UUID is provided in this scenario, you will receive a ResourceNotFoundException.

" }, "AssociateQueueQuickConnects": { "name": "AssociateQueueQuickConnects", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/queues/{InstanceId}/{QueueId}/associate-quick-connects" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Associates a set of quick connects with a queue.

" }, "AssociateRoutingProfileQueues": { "name": "AssociateRoutingProfileQueues", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles/{InstanceId}/{RoutingProfileId}/associate-queues" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Associates a set of queues with a routing profile.

" }, "AssociateSecurityKey": { "name": "AssociateSecurityKey", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/security-key" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateSecurityKeyRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "AssociateSecurityKeyResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Associates a security key to the instance.

" }, "AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUser": { "name": "AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUser", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/traffic-distribution-group/{TrafficDistributionGroupId}/user" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Associates an agent with a traffic distribution group.

", "idempotent": true }, "AssociateUserProficiencies": { "name": "AssociateUserProficiencies", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}/associate-proficiencies" }, "input": { "shape": "AssociateUserProficienciesRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

>Associates a set of proficiencies with a user.

" }, "BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSet": { "name": "BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSet", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/analytics-data/instance/{InstanceId}/associations" }, "input": { "shape": "BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Associates a list of analytics datasets for a given Amazon Connect instance to a target account. You can associate multiple datasets in a single call.

" }, "BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSet": { "name": "BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSet", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/analytics-data/instance/{InstanceId}/associations" }, "input": { "shape": "BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Removes a list of analytics datasets associated with a given Amazon Connect instance. You can disassociate multiple datasets in a single call.

" }, "BatchGetAttachedFileMetadata": { "name": "BatchGetAttachedFileMetadata", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/attached-files/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "BatchGetAttachedFileMetadataRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "BatchGetAttachedFileMetadataResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Allows you to retrieve metadata about multiple attached files on an associated resource. Each attached file provided in the input list must be associated with the input AssociatedResourceArn.

" }, "BatchGetFlowAssociation": { "name": "BatchGetFlowAssociation", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/flow-associations-batch/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "BatchGetFlowAssociationRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "BatchGetFlowAssociationResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Retrieve the flow associations for the given resources.

" }, "BatchPutContact": { "name": "BatchPutContact", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/contact/batch/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "BatchPutContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "BatchPutContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "IdempotencyException" } ], "documentation": "

Only the Amazon Connect outbound campaigns service principal is allowed to assume a role in your account and call this API.

Allows you to create a batch of contacts in Amazon Connect. The outbound campaigns capability ingests dial requests via the PutDialRequestBatch API. It then uses BatchPutContact to create contacts corresponding to those dial requests. If agents are available, the dial requests are dialed out, which results in a voice call. The resulting voice call uses the same contactId that was created by BatchPutContact.

", "idempotent": true }, "ClaimPhoneNumber": { "name": "ClaimPhoneNumber", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/phone-number/claim" }, "input": { "shape": "ClaimPhoneNumberRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ClaimPhoneNumberResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "IdempotencyException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Claims an available phone number to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group. You can call this API only in the same Amazon Web Services Region where the Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group was created.

For more information about how to use this operation, see Claim a phone number in your country and Claim phone numbers to traffic distribution groups in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

You can call the SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers API for available phone numbers that you can claim. Call the DescribePhoneNumber API to verify the status of a previous ClaimPhoneNumber operation.

If you plan to claim and release numbers frequently, contact us for a service quota exception. Otherwise, it is possible you will be blocked from claiming and releasing any more numbers until up to 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.

By default you can claim and release up to 200% of your maximum number of active phone numbers. If you claim and release phone numbers using the UI or API during a rolling 180 day cycle that exceeds 200% of your phone number service level quota, you will be blocked from claiming any more numbers until 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.

For example, if you already have 99 claimed numbers and a service level quota of 99 phone numbers, and in any 180 day period you release 99, claim 99, and then release 99, you will have exceeded the 200% limit. At that point you are blocked from claiming any more numbers until you open an Amazon Web Services support ticket.

" }, "CompleteAttachedFileUpload": { "name": "CompleteAttachedFileUpload", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/attached-files/{InstanceId}/{FileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CompleteAttachedFileUploadRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CompleteAttachedFileUploadResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Allows you to confirm that the attached file has been uploaded using the pre-signed URL provided in the StartAttachedFileUpload API.

" }, "CreateAgentStatus": { "name": "CreateAgentStatus", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/agent-status/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateAgentStatusRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateAgentStatusResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Creates an agent status for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "CreateContactFlow": { "name": "CreateContactFlow", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/contact-flows/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateContactFlowRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateContactFlowResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidContactFlowException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a flow for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.

" }, "CreateContactFlowModule": { "name": "CreateContactFlowModule", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/contact-flow-modules/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateContactFlowModuleRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateContactFlowModuleResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidContactFlowModuleException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "IdempotencyException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a flow module for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "CreateEvaluationForm": { "name": "CreateEvaluationForm", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/evaluation-forms/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateEvaluationFormRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateEvaluationFormResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. The form can be used to define questions related to agent performance, and create sections to organize such questions. Question and section identifiers cannot be duplicated within the same evaluation form.

", "idempotent": true }, "CreateHoursOfOperation": { "name": "CreateHoursOfOperation", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/hours-of-operations/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateHoursOfOperationRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateHoursOfOperationResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Creates hours of operation.

" }, "CreateInstance": { "name": "CreateInstance", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/instance" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateInstanceRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateInstanceResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Initiates an Amazon Connect instance with all the supported channels enabled. It does not attach any storage, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or Amazon Kinesis. It also does not allow for any configurations on features, such as Contact Lens for Amazon Connect.

For more information, see Create an Amazon Connect instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

Amazon Connect enforces a limit on the total number of instances that you can create or delete in 30 days. If you exceed this limit, you will get an error message indicating there has been an excessive number of attempts at creating or deleting instances. You must wait 30 days before you can restart creating and deleting instances in your account.

" }, "CreateIntegrationAssociation": { "name": "CreateIntegrationAssociation", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/integration-associations" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateIntegrationAssociationRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateIntegrationAssociationResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates an Amazon Web Services resource association with an Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "CreateParticipant": { "name": "CreateParticipant", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/create-participant" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateParticipantRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateParticipantResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Adds a new participant into an on-going chat contact. For more information, see Customize chat flow experiences by integrating custom participants.

" }, "CreatePersistentContactAssociation": { "name": "CreatePersistentContactAssociation", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/persistent-contact-association/{InstanceId}/{InitialContactId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreatePersistentContactAssociationRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreatePersistentContactAssociationResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Enables rehydration of chats for the lifespan of a contact. For more information about chat rehydration, see Enable persistent chat in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "CreatePredefinedAttribute": { "name": "CreatePredefinedAttribute", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/predefined-attributes/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreatePredefinedAttributeRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a new predefined attribute for the specified Amazon Connect instance. Predefined attributes are attributes in an Amazon Connect instance that can be used to route contacts to an agent or pools of agents within a queue. For more information, see Create predefined attributes for routing contacts to agents.

" }, "CreatePrompt": { "name": "CreatePrompt", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/prompts/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreatePromptRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreatePromptResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a prompt. For more information about prompts, such as supported file types and maximum length, see Create prompts in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "CreateQueue": { "name": "CreateQueue", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/queues/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateQueueRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateQueueResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Creates a new queue for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "CreateQuickConnect": { "name": "CreateQuickConnect", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/quick-connects/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateQuickConnectRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateQuickConnectResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a quick connect for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "CreateRoutingProfile": { "name": "CreateRoutingProfile", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateRoutingProfileRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateRoutingProfileResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a new routing profile.

" }, "CreateRule": { "name": "CreateRule", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/rules/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateRuleRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateRuleResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

Use the Rules Function language to code conditions for the rule.

" }, "CreateSecurityProfile": { "name": "CreateSecurityProfile", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/security-profiles/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateSecurityProfileRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateSecurityProfileResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a security profile.

For information about security profiles, see Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide. For a mapping of the API name and user interface name of the security profile permissions, see List of security profile permissions.

" }, "CreateTaskTemplate": { "name": "CreateTaskTemplate", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/task/template" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateTaskTemplateRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateTaskTemplateResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "PropertyValidationException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a new task template in the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "CreateTrafficDistributionGroup": { "name": "CreateTrafficDistributionGroup", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/traffic-distribution-group" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateTrafficDistributionGroupRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotReadyException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a traffic distribution group given an Amazon Connect instance that has been replicated.

The SignInConfig distribution is available only on a default TrafficDistributionGroup (see the IsDefault parameter in the TrafficDistributionGroup data type). If you call UpdateTrafficDistribution with a modified SignInConfig and a non-default TrafficDistributionGroup, an InvalidRequestException is returned.

For more information about creating traffic distribution groups, see Set up traffic distribution groups in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "CreateUseCase": { "name": "CreateUseCase", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/integration-associations/{IntegrationAssociationId}/use-cases" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateUseCaseRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateUseCaseResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a use case for an integration association.

" }, "CreateUser": { "name": "CreateUser", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateUserRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateUserResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a user account for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

Certain UserIdentityInfo parameters are required in some situations. For example, Email is required if you are using SAML for identity management. FirstName and LastName are required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML for identity management.

For information about how to create users using the Amazon Connect admin website, see Add Users in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "CreateUserHierarchyGroup": { "name": "CreateUserHierarchyGroup", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/user-hierarchy-groups/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateUserHierarchyGroupRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateUserHierarchyGroupResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a new user hierarchy group.

" }, "CreateView": { "name": "CreateView", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/views/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateViewRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateViewResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "TooManyRequestsException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a new view with the possible status of SAVED or PUBLISHED.

The views will have a unique name for each connect instance.

It performs basic content validation if the status is SAVED or full content validation if the status is set to PUBLISHED. An error is returned if validation fails. It associates either the $SAVED qualifier or both of the $SAVED and $LATEST qualifiers with the provided view content based on the status. The view is idempotent if ClientToken is provided.

", "idempotent": true }, "CreateViewVersion": { "name": "CreateViewVersion", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/views/{InstanceId}/{ViewId}/versions" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateViewVersionRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateViewVersionResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "TooManyRequestsException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" } ], "documentation": "

Publishes a new version of the view identifier.

Versions are immutable and monotonically increasing.

It returns the highest version if there is no change in content compared to that version. An error is displayed if the supplied ViewContentSha256 is different from the ViewContentSha256 of the $LATEST alias.

", "idempotent": true }, "CreateVocabulary": { "name": "CreateVocabulary", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/vocabulary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "CreateVocabularyRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "CreateVocabularyResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates a custom vocabulary associated with your Amazon Connect instance. You can set a custom vocabulary to be your default vocabulary for a given language. Contact Lens for Amazon Connect uses the default vocabulary in post-call and real-time contact analysis sessions for that language.

" }, "DeactivateEvaluationForm": { "name": "DeactivateEvaluationForm", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/evaluation-forms/{InstanceId}/{EvaluationFormId}/deactivate" }, "input": { "shape": "DeactivateEvaluationFormRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DeactivateEvaluationFormResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Deactivates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. After a form is deactivated, it is no longer available for users to start new evaluations based on the form.

" }, "DeleteAttachedFile": { "name": "DeleteAttachedFile", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/attached-files/{InstanceId}/{FileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteAttachedFileRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DeleteAttachedFileResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes an attached file along with the underlying S3 Object.

The attached file is permanently deleted if S3 bucket versioning is not enabled.

" }, "DeleteContactEvaluation": { "name": "DeleteContactEvaluation", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/contact-evaluations/{InstanceId}/{EvaluationId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteContactEvaluationRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance.

", "idempotent": true }, "DeleteContactFlow": { "name": "DeleteContactFlow", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/contact-flows/{InstanceId}/{ContactFlowId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteContactFlowRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DeleteContactFlowResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a flow for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "DeleteContactFlowModule": { "name": "DeleteContactFlowModule", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/contact-flow-modules/{InstanceId}/{ContactFlowModuleId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteContactFlowModuleRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DeleteContactFlowModuleResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes the specified flow module.

" }, "DeleteEvaluationForm": { "name": "DeleteEvaluationForm", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/evaluation-forms/{InstanceId}/{EvaluationFormId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteEvaluationFormRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance.

", "idempotent": true }, "DeleteHoursOfOperation": { "name": "DeleteHoursOfOperation", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/hours-of-operations/{InstanceId}/{HoursOfOperationId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteHoursOfOperationRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Deletes an hours of operation.

" }, "DeleteInstance": { "name": "DeleteInstance", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteInstanceRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Deletes the Amazon Connect instance. For more information, see Delete your Amazon Connect instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

Amazon Connect enforces a limit on the total number of instances that you can create or delete in 30 days. If you exceed this limit, you will get an error message indicating there has been an excessive number of attempts at creating or deleting instances. You must wait 30 days before you can restart creating and deleting instances in your account.

" }, "DeleteIntegrationAssociation": { "name": "DeleteIntegrationAssociation", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/integration-associations/{IntegrationAssociationId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteIntegrationAssociationRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes an Amazon Web Services resource association from an Amazon Connect instance. The association must not have any use cases associated with it.

" }, "DeletePredefinedAttribute": { "name": "DeletePredefinedAttribute", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/predefined-attributes/{InstanceId}/{Name}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeletePredefinedAttributeRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a predefined attribute from the specified Amazon Connect instance.

", "idempotent": true }, "DeletePrompt": { "name": "DeletePrompt", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/prompts/{InstanceId}/{PromptId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeletePromptRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a prompt.

" }, "DeleteQueue": { "name": "DeleteQueue", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/queues/{InstanceId}/{QueueId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteQueueRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a queue. It isn't possible to delete a queue by using the Amazon Connect admin website.

" }, "DeleteQuickConnect": { "name": "DeleteQuickConnect", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/quick-connects/{InstanceId}/{QuickConnectId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteQuickConnectRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a quick connect.

After calling DeleteUser, it's important to call DeleteQuickConnect to delete any records related to the deleted users. This will help you:

" }, "DeleteRoutingProfile": { "name": "DeleteRoutingProfile", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles/{InstanceId}/{RoutingProfileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteRoutingProfileRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a routing profile.

" }, "DeleteRule": { "name": "DeleteRule", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/rules/{InstanceId}/{RuleId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteRuleRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "DeleteSecurityProfile": { "name": "DeleteSecurityProfile", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/security-profiles/{InstanceId}/{SecurityProfileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteSecurityProfileRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a security profile.

" }, "DeleteTaskTemplate": { "name": "DeleteTaskTemplate", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/task/template/{TaskTemplateId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteTaskTemplateRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DeleteTaskTemplateResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes the task template.

" }, "DeleteTrafficDistributionGroup": { "name": "DeleteTrafficDistributionGroup", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/traffic-distribution-group/{TrafficDistributionGroupId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteTrafficDistributionGroupRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DeleteTrafficDistributionGroupResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a traffic distribution group. This API can be called only in the Region where the traffic distribution group is created.

For more information about deleting traffic distribution groups, see Delete traffic distribution groups in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "DeleteUseCase": { "name": "DeleteUseCase", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/integration-associations/{IntegrationAssociationId}/use-cases/{UseCaseId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteUseCaseRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a use case from an integration association.

" }, "DeleteUser": { "name": "DeleteUser", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteUserRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes a user account from the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For information about what happens to a user's data when their account is deleted, see Delete Users from Your Amazon Connect Instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

After calling DeleteUser, call DeleteQuickConnect to delete any records related to the deleted users. This will help you:

" }, "DeleteUserHierarchyGroup": { "name": "DeleteUserHierarchyGroup", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/user-hierarchy-groups/{InstanceId}/{HierarchyGroupId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteUserHierarchyGroupRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes an existing user hierarchy group. It must not be associated with any agents or have any active child groups.

" }, "DeleteView": { "name": "DeleteView", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/views/{InstanceId}/{ViewId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteViewRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DeleteViewResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "TooManyRequestsException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes the view entirely. It deletes the view and all associated qualifiers (versions and aliases).

" }, "DeleteViewVersion": { "name": "DeleteViewVersion", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/views/{InstanceId}/{ViewId}/versions/{ViewVersion}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteViewVersionRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DeleteViewVersionResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "TooManyRequestsException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes the particular version specified in ViewVersion identifier.

" }, "DeleteVocabulary": { "name": "DeleteVocabulary", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/vocabulary-remove/{InstanceId}/{VocabularyId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DeleteVocabularyRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DeleteVocabularyResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" } ], "documentation": "

Deletes the vocabulary that has the given identifier.

" }, "DescribeAgentStatus": { "name": "DescribeAgentStatus", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/agent-status/{InstanceId}/{AgentStatusId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeAgentStatusRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeAgentStatusResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Describes an agent status.

" }, "DescribeAuthenticationProfile": { "name": "DescribeAuthenticationProfile", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/authentication-profiles/{InstanceId}/{AuthenticationProfileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeAuthenticationProfileRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeAuthenticationProfileResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. To request access to this API, contact Amazon Web Services Support.

Describes the target authentication profile.

" }, "DescribeContact": { "name": "DescribeContact", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/contacts/{InstanceId}/{ContactId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Describes the specified contact.

Contact information remains available in Amazon Connect for 24 months, and then it is deleted.

Only data from November 12, 2021, and later is returned by this API.

" }, "DescribeContactEvaluation": { "name": "DescribeContactEvaluation", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/contact-evaluations/{InstanceId}/{EvaluationId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeContactEvaluationRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeContactEvaluationResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "DescribeContactFlow": { "name": "DescribeContactFlow", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/contact-flows/{InstanceId}/{ContactFlowId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeContactFlowRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeContactFlowResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ContactFlowNotPublishedException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes the specified flow.

You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.

Use the $SAVED alias in the request to describe the SAVED content of a Flow. For example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.

In the response, Status indicates the flow status as either SAVED or PUBLISHED. The PUBLISHED status will initiate validation on the content. SAVED does not initiate validation of the content. SAVED | PUBLISHED

" }, "DescribeContactFlowModule": { "name": "DescribeContactFlowModule", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/contact-flow-modules/{InstanceId}/{ContactFlowModuleId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeContactFlowModuleRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeContactFlowModuleResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes the specified flow module.

Use the $SAVED alias in the request to describe the SAVED content of a Flow. For example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.

" }, "DescribeEvaluationForm": { "name": "DescribeEvaluationForm", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/evaluation-forms/{InstanceId}/{EvaluationFormId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeEvaluationFormRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeEvaluationFormResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. If the version property is not provided, the latest version of the evaluation form is described.

" }, "DescribeHoursOfOperation": { "name": "DescribeHoursOfOperation", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/hours-of-operations/{InstanceId}/{HoursOfOperationId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeHoursOfOperationRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeHoursOfOperationResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Describes the hours of operation.

" }, "DescribeInstance": { "name": "DescribeInstance", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeInstanceRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeInstanceResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns the current state of the specified instance identifier. It tracks the instance while it is being created and returns an error status, if applicable.

If an instance is not created successfully, the instance status reason field returns details relevant to the reason. The instance in a failed state is returned only for 24 hours after the CreateInstance API was invoked.

" }, "DescribeInstanceAttribute": { "name": "DescribeInstanceAttribute", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/attribute/{AttributeType}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeInstanceAttributeRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Describes the specified instance attribute.

" }, "DescribeInstanceStorageConfig": { "name": "DescribeInstanceStorageConfig", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/storage-config/{AssociationId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeInstanceStorageConfigRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeInstanceStorageConfigResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Retrieves the current storage configurations for the specified resource type, association ID, and instance ID.

" }, "DescribePhoneNumber": { "name": "DescribePhoneNumber", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/phone-number/{PhoneNumberId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribePhoneNumberRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribePhoneNumberResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Gets details and status of a phone number that’s claimed to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group.

If the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group, and you are calling in the Amazon Web Services Region where the traffic distribution group was created, you can use either a phone number ARN or UUID value for the PhoneNumberId URI request parameter. However, if the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group and you are calling this API in the alternate Amazon Web Services Region associated with the traffic distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If a UUID is provided in this scenario, you will receive a ResourceNotFoundException.

" }, "DescribePredefinedAttribute": { "name": "DescribePredefinedAttribute", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/predefined-attributes/{InstanceId}/{Name}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribePredefinedAttributeRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribePredefinedAttributeResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes a predefined attribute for the specified Amazon Connect instance. Predefined attributes are attributes in an Amazon Connect instance that can be used to route contacts to an agent or pools of agents within a queue. For more information, see Create predefined attributes for routing contacts to agents.

" }, "DescribePrompt": { "name": "DescribePrompt", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/prompts/{InstanceId}/{PromptId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribePromptRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribePromptResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes the prompt.

" }, "DescribeQueue": { "name": "DescribeQueue", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/queues/{InstanceId}/{QueueId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeQueueRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeQueueResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Describes the specified queue.

" }, "DescribeQuickConnect": { "name": "DescribeQuickConnect", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/quick-connects/{InstanceId}/{QuickConnectId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeQuickConnectRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeQuickConnectResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes the quick connect.

" }, "DescribeRoutingProfile": { "name": "DescribeRoutingProfile", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles/{InstanceId}/{RoutingProfileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeRoutingProfileRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeRoutingProfileResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes the specified routing profile.

" }, "DescribeRule": { "name": "DescribeRule", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/rules/{InstanceId}/{RuleId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeRuleRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeRuleResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "DescribeSecurityProfile": { "name": "DescribeSecurityProfile", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/security-profiles/{InstanceId}/{SecurityProfileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeSecurityProfileRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeSecurityProfileResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Gets basic information about the security profile.

For information about security profiles, see Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide. For a mapping of the API name and user interface name of the security profile permissions, see List of security profile permissions.

" }, "DescribeTrafficDistributionGroup": { "name": "DescribeTrafficDistributionGroup", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/traffic-distribution-group/{TrafficDistributionGroupId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Gets details and status of a traffic distribution group.

" }, "DescribeUser": { "name": "DescribeUser", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeUserRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeUserResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes the specified user. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Connect console (it’s the final part of the ARN). The console does not display the user IDs. Instead, list the users and note the IDs provided in the output.

" }, "DescribeUserHierarchyGroup": { "name": "DescribeUserHierarchyGroup", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/user-hierarchy-groups/{InstanceId}/{HierarchyGroupId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeUserHierarchyGroupRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeUserHierarchyGroupResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes the specified hierarchy group.

" }, "DescribeUserHierarchyStructure": { "name": "DescribeUserHierarchyStructure", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/user-hierarchy-structure/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeUserHierarchyStructureRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeUserHierarchyStructureResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes the hierarchy structure of the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "DescribeView": { "name": "DescribeView", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/views/{InstanceId}/{ViewId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeViewRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeViewResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "TooManyRequestsException" } ], "documentation": "

Retrieves the view for the specified Amazon Connect instance and view identifier.

The view identifier can be supplied as a ViewId or ARN.

$SAVED needs to be supplied if a view is unpublished.

The view identifier can contain an optional qualifier, for example, <view-id>:$SAVED, which is either an actual version number or an Amazon Connect managed qualifier $SAVED | $LATEST. If it is not supplied, then $LATEST is assumed for customer managed views and an error is returned if there is no published content available. Version 1 is assumed for Amazon Web Services managed views.

" }, "DescribeVocabulary": { "name": "DescribeVocabulary", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/vocabulary/{InstanceId}/{VocabularyId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DescribeVocabularyRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DescribeVocabularyResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Describes the specified vocabulary.

" }, "DisassociateAnalyticsDataSet": { "name": "DisassociateAnalyticsDataSet", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/analytics-data/instance/{InstanceId}/association" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Removes the dataset ID associated with a given Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "DisassociateApprovedOrigin": { "name": "DisassociateApprovedOrigin", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/approved-origin" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateApprovedOriginRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Revokes access to integrated applications from Amazon Connect.

" }, "DisassociateBot": { "name": "DisassociateBot", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/bot" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateBotRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Revokes authorization from the specified instance to access the specified Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bot.

" }, "DisassociateFlow": { "name": "DisassociateFlow", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/flow-associations/{InstanceId}/{ResourceId}/{ResourceType}" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateFlowRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DisassociateFlowResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Disassociates a connect resource from a flow.

" }, "DisassociateInstanceStorageConfig": { "name": "DisassociateInstanceStorageConfig", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/storage-config/{AssociationId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Removes the storage type configurations for the specified resource type and association ID.

" }, "DisassociateLambdaFunction": { "name": "DisassociateLambdaFunction", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/lambda-function" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateLambdaFunctionRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Remove the Lambda function from the dropdown options available in the relevant flow blocks.

" }, "DisassociateLexBot": { "name": "DisassociateLexBot", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/lex-bot" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateLexBotRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Revokes authorization from the specified instance to access the specified Amazon Lex bot.

" }, "DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlow": { "name": "DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlow", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/phone-number/{PhoneNumberId}/contact-flow" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Removes the flow association from a phone number claimed to your Amazon Connect instance.

If the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group, and you are calling this API using an instance in the Amazon Web Services Region where the traffic distribution group was created, you can use either a full phone number ARN or UUID value for the PhoneNumberId URI request parameter. However, if the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group and you are calling this API using an instance in the alternate Amazon Web Services Region associated with the traffic distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If a UUID is provided in this scenario, you will receive a ResourceNotFoundException.

" }, "DisassociateQueueQuickConnects": { "name": "DisassociateQueueQuickConnects", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/queues/{InstanceId}/{QueueId}/disassociate-quick-connects" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Disassociates a set of quick connects from a queue.

" }, "DisassociateRoutingProfileQueues": { "name": "DisassociateRoutingProfileQueues", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles/{InstanceId}/{RoutingProfileId}/disassociate-queues" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Disassociates a set of queues from a routing profile.

" }, "DisassociateSecurityKey": { "name": "DisassociateSecurityKey", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/security-key/{AssociationId}" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateSecurityKeyRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Deletes the specified security key.

" }, "DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUser": { "name": "DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUser", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/traffic-distribution-group/{TrafficDistributionGroupId}/user" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Disassociates an agent from a traffic distribution group.

", "idempotent": true }, "DisassociateUserProficiencies": { "name": "DisassociateUserProficiencies", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}/disassociate-proficiencies" }, "input": { "shape": "DisassociateUserProficienciesRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Disassociates a set of proficiencies from a user.

" }, "DismissUserContact": { "name": "DismissUserContact", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}/contact" }, "input": { "shape": "DismissUserContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "DismissUserContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Dismisses contacts from an agent’s CCP and returns the agent to an available state, which allows the agent to receive a new routed contact. Contacts can only be dismissed if they are in a MISSED, ERROR, ENDED, or REJECTED state in the Agent Event Stream.

" }, "GetAttachedFile": { "name": "GetAttachedFile", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/attached-files/{InstanceId}/{FileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "GetAttachedFileRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "GetAttachedFileResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides a pre-signed URL for download of an approved attached file. This API also returns metadata about the attached file. It will only return a downloadURL if the status of the attached file is APPROVED.

" }, "GetContactAttributes": { "name": "GetContactAttributes", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/contact/attributes/{InstanceId}/{InitialContactId}" }, "input": { "shape": "GetContactAttributesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "GetContactAttributesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Retrieves the contact attributes for the specified contact.

" }, "GetCurrentMetricData": { "name": "GetCurrentMetricData", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/metrics/current/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "GetCurrentMetricDataRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "GetCurrentMetricDataResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" } ], "documentation": "

Gets the real-time metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For a description of each metric, see Real-time Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "GetCurrentUserData": { "name": "GetCurrentUserData", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/metrics/userdata/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "GetCurrentUserDataRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "GetCurrentUserDataResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" } ], "documentation": "

Gets the real-time active user data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "GetFederationToken": { "name": "GetFederationToken", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/user/federate/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "GetFederationTokenRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "GetFederationTokenResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "UserNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" } ], "documentation": "

Supports SAML sign-in for Amazon Connect. Retrieves a token for federation. The token is for the Amazon Connect user which corresponds to the IAM credentials that were used to invoke this action.

For more information about how SAML sign-in works in Amazon Connect, see Configure SAML with IAM for Amazon Connect in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

This API doesn't support root users. If you try to invoke GetFederationToken with root credentials, an error message similar to the following one appears:

Provided identity: Principal: .... User: .... cannot be used for federation with Amazon Connect

" }, "GetFlowAssociation": { "name": "GetFlowAssociation", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/flow-associations/{InstanceId}/{ResourceId}/{ResourceType}" }, "input": { "shape": "GetFlowAssociationRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "GetFlowAssociationResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Retrieves the flow associated for a given resource.

" }, "GetMetricData": { "name": "GetMetricData", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/metrics/historical/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "GetMetricDataRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "GetMetricDataResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" } ], "documentation": "

Gets historical metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For a description of each historical metric, see Historical Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

We recommend using the GetMetricDataV2 API. It provides more flexibility, features, and the ability to query longer time ranges than GetMetricData. Use it to retrieve historical agent and contact metrics for the last 3 months, at varying intervals. You can also use it to build custom dashboards to measure historical queue and agent performance. For example, you can track the number of incoming contacts for the last 7 days, with data split by day, to see how contact volume changed per day of the week.

" }, "GetMetricDataV2": { "name": "GetMetricDataV2", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/metrics/data" }, "input": { "shape": "GetMetricDataV2Request" }, "output": { "shape": "GetMetricDataV2Response" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" } ], "documentation": "

Gets metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.

GetMetricDataV2 offers more features than GetMetricData, the previous version of this API. It has new metrics, offers filtering at a metric level, and offers the ability to filter and group data by channels, queues, routing profiles, agents, and agent hierarchy levels. It can retrieve historical data for the last 3 months, at varying intervals.

For a description of the historical metrics that are supported by GetMetricDataV2 and GetMetricData, see Historical metrics definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "GetPromptFile": { "name": "GetPromptFile", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/prompts/{InstanceId}/{PromptId}/file" }, "input": { "shape": "GetPromptFileRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "GetPromptFileResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Gets the prompt file.

" }, "GetTaskTemplate": { "name": "GetTaskTemplate", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/task/template/{TaskTemplateId}" }, "input": { "shape": "GetTaskTemplateRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "GetTaskTemplateResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Gets details about a specific task template in the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "GetTrafficDistribution": { "name": "GetTrafficDistribution", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/traffic-distribution/{Id}" }, "input": { "shape": "GetTrafficDistributionRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "GetTrafficDistributionResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Retrieves the current traffic distribution for a given traffic distribution group.

" }, "ImportPhoneNumber": { "name": "ImportPhoneNumber", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/phone-number/import" }, "input": { "shape": "ImportPhoneNumberRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ImportPhoneNumberResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "IdempotencyException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Imports a claimed phone number from an external service, such as Amazon Pinpoint, into an Amazon Connect instance. You can call this API only in the same Amazon Web Services Region where the Amazon Connect instance was created.

Call the DescribePhoneNumber API to verify the status of a previous ImportPhoneNumber operation.

If you plan to claim or import numbers and then release numbers frequently, contact us for a service quota exception. Otherwise, it is possible you will be blocked from claiming and releasing any more numbers until up to 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.

By default you can claim or import and then release up to 200% of your maximum number of active phone numbers. If you claim or import and then release phone numbers using the UI or API during a rolling 180 day cycle that exceeds 200% of your phone number service level quota, you will be blocked from claiming or importing any more numbers until 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.

For example, if you already have 99 claimed or imported numbers and a service level quota of 99 phone numbers, and in any 180 day period you release 99, claim 99, and then release 99, you will have exceeded the 200% limit. At that point you are blocked from claiming any more numbers until you open an Amazon Web Services Support ticket.

" }, "ListAgentStatuses": { "name": "ListAgentStatuses", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/agent-status/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListAgentStatusRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListAgentStatusResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Lists agent statuses.

" }, "ListAnalyticsDataAssociations": { "name": "ListAnalyticsDataAssociations", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/analytics-data/instance/{InstanceId}/association" }, "input": { "shape": "ListAnalyticsDataAssociationsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListAnalyticsDataAssociationsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Lists the association status of requested dataset ID for a given Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListApprovedOrigins": { "name": "ListApprovedOrigins", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/approved-origins" }, "input": { "shape": "ListApprovedOriginsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListApprovedOriginsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of all approved origins associated with the instance.

" }, "ListAuthenticationProfiles": { "name": "ListAuthenticationProfiles", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/authentication-profiles-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListAuthenticationProfilesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListAuthenticationProfilesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. To request access to this API, contact Amazon Web Services Support.

Provides summary information about the authentication profiles in a specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListBots": { "name": "ListBots", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/bots" }, "input": { "shape": "ListBotsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListBotsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

For the specified version of Amazon Lex, returns a paginated list of all the Amazon Lex bots currently associated with the instance. Use this API to returns both Amazon Lex V1 and V2 bots.

" }, "ListContactEvaluations": { "name": "ListContactEvaluations", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/contact-evaluations/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListContactEvaluationsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListContactEvaluationsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists contact evaluations in the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListContactFlowModules": { "name": "ListContactFlowModules", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/contact-flow-modules-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListContactFlowModulesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListContactFlowModulesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides information about the flow modules for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListContactFlows": { "name": "ListContactFlows", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/contact-flows-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListContactFlowsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListContactFlowsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides information about the flows for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.

For more information about flows, see Flows in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ListContactReferences": { "name": "ListContactReferences", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/contact/references/{InstanceId}/{ContactId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListContactReferencesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListContactReferencesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

For the specified referenceTypes, returns a list of references associated with the contact. References are links to documents that are related to a contact, such as emails, attachments, or URLs.

" }, "ListDefaultVocabularies": { "name": "ListDefaultVocabularies", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/default-vocabulary-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListDefaultVocabulariesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListDefaultVocabulariesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists the default vocabularies for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListEvaluationFormVersions": { "name": "ListEvaluationFormVersions", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/evaluation-forms/{InstanceId}/{EvaluationFormId}/versions" }, "input": { "shape": "ListEvaluationFormVersionsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListEvaluationFormVersionsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists versions of an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListEvaluationForms": { "name": "ListEvaluationForms", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/evaluation-forms/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListEvaluationFormsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListEvaluationFormsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists evaluation forms in the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListFlowAssociations": { "name": "ListFlowAssociations", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/flow-associations-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListFlowAssociationsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListFlowAssociationsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

List the flow association based on the filters.

" }, "ListHoursOfOperations": { "name": "ListHoursOfOperations", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/hours-of-operations-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListHoursOfOperationsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListHoursOfOperationsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides information about the hours of operation for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For more information about hours of operation, see Set the Hours of Operation for a Queue in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ListInstanceAttributes": { "name": "ListInstanceAttributes", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/attributes" }, "input": { "shape": "ListInstanceAttributesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListInstanceAttributesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of all attribute types for the given instance.

" }, "ListInstanceStorageConfigs": { "name": "ListInstanceStorageConfigs", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/storage-configs" }, "input": { "shape": "ListInstanceStorageConfigsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListInstanceStorageConfigsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of storage configs for the identified instance and resource type.

" }, "ListInstances": { "name": "ListInstances", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance" }, "input": { "shape": "ListInstancesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListInstancesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Return a list of instances which are in active state, creation-in-progress state, and failed state. Instances that aren't successfully created (they are in a failed state) are returned only for 24 hours after the CreateInstance API was invoked.

" }, "ListIntegrationAssociations": { "name": "ListIntegrationAssociations", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/integration-associations" }, "input": { "shape": "ListIntegrationAssociationsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListIntegrationAssociationsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides summary information about the Amazon Web Services resource associations for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListLambdaFunctions": { "name": "ListLambdaFunctions", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/lambda-functions" }, "input": { "shape": "ListLambdaFunctionsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListLambdaFunctionsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of all Lambda functions that display in the dropdown options in the relevant flow blocks.

" }, "ListLexBots": { "name": "ListLexBots", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/lex-bots" }, "input": { "shape": "ListLexBotsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListLexBotsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of all the Amazon Lex V1 bots currently associated with the instance. To return both Amazon Lex V1 and V2 bots, use the ListBots API.

" }, "ListPhoneNumbers": { "name": "ListPhoneNumbers", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/phone-numbers-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListPhoneNumbersRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListPhoneNumbersResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides information about the phone numbers for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For more information about phone numbers, see Set Up Phone Numbers for Your Contact Center in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ListPhoneNumbersV2": { "name": "ListPhoneNumbersV2", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/phone-number/list" }, "input": { "shape": "ListPhoneNumbersV2Request" }, "output": { "shape": "ListPhoneNumbersV2Response" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists phone numbers claimed to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group. If the provided TargetArn is a traffic distribution group, you can call this API in both Amazon Web Services Regions associated with traffic distribution group.

For more information about phone numbers, see Set Up Phone Numbers for Your Contact Center in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ListPredefinedAttributes": { "name": "ListPredefinedAttributes", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/predefined-attributes/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListPredefinedAttributesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListPredefinedAttributesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists predefined attributes for the specified Amazon Connect instance. Predefined attributes are attributes in an Amazon Connect instance that can be used to route contacts to an agent or pools of agents within a queue. For more information, see Create predefined attributes for routing contacts to agents.

" }, "ListPrompts": { "name": "ListPrompts", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/prompts-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListPromptsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListPromptsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides information about the prompts for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListQueueQuickConnects": { "name": "ListQueueQuickConnects", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/queues/{InstanceId}/{QueueId}/quick-connects" }, "input": { "shape": "ListQueueQuickConnectsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListQueueQuickConnectsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Lists the quick connects associated with a queue.

" }, "ListQueues": { "name": "ListQueues", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/queues-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListQueuesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListQueuesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides information about the queues for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

If you do not specify a QueueTypes parameter, both standard and agent queues are returned. This might cause an unexpected truncation of results if you have more than 1000 agents and you limit the number of results of the API call in code.

For more information about queues, see Queues: Standard and Agent in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ListQuickConnects": { "name": "ListQuickConnects", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/quick-connects/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListQuickConnectsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListQuickConnectsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides information about the quick connects for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2": { "name": "ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/list-real-time-analysis-segments-v2/{InstanceId}/{ContactId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Request" }, "output": { "shape": "ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Response" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "OutputTypeNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides a list of analysis segments for a real-time analysis session.

" }, "ListRoutingProfileQueues": { "name": "ListRoutingProfileQueues", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles/{InstanceId}/{RoutingProfileId}/queues" }, "input": { "shape": "ListRoutingProfileQueuesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListRoutingProfileQueuesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists the queues associated with a routing profile.

" }, "ListRoutingProfiles": { "name": "ListRoutingProfiles", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListRoutingProfilesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListRoutingProfilesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides summary information about the routing profiles for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For more information about routing profiles, see Routing Profiles and Create a Routing Profile in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ListRules": { "name": "ListRules", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/rules/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListRulesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListRulesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" } ], "documentation": "

List all rules for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListSecurityKeys": { "name": "ListSecurityKeys", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/security-keys" }, "input": { "shape": "ListSecurityKeysRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListSecurityKeysResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of all security keys associated with the instance.

" }, "ListSecurityProfileApplications": { "name": "ListSecurityProfileApplications", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/security-profiles-applications/{InstanceId}/{SecurityProfileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListSecurityProfileApplicationsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListSecurityProfileApplicationsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Returns a list of third-party applications in a specific security profile.

" }, "ListSecurityProfilePermissions": { "name": "ListSecurityProfilePermissions", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/security-profiles-permissions/{InstanceId}/{SecurityProfileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListSecurityProfilePermissionsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListSecurityProfilePermissionsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists the permissions granted to a security profile.

For information about security profiles, see Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide. For a mapping of the API name and user interface name of the security profile permissions, see List of security profile permissions.

" }, "ListSecurityProfiles": { "name": "ListSecurityProfiles", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/security-profiles-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListSecurityProfilesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListSecurityProfilesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides summary information about the security profiles for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For more information about security profiles, see Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide. For a mapping of the API name and user interface name of the security profile permissions, see List of security profile permissions.

" }, "ListTagsForResource": { "name": "ListTagsForResource", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/tags/{resourceArn}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListTagsForResourceRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListTagsForResourceResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists the tags for the specified resource.

For sample policies that use tags, see Amazon Connect Identity-Based Policy Examples in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ListTaskTemplates": { "name": "ListTaskTemplates", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/task/template" }, "input": { "shape": "ListTaskTemplatesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListTaskTemplatesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists task templates for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsers": { "name": "ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsers", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/traffic-distribution-group/{TrafficDistributionGroupId}/user" }, "input": { "shape": "ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsersRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsersResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists traffic distribution group users.

" }, "ListTrafficDistributionGroups": { "name": "ListTrafficDistributionGroups", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/traffic-distribution-groups" }, "input": { "shape": "ListTrafficDistributionGroupsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListTrafficDistributionGroupsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists traffic distribution groups.

" }, "ListUseCases": { "name": "ListUseCases", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/integration-associations/{IntegrationAssociationId}/use-cases" }, "input": { "shape": "ListUseCasesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListUseCasesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists the use cases for the integration association.

" }, "ListUserHierarchyGroups": { "name": "ListUserHierarchyGroups", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/user-hierarchy-groups-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListUserHierarchyGroupsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListUserHierarchyGroupsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides summary information about the hierarchy groups for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For more information about agent hierarchies, see Set Up Agent Hierarchies in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ListUserProficiencies": { "name": "ListUserProficiencies", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}/proficiencies" }, "input": { "shape": "ListUserProficienciesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListUserProficienciesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Lists proficiencies associated with a user.

" }, "ListUsers": { "name": "ListUsers", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/users-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListUsersRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListUsersResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides summary information about the users for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ListViewVersions": { "name": "ListViewVersions", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/views/{InstanceId}/{ViewId}/versions" }, "input": { "shape": "ListViewVersionsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListViewVersionsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "TooManyRequestsException" } ], "documentation": "

Returns all the available versions for the specified Amazon Connect instance and view identifier.

Results will be sorted from highest to lowest.

" }, "ListViews": { "name": "ListViews", "http": { "method": "GET", "requestUri": "/views/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ListViewsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ListViewsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "TooManyRequestsException" } ], "documentation": "

Returns views in the given instance.

Results are sorted primarily by type, and secondarily by name.

" }, "MonitorContact": { "name": "MonitorContact", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/monitor" }, "input": { "shape": "MonitorContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "MonitorContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "IdempotencyException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Initiates silent monitoring of a contact. The Contact Control Panel (CCP) of the user specified by userId will be set to silent monitoring mode on the contact.

" }, "PauseContact": { "name": "PauseContact", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/pause" }, "input": { "shape": "PauseContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "PauseContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Allows pausing an ongoing task contact.

" }, "PutUserStatus": { "name": "PutUserStatus", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}/status" }, "input": { "shape": "PutUserStatusRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "PutUserStatusResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Changes the current status of a user or agent in Amazon Connect. If the agent is currently handling a contact, this sets the agent's next status.

For more information, see Agent status and Set your next status in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ReleasePhoneNumber": { "name": "ReleasePhoneNumber", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/phone-number/{PhoneNumberId}" }, "input": { "shape": "ReleasePhoneNumberRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" }, { "shape": "IdempotencyException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Releases a phone number previously claimed to an Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group. You can call this API only in the Amazon Web Services Region where the number was claimed.

To release phone numbers from a traffic distribution group, use the ReleasePhoneNumber API, not the Amazon Connect admin website.

After releasing a phone number, the phone number enters into a cooldown period for up to 180 days. It cannot be searched for or claimed again until the period has ended. If you accidentally release a phone number, contact Amazon Web Services Support.

If you plan to claim and release numbers frequently, contact us for a service quota exception. Otherwise, it is possible you will be blocked from claiming and releasing any more numbers until up to 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.

By default you can claim and release up to 200% of your maximum number of active phone numbers. If you claim and release phone numbers using the UI or API during a rolling 180 day cycle that exceeds 200% of your phone number service level quota, you will be blocked from claiming any more numbers until 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.

For example, if you already have 99 claimed numbers and a service level quota of 99 phone numbers, and in any 180 day period you release 99, claim 99, and then release 99, you will have exceeded the 200% limit. At that point you are blocked from claiming any more numbers until you open an Amazon Web Services support ticket.

" }, "ReplicateInstance": { "name": "ReplicateInstance", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/replicate" }, "input": { "shape": "ReplicateInstanceRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ReplicateInstanceResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotReadyException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Replicates an Amazon Connect instance in the specified Amazon Web Services Region and copies configuration information for Amazon Connect resources across Amazon Web Services Regions.

For more information about replicating an Amazon Connect instance, see Create a replica of your existing Amazon Connect instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ResumeContact": { "name": "ResumeContact", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/resume" }, "input": { "shape": "ResumeContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ResumeContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Allows resuming a task contact in a paused state.

" }, "ResumeContactRecording": { "name": "ResumeContactRecording", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/resume-recording" }, "input": { "shape": "ResumeContactRecordingRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "ResumeContactRecordingResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

When a contact is being recorded, and the recording has been suspended using SuspendContactRecording, this API resumes recording whatever recording is selected in the flow configuration: call, screen, or both. If only call recording or only screen recording is enabled, then it would resume.

Voice and screen recordings are supported.

" }, "SearchAgentStatuses": { "name": "SearchAgentStatuses", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-agent-statuses" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchAgentStatusesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchAgentStatusesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches AgentStatuses in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.

" }, "SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers": { "name": "SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/phone-number/search-available" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches for available phone numbers that you can claim to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group. If the provided TargetArn is a traffic distribution group, you can call this API in both Amazon Web Services Regions associated with the traffic distribution group.

" }, "SearchContactFlowModules": { "name": "SearchContactFlowModules", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-contact-flow-modules" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchContactFlowModulesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchContactFlowModulesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches the flow modules in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.

" }, "SearchContactFlows": { "name": "SearchContactFlows", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-contact-flows" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchContactFlowsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchContactFlowsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches the contact flows in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.

" }, "SearchContacts": { "name": "SearchContacts", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-contacts" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchContactsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchContactsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches contacts in an Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "SearchHoursOfOperations": { "name": "SearchHoursOfOperations", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-hours-of-operations" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchHoursOfOperationsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchHoursOfOperationsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches the hours of operation in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.

" }, "SearchPredefinedAttributes": { "name": "SearchPredefinedAttributes", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-predefined-attributes" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchPredefinedAttributesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchPredefinedAttributesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches predefined attributes that meet certain criteria. Predefined attributes are attributes in an Amazon Connect instance that can be used to route contacts to an agent or pools of agents within a queue. For more information, see Create predefined attributes for routing contacts to agents.

" }, "SearchPrompts": { "name": "SearchPrompts", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-prompts" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchPromptsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchPromptsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches prompts in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.

" }, "SearchQueues": { "name": "SearchQueues", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-queues" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchQueuesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchQueuesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches queues in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.

" }, "SearchQuickConnects": { "name": "SearchQuickConnects", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-quick-connects" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchQuickConnectsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchQuickConnectsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches quick connects in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.

" }, "SearchResourceTags": { "name": "SearchResourceTags", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-resource-tags" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchResourceTagsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchResourceTagsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "MaximumResultReturnedException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches tags used in an Amazon Connect instance using optional search criteria.

" }, "SearchRoutingProfiles": { "name": "SearchRoutingProfiles", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-routing-profiles" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchRoutingProfilesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchRoutingProfilesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches routing profiles in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.

" }, "SearchSecurityProfiles": { "name": "SearchSecurityProfiles", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-security-profiles" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchSecurityProfilesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchSecurityProfilesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches security profiles in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.

For information about security profiles, see Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide. For a mapping of the API name and user interface name of the security profile permissions, see List of security profile permissions.

" }, "SearchUserHierarchyGroups": { "name": "SearchUserHierarchyGroups", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-user-hierarchy-groups" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchUserHierarchyGroupsRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchUserHierarchyGroupsResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches UserHierarchyGroups in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.

The UserHierarchyGroup with \"LevelId\": \"0\" is the foundation for building levels on top of an instance. It is not user-definable, nor is it visible in the UI.

" }, "SearchUsers": { "name": "SearchUsers", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/search-users" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchUsersRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchUsersResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches users in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.

AfterContactWorkTimeLimit is returned in milliseconds.

" }, "SearchVocabularies": { "name": "SearchVocabularies", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/vocabulary-summary/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "SearchVocabulariesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SearchVocabulariesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Searches for vocabularies within a specific Amazon Connect instance using State, NameStartsWith, and LanguageCode.

" }, "SendChatIntegrationEvent": { "name": "SendChatIntegrationEvent", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/chat-integration-event" }, "input": { "shape": "SendChatIntegrationEventRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SendChatIntegrationEventResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Processes chat integration events from Amazon Web Services or external integrations to Amazon Connect. A chat integration event includes:

When a chat integration event is sent with chat identifiers that do not map to an active chat contact, a new chat contact is also created before handling chat action.

Access to this API is currently restricted to Amazon Pinpoint for supporting SMS integration.

" }, "StartAttachedFileUpload": { "name": "StartAttachedFileUpload", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/attached-files/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "StartAttachedFileUploadRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "StartAttachedFileUploadResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" } ], "documentation": "

Provides a pre-signed Amazon S3 URL in response for uploading your content.

You may only use this API to upload attachments to an Amazon Connect Case.

" }, "StartChatContact": { "name": "StartChatContact", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/contact/chat" }, "input": { "shape": "StartChatContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "StartChatContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" } ], "documentation": "

Initiates a flow to start a new chat for the customer. Response of this API provides a token required to obtain credentials from the CreateParticipantConnection API in the Amazon Connect Participant Service.

When a new chat contact is successfully created, clients must subscribe to the participant’s connection for the created chat within 5 minutes. This is achieved by invoking CreateParticipantConnection with WEBSOCKET and CONNECTION_CREDENTIALS.

A 429 error occurs in the following situations:

If you use the ChatDurationInMinutes parameter and receive a 400 error, your account may not support the ability to configure custom chat durations. For more information, contact Amazon Web Services Support.

For more information about chat, see the following topics in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide:

" }, "StartContactEvaluation": { "name": "StartContactEvaluation", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/contact-evaluations/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "StartContactEvaluationRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "StartContactEvaluationResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Starts an empty evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance, using the given evaluation form for the particular contact. The evaluation form version used for the contact evaluation corresponds to the currently activated version. If no version is activated for the evaluation form, the contact evaluation cannot be started.

Evaluations created through the public API do not contain answer values suggested from automation.

", "idempotent": true }, "StartContactRecording": { "name": "StartContactRecording", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/start-recording" }, "input": { "shape": "StartContactRecordingRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "StartContactRecordingResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Starts recording the contact:

StartContactRecording is a one-time action. For example, if you use StopContactRecording to stop recording an ongoing call, you can't use StartContactRecording to restart it. For scenarios where the recording has started and you want to suspend and resume it, such as when collecting sensitive information (for example, a credit card number), use SuspendContactRecording and ResumeContactRecording.

You can use this API to override the recording behavior configured in the Set recording behavior block.

Only voice recordings are supported at this time.

" }, "StartContactStreaming": { "name": "StartContactStreaming", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/start-streaming" }, "input": { "shape": "StartContactStreamingRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "StartContactStreamingResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" } ], "documentation": "

Initiates real-time message streaming for a new chat contact.

For more information about message streaming, see Enable real-time chat message streaming in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

For more information about chat, see the following topics in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide:

" }, "StartOutboundVoiceContact": { "name": "StartOutboundVoiceContact", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/contact/outbound-voice" }, "input": { "shape": "StartOutboundVoiceContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "StartOutboundVoiceContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "DestinationNotAllowedException" }, { "shape": "OutboundContactNotPermittedException" } ], "documentation": "

Places an outbound call to a contact, and then initiates the flow. It performs the actions in the flow that's specified (in ContactFlowId).

Agents do not initiate the outbound API, which means that they do not dial the contact. If the flow places an outbound call to a contact, and then puts the contact in queue, the call is then routed to the agent, like any other inbound case.

There is a 60-second dialing timeout for this operation. If the call is not connected after 60 seconds, it fails.

UK numbers with a 447 prefix are not allowed by default. Before you can dial these UK mobile numbers, you must submit a service quota increase request. For more information, see Amazon Connect Service Quotas in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

Campaign calls are not allowed by default. Before you can make a call with TrafficType = CAMPAIGN, you must submit a service quota increase request to the quota Amazon Connect campaigns.

" }, "StartTaskContact": { "name": "StartTaskContact", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/contact/task" }, "input": { "shape": "StartTaskContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "StartTaskContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Initiates a flow to start a new task contact. For more information about task contacts, see Concepts: Tasks in Amazon Connect in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

When using PreviousContactId and RelatedContactId input parameters, note the following:

In addition, when calling StartTaskContact include only one of these parameters: ContactFlowID, QuickConnectID, or TaskTemplateID. Only one parameter is required as long as the task template has a flow configured to run it. If more than one parameter is specified, or only the TaskTemplateID is specified but it does not have a flow configured, the request returns an error because Amazon Connect cannot identify the unique flow to run when the task is created.

A ServiceQuotaExceededException occurs when the number of open tasks exceeds the active tasks quota or there are already 12 tasks referencing the same PreviousContactId. For more information about service quotas for task contacts, see Amazon Connect service quotas in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "StartWebRTCContact": { "name": "StartWebRTCContact", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/contact/webrtc" }, "input": { "shape": "StartWebRTCContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "StartWebRTCContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" } ], "documentation": "

Places an inbound in-app, web, or video call to a contact, and then initiates the flow. It performs the actions in the flow that are specified (in ContactFlowId) and present in the Amazon Connect instance (specified as InstanceId).

" }, "StopContact": { "name": "StopContact", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/stop" }, "input": { "shape": "StopContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "StopContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ContactNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Ends the specified contact. Use this API to stop queued callbacks. It does not work for voice contacts that use the following initiation methods:

Chat and task contacts can be terminated in any state, regardless of initiation method.

" }, "StopContactRecording": { "name": "StopContactRecording", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/stop-recording" }, "input": { "shape": "StopContactRecordingRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "StopContactRecordingResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Stops recording a call when a contact is being recorded. StopContactRecording is a one-time action. If you use StopContactRecording to stop recording an ongoing call, you can't use StartContactRecording to restart it. For scenarios where the recording has started and you want to suspend it for sensitive information (for example, to collect a credit card number), and then restart it, use SuspendContactRecording and ResumeContactRecording.

Only voice recordings are supported at this time.

" }, "StopContactStreaming": { "name": "StopContactStreaming", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/stop-streaming" }, "input": { "shape": "StopContactStreamingRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "StopContactStreamingResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Ends message streaming on a specified contact. To restart message streaming on that contact, call the StartContactStreaming API.

" }, "SubmitContactEvaluation": { "name": "SubmitContactEvaluation", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact-evaluations/{InstanceId}/{EvaluationId}/submit" }, "input": { "shape": "SubmitContactEvaluationRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SubmitContactEvaluationResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Submits a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance. Answers included in the request are merged with existing answers for the given evaluation. If no answers or notes are passed, the evaluation is submitted with the existing answers and notes. You can delete an answer or note by passing an empty object ({}) to the question identifier.

If a contact evaluation is already in submitted state, this operation will trigger a resubmission.

" }, "SuspendContactRecording": { "name": "SuspendContactRecording", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/suspend-recording" }, "input": { "shape": "SuspendContactRecordingRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "SuspendContactRecordingResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

When a contact is being recorded, this API suspends recording whatever is selected in the flow configuration: call, screen, or both. If only call recording or only screen recording is enabled, then it would be suspended. For example, you might suspend the screen recording while collecting sensitive information, such as a credit card number. Then use ResumeContactRecording to restart recording the screen.

The period of time that the recording is suspended is filled with silence in the final recording.

Voice and screen recordings are supported.

" }, "TagContact": { "name": "TagContact", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/tags" }, "input": { "shape": "TagContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "TagContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Adds the specified tags to the contact resource. For more information about this API is used, see Set up granular billing for a detailed view of your Amazon Connect usage.

", "idempotent": true }, "TagResource": { "name": "TagResource", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/tags/{resourceArn}" }, "input": { "shape": "TagResourceRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Adds the specified tags to the specified resource.

Some of the supported resource types are agents, routing profiles, queues, quick connects, contact flows, agent statuses, hours of operation, phone numbers, security profiles, and task templates. For a complete list, see Tagging resources in Amazon Connect.

For sample policies that use tags, see Amazon Connect Identity-Based Policy Examples in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "TransferContact": { "name": "TransferContact", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/transfer" }, "input": { "shape": "TransferContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "TransferContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "IdempotencyException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Transfers contacts from one agent or queue to another agent or queue at any point after a contact is created. You can transfer a contact to another queue by providing the flow which orchestrates the contact to the destination queue. This gives you more control over contact handling and helps you adhere to the service level agreement (SLA) guaranteed to your customers.

Note the following requirements:

" }, "UntagContact": { "name": "UntagContact", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/contact/tags/{InstanceId}/{ContactId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UntagContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UntagContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Removes the specified tags from the contact resource. For more information about this API is used, see Set up granular billing for a detailed view of your Amazon Connect usage.

", "idempotent": true }, "UntagResource": { "name": "UntagResource", "http": { "method": "DELETE", "requestUri": "/tags/{resourceArn}" }, "input": { "shape": "UntagResourceRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

Removes the specified tags from the specified resource.

" }, "UpdateAgentStatus": { "name": "UpdateAgentStatus", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/agent-status/{InstanceId}/{AgentStatusId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateAgentStatusRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates agent status.

" }, "UpdateAuthenticationProfile": { "name": "UpdateAuthenticationProfile", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/authentication-profiles/{InstanceId}/{AuthenticationProfileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateAuthenticationProfileRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. To request access to this API, contact Amazon Web Services Support.

Updates the selected authentication profile.

" }, "UpdateContact": { "name": "UpdateContact", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contacts/{InstanceId}/{ContactId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateContactRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateContactResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Adds or updates user-defined contact information associated with the specified contact. At least one field to be updated must be present in the request.

You can add or update user-defined contact information for both ongoing and completed contacts.

" }, "UpdateContactAttributes": { "name": "UpdateContactAttributes", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/attributes" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateContactAttributesRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateContactAttributesResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Creates or updates user-defined contact attributes associated with the specified contact.

You can create or update user-defined attributes for both ongoing and completed contacts. For example, while the call is active, you can update the customer's name or the reason the customer called. You can add notes about steps that the agent took during the call that display to the next agent that takes the call. You can also update attributes for a contact using data from your CRM application and save the data with the contact in Amazon Connect. You could also flag calls for additional analysis, such as legal review or to identify abusive callers.

Contact attributes are available in Amazon Connect for 24 months, and are then deleted. For information about contact record retention and the maximum size of the contact record attributes section, see Feature specifications in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "UpdateContactEvaluation": { "name": "UpdateContactEvaluation", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact-evaluations/{InstanceId}/{EvaluationId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateContactEvaluationRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateContactEvaluationResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates details about a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance. A contact evaluation must be in draft state. Answers included in the request are merged with existing answers for the given evaluation. An answer or note can be deleted by passing an empty object ({}) to the question identifier.

" }, "UpdateContactFlowContent": { "name": "UpdateContactFlowContent", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact-flows/{InstanceId}/{ContactFlowId}/content" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateContactFlowContentRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateContactFlowContentResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidContactFlowException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the specified flow.

You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.

Use the $SAVED alias in the request to describe the SAVED content of a Flow. For example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.

" }, "UpdateContactFlowMetadata": { "name": "UpdateContactFlowMetadata", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact-flows/{InstanceId}/{ContactFlowId}/metadata" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateContactFlowMetadataRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateContactFlowMetadataResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates metadata about specified flow.

" }, "UpdateContactFlowModuleContent": { "name": "UpdateContactFlowModuleContent", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact-flow-modules/{InstanceId}/{ContactFlowModuleId}/content" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateContactFlowModuleContentRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateContactFlowModuleContentResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidContactFlowModuleException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates specified flow module for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

Use the $SAVED alias in the request to describe the SAVED content of a Flow. For example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.

" }, "UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadata": { "name": "UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadata", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact-flow-modules/{InstanceId}/{ContactFlowModuleId}/metadata" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates metadata about specified flow module.

" }, "UpdateContactFlowName": { "name": "UpdateContactFlowName", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact-flows/{InstanceId}/{ContactFlowId}/name" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateContactFlowNameRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateContactFlowNameResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

The name of the flow.

You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.

" }, "UpdateContactRoutingData": { "name": "UpdateContactRoutingData", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contacts/{InstanceId}/{ContactId}/routing-data" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateContactRoutingDataRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateContactRoutingDataResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates routing priority and age on the contact (QueuePriority and QueueTimeAdjustmentInSeconds). These properties can be used to change a customer's position in the queue. For example, you can move a contact to the back of the queue by setting a lower routing priority relative to other contacts in queue; or you can move a contact to the front of the queue by increasing the routing age which will make the contact look artificially older and therefore higher up in the first-in-first-out routing order. Note that adjusting the routing age of a contact affects only its position in queue, and not its actual queue wait time as reported through metrics. These properties can also be updated by using the Set routing priority / age flow block.

Either QueuePriority or QueueTimeAdjustmentInSeconds should be provided within the request body, but not both.

" }, "UpdateContactSchedule": { "name": "UpdateContactSchedule", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/contact/schedule" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateContactScheduleRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateContactScheduleResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "LimitExceededException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the scheduled time of a task contact that is already scheduled.

" }, "UpdateEvaluationForm": { "name": "UpdateEvaluationForm", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/evaluation-forms/{InstanceId}/{EvaluationFormId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateEvaluationFormRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateEvaluationFormResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates details about a specific evaluation form version in the specified Amazon Connect instance. Question and section identifiers cannot be duplicated within the same evaluation form.

This operation does not support partial updates. Instead it does a full update of evaluation form content.

", "idempotent": true }, "UpdateHoursOfOperation": { "name": "UpdateHoursOfOperation", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/hours-of-operations/{InstanceId}/{HoursOfOperationId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateHoursOfOperationRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the hours of operation.

" }, "UpdateInstanceAttribute": { "name": "UpdateInstanceAttribute", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/attribute/{AttributeType}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateInstanceAttributeRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the value for the specified attribute type.

" }, "UpdateInstanceStorageConfig": { "name": "UpdateInstanceStorageConfig", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/storage-config/{AssociationId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateInstanceStorageConfigRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates an existing configuration for a resource type. This API is idempotent.

" }, "UpdateParticipantRoleConfig": { "name": "UpdateParticipantRoleConfig", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/contact/participant-role-config/{InstanceId}/{ContactId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateParticipantRoleConfigRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateParticipantRoleConfigResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates timeouts for when human chat participants are to be considered idle, and when agents are automatically disconnected from a chat due to idleness. You can set four timers:

For more information about how chat timeouts work, see Set up chat timeouts for human participants.

" }, "UpdatePhoneNumber": { "name": "UpdatePhoneNumber", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/phone-number/{PhoneNumberId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdatePhoneNumberRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdatePhoneNumberResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" }, { "shape": "IdempotencyException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates your claimed phone number from its current Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group to another Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group in the same Amazon Web Services Region.

After using this API, you must verify that the phone number is attached to the correct flow in the target instance or traffic distribution group. You need to do this because the API switches only the phone number to a new instance or traffic distribution group. It doesn't migrate the flow configuration of the phone number, too.

You can call DescribePhoneNumber API to verify the status of a previous UpdatePhoneNumber operation.

" }, "UpdatePhoneNumberMetadata": { "name": "UpdatePhoneNumberMetadata", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/phone-number/{PhoneNumberId}/metadata" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdatePhoneNumberMetadataRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" }, { "shape": "IdempotencyException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates a phone number’s metadata.

To verify the status of a previous UpdatePhoneNumberMetadata operation, call the DescribePhoneNumber API.

" }, "UpdatePredefinedAttribute": { "name": "UpdatePredefinedAttribute", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/predefined-attributes/{InstanceId}/{Name}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdatePredefinedAttributeRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates a predefined attribute for the specified Amazon Connect instance. Predefined attributes are attributes in an Amazon Connect instance that can be used to route contacts to an agent or pools of agents within a queue. For more information, see Create predefined attributes for routing contacts to agents.

" }, "UpdatePrompt": { "name": "UpdatePrompt", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/prompts/{InstanceId}/{PromptId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdatePromptRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdatePromptResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates a prompt.

" }, "UpdateQueueHoursOfOperation": { "name": "UpdateQueueHoursOfOperation", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/queues/{InstanceId}/{QueueId}/hours-of-operation" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the hours of operation for the specified queue.

" }, "UpdateQueueMaxContacts": { "name": "UpdateQueueMaxContacts", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/queues/{InstanceId}/{QueueId}/max-contacts" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateQueueMaxContactsRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the maximum number of contacts allowed in a queue before it is considered full.

" }, "UpdateQueueName": { "name": "UpdateQueueName", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/queues/{InstanceId}/{QueueId}/name" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateQueueNameRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the name and description of a queue. At least Name or Description must be provided.

" }, "UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfig": { "name": "UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfig", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/queues/{InstanceId}/{QueueId}/outbound-caller-config" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow for a specified queue.

" }, "UpdateQueueStatus": { "name": "UpdateQueueStatus", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/queues/{InstanceId}/{QueueId}/status" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateQueueStatusRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the status of the queue.

" }, "UpdateQuickConnectConfig": { "name": "UpdateQuickConnectConfig", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/quick-connects/{InstanceId}/{QuickConnectId}/config" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateQuickConnectConfigRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the configuration settings for the specified quick connect.

" }, "UpdateQuickConnectName": { "name": "UpdateQuickConnectName", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/quick-connects/{InstanceId}/{QuickConnectId}/name" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateQuickConnectNameRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the name and description of a quick connect. The request accepts the following data in JSON format. At least Name or Description must be provided.

" }, "UpdateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimer": { "name": "UpdateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimer", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles/{InstanceId}/{RoutingProfileId}/agent-availability-timer" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimerRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Whether agents with this routing profile will have their routing order calculated based on time since their last inbound contact or longest idle time.

" }, "UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrency": { "name": "UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrency", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles/{InstanceId}/{RoutingProfileId}/concurrency" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the channels that agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP) for a routing profile.

" }, "UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueue": { "name": "UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueue", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles/{InstanceId}/{RoutingProfileId}/default-outbound-queue" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the default outbound queue of a routing profile.

" }, "UpdateRoutingProfileName": { "name": "UpdateRoutingProfileName", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles/{InstanceId}/{RoutingProfileId}/name" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateRoutingProfileNameRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the name and description of a routing profile. The request accepts the following data in JSON format. At least Name or Description must be provided.

" }, "UpdateRoutingProfileQueues": { "name": "UpdateRoutingProfileQueues", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/routing-profiles/{InstanceId}/{RoutingProfileId}/queues" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the properties associated with a set of queues for a routing profile.

" }, "UpdateRule": { "name": "UpdateRule", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/rules/{InstanceId}/{RuleId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateRuleRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

Use the Rules Function language to code conditions for the rule.

" }, "UpdateSecurityProfile": { "name": "UpdateSecurityProfile", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/security-profiles/{InstanceId}/{SecurityProfileId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateSecurityProfileRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates a security profile.

For information about security profiles, see Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide. For a mapping of the API name and user interface name of the security profile permissions, see List of security profile permissions.

" }, "UpdateTaskTemplate": { "name": "UpdateTaskTemplate", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/instance/{InstanceId}/task/template/{TaskTemplateId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateTaskTemplateRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateTaskTemplateResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "PropertyValidationException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "ServiceQuotaExceededException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates details about a specific task template in the specified Amazon Connect instance. This operation does not support partial updates. Instead it does a full update of template content.

" }, "UpdateTrafficDistribution": { "name": "UpdateTrafficDistribution", "http": { "method": "PUT", "requestUri": "/traffic-distribution/{Id}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateTrafficDistributionRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateTrafficDistributionResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceConflictException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the traffic distribution for a given traffic distribution group.

The SignInConfig distribution is available only on a default TrafficDistributionGroup (see the IsDefault parameter in the TrafficDistributionGroup data type). If you call UpdateTrafficDistribution with a modified SignInConfig and a non-default TrafficDistributionGroup, an InvalidRequestException is returned.

For more information about updating a traffic distribution group, see Update telephony traffic distribution across Amazon Web Services Regions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "UpdateUserHierarchy": { "name": "UpdateUserHierarchy", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}/hierarchy" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateUserHierarchyRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Assigns the specified hierarchy group to the specified user.

" }, "UpdateUserHierarchyGroupName": { "name": "UpdateUserHierarchyGroupName", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/user-hierarchy-groups/{InstanceId}/{HierarchyGroupId}/name" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the name of the user hierarchy group.

" }, "UpdateUserHierarchyStructure": { "name": "UpdateUserHierarchyStructure", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/user-hierarchy-structure/{InstanceId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateUserHierarchyStructureRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the user hierarchy structure: add, remove, and rename user hierarchy levels.

" }, "UpdateUserIdentityInfo": { "name": "UpdateUserIdentityInfo", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}/identity-info" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateUserIdentityInfoRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the identity information for the specified user.

We strongly recommend limiting who has the ability to invoke UpdateUserIdentityInfo. Someone with that ability can change the login credentials of other users by changing their email address. This poses a security risk to your organization. They can change the email address of a user to the attacker's email address, and then reset the password through email. For more information, see Best Practices for Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "UpdateUserPhoneConfig": { "name": "UpdateUserPhoneConfig", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}/phone-config" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateUserPhoneConfigRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the phone configuration settings for the specified user.

" }, "UpdateUserProficiencies": { "name": "UpdateUserProficiencies", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}/proficiencies" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateUserProficienciesRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the properties associated with the proficiencies of a user.

" }, "UpdateUserRoutingProfile": { "name": "UpdateUserRoutingProfile", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}/routing-profile" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateUserRoutingProfileRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Assigns the specified routing profile to the specified user.

" }, "UpdateUserSecurityProfiles": { "name": "UpdateUserSecurityProfiles", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/users/{InstanceId}/{UserId}/security-profiles" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateUserSecurityProfilesRequest" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "ThrottlingException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" } ], "documentation": "

Assigns the specified security profiles to the specified user.

" }, "UpdateViewContent": { "name": "UpdateViewContent", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/views/{InstanceId}/{ViewId}" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateViewContentRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateViewContentResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "TooManyRequestsException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the view content of the given view identifier in the specified Amazon Connect instance.

It performs content validation if Status is set to SAVED and performs full content validation if Status is PUBLISHED. Note that the $SAVED alias' content will always be updated, but the $LATEST alias' content will only be updated if Status is PUBLISHED.

" }, "UpdateViewMetadata": { "name": "UpdateViewMetadata", "http": { "method": "POST", "requestUri": "/views/{InstanceId}/{ViewId}/metadata" }, "input": { "shape": "UpdateViewMetadataRequest" }, "output": { "shape": "UpdateViewMetadataResponse" }, "errors": [ { "shape": "AccessDeniedException" }, { "shape": "InvalidRequestException" }, { "shape": "InvalidParameterException" }, { "shape": "ResourceNotFoundException" }, { "shape": "InternalServiceException" }, { "shape": "TooManyRequestsException" }, { "shape": "DuplicateResourceException" }, { "shape": "ResourceInUseException" } ], "documentation": "

Updates the view metadata. Note that either Name or Description must be provided.

" } }, "shapes": { "ARN": { "type": "string" }, "AWSAccountId": { "type": "string" }, "AccessTokenDuration": { "type": "integer", "box": true, "max": 60, "min": 10 }, "ActionSummaries": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ActionSummary" } }, "ActionSummary": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ActionType" ], "members": { "ActionType": { "shape": "ActionType", "documentation": "

The action type.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about an action.

" }, "ActionType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "CREATE_TASK", "ASSIGN_CONTACT_CATEGORY", "GENERATE_EVENTBRIDGE_EVENT", "SEND_NOTIFICATION", "CREATE_CASE", "UPDATE_CASE", "END_ASSOCIATED_TASKS", "SUBMIT_AUTO_EVALUATION" ] }, "ActivateEvaluationFormRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "EvaluationFormId", "EvaluationFormVersion" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "EvaluationFormId" }, "EvaluationFormVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

The version of the evaluation form to activate. If the version property is not provided, the latest version of the evaluation form is activated.

" } } }, "ActivateEvaluationFormResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationFormId", "EvaluationFormArn", "EvaluationFormVersion" ], "members": { "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the evaluation form resource.

" }, "EvaluationFormVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

A version of the evaluation form.

" } } }, "AfterContactWorkTimeLimit": { "type": "integer", "min": 0 }, "AgentAvailabilityTimer": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "TIME_SINCE_LAST_ACTIVITY", "TIME_SINCE_LAST_INBOUND" ] }, "AgentConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Distributions" ], "members": { "Distributions": { "shape": "DistributionList", "documentation": "

Information about traffic distributions.

" } }, "documentation": "

The distribution of agents between the instance and its replica(s).

" }, "AgentContactReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

" }, "Channel": { "shape": "Channel", "documentation": "

The channel of the contact.

" }, "InitiationMethod": { "shape": "ContactInitiationMethod", "documentation": "

How the contact was initiated.

" }, "AgentContactState": { "shape": "ContactState", "documentation": "

The state of the contact.

When AgentContactState is set to CONNECTED_ONHOLD, StateStartTimestamp is not changed. Instead, StateStartTimestamp reflects the time the contact was CONNECTED to the agent.

" }, "StateStartTimestamp": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The epoch timestamp when the contact state started.

" }, "ConnectedToAgentTimestamp": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The time at which the contact was connected to an agent.

" }, "Queue": { "shape": "QueueReference" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the contact associated to the user.

" }, "AgentContactReferenceList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AgentContactReference" } }, "AgentFirstName": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1, "sensitive": true }, "AgentHierarchyGroup": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the group.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about an agent hierarchy group.

" }, "AgentHierarchyGroups": { "type": "structure", "members": { "L1Ids": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupIdList", "documentation": "

The identifiers for level 1 hierarchy groups.

" }, "L2Ids": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupIdList", "documentation": "

The identifiers for level 2 hierarchy groups.

" }, "L3Ids": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupIdList", "documentation": "

The identifiers for level 3 hierarchy groups.

" }, "L4Ids": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupIdList", "documentation": "

The identifiers for level 4 hierarchy groups.

" }, "L5Ids": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupIdList", "documentation": "

The identifiers for level 5 hierarchy groups.

" } }, "documentation": "

A structure that defines search criteria for contacts using agent hierarchy group levels. For more information about agent hierarchies, see Set Up Agent Hierarchies in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "AgentId": { "type": "string", "max": 256 }, "AgentIds": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AgentId" } }, "AgentInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "AgentResourceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the agent who accepted the contact.

" }, "ConnectedToAgentTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the contact was connected to the agent.

" }, "AgentPauseDurationInSeconds": { "shape": "AgentPauseDurationInSeconds", "documentation": "

Agent pause duration for a contact in seconds.

" }, "HierarchyGroups": { "shape": "HierarchyGroups", "documentation": "

The agent hierarchy groups for the agent.

" }, "DeviceInfo": { "shape": "DeviceInfo", "documentation": "

Information regarding Agent’s device.

" }, "Capabilities": { "shape": "ParticipantCapabilities" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the agent who accepted the contact.

" }, "AgentLastName": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1, "sensitive": true }, "AgentPauseDurationInSeconds": { "type": "integer", "min": 0 }, "AgentQualityMetrics": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Audio": { "shape": "AudioQualityMetricsInfo", "documentation": "

Information about the audio quality of the Agent

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the quality of the Agent's media connection

" }, "AgentResourceId": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "AgentResourceIdList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AgentResourceId" }, "max": 100, "min": 0 }, "AgentStatus": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AgentStatusARN": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the agent status.

" }, "AgentStatusId": { "shape": "AgentStatusId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the agent status.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "AgentStatusName", "documentation": "

The name of the agent status.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "AgentStatusDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the agent status.

" }, "Type": { "shape": "AgentStatusType", "documentation": "

The type of agent status.

" }, "DisplayOrder": { "shape": "AgentStatusOrderNumber", "documentation": "

The display order of the agent status.

" }, "State": { "shape": "AgentStatusState", "documentation": "

The state of the agent status.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about an agent status.

" }, "AgentStatusDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 1 }, "AgentStatusId": { "type": "string" }, "AgentStatusList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AgentStatus" } }, "AgentStatusName": { "type": "string", "max": 127, "min": 1 }, "AgentStatusOrderNumber": { "type": "integer", "max": 50, "min": 1 }, "AgentStatusReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "StatusStartTimestamp": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The start timestamp of the agent's status.

" }, "StatusArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the agent's status.

" }, "StatusName": { "shape": "AgentStatusName", "documentation": "

The name of the agent status.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the agent's status.

" }, "AgentStatusSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AgentStatusSearchCriteria" } }, "AgentStatusSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "AgentStatusSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "AgentStatusSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.

The currently supported values for FieldName are name,

 description, state, type, displayOrder,
 and resourceID.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.

The currently supported values for FieldName are name,

 description, state, type, displayOrder,
 and resourceID.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return agent statuses.

" }, "AgentStatusSearchFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AttributeFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneAttributeFilter", "documentation": "

An object that can be used to specify Tag conditions inside the SearchFilter. This accepts an OR of AND (List of List) input where:

" } }, "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "AgentStatusState": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ENABLED", "DISABLED" ] }, "AgentStatusSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "AgentStatusId", "documentation": "

The identifier for an agent status.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the agent status.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "AgentStatusName", "documentation": "

The name of the agent status.

" }, "Type": { "shape": "AgentStatusType", "documentation": "

The type of the agent status.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Summary information for an agent status.

" }, "AgentStatusSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AgentStatusSummary" } }, "AgentStatusType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ROUTABLE", "CUSTOM", "OFFLINE" ] }, "AgentStatusTypes": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AgentStatusType" }, "max": 3 }, "AgentUsername": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "AgentsCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AgentIds": { "shape": "AgentIds", "documentation": "

An object to specify a list of agents, by user ID.

" } }, "documentation": "

Can be used to define a list of preferred agents to target the contact to within the queue.
 Note that agents must have the queue in their routing profile in order to be offered the

" }, "AgentsMinOneMaxHundred": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "UserId" }, "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "AliasArn": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "AllowedAccessControlTags": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "SecurityProfilePolicyKey" }, "value": { "shape": "SecurityProfilePolicyValue" }, "max": 4 }, "AllowedCapabilities": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Customer": { "shape": "ParticipantCapabilities", "documentation": "

Information about the customer's video sharing capabilities.

" }, "Agent": { "shape": "ParticipantCapabilities", "documentation": "

Information about the agent's video sharing capabilities.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the capabilities enabled for participants of the contact.

" }, "AllowedMonitorCapabilities": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "MonitorCapability" }, "max": 2 }, "AnalyticsDataAssociationResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "DataSetId": { "shape": "DataSetId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the dataset.

" }, "TargetAccountId": { "shape": "AWSAccountId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the target account.

" }, "ResourceShareId": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The Resource Access Manager share ID.

" }, "ResourceShareArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Resource Access Manager share.

" } }, "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Information about associations that are successfully created: DataSetId, TargetAccountId, ResourceShareId, ResourceShareArn.

" }, "AnalyticsDataAssociationResults": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AnalyticsDataAssociationResult" } }, "AnswerMachineDetectionConfig": { "type": "structure", "members": { "EnableAnswerMachineDetection": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

The flag to indicate if answer machine detection analysis needs to be performed for a voice call. If set to true, TrafficType must be set as CAMPAIGN.

" }, "AwaitAnswerMachinePrompt": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

Wait for the answering machine prompt.

" } }, "documentation": "

Configuration of the answering machine detection.

" }, "AnsweringMachineDetectionStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ANSWERED", "UNDETECTED", "ERROR", "HUMAN_ANSWERED", "SIT_TONE_DETECTED", "SIT_TONE_BUSY", "SIT_TONE_INVALID_NUMBER", "FAX_MACHINE_DETECTED", "VOICEMAIL_BEEP", "VOICEMAIL_NO_BEEP", "AMD_UNRESOLVED", "AMD_UNANSWERED", "AMD_ERROR", "AMD_NOT_APPLICABLE" ] }, "Application": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Namespace": { "shape": "Namespace", "documentation": "

Namespace of the application that you want to give access to.

" }, "ApplicationPermissions": { "shape": "ApplicationPermissions", "documentation": "

The permissions that the agent is granted on the application. Only the ACCESS permission is supported.

" } }, "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

A third-party application's metadata.

" }, "ApplicationPermissions": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Permission" }, "max": 10, "min": 1 }, "Applications": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Application" }, "max": 10 }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "type": "long" }, "ArtifactId": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "ArtifactStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "APPROVED", "REJECTED", "IN_PROGRESS" ] }, "AssignContactCategoryActionDefinition": { "type": "structure", "members": {}, "documentation": "

This action must be set if TriggerEventSource is one of the following values: OnPostCallAnalysisAvailable | OnRealTimeCallAnalysisAvailable | OnRealTimeChatAnalysisAvailable | OnPostChatAnalysisAvailable. Contact is categorized using the rule name.

RuleName is used as ContactCategory.

" }, "AssociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "DataSetId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "DataSetId": { "shape": "DataSetId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the dataset to associate with the target account.

" }, "TargetAccountId": { "shape": "AWSAccountId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the target account. Use to associate a dataset to a different account than the one containing the Amazon Connect instance. If not specified, by default this value is the Amazon Web Services account that has the Amazon Connect instance.

" } } }, "AssociateAnalyticsDataSetResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "DataSetId": { "shape": "DataSetId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the dataset that was associated.

" }, "TargetAccountId": { "shape": "AWSAccountId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the target account.

" }, "ResourceShareId": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The Resource Access Manager share ID that is generated.

" }, "ResourceShareArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Resource Access Manager share.

" } } }, "AssociateApprovedOriginRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Origin" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Origin": { "shape": "Origin", "documentation": "

The domain to add to your allow list.

" } } }, "AssociateBotRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "LexBot": { "shape": "LexBot" }, "LexV2Bot": { "shape": "LexV2Bot", "documentation": "

The Amazon Lex V2 bot to associate with the instance.

" } } }, "AssociateDefaultVocabularyRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "LanguageCode" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "LanguageCode": { "shape": "VocabularyLanguageCode", "documentation": "

The language code of the vocabulary entries. For a list of languages and their corresponding language codes, see What is Amazon Transcribe?

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "LanguageCode" }, "VocabularyId": { "shape": "VocabularyId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the custom vocabulary. If this is empty, the default is set to none.

" } } }, "AssociateDefaultVocabularyResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "AssociateFlowRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ResourceId", "FlowId", "ResourceType" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ResourceId": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The identifier of the resource.

" }, "FlowId": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "FlowAssociationResourceType", "documentation": "

A valid resource type.

" } } }, "AssociateFlowResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "AssociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ResourceType", "StorageConfig" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "InstanceStorageResourceType", "documentation": "

A valid resource type. To enable streaming for real-time analysis of contacts, use the following types:

REAL_TIME_CONTACT_ANALYSIS_SEGMENTS is deprecated, but it is still supported and will apply only to VOICE channel contacts. Use REAL_TIME_CONTACT_ANALYSIS_VOICE_SEGMENTS for voice contacts moving forward.

If you have previously associated a stream with REAL_TIME_CONTACT_ANALYSIS_SEGMENTS, no action is needed to update the stream to REAL_TIME_CONTACT_ANALYSIS_VOICE_SEGMENTS.

" }, "StorageConfig": { "shape": "InstanceStorageConfig", "documentation": "

A valid storage type.

" } } }, "AssociateInstanceStorageConfigResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AssociationId": { "shape": "AssociationId", "documentation": "

The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.

" } } }, "AssociateLambdaFunctionRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "FunctionArn" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "FunctionArn": { "shape": "FunctionArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Lambda function being associated. Maximum number of characters allowed is 140.

" } } }, "AssociateLexBotRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "LexBot" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "LexBot": { "shape": "LexBot", "documentation": "

The Amazon Lex bot to associate with the instance.

" } } }, "AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PhoneNumberId", "InstanceId", "ContactFlowId" ], "members": { "PhoneNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the phone number.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "PhoneNumberId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" } } }, "AssociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QueueId", "QuickConnectIds" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QueueId" }, "QuickConnectIds": { "shape": "QuickConnectsList", "documentation": "

The quick connects to associate with this queue.

" } } }, "AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RoutingProfileId", "QueueConfigs" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RoutingProfileId" }, "QueueConfigs": { "shape": "RoutingProfileQueueConfigList", "documentation": "

The queues to associate with this routing profile.

" } } }, "AssociateSecurityKeyRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Key" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Key": { "shape": "PEM", "documentation": "

A valid security key in PEM format as a String.

" } } }, "AssociateSecurityKeyResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AssociationId": { "shape": "AssociationId", "documentation": "

The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.

" } } }, "AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "TrafficDistributionGroupId", "UserId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "TrafficDistributionGroupId": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupIdOrArn", "documentation": "

The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "TrafficDistributionGroupId" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account. This can be the ID or the ARN of the user.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" } } }, "AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "AssociateUserProficienciesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "UserId", "UserProficiencies" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN of the instance).

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "UserProficiencies": { "shape": "UserProficiencyList", "documentation": "

The proficiencies to associate with the user.

" } } }, "AssociatedQueueIdList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "QueueId" } }, "AssociationId": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "AttachedFile": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "CreationTime", "FileArn", "FileId", "FileName", "FileSizeInBytes", "FileStatus" ], "members": { "CreationTime": { "shape": "ISO8601Datetime", "documentation": "

The time of Creation of the file resource as an ISO timestamp. It's specified in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. For example, 2024-05-03T02:41:28.172Z.

" }, "FileArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the attached file resource (ARN).

" }, "FileId": { "shape": "FileId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the attached file resource.

" }, "FileName": { "shape": "FileName", "documentation": "

A case-sensitive name of the attached file being uploaded.

" }, "FileSizeInBytes": { "shape": "FileSizeInBytes", "documentation": "

The size of the attached file in bytes.

", "box": true }, "FileStatus": { "shape": "FileStatusType", "documentation": "

The current status of the attached file.

" }, "CreatedBy": { "shape": "CreatedByInfo", "documentation": "

Represents the identity that created the file.

" }, "FileUseCaseType": { "shape": "FileUseCaseType", "documentation": "

The use case for the file.

" }, "AssociatedResourceArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The resource to which the attached file is (being) uploaded to. Cases are the only current supported resource.

This value must be a valid ARN.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the attached file.

" }, "AttachedFileError": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ErrorCode": { "shape": "ErrorCode", "documentation": "

Status code describing the failure.

" }, "ErrorMessage": { "shape": "ErrorMessage", "documentation": "

Why the attached file couldn't be retrieved.

" }, "FileId": { "shape": "FileId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the attached file resource.

" } }, "documentation": "

Error describing a failure to retrieve attached file metadata through BatchGetAttachedFileMetadata action.

" }, "AttachedFileErrorsList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AttachedFileError" } }, "AttachedFilesList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AttachedFile" } }, "AttachmentName": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "AttachmentReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "ReferenceKey", "documentation": "

Identifier of the attachment reference.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "ReferenceValue", "documentation": "

The location path of the attachment reference.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "ReferenceStatus", "documentation": "

Status of the attachment reference type.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a reference when the referenceType is ATTACHMENT. Otherwise, null.

" }, "Attendee": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AttendeeId": { "shape": "AttendeeId", "documentation": "

The Amazon Chime SDK attendee ID.

" }, "JoinToken": { "shape": "JoinToken", "documentation": "

The join token used by the Amazon Chime SDK attendee.

" } }, "documentation": "

The attendee information, including attendee ID and join token.

" }, "AttendeeId": { "type": "string" }, "Attribute": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AttributeType": { "shape": "InstanceAttributeType", "documentation": "

The type of attribute.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "InstanceAttributeValue", "documentation": "

The value of the attribute.

" } }, "documentation": "

A toggle for an individual feature at the instance level.

" }, "AttributeAndCondition": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagConditions": { "shape": "TagAndConditionList", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a tag condition.

" }, "HierarchyGroupCondition": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupCondition" } }, "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "AttributeCondition": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeName", "documentation": "

The name of predefined attribute.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "ProficiencyValue", "documentation": "

The value of predefined attribute.

" }, "ProficiencyLevel": { "shape": "NullableProficiencyLevel", "documentation": "

The proficiency level of the condition.

" }, "MatchCriteria": { "shape": "MatchCriteria", "documentation": "

An object to define AgentsCriteria.

" }, "ComparisonOperator": { "shape": "ComparisonOperator", "documentation": "

The operator of the condition.

" } }, "documentation": "

An object to specify the predefined attribute condition.

" }, "AttributeName": { "type": "string", "max": 32767, "min": 1 }, "AttributeOrConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AttributeAndCondition" } }, "AttributeValue": { "type": "string", "max": 32767, "min": 0 }, "Attributes": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "AttributeName" }, "value": { "shape": "AttributeValue" } }, "AttributesList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Attribute" } }, "AudioFeatures": { "type": "structure", "members": { "EchoReduction": { "shape": "MeetingFeatureStatus", "documentation": "

Makes echo reduction available to clients who connect to the meeting.

" } }, "documentation": "

Has audio-specific configurations as the operating parameter for Echo Reduction.

" }, "AudioQualityMetricsInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "QualityScore": { "shape": "AudioQualityScore", "documentation": "

Number measuring the estimated quality of the media connection.

" }, "PotentialQualityIssues": { "shape": "PotentialAudioQualityIssues", "documentation": "

List of potential issues causing degradation of quality on a media connection. If the service did not detect any potential quality issues the list is empty.

Valid values: HighPacketLoss | HighRoundTripTime | HighJitterBuffer

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information for score and potential quality issues for Audio

" }, "AudioQualityScore": { "type": "float" }, "AuthenticationProfile": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfileId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the authentication profile.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the authentication profile.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfileName", "documentation": "

The name for the authentication profile.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfileDescription", "documentation": "

The description for the authentication profile.

" }, "AllowedIps": { "shape": "IpCidrList", "documentation": "

A list of IP address range strings that are allowed to access the Amazon Connect instance. For more information about how to configure IP addresses, see Configure IP address based access control in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "BlockedIps": { "shape": "IpCidrList", "documentation": "

A list of IP address range strings that are blocked from accessing the Amazon Connect instance. For more information about how to configure IP addresses, see Configure IP address based access control in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "IsDefault": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

Shows whether the authentication profile is the default authentication profile for the Amazon Connect instance. The default authentication profile applies to all agents in an Amazon Connect instance, unless overridden by another authentication profile.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the authentication profile was created.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the authentication profile was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where the authentication profile was last modified.

" }, "PeriodicSessionDuration": { "shape": "AccessTokenDuration", "documentation": "

The short lived session duration configuration for users logged in to Amazon Connect, in minutes. This value determines the maximum possible time before an agent is authenticated. For more information, see Configure the session duration in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "MaxSessionDuration": { "shape": "RefreshTokenDuration", "documentation": "

The long lived session duration for users logged in to Amazon Connect, in minutes. After this time period, users must log in again. For more information, see Configure the session duration in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" } }, "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. To request access to this API, contact Amazon Web Services Support.

Information about an authentication profile. An authentication profile is a resource that stores the authentication settings for users in your contact center. You use authentication profiles to set up IP address range restrictions and session timeouts. For more information, see Set IP address restrictions or session timeouts.

" }, "AuthenticationProfileDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 1 }, "AuthenticationProfileId": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "AuthenticationProfileName": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "AuthenticationProfileSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfileId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the authentication profile.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the authentication profile summary.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfileName", "documentation": "

The name of the authentication profile summary.

" }, "IsDefault": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

Shows whether the authentication profile is the default authentication profile for the Amazon Connect instance. The default authentication profile applies to all agents in an Amazon Connect instance, unless overridden by another authentication profile.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the authentication profile summary was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region when the authentication profile summary was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. To request access to this API, contact Amazon Web Services Support.

A summary of a given authentication profile.

" }, "AuthenticationProfileSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfileSummary" } }, "AutoAccept": { "type": "boolean" }, "AvailableNumberSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PhoneNumber": { "shape": "PhoneNumber", "documentation": "

The phone number. Phone numbers are formatted [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code].

" }, "PhoneNumberCountryCode": { "shape": "PhoneNumberCountryCode", "documentation": "

The ISO country code.

" }, "PhoneNumberType": { "shape": "PhoneNumberType", "documentation": "

The type of phone number.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about available phone numbers.

" }, "AvailableNumbersList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "AvailableNumberSummary" } }, "AwsRegion": { "type": "string", "max": 31, "min": 8, "pattern": "[a-z]{2}(-[a-z]+){1,2}(-[0-9])?" }, "BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "DataSetIds" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "DataSetIds": { "shape": "DataSetIds", "documentation": "

An array of dataset identifiers to associate.

" }, "TargetAccountId": { "shape": "AWSAccountId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the target account. Use to associate a dataset to a different account than the one containing the Amazon Connect instance. If not specified, by default this value is the Amazon Web Services account that has the Amazon Connect instance.

" } } }, "BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Created": { "shape": "AnalyticsDataAssociationResults", "documentation": "

Information about associations that are successfully created: DataSetId, TargetAccountId, ResourceShareId, ResourceShareArn.

" }, "Errors": { "shape": "ErrorResults", "documentation": "

A list of errors for datasets that aren't successfully associated with the target account.

" } } }, "BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "DataSetIds" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "DataSetIds": { "shape": "DataSetIds", "documentation": "

An array of associated dataset identifiers to remove.

" }, "TargetAccountId": { "shape": "AWSAccountId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the target account. Use to disassociate a dataset from a different account than the one containing the Amazon Connect instance. If not specified, by default this value is the Amazon Web Services account that has the Amazon Connect instance.

" } } }, "BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Deleted": { "shape": "DataSetIds", "documentation": "

An array of successfully disassociated dataset identifiers.

" }, "Errors": { "shape": "ErrorResults", "documentation": "

A list of errors for any datasets not successfully removed.

" } } }, "BatchGetAttachedFileMetadataRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "FileIds", "InstanceId", "AssociatedResourceArn" ], "members": { "FileIds": { "shape": "FileIdList", "documentation": "

The unique identifiers of the attached file resource.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the Connect instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "AssociatedResourceArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The resource to which the attached file is (being) uploaded to. Cases are the only current supported resource.

This value must be a valid ARN.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "associatedResourceArn" } } }, "BatchGetAttachedFileMetadataResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Files": { "shape": "AttachedFilesList", "documentation": "

List of attached files that were successfully retrieved.

" }, "Errors": { "shape": "AttachedFileErrorsList", "documentation": "

List of errors of attached files that could not be retrieved.

" } } }, "BatchGetFlowAssociationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ResourceIds" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ResourceIds": { "shape": "resourceArnListMaxLimit100", "documentation": "

A list of resource identifiers to retrieve flow associations.

" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "ListFlowAssociationResourceType", "documentation": "

The type of resource association.

" } } }, "BatchGetFlowAssociationResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "FlowAssociationSummaryList": { "shape": "FlowAssociationSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about flow associations.

" } } }, "BatchPutContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactDataRequestList" ], "members": { "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactDataRequestList": { "shape": "ContactDataRequestList", "documentation": "

List of individual contact requests.

" } } }, "BatchPutContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "SuccessfulRequestList": { "shape": "SuccessfulRequestList", "documentation": "

List of requests for which contact was successfully created.

" }, "FailedRequestList": { "shape": "FailedRequestList", "documentation": "

List of requests for which contact creation failed.

" } } }, "BehaviorType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ROUTE_CURRENT_CHANNEL_ONLY", "ROUTE_ANY_CHANNEL" ] }, "Boolean": { "type": "boolean" }, "BotName": { "type": "string", "max": 50 }, "BoxedBoolean": { "type": "boolean" }, "BucketName": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "Campaign": { "type": "structure", "members": { "CampaignId": { "shape": "CampaignId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for a campaign.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information associated with a campaign.

" }, "CampaignId": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "Channel": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "VOICE", "CHAT", "TASK" ] }, "ChannelList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Channel" } }, "ChannelToCountMap": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "Channel" }, "value": { "shape": "IntegerCount" } }, "Channels": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Channel" }, "max": 3 }, "ChatContent": { "type": "string", "max": 16384, "min": 1 }, "ChatContentType": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "ChatDurationInMinutes": { "type": "integer", "max": 10080, "min": 60 }, "ChatEvent": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Type" ], "members": { "Type": { "shape": "ChatEventType", "documentation": "

Type of chat integration event.

" }, "ContentType": { "shape": "ChatContentType", "documentation": "

Type of content. This is required when Type is MESSAGE or EVENT.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "ChatContent", "documentation": "

Content of the message or event. This is required when Type is MESSAGE and for certain ContentTypes when Type is EVENT.

" } }, "documentation": "

Chat integration event containing payload to perform different chat actions such as:

" }, "ChatEventType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "DISCONNECT", "MESSAGE", "EVENT" ] }, "ChatMessage": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ContentType", "Content" ], "members": { "ContentType": { "shape": "ChatContentType", "documentation": "

The type of the content. Supported types are text/plain, text/markdown, application/json, and application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.message.interactive.response.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "ChatContent", "documentation": "

The content of the chat message.

" } }, "documentation": "

A chat message.

" }, "ChatParticipantRoleConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ParticipantTimerConfigList" ], "members": { "ParticipantTimerConfigList": { "shape": "ParticipantTimerConfigList", "documentation": "

A list of participant timers. You can specify any unique combination of role and timer type. Duplicate entries error out the request with a 400.

" } }, "documentation": "

Configuration information for the chat participant role.

" }, "ChatStreamingConfiguration": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "StreamingEndpointArn" ], "members": { "StreamingEndpointArn": { "shape": "ChatStreamingEndpointARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the standard Amazon SNS topic. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the streaming endpoint that is used to publish real-time message streaming for chat conversations.

" } }, "documentation": "

The streaming configuration, such as the Amazon SNS streaming endpoint.

" }, "ChatStreamingEndpointARN": { "type": "string", "max": 350, "min": 1 }, "ClaimPhoneNumberRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PhoneNumber" ], "members": { "TargetArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for Amazon Connect instances or traffic distribution groups that phone number inbound traffic is routed through. You must enter InstanceId or TargetArn.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance that phone numbers are claimed to. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance. You must enter InstanceId or TargetArn.

" }, "PhoneNumber": { "shape": "PhoneNumber", "documentation": "

The phone number you want to claim. Phone numbers are formatted [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code].

" }, "PhoneNumberDescription": { "shape": "PhoneNumberDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the phone number.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

Pattern: ^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "ClaimPhoneNumberResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PhoneNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumberArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the phone number.

" } } }, "ClaimedPhoneNumberSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PhoneNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumberArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumber": { "shape": "PhoneNumber", "documentation": "

The phone number. Phone numbers are formatted [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code].

" }, "PhoneNumberCountryCode": { "shape": "PhoneNumberCountryCode", "documentation": "

The ISO country code.

" }, "PhoneNumberType": { "shape": "PhoneNumberType", "documentation": "

The type of phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumberDescription": { "shape": "PhoneNumberDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the phone number.

" }, "TargetArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for Amazon Connect instances or traffic distribution groups that phone number inbound traffic is routed through.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance that phone numbers are claimed to. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "PhoneNumberStatus": { "shape": "PhoneNumberStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the phone number.

You will not be billed for the phone number during the 1-day period if number claiming fails.

" }, "SourcePhoneNumberArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The claimed phone number ARN that was previously imported from the external service, such as Amazon Pinpoint. If it is from Amazon Pinpoint, it looks like the ARN of the phone number that was imported from Amazon Pinpoint.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a phone number that has been claimed to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group.

" }, "ClientToken": { "type": "string", "max": 500 }, "CommonAttributeAndCondition": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagConditions": { "shape": "TagAndConditionList", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a tag condition.

" } }, "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "CommonAttributeOrConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "CommonAttributeAndCondition" } }, "CommonNameLength127": { "type": "string", "max": 127, "min": 1 }, "Comparison": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "LT" ] }, "ComparisonOperator": { "type": "string", "max": 127, "min": 1 }, "CompleteAttachedFileUploadRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "FileId", "AssociatedResourceArn" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the Amazon Connect instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "FileId": { "shape": "FileId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the attached file resource.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "FileId" }, "AssociatedResourceArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The resource to which the attached file is (being) uploaded to. Cases are the only current supported resource.

This value must be a valid ARN.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "associatedResourceArn" } }, "documentation": "Request to CompleteAttachedFileUpload API" }, "CompleteAttachedFileUploadResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {}, "documentation": "Response from CompleteAttachedFileUpload API" }, "Concurrency": { "type": "integer", "max": 10, "min": 1 }, "Condition": { "type": "structure", "members": { "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.

The currently supported values for FieldName are name and

" }, "NumberCondition": { "shape": "NumberCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a numeric condition.

" } }, "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a ProficiencyName, ProficiencyValue and ProficiencyLimit.

" }, "Conditions": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Condition" } }, "ConnectionData": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Attendee": { "shape": "Attendee", "documentation": "

The attendee information, including attendee ID and join token.

" }, "Meeting": { "shape": "Meeting", "documentation": "

A meeting created using the Amazon Chime SDK.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information required to join the call.

" }, "Contact": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the contact.

" }, "Id": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the contact.

" }, "InitialContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

If this contact is related to other contacts, this is the ID of the initial contact.

" }, "PreviousContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

If this contact is not the first contact, this is the ID of the previous contact.

" }, "InitiationMethod": { "shape": "ContactInitiationMethod", "documentation": "

Indicates how the contact was initiated.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "Name", "documentation": "

The name of the contact.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "Description", "documentation": "

The description of the contact.

" }, "Channel": { "shape": "Channel", "documentation": "

How the contact reached your contact center.

" }, "QueueInfo": { "shape": "QueueInfo", "documentation": "

If this contact was queued, this contains information about the queue.

" }, "AgentInfo": { "shape": "AgentInfo", "documentation": "

Information about the agent who accepted the contact.

" }, "InitiationTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The date and time this contact was initiated, in UTC time. For INBOUND, this is when the contact arrived. For OUTBOUND, this is when the agent began dialing. For CALLBACK, this is when the callback contact was created. For TRANSFER and QUEUE_TRANSFER, this is when the transfer was initiated. For API, this is when the request arrived. For EXTERNAL_OUTBOUND, this is when the agent started dialing the external participant. For MONITOR, this is when the supervisor started listening to a contact.

" }, "DisconnectTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the customer endpoint disconnected from Amazon Connect.

" }, "LastUpdateTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when contact was last updated.

" }, "LastPausedTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the contact was last paused.

" }, "LastResumedTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the contact was last resumed.

" }, "TotalPauseCount": { "shape": "TotalPauseCount", "documentation": "

Total pause count for a contact.

" }, "TotalPauseDurationInSeconds": { "shape": "TotalPauseDurationInSeconds", "documentation": "

Total pause duration for a contact in seconds.

" }, "ScheduledTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp, in Unix epoch time format, at which to start running the inbound flow.

" }, "RelatedContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The contactId that is related to this contact.

" }, "WisdomInfo": { "shape": "WisdomInfo", "documentation": "

Information about Amazon Connect Wisdom.

" }, "QueueTimeAdjustmentSeconds": { "shape": "QueueTimeAdjustmentSeconds", "documentation": "

An integer that represents the queue time adjust to be applied to the contact, in seconds (longer / larger queue time are routed preferentially). Cannot be specified if the QueuePriority is specified. Must be statically defined and a valid integer value.

" }, "QueuePriority": { "shape": "QueuePriority", "documentation": "

An integer that represents the queue priority to be applied to the contact (lower priorities are routed preferentially). Cannot be specified if the QueueTimeAdjustmentSeconds is specified. Must be statically defined, must be larger than zero, and a valid integer value. Default Value is 5.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "ContactTagMap", "documentation": "

Tags associated with the contact. This contains both Amazon Web Services generated and user-defined tags.

" }, "ConnectedToSystemTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when customer endpoint connected to Amazon Connect.

" }, "RoutingCriteria": { "shape": "RoutingCriteria", "documentation": "

Latest routing criteria on the contact.

" }, "Customer": { "shape": "Customer", "documentation": "

Information about the Customer on the contact.

" }, "Campaign": { "shape": "Campaign" }, "AnsweringMachineDetectionStatus": { "shape": "AnsweringMachineDetectionStatus", "documentation": "

Indicates how an outbound campaign call is actually disposed if the contact is connected to Amazon Connect.

" }, "CustomerVoiceActivity": { "shape": "CustomerVoiceActivity", "documentation": "

Information about customer’s voice activity.

" }, "QualityMetrics": { "shape": "QualityMetrics", "documentation": "

Information about the quality of the participant's media connection.

" }, "DisconnectDetails": { "shape": "DisconnectDetails", "documentation": "

Information about the call disconnect experience.

" }, "SegmentAttributes": { "shape": "SegmentAttributes", "documentation": "

A set of system defined key-value pairs stored on individual contact segments using an attribute map. The attributes are standard Amazon Connect attributes and can be accessed in flows. Attribute keys can include only alphanumeric, -, and _ characters. This field can be used to show channel subtype. For example, connect:Guide or connect:SMS.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a contact.

" }, "ContactAnalysis": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Transcript": { "shape": "Transcript", "documentation": "

Search criteria based on transcript analyzed by Amazon Connect Contact Lens.

" } }, "documentation": "

A structure that defines search criteria for contacts using analysis outputs from Amazon Connect Contact Lens.

" }, "ContactDataRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "SystemEndpoint": { "shape": "Endpoint", "documentation": "

Endpoint associated with the Amazon Connect instance from which outbound contact will be initiated for the campaign.

" }, "CustomerEndpoint": { "shape": "Endpoint", "documentation": "

Endpoint of the customer for which contact will be initiated.

" }, "RequestIdentifier": { "shape": "RequestIdentifier", "documentation": "

Identifier to uniquely identify individual requests in the batch.

" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the queue associated with the Amazon Connect instance in which contacts that are created will be queued.

" }, "Attributes": { "shape": "Attributes", "documentation": "

List of attributes to be stored in a contact.

" }, "Campaign": { "shape": "Campaign", "documentation": "

Structure to store information associated with a campaign.

" } }, "documentation": "

Request object with information to create a contact.

" }, "ContactDataRequestList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactDataRequest" }, "max": 25, "min": 1 }, "ContactFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactStates": { "shape": "ContactStates", "documentation": "

A list of up to 9 contact states.

" } }, "documentation": "

Filters user data based on the contact information that is associated to the users. It contains a list of contact states.

" }, "ContactFlow": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow.

" }, "Id": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "ContactFlowName", "documentation": "

The name of the flow.

" }, "Type": { "shape": "ContactFlowType", "documentation": "

The type of the flow. For descriptions of the available types, see Choose a flow type in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "State": { "shape": "ContactFlowState", "documentation": "

The type of flow.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "ContactFlowStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the contact flow.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ContactFlowDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the flow.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "ContactFlowContent", "documentation": "

The JSON string that represents the content of the flow. For an example, see Example flow in Amazon Connect Flow language.

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 256000.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a flow.

" }, "ContactFlowContent": { "type": "string" }, "ContactFlowDescription": { "type": "string" }, "ContactFlowId": { "type": "string", "max": 500 }, "ContactFlowModule": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

" }, "Id": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow module.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleName", "documentation": "

The name of the flow module.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleContent", "documentation": "

The JSON string that represents the content of the flow. For an example, see Example flow in Amazon Connect Flow language.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the flow module.

" }, "State": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleState", "documentation": "

The type of flow module.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the flow module.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a flow module.

" }, "ContactFlowModuleContent": { "type": "string", "max": 256000, "min": 1 }, "ContactFlowModuleDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 500, "min": 0, "pattern": ".*\\S.*" }, "ContactFlowModuleId": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "ContactFlowModuleName": { "type": "string", "max": 127, "min": 1, "pattern": ".*\\S.*" }, "ContactFlowModuleSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleSearchCriteria" } }, "ContactFlowModuleSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return flow modules.

" }, "ContactFlowModuleSearchFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneTagFilter" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return flow modules.

" }, "ContactFlowModuleSearchSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactFlowModule" } }, "ContactFlowModuleState": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ACTIVE", "ARCHIVED" ] }, "ContactFlowModuleStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "PUBLISHED", "SAVED" ] }, "ContactFlowModuleSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow module.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow module.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleName", "documentation": "

The name of the flow module.

" }, "State": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleState", "documentation": "

The type of flow module.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about a flow.

" }, "ContactFlowModulesSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleSummary" } }, "ContactFlowName": { "type": "string", "min": 1 }, "ContactFlowSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactFlowSearchCriteria" } }, "ContactFlowSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "ContactFlowSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "ContactFlowSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition" }, "TypeCondition": { "shape": "ContactFlowType", "documentation": "

The type of flow.

" }, "StateCondition": { "shape": "ContactFlowState", "documentation": "

The state of the flow.

" }, "StatusCondition": { "shape": "ContactFlowStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the flow.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return contact flows.

" }, "ContactFlowSearchFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneTagFilter" } }, "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "ContactFlowSearchSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactFlow" } }, "ContactFlowState": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ACTIVE", "ARCHIVED" ] }, "ContactFlowStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "PUBLISHED", "SAVED" ] }, "ContactFlowSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "ContactFlowName", "documentation": "

The name of the flow.

" }, "ContactFlowType": { "shape": "ContactFlowType", "documentation": "

The type of flow.

" }, "ContactFlowState": { "shape": "ContactFlowState", "documentation": "

The type of flow.

" }, "ContactFlowStatus": { "shape": "ContactFlowStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the contact flow.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about a flow.

You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.

" }, "ContactFlowSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactFlowSummary" } }, "ContactFlowType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "CONTACT_FLOW", "CUSTOMER_QUEUE", "CUSTOMER_HOLD", "CUSTOMER_WHISPER", "AGENT_HOLD", "AGENT_WHISPER", "OUTBOUND_WHISPER", "AGENT_TRANSFER", "QUEUE_TRANSFER" ] }, "ContactFlowTypes": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactFlowType" }, "max": 10 }, "ContactId": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "ContactInitiationMethod": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "INBOUND", "OUTBOUND", "TRANSFER", "QUEUE_TRANSFER", "CALLBACK", "API", "DISCONNECT", "MONITOR", "EXTERNAL_OUTBOUND" ] }, "ContactReferences": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "ReferenceKey" }, "value": { "shape": "Reference" } }, "ContactSearchSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact.

" }, "Id": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact summary.

" }, "InitialContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

If this contact is related to other contacts, this is the ID of the initial contact.

" }, "PreviousContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

If this contact is not the first contact, this is the ID of the previous contact.

" }, "InitiationMethod": { "shape": "ContactInitiationMethod", "documentation": "

Indicates how the contact was initiated.

" }, "Channel": { "shape": "Channel", "documentation": "

How the contact reached your contact center.

" }, "QueueInfo": { "shape": "ContactSearchSummaryQueueInfo", "documentation": "

If this contact was queued, this contains information about the queue.

" }, "AgentInfo": { "shape": "ContactSearchSummaryAgentInfo", "documentation": "

Information about the agent who accepted the contact.

" }, "InitiationTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The date and time this contact was initiated, in UTC time. For INBOUND, this is when the contact arrived. For OUTBOUND, this is when the agent began dialing. For CALLBACK, this is when the callback contact was created. For TRANSFER and QUEUE_TRANSFER, this is when the transfer was initiated. For API, this is when the request arrived. For EXTERNAL_OUTBOUND, this is when the agent started dialing the external participant. For MONITOR, this is when the supervisor started listening to a contact.

" }, "DisconnectTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the customer endpoint disconnected from Amazon Connect.

" }, "ScheduledTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp, in Unix epoch time format, at which to start running the inbound flow.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information of returned contact.

" }, "ContactSearchSummaryAgentInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "AgentResourceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the agent who accepted the contact.

" }, "ConnectedToAgentTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the contact was connected to the agent.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the agent who accepted the contact.

" }, "ContactSearchSummaryQueueInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the queue.

" }, "EnqueueTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the contact was added to the queue.

" } }, "documentation": "

If this contact was queued, this contains information about the queue.

" }, "ContactState": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "INCOMING", "PENDING", "CONNECTING", "CONNECTED", "CONNECTED_ONHOLD", "MISSED", "ERROR", "ENDED", "REJECTED" ] }, "ContactStates": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactState" }, "max": 9 }, "ContactTagKey": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1, "pattern": "^(?!aws:)[a-zA-Z+-=._:/]+$" }, "ContactTagKeys": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactTagKey" }, "max": 6, "min": 1 }, "ContactTagMap": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "ContactTagKey" }, "value": { "shape": "ContactTagValue" }, "max": 6, "min": 1 }, "ContactTagValue": { "type": "string", "max": 256 }, "Contacts": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactSearchSummary" } }, "Content": { "type": "string", "max": 1024, "min": 1 }, "ContentType": { "type": "string", "max": 255, "min": 1 }, "ControlPlaneAttributeFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "CommonAttributeOrConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndCondition": { "shape": "CommonAttributeAndCondition", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "TagCondition": { "shape": "TagCondition" } }, "documentation": "

An object that can be used to specify Tag conditions inside the SearchFilter. This accepts an OR or AND (List of List) input where:

" }, "ControlPlaneTagFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "TagOrConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "TagAndConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "TagCondition": { "shape": "TagCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a tag condition.

" } }, "documentation": "

An object that can be used to specify Tag conditions inside the SearchFilter. This accepts an OR of AND (List of List) input where:

" }, "ControlPlaneUserAttributeFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "AttributeOrConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndCondition": { "shape": "AttributeAndCondition", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "TagCondition": { "shape": "TagCondition" }, "HierarchyGroupCondition": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupCondition" } }, "documentation": "

An object that can be used to specify Tag conditions or Hierarchy Group conditions inside the SearchFilter.

This accepts an OR of AND (List of List) input where:

Only one field can be populated. Maximum number of allowed Tag conditions is 25. Maximum number of allowed Hierarchy Group conditions is 20.

" }, "CreateAgentStatusRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name", "State" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "AgentStatusName", "documentation": "

The name of the status.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "AgentStatusDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the status.

" }, "State": { "shape": "AgentStatusState", "documentation": "

The state of the status.

" }, "DisplayOrder": { "shape": "AgentStatusOrderNumber", "documentation": "

The display order of the status.

", "box": true }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateAgentStatusResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AgentStatusARN": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the agent status.

" }, "AgentStatusId": { "shape": "AgentStatusId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the agent status.

" } } }, "CreateCaseActionDefinition": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Fields", "TemplateId" ], "members": { "Fields": { "shape": "FieldValues", "documentation": "

An array of objects with Field ID and Value data.

" }, "TemplateId": { "shape": "TemplateId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier of a template.

" } }, "documentation": "

The CreateCase action definition.

" }, "CreateContactFlowModuleRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name", "Content" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleName", "documentation": "

The name of the flow module.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the flow module.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleContent", "documentation": "

The JSON string that represents the content of the flow. For an example, see Example flow in Amazon Connect Flow language.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "CreateContactFlowModuleResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow module.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow module.

" } } }, "CreateContactFlowRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name", "Type", "Content" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "ContactFlowName", "documentation": "

The name of the flow.

" }, "Type": { "shape": "ContactFlowType", "documentation": "

The type of the flow. For descriptions of the available types, see Choose a flow type in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ContactFlowDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the flow.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "ContactFlowContent", "documentation": "

The JSON string that represents the content of the flow. For an example, see Example flow in Amazon Connect Flow language.

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 256000.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "ContactFlowStatus", "documentation": "

Indicates the flow status as either SAVED or PUBLISHED. The PUBLISHED status will initiate validation on the content. the SAVED status does not initiate validation of the content. SAVED | PUBLISHED.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateContactFlowResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" }, "ContactFlowArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow.

" } } }, "CreateEvaluationFormRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Title", "Items" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Title": { "shape": "EvaluationFormTitle", "documentation": "

A title of the evaluation form.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "EvaluationFormDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the evaluation form.

" }, "Items": { "shape": "EvaluationFormItemsList", "documentation": "

Items that are part of the evaluation form. The total number of sections and questions must not exceed 100 each. Questions must be contained in a section.

" }, "ScoringStrategy": { "shape": "EvaluationFormScoringStrategy", "documentation": "

A scoring strategy of the evaluation form.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "CreateEvaluationFormResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationFormId", "EvaluationFormArn" ], "members": { "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the evaluation form resource.

" } } }, "CreateHoursOfOperationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name", "TimeZone", "Config" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "CommonNameLength127", "documentation": "

The name of the hours of operation.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the hours of operation.

" }, "TimeZone": { "shape": "TimeZone", "documentation": "

The time zone of the hours of operation.

" }, "Config": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationConfigList", "documentation": "

Configuration information for the hours of operation: day, start time, and end time.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateHoursOfOperationResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "HoursOfOperationId": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the hours of operation.

" }, "HoursOfOperationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the hours of operation.

" } } }, "CreateInstanceRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "IdentityManagementType", "InboundCallsEnabled", "OutboundCallsEnabled" ], "members": { "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

The idempotency token.

" }, "IdentityManagementType": { "shape": "DirectoryType", "documentation": "

The type of identity management for your Amazon Connect users.

" }, "InstanceAlias": { "shape": "DirectoryAlias", "documentation": "

The name for your instance.

" }, "DirectoryId": { "shape": "DirectoryId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the directory.

" }, "InboundCallsEnabled": { "shape": "InboundCallsEnabled", "documentation": "

Your contact center handles incoming contacts.

" }, "OutboundCallsEnabled": { "shape": "OutboundCallsEnabled", "documentation": "

Your contact center allows outbound calls.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateInstanceResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the instance.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" } } }, "CreateIntegrationAssociationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "IntegrationType", "IntegrationArn" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "IntegrationType": { "shape": "IntegrationType", "documentation": "

The type of information to be ingested.

" }, "IntegrationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the integration.

When integrating with Amazon Pinpoint, the Amazon Connect and Amazon Pinpoint instances must be in the same account.

" }, "SourceApplicationUrl": { "shape": "URI", "documentation": "

The URL for the external application. This field is only required for the EVENT integration type.

" }, "SourceApplicationName": { "shape": "SourceApplicationName", "documentation": "

The name of the external application. This field is only required for the EVENT integration type.

" }, "SourceType": { "shape": "SourceType", "documentation": "

The type of the data source. This field is only required for the EVENT integration type.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateIntegrationAssociationResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "IntegrationAssociationId": { "shape": "IntegrationAssociationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the integration association.

" }, "IntegrationAssociationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the association.

" } } }, "CreateParticipantRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "ParticipantDetails" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect. Only contacts in the CHAT channel are supported.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true }, "ParticipantDetails": { "shape": "ParticipantDetailsToAdd", "documentation": "

Information identifying the participant.

The only Valid value for ParticipantRole is CUSTOM_BOT.

DisplayName is Required.

" } } }, "CreateParticipantResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ParticipantCredentials": { "shape": "ParticipantTokenCredentials", "documentation": "

The token used by the chat participant to call CreateParticipantConnection. The participant token is valid for the lifetime of a chat participant.

" }, "ParticipantId": { "shape": "ParticipantId", "documentation": "

The identifier for a chat participant. The participantId for a chat participant is the same throughout the chat lifecycle.

" } } }, "CreatePersistentContactAssociationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "InitialContactId", "RehydrationType", "SourceContactId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "InitialContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

This is the contactId of the current contact that the CreatePersistentContactAssociation API is being called from.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InitialContactId" }, "RehydrationType": { "shape": "RehydrationType", "documentation": "

The contactId chosen for rehydration depends on the type chosen.

The actual contactId used for rehydration is provided in the response of this API.

To illustrate how to use rehydration type, consider the following example: A customer starts a chat session. Agent a1 accepts the chat and a conversation starts between the customer and Agent a1. This first contact creates a contact ID C1. Agent a1 then transfers the chat to Agent a2. This creates another contact ID C2. At this point Agent a2 ends the chat. The customer is forwarded to the disconnect flow for a post chat survey that creates another contact ID C3. After the chat survey, the chat session ends. Later, the customer returns and wants to resume their past chat session. At this point, the customer can have following use cases:

" }, "SourceContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The contactId from which a persistent chat session must be started.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

" } } }, "CreatePersistentContactAssociationResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContinuedFromContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The contactId from which a persistent chat session is started. This field is populated only for persistent chat.

" } } }, "CreatePredefinedAttributeRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name", "Values" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeName", "documentation": "

The name of the predefined attribute.

" }, "Values": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeValues", "documentation": "

The values of the predefined attribute.

" } } }, "CreatePromptRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name", "S3Uri" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "CommonNameLength127", "documentation": "

The name of the prompt.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "PromptDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the prompt.

" }, "S3Uri": { "shape": "S3Uri", "documentation": "

The URI for the S3 bucket where the prompt is stored. You can provide S3 pre-signed URLs returned by the GetPromptFile API instead of providing S3 URIs.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreatePromptResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PromptARN": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the prompt.

" }, "PromptId": { "shape": "PromptId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the prompt.

" } } }, "CreateQueueRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name", "HoursOfOperationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "CommonNameLength127", "documentation": "

The name of the queue.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "QueueDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the queue.

" }, "OutboundCallerConfig": { "shape": "OutboundCallerConfig", "documentation": "

The outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow.

" }, "HoursOfOperationId": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the hours of operation.

" }, "MaxContacts": { "shape": "QueueMaxContacts", "documentation": "

The maximum number of contacts that can be in the queue before it is considered full.

", "box": true }, "QuickConnectIds": { "shape": "QuickConnectsList", "documentation": "

The quick connects available to agents who are working the queue.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateQueueResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "QueueArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.

" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

" } } }, "CreateQuickConnectRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name", "QuickConnectConfig" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "QuickConnectName", "documentation": "

A unique name of the quick connect.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "QuickConnectDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the quick connect.

" }, "QuickConnectConfig": { "shape": "QuickConnectConfig", "documentation": "

Configuration settings for the quick connect.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateQuickConnectResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "QuickConnectARN": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the quick connect.

" }, "QuickConnectId": { "shape": "QuickConnectId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the quick connect.

" } } }, "CreateRoutingProfileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name", "Description", "DefaultOutboundQueueId", "MediaConcurrencies" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "RoutingProfileName", "documentation": "

The name of the routing profile. Must not be more than 127 characters.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "RoutingProfileDescription", "documentation": "

Description of the routing profile. Must not be more than 250 characters.

" }, "DefaultOutboundQueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The default outbound queue for the routing profile.

" }, "QueueConfigs": { "shape": "RoutingProfileQueueConfigList", "documentation": "

The inbound queues associated with the routing profile. If no queue is added, the agent can make only outbound calls.

The limit of 10 array members applies to the maximum number of RoutingProfileQueueConfig objects that can be passed during a CreateRoutingProfile API request. It is different from the quota of 50 queues per routing profile per instance that is listed in Amazon Connect service quotas.

" }, "MediaConcurrencies": { "shape": "MediaConcurrencies", "documentation": "

The channels that agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP) for this routing profile.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "AgentAvailabilityTimer": { "shape": "AgentAvailabilityTimer", "documentation": "

Whether agents with this routing profile will have their routing order calculated based on longest idle time or time since their last inbound contact.

" } } }, "CreateRoutingProfileResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "RoutingProfileArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the routing profile.

" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

" } } }, "CreateRuleRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name", "TriggerEventSource", "Function", "Actions", "PublishStatus" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "RuleName", "documentation": "

A unique name for the rule.

" }, "TriggerEventSource": { "shape": "RuleTriggerEventSource", "documentation": "

The event source to trigger the rule.

" }, "Function": { "shape": "RuleFunction", "documentation": "

The conditions of the rule.

" }, "Actions": { "shape": "RuleActions", "documentation": "

A list of actions to be run when the rule is triggered.

" }, "PublishStatus": { "shape": "RulePublishStatus", "documentation": "

The publish status of the rule.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "CreateRuleResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "RuleArn", "RuleId" ], "members": { "RuleArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the rule.

" }, "RuleId": { "shape": "RuleId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the rule.

" } } }, "CreateSecurityProfileName": { "type": "string", "max": 127, "min": 1, "pattern": "^[ a-zA-Z0-9_@-]+$" }, "CreateSecurityProfileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "SecurityProfileName", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "SecurityProfileName": { "shape": "CreateSecurityProfileName", "documentation": "

The name of the security profile.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "SecurityProfileDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the security profile.

" }, "Permissions": { "shape": "PermissionsList", "documentation": "

Permissions assigned to the security profile. For a list of valid permissions, see List of security profile permissions.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "AllowedAccessControlTags": { "shape": "AllowedAccessControlTags", "documentation": "

The list of tags that a security profile uses to restrict access to resources in Amazon Connect.

" }, "TagRestrictedResources": { "shape": "TagRestrictedResourceList", "documentation": "

The list of resources that a security profile applies tag restrictions to in Amazon Connect. Following are acceptable ResourceNames: User | SecurityProfile | Queue | RoutingProfile

" }, "Applications": { "shape": "Applications", "documentation": "

A list of third-party applications that the security profile will give access to.

" }, "HierarchyRestrictedResources": { "shape": "HierarchyRestrictedResourceList", "documentation": "

The list of resources that a security profile applies hierarchy restrictions to in Amazon Connect. Following are acceptable ResourceNames: User.

" }, "AllowedAccessControlHierarchyGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group that a security profile uses to restrict access to resources in Amazon Connect.

" } } }, "CreateSecurityProfileResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "SecurityProfileId": { "shape": "SecurityProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the security profle.

" }, "SecurityProfileArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the security profile.

" } } }, "CreateTaskTemplateRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name", "Fields" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "TaskTemplateName", "documentation": "

The name of the task template.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "TaskTemplateDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the task template.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow that runs by default when a task is created by referencing this template.

" }, "Constraints": { "shape": "TaskTemplateConstraints", "documentation": "

Constraints that are applicable to the fields listed.

" }, "Defaults": { "shape": "TaskTemplateDefaults", "documentation": "

The default values for fields when a task is created by referencing this template.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "TaskTemplateStatus", "documentation": "

Marks a template as ACTIVE or INACTIVE for a task to refer to it. Tasks can only be created from ACTIVE templates. If a template is marked as INACTIVE, then a task that refers to this template cannot be created.

" }, "Fields": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFields", "documentation": "

Fields that are part of the template.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "CreateTaskTemplateResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Id", "Arn" ], "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TaskTemplateId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the task template resource.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "TaskTemplateArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the task template resource.

" } } }, "CreateTrafficDistributionGroupRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Name", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "Name128", "documentation": "

The name for the traffic distribution group.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "Description250", "documentation": "

A description for the traffic distribution group.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceIdOrArn", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance that has been replicated. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the traffic distribution group.

" } } }, "CreateUseCaseRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "IntegrationAssociationId", "UseCaseType" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "IntegrationAssociationId": { "shape": "IntegrationAssociationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the integration association.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "IntegrationAssociationId" }, "UseCaseType": { "shape": "UseCaseType", "documentation": "

The type of use case to associate to the integration association. Each integration association can have only one of each use case type.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateUseCaseResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "UseCaseId": { "shape": "UseCaseId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the use case.

" }, "UseCaseArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the use case.

" } } }, "CreateUserHierarchyGroupRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Name", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupName", "documentation": "

The name of the user hierarchy group. Must not be more than 100 characters.

" }, "ParentGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the parent hierarchy group. The user hierarchy is created at level one if the parent group ID is null.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateUserHierarchyGroupResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "HierarchyGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group.

" }, "HierarchyGroupArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hierarchy group.

" } } }, "CreateUserRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Username", "PhoneConfig", "SecurityProfileIds", "RoutingProfileId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "Username": { "shape": "AgentUsername", "documentation": "

The user name for the account. For instances not using SAML for identity management, the user name can include up to 20 characters. If you are using SAML for identity management, the user name can include up to 64 characters from [a-zA-Z0-9_-.\\@]+.

Username can include @ only if used in an email format. For example:

" }, "Password": { "shape": "Password", "documentation": "

The password for the user account. A password is required if you are using Amazon Connect for identity management. Otherwise, it is an error to include a password.

" }, "IdentityInfo": { "shape": "UserIdentityInfo", "documentation": "

The information about the identity of the user.

" }, "PhoneConfig": { "shape": "UserPhoneConfig", "documentation": "

The phone settings for the user.

" }, "DirectoryUserId": { "shape": "DirectoryUserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account in the directory used for identity management. If Amazon Connect cannot access the directory, you can specify this identifier to authenticate users. If you include the identifier, we assume that Amazon Connect cannot access the directory. Otherwise, the identity information is used to authenticate users from your directory.

This parameter is required if you are using an existing directory for identity management in Amazon Connect when Amazon Connect cannot access your directory to authenticate users. If you are using SAML for identity management and include this parameter, an error is returned.

" }, "SecurityProfileIds": { "shape": "SecurityProfileIds", "documentation": "

The identifier of the security profile for the user.

" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile for the user.

" }, "HierarchyGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group for the user.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateUserResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

" }, "UserArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user account.

" } } }, "CreateViewRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Status", "Content", "Name" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "ViewsInstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ViewsClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique Id for each create view request to avoid duplicate view creation. For example, the view is idempotent ClientToken is provided.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "ViewStatus", "documentation": "

Indicates the view status as either SAVED or PUBLISHED. The PUBLISHED status will initiate validation on the content.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "ViewInputContent", "documentation": "

View content containing all content necessary to render a view except for runtime input data.

The total uncompressed content has a maximum file size of 400kB.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ViewDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the view.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "ViewName", "documentation": "

The name of the view.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags associated with the view resource (not specific to view version).These tags can be used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateViewResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "View": { "shape": "View", "documentation": "

A view resource object. Contains metadata and content necessary to render the view.

" } } }, "CreateViewVersionRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ViewId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "ViewsInstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ViewId": { "shape": "ViewId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the view. Both ViewArn and ViewId can be used.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ViewId" }, "VersionDescription": { "shape": "ViewDescription", "documentation": "

The description for the version being published.

" }, "ViewContentSha256": { "shape": "ViewContentSha256", "documentation": "

Indicates the checksum value of the latest published view content.

" } } }, "CreateViewVersionResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "View": { "shape": "View", "documentation": "

All view data is contained within the View object.

" } } }, "CreateVocabularyRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "VocabularyName", "LanguageCode", "Content" ], "members": { "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs. If a create request is received more than once with same client token, subsequent requests return the previous response without creating a vocabulary again.

", "idempotencyToken": true }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "VocabularyName": { "shape": "VocabularyName", "documentation": "

A unique name of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "LanguageCode": { "shape": "VocabularyLanguageCode", "documentation": "

The language code of the vocabulary entries. For a list of languages and their corresponding language codes, see What is Amazon Transcribe?

" }, "Content": { "shape": "VocabularyContent", "documentation": "

The content of the custom vocabulary in plain-text format with a table of values. Each row in the table represents a word or a phrase, described with Phrase, IPA, SoundsLike, and DisplayAs fields. Separate the fields with TAB characters. The size limit is 50KB. For more information, see Create a custom vocabulary using a table.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "CreateVocabularyResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "VocabularyArn", "VocabularyId", "State" ], "members": { "VocabularyArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "VocabularyId": { "shape": "VocabularyId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "State": { "shape": "VocabularyState", "documentation": "

The current state of the custom vocabulary.

" } } }, "CreatedByInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ConnectUserArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

An agent ARN representing a connect user.

" }, "AWSIdentityArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

STS or IAM ARN representing the identity of API Caller. SDK users cannot populate this and this value is calculated automatically if ConnectUserArn is not provided.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information on the identity that created the file.

", "union": true }, "Credentials": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AccessToken": { "shape": "SecurityToken", "documentation": "

An access token generated for a federated user to access Amazon Connect.

" }, "AccessTokenExpiration": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

A token generated with an expiration time for the session a user is logged in to Amazon Connect.

" }, "RefreshToken": { "shape": "SecurityToken", "documentation": "

Renews a token generated for a user to access the Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "RefreshTokenExpiration": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

Renews the expiration timer for a generated token.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains credentials to use for federation.

", "sensitive": true }, "CrossChannelBehavior": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "BehaviorType" ], "members": { "BehaviorType": { "shape": "BehaviorType", "documentation": "

Specifies the other channels that can be routed to an agent handling their current channel.

" } }, "documentation": "

Defines the cross-channel routing behavior that allows an agent working on a contact in one channel to be offered a contact from a different channel.

" }, "CurrentMetric": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "CurrentMetricName", "documentation": "

The name of the metric.

" }, "Unit": { "shape": "Unit", "documentation": "

The unit for the metric.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a real-time metric. For a description of each metric, see Real-time Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "CurrentMetricData": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Metric": { "shape": "CurrentMetric", "documentation": "

Information about the metric.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "Value", "documentation": "

The value of the metric.

", "box": true } }, "documentation": "

Contains the data for a real-time metric.

" }, "CurrentMetricDataCollections": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "CurrentMetricData" } }, "CurrentMetricName": { "type": "string", "documentation": "

The current metric names.

", "enum": [ "AGENTS_ONLINE", "AGENTS_AVAILABLE", "AGENTS_ON_CALL", "AGENTS_NON_PRODUCTIVE", "AGENTS_AFTER_CONTACT_WORK", "AGENTS_ERROR", "AGENTS_STAFFED", "CONTACTS_IN_QUEUE", "OLDEST_CONTACT_AGE", "CONTACTS_SCHEDULED", "AGENTS_ON_CONTACT", "SLOTS_ACTIVE", "SLOTS_AVAILABLE" ] }, "CurrentMetricResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Dimensions": { "shape": "Dimensions", "documentation": "

The dimensions for the metrics.

" }, "Collections": { "shape": "CurrentMetricDataCollections", "documentation": "

The set of metrics.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a set of real-time metrics.

" }, "CurrentMetricResults": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "CurrentMetricResult" } }, "CurrentMetricSortCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "SortByMetric": { "shape": "CurrentMetricName" }, "SortOrder": { "shape": "SortOrder", "documentation": "

The way to sort.

" } }, "documentation": "

The way to sort the resulting response based on metrics. By default resources are sorted based on AGENTS_ONLINE, DESCENDING. The metric collection is sorted based on the input metrics.

" }, "CurrentMetricSortCriteriaMaxOne": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "CurrentMetricSortCriteria" }, "max": 1, "min": 0 }, "CurrentMetrics": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "CurrentMetric" } }, "Customer": { "type": "structure", "members": { "DeviceInfo": { "shape": "DeviceInfo", "documentation": "

Information regarding Customer’s device.

" }, "Capabilities": { "shape": "ParticipantCapabilities" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the Customer on the contact.

" }, "CustomerQualityMetrics": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Audio": { "shape": "AudioQualityMetricsInfo", "documentation": "

Information about the audio quality of the Customer

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the quality of the Customer's media connection

" }, "CustomerVoiceActivity": { "type": "structure", "members": { "GreetingStartTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

Timestamp that measures the beginning of the customer greeting from an outbound voice call.

" }, "GreetingEndTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

Timestamp that measures the end of the customer greeting from an outbound voice call.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about customer’s voice activity.

" }, "DataSetId": { "type": "string", "max": 255, "min": 1 }, "DataSetIds": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "DataSetId" } }, "DateReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "ReferenceKey", "documentation": "

Identifier of the date reference.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "ReferenceValue", "documentation": "

A valid date.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a reference when the referenceType is DATE. Otherwise, null.

" }, "DeactivateEvaluationFormRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "EvaluationFormId", "EvaluationFormVersion" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "EvaluationFormId" }, "EvaluationFormVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

A version of the evaluation form. If the version property is not provided, the latest version of the evaluation form is deactivated.

" } } }, "DeactivateEvaluationFormResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationFormId", "EvaluationFormArn", "EvaluationFormVersion" ], "members": { "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the evaluation form resource.

" }, "EvaluationFormVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

The version of the deactivated evaluation form resource.

" } } }, "DefaultVocabulary": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "LanguageCode", "VocabularyId", "VocabularyName" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "LanguageCode": { "shape": "VocabularyLanguageCode", "documentation": "

The language code of the vocabulary entries. For a list of languages and their corresponding language codes, see What is Amazon Transcribe?

" }, "VocabularyId": { "shape": "VocabularyId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "VocabularyName": { "shape": "VocabularyName", "documentation": "

A unique name of the custom vocabulary.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a default vocabulary.

" }, "DefaultVocabularyList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "DefaultVocabulary" } }, "Delay": { "type": "integer", "max": 9999, "min": 0 }, "DeleteAttachedFileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "FileId", "AssociatedResourceArn" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the Connect instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "FileId": { "shape": "FileId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the attached file resource.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "FileId" }, "AssociatedResourceArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The resource to which the attached file is (being) uploaded to. Cases are the only current supported resource.

This value must be a valid ARN.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "associatedResourceArn" } }, "documentation": "Request to DeleteAttachedFile API" }, "DeleteAttachedFileResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {}, "documentation": "Response from DeleteAttachedFile API" }, "DeleteContactEvaluationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "EvaluationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "EvaluationId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the contact evaluation.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "EvaluationId" } } }, "DeleteContactFlowModuleRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactFlowModuleId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactFlowModuleId": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow module.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactFlowModuleId" } } }, "DeleteContactFlowModuleResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "DeleteContactFlowRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactFlowId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactFlowId" } } }, "DeleteContactFlowResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "DeleteEvaluationFormRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "EvaluationFormId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "EvaluationFormId" }, "EvaluationFormVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "version" } } }, "DeleteHoursOfOperationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "HoursOfOperationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "HoursOfOperationId": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the hours of operation.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "HoursOfOperationId" } } }, "DeleteInstanceRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "DeleteIntegrationAssociationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "IntegrationAssociationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "IntegrationAssociationId": { "shape": "IntegrationAssociationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the integration association.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "IntegrationAssociationId" } } }, "DeletePredefinedAttributeRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeName", "documentation": "

The name of the predefined attribute.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "Name" } } }, "DeletePromptRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "PromptId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "PromptId": { "shape": "PromptId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the prompt.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "PromptId" } } }, "DeleteQueueRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QueueId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QueueId" } } }, "DeleteQuickConnectRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QuickConnectId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QuickConnectId": { "shape": "QuickConnectId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the quick connect.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QuickConnectId" } } }, "DeleteRoutingProfileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RoutingProfileId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RoutingProfileId" } } }, "DeleteRuleRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RuleId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RuleId": { "shape": "RuleId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the rule.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RuleId" } } }, "DeleteSecurityProfileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "SecurityProfileId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "SecurityProfileId": { "shape": "SecurityProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the security profle.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "SecurityProfileId" } } }, "DeleteTaskTemplateRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "TaskTemplateId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "TaskTemplateId": { "shape": "TaskTemplateId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the task template.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "TaskTemplateId" } } }, "DeleteTaskTemplateResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "DeleteTrafficDistributionGroupRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "TrafficDistributionGroupId" ], "members": { "TrafficDistributionGroupId": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupIdOrArn", "documentation": "

The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "TrafficDistributionGroupId" } } }, "DeleteTrafficDistributionGroupResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "DeleteUseCaseRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "IntegrationAssociationId", "UseCaseId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "IntegrationAssociationId": { "shape": "IntegrationAssociationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the integration association.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "IntegrationAssociationId" }, "UseCaseId": { "shape": "UseCaseId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the use case.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UseCaseId" } } }, "DeleteUserHierarchyGroupRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "HierarchyGroupId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "HierarchyGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "HierarchyGroupId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "DeleteUserRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "UserId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" } } }, "DeleteViewRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ViewId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "ViewsInstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ViewId": { "shape": "ViewId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the view. Both ViewArn and ViewId can be used.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ViewId" } } }, "DeleteViewResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "DeleteViewVersionRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ViewId", "ViewVersion" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "ViewsInstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ViewId": { "shape": "ViewId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the view. Both ViewArn and ViewId can be used.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ViewId" }, "ViewVersion": { "shape": "ViewVersion", "documentation": "

The version number of the view.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ViewVersion" } } }, "DeleteViewVersionResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "DeleteVocabularyRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "VocabularyId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "VocabularyId": { "shape": "VocabularyId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the custom vocabulary.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "VocabularyId" } } }, "DeleteVocabularyResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "VocabularyArn", "VocabularyId", "State" ], "members": { "VocabularyArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "VocabularyId": { "shape": "VocabularyId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "State": { "shape": "VocabularyState", "documentation": "

The current state of the custom vocabulary.

" } } }, "DescribeAgentStatusRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "AgentStatusId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "AgentStatusId": { "shape": "AgentStatusId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the agent status.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "AgentStatusId" } } }, "DescribeAgentStatusResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AgentStatus": { "shape": "AgentStatus", "documentation": "

The agent status.

" } } }, "DescribeAuthenticationProfileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "AuthenticationProfileId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "AuthenticationProfileId": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfileId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the authentication profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "AuthenticationProfileId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "DescribeAuthenticationProfileResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AuthenticationProfile": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfile", "documentation": "

The authentication profile object being described.

" } } }, "DescribeContactEvaluationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "EvaluationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "EvaluationId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the contact evaluation.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "EvaluationId" } } }, "DescribeContactEvaluationResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Evaluation", "EvaluationForm" ], "members": { "Evaluation": { "shape": "Evaluation", "documentation": "

Information about the evaluation form completed for a specific contact.

" }, "EvaluationForm": { "shape": "EvaluationFormContent", "documentation": "

Information about the evaluation form.

" } } }, "DescribeContactFlowModuleRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactFlowModuleId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactFlowModuleId": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow module.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactFlowModuleId" } } }, "DescribeContactFlowModuleResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactFlowModule": { "shape": "ContactFlowModule", "documentation": "

Information about the flow module.

" } } }, "DescribeContactFlowRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactFlowId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactFlowId" } } }, "DescribeContactFlowResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactFlow": { "shape": "ContactFlow", "documentation": "

Information about the flow.

" } } }, "DescribeContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactId" } } }, "DescribeContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Contact": { "shape": "Contact", "documentation": "

Information about the contact.

" } } }, "DescribeEvaluationFormRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "EvaluationFormId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the contact evaluation.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "EvaluationFormId" }, "EvaluationFormVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

A version of the evaluation form.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "version" } } }, "DescribeEvaluationFormResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationForm" ], "members": { "EvaluationForm": { "shape": "EvaluationForm", "documentation": "

Information about the evaluation form.

" } } }, "DescribeHoursOfOperationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "HoursOfOperationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "HoursOfOperationId": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the hours of operation.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "HoursOfOperationId" } } }, "DescribeHoursOfOperationResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "HoursOfOperation": { "shape": "HoursOfOperation", "documentation": "

The hours of operation.

" } } }, "DescribeInstanceAttributeRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "AttributeType" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "AttributeType": { "shape": "InstanceAttributeType", "documentation": "

The type of attribute.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "AttributeType" } } }, "DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Attribute": { "shape": "Attribute", "documentation": "

The type of attribute.

" } } }, "DescribeInstanceRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "DescribeInstanceResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Instance": { "shape": "Instance", "documentation": "

The name of the instance.

" }, "ReplicationConfiguration": { "shape": "ReplicationConfiguration", "documentation": "

Status information about the replication process. This field is included only when you are using the ReplicateInstance API to replicate an Amazon Connect instance across Amazon Web Services Regions. For information about replicating Amazon Connect instances, see Create a replica of your existing Amazon Connect instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" } } }, "DescribeInstanceStorageConfigRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "AssociationId", "ResourceType" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "AssociationId": { "shape": "AssociationId", "documentation": "

The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "AssociationId" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "InstanceStorageResourceType", "documentation": "

A valid resource type.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "resourceType" } } }, "DescribeInstanceStorageConfigResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "StorageConfig": { "shape": "InstanceStorageConfig", "documentation": "

A valid storage type.

" } } }, "DescribePhoneNumberRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PhoneNumberId" ], "members": { "PhoneNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the phone number.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "PhoneNumberId" } } }, "DescribePhoneNumberResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ClaimedPhoneNumberSummary": { "shape": "ClaimedPhoneNumberSummary", "documentation": "

Information about a phone number that's been claimed to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group.

" } } }, "DescribePredefinedAttributeRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeName", "documentation": "

The name of the predefined attribute.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "Name" } } }, "DescribePredefinedAttributeResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PredefinedAttribute": { "shape": "PredefinedAttribute", "documentation": "

Information about the predefined attribute.

" } } }, "DescribePromptRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "PromptId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "PromptId": { "shape": "PromptId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the prompt.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "PromptId" } } }, "DescribePromptResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Prompt": { "shape": "Prompt", "documentation": "

Information about the prompt.

" } } }, "DescribeQueueRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QueueId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QueueId" } } }, "DescribeQueueResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Queue": { "shape": "Queue", "documentation": "

The name of the queue.

" } } }, "DescribeQuickConnectRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QuickConnectId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QuickConnectId": { "shape": "QuickConnectId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the quick connect.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QuickConnectId" } } }, "DescribeQuickConnectResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "QuickConnect": { "shape": "QuickConnect", "documentation": "

Information about the quick connect.

" } } }, "DescribeRoutingProfileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RoutingProfileId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RoutingProfileId" } } }, "DescribeRoutingProfileResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "RoutingProfile": { "shape": "RoutingProfile", "documentation": "

The routing profile.

" } } }, "DescribeRuleRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RuleId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RuleId": { "shape": "RuleId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the rule.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RuleId" } } }, "DescribeRuleResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Rule" ], "members": { "Rule": { "shape": "Rule", "documentation": "

Information about the rule.

" } } }, "DescribeSecurityProfileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "SecurityProfileId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "SecurityProfileId": { "shape": "SecurityProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the security profle.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "SecurityProfileId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "DescribeSecurityProfileResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "SecurityProfile": { "shape": "SecurityProfile", "documentation": "

The security profile.

" } } }, "DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "TrafficDistributionGroupId" ], "members": { "TrafficDistributionGroupId": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupIdOrArn", "documentation": "

The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "TrafficDistributionGroupId" } } }, "DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TrafficDistributionGroup": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroup", "documentation": "

Information about the traffic distribution group.

" } } }, "DescribeUserHierarchyGroupRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "HierarchyGroupId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "HierarchyGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "HierarchyGroupId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "DescribeUserHierarchyGroupResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "HierarchyGroup": { "shape": "HierarchyGroup", "documentation": "

Information about the hierarchy group.

" } } }, "DescribeUserHierarchyStructureRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "DescribeUserHierarchyStructureResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "HierarchyStructure": { "shape": "HierarchyStructure", "documentation": "

Information about the hierarchy structure.

" } } }, "DescribeUserRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "UserId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "DescribeUserResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "User": { "shape": "User", "documentation": "

Information about the user account and configuration settings.

" } } }, "DescribeViewRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ViewId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "ViewsInstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ViewId": { "shape": "ViewId", "documentation": "

The ViewId of the view. This must be an ARN for Amazon Web Services managed views.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ViewId" } } }, "DescribeViewResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "View": { "shape": "View", "documentation": "

All view data is contained within the View object.

" } } }, "DescribeVocabularyRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "VocabularyId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "VocabularyId": { "shape": "VocabularyId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the custom vocabulary.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "VocabularyId" } } }, "DescribeVocabularyResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Vocabulary" ], "members": { "Vocabulary": { "shape": "Vocabulary", "documentation": "

A list of specific words that you want Contact Lens for Amazon Connect to recognize in your audio input. They are generally domain-specific words and phrases, words that Contact Lens is not recognizing, or proper nouns.

" } } }, "Description": { "type": "string", "max": 4096, "min": 0, "sensitive": true }, "Description250": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 1, "pattern": "(^[\\S].*[\\S]$)|(^[\\S]$)" }, "DestinationId": { "type": "string", "max": 255, "min": 1 }, "DeviceInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PlatformName": { "shape": "PlatformName", "documentation": "

Name of the platform that the participant used for the call.

" }, "PlatformVersion": { "shape": "PlatformVersion", "documentation": "

Version of the platform that the participant used for the call.

" }, "OperatingSystem": { "shape": "OperatingSystem", "documentation": "

Operating system that the participant used for the call.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information regarding the device.

" }, "Dimensions": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Queue": { "shape": "QueueReference", "documentation": "

Information about the queue for which metrics are returned.

" }, "Channel": { "shape": "Channel", "documentation": "

The channel used for grouping and filters.

" }, "RoutingProfile": { "shape": "RoutingProfileReference" }, "RoutingStepExpression": { "shape": "RoutingExpression", "documentation": "

The expression of a step in a routing criteria.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the dimensions for a set of metrics.

" }, "DimensionsV2Key": { "type": "string" }, "DimensionsV2Map": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "DimensionsV2Key" }, "value": { "shape": "DimensionsV2Value" } }, "DimensionsV2Value": { "type": "string" }, "DirectoryAlias": { "type": "string", "max": 45, "min": 1, "pattern": "^(?!d-)([\\da-zA-Z]+)([-]*[\\da-zA-Z])*$", "sensitive": true }, "DirectoryId": { "type": "string", "max": 12, "min": 12, "pattern": "^d-[0-9a-f]{10}$" }, "DirectoryType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "SAML", "CONNECT_MANAGED", "EXISTING_DIRECTORY" ] }, "DirectoryUserId": { "type": "string" }, "DisassociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "DataSetId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "DataSetId": { "shape": "DataSetId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the dataset to remove.

" }, "TargetAccountId": { "shape": "AWSAccountId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the target account. Use to associate a dataset to a different account than the one containing the Amazon Connect instance. If not specified, by default this value is the Amazon Web Services account that has the Amazon Connect instance.

" } } }, "DisassociateApprovedOriginRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Origin" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Origin": { "shape": "Origin", "documentation": "

The domain URL of the integrated application.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "origin" } } }, "DisassociateBotRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "LexBot": { "shape": "LexBot" }, "LexV2Bot": { "shape": "LexV2Bot", "documentation": "

The Amazon Lex V2 bot to disassociate from the instance.

" } } }, "DisassociateFlowRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ResourceId", "ResourceType" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ResourceId": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The identifier of the resource.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ResourceId" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "FlowAssociationResourceType", "documentation": "

A valid resource type.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ResourceType" } } }, "DisassociateFlowResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "AssociationId", "ResourceType" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "AssociationId": { "shape": "AssociationId", "documentation": "

The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "AssociationId" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "InstanceStorageResourceType", "documentation": "

A valid resource type.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "resourceType" } } }, "DisassociateLambdaFunctionRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "FunctionArn" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance..

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "FunctionArn": { "shape": "FunctionArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function being disassociated.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "functionArn" } } }, "DisassociateLexBotRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "BotName", "LexRegion" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "BotName": { "shape": "BotName", "documentation": "

The name of the Amazon Lex bot. Maximum character limit of 50.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "botName" }, "LexRegion": { "shape": "LexRegion", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region in which the Amazon Lex bot has been created.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "lexRegion" } } }, "DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PhoneNumberId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "PhoneNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the phone number.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "PhoneNumberId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "instanceId" } } }, "DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QueueId", "QuickConnectIds" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QueueId" }, "QuickConnectIds": { "shape": "QuickConnectsList", "documentation": "

The quick connects to disassociate from the queue.

" } } }, "DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RoutingProfileId", "QueueReferences" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RoutingProfileId" }, "QueueReferences": { "shape": "RoutingProfileQueueReferenceList", "documentation": "

The queues to disassociate from this routing profile.

" } } }, "DisassociateSecurityKeyRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "AssociationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "AssociationId": { "shape": "AssociationId", "documentation": "

The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "AssociationId" } } }, "DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "TrafficDistributionGroupId", "UserId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "TrafficDistributionGroupId": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupIdOrArn", "documentation": "

The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "TrafficDistributionGroupId" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the user. This can be the ID or the ARN of the user.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "UserId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "DisassociateUserProficienciesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "UserId", "UserProficiencies" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "UserProficiencies": { "shape": "UserProficiencyDisassociateList", "documentation": "

The proficiencies to disassociate from the user.

" } } }, "DisconnectDetails": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PotentialDisconnectIssue": { "shape": "PotentialDisconnectIssue", "documentation": "

Indicates the potential disconnection issues for a call. This field is not populated if the service does not detect potential issues.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the call disconnect experience.

" }, "DisconnectReason": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Code": { "shape": "DisconnectReasonCode", "documentation": "

A code that indicates how the contact was terminated.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains details about why a contact was disconnected. Only Amazon Connect outbound campaigns can provide this field.

" }, "DisconnectReasonCode": { "type": "string" }, "DismissUserContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "UserId", "InstanceId", "ContactId" ], "members": { "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact.

" } } }, "DismissUserContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "DisplayName": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "Distribution": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Region", "Percentage" ], "members": { "Region": { "shape": "AwsRegion", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where the traffic is distributed.

" }, "Percentage": { "shape": "Percentage", "documentation": "

The percentage of the traffic that is distributed, in increments of 10.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a traffic distribution.

" }, "DistributionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Distribution" } }, "Double": { "type": "double" }, "DownloadUrlMetadata": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Url": { "shape": "MetadataUrl", "documentation": "

A pre-signed URL that should be used to download the attached file.

" }, "UrlExpiry": { "shape": "ISO8601Datetime", "documentation": "

The expiration time of the URL in ISO timestamp. It's specified in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. For example, 2019-11-08T02:41:28.172Z.

" } }, "documentation": "

Metadata used to download the attached file.

" }, "DurationInSeconds": { "type": "integer" }, "Email": { "type": "string", "sensitive": true }, "EmailReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "ReferenceKey", "documentation": "

Identifier of the email reference.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "ReferenceValue", "documentation": "

A valid email address.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a reference when the referenceType is EMAIL. Otherwise, null.

" }, "EmptyFieldValue": { "type": "structure", "members": {}, "documentation": "

An empty value.

" }, "EncryptionConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EncryptionType", "KeyId" ], "members": { "EncryptionType": { "shape": "EncryptionType", "documentation": "

The type of encryption.

" }, "KeyId": { "shape": "KeyId", "documentation": "

The full ARN of the encryption key.

Be sure to provide the full ARN of the encryption key, not just the ID.

Amazon Connect supports only KMS keys with the default key spec of SYMMETRIC_DEFAULT .

" } }, "documentation": "

The encryption configuration.

" }, "EncryptionType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "KMS" ] }, "EndAssociatedTasksActionDefinition": { "type": "structure", "members": {}, "documentation": "

End associated tasks related to a case.

" }, "Endpoint": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Type": { "shape": "EndpointType", "documentation": "

Type of the endpoint.

" }, "Address": { "shape": "EndpointAddress", "documentation": "

Address of the endpoint.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the endpoint.

" }, "EndpointAddress": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 0 }, "EndpointType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "TELEPHONE_NUMBER", "VOIP", "CONTACT_FLOW" ] }, "ErrorCode": { "type": "string" }, "ErrorMessage": { "type": "string" }, "ErrorResult": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ErrorCode": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The error code.

" }, "ErrorMessage": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The corresponding error message for the error code.

" } }, "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

List of errors for dataset association failures.

" }, "ErrorResults": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ErrorResult" } }, "Evaluation": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationId", "EvaluationArn", "Metadata", "Answers", "Notes", "Status", "CreatedTime", "LastModifiedTime" ], "members": { "EvaluationId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the contact evaluation resource.

" }, "Metadata": { "shape": "EvaluationMetadata", "documentation": "

Metadata about the contact evaluation.

" }, "Answers": { "shape": "EvaluationAnswersOutputMap", "documentation": "

A map of question identifiers to answer value.

" }, "Notes": { "shape": "EvaluationNotesMap", "documentation": "

A map of question identifiers to note value.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "EvaluationStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the contact evaluation.

" }, "Scores": { "shape": "EvaluationScoresMap", "documentation": "

A map of item (section or question) identifiers to score value.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the evaluation was created.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the evaluation was last updated.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationAnswerData": { "type": "structure", "members": { "StringValue": { "shape": "EvaluationAnswerDataStringValue", "documentation": "

The string value for an answer in a contact evaluation.

" }, "NumericValue": { "shape": "EvaluationAnswerDataNumericValue", "documentation": "

The numeric value for an answer in a contact evaluation.

" }, "NotApplicable": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

The flag to mark the question as not applicable.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about answer data for a contact evaluation. Answer data must be either string, numeric, or not applicable.

", "union": true }, "EvaluationAnswerDataNumericValue": { "type": "double" }, "EvaluationAnswerDataStringValue": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 0 }, "EvaluationAnswerInput": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Value": { "shape": "EvaluationAnswerData", "documentation": "

The value for an answer in a contact evaluation.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about input answers for a contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationAnswerOutput": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Value": { "shape": "EvaluationAnswerData", "documentation": "

The value for an answer in a contact evaluation.

" }, "SystemSuggestedValue": { "shape": "EvaluationAnswerData", "documentation": "

The system suggested value for an answer in a contact evaluation.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about output answers for a contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationAnswersInputMap": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "ResourceId" }, "value": { "shape": "EvaluationAnswerInput" }, "max": 100 }, "EvaluationAnswersOutputMap": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "ResourceId" }, "value": { "shape": "EvaluationAnswerOutput" }, "max": 100 }, "EvaluationForm": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationFormId", "EvaluationFormVersion", "Locked", "EvaluationFormArn", "Title", "Status", "Items", "CreatedTime", "CreatedBy", "LastModifiedTime", "LastModifiedBy" ], "members": { "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

A version of the evaluation form.

" }, "Locked": { "shape": "EvaluationFormVersionIsLocked", "documentation": "

The flag indicating whether the evaluation form is locked for changes.

" }, "EvaluationFormArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the evaluation form resource.

" }, "Title": { "shape": "EvaluationFormTitle", "documentation": "

A title of the evaluation form.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "EvaluationFormDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the evaluation form.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "EvaluationFormVersionStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the evaluation form.

" }, "Items": { "shape": "EvaluationFormItemsList", "documentation": "

Items that are part of the evaluation form. The total number of sections and questions must not exceed 100 each. Questions must be contained in a section.

" }, "ScoringStrategy": { "shape": "EvaluationFormScoringStrategy", "documentation": "

A scoring strategy of the evaluation form.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the evaluation form was created.

" }, "CreatedBy": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who created the evaluation form.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the evaluation form was last updated.

" }, "LastModifiedBy": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who last updated the evaluation form.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormContent": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationFormVersion", "EvaluationFormId", "EvaluationFormArn", "Title", "Items" ], "members": { "EvaluationFormVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

A version of the evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the evaluation form resource.

" }, "Title": { "shape": "EvaluationFormTitle", "documentation": "

A title of the evaluation form.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "EvaluationFormDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the evaluation form.

" }, "Items": { "shape": "EvaluationFormItemsList", "documentation": "

Items that are part of the evaluation form. The total number of sections and questions must not exceed 100 each. Questions must be contained in a section.

" }, "ScoringStrategy": { "shape": "EvaluationFormScoringStrategy", "documentation": "

A scoring strategy of the evaluation form.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about an evaluation form used in a contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationFormDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 1024, "min": 0 }, "EvaluationFormId": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "EvaluationFormItem": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Section": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSection", "documentation": "

The information of the section.

" }, "Question": { "shape": "EvaluationFormQuestion", "documentation": "

The information of the question.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about an item from an evaluation form. The item must be either a section or a question.

", "union": true }, "EvaluationFormItemWeight": { "type": "double", "max": 100, "min": 0 }, "EvaluationFormItemsList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "EvaluationFormItem" }, "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "EvaluationFormNumericQuestionAutomation": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PropertyValue": { "shape": "NumericQuestionPropertyValueAutomation", "documentation": "

The property value of the automation.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the automation configuration in numeric questions.

", "union": true }, "EvaluationFormNumericQuestionOption": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "MinValue", "MaxValue" ], "members": { "MinValue": { "shape": "Integer", "documentation": "

The minimum answer value of the range option.

" }, "MaxValue": { "shape": "Integer", "documentation": "

The maximum answer value of the range option.

" }, "Score": { "shape": "EvaluationFormQuestionAnswerScore", "documentation": "

The score assigned to answer values within the range option.

" }, "AutomaticFail": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

The flag to mark the option as automatic fail. If an automatic fail answer is provided, the overall evaluation gets a score of 0.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the option range used for scoring in numeric questions.

" }, "EvaluationFormNumericQuestionOptionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "EvaluationFormNumericQuestionOption" }, "max": 10, "min": 1 }, "EvaluationFormNumericQuestionProperties": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "MinValue", "MaxValue" ], "members": { "MinValue": { "shape": "Integer", "documentation": "

The minimum answer value.

" }, "MaxValue": { "shape": "Integer", "documentation": "

The maximum answer value.

" }, "Options": { "shape": "EvaluationFormNumericQuestionOptionList", "documentation": "

The scoring options of the numeric question.

" }, "Automation": { "shape": "EvaluationFormNumericQuestionAutomation", "documentation": "

The automation properties of the numeric question.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about properties for a numeric question in an evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormQuestion": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Title", "RefId", "QuestionType" ], "members": { "Title": { "shape": "EvaluationFormQuestionTitle", "documentation": "

The title of the question.

" }, "Instructions": { "shape": "EvaluationFormQuestionInstructions", "documentation": "

The instructions of the section.

" }, "RefId": { "shape": "ReferenceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the question. An identifier must be unique within the evaluation form.

" }, "NotApplicableEnabled": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

The flag to enable not applicable answers to the question.

" }, "QuestionType": { "shape": "EvaluationFormQuestionType", "documentation": "

The type of the question.

" }, "QuestionTypeProperties": { "shape": "EvaluationFormQuestionTypeProperties", "documentation": "

The properties of the type of question. Text questions do not have to define question type properties.

" }, "Weight": { "shape": "EvaluationFormItemWeight", "documentation": "

The scoring weight of the section.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a question from an evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormQuestionAnswerScore": { "type": "integer", "max": 10, "min": 0 }, "EvaluationFormQuestionInstructions": { "type": "string", "max": 1024, "min": 0 }, "EvaluationFormQuestionTitle": { "type": "string", "max": 350, "min": 0 }, "EvaluationFormQuestionType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "TEXT", "SINGLESELECT", "NUMERIC" ] }, "EvaluationFormQuestionTypeProperties": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Numeric": { "shape": "EvaluationFormNumericQuestionProperties", "documentation": "

The properties of the numeric question.

" }, "SingleSelect": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionProperties", "documentation": "

The properties of the numeric question.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about properties for a question in an evaluation form. The question type properties must be either for a numeric question or a single select question.

", "union": true }, "EvaluationFormScoringMode": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "QUESTION_ONLY", "SECTION_ONLY" ] }, "EvaluationFormScoringStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ENABLED", "DISABLED" ] }, "EvaluationFormScoringStrategy": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Mode", "Status" ], "members": { "Mode": { "shape": "EvaluationFormScoringMode", "documentation": "

The scoring mode of the evaluation form.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "EvaluationFormScoringStatus", "documentation": "

The scoring status of the evaluation form.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about scoring strategy for an evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormSection": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Title", "RefId", "Items" ], "members": { "Title": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSectionTitle", "documentation": "

The title of the section.

" }, "RefId": { "shape": "ReferenceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the section. An identifier must be unique within the evaluation form.

" }, "Instructions": { "shape": "EvaluationFormQuestionInstructions", "documentation": "

The instructions of the section.

" }, "Items": { "shape": "EvaluationFormItemsList", "documentation": "

The items of the section.

" }, "Weight": { "shape": "EvaluationFormItemWeight", "documentation": "

The scoring weight of the section.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a section from an evaluation form. A section can contain sections and/or questions. Evaluation forms can only contain sections and subsections (two level nesting).

" }, "EvaluationFormSectionTitle": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 0 }, "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionAutomation": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Options" ], "members": { "Options": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionAutomationOptionList", "documentation": "

The automation options of the single select question.

" }, "DefaultOptionRefId": { "shape": "ReferenceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the default answer option, when none of the automation options match the criteria.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the automation configuration in single select questions. Automation options are evaluated in order, and the first matched option is applied. If no automation option matches, and there is a default option, then the default option is applied.

" }, "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionAutomationOption": { "type": "structure", "members": { "RuleCategory": { "shape": "SingleSelectQuestionRuleCategoryAutomation", "documentation": "

The automation option based on a rule category for the single select question.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the automation option of a single select question.

", "union": true }, "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionAutomationOptionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionAutomationOption" }, "max": 20, "min": 1 }, "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionDisplayMode": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "DROPDOWN", "RADIO" ] }, "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionOption": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "RefId", "Text" ], "members": { "RefId": { "shape": "ReferenceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the answer option. An identifier must be unique within the question.

" }, "Text": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionOptionText", "documentation": "

The title of the answer option.

" }, "Score": { "shape": "EvaluationFormQuestionAnswerScore", "documentation": "

The score assigned to the answer option.

" }, "AutomaticFail": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

The flag to mark the option as automatic fail. If an automatic fail answer is provided, the overall evaluation gets a score of 0.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the automation configuration in single select questions.

" }, "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionOptionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionOption" }, "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionOptionText": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 0 }, "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionProperties": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Options" ], "members": { "Options": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionOptionList", "documentation": "

The answer options of the single select question.

" }, "DisplayAs": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionDisplayMode", "documentation": "

The display mode of the single select question.

" }, "Automation": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSingleSelectQuestionAutomation", "documentation": "

The display mode of the single select question.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the options in single select questions.

" }, "EvaluationFormSummary": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationFormId", "EvaluationFormArn", "Title", "CreatedTime", "CreatedBy", "LastModifiedTime", "LastModifiedBy", "LatestVersion" ], "members": { "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the evaluation form resource.

" }, "Title": { "shape": "EvaluationFormTitle", "documentation": "

A title of the evaluation form.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the evaluation form was created.

" }, "CreatedBy": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who created the evaluation form.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the evaluation form was last updated.

" }, "LastModifiedBy": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who last updated the evaluation form.

" }, "LastActivatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the evaluation form was last activated.

" }, "LastActivatedBy": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who last activated the evaluation form.

" }, "LatestVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

The version number of the latest evaluation form version.

" }, "ActiveVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

The version of the active evaluation form version.

", "box": true } }, "documentation": "

Summary information about an evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSummary" } }, "EvaluationFormTitle": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "EvaluationFormVersionIsLocked": { "type": "boolean" }, "EvaluationFormVersionStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "DRAFT", "ACTIVE" ] }, "EvaluationFormVersionSummary": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationFormArn", "EvaluationFormId", "EvaluationFormVersion", "Locked", "Status", "CreatedTime", "CreatedBy", "LastModifiedTime", "LastModifiedBy" ], "members": { "EvaluationFormArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the evaluation form resource.

" }, "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

A version of the evaluation form.

" }, "Locked": { "shape": "EvaluationFormVersionIsLocked", "documentation": "

The flag indicating whether the evaluation form is locked for changes.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "EvaluationFormVersionStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the evaluation form.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the evaluation form was created.

" }, "CreatedBy": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who created the evaluation form.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the evaluation form was last updated.

" }, "LastModifiedBy": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who last updated the evaluation form.

" } }, "documentation": "

Summary information about an evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormVersionSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "EvaluationFormVersionSummary" } }, "EvaluationMetadata": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ContactId", "EvaluatorArn" ], "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

" }, "EvaluatorArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who last updated the evaluation.

" }, "ContactAgentId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the agent who performed the contact.

" }, "Score": { "shape": "EvaluationScore", "documentation": "

The overall score of the contact evaluation.

" } }, "documentation": "

Metadata information about a contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationNote": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Value": { "shape": "EvaluationNoteString", "documentation": "

The note for an item (section or question) in a contact evaluation.

Even though a note in an evaluation can have up to 3072 chars, there is also a limit on the total number of chars for all the notes in the evaluation combined. Assuming there are N questions in the evaluation being submitted, then the max char limit for all notes combined is N x 1024.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about notes for a contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationNoteString": { "type": "string", "max": 3072, "min": 0 }, "EvaluationNotesMap": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "ResourceId" }, "value": { "shape": "EvaluationNote" }, "max": 100 }, "EvaluationScore": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Percentage": { "shape": "EvaluationScorePercentage", "documentation": "

The score percentage for an item in a contact evaluation.

" }, "NotApplicable": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

The flag to mark the item as not applicable for scoring.

" }, "AutomaticFail": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

The flag that marks the item as automatic fail. If the item or a child item gets an automatic fail answer, this flag will be true.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about scores of a contact evaluation item (section or question).

" }, "EvaluationScorePercentage": { "type": "double", "max": 100, "min": 0 }, "EvaluationScoresMap": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "ResourceId" }, "value": { "shape": "EvaluationScore" }, "max": 100 }, "EvaluationStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "DRAFT", "SUBMITTED" ] }, "EvaluationSummary": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationId", "EvaluationArn", "EvaluationFormTitle", "EvaluationFormId", "Status", "EvaluatorArn", "CreatedTime", "LastModifiedTime" ], "members": { "EvaluationId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the contact evaluation resource.

" }, "EvaluationFormTitle": { "shape": "EvaluationFormTitle", "documentation": "

A title of the evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "EvaluationStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluatorArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who last updated the evaluation.

" }, "Score": { "shape": "EvaluationScore", "documentation": "

The overall score of the contact evaluation.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the evaluation was created.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the evaluation was last updated.

" } }, "documentation": "

Summary information about a contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "EvaluationSummary" } }, "EventBridgeActionDefinition": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Name" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "EventBridgeActionName", "documentation": "

The name.

" } }, "documentation": "

The EventBridge action definition.

" }, "EventBridgeActionName": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "EventSourceName": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "OnPostCallAnalysisAvailable", "OnRealTimeCallAnalysisAvailable", "OnRealTimeChatAnalysisAvailable", "OnPostChatAnalysisAvailable", "OnZendeskTicketCreate", "OnZendeskTicketStatusUpdate", "OnSalesforceCaseCreate", "OnContactEvaluationSubmit", "OnMetricDataUpdate", "OnCaseCreate", "OnCaseUpdate" ] }, "Expiry": { "type": "structure", "members": { "DurationInSeconds": { "shape": "DurationInSeconds", "documentation": "

The number of seconds to wait before expiring the routing step.

" }, "ExpiryTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp indicating when the routing step expires.

" } }, "documentation": "

An object to specify the expiration of a routing step.

" }, "Expression": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AttributeCondition": { "shape": "AttributeCondition", "documentation": "

An object to specify the predefined attribute condition.

" }, "AndExpression": { "shape": "Expressions", "documentation": "

List of routing expressions which will be AND-ed together.

" }, "OrExpression": { "shape": "Expressions", "documentation": "

List of routing expressions which will be OR-ed together.

" } }, "documentation": "

A tagged union to specify expression for a routing step.

" }, "Expressions": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Expression" } }, "FailedRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "RequestIdentifier": { "shape": "RequestIdentifier", "documentation": "

Request identifier provided in the API call in the ContactDataRequest to create a contact.

" }, "FailureReasonCode": { "shape": "FailureReasonCode", "documentation": "

Reason code for the failure.

" }, "FailureReasonMessage": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

Why the request to create a contact failed.

" } }, "documentation": "

Request for which contact failed to be generated.

" }, "FailedRequestList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "FailedRequest" } }, "FailureReasonCode": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_KEY", "INVALID_CUSTOMER_ENDPOINT", "INVALID_SYSTEM_ENDPOINT", "INVALID_QUEUE", "MISSING_CAMPAIGN", "MISSING_CUSTOMER_ENDPOINT", "MISSING_QUEUE_ID_AND_SYSTEM_ENDPOINT", "REQUEST_THROTTLED", "IDEMPOTENCY_EXCEPTION", "INTERNAL_ERROR" ] }, "FieldStringValue": { "type": "string", "max": 500, "min": 0 }, "FieldValue": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Id", "Value" ], "members": { "Id": { "shape": "FieldValueId", "documentation": "

Unique identifier of a field.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "FieldValueUnion", "documentation": "

Union of potential field value types.

" } }, "documentation": "

Object for case field values.

" }, "FieldValueId": { "type": "string", "max": 500, "min": 1 }, "FieldValueUnion": { "type": "structure", "members": { "BooleanValue": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

A Boolean number value type.

" }, "DoubleValue": { "shape": "Double", "documentation": "

A Double number value type.

" }, "EmptyValue": { "shape": "EmptyFieldValue", "documentation": "

An empty value.

" }, "StringValue": { "shape": "FieldStringValue", "documentation": "

String value type.

" } }, "documentation": "

Object to store union of Field values.

" }, "FieldValues": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "FieldValue" } }, "FileId": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "FileIdList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "FileId" }, "min": 1 }, "FileName": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1, "pattern": "^\\P{C}*$" }, "FileSizeInBytes": { "type": "long", "box": true, "min": 1 }, "FileStatusType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "APPROVED", "REJECTED", "PROCESSING", "FAILED" ] }, "FileUseCaseType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ATTACHMENT" ] }, "FilterV2": { "type": "structure", "members": { "FilterKey": { "shape": "ResourceArnOrId", "documentation": "


" }, "FilterValues": { "shape": "FilterValueList", "documentation": "

The identifiers to use for filtering data. For example, if you have a filter key of QUEUE, you would add queue IDs or ARNs in FilterValues.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains the filter to apply when retrieving metrics with the GetMetricDataV2 API.

" }, "FilterValueList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ResourceArnOrId" }, "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "Filters": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Queues": { "shape": "Queues", "documentation": "

The queues to use to filter the metrics. You should specify at least one queue, and can specify up to 100 queues per request. The GetCurrentMetricsData API in particular requires a queue when you include a Filter in your request.

" }, "Channels": { "shape": "Channels", "documentation": "

The channel to use to filter the metrics.

" }, "RoutingProfiles": { "shape": "RoutingProfiles", "documentation": "

A list of up to 100 routing profile IDs or ARNs.

" }, "RoutingStepExpressions": { "shape": "RoutingExpressions", "documentation": "

A list of expressions as a filter, in which an expression is an object of a step in a routing criteria.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains the filter to apply when retrieving metrics.

" }, "FiltersV2List": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "FilterV2" }, "max": 5, "min": 1 }, "FlowAssociationResourceType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "SMS_PHONE_NUMBER" ] }, "FlowAssociationSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ResourceId": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The identifier of the resource.

" }, "FlowId": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "ListFlowAssociationResourceType", "documentation": "

The type of resource association.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about flow associations.

" }, "FlowAssociationSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "FlowAssociationSummary" } }, "FunctionArn": { "type": "string", "max": 140, "min": 1 }, "FunctionArnsList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "FunctionArn" } }, "GetAttachedFileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "FileId", "AssociatedResourceArn" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the Connect instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "FileId": { "shape": "FileId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the attached file resource.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "FileId" }, "UrlExpiryInSeconds": { "shape": "URLExpiryInSeconds", "documentation": "

Optional override for the expiry of the pre-signed S3 URL in seconds. The default value is 300.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "urlExpiryInSeconds" }, "AssociatedResourceArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The resource to which the attached file is (being) uploaded to. Cases are the only current supported resource.

This value must be a valid ARN.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "associatedResourceArn" } }, "documentation": "Request to GetAttachedFile API." }, "GetAttachedFileResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "FileSizeInBytes" ], "members": { "FileArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the attached file resource (ARN).

" }, "FileId": { "shape": "FileId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the attached file resource.

" }, "CreationTime": { "shape": "ISO8601Datetime", "documentation": "

The time of Creation of the file resource as an ISO timestamp. It's specified in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. For example, 2024-05-03T02:41:28.172Z.

" }, "FileStatus": { "shape": "FileStatusType", "documentation": "

The current status of the attached file.

" }, "FileName": { "shape": "FileName", "documentation": "

A case-sensitive name of the attached file being uploaded.

" }, "FileSizeInBytes": { "shape": "FileSizeInBytes", "documentation": "

The size of the attached file in bytes.

", "box": true }, "AssociatedResourceArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The resource to which the attached file is (being) uploaded to. Cases are the only current supported resource.

" }, "FileUseCaseType": { "shape": "FileUseCaseType", "documentation": "

The use case for the file.

" }, "CreatedBy": { "shape": "CreatedByInfo", "documentation": "

Represents the identity that created the file.

" }, "DownloadUrlMetadata": { "shape": "DownloadUrlMetadata", "documentation": "

URL and expiry to be used when downloading the attached file.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } }, "documentation": "Response from GetAttachedFile API." }, "GetContactAttributesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "InitialContactId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "InitialContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the initial contact.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InitialContactId" } } }, "GetContactAttributesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Attributes": { "shape": "Attributes", "documentation": "

Information about the attributes.

" } } }, "GetCurrentMetricDataRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Filters", "CurrentMetrics" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Filters": { "shape": "Filters", "documentation": "

The filters to apply to returned metrics. You can filter up to the following limits:

Metric data is retrieved only for the resources associated with the queues or routing profiles, and by any channels included in the filter. (You cannot filter by both queue AND routing profile.) You can include both resource IDs and resource ARNs in the same request.

When using the RoutingStepExpression filter, you need to pass exactly one QueueId. The filter is also case sensitive so when using the RoutingStepExpression filter, grouping by ROUTING_STEP_EXPRESSION is required.

Currently tagging is only supported on the resources that are passed in the filter.

" }, "Groupings": { "shape": "Groupings", "documentation": "

The grouping applied to the metrics returned. For example, when grouped by QUEUE, the metrics returned apply to each queue rather than aggregated for all queues.

" }, "CurrentMetrics": { "shape": "CurrentMetrics", "documentation": "

The metrics to retrieve. Specify the name and unit for each metric. The following metrics are available. For a description of all the metrics, see Real-time Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.



Name in real-time metrics report: ACW



Name in real-time metrics report: Available



Name in real-time metrics report: Error



Name in real-time metrics report: NPT (Non-Productive Time)



Name in real-time metrics report: On contact



Name in real-time metrics report: On contact



Name in real-time metrics report: Online



Name in real-time metrics report: Staffed



Name in real-time metrics report: In queue



Name in real-time metrics report: Scheduled



When you use groupings, Unit says SECONDS and the Value is returned in SECONDS.

When you do not use groupings, Unit says SECONDS but the Value is returned in MILLISECONDS. For example, if you get a response like this:

{ \"Metric\": { \"Name\": \"OLDEST_CONTACT_AGE\", \"Unit\": \"SECONDS\" }, \"Value\": 24113.0 }

The actual OLDEST_CONTACT_AGE is 24 seconds.

When the filter RoutingStepExpression is used, this metric is still calculated from enqueue time. For example, if a contact that has been queued under <Expression 1> for 10 seconds has expired and <Expression 2> becomes active, then OLDEST_CONTACT_AGE for this queue will be counted starting from 10, not 0.

Name in real-time metrics report: Oldest



Name in real-time metrics report: Active



Name in real-time metrics report: Availability

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

The token expires after 5 minutes from the time it is created. Subsequent requests that use the token must use the same request parameters as the request that generated the token.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SortCriteria": { "shape": "CurrentMetricSortCriteriaMaxOne", "documentation": "

The way to sort the resulting response based on metrics. You can enter one sort criteria. By default resources are sorted based on AGENTS_ONLINE, DESCENDING. The metric collection is sorted based on the input metrics.

Note the following:

" } } }, "GetCurrentMetricDataResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

The token expires after 5 minutes from the time it is created. Subsequent requests that use the token must use the same request parameters as the request that generated the token.

" }, "MetricResults": { "shape": "CurrentMetricResults", "documentation": "

Information about the real-time metrics.

" }, "DataSnapshotTime": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The time at which the metrics were retrieved and cached for pagination.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total count of the result, regardless of the current page size.

" } } }, "GetCurrentUserDataRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Filters" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Filters": { "shape": "UserDataFilters", "documentation": "

The filters to apply to returned user data. You can filter up to the following limits:

The user data is retrieved for only the specified values/resources in the filter. A maximum of one filter can be passed from queues, routing profiles, agents, and user hierarchy groups.

Currently tagging is only supported on the resources that are passed in the filter.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true } } }, "GetCurrentUserDataResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "UserDataList": { "shape": "UserDataList", "documentation": "

A list of the user data that is returned.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total count of the result, regardless of the current page size.

" } } }, "GetFederationTokenRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "GetFederationTokenResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Credentials": { "shape": "Credentials", "documentation": "

The credentials to use for federation.

" }, "SignInUrl": { "shape": "Url", "documentation": "

The URL to sign into the user's instance.

" }, "UserArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user.

" }, "UserId": { "shape": "AgentResourceId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the user. This can be the ID or the ARN of the user.

" } } }, "GetFlowAssociationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ResourceId", "ResourceType" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ResourceId": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The identifier of the resource.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ResourceId" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "FlowAssociationResourceType", "documentation": "

A valid resource type.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ResourceType" } } }, "GetFlowAssociationResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ResourceId": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The identifier of the resource.

" }, "FlowId": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "FlowAssociationResourceType", "documentation": "

A valid resource type.

" } } }, "GetMetricDataRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "StartTime", "EndTime", "Filters", "HistoricalMetrics" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "StartTime": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp, in UNIX Epoch time format, at which to start the reporting interval for the retrieval of historical metrics data. The time must be specified using a multiple of 5 minutes, such as 10:05, 10:10, 10:15.

The start time cannot be earlier than 24 hours before the time of the request. Historical metrics are available only for 24 hours.

" }, "EndTime": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp, in UNIX Epoch time format, at which to end the reporting interval for the retrieval of historical metrics data. The time must be specified using an interval of 5 minutes, such as 11:00, 11:05, 11:10, and must be later than the start time timestamp.

The time range between the start and end time must be less than 24 hours.

" }, "Filters": { "shape": "Filters", "documentation": "

The queues, up to 100, or channels, to use to filter the metrics returned. Metric data is retrieved only for the resources associated with the queues or channels included in the filter. You can include both queue IDs and queue ARNs in the same request. VOICE, CHAT, and TASK channels are supported.

RoutingStepExpression is not a valid filter for GetMetricData and we recommend switching to GetMetricDataV2 for more up-to-date features.

To filter by Queues, enter the queue ID/ARN, not the name of the queue.

" }, "Groupings": { "shape": "Groupings", "documentation": "

The grouping applied to the metrics returned. For example, when results are grouped by queue, the metrics returned are grouped by queue. The values returned apply to the metrics for each queue rather than aggregated for all queues.

If no grouping is specified, a summary of metrics for all queues is returned.

RoutingStepExpression is not a valid filter for GetMetricData and we recommend switching to GetMetricDataV2 for more up-to-date features.

" }, "HistoricalMetrics": { "shape": "HistoricalMetrics", "documentation": "

The metrics to retrieve. Specify the name, unit, and statistic for each metric. The following historical metrics are available. For a description of each metric, see Historical Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

This API does not support a contacts incoming metric (there's no CONTACTS_INCOMING metric missing from the documented list).



Statistic: AVG



Statistic: AVG



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: SUM



Statistic: AVG



Statistic: AVG



Statistic: AVG



Statistic: AVG



Statistic: AVG



Statistic: AVG



Statistic: MAX


You can include up to 20 SERVICE_LEVEL metrics in a request.


Statistic: AVG

Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for \"Less than\").

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true } } }, "GetMetricDataResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

The token expires after 5 minutes from the time it is created. Subsequent requests that use the token must use the same request parameters as the request that generated the token.

" }, "MetricResults": { "shape": "HistoricalMetricResults", "documentation": "

Information about the historical metrics.

If no grouping is specified, a summary of metric data is returned.

" } } }, "GetMetricDataV2Request": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ResourceArn", "StartTime", "EndTime", "Filters", "Metrics" ], "members": { "ResourceArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. This includes the instanceId an Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "StartTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp, in UNIX Epoch time format, at which to start the reporting interval for the retrieval of historical metrics data. The time must be before the end time timestamp. The start and end time depends on the IntervalPeriod selected. By default the time range between start and end time is 35 days. Historical metrics are available for 3 months.

" }, "EndTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp, in UNIX Epoch time format, at which to end the reporting interval for the retrieval of historical metrics data. The time must be later than the start time timestamp. It cannot be later than the current timestamp.

" }, "Interval": { "shape": "IntervalDetails", "documentation": "

The interval period and timezone to apply to returned metrics.

" }, "Filters": { "shape": "FiltersV2List", "documentation": "

The filters to apply to returned metrics. You can filter on the following resources:

At least one filter must be passed from queues, routing profiles, agents, or user hierarchy groups.

For metrics for outbound campaigns analytics, you can also use campaigns to satisfy at least one filter requirement.

To filter by phone number, see Create a historical metrics report in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

Note the following limits:

" }, "Groupings": { "shape": "GroupingsV2", "documentation": "

The grouping applied to the metrics that are returned. For example, when results are grouped by queue, the metrics returned are grouped by queue. The values that are returned apply to the metrics for each queue. They are not aggregated for all queues.

If no grouping is specified, a summary of all metrics is returned.


" }, "Metrics": { "shape": "MetricsV2", "documentation": "

The metrics to retrieve. Specify the name, groupings, and filters for each metric. The following historical metrics are available. For a description of each metric, see Historical metrics definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.


Unit: Percent

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Abandonment rate


This metric is available only in Amazon Web Services Regions where Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling is available.

Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Adherent time


Unit: Percent

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Agent answer rate


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Non-adherent time


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Agent non-response


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

Data for this metric is available starting from October 1, 2023 0:00:00 GMT.

UI name: Agent non-response without customer abandons


Unit: Percentage

Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Occupancy


This metric is available only in Amazon Web Services Regions where Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling is available.

Unit: Percent

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Adherence


This metric is available only in Amazon Web Services Regions where Forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling is available.

Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Scheduled time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average queue abandon time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: Average active time


Unit: Seconds

Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average after contact work time

Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping.


Unit: Seconds

Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD. For now, this metric only supports the following as INITIATION_METHOD: INBOUND | OUTBOUND | CALLBACK | API

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Average agent API connecting time

The Negate key in Metric Level Filters is not applicable for this metric.


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: Average agent pause time


Unit: Count

Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN

Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS

UI name: Average contacts per case


Unit: Seconds

Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN

Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS

UI name: Average case resolution time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average contact duration

Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping.


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average conversation duration


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by outbound campaigns analytics.

Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Campaign, Agent, Queue, Routing Profile

UI name: Average dials per minute


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Channel, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Flow type, Flows module resource ID, Flows next resource ID, Flows next resource queue ID, Flows outcome type, Flows resource ID, Initiation method, Resource published timestamp

UI name: Average flow time


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics.

Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average agent greeting time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, RoutingStepExpression

UI name: Average handle time

Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping.


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average customer hold time

Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping.


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average customer hold time all contacts


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average holds

Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping.


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average agent interaction and customer hold time


Unit: Seconds

Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average agent interaction time

Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping.


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics.

Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average agent interruptions


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics.

Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average agent interruption time


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics.

Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average non-talk time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average queue answer time

Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping.


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average resolution time


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics.

Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average talk time


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics.

Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average agent talk time


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics.

Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Average customer talk time


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by outbound campaigns analytics.

Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Campaign

UI name: Average wait time after customer connection


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by outbound campaigns analytics.

Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Campaign, Agent

Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter GT (for Greater than).

UI name: Campaign contacts abandoned after X


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by outbound campaigns analytics.

Unit: Percent

Valid groupings and filters: Campaign, Agent

Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter GT (for Greater than).

UI name: Campaign contacts abandoned after X rate


Unit: Count

Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN

Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS

UI name: Cases created


Unit: Count

Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts created

Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping.


Unit: Count


Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, RoutingStepExpression, Q in Connect

UI name: API contacts handled

Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping.


Unit: Count

Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts handled (connected to agent timestamp)


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts hold disconnect


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts hold agent disconnect


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts hold customer disconnect


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts put on hold


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts transferred out external


Unit: Percent

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts transferred out internal


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts queued


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype

UI name: Contacts queued (enqueue timestamp)


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Q in Connect

Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for \"Less than\").

UI name: Contacts removed from queue in X seconds


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

Threshold: For ThresholdValue enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for \"Less than\").

UI name: Contacts resolved in X


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Feature, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts transferred out

Feature is a valid filter but not a valid grouping.


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts transferred out by agent


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Contacts transferred out queue


Unit: Count

Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN

Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS

UI name: Current cases


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by outbound campaigns analytics.

Unit: Count


Valid groupings and filters: Campaign, Agent, Queue, Routing Profile, Answering Machine Detection Status, Disconnect Reason

UI name: Delivery attempts


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by outbound campaigns analytics, and with the answering machine detection enabled.

Unit: Percent


Valid groupings and filters: Campaign, Agent, Answering Machine Detection Status, Disconnect Reason

Answering Machine Detection Status and Disconnect Reason are valid filters but not valid groupings.

UI name: Delivery attempt disposition rate


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Channel, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Flow type, Flows module resource ID, Flows next resource ID, Flows next resource queue ID, Flows outcome type, Flows resource ID, Initiation method, Resource published timestamp

UI name: Flows outcome


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Channel, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Flow type, Flows module resource ID, Flows resource ID, Initiation method, Resource published timestamp

UI name: Flows started


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by outbound campaigns analytics, and with the answering machine detection enabled.

Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Campaign, Agent

UI name: Human answered


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Channel, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Flow type, Flows module resource ID, Flows next resource ID, Flows next resource queue ID, Flows outcome type, Flows resource ID, Initiation method, Resource published timestamp

UI name: Maximum flow time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Maximum queued time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Channel, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Flow type, Flows module resource ID, Flows next resource ID, Flows next resource queue ID, Flows outcome type, Flows resource ID, Initiation method, Resource published timestamp

UI name: Minimum flow time


Unit: Percent

Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN

Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS

UI name: Cases resolved on first contact


Unit: Percent

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, RoutingStepExpression

UI name: This metric is available in Real-time Metrics UI but not on the Historical Metrics UI.


Unit: Percent

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, RoutingStepExpression

UI name: This metric is available in Real-time Metrics UI but not on the Historical Metrics UI.


Unit: Percent

Valid metric filter key: FLOWS_OUTCOME_TYPE

Valid groupings and filters: Channel, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Flow type, Flows module resource ID, Flows next resource ID, Flows next resource queue ID, Flows outcome type, Flows resource ID, Initiation method, Resource published timestamp

UI name: Flows outcome percentage.

The FLOWS_OUTCOME_TYPE is not a valid grouping.


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics.

Unit: Percentage

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Non-talk time percent


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics.

Unit: Percentage

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Talk time percent


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics.

Unit: Percentage

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Agent talk time percent


This metric is available only for contacts analyzed by Contact Lens conversational analytics.

Unit: Percentage

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Customer talk time percent


Unit: Count

Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN

Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS

UI name: Cases reopened


Unit: Count

Required filter key: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN

Valid groupings and filters: CASE_TEMPLATE_ARN, CASE_STATUS

UI name: Cases resolved


You can include up to 20 SERVICE_LEVEL metrics in a request.

Unit: Percent

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Q in Connect

Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for \"Less than\").

UI name: Service level X


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, RoutingStepExpression

UI name: This metric is available in Real-time Metrics UI but not on the Historical Metrics UI.


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: After contact work time


Unit: Seconds

Valid metric filter key: INITIATION_METHOD. This metric only supports the following filter keys as INITIATION_METHOD: INBOUND | OUTBOUND | CALLBACK | API

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Agent API connecting time

The Negate key in Metric Level Filters is not applicable for this metric.


Unit: Count

Metric filter:

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, RoutingStepExpression, Q in Connect

UI name: Contact abandoned


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for \"Less than\").

UI name: Contacts abandoned in X seconds


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

Threshold: For ThresholdValue, enter any whole number from 1 to 604800 (inclusive), in seconds. For Comparison, you must enter LT (for \"Less than\").

UI name: Contacts answered in X seconds


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: Contact flow time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Agent on contact time


Valid metric filter key: DISCONNECT_REASON

Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Contact disconnected


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Error status time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: Contact handle time


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: Customer hold time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Agent idle time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy, Q in Connect

UI name: Agent interaction and hold time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Agent interaction time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Non-Productive Time


Unit: Seconds

Valid groupings and filters: Routing Profile, Agent, Agent Hierarchy

UI name: Online time


Unit: Count

Valid groupings and filters: Queue, Channel, Routing Profile, contact/segmentAttributes/connect:Subtype, Q in Connect

UI name: Callback attempts

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true } } }, "GetMetricDataV2Response": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "MetricResults": { "shape": "MetricResultsV2", "documentation": "

Information about the metrics requested in the API request If no grouping is specified, a summary of metric data is returned.

" } } }, "GetPromptFileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "PromptId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "PromptId": { "shape": "PromptId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the prompt.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "PromptId" } } }, "GetPromptFileResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PromptPresignedUrl": { "shape": "PromptPresignedUrl", "documentation": "

A generated URL to the prompt that can be given to an unauthorized user so they can access the prompt in S3.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } } }, "GetTaskTemplateRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "TaskTemplateId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "TaskTemplateId": { "shape": "TaskTemplateId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the task template.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "TaskTemplateId" }, "SnapshotVersion": { "shape": "SnapshotVersion", "documentation": "

The system generated version of a task template that is associated with a task, when the task is created.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "snapshotVersion" } } }, "GetTaskTemplateResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Id", "Arn", "Name" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "Id": { "shape": "TaskTemplateId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the task template.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "TaskTemplateArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

" }, "Name": { "shape": "TaskTemplateName", "documentation": "

The name of the task template.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "TaskTemplateDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the task template.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow that runs by default when a task is created by referencing this template.

" }, "Constraints": { "shape": "TaskTemplateConstraints", "documentation": "

Constraints that are applicable to the fields listed.

" }, "Defaults": { "shape": "TaskTemplateDefaults", "documentation": "

The default values for fields when a task is created by referencing this template.

" }, "Fields": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFields", "documentation": "

Fields that are part of the template.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "TaskTemplateStatus", "documentation": "

Marks a template as ACTIVE or INACTIVE for a task to refer to it. Tasks can only be created from ACTIVE templates. If a template is marked as INACTIVE, then a task that refers to this template cannot be created.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the task template was last modified.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the task template was created.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "GetTrafficDistributionRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Id" ], "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupIdOrArn", "documentation": "

The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "Id" } } }, "GetTrafficDistributionResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TelephonyConfig": { "shape": "TelephonyConfig", "documentation": "

The distribution of traffic between the instance and its replicas.

" }, "Id": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the traffic distribution group.

" }, "SignInConfig": { "shape": "SignInConfig", "documentation": "

The distribution that determines which Amazon Web Services Regions should be used to sign in agents in to both the instance and its replica(s).

" }, "AgentConfig": { "shape": "AgentConfig", "documentation": "

The distribution of agents between the instance and its replica(s).

" } } }, "GlobalSignInEndpoint": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "Grouping": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "QUEUE", "CHANNEL", "ROUTING_PROFILE", "ROUTING_STEP_EXPRESSION" ] }, "GroupingV2": { "type": "string" }, "Groupings": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Grouping" }, "max": 2 }, "GroupingsV2": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "GroupingV2" }, "max": 3 }, "HierarchyGroup": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hierarchy group.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupName", "documentation": "

The name of the hierarchy group.

" }, "LevelId": { "shape": "HierarchyLevelId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the level in the hierarchy group.

" }, "HierarchyPath": { "shape": "HierarchyPath", "documentation": "

Information about the levels in the hierarchy group.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a hierarchy group.

" }, "HierarchyGroupCondition": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Value": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The value in the hierarchy group condition.

" }, "HierarchyGroupMatchType": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupMatchType", "documentation": "

The type of hierarchy group match.

" } }, "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a hierarchy group condition.

" }, "HierarchyGroupId": { "type": "string" }, "HierarchyGroupIdList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId" }, "max": 10, "min": 0 }, "HierarchyGroupMatchType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "EXACT", "WITH_CHILD_GROUPS" ] }, "HierarchyGroupName": { "type": "string" }, "HierarchyGroupSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hierarchy group.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupName", "documentation": "

The name of the hierarchy group.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about a hierarchy group.

" }, "HierarchyGroupSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummary" } }, "HierarchyGroupSummaryReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the hierarchy group.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the hierarchy group.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the hierarchy group.

" }, "HierarchyGroups": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Level1": { "shape": "AgentHierarchyGroup", "documentation": "

The group at level one of the agent hierarchy.

" }, "Level2": { "shape": "AgentHierarchyGroup", "documentation": "

The group at level two of the agent hierarchy.

" }, "Level3": { "shape": "AgentHierarchyGroup", "documentation": "

The group at level three of the agent hierarchy.

" }, "Level4": { "shape": "AgentHierarchyGroup", "documentation": "

The group at level four of the agent hierarchy.

" }, "Level5": { "shape": "AgentHierarchyGroup", "documentation": "

The group at level five of the agent hierarchy.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the agent hierarchy. Hierarchies can be configured with up to five levels.

" }, "HierarchyLevel": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "HierarchyLevelId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy level.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hierarchy level.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "HierarchyLevelName", "documentation": "

The name of the hierarchy level.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a hierarchy level.

" }, "HierarchyLevelId": { "type": "string" }, "HierarchyLevelName": { "type": "string" }, "HierarchyLevelUpdate": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Name" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "HierarchyLevelName", "documentation": "

The name of the user hierarchy level. Must not be more than 50 characters.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the hierarchy level to update.

" }, "HierarchyPath": { "type": "structure", "members": { "LevelOne": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummary", "documentation": "

Information about level one.

" }, "LevelTwo": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummary", "documentation": "

Information about level two.

" }, "LevelThree": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummary", "documentation": "

Information about level three.

" }, "LevelFour": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummary", "documentation": "

Information about level four.

" }, "LevelFive": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummary", "documentation": "

Information about level five.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the levels of a hierarchy group.

" }, "HierarchyPathReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "LevelOne": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummaryReference", "documentation": "

Information about level one.

" }, "LevelTwo": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummaryReference", "documentation": "

Information about level two.

" }, "LevelThree": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummaryReference", "documentation": "

Information about level three.

" }, "LevelFour": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummaryReference", "documentation": "

Information about level four.

" }, "LevelFive": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummaryReference", "documentation": "

Information about level five.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the levels in the hierarchy group.

" }, "HierarchyRestrictedResourceList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HierarchyRestrictedResourceName" } }, "HierarchyRestrictedResourceName": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "HierarchyStructure": { "type": "structure", "members": { "LevelOne": { "shape": "HierarchyLevel", "documentation": "

Information about level one.

" }, "LevelTwo": { "shape": "HierarchyLevel", "documentation": "

Information about level two.

" }, "LevelThree": { "shape": "HierarchyLevel", "documentation": "

Information about level three.

" }, "LevelFour": { "shape": "HierarchyLevel", "documentation": "

Information about level four.

" }, "LevelFive": { "shape": "HierarchyLevel", "documentation": "

Information about level five.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a hierarchy structure.

" }, "HierarchyStructureUpdate": { "type": "structure", "members": { "LevelOne": { "shape": "HierarchyLevelUpdate", "documentation": "

The update for level one.

" }, "LevelTwo": { "shape": "HierarchyLevelUpdate", "documentation": "

The update for level two.

" }, "LevelThree": { "shape": "HierarchyLevelUpdate", "documentation": "

The update for level three.

" }, "LevelFour": { "shape": "HierarchyLevelUpdate", "documentation": "

The update for level four.

" }, "LevelFive": { "shape": "HierarchyLevelUpdate", "documentation": "

The update for level five.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the level hierarchy to update.

" }, "HistoricalMetric": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "HistoricalMetricName", "documentation": "

The name of the metric.

" }, "Threshold": { "shape": "Threshold", "documentation": "

The threshold for the metric, used with service level metrics.

", "box": true }, "Statistic": { "shape": "Statistic", "documentation": "

The statistic for the metric.

" }, "Unit": { "shape": "Unit", "documentation": "

The unit for the metric.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a historical metric. For a description of each metric, see Historical Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "HistoricalMetricData": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Metric": { "shape": "HistoricalMetric", "documentation": "

Information about the metric.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "Value", "documentation": "

The value of the metric.

", "box": true } }, "documentation": "

Contains the data for a historical metric.

" }, "HistoricalMetricDataCollections": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HistoricalMetricData" } }, "HistoricalMetricName": { "type": "string", "documentation": "

The historical metric names.


The dimension for the metrics.

" }, "Collections": { "shape": "HistoricalMetricDataCollections", "documentation": "

The set of metrics.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the historical metrics retrieved.

" }, "HistoricalMetricResults": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HistoricalMetricResult" } }, "HistoricalMetrics": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HistoricalMetric" } }, "Hours": { "type": "integer", "max": 87600, "min": 0 }, "Hours24Format": { "type": "integer", "max": 23, "min": 0 }, "HoursOfOperation": { "type": "structure", "members": { "HoursOfOperationId": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the hours of operation.

" }, "HoursOfOperationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the hours of operation.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "CommonNameLength127", "documentation": "

The name for the hours of operation.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationDescription", "documentation": "

The description for the hours of operation.

" }, "TimeZone": { "shape": "TimeZone", "documentation": "

The time zone for the hours of operation.

" }, "Config": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationConfigList", "documentation": "

Configuration information for the hours of operation.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about of the hours of operation.

" }, "HoursOfOperationConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Day", "StartTime", "EndTime" ], "members": { "Day": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationDays", "documentation": "

The day that the hours of operation applies to.

" }, "StartTime": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationTimeSlice", "documentation": "

The start time that your contact center opens.

" }, "EndTime": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationTimeSlice", "documentation": "

The end time that your contact center closes.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the hours of operation.

" }, "HoursOfOperationConfigList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationConfig" }, "max": 100, "min": 0 }, "HoursOfOperationDays": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDNESDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY" ] }, "HoursOfOperationDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 1 }, "HoursOfOperationId": { "type": "string" }, "HoursOfOperationList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HoursOfOperation" } }, "HoursOfOperationName": { "type": "string" }, "HoursOfOperationSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationSearchCriteria" } }, "HoursOfOperationSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.

The currently supported values for FieldName are name, description, timezone, and resourceID.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return hours of operations.

" }, "HoursOfOperationSearchFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneTagFilter" } }, "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "HoursOfOperationSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hours of operation.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hours of operation.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationName", "documentation": "

The name of the hours of operation.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about hours of operation for a contact center.

" }, "HoursOfOperationSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationSummary" } }, "HoursOfOperationTimeSlice": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Hours", "Minutes" ], "members": { "Hours": { "shape": "Hours24Format", "documentation": "

The hours.

", "box": true }, "Minutes": { "shape": "MinutesLimit60", "documentation": "

The minutes.

", "box": true } }, "documentation": "

The start time or end time for an hours of operation.

" }, "ISO8601Datetime": { "type": "string" }, "ImportPhoneNumberRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "SourcePhoneNumberArn" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "SourcePhoneNumberArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The claimed phone number ARN being imported from the external service, such as Amazon Pinpoint. If it is from Amazon Pinpoint, it looks like the ARN of the phone number to import from Amazon Pinpoint.

" }, "PhoneNumberDescription": { "shape": "PhoneNumberDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the phone number.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "ImportPhoneNumberResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PhoneNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumberArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the phone number.

" } } }, "InboundCallsEnabled": { "type": "boolean" }, "Index": { "type": "integer" }, "InitiationMethodList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ContactInitiationMethod" } }, "Instance": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "IdentityManagementType": { "shape": "DirectoryType", "documentation": "

The identity management type.

" }, "InstanceAlias": { "shape": "DirectoryAlias", "documentation": "

The alias of instance.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

When the instance was created.

" }, "ServiceRole": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The service role of the instance.

" }, "InstanceStatus": { "shape": "InstanceStatus", "documentation": "

The state of the instance.

" }, "StatusReason": { "shape": "InstanceStatusReason", "documentation": "

Relevant details why the instance was not successfully created.

" }, "InboundCallsEnabled": { "shape": "InboundCallsEnabled", "documentation": "

Whether inbound calls are enabled.

" }, "OutboundCallsEnabled": { "shape": "OutboundCallsEnabled", "documentation": "

Whether outbound calls are enabled.

" }, "InstanceAccessUrl": { "shape": "Url", "documentation": "

This URL allows contact center users to access the Amazon Connect admin website.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags of an instance.

" } }, "documentation": "

The Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "InstanceArn": { "type": "string", "pattern": "arn:(aws|aws-us-gov):connect:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-[0-9-]{1}:[0-9]{1,20}:instance/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}" }, "InstanceAttributeType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "INBOUND_CALLS", "OUTBOUND_CALLS", "CONTACTFLOW_LOGS", "CONTACT_LENS", "AUTO_RESOLVE_BEST_VOICES", "USE_CUSTOM_TTS_VOICES", "EARLY_MEDIA", "MULTI_PARTY_CONFERENCE", "HIGH_VOLUME_OUTBOUND", "ENHANCED_CONTACT_MONITORING", "ENHANCED_CHAT_MONITORING" ] }, "InstanceAttributeValue": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "InstanceId": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "InstanceIdOrArn": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 1, "pattern": "^(arn:(aws|aws-us-gov):connect:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-[0-9]{1}:[0-9]{1,20}:instance/)?[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$" }, "InstanceReplicationStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "INSTANCE_REPLICATION_COMPLETE", "INSTANCE_REPLICATION_IN_PROGRESS", "INSTANCE_REPLICATION_FAILED", "INSTANCE_REPLICA_DELETING", "INSTANCE_REPLICATION_DELETION_FAILED", "RESOURCE_REPLICATION_NOT_STARTED" ] }, "InstanceStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "CREATION_IN_PROGRESS", "ACTIVE", "CREATION_FAILED" ] }, "InstanceStatusReason": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Message": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The message.

" } }, "documentation": "

Relevant details why the instance was not successfully created.

" }, "InstanceStorageConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "StorageType" ], "members": { "AssociationId": { "shape": "AssociationId", "documentation": "

The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.

" }, "StorageType": { "shape": "StorageType", "documentation": "

A valid storage type.

" }, "S3Config": { "shape": "S3Config", "documentation": "

The S3 bucket configuration.

" }, "KinesisVideoStreamConfig": { "shape": "KinesisVideoStreamConfig", "documentation": "

The configuration of the Kinesis video stream.

" }, "KinesisStreamConfig": { "shape": "KinesisStreamConfig", "documentation": "

The configuration of the Kinesis data stream.

" }, "KinesisFirehoseConfig": { "shape": "KinesisFirehoseConfig", "documentation": "

The configuration of the Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.

" } }, "documentation": "

The storage configuration for the instance.

" }, "InstanceStorageConfigs": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "InstanceStorageConfig" } }, "InstanceStorageResourceType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "CHAT_TRANSCRIPTS", "CALL_RECORDINGS", "SCHEDULED_REPORTS", "MEDIA_STREAMS", "CONTACT_TRACE_RECORDS", "AGENT_EVENTS", "REAL_TIME_CONTACT_ANALYSIS_SEGMENTS", "ATTACHMENTS", "CONTACT_EVALUATIONS", "SCREEN_RECORDINGS", "REAL_TIME_CONTACT_ANALYSIS_CHAT_SEGMENTS", "REAL_TIME_CONTACT_ANALYSIS_VOICE_SEGMENTS" ] }, "InstanceSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the instance.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "IdentityManagementType": { "shape": "DirectoryType", "documentation": "

The identity management type of the instance.

" }, "InstanceAlias": { "shape": "DirectoryAlias", "documentation": "

The alias of the instance.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

When the instance was created.

" }, "ServiceRole": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The service role of the instance.

" }, "InstanceStatus": { "shape": "InstanceStatus", "documentation": "

The state of the instance.

" }, "InboundCallsEnabled": { "shape": "InboundCallsEnabled", "documentation": "

Whether inbound calls are enabled.

" }, "OutboundCallsEnabled": { "shape": "OutboundCallsEnabled", "documentation": "

Whether outbound calls are enabled.

" }, "InstanceAccessUrl": { "shape": "Url", "documentation": "

This URL allows contact center users to access the Amazon Connect admin website.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the instance.

" }, "InstanceSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "InstanceSummary" } }, "Integer": { "type": "integer" }, "IntegerCount": { "type": "integer", "min": 0 }, "IntegrationAssociationId": { "type": "string", "max": 200, "min": 1 }, "IntegrationAssociationSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "IntegrationAssociationId": { "shape": "IntegrationAssociationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the AppIntegration association.

" }, "IntegrationAssociationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the AppIntegration association.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "IntegrationType": { "shape": "IntegrationType", "documentation": "

The integration type.

" }, "IntegrationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the AppIntegration.

" }, "SourceApplicationUrl": { "shape": "URI", "documentation": "

The URL for the external application.

" }, "SourceApplicationName": { "shape": "SourceApplicationName", "documentation": "

The user-provided, friendly name for the external application.

" }, "SourceType": { "shape": "SourceType", "documentation": "

The name of the source.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about the associated AppIntegrations.

" }, "IntegrationAssociationSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "IntegrationAssociationSummary" } }, "IntegrationType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "EVENT", "VOICE_ID", "PINPOINT_APP", "WISDOM_ASSISTANT", "WISDOM_KNOWLEDGE_BASE", "WISDOM_QUICK_RESPONSES", "CASES_DOMAIN", "APPLICATION", "FILE_SCANNER" ] }, "IntervalDetails": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TimeZone": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The timezone applied to requested metrics.

" }, "IntervalPeriod": { "shape": "IntervalPeriod", "documentation": "

IntervalPeriod: An aggregated grouping applied to request metrics. Valid IntervalPeriod values are: FIFTEEN_MIN | THIRTY_MIN | HOUR | DAY | WEEK | TOTAL.

For example, if IntervalPeriod is selected THIRTY_MIN, StartTime and EndTime differs by 1 day, then Amazon Connect returns 48 results in the response. Each result is aggregated by the THIRTY_MIN period. By default Amazon Connect aggregates results based on the TOTAL interval period.

The following list describes restrictions on StartTime and EndTime based on what IntervalPeriod is requested.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the interval period to use for returning results.

" }, "IntervalPeriod": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "FIFTEEN_MIN", "THIRTY_MIN", "HOUR", "DAY", "WEEK", "TOTAL" ] }, "InvisibleFieldInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFieldIdentifier", "documentation": "

Identifier of the invisible field.

" } }, "documentation": "

A field that is invisible to an agent.

" }, "InvisibleTaskTemplateFields": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "InvisibleFieldInfo" } }, "IpCidr": { "type": "string", "max": 50, "min": 2, "pattern": "^[A-Za-z0-9:/]*$" }, "IpCidrList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "IpCidr" } }, "JoinToken": { "type": "string", "sensitive": true }, "KeyId": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "KinesisFirehoseConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "FirehoseArn" ], "members": { "FirehoseArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delivery stream.

" } }, "documentation": "

Configuration information of a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.

" }, "KinesisStreamConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "StreamArn" ], "members": { "StreamArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data stream.

" } }, "documentation": "

Configuration information of a Kinesis data stream.

" }, "KinesisVideoStreamConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Prefix", "RetentionPeriodHours", "EncryptionConfig" ], "members": { "Prefix": { "shape": "Prefix", "documentation": "

The prefix of the video stream.

" }, "RetentionPeriodHours": { "shape": "Hours", "documentation": "

The number of hours data is retained in the stream. Kinesis Video Streams retains the data in a data store that is associated with the stream.

The default value is 0, indicating that the stream does not persist data.

" }, "EncryptionConfig": { "shape": "EncryptionConfig", "documentation": "

The encryption configuration.

" } }, "documentation": "

Configuration information of a Kinesis video stream.

" }, "LargeNextToken": { "type": "string", "max": 100000, "min": 1 }, "LexBot": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Name", "LexRegion" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "BotName", "documentation": "

The name of the Amazon Lex bot.

" }, "LexRegion": { "shape": "LexRegion", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where the Amazon Lex bot was created.

" } }, "documentation": "

Configuration information of an Amazon Lex bot.

" }, "LexBotConfig": { "type": "structure", "members": { "LexBot": { "shape": "LexBot" }, "LexV2Bot": { "shape": "LexV2Bot", "documentation": "

Configuration information of an Amazon Lex V2 bot.

" } }, "documentation": "

Configuration information of an Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bot.

" }, "LexBotConfigList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "LexBotConfig" } }, "LexBotsList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "LexBot" } }, "LexRegion": { "type": "string", "max": 60 }, "LexV2Bot": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AliasArn": { "shape": "AliasArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Lex V2 bot.

" } }, "documentation": "

Configuration information of an Amazon Lex V2 bot.

" }, "LexVersion": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "V1", "V2" ] }, "ListAgentStatusRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "AgentStatusTypes": { "shape": "AgentStatusTypes", "documentation": "

Available agent status types.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "AgentStatusTypes" } } }, "ListAgentStatusResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "AgentStatusSummaryList": { "shape": "AgentStatusSummaryList", "documentation": "

A summary of agent statuses.

" } } }, "ListAnalyticsDataAssociationsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "DataSetId": { "shape": "DataSetId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the dataset to get the association status.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "DataSetId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListAnalyticsDataAssociationsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Results": { "shape": "AnalyticsDataAssociationResults", "documentation": "

An array of successful results: DataSetId, TargetAccountId, ResourceShareId, ResourceShareArn. This is a paginated API, so nextToken is given if there are more results to be returned.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListApprovedOriginsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult25", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListApprovedOriginsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Origins": { "shape": "OriginsList", "documentation": "

The approved origins.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListAuthenticationProfilesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" } } }, "ListAuthenticationProfilesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AuthenticationProfileSummaryList": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfileSummaryList", "documentation": "

A summary of a given authentication profile.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListBotsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "LexVersion" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult25", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "LexVersion": { "shape": "LexVersion", "documentation": "

The version of Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "lexVersion" } } }, "ListBotsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "LexBots": { "shape": "LexBotConfigList", "documentation": "

The names and Amazon Web Services Regions of the Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bots associated with the specified instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListCondition": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TargetListType": { "shape": "TargetListType", "documentation": "

The type of target list that will be used to filter the users.

" }, "Conditions": { "shape": "Conditions", "documentation": "

A list of Condition objects which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" } }, "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a List condition to search users with attributes included in Lists like Proficiencies.

" }, "ListContactEvaluationsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "contactId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

This is not expected to be set because the value returned in the previous response is always null.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" } } }, "ListContactEvaluationsResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationSummaryList" ], "members": { "EvaluationSummaryList": { "shape": "EvaluationSummaryList", "documentation": "

Provides details about a list of contact evaluations belonging to an instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

This is always returned as null in the response.

" } } }, "ListContactFlowModulesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "ContactFlowModuleState": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleState", "documentation": "

The state of the flow module.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "state" } } }, "ListContactFlowModulesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactFlowModulesSummaryList": { "shape": "ContactFlowModulesSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the flow module.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListContactFlowsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactFlowTypes": { "shape": "ContactFlowTypes", "documentation": "

The type of flow.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "contactFlowTypes" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListContactFlowsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactFlowSummaryList": { "shape": "ContactFlowSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the flows.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListContactReferencesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "ReferenceTypes" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the initial contact.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactId" }, "ReferenceTypes": { "shape": "ReferenceTypes", "documentation": "

The type of reference.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "referenceTypes" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

This is not expected to be set, because the value returned in the previous response is always null.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" } } }, "ListContactReferencesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ReferenceSummaryList": { "shape": "ReferenceSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the flows.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

This is always returned as null in the response.

" } } }, "ListDefaultVocabulariesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "LanguageCode": { "shape": "VocabularyLanguageCode", "documentation": "

The language code of the vocabulary entries. For a list of languages and their corresponding language codes, see What is Amazon Transcribe?

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "VocabularyNextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListDefaultVocabulariesResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "DefaultVocabularyList" ], "members": { "DefaultVocabularyList": { "shape": "DefaultVocabularyList", "documentation": "

A list of default vocabularies.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "VocabularyNextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListEvaluationFormVersionsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "EvaluationFormId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "EvaluationFormId" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" } } }, "ListEvaluationFormVersionsResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationFormVersionSummaryList" ], "members": { "EvaluationFormVersionSummaryList": { "shape": "EvaluationFormVersionSummaryList", "documentation": "

Provides details about a list of evaluation forms belonging to an instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListEvaluationFormsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" } } }, "ListEvaluationFormsResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationFormSummaryList" ], "members": { "EvaluationFormSummaryList": { "shape": "EvaluationFormSummaryList", "documentation": "

Provides details about a list of evaluation forms belonging to an instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListFlowAssociationResourceType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "VOICE_PHONE_NUMBER" ] }, "ListFlowAssociationsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "ListFlowAssociationResourceType", "documentation": "

A valid resource type.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "ResourceType" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListFlowAssociationsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "FlowAssociationSummaryList": { "shape": "FlowAssociationSummaryList", "documentation": "

Summary of flow associations.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListHoursOfOperationsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListHoursOfOperationsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "HoursOfOperationSummaryList": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the hours of operation.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListInstanceAttributesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult7", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListInstanceAttributesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Attributes": { "shape": "AttributesList", "documentation": "

The attribute types.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListInstanceStorageConfigsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ResourceType" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "InstanceStorageResourceType", "documentation": "

A valid resource type.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "resourceType" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult10", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListInstanceStorageConfigsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "StorageConfigs": { "shape": "InstanceStorageConfigs", "documentation": "

A valid storage type.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListInstancesRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult10", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListInstancesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "InstanceSummaryList": { "shape": "InstanceSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the instances.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListIntegrationAssociationsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "IntegrationType": { "shape": "IntegrationType", "documentation": "

The integration type.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "integrationType" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "IntegrationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the integration.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "integrationArn" } } }, "ListIntegrationAssociationsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "IntegrationAssociationSummaryList": { "shape": "IntegrationAssociationSummaryList", "documentation": "

The associations.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListLambdaFunctionsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult25", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListLambdaFunctionsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "LambdaFunctions": { "shape": "FunctionArnsList", "documentation": "

The Lambdafunction ARNs associated with the specified instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListLexBotsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult25", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. If no value is specified, the default is 10.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListLexBotsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "LexBots": { "shape": "LexBotsList", "documentation": "

The names and Amazon Web Services Regions of the Amazon Lex bots associated with the specified instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListPhoneNumbersRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "PhoneNumberTypes": { "shape": "PhoneNumberTypes", "documentation": "

The type of phone number.

We recommend using ListPhoneNumbersV2 to return phone number types. While ListPhoneNumbers returns number types UIFN, SHARED, THIRD_PARTY_TF, and THIRD_PARTY_DID, it incorrectly lists them as TOLL_FREE or DID.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "phoneNumberTypes" }, "PhoneNumberCountryCodes": { "shape": "PhoneNumberCountryCodes", "documentation": "

The ISO country code.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "phoneNumberCountryCodes" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListPhoneNumbersResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PhoneNumberSummaryList": { "shape": "PhoneNumberSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the phone numbers.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListPhoneNumbersSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PhoneNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumberArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumber": { "shape": "PhoneNumber", "documentation": "

The phone number. Phone numbers are formatted [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code].

" }, "PhoneNumberCountryCode": { "shape": "PhoneNumberCountryCode", "documentation": "

The ISO country code.

" }, "PhoneNumberType": { "shape": "PhoneNumberType", "documentation": "

The type of phone number.

" }, "TargetArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for Amazon Connect instances or traffic distribution groups that phone number inbound traffic is routed through.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance that phone numbers are claimed to. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "PhoneNumberDescription": { "shape": "PhoneNumberDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the phone number.

" }, "SourcePhoneNumberArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The claimed phone number ARN that was previously imported from the external service, such as Amazon Pinpoint. If it is from Amazon Pinpoint, it looks like the ARN of the phone number that was imported from Amazon Pinpoint.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about phone numbers that have been claimed to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group.

" }, "ListPhoneNumbersSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ListPhoneNumbersSummary" } }, "ListPhoneNumbersV2Request": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TargetArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for Amazon Connect instances or traffic distribution groups that phone number inbound traffic is routed through. If both TargetArn and InstanceId input are not provided, this API lists numbers claimed to all the Amazon Connect instances belonging to your account in the same Amazon Web Services Region as the request.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance that phone numbers are claimed to. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance. If both TargetArn and InstanceId are not provided, this API lists numbers claimed to all the Amazon Connect instances belonging to your account in the same AWS Region as the request.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "NextToken": { "shape": "LargeNextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "PhoneNumberCountryCodes": { "shape": "PhoneNumberCountryCodes", "documentation": "

The ISO country code.

" }, "PhoneNumberTypes": { "shape": "PhoneNumberTypes", "documentation": "

The type of phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumberPrefix": { "shape": "PhoneNumberPrefix", "documentation": "

The prefix of the phone number. If provided, it must contain + as part of the country code.

" } } }, "ListPhoneNumbersV2Response": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "LargeNextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ListPhoneNumbersSummaryList": { "shape": "ListPhoneNumbersSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about phone numbers that have been claimed to your Amazon Connect instances or traffic distribution groups.

" } } }, "ListPredefinedAttributesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListPredefinedAttributesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "PredefinedAttributeSummaryList": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeSummaryList", "documentation": "

Summary of the predefined attributes.

" } } }, "ListPromptsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListPromptsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PromptSummaryList": { "shape": "PromptSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the prompts.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListQueueQuickConnectsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QueueId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QueueId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListQueueQuickConnectsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "QuickConnectSummaryList": { "shape": "QuickConnectSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the quick connects.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } } }, "ListQueuesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QueueTypes": { "shape": "QueueTypes", "documentation": "

The type of queue.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "queueTypes" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListQueuesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "QueueSummaryList": { "shape": "QueueSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the queues.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListQuickConnectsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "QuickConnectTypes": { "shape": "QuickConnectTypes", "documentation": "

The type of quick connect. In the Amazon Connect admin website, when you create a quick connect, you are prompted to assign one of the following types: Agent (USER), External (PHONE_NUMBER), or Queue (QUEUE).

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "QuickConnectTypes" } } }, "ListQuickConnectsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "QuickConnectSummaryList": { "shape": "QuickConnectSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the quick connects.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Request": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "OutputType", "SegmentTypes" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactId" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "LargeNextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "OutputType": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisOutputType", "documentation": "

The Contact Lens output type to be returned.

" }, "SegmentTypes": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentTypes", "documentation": "

Enum with segment types . Each value corresponds to a segment type returned in the segments list of the API. Each segment type has its own structure. Different channels may have different sets of supported segment types.

" } } }, "ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Response": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Channel", "Status", "Segments" ], "members": { "Channel": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisSupportedChannel", "documentation": "

The channel of the contact. Voice will not be returned.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisStatus", "documentation": "

Status of real-time contact analysis.

" }, "Segments": { "shape": "RealtimeContactAnalysisSegments", "documentation": "

An analyzed transcript or category.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "LargeNextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListRoutingProfileQueuesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RoutingProfileId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RoutingProfileId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListRoutingProfileQueuesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummaryList": { "shape": "RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the routing profiles.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } } }, "ListRoutingProfilesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListRoutingProfilesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "RoutingProfileSummaryList": { "shape": "RoutingProfileSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the routing profiles.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListRulesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "PublishStatus": { "shape": "RulePublishStatus", "documentation": "

The publish status of the rule.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "publishStatus" }, "EventSourceName": { "shape": "EventSourceName", "documentation": "

The name of the event source.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "eventSourceName" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult200", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" } } }, "ListRulesResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "RuleSummaryList" ], "members": { "RuleSummaryList": { "shape": "RuleSummaryList", "documentation": "

Summary information about a rule.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListSecurityKeysRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult2", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListSecurityKeysResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "SecurityKeys": { "shape": "SecurityKeysList", "documentation": "

The security keys.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListSecurityProfileApplicationsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "SecurityProfileId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "SecurityProfileId": { "shape": "SecurityProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the security profle.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "SecurityProfileId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListSecurityProfileApplicationsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Applications": { "shape": "Applications", "documentation": "

A list of the third-party application's metadata.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } } }, "ListSecurityProfilePermissionsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "SecurityProfileId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "SecurityProfileId": { "shape": "SecurityProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the security profle.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "SecurityProfileId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListSecurityProfilePermissionsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Permissions": { "shape": "PermissionsList", "documentation": "

The permissions granted to the security profile. For a complete list of valid permissions, see List of security profile permissions.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } } }, "ListSecurityProfilesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListSecurityProfilesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "SecurityProfileSummaryList": { "shape": "SecurityProfileSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the security profiles.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListTagsForResourceRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "resourceArn" ], "members": { "resourceArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. All Amazon Connect resources (instances, queues, flows, routing profiles, etc) have an ARN. To locate the ARN for an instance, for example, see Find your Amazon Connect instance ID/ARN.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "resourceArn" } } }, "ListTagsForResourceResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

Information about the tags.

" } } }, "ListTaskTemplatesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

It is not expected that you set this because the value returned in the previous response is always null.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

It is not expected that you set this.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "Status": { "shape": "TaskTemplateStatus", "documentation": "

Marks a template as ACTIVE or INACTIVE for a task to refer to it. Tasks can only be created from ACTIVE templates. If a template is marked as INACTIVE, then a task that refers to this template cannot be created.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "status" }, "Name": { "shape": "TaskTemplateName", "documentation": "

The name of the task template.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "name" } } }, "ListTaskTemplatesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TaskTemplates": { "shape": "TaskTemplateList", "documentation": "

Provides details about a list of task templates belonging to an instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

This is always returned as a null in the response.

" } } }, "ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsersRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "TrafficDistributionGroupId" ], "members": { "TrafficDistributionGroupId": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupIdOrArn", "documentation": "

The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "TrafficDistributionGroupId" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult10", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" } } }, "ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsersResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "TrafficDistributionGroupUserSummaryList": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupUserSummaryList", "documentation": "

A list of traffic distribution group users.

" } } }, "ListTrafficDistributionGroupsRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult10", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceIdOrArn", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "instanceId" } } }, "ListTrafficDistributionGroupsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "TrafficDistributionGroupSummaryList": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupSummaryList", "documentation": "

A list of traffic distribution groups.

" } } }, "ListUseCasesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "IntegrationAssociationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "IntegrationAssociationId": { "shape": "IntegrationAssociationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the integration association.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "IntegrationAssociationId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } }, "documentation": "

Provides summary information about the use cases for the specified integration association.

" }, "ListUseCasesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "UseCaseSummaryList": { "shape": "UseCaseSummaryList", "documentation": "

The use cases.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListUserHierarchyGroupsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListUserHierarchyGroupsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "UserHierarchyGroupSummaryList": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the hierarchy groups.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListUserProficienciesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "UserId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListUserProficienciesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "UserProficiencyList": { "shape": "UserProficiencyList", "documentation": "

Information about the user proficiencies.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The last time that the user's proficiencies are were modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The region in which a user's proficiencies were last modified.

" } } }, "ListUsersRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult1000", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListUsersResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "UserSummaryList": { "shape": "UserSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the users.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListViewVersionsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ViewId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "ViewsInstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ViewId": { "shape": "ViewId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the view. Both ViewArn and ViewId can be used.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ViewId" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "ViewsNextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResults", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListViewVersionsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ViewVersionSummaryList": { "shape": "ViewVersionSummaryList", "documentation": "

A list of view version summaries.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "ViewsNextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" } } }, "ListViewsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "ViewsInstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Type": { "shape": "ViewType", "documentation": "

The type of the view.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "type" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "ViewsNextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "nextToken" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResults", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default MaxResult size is 100.

", "box": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "maxResults" } } }, "ListViewsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ViewsSummaryList": { "shape": "ViewsSummaryList", "documentation": "

A list of view summaries.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "ViewsNextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" } } }, "Long": { "type": "long" }, "MatchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AgentsCriteria": { "shape": "AgentsCriteria", "documentation": "

An object to define agentIds.

" } }, "documentation": "

An object to define AgentsCriteria.

" }, "MaxResult10": { "type": "integer", "max": 10, "min": 1 }, "MaxResult100": { "type": "integer", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "MaxResult1000": { "type": "integer", "max": 1000, "min": 1 }, "MaxResult2": { "type": "integer", "max": 2, "min": 1 }, "MaxResult200": { "type": "integer", "max": 200, "min": 1 }, "MaxResult25": { "type": "integer", "max": 25, "min": 1 }, "MaxResult500": { "type": "integer", "box": true, "max": 500, "min": 1 }, "MaxResult7": { "type": "integer", "max": 7, "min": 1 }, "MaxResults": { "type": "integer", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "MediaConcurrencies": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "MediaConcurrency" } }, "MediaConcurrency": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Channel", "Concurrency" ], "members": { "Channel": { "shape": "Channel", "documentation": "

The channels that agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP).

" }, "Concurrency": { "shape": "Concurrency", "documentation": "

The number of contacts an agent can have on a channel simultaneously.

Valid Range for VOICE: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 1.

Valid Range for CHAT: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.

Valid Range for TASK: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10.

" }, "CrossChannelBehavior": { "shape": "CrossChannelBehavior", "documentation": "

Defines the cross-channel routing behavior for each channel that is enabled for this Routing Profile. For example, this allows you to offer an agent a different contact from another channel when they are currently working with a contact from a Voice channel.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about which channels are supported, and how many contacts an agent can have on a channel simultaneously.

" }, "MediaPlacement": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AudioHostUrl": { "shape": "URI", "documentation": "

The audio host URL.

" }, "AudioFallbackUrl": { "shape": "URI", "documentation": "

The audio fallback URL.

" }, "SignalingUrl": { "shape": "URI", "documentation": "

The signaling URL.

" }, "TurnControlUrl": { "shape": "URI", "documentation": "

The turn control URL.

" }, "EventIngestionUrl": { "shape": "URI", "documentation": "

The event ingestion URL to which you send client meeting events.

" } }, "documentation": "

A set of endpoints used by clients to connect to the media service group for an Amazon Chime SDK meeting.

" }, "MediaRegion": { "type": "string" }, "Meeting": { "type": "structure", "members": { "MediaRegion": { "shape": "MediaRegion", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region in which you create the meeting.

" }, "MediaPlacement": { "shape": "MediaPlacement", "documentation": "

The media placement for the meeting.

" }, "MeetingFeatures": { "shape": "MeetingFeaturesConfiguration", "documentation": "

The configuration settings of the features available to a meeting.

" }, "MeetingId": { "shape": "MeetingId", "documentation": "

The Amazon Chime SDK meeting ID.

" } }, "documentation": "

A meeting created using the Amazon Chime SDK.

" }, "MeetingFeatureStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "AVAILABLE", "UNAVAILABLE" ] }, "MeetingFeaturesConfiguration": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Audio": { "shape": "AudioFeatures", "documentation": "

The configuration settings for the audio features available to a meeting.

" } }, "documentation": "

The configuration settings of the features available to a meeting.

" }, "MeetingId": { "type": "string" }, "MetadataUrl": { "type": "string", "max": 2000, "min": 1 }, "MetricDataCollectionsV2": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "MetricDataV2" } }, "MetricDataV2": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Metric": { "shape": "MetricV2", "documentation": "

The metric name, thresholds, and metric filters of the returned metric.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "Value", "documentation": "

The corresponding value of the metric returned in the response.

", "box": true } }, "documentation": "

Contains the name, thresholds, and metric filters.

" }, "MetricFilterV2": { "type": "structure", "members": { "MetricFilterKey": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The key to use for filtering data.

Valid metric filter keys: INITIATION_METHOD, DISCONNECT_REASON. These are the same values as the InitiationMethod and DisconnectReason in the contact record. For more information, see ContactTraceRecord in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "MetricFilterValues": { "shape": "MetricFilterValueList", "documentation": "

The values to use for filtering data.



" }, "Negate": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

The flag to use to filter on requested metric filter values or to not filter on requested metric filter values. By default the negate is false, which indicates to filter on the requested metric filter.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the filter used when retrieving metrics. MetricFiltersV2 can be used on the following metrics: AVG_AGENT_CONNECTING_TIME, CONTACTS_CREATED, CONTACTS_HANDLED, SUM_CONTACTS_DISCONNECTED.

" }, "MetricFilterValueList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "String" }, "max": 10, "min": 1 }, "MetricFiltersV2List": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "MetricFilterV2" }, "max": 2 }, "MetricInterval": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Interval": { "shape": "IntervalPeriod", "documentation": "

The interval period provided in the API request.

" }, "StartTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp, in UNIX Epoch time format. Start time is based on the interval period selected.

" }, "EndTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp, in UNIX Epoch time format. End time is based on the interval period selected. For example, If IntervalPeriod is selected THIRTY_MIN, StartTime and EndTime in the API request differs by 1 day, then 48 results are returned in the response. Each result is aggregated by the 30 minutes period, with each StartTime and EndTime differing by 30 minutes.

" } }, "documentation": "

The interval period with the start and end time for the metrics.

" }, "MetricNameV2": { "type": "string" }, "MetricResultV2": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Dimensions": { "shape": "DimensionsV2Map", "documentation": "

The dimension for the metrics.

" }, "MetricInterval": { "shape": "MetricInterval", "documentation": "

The interval period with the start and end time for the metrics.

" }, "Collections": { "shape": "MetricDataCollectionsV2", "documentation": "

The set of metrics.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the metric results.

" }, "MetricResultsV2": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "MetricResultV2" } }, "MetricV2": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "MetricNameV2", "documentation": "

The name of the metric.

This parameter is required. The following Required = No is incorrect.

" }, "Threshold": { "shape": "ThresholdCollections", "documentation": "

Contains information about the threshold for service level metrics.

" }, "MetricFilters": { "shape": "MetricFiltersV2List", "documentation": "

Contains the filters to be used when returning data.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the metric.

" }, "MetricsV2": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "MetricV2" } }, "MinutesLimit60": { "type": "integer", "max": 59, "min": 0 }, "MonitorCapability": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "SILENT_MONITOR", "BARGE" ] }, "MonitorContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "UserId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact.

" }, "UserId": { "shape": "AgentResourceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

" }, "AllowedMonitorCapabilities": { "shape": "AllowedMonitorCapabilities", "documentation": "

Specify which monitoring actions the user is allowed to take. For example, whether the user is allowed to escalate from silent monitoring to barge. AllowedMonitorCapabilities is required if barge is enabled.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "MonitorContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact.

" }, "ContactArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The ARN of the contact.

" } } }, "Name": { "type": "string", "max": 512, "min": 0, "sensitive": true }, "Name128": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1, "pattern": "(^[\\S].*[\\S]$)|(^[\\S]$)" }, "Namespace": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "NewChatCreated": { "type": "boolean" }, "NewSessionDetails": { "type": "structure", "members": { "SupportedMessagingContentTypes": { "shape": "SupportedMessagingContentTypes", "documentation": "

The supported chat message content types. Supported types are text/plain, text/markdown, application/json, application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.message.interactive, and application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.message.interactive.response.

Content types must always contain text/plain. You can then put any other supported type in the list. For example, all the following lists are valid because they contain text/plain: [text/plain, text/markdown, application/json], [text/markdown, text/plain], [text/plain, application/json, application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.message.interactive.response].

" }, "ParticipantDetails": { "shape": "ParticipantDetails" }, "Attributes": { "shape": "Attributes", "documentation": "

A custom key-value pair using an attribute map. The attributes are standard Amazon Connect attributes. They can be accessed in flows just like any other contact attributes.

There can be up to 32,768 UTF-8 bytes across all key-value pairs per contact. Attribute keys can include only alphanumeric, dash, and underscore characters.

" }, "StreamingConfiguration": { "shape": "ChatStreamingConfiguration" } }, "documentation": "

Payload of chat properties to apply when starting a new contact.

" }, "NextToken": { "type": "string" }, "NextToken2500": { "type": "string", "max": 2500, "min": 1 }, "NotificationContentType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "PLAIN_TEXT" ] }, "NotificationDeliveryType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "EMAIL" ] }, "NotificationRecipientType": { "type": "structure", "members": { "UserTags": { "shape": "UserTagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }. Amazon Connect users with the specified tags will be notified.

" }, "UserIds": { "shape": "UserIdList", "documentation": "

A list of user IDs.

" } }, "documentation": "

The type of notification recipient.

" }, "NullableProficiencyLevel": { "type": "float", "max": 5, "min": 1 }, "NullableProficiencyLimitValue": { "type": "integer" }, "NumberComparisonType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "GREATER_OR_EQUAL", "GREATER", "LESSER_OR_EQUAL", "LESSER", "EQUAL", "NOT_EQUAL", "RANGE" ] }, "NumberCondition": { "type": "structure", "members": { "FieldName": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The name of the field in the number condition.

" }, "MinValue": { "shape": "NullableProficiencyLimitValue", "documentation": "

The minValue to be used while evaluating the number condition.

" }, "MaxValue": { "shape": "NullableProficiencyLimitValue", "documentation": "

The maxValue to be used while evaluating the number condition.

" }, "ComparisonType": { "shape": "NumberComparisonType", "documentation": "

The type of comparison to be made when evaluating the number condition.

" } }, "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a numeric condition.

The currently supported value for FieldName is limit.

" }, "NumberReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "ReferenceKey", "documentation": "

Identifier of the number reference.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "ReferenceValue", "documentation": "

A valid number.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a reference when the referenceType is NUMBER. Otherwise, null.

" }, "NumericQuestionPropertyAutomationLabel": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "OVERALL_CUSTOMER_SENTIMENT_SCORE", "OVERALL_AGENT_SENTIMENT_SCORE", "NON_TALK_TIME", "NON_TALK_TIME_PERCENTAGE", "NUMBER_OF_INTERRUPTIONS", "CONTACT_DURATION", "AGENT_INTERACTION_DURATION", "CUSTOMER_HOLD_TIME" ] }, "NumericQuestionPropertyValueAutomation": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Label" ], "members": { "Label": { "shape": "NumericQuestionPropertyAutomationLabel", "documentation": "

The property label of the automation.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the property value used in automation of a numeric questions. Label values are associated with minimum and maximum values for the numeric question.

" }, "OperatingSystem": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 0 }, "Origin": { "type": "string", "max": 267 }, "OriginsList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Origin" } }, "OutboundCallerConfig": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OutboundCallerIdName": { "shape": "OutboundCallerIdName", "documentation": "

The caller ID name.

" }, "OutboundCallerIdNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

The caller ID number.

" }, "OutboundFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The outbound whisper flow to be used during an outbound call.

" } }, "documentation": "

The outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow.

" }, "OutboundCallerIdName": { "type": "string", "max": 255, "min": 1 }, "OutboundCallsEnabled": { "type": "boolean" }, "PEM": { "type": "string", "max": 1024, "min": 1 }, "ParticipantCapabilities": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Video": { "shape": "VideoCapability", "documentation": "

The configuration having the video sharing capabilities for participants over the call.

" } }, "documentation": "

The configuration for the allowed capabilities for participants present over the call.

" }, "ParticipantDetails": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "DisplayName" ], "members": { "DisplayName": { "shape": "DisplayName", "documentation": "

Display name of the participant.

" } }, "documentation": "

The customer's details.

" }, "ParticipantDetailsToAdd": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ParticipantRole": { "shape": "ParticipantRole", "documentation": "

The role of the participant being added.

" }, "DisplayName": { "shape": "DisplayName", "documentation": "

The display name of the participant.

" } }, "documentation": "

The details to add for the participant.

" }, "ParticipantId": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "ParticipantRole": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "AGENT", "CUSTOMER", "SYSTEM", "CUSTOM_BOT", "SUPERVISOR" ] }, "ParticipantTimerAction": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Unset" ] }, "ParticipantTimerConfigList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ParticipantTimerConfiguration" }, "max": 6, "min": 1 }, "ParticipantTimerConfiguration": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ParticipantRole", "TimerType", "TimerValue" ], "members": { "ParticipantRole": { "shape": "TimerEligibleParticipantRoles", "documentation": "

The role of the participant in the chat conversation.

" }, "TimerType": { "shape": "ParticipantTimerType", "documentation": "

The type of timer. IDLE indicates the timer applies for considering a human chat participant as idle. DISCONNECT_NONCUSTOMER indicates the timer applies to automatically disconnecting a chat participant due to idleness.

" }, "TimerValue": { "shape": "ParticipantTimerValue", "documentation": "

The value of the timer. Either the timer action (Unset to delete the timer), or the duration of the timer in minutes. Only one value can be set.

" } }, "documentation": "

Configuration information for the timer. After the timer configuration is set, it persists for the duration of the chat. It persists across new contacts in the chain, for example, transfer contacts.

For more information about how chat timeouts work, see Set up chat timeouts for human participants.

" }, "ParticipantTimerDurationInMinutes": { "type": "integer", "max": 480, "min": 2 }, "ParticipantTimerType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "IDLE", "DISCONNECT_NONCUSTOMER" ] }, "ParticipantTimerValue": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ParticipantTimerAction": { "shape": "ParticipantTimerAction", "documentation": "

The timer action. Currently only one value is allowed: Unset. It deletes a timer.

" }, "ParticipantTimerDurationInMinutes": { "shape": "ParticipantTimerDurationInMinutes", "documentation": "

The duration of a timer, in minutes.

" } }, "documentation": "

The value of the timer. Either the timer action (Unset to delete the timer), or the duration of the timer in minutes. Only one value can be set.

For more information about how chat timeouts work, see Set up chat timeouts for human participants.

", "union": true }, "ParticipantToken": { "type": "string", "max": 1000, "min": 1 }, "ParticipantTokenCredentials": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ParticipantToken": { "shape": "ParticipantToken", "documentation": "

The token used by the chat participant to call CreateParticipantConnection. The participant token is valid for the lifetime of a chat participant.

" }, "Expiry": { "shape": "ISO8601Datetime", "documentation": "

The expiration of the token. It's specified in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. For example, 2019-11-08T02:41:28.172Z.

" } }, "documentation": "

The credentials used by the participant.

" }, "Password": { "type": "string", "pattern": "/^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\\d)[a-zA-Z\\d\\S]{8,64}$/", "sensitive": true }, "PauseContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ContactId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" } } }, "PauseContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "Percentage": { "type": "integer", "max": 100, "min": 0 }, "Permission": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "PermissionsList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SecurityProfilePermission" }, "max": 500 }, "PersistentChat": { "type": "structure", "members": { "RehydrationType": { "shape": "RehydrationType", "documentation": "

The contactId that is used for rehydration depends on the rehydration type. RehydrationType is required for persistent chat.

The actual contactId used for rehydration is provided in the response of this API.

" }, "SourceContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The contactId from which a persistent chat session must be started.

" } }, "documentation": "

Enable persistent chats. For more information about enabling persistent chat, and for example use cases and how to configure for them, see Enable persistent chat.

" }, "PhoneNumber": { "type": "string", "pattern": "\\\\+[1-9]\\\\d{1,14}$" }, "PhoneNumberCountryCode": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "AF", "AL", "DZ", "AS", "AD", "AO", "AI", "AQ", "AG", "AR", "AM", "AW", "AU", "AT", "AZ", "BS", "BH", "BD", "BB", "BY", "BE", "BZ", "BJ", "BM", "BT", "BO", "BA", "BW", "BR", "IO", "VG", "BN", "BG", "BF", "BI", "KH", "CM", "CA", "CV", "KY", "CF", "TD", "CL", "CN", "CX", "CC", "CO", "KM", "CK", "CR", "HR", "CU", "CW", "CY", "CZ", "CD", "DK", "DJ", "DM", "DO", "TL", "EC", "EG", "SV", "GQ", "ER", "EE", "ET", "FK", "FO", "FJ", "FI", "FR", "PF", "GA", "GM", "GE", "DE", "GH", "GI", "GR", "GL", "GD", "GU", "GT", "GG", "GN", "GW", "GY", "HT", "HN", "HK", "HU", "IS", "IN", "ID", "IR", "IQ", "IE", "IM", "IL", "IT", "CI", "JM", "JP", "JE", "JO", "KZ", "KE", "KI", "KW", "KG", "LA", "LV", "LB", "LS", "LR", "LY", "LI", "LT", "LU", "MO", "MK", "MG", "MW", "MY", "MV", "ML", "MT", "MH", "MR", "MU", "YT", "MX", "FM", "MD", "MC", "MN", "ME", "MS", "MA", "MZ", "MM", "NA", "NR", "NP", "NL", "AN", "NC", "NZ", "NI", "NE", "NG", "NU", "KP", "MP", "NO", "OM", "PK", "PW", "PA", "PG", "PY", "PE", "PH", "PN", "PL", "PT", "PR", "QA", "CG", "RE", "RO", "RU", "RW", "BL", "SH", "KN", "LC", "MF", "PM", "VC", "WS", "SM", "ST", "SA", "SN", "RS", "SC", "SL", "SG", "SX", "SK", "SI", "SB", "SO", "ZA", "KR", "ES", "LK", "SD", "SR", "SJ", "SZ", "SE", "CH", "SY", "TW", "TJ", "TZ", "TH", "TG", "TK", "TO", "TT", "TN", "TR", "TM", "TC", "TV", "VI", "UG", "UA", "AE", "GB", "US", "UY", "UZ", "VU", "VA", "VE", "VN", "WF", "EH", "YE", "ZM", "ZW" ] }, "PhoneNumberCountryCodes": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "PhoneNumberCountryCode" }, "max": 10 }, "PhoneNumberDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 500, "min": 0, "pattern": "^[\\W\\S_]*" }, "PhoneNumberId": { "type": "string" }, "PhoneNumberPrefix": { "type": "string", "pattern": "\\\\+?[0-9]{1,11}" }, "PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PhoneNumber" ], "members": { "PhoneNumber": { "shape": "PhoneNumber", "documentation": "

The phone number in E.164 format.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a phone number for a quick connect.

" }, "PhoneNumberStatus": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Status": { "shape": "PhoneNumberWorkflowStatus", "documentation": "

The status.

" }, "Message": { "shape": "PhoneNumberWorkflowMessage", "documentation": "

The status message.

" } }, "documentation": "

The status of the phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumberSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the phone number.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumber": { "shape": "PhoneNumber", "documentation": "

The phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumberType": { "shape": "PhoneNumberType", "documentation": "

The type of phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumberCountryCode": { "shape": "PhoneNumberCountryCode", "documentation": "

The ISO country code.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about a phone number for a contact center.

" }, "PhoneNumberSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "PhoneNumberSummary" } }, "PhoneNumberType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "TOLL_FREE", "DID", "UIFN", "SHARED", "THIRD_PARTY_TF", "THIRD_PARTY_DID", "SHORT_CODE" ] }, "PhoneNumberTypes": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "PhoneNumberType" }, "max": 6 }, "PhoneNumberWorkflowMessage": { "type": "string", "max": 255, "min": 0, "pattern": "^[\\W\\S_]*" }, "PhoneNumberWorkflowStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "CLAIMED", "IN_PROGRESS", "FAILED" ] }, "PhoneType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "SOFT_PHONE", "DESK_PHONE" ] }, "PlatformName": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 0 }, "PlatformVersion": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 0 }, "PotentialAudioQualityIssue": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 0 }, "PotentialAudioQualityIssues": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "PotentialAudioQualityIssue" }, "max": 3, "min": 0 }, "PotentialDisconnectIssue": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 0 }, "PredefinedAttribute": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeName", "documentation": "

The name of the predefined attribute.

" }, "Values": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeValues", "documentation": "

The values of the predefined attribute.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

Last modified time.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

Last modified region.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a predefined attribute.

" }, "PredefinedAttributeName": { "type": "string", "max": 64, "min": 1 }, "PredefinedAttributeSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeSearchCriteria" } }, "PredefinedAttributeSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return predefined attributes.

" }, "PredefinedAttributeSearchSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "PredefinedAttribute" } }, "PredefinedAttributeStringValue": { "type": "string", "max": 64, "min": 1 }, "PredefinedAttributeStringValuesList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeStringValue" }, "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "PredefinedAttributeSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeName", "documentation": "

The name of the predefined attribute.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

Last modified time.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

Last modified region.

" } }, "documentation": "

Summary of a predefined attribute.

" }, "PredefinedAttributeSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeSummary" } }, "PredefinedAttributeValues": { "type": "structure", "members": { "StringList": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeStringValuesList", "documentation": "

Predefined attribute values of type string list.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about values of a predefined attribute.

", "union": true }, "Prefix": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "Priority": { "type": "integer", "max": 99, "min": 1 }, "ProficiencyLevel": { "type": "float", "box": true, "max": 5, "min": 1 }, "ProficiencyValue": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "Prompt": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PromptARN": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the prompt.

" }, "PromptId": { "shape": "PromptId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the prompt.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "CommonNameLength127", "documentation": "

The name of the prompt.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "PromptDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the prompt.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a prompt.

" }, "PromptDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 1 }, "PromptId": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "PromptList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Prompt" } }, "PromptName": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "PromptPresignedUrl": { "type": "string", "max": 2000, "min": 1 }, "PromptSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "PromptSearchCriteria" } }, "PromptSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "PromptSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "PromptSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.

The currently supported values for FieldName are name, description, and resourceID.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return prompts.

" }, "PromptSearchFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneTagFilter" } }, "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "PromptSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "PromptId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the prompt.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the prompt.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "PromptName", "documentation": "

The name of the prompt.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the prompt.

" }, "PromptSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "PromptSummary" } }, "PutUserStatusRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "UserId", "InstanceId", "AgentStatusId" ], "members": { "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "AgentStatusId": { "shape": "AgentStatusId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the agent status.

" } } }, "PutUserStatusResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "QualityMetrics": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Agent": { "shape": "AgentQualityMetrics", "documentation": "

Information about the quality of Agent media connection.

" }, "Customer": { "shape": "CustomerQualityMetrics", "documentation": "

Information about the quality of Customer media connection.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the quality of the participant's media connection.

" }, "Queue": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "CommonNameLength127", "documentation": "

The name of the queue.

" }, "QueueArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the queue.

" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "QueueDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the queue.

" }, "OutboundCallerConfig": { "shape": "OutboundCallerConfig", "documentation": "

The outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow.

" }, "HoursOfOperationId": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the hours of operation.

" }, "MaxContacts": { "shape": "QueueMaxContacts", "documentation": "

The maximum number of contacts that can be in the queue before it is considered full.

", "box": true }, "Status": { "shape": "QueueStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the queue.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a queue.

" }, "QueueDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 1 }, "QueueId": { "type": "string" }, "QueueIdList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "QueueId" }, "max": 100, "min": 0 }, "QueueInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the queue.

" }, "EnqueueTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the contact was added to the queue.

" } }, "documentation": "

If this contact was queued, this contains information about the queue.

" }, "QueueMaxContacts": { "type": "integer", "min": 0 }, "QueueName": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "QueuePriority": { "type": "long", "max": 9223372036854776000, "min": 1 }, "QueueQuickConnectConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "QueueId", "ContactFlowId" ], "members": { "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a queue for a quick connect. The flow must be of type Transfer to Queue.

" }, "QueueReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the queue.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a queue resource for which metrics are returned.

" }, "QueueSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "QueueSearchCriteria" } }, "QueueSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "QueueSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "QueueSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.

The currently supported values for FieldName are name, description, and resourceID.

" }, "QueueTypeCondition": { "shape": "SearchableQueueType", "documentation": "

The type of queue.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return queues.

The name and description fields support \"contains\" queries with a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 25 characters. Any queries with character lengths outside of this range will throw invalid results.

" }, "QueueSearchFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneTagFilter" } }, "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "QueueSearchSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Queue" } }, "QueueStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ENABLED", "DISABLED" ] }, "QueueSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the queue.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "QueueName", "documentation": "

The name of the queue.

" }, "QueueType": { "shape": "QueueType", "documentation": "

The type of queue.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about a queue.

" }, "QueueSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "QueueSummary" } }, "QueueTimeAdjustmentSeconds": { "type": "integer" }, "QueueType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "STANDARD", "AGENT" ] }, "QueueTypes": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "QueueType" }, "max": 2 }, "Queues": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "QueueId" }, "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "QuickConnect": { "type": "structure", "members": { "QuickConnectARN": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the quick connect.

" }, "QuickConnectId": { "shape": "QuickConnectId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the quick connect.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "QuickConnectName", "documentation": "

The name of the quick connect.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "QuickConnectDescription", "documentation": "

The description.

" }, "QuickConnectConfig": { "shape": "QuickConnectConfig", "documentation": "

Contains information about the quick connect.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a quick connect.

" }, "QuickConnectConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "QuickConnectType" ], "members": { "QuickConnectType": { "shape": "QuickConnectType", "documentation": "

The type of quick connect. In the Amazon Connect admin website, when you create a quick connect, you are prompted to assign one of the following types: Agent (USER), External (PHONE_NUMBER), or Queue (QUEUE).

" }, "UserConfig": { "shape": "UserQuickConnectConfig", "documentation": "

The user configuration. This is required only if QuickConnectType is USER.

" }, "QueueConfig": { "shape": "QueueQuickConnectConfig", "documentation": "

The queue configuration. This is required only if QuickConnectType is QUEUE.

" }, "PhoneConfig": { "shape": "PhoneNumberQuickConnectConfig", "documentation": "

The phone configuration. This is required only if QuickConnectType is PHONE_NUMBER.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains configuration settings for a quick connect.

" }, "QuickConnectDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 1 }, "QuickConnectId": { "type": "string" }, "QuickConnectName": { "type": "string", "max": 127, "min": 1 }, "QuickConnectSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "QuickConnectSearchCriteria" } }, "QuickConnectSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "QuickConnectSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "QuickConnectSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.

The currently supported values for FieldName are name, description, and resourceID.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return quick connects.

" }, "QuickConnectSearchFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneTagFilter" } }, "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "QuickConnectSearchSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "QuickConnect" } }, "QuickConnectSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "QuickConnectId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the quick connect.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the quick connect.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "QuickConnectName", "documentation": "

The name of the quick connect.

" }, "QuickConnectType": { "shape": "QuickConnectType", "documentation": "

The type of quick connect. In the Amazon Connect admin website, when you create a quick connect, you are prompted to assign one of the following types: Agent (USER), External (PHONE_NUMBER), or Queue (QUEUE).

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about a quick connect.

" }, "QuickConnectSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "QuickConnectSummary" } }, "QuickConnectType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "USER", "QUEUE", "PHONE_NUMBER" ] }, "QuickConnectTypes": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "QuickConnectType" }, "max": 3 }, "QuickConnectsList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "QuickConnectId" }, "max": 50, "min": 1 }, "ReadOnlyFieldInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFieldIdentifier", "documentation": "

Identifier of the read-only field.

" } }, "documentation": "

Indicates a field that is read-only to an agent.

" }, "ReadOnlyTaskTemplateFields": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ReadOnlyFieldInfo" } }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisAttachment": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "AttachmentName", "AttachmentId" ], "members": { "AttachmentName": { "shape": "AttachmentName", "documentation": "

A case-sensitive name of the attachment being uploaded. Can be redacted.

" }, "ContentType": { "shape": "ContentType", "documentation": "

Describes the MIME file type of the attachment. For a list of supported file types, see Feature specifications in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "AttachmentId": { "shape": "ArtifactId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the attachment.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "ArtifactStatus", "documentation": "

Status of the attachment.

" } }, "documentation": "

Object that describes attached file.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisAttachments": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisAttachment" }, "max": 10 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisCategoryDetails": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PointsOfInterest" ], "members": { "PointsOfInterest": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisPointsOfInterest", "documentation": "

List of PointOfInterest - objects describing a single match of a rule.

" } }, "documentation": "

Provides information about the category rule that was matched.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisCategoryName": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisCharacterInterval": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "BeginOffsetChar", "EndOffsetChar" ], "members": { "BeginOffsetChar": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisOffset", "documentation": "

The beginning of the character interval.

" }, "EndOffsetChar": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisOffset", "documentation": "

The end of the character interval.

" } }, "documentation": "

Begin and end offsets for a part of text.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisCharacterIntervals": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisCharacterInterval" } }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisContentType": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisEventType": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisId256": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisIssueDetected": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "TranscriptItems" ], "members": { "TranscriptItems": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptItemsWithContent", "documentation": "

List of the transcript items (segments) that are associated with a given issue.

" } }, "documentation": "

Potential issues that are detected based on an artificial intelligence analysis of each turn in the conversation.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisIssuesDetected": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisIssueDetected" } }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisMatchedDetails": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisCategoryName" }, "value": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisCategoryDetails" }, "max": 150, "min": 0 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisOffset": { "type": "integer", "min": 0 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisOutputType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Raw", "Redacted" ] }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisPointOfInterest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TranscriptItems": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptItemsWithCharacterOffsets", "documentation": "

List of the transcript items (segments) that are associated with a given point of interest.

" } }, "documentation": "

The section of the contact transcript segment that category rule was detected.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisPointsOfInterest": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisPointOfInterest" }, "max": 5, "min": 0 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisPostContactSummaryContent": { "type": "string", "max": 1270, "min": 1 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisPostContactSummaryFailureCode": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "QUOTA_EXCEEDED", "INSUFFICIENT_CONVERSATION_CONTENT", "FAILED_SAFETY_GUIDELINES", "INVALID_ANALYSIS_CONFIGURATION", "INTERNAL_ERROR" ] }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisPostContactSummaryStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "FAILED", "COMPLETED" ] }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentAttachments": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Id", "ParticipantId", "ParticipantRole", "Attachments", "Time" ], "members": { "Id": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisId256", "documentation": "

The identifier of the segment.

" }, "ParticipantId": { "shape": "ParticipantId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the participant.

" }, "ParticipantRole": { "shape": "ParticipantRole", "documentation": "

The role of the participant. For example, is it a customer, agent, or system.

" }, "DisplayName": { "shape": "DisplayName", "documentation": "

The display name of the participant. Can be redacted.

" }, "Attachments": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisAttachments", "documentation": "

List of objects describing an individual attachment.

" }, "Time": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisTimeData", "documentation": "

Field describing the time of the event. It can have different representations of time.

" } }, "documentation": "

Segment containing list of attachments.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentCategories": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "MatchedDetails" ], "members": { "MatchedDetails": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisMatchedDetails", "documentation": "

Map between the name of the matched rule and RealTimeContactAnalysisCategoryDetails.

" } }, "documentation": "

The matched category rules.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentEvent": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Id", "EventType", "Time" ], "members": { "Id": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisId256", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact event.

" }, "ParticipantId": { "shape": "ParticipantId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the participant.

" }, "ParticipantRole": { "shape": "ParticipantRole", "documentation": "

The role of the participant. For example, is it a customer, agent, or system.

" }, "DisplayName": { "shape": "DisplayName", "documentation": "

The display name of the participant. Can be redacted.

" }, "EventType": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisEventType", "documentation": "

Type of the event. For example, application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.participant.left.

" }, "Time": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisTimeData", "documentation": "

Field describing the time of the event. It can have different representations of time.

" } }, "documentation": "

Segment type describing a contact event.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentIssues": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "IssuesDetected" ], "members": { "IssuesDetected": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisIssuesDetected", "documentation": "

List of the issues detected.

" } }, "documentation": "

Segment type containing a list of detected issues.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentPostContactSummary": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Status" ], "members": { "Content": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisPostContactSummaryContent", "documentation": "

The content of the summary.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisPostContactSummaryStatus", "documentation": "

Whether the summary was successfully COMPLETED or FAILED to be generated.

" }, "FailureCode": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisPostContactSummaryFailureCode", "documentation": "

If the summary failed to be generated, one of the following failure codes occurs:

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the post-contact summary for a real-time contact segment.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentTranscript": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Id", "ParticipantId", "ParticipantRole", "Content", "Time" ], "members": { "Id": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisId256", "documentation": "

The identifier of the transcript.

" }, "ParticipantId": { "shape": "ParticipantId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the participant.

" }, "ParticipantRole": { "shape": "ParticipantRole", "documentation": "

The role of the participant. For example, is it a customer, agent, or system.

" }, "DisplayName": { "shape": "DisplayName", "documentation": "

The display name of the participant.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptContent", "documentation": "

The content of the transcript. Can be redacted.

" }, "ContentType": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisContentType", "documentation": "

The type of content of the item. For example, text/plain.

" }, "Time": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisTimeData", "documentation": "

Field describing the time of the event. It can have different representations of time.

" }, "Redaction": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptItemRedaction", "documentation": "

Object describing redaction that was applied to the transcript. If transcript has the field it means part of the transcript was redacted.

" }, "Sentiment": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisSentimentLabel", "documentation": "

The sentiment detected for this piece of transcript.

" } }, "documentation": "

The analyzed transcript segment.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "Transcript", "Categories", "Issues", "Event", "Attachments", "PostContactSummary" ] }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentTypes": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentType" }, "max": 6 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisSentimentLabel": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE", "NEUTRAL" ] }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "IN_PROGRESS", "FAILED", "COMPLETED" ] }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisSupportedChannel": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "VOICE", "CHAT" ] }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisTimeData": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AbsoluteTime": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisTimeInstant", "documentation": "

Time represented in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. For example, 2019-11-08T02:41:28.172Z.

" } }, "documentation": "

Object describing time with which the segment is associated. It can have different representations of time. Currently supported: absoluteTime

", "union": true }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisTimeInstant": { "type": "timestamp", "timestampFormat": "iso8601" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptContent": { "type": "string", "max": 16384, "min": 1 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptItemRedaction": { "type": "structure", "members": { "CharacterOffsets": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisCharacterIntervals", "documentation": "

List of character intervals each describing a part of the text that was redacted. For OutputType.Raw, part of the original text that contains data that can be redacted. For OutputType.Redacted, part of the string with redaction tag.

" } }, "documentation": "

Object describing redaction applied to the segment.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptItemWithCharacterOffsets": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Id" ], "members": { "Id": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisId256", "documentation": "

Transcript identifier. Matches the identifier from one of the TranscriptSegments.

" }, "CharacterOffsets": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisCharacterInterval", "documentation": "

List of character intervals within transcript content/text.

" } }, "documentation": "

Transcript representation containing Id and list of character intervals that are associated with analysis data. For example, this object within a RealTimeContactAnalysisPointOfInterest in Category.MatchedDetails would have character interval describing part of the text that matched category.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptItemWithContent": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Id" ], "members": { "Content": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptContent", "documentation": "

Part of the transcript content that contains identified issue. Can be redacted

" }, "Id": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisId256", "documentation": "

Transcript identifier. Matches the identifier from one of the TranscriptSegments.

" }, "CharacterOffsets": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisCharacterInterval" } }, "documentation": "

Transcript representation containing Id, Content and list of character intervals that are associated with analysis data. For example, this object within an issue detected would describe both content that contains identified issue and intervals where that content is taken from.

" }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptItemsWithCharacterOffsets": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptItemWithCharacterOffsets" }, "max": 10, "min": 0 }, "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptItemsWithContent": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisTranscriptItemWithContent" } }, "RealtimeContactAnalysisSegment": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Transcript": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentTranscript" }, "Categories": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentCategories" }, "Issues": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentIssues" }, "Event": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentEvent" }, "Attachments": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentAttachments", "documentation": "

The analyzed attachments.

" }, "PostContactSummary": { "shape": "RealTimeContactAnalysisSegmentPostContactSummary", "documentation": "

Information about the post-contact summary.

" } }, "documentation": "

An analyzed segment for a real-time analysis session.

", "union": true }, "RealtimeContactAnalysisSegments": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RealtimeContactAnalysisSegment" } }, "Reference": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Value", "Type" ], "members": { "Value": { "shape": "ReferenceValue", "documentation": "

A valid value for the reference. For example, for a URL reference, a formatted URL that is displayed to an agent in the Contact Control Panel (CCP).

" }, "Type": { "shape": "ReferenceType", "documentation": "

The type of the reference. DATE must be of type Epoch timestamp.

" } }, "documentation": "

Well-formed data on a contact, used by agents to complete a contact request. You can have up to 4,096 UTF-8 bytes across all references for a contact.

" }, "ReferenceId": { "type": "string", "max": 40, "min": 1 }, "ReferenceKey": { "type": "string", "max": 4096, "min": 1 }, "ReferenceStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "APPROVED", "REJECTED" ] }, "ReferenceSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Url": { "shape": "UrlReference", "documentation": "

Information about the reference when the referenceType is URL. Otherwise, null.

" }, "Attachment": { "shape": "AttachmentReference", "documentation": "

Information about the reference when the referenceType is ATTACHMENT. Otherwise, null.

" }, "String": { "shape": "StringReference", "documentation": "

Information about a reference when the referenceType is STRING. Otherwise, null.

" }, "Number": { "shape": "NumberReference", "documentation": "

Information about a reference when the referenceType is NUMBER. Otherwise, null.

" }, "Date": { "shape": "DateReference", "documentation": "

Information about a reference when the referenceType is DATE. Otherwise, null.

" }, "Email": { "shape": "EmailReference", "documentation": "

Information about a reference when the referenceType is EMAIL. Otherwise, null.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about a reference. ReferenceSummary contains only one non null field between the URL and attachment based on the reference type.

", "union": true }, "ReferenceSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ReferenceSummary" } }, "ReferenceType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "URL", "ATTACHMENT", "NUMBER", "STRING", "DATE", "EMAIL" ] }, "ReferenceTypes": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ReferenceType" }, "max": 6 }, "ReferenceValue": { "type": "string", "max": 4096, "min": 0 }, "RefreshTokenDuration": { "type": "integer", "box": true, "max": 720, "min": 360 }, "RegionName": { "type": "string", "pattern": "[a-z]{2}(-[a-z]+){1,2}(-[0-9])?" }, "RehydrationType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ENTIRE_PAST_SESSION", "FROM_SEGMENT" ] }, "ReleasePhoneNumberRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PhoneNumberId" ], "members": { "PhoneNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the phone number.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "PhoneNumberId" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true, "location": "querystring", "locationName": "clientToken" } } }, "ReplicateInstanceRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ReplicaRegion", "ReplicaAlias" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceIdOrArn", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance. You can provide the InstanceId, or the entire ARN.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ReplicaRegion": { "shape": "AwsRegion", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where to replicate the Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true }, "ReplicaAlias": { "shape": "DirectoryAlias", "documentation": "

The alias for the replicated instance. The ReplicaAlias must be unique.

" } } }, "ReplicateInstanceResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the replicated instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance. The replicated instance has the same identifier as the instance it was replicated from.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the replicated instance.

" } } }, "ReplicationConfiguration": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ReplicationStatusSummaryList": { "shape": "ReplicationStatusSummaryList", "documentation": "

A list of replication status summaries. The summaries contain details about the replication of configuration information for Amazon Connect resources, for each Amazon Web Services Region.

" }, "SourceRegion": { "shape": "AwsRegion", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where the source Amazon Connect instance was created. This is the Region where the ReplicateInstance API was called to start the replication process.

" }, "GlobalSignInEndpoint": { "shape": "GlobalSignInEndpoint", "documentation": "

The URL that is used to sign-in to your Amazon Connect instance according to your traffic distribution group configuration. For more information about sign-in and traffic distribution groups, see Important things to know in the Create traffic distribution groups topic in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" } }, "documentation": "

Details about the status of the replication of a source Amazon Connect instance across Amazon Web Services Regions. Use these details to understand the general status of a given replication. For information about why a replication process may fail, see Why a ReplicateInstance call fails in the Create a replica of your existing Amazon Connect instance topic in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ReplicationStatusReason": { "type": "string", "max": 1024, "min": 0 }, "ReplicationStatusSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Region": { "shape": "AwsRegion", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region. This can be either the source or the replica Region, depending where it appears in the summary list.

" }, "ReplicationStatus": { "shape": "InstanceReplicationStatus", "documentation": "

The state of the replication.

" }, "ReplicationStatusReason": { "shape": "ReplicationStatusReason", "documentation": "

A description of the replication status. Use this information to resolve any issues that are preventing the successful replication of your Amazon Connect instance to another Region.

" } }, "documentation": "

Status information about the replication process, where you use the ReplicateInstance API to create a replica of your Amazon Connect instance in another Amazon Web Services Region. For more information, see Set up Amazon Connect Global Resiliency in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "ReplicationStatusSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ReplicationStatusSummary" }, "max": 11, "min": 0 }, "RequestIdentifier": { "type": "string", "max": 80 }, "RequiredFieldInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFieldIdentifier", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the field.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a required field.

" }, "RequiredTaskTemplateFields": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RequiredFieldInfo" } }, "ResourceArnOrId": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 1 }, "ResourceId": { "type": "string", "max": 500, "min": 1 }, "ResourceTagsSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagSearchCondition": { "shape": "TagSearchCondition", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return tags.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to search tags.

" }, "ResourceTypeList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "String" } }, "ResumeContactRecordingRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "InitialContactId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact.

" }, "InitialContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact. This is the identifier of the contact associated with the first interaction with the contact center.

" } } }, "ResumeContactRecordingResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "ResumeContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ContactId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" } } }, "ResumeContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "RoutingCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Steps": { "shape": "Steps", "documentation": "

List of routing steps. When Amazon Connect does not find an available agent meeting the requirements in a step for a given step duration, the routing criteria will move on to the next step sequentially until a join is completed with an agent. When all steps are exhausted, the contact will be offered to any agent in the queue.

" }, "ActivationTimestamp": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp indicating when the routing criteria is set to active. A routing criteria is activated when contact is transferred to a queue. ActivationTimestamp will be set on routing criteria for contacts in agent queue even though Routing criteria is never activated for contacts in agent queue.

" }, "Index": { "shape": "Index", "documentation": "

Information about the index of the routing criteria.

" } }, "documentation": "

Latest routing criteria on the contact.

" }, "RoutingCriteriaInput": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Steps": { "shape": "RoutingCriteriaInputSteps", "documentation": "

When Amazon Connect does not find an available agent meeting the requirements in a step for
 a given step duration, the routing criteria will move on to the next step sequentially until a
 join is completed with an agent. When all steps are exhausted, the contact will be offered to any agent in the queue.

" } }, "documentation": "

An object to define the RoutingCriteria.

" }, "RoutingCriteriaInputStep": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Expiry": { "shape": "RoutingCriteriaInputStepExpiry", "documentation": "

An object to specify the expiration of a routing step.

" }, "Expression": { "shape": "Expression", "documentation": "

A tagged union to specify expression for a routing step.

" } }, "documentation": "

Step defines the list of agents to be routed or route based on the agent requirements such as ProficiencyLevel, Name, or Value.

" }, "RoutingCriteriaInputStepExpiry": { "type": "structure", "members": { "DurationInSeconds": { "shape": "DurationInSeconds", "documentation": "

The number of seconds that the contact will be routed only to agents matching this routing
 step, if expiry was configured for this routing step.

" } }, "documentation": "

Specify whether this routing criteria step should apply for only a limited amount of time,
 or if it should never expire.

" }, "RoutingCriteriaInputSteps": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RoutingCriteriaInputStep" } }, "RoutingCriteriaStepStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE", "JOINED", "EXPIRED" ] }, "RoutingExpression": { "type": "string", "max": 3000, "min": 1 }, "RoutingExpressions": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RoutingExpression" }, "max": 50 }, "RoutingProfile": { "type": "structure", "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "RoutingProfileName", "documentation": "

The name of the routing profile.

" }, "RoutingProfileArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the routing profile.

" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "RoutingProfileDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the routing profile.

" }, "MediaConcurrencies": { "shape": "MediaConcurrencies", "documentation": "

The channels agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP) for this routing profile.

" }, "DefaultOutboundQueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the default outbound queue for this routing profile.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "NumberOfAssociatedQueues": { "shape": "Long", "documentation": "

The number of associated queues in routing profile.

" }, "NumberOfAssociatedUsers": { "shape": "Long", "documentation": "

The number of associated users in routing profile.

" }, "AgentAvailabilityTimer": { "shape": "AgentAvailabilityTimer", "documentation": "

Whether agents with this routing profile will have their routing order calculated based on time since their last inbound contact or longest idle time.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" }, "IsDefault": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

Whether this a default routing profile.

" }, "AssociatedQueueIds": { "shape": "AssociatedQueueIdList", "documentation": "

The IDs of the associated queue.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a routing profile.

" }, "RoutingProfileDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 1 }, "RoutingProfileId": { "type": "string" }, "RoutingProfileList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RoutingProfile" } }, "RoutingProfileName": { "type": "string", "max": 127, "min": 1 }, "RoutingProfileQueueConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "QueueReference", "Priority", "Delay" ], "members": { "QueueReference": { "shape": "RoutingProfileQueueReference", "documentation": "

Contains information about a queue resource.

" }, "Priority": { "shape": "Priority", "documentation": "

The order in which contacts are to be handled for the queue. For more information, see Queues: priority and delay.

", "box": true }, "Delay": { "shape": "Delay", "documentation": "

The delay, in seconds, a contact should be in the queue before they are routed to an available agent. For more information, see Queues: priority and delay in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "box": true } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the queue and channel for which priority and delay can be set.

" }, "RoutingProfileQueueConfigList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RoutingProfileQueueConfig" }, "max": 10, "min": 1 }, "RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "QueueId", "QueueArn", "QueueName", "Priority", "Delay", "Channel" ], "members": { "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

" }, "QueueArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.

" }, "QueueName": { "shape": "QueueName", "documentation": "

The name of the queue.

" }, "Priority": { "shape": "Priority", "documentation": "

The order in which contacts are to be handled for the queue. For more information, see Queues: priority and delay.

" }, "Delay": { "shape": "Delay", "documentation": "

The delay, in seconds, that a contact should be in the queue before they are routed to an available agent. For more information, see Queues: priority and delay in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "Channel": { "shape": "Channel", "documentation": "

The channels this queue supports.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about a routing profile queue.

" }, "RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummary" } }, "RoutingProfileQueueReference": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "QueueId", "Channel" ], "members": { "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

" }, "Channel": { "shape": "Channel", "documentation": "

The channels agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP) for this routing profile.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains the channel and queue identifier for a routing profile.

" }, "RoutingProfileQueueReferenceList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RoutingProfileQueueReference" } }, "RoutingProfileReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the routing profile.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the routing profile assigned to the user.

" }, "RoutingProfileSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RoutingProfileSearchCriteria" } }, "RoutingProfileSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "RoutingProfileSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "RoutingProfileSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.

The currently supported values for FieldName are associatedQueueIds, name, description, and resourceID.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return routing profiles.

The name and description fields support \"contains\" queries with a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 25 characters. Any queries with character lengths outside of this range will throw invalid results.

" }, "RoutingProfileSearchFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneTagFilter" } }, "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "RoutingProfileSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the routing profile.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "RoutingProfileName", "documentation": "

The name of the routing profile.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about a routing profile.

" }, "RoutingProfileSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RoutingProfileSummary" } }, "RoutingProfiles": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId" }, "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "Rule": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Name", "RuleId", "RuleArn", "TriggerEventSource", "Function", "Actions", "PublishStatus", "CreatedTime", "LastUpdatedTime", "LastUpdatedBy" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "RuleName", "documentation": "

The name of the rule.

" }, "RuleId": { "shape": "RuleId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the rule.

" }, "RuleArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the rule.

" }, "TriggerEventSource": { "shape": "RuleTriggerEventSource", "documentation": "

The event source to trigger the rule.

" }, "Function": { "shape": "RuleFunction", "documentation": "

The conditions of the rule.

" }, "Actions": { "shape": "RuleActions", "documentation": "

A list of actions to be run when the rule is triggered.

" }, "PublishStatus": { "shape": "RulePublishStatus", "documentation": "

The publish status of the rule.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the rule was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for the when the rule was last updated.

" }, "LastUpdatedBy": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user who last updated the rule.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a rule.

" }, "RuleAction": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ActionType" ], "members": { "ActionType": { "shape": "ActionType", "documentation": "

The type of action that creates a rule.

" }, "TaskAction": { "shape": "TaskActionDefinition", "documentation": "

Information about the task action. This field is required if TriggerEventSource is one of the following values: OnZendeskTicketCreate | OnZendeskTicketStatusUpdate | OnSalesforceCaseCreate

" }, "EventBridgeAction": { "shape": "EventBridgeActionDefinition", "documentation": "

Information about the EventBridge action.

Supported only for TriggerEventSource values: OnPostCallAnalysisAvailable | OnRealTimeCallAnalysisAvailable | OnRealTimeChatAnalysisAvailable | OnPostChatAnalysisAvailable | OnContactEvaluationSubmit | OnMetricDataUpdate

" }, "AssignContactCategoryAction": { "shape": "AssignContactCategoryActionDefinition", "documentation": "

Information about the contact category action.

Supported only for TriggerEventSource values: OnPostCallAnalysisAvailable | OnRealTimeCallAnalysisAvailable | OnRealTimeChatAnalysisAvailable | OnPostChatAnalysisAvailable | OnZendeskTicketCreate | OnZendeskTicketStatusUpdate | OnSalesforceCaseCreate

" }, "SendNotificationAction": { "shape": "SendNotificationActionDefinition", "documentation": "

Information about the send notification action.

Supported only for TriggerEventSource values: OnPostCallAnalysisAvailable | OnRealTimeCallAnalysisAvailable | OnRealTimeChatAnalysisAvailable | OnPostChatAnalysisAvailable | OnContactEvaluationSubmit | OnMetricDataUpdate

" }, "CreateCaseAction": { "shape": "CreateCaseActionDefinition", "documentation": "

Information about the create case action.

Supported only for TriggerEventSource values: OnPostCallAnalysisAvailable | OnPostChatAnalysisAvailable.

" }, "UpdateCaseAction": { "shape": "UpdateCaseActionDefinition", "documentation": "

Information about the update case action.

Supported only for TriggerEventSource values: OnCaseCreate | OnCaseUpdate.

" }, "EndAssociatedTasksAction": { "shape": "EndAssociatedTasksActionDefinition", "documentation": "

Information about the end associated tasks action.

Supported only for TriggerEventSource values: OnCaseUpdate.

" }, "SubmitAutoEvaluationAction": { "shape": "SubmitAutoEvaluationActionDefinition", "documentation": "

Information about the submit automated evaluation action.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the action to be performed when a rule is triggered.

" }, "RuleActions": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RuleAction" } }, "RuleFunction": { "type": "string" }, "RuleId": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "RuleName": { "type": "string", "max": 200, "min": 1, "pattern": "^[0-9a-zA-Z._-]+" }, "RulePublishStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "DRAFT", "PUBLISHED" ] }, "RuleSummary": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Name", "RuleId", "RuleArn", "EventSourceName", "PublishStatus", "ActionSummaries", "CreatedTime", "LastUpdatedTime" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "RuleName", "documentation": "

The name of the rule.

" }, "RuleId": { "shape": "RuleId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the rule.

" }, "RuleArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the rule.

" }, "EventSourceName": { "shape": "EventSourceName", "documentation": "

The name of the event source.

" }, "PublishStatus": { "shape": "RulePublishStatus", "documentation": "

The publish status of the rule.

" }, "ActionSummaries": { "shape": "ActionSummaries", "documentation": "

A list of ActionTypes associated with a rule.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the rule was created.

" }, "LastUpdatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp for when the rule was last updated.

" } }, "documentation": "

A list of ActionTypes associated with a rule.

" }, "RuleSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "RuleSummary" } }, "RuleTriggerEventSource": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EventSourceName" ], "members": { "EventSourceName": { "shape": "EventSourceName", "documentation": "

The name of the event source.

" }, "IntegrationAssociationId": { "shape": "IntegrationAssociationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the integration association.

" } }, "documentation": "

The name of the event source. This field is required if TriggerEventSource is one of the following values: OnZendeskTicketCreate | OnZendeskTicketStatusUpdate | OnSalesforceCaseCreate | OnContactEvaluationSubmit | OnMetricDataUpdate.

" }, "S3Config": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "BucketName", "BucketPrefix" ], "members": { "BucketName": { "shape": "BucketName", "documentation": "

The S3 bucket name.

" }, "BucketPrefix": { "shape": "Prefix", "documentation": "

The S3 bucket prefix.

" }, "EncryptionConfig": { "shape": "EncryptionConfig", "documentation": "

The Amazon S3 encryption configuration.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) storage type.

" }, "S3Uri": { "type": "string", "max": 2000, "min": 1, "pattern": "s3://\\S+/.+|https://\\\\S+\\\\.s3\\\\.\\\\S+\\\\.amazonaws\\\\.com/\\\\S+" }, "SearchAgentStatusesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchFilter": { "shape": "AgentStatusSearchFilter", "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "AgentStatusSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return agent statuses.

" } } }, "SearchAgentStatusesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AgentStatuses": { "shape": "AgentStatusList", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return agent statuses.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of agent statuses which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PhoneNumberCountryCode", "PhoneNumberType" ], "members": { "TargetArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for Amazon Connect instances or traffic distribution groups that phone number inbound traffic is routed through. You must enter InstanceId or TargetArn.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance that phone numbers are claimed to. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance. You must enter InstanceId or TargetArn.

" }, "PhoneNumberCountryCode": { "shape": "PhoneNumberCountryCode", "documentation": "

The ISO country code.

" }, "PhoneNumberType": { "shape": "PhoneNumberType", "documentation": "

The type of phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumberPrefix": { "shape": "PhoneNumberPrefix", "documentation": "

The prefix of the phone number. If provided, it must contain + as part of the country code.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult10", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "NextToken": { "shape": "LargeNextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" } } }, "SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "NextToken": { "shape": "LargeNextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "AvailableNumbersList": { "shape": "AvailableNumbersList", "documentation": "

A list of available phone numbers that you can claim to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group.

" } } }, "SearchContactFlowModulesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchFilter": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleSearchFilter", "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return contact flow modules.

The name and description fields support \"contains\" queries with a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 25 characters. Any queries with character lengths outside of this range will result in invalid results.

" } } }, "SearchContactFlowModulesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactFlowModules": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleSearchSummaryList", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return contact flow modules.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of contact flows which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchContactFlowsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchFilter": { "shape": "ContactFlowSearchFilter", "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "ContactFlowSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return flows.

The name and description fields support \"contains\" queries with a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 25 characters. Any queries with character lengths outside of this range will result in invalid results.

" } } }, "SearchContactFlowsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactFlows": { "shape": "ContactFlowSearchSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the flows.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of contact flows which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchContactsMatchType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "MATCH_ALL", "MATCH_ANY" ] }, "SearchContactsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "TimeRange" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "TimeRange": { "shape": "SearchContactsTimeRange", "documentation": "

Time range that you want to search results.

" }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "SearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return contacts.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "NextToken": { "shape": "LargeNextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "Sort": { "shape": "Sort", "documentation": "

Specifies a field to sort by and a sort order.

" } } }, "SearchContactsResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Contacts" ], "members": { "Contacts": { "shape": "Contacts", "documentation": "

Information about the contacts.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "LargeNextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "TotalCount": { "shape": "TotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of contacts which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchContactsTimeRange": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Type", "StartTime", "EndTime" ], "members": { "Type": { "shape": "SearchContactsTimeRangeType", "documentation": "

The type of timestamp to search.

" }, "StartTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The start time of the time range.

" }, "EndTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The end time of the time range.

" } }, "documentation": "

A structure of time range that you want to search results.

" }, "SearchContactsTimeRangeType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "INITIATION_TIMESTAMP", "SCHEDULED_TIMESTAMP", "CONNECTED_TO_AGENT_TIMESTAMP", "DISCONNECT_TIMESTAMP" ] }, "SearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AgentIds": { "shape": "AgentResourceIdList", "documentation": "

The identifiers of agents who handled the contacts.

" }, "AgentHierarchyGroups": { "shape": "AgentHierarchyGroups", "documentation": "

The agent hierarchy groups of the agent at the time of handling the contact.

" }, "Channels": { "shape": "ChannelList", "documentation": "

The list of channels associated with contacts.

" }, "ContactAnalysis": { "shape": "ContactAnalysis", "documentation": "

Search criteria based on analysis outputs from Amazon Connect Contact Lens.

" }, "InitiationMethods": { "shape": "InitiationMethodList", "documentation": "

The list of initiation methods associated with contacts.

" }, "QueueIds": { "shape": "QueueIdList", "documentation": "

The list of queue IDs associated with contacts.

" }, "SearchableContactAttributes": { "shape": "SearchableContactAttributes", "documentation": "

The search criteria based on user-defined contact attributes that have been configured for contact search. For more information, see Search by custom contact attributes in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

To use SearchableContactAttributes in a search request, the GetContactAttributes action is required to perform an API request. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/service-authorization/latest/reference/list_amazonconnect.html#amazonconnect-actions-as-permissionsActions defined by Amazon Connect.

" } }, "documentation": "

A structure of search criteria to be used to return contacts.

" }, "SearchHoursOfOperationsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchFilter": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationSearchFilter", "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return hours of operations.

" } } }, "SearchHoursOfOperationsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "HoursOfOperations": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationList", "documentation": "

Information about the hours of operations.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of hours of operations which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchPredefinedAttributesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return predefined attributes.

" } } }, "SearchPredefinedAttributesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PredefinedAttributes": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeSearchSummaryList", "documentation": "

Predefined attributes matched by the search criteria.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The approximate number of predefined attributes which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchPromptsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchFilter": { "shape": "PromptSearchFilter", "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "PromptSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return prompts.

" } } }, "SearchPromptsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Prompts": { "shape": "PromptList", "documentation": "

Information about the prompts.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of quick connects which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchQueuesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult500", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchFilter": { "shape": "QueueSearchFilter", "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "QueueSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return queues.

The name and description fields support \"contains\" queries with a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 25 characters. Any queries with character lengths outside of this range will throw invalid results.

" } } }, "SearchQueuesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Queues": { "shape": "QueueSearchSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the queues.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of queues which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchQuickConnectsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchFilter": { "shape": "QuickConnectSearchFilter", "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "QuickConnectSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return quick connects.

" } } }, "SearchQuickConnectsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "QuickConnects": { "shape": "QuickConnectSearchSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the quick connects.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of quick connects which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchResourceTagsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceIdOrArn", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ResourceTypes": { "shape": "ResourceTypeList", "documentation": "

The list of resource types to be used to search tags from. If not provided or if any empty list is provided, this API will search from all supported resource types.

Supported resource types

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "ResourceTagsSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return tags.

" } } }, "SearchResourceTagsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Tags": { "shape": "TagsList", "documentation": "

A list of tags used in the Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "SearchRoutingProfilesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult500", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchFilter": { "shape": "RoutingProfileSearchFilter", "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "RoutingProfileSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return routing profiles.

The name and description fields support \"contains\" queries with a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 25 characters. Any queries with character lengths outside of this range will throw invalid results.

" } } }, "SearchRoutingProfilesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "RoutingProfiles": { "shape": "RoutingProfileList", "documentation": "

Information about the routing profiles.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of routing profiles which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchSecurityProfilesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "SecurityProfileSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return security profiles.

The name field support \"contains\" queries with a minimum of 2 characters and maximum of 25 characters. Any queries with character lengths outside of this range will throw invalid results.

The currently supported value for FieldName: name

" }, "SearchFilter": { "shape": "SecurityProfilesSearchFilter", "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" } } }, "SearchSecurityProfilesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "SecurityProfiles": { "shape": "SecurityProfilesSearchSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the security profiles.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of security profiles which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchText": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "sensitive": true }, "SearchTextList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SearchText" }, "max": 100, "min": 0 }, "SearchUserHierarchyGroupsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchFilter": { "shape": "UserHierarchyGroupSearchFilter", "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "UserHierarchyGroupSearchCriteria", "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return UserHierarchyGroups.

" } } }, "SearchUserHierarchyGroupsResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "UserHierarchyGroups": { "shape": "UserHierarchyGroupList", "documentation": "

Information about the userHierarchyGroups.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of userHierarchyGroups which matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchUsersRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

InstanceID is a required field. The \"Required: No\" below is incorrect.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult500", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

", "box": true }, "SearchFilter": { "shape": "UserSearchFilter", "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "SearchCriteria": { "shape": "UserSearchCriteria" } } }, "SearchUsersResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Users": { "shape": "UserSearchSummaryList", "documentation": "

Information about the users.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "NextToken2500", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" }, "ApproximateTotalCount": { "shape": "ApproximateTotalCount", "documentation": "

The total number of users who matched your search query.

" } } }, "SearchVocabulariesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "MaxResults": { "shape": "MaxResult100", "documentation": "

The maximum number of results to return per page.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "VocabularyNextToken", "documentation": "

The token for the next set of results. Use the value returned in the previous response in the next request to retrieve the next set of results.

" }, "State": { "shape": "VocabularyState", "documentation": "

The current state of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "NameStartsWith": { "shape": "VocabularyName", "documentation": "

The starting pattern of the name of the vocabulary.

" }, "LanguageCode": { "shape": "VocabularyLanguageCode", "documentation": "

The language code of the vocabulary entries. For a list of languages and their corresponding language codes, see What is Amazon Transcribe?

" } } }, "SearchVocabulariesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "VocabularySummaryList": { "shape": "VocabularySummaryList", "documentation": "

The list of the available custom vocabularies.

" }, "NextToken": { "shape": "VocabularyNextToken", "documentation": "

If there are additional results, this is the token for the next set of results.

" } } }, "SearchableContactAttributeKey": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 0, "sensitive": true }, "SearchableContactAttributeValue": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 0, "sensitive": true }, "SearchableContactAttributeValueList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SearchableContactAttributeValue" }, "max": 20, "min": 0 }, "SearchableContactAttributes": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Criteria" ], "members": { "Criteria": { "shape": "SearchableContactAttributesCriteriaList", "documentation": "

The list of criteria based on user-defined contact attributes that are configured for contact search.

" }, "MatchType": { "shape": "SearchContactsMatchType", "documentation": "

The match type combining search criteria using multiple searchable contact attributes.

" } }, "documentation": "

A structure that defines search criteria based on user-defined contact attributes that are configured for contact search.

" }, "SearchableContactAttributesCriteria": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Key", "Values" ], "members": { "Key": { "shape": "SearchableContactAttributeKey", "documentation": "

The key containing a searchable user-defined contact attribute.

" }, "Values": { "shape": "SearchableContactAttributeValueList", "documentation": "

The list of values to search for within a user-defined contact attribute.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria based on user-defned contact attribute key and values to search on.

" }, "SearchableContactAttributesCriteriaList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SearchableContactAttributesCriteria" }, "max": 15, "min": 0 }, "SearchableQueueType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "STANDARD" ] }, "SecurityKey": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AssociationId": { "shape": "AssociationId", "documentation": "

The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.

" }, "Key": { "shape": "PEM", "documentation": "

The key of the security key.

" }, "CreationTime": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

When the security key was created.

" } }, "documentation": "

Configuration information of the security key.

" }, "SecurityKeysList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SecurityKey" } }, "SecurityProfile": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "SecurityProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the security profile.

" }, "OrganizationResourceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The organization resource identifier for the security profile.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the secruity profile.

" }, "SecurityProfileName": { "shape": "SecurityProfileName", "documentation": "

The name for the security profile.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "SecurityProfileDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the security profile.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "AllowedAccessControlTags": { "shape": "AllowedAccessControlTags", "documentation": "

The list of tags that a security profile uses to restrict access to resources in Amazon Connect.

" }, "TagRestrictedResources": { "shape": "TagRestrictedResourceList", "documentation": "

The list of resources that a security profile applies tag restrictions to in Amazon Connect.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" }, "HierarchyRestrictedResources": { "shape": "HierarchyRestrictedResourceList", "documentation": "

The list of resources that a security profile applies hierarchy restrictions to in Amazon Connect. Following are acceptable ResourceNames: User.

" }, "AllowedAccessControlHierarchyGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group that a security profile uses to restrict access to resources in Amazon Connect.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a security profile.

" }, "SecurityProfileDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 250 }, "SecurityProfileId": { "type": "string" }, "SecurityProfileIds": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SecurityProfileId" }, "max": 10, "min": 1 }, "SecurityProfileName": { "type": "string" }, "SecurityProfilePermission": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "SecurityProfilePolicyKey": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "SecurityProfilePolicyValue": { "type": "string", "max": 256 }, "SecurityProfileSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SecurityProfileSearchCriteria" } }, "SecurityProfileSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "SecurityProfileSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "SecurityProfileSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return security profiles.

The name field support \"contains\" queries with a minimum of 2 characters and maximum of 25 characters. Any queries with character lengths outside of this range will throw invalid results.

" }, "SecurityProfileSearchSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "SecurityProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the security profile.

" }, "OrganizationResourceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The organization resource identifier.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the security profile.

" }, "SecurityProfileName": { "shape": "SecurityProfileName", "documentation": "

The name of the security profile.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "SecurityProfileDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the security profile.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the returned security profiles.

" }, "SecurityProfileSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "SecurityProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the security profile.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the security profile.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "SecurityProfileName", "documentation": "

The name of the security profile.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a security profile.

" }, "SecurityProfileSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SecurityProfileSummary" } }, "SecurityProfilesSearchFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneTagFilter" } }, "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "SecurityProfilesSearchSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SecurityProfileSearchSummary" } }, "SecurityToken": { "type": "string", "sensitive": true }, "SegmentAttributeName": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "SegmentAttributeValue": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ValueString": { "shape": "SegmentAttributeValueString", "documentation": "

The value of a segment attribute.

" } }, "documentation": "

A value for a segment attribute. This is structured as a map where the key is valueString and the value is a string.

" }, "SegmentAttributeValueString": { "type": "string", "max": 1024, "min": 1 }, "SegmentAttributes": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "SegmentAttributeName" }, "value": { "shape": "SegmentAttributeValue" } }, "SendChatIntegrationEventRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "SourceId", "DestinationId", "Event" ], "members": { "SourceId": { "shape": "SourceId", "documentation": "

External identifier of chat customer participant, used in part to uniquely identify a chat. For SMS, this is the E164 phone number of the chat customer participant.

" }, "DestinationId": { "shape": "DestinationId", "documentation": "

Chat system identifier, used in part to uniquely identify chat. This is associated with the Amazon Connect instance and flow to be used to start chats. For SMS, this is the phone number destination of inbound SMS messages represented by an Amazon Pinpoint phone number ARN.

" }, "Subtype": { "shape": "Subtype", "documentation": "

Classification of a channel. This is used in part to uniquely identify chat.

Valid value: [\"connect:sms\"]

" }, "Event": { "shape": "ChatEvent", "documentation": "

Chat integration event payload

" }, "NewSessionDetails": { "shape": "NewSessionDetails", "documentation": "

Contact properties to apply when starting a new chat. If the integration event is handled with an existing chat, this is ignored.

" } } }, "SendChatIntegrationEventResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "InitialContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

Identifier of chat contact used to handle integration event. This may be null if the integration event is not valid without an already existing chat contact.

" }, "NewChatCreated": { "shape": "NewChatCreated", "documentation": "

Whether handling the integration event resulted in creating a new chat or acting on existing chat.

" } } }, "SendNotificationActionDefinition": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "DeliveryMethod", "Content", "ContentType", "Recipient" ], "members": { "DeliveryMethod": { "shape": "NotificationDeliveryType", "documentation": "

Notification delivery method.

" }, "Subject": { "shape": "Subject", "documentation": "

The subject of the email if the delivery method is EMAIL. Supports variable injection. For more information, see JSONPath reference in the Amazon Connect Administrators Guide.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "Content", "documentation": "

Notification content. Supports variable injection. For more information, see JSONPath reference in the Amazon Connect Administrators Guide.

" }, "ContentType": { "shape": "NotificationContentType", "documentation": "

Content type format.

" }, "Recipient": { "shape": "NotificationRecipientType", "documentation": "

Notification recipient.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the send notification action.

" }, "SignInConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Distributions" ], "members": { "Distributions": { "shape": "SignInDistributionList", "documentation": "

Information about traffic distributions.

" } }, "documentation": "

The distribution that determines which Amazon Web Services Regions should be used to sign in agents in to both the instance and its replica(s).

" }, "SignInDistribution": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Region", "Enabled" ], "members": { "Region": { "shape": "AwsRegion", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region of the sign in distribution.

" }, "Enabled": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

Whether sign in distribution is enabled.

" } }, "documentation": "

The distribution of sign in traffic between the instance and its replica(s).

" }, "SignInDistributionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SignInDistribution" } }, "SingleSelectOptions": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TaskTemplateSingleSelectOption" } }, "SingleSelectQuestionRuleCategoryAutomation": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Category", "Condition", "OptionRefId" ], "members": { "Category": { "shape": "SingleSelectQuestionRuleCategoryAutomationLabel", "documentation": "

The category name, as defined in Rules.

" }, "Condition": { "shape": "SingleSelectQuestionRuleCategoryAutomationCondition", "documentation": "

The condition to apply for the automation option. If the condition is PRESENT, then the option is applied when the contact data includes the category. Similarly, if the condition is NOT_PRESENT, then the option is applied when the contact data does not include the category.

" }, "OptionRefId": { "shape": "ReferenceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the answer option.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the automation option based on a rule category for a single select question.

" }, "SingleSelectQuestionRuleCategoryAutomationCondition": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "PRESENT", "NOT_PRESENT" ] }, "SingleSelectQuestionRuleCategoryAutomationLabel": { "type": "string", "max": 50, "min": 1 }, "SnapshotVersion": { "type": "string" }, "Sort": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "FieldName", "Order" ], "members": { "FieldName": { "shape": "SortableFieldName", "documentation": "

The name of the field on which to sort.

" }, "Order": { "shape": "SortOrder", "documentation": "

An ascending or descending sort.

" } }, "documentation": "

A structure that defines the field name to sort by and a sort order.

" }, "SortOrder": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ASCENDING", "DESCENDING" ] }, "SortableFieldName": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "INITIATION_TIMESTAMP", "SCHEDULED_TIMESTAMP", "CONNECTED_TO_AGENT_TIMESTAMP", "DISCONNECT_TIMESTAMP", "INITIATION_METHOD", "CHANNEL" ] }, "SourceApplicationName": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1, "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_ -]+$" }, "SourceId": { "type": "string", "max": 255, "min": 1 }, "SourceType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "SALESFORCE", "ZENDESK", "CASES" ] }, "StartAttachedFileUploadRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "FileName", "FileSizeInBytes", "FileUseCaseType", "AssociatedResourceArn" ], "members": { "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the Amazon Connect instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "FileName": { "shape": "FileName", "documentation": "

A case-sensitive name of the attached file being uploaded.

" }, "FileSizeInBytes": { "shape": "FileSizeInBytes", "documentation": "

The size of the attached file in bytes.

", "box": true }, "UrlExpiryInSeconds": { "shape": "URLExpiryInSeconds", "documentation": "

Optional override for the expiry of the pre-signed S3 URL in seconds. The default value is 300.

" }, "FileUseCaseType": { "shape": "FileUseCaseType", "documentation": "

The use case for the file.

" }, "AssociatedResourceArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The resource to which the attached file is (being) uploaded to. Cases are the only current supported resource.

This value must be a valid ARN.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "associatedResourceArn" }, "CreatedBy": { "shape": "CreatedByInfo", "documentation": "

Represents the identity that created the file.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "StartAttachedFileUploadResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "FileArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the attached file resource (ARN).

" }, "FileId": { "shape": "FileId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier of the attached file resource.

" }, "CreationTime": { "shape": "ISO8601Datetime", "documentation": "

The time of Creation of the file resource as an ISO timestamp. It's specified in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. For example, 2024-05-03T02:41:28.172Z.

" }, "FileStatus": { "shape": "FileStatusType", "documentation": "

The current status of the attached file.

" }, "CreatedBy": { "shape": "CreatedByInfo", "documentation": "

Represents the identity that created the file.

" }, "UploadUrlMetadata": { "shape": "UploadUrlMetadata", "documentation": "

Information to be used while uploading the attached file.

" } }, "documentation": "Response from StartAttachedFileUpload API." }, "StartChatContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactFlowId", "ParticipantDetails" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow for initiating the chat. To see the ContactFlowId in the Amazon Connect admin website, on the navigation menu go to Routing, Contact Flows. Choose the flow. On the flow page, under the name of the flow, choose Show additional flow information. The ContactFlowId is the last part of the ARN, shown here in bold:


" }, "Attributes": { "shape": "Attributes", "documentation": "

A custom key-value pair using an attribute map. The attributes are standard Amazon Connect attributes. They can be accessed in flows just like any other contact attributes.

There can be up to 32,768 UTF-8 bytes across all key-value pairs per contact. Attribute keys can include only alphanumeric, dash, and underscore characters.

" }, "ParticipantDetails": { "shape": "ParticipantDetails", "documentation": "

Information identifying the participant.

" }, "InitialMessage": { "shape": "ChatMessage", "documentation": "

The initial message to be sent to the newly created chat. If you have a Lex bot in your flow, the initial message is not delivered to the Lex bot.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true }, "ChatDurationInMinutes": { "shape": "ChatDurationInMinutes", "documentation": "

The total duration of the newly started chat session. If not specified, the chat session duration defaults to 25 hour. The minimum configurable time is 60 minutes. The maximum configurable time is 10,080 minutes (7 days).

" }, "SupportedMessagingContentTypes": { "shape": "SupportedMessagingContentTypes", "documentation": "

The supported chat message content types. Supported types are text/plain, text/markdown, application/json, application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.message.interactive, and application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.message.interactive.response.

Content types must always contain text/plain. You can then put any other supported type in the list. For example, all the following lists are valid because they contain text/plain: [text/plain, text/markdown, application/json], [text/markdown, text/plain], [text/plain, application/json, application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.message.interactive.response].

The type application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.message.interactive is required to use the Show view flow block.

" }, "PersistentChat": { "shape": "PersistentChat", "documentation": "

Enable persistent chats. For more information about enabling persistent chat, and for example use cases and how to configure for them, see Enable persistent chat.

" }, "RelatedContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for an Amazon Connect contact. This identifier is related to the chat starting.

You cannot provide data for both RelatedContactId and PersistentChat.

" }, "SegmentAttributes": { "shape": "SegmentAttributes", "documentation": "

A set of system defined key-value pairs stored on individual contact segments using an attribute map. The attributes are standard Amazon Connect attributes. They can be accessed in flows.

Attribute keys can include only alphanumeric, -, and _.

This field can be used to show channel subtype, such as connect:Guide.

The types application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.message.interactive and application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.message.interactive.response must be present in the SupportedMessagingContentTypes field of this API in order to set SegmentAttributes as { \"connect:Subtype\": {\"valueString\" : \"connect:Guide\" }}.

" } } }, "StartChatContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of this contact within the Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "ParticipantId": { "shape": "ParticipantId", "documentation": "

The identifier for a chat participant. The participantId for a chat participant is the same throughout the chat lifecycle.

" }, "ParticipantToken": { "shape": "ParticipantToken", "documentation": "

The token used by the chat participant to call CreateParticipantConnection. The participant token is valid for the lifetime of a chat participant.

" }, "ContinuedFromContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The contactId from which a persistent chat session is started. This field is populated only for persistent chats.

" } } }, "StartContactEvaluationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "EvaluationFormId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

" }, "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "StartContactEvaluationResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationId", "EvaluationArn" ], "members": { "EvaluationId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the contact evaluation resource.

" } } }, "StartContactRecordingRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "InitialContactId", "VoiceRecordingConfiguration" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact.

" }, "InitialContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact. This is the identifier of the contact associated with the first interaction with the contact center.

" }, "VoiceRecordingConfiguration": { "shape": "VoiceRecordingConfiguration", "documentation": "

The person being recorded.

" } } }, "StartContactRecordingResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "StartContactStreamingRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "ChatStreamingConfiguration", "ClientToken" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact. This is the identifier of the contact associated with the first interaction with the contact center.

" }, "ChatStreamingConfiguration": { "shape": "ChatStreamingConfiguration", "documentation": "

The streaming configuration, such as the Amazon SNS streaming endpoint.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "StartContactStreamingResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "StreamingId" ], "members": { "StreamingId": { "shape": "StreamingId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the streaming configuration enabled.

" } } }, "StartOutboundVoiceContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "DestinationPhoneNumber", "ContactFlowId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "Name", "documentation": "

The name of a voice contact that is shown to an agent in the Contact Control Panel (CCP).

" }, "Description": { "shape": "Description", "documentation": "

A description of the voice contact that is shown to an agent in the Contact Control Panel (CCP).

" }, "References": { "shape": "ContactReferences", "documentation": "

A formatted URL that is shown to an agent in the Contact Control Panel (CCP). Contacts can have the following reference types at the time of creation: URL | NUMBER | STRING | DATE | EMAIL. ATTACHMENT is not a supported reference type during voice contact creation.

" }, "RelatedContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The contactId that is related to this contact. Linking voice, task, or chat by using RelatedContactID copies over contact attributes from the related contact to the new contact. All updates to user-defined attributes in the new contact are limited to the individual contact ID. There are no limits to the number of contacts that can be linked by using RelatedContactId.

" }, "DestinationPhoneNumber": { "shape": "PhoneNumber", "documentation": "

The phone number of the customer, in E.164 format.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow for the outbound call. To see the ContactFlowId in the Amazon Connect admin website, on the navigation menu go to Routing, Contact Flows. Choose the flow. On the flow page, under the name of the flow, choose Show additional flow information. The ContactFlowId is the last part of the ARN, shown here in bold:


" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs. The token is valid for 7 days after creation. If a contact is already started, the contact ID is returned.

", "idempotencyToken": true }, "SourcePhoneNumber": { "shape": "PhoneNumber", "documentation": "

The phone number associated with the Amazon Connect instance, in E.164 format. If you do not specify a source phone number, you must specify a queue.

" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The queue for the call. If you specify a queue, the phone displayed for caller ID is the phone number specified in the queue. If you do not specify a queue, the queue defined in the flow is used. If you do not specify a queue, you must specify a source phone number.

" }, "Attributes": { "shape": "Attributes", "documentation": "

A custom key-value pair using an attribute map. The attributes are standard Amazon Connect attributes, and can be accessed in flows just like any other contact attributes.

There can be up to 32,768 UTF-8 bytes across all key-value pairs per contact. Attribute keys can include only alphanumeric, dash, and underscore characters.

" }, "AnswerMachineDetectionConfig": { "shape": "AnswerMachineDetectionConfig", "documentation": "

Configuration of the answering machine detection for this outbound call.

" }, "CampaignId": { "shape": "CampaignId", "documentation": "

The campaign identifier of the outbound communication.

" }, "TrafficType": { "shape": "TrafficType", "documentation": "

Denotes the class of traffic. Calls with different traffic types are handled differently by Amazon Connect. The default value is GENERAL. Use CAMPAIGN if EnableAnswerMachineDetection is set to true. For all other cases, use GENERAL.

" } } }, "StartOutboundVoiceContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of this contact within the Amazon Connect instance.

" } } }, "StartTaskContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "PreviousContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the previous chat, voice, or task contact. Any updates to user-defined attributes to task contacts linked using the same PreviousContactID will affect every contact in the chain. There can be a maximum of 12 linked task contacts in a chain.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow for initiating the tasks. To see the ContactFlowId in the Amazon Connect admin website, on the navigation menu go to Routing, Contact Flows. Choose the flow. On the flow page, under the name of the flow, choose Show additional flow information. The ContactFlowId is the last part of the ARN, shown here in bold:


" }, "Attributes": { "shape": "Attributes", "documentation": "

A custom key-value pair using an attribute map. The attributes are standard Amazon Connect attributes, and can be accessed in flows just like any other contact attributes.

There can be up to 32,768 UTF-8 bytes across all key-value pairs per contact. Attribute keys can include only alphanumeric, dash, and underscore characters.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "Name", "documentation": "

The name of a task that is shown to an agent in the Contact Control Panel (CCP).

" }, "References": { "shape": "ContactReferences", "documentation": "

A formatted URL that is shown to an agent in the Contact Control Panel (CCP). Tasks can have the following reference types at the time of creation: URL | NUMBER | STRING | DATE | EMAIL. ATTACHMENT is not a supported reference type during task creation.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "Description", "documentation": "

A description of the task that is shown to an agent in the Contact Control Panel (CCP).

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true }, "ScheduledTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp, in Unix Epoch seconds format, at which to start running the inbound flow. The scheduled time cannot be in the past. It must be within up to 6 days in future.

" }, "TaskTemplateId": { "shape": "TaskTemplateId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the task template. For more information about task templates, see Create task templates in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "QuickConnectId": { "shape": "QuickConnectId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the quick connect. Tasks that are created by using QuickConnectId will use the flow that is defined on agent or queue quick connect. For more information about quick connects, see Create quick connects.

" }, "RelatedContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The contactId that is related to this contact. Linking tasks together by using RelatedContactID copies over contact attributes from the related task contact to the new task contact. All updates to user-defined attributes in the new task contact are limited to the individual contact ID, unlike what happens when tasks are linked by using PreviousContactID. There are no limits to the number of contacts that can be linked by using RelatedContactId.

" } } }, "StartTaskContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of this contact within the Amazon Connect instance.

" } } }, "StartWebRTCContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ContactFlowId", "InstanceId", "ParticipantDetails" ], "members": { "Attributes": { "shape": "Attributes", "documentation": "

A custom key-value pair using an attribute map. The attributes are standard Amazon Connect attributes, and can be accessed in flows just like any other contact attributes.

There can be up to 32,768 UTF-8 bytes across all key-value pairs per contact. Attribute keys can include only alphanumeric, -, and _ characters.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

The token is valid for 7 days after creation. If a contact is already started, the contact ID is returned.

", "idempotencyToken": true }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow for the call. To see the ContactFlowId in the Amazon Connect admin website, on the navigation menu go to Routing, Flows. Choose the flow. On the flow page, under the name of the flow, choose Show additional flow information. The ContactFlowId is the last part of the ARN, shown here in bold:


" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "AllowedCapabilities": { "shape": "AllowedCapabilities", "documentation": "

Information about the video sharing capabilities of the participants (customer, agent).

" }, "ParticipantDetails": { "shape": "ParticipantDetails" }, "RelatedContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for an Amazon Connect contact. This identifier is related to the contact starting.

" }, "References": { "shape": "ContactReferences", "documentation": "

A formatted URL that is shown to an agent in the Contact Control Panel (CCP). Tasks can have the following reference types at the time of creation: URL | NUMBER | STRING | DATE | EMAIL. ATTACHMENT is not a supported reference type during task creation.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "Description", "documentation": "

A description of the task that is shown to an agent in the Contact Control Panel (CCP).

" } } }, "StartWebRTCContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ConnectionData": { "shape": "ConnectionData", "documentation": "

Information required for the client application (mobile application or website) to connect to the call.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

" }, "ParticipantId": { "shape": "ParticipantId", "documentation": "

The identifier for a contact participant. The ParticipantId for a contact participant is the same throughout the contact lifecycle.

" }, "ParticipantToken": { "shape": "ParticipantToken", "documentation": "

The token used by the contact participant to call the CreateParticipantConnection API. The participant token is valid for the lifetime of a contact participant.

" } } }, "Statistic": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "SUM", "MAX", "AVG" ] }, "Step": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Expiry": { "shape": "Expiry", "documentation": "

An object to specify the expiration of a routing step.

" }, "Expression": { "shape": "Expression", "documentation": "

A tagged union to specify expression for a routing step.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "RoutingCriteriaStepStatus", "documentation": "

Represents status of the Routing step.

" } }, "documentation": "

Step signifies the criteria to be used for routing to an agent

" }, "Steps": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "Step" } }, "StopContactRecordingRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "InitialContactId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact.

" }, "InitialContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact. This is the identifier of the contact associated with the first interaction with the contact center.

" } } }, "StopContactRecordingResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "StopContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ContactId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The ID of the contact.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "DisconnectReason": { "shape": "DisconnectReason", "documentation": "

The reason a contact can be disconnected. Only Amazon Connect outbound campaigns can provide this field.

" } } }, "StopContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "StopContactStreamingRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "StreamingId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact. This is the identifier of the contact that is associated with the first interaction with the contact center.

" }, "StreamingId": { "shape": "StreamingId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the streaming configuration enabled.

" } } }, "StopContactStreamingResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "StorageType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "S3", "KINESIS_VIDEO_STREAM", "KINESIS_STREAM", "KINESIS_FIREHOSE" ] }, "StreamingId": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "String": { "type": "string" }, "StringComparisonType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "STARTS_WITH", "CONTAINS", "EXACT" ] }, "StringCondition": { "type": "structure", "members": { "FieldName": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The name of the field in the string condition.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The value of the string.

" }, "ComparisonType": { "shape": "StringComparisonType", "documentation": "

The type of comparison to be made when evaluating the string condition.

" } }, "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.

" }, "StringReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "ReferenceKey", "documentation": "

Identifier of the string reference.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "ReferenceValue", "documentation": "

A valid string.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a reference when the referenceType is STRING. Otherwise, null.

" }, "Subject": { "type": "string", "max": 200, "min": 1 }, "SubmitAutoEvaluationActionDefinition": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationFormId" ], "members": { "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "EvaluationFormId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the auto-evaluation enabled form.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the submit automated evaluation action.

" }, "SubmitContactEvaluationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "EvaluationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "EvaluationId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the contact evaluation.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "EvaluationId" }, "Answers": { "shape": "EvaluationAnswersInputMap", "documentation": "

A map of question identifiers to answer value.

" }, "Notes": { "shape": "EvaluationNotesMap", "documentation": "

A map of question identifiers to note value.

" } } }, "SubmitContactEvaluationResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationId", "EvaluationArn" ], "members": { "EvaluationId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the contact evaluation resource.

" } } }, "Subtype": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "SuccessfulRequest": { "type": "structure", "members": { "RequestIdentifier": { "shape": "RequestIdentifier", "documentation": "

Request identifier provided in the API call in the ContactDataRequest to create a contact.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The contactId of the contact that was created successfully.

" } }, "documentation": "

Request for which contact was successfully created.

" }, "SuccessfulRequestList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SuccessfulRequest" } }, "SupportedMessagingContentType": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "SupportedMessagingContentTypes": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "SupportedMessagingContentType" } }, "SuspendContactRecordingRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "InitialContactId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact.

" }, "InitialContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact. This is the identifier of the contact associated with the first interaction with the contact center.

" } } }, "SuspendContactRecordingResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "TagAndConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TagCondition" } }, "TagCondition": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagKey": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The tag key in the tag condition.

" }, "TagValue": { "shape": "String", "documentation": "

The tag value in the tag condition.

" } }, "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a tag condition, for example, HAVE BPO = 123.

" }, "TagContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ContactId", "InstanceId", "Tags" ], "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "ContactTagMap", "documentation": "

The tags to be assigned to the contact resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

Authorization is not supported by this tag.

" } } }, "TagContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "TagKey": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1, "pattern": "^(?!aws:)[\\p{L}\\p{Z}\\p{N}_.:/=+\\-@]*$" }, "TagKeyList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TagKey" }, "max": 50, "min": 1 }, "TagKeyString": { "type": "string", "max": 128 }, "TagMap": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "TagKey" }, "value": { "shape": "TagValue" }, "max": 50, "min": 1 }, "TagOrConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TagAndConditionList" } }, "TagResourceRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "resourceArn", "tags" ], "members": { "resourceArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "resourceArn" }, "tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } } }, "TagRestrictedResourceList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TagRestrictedResourceName" }, "max": 10 }, "TagRestrictedResourceName": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "TagSearchCondition": { "type": "structure", "members": { "tagKey": { "shape": "TagKeyString", "documentation": "

The tag key used in the tag search condition.

" }, "tagValue": { "shape": "TagValueString", "documentation": "

The tag value used in the tag search condition.

" }, "tagKeyComparisonType": { "shape": "StringComparisonType", "documentation": "

The type of comparison to be made when evaluating the tag key in tag search condition.

" }, "tagValueComparisonType": { "shape": "StringComparisonType", "documentation": "

The type of comparison to be made when evaluating the tag value in tag search condition.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return tags.

" }, "TagSet": { "type": "structure", "members": { "key": { "shape": "TagKey", "documentation": "

The tag key in the tagSet.

" }, "value": { "shape": "TagValue", "documentation": "

The tag value in the tagSet.

" } }, "documentation": "

A tag set contains tag key and tag value.

" }, "TagValue": { "type": "string", "max": 256 }, "TagValueString": { "type": "string", "max": 256 }, "TagsList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TagSet" } }, "TargetListType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "PROFICIENCIES" ] }, "TaskActionDefinition": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Name", "ContactFlowId" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "TaskNameExpression", "documentation": "

The name. Supports variable injection. For more information, see JSONPath reference in the Amazon Connect Administrators Guide.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "TaskDescriptionExpression", "documentation": "

The description. Supports variable injection. For more information, see JSONPath reference in the Amazon Connect Administrators Guide.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" }, "References": { "shape": "ContactReferences", "documentation": "

Information about the reference when the referenceType is URL. Otherwise, null. (Supports variable injection in the Value field.)

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the task action.

" }, "TaskDescriptionExpression": { "type": "string", "max": 4096, "min": 0 }, "TaskNameExpression": { "type": "string", "max": 512, "min": 1 }, "TaskTemplateArn": { "type": "string", "max": 500, "min": 1 }, "TaskTemplateConstraints": { "type": "structure", "members": { "RequiredFields": { "shape": "RequiredTaskTemplateFields", "documentation": "

Lists the fields that are required to be filled by agents.

" }, "ReadOnlyFields": { "shape": "ReadOnlyTaskTemplateFields", "documentation": "

Lists the fields that are read-only to agents, and cannot be edited.

" }, "InvisibleFields": { "shape": "InvisibleTaskTemplateFields", "documentation": "

Lists the fields that are invisible to agents.

" } }, "documentation": "

Describes constraints that apply to the template fields.

" }, "TaskTemplateDefaultFieldValue": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFieldIdentifier", "documentation": "

Identifier of a field.

" }, "DefaultValue": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFieldValue", "documentation": "

Default value for the field.

" } }, "documentation": "

Describes a default field and its corresponding value.

" }, "TaskTemplateDefaultFieldValueList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TaskTemplateDefaultFieldValue" } }, "TaskTemplateDefaults": { "type": "structure", "members": { "DefaultFieldValues": { "shape": "TaskTemplateDefaultFieldValueList", "documentation": "

Default value for the field.

" } }, "documentation": "

Describes default values for fields on a template.

" }, "TaskTemplateDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 255, "min": 1 }, "TaskTemplateField": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Id" ], "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFieldIdentifier", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the field.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFieldDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the field.

" }, "Type": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFieldType", "documentation": "

Indicates the type of field.

" }, "SingleSelectOptions": { "shape": "SingleSelectOptions", "documentation": "

A list of options for a single select field.

" } }, "documentation": "

Describes a single task template field.

" }, "TaskTemplateFieldDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 255, "min": 1 }, "TaskTemplateFieldIdentifier": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFieldName", "documentation": "

The name of the task template field.

" } }, "documentation": "

The identifier of the task template field.

" }, "TaskTemplateFieldName": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "TaskTemplateFieldType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "NAME", "DESCRIPTION", "SCHEDULED_TIME", "QUICK_CONNECT", "URL", "NUMBER", "TEXT", "TEXT_AREA", "DATE_TIME", "BOOLEAN", "SINGLE_SELECT", "EMAIL" ] }, "TaskTemplateFieldValue": { "type": "string", "max": 4096, "min": 0 }, "TaskTemplateFields": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TaskTemplateField" } }, "TaskTemplateId": { "type": "string", "max": 500, "min": 1 }, "TaskTemplateList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TaskTemplateMetadata" } }, "TaskTemplateMetadata": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TaskTemplateId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the task template.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "TaskTemplateArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task template.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "TaskTemplateName", "documentation": "

The name of the task template.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "TaskTemplateDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the task template.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "TaskTemplateStatus", "documentation": "

Marks a template as ACTIVE or INACTIVE for a task to refer to it. Tasks can only be created from ACTIVE templates. If a template is marked as INACTIVE, then a task that refers to this template cannot be created.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the task template was last modified.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the task template was created.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about the task template.

" }, "TaskTemplateName": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "TaskTemplateSingleSelectOption": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "TaskTemplateStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE" ] }, "TelephonyConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Distributions" ], "members": { "Distributions": { "shape": "DistributionList", "documentation": "

Information about traffic distributions.

" } }, "documentation": "

The distribution of traffic between the instance and its replicas.

" }, "TemplateId": { "type": "string", "max": 500, "min": 1 }, "Threshold": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Comparison": { "shape": "Comparison", "documentation": "

The type of comparison. Only \"less than\" (LT) comparisons are supported.

" }, "ThresholdValue": { "shape": "ThresholdValue", "documentation": "

The threshold value to compare.

", "box": true } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the threshold for service level metrics.

" }, "ThresholdCollections": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ThresholdV2" }, "max": 1 }, "ThresholdV2": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Comparison": { "shape": "ResourceArnOrId", "documentation": "

The type of comparison. Only \"less than\" (LT) and \"greater than\" (GT) comparisons are supported.

" }, "ThresholdValue": { "shape": "ThresholdValue", "documentation": "

The threshold value to compare.

", "box": true } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the threshold for service level metrics.

" }, "ThresholdValue": { "type": "double" }, "TimeZone": { "type": "string" }, "TimerEligibleParticipantRoles": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "CUSTOMER", "AGENT" ] }, "Timestamp": { "type": "timestamp" }, "TotalCount": { "type": "long" }, "TotalPauseCount": { "type": "integer", "max": 10, "min": 0 }, "TotalPauseDurationInSeconds": { "type": "integer", "min": 0 }, "TrafficDistributionGroup": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the traffic distribution group.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "Name128", "documentation": "

The name of the traffic distribution group.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "Description250", "documentation": "

The description of the traffic distribution group.

" }, "InstanceArn": { "shape": "InstanceArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

" }, "Status": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the traffic distribution group.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "IsDefault": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

Whether this is the default traffic distribution group created during instance replication. The default traffic distribution group cannot be deleted by the DeleteTrafficDistributionGroup API. The default traffic distribution group is deleted as part of the process for deleting a replica.

The SignInConfig distribution is available only on a default TrafficDistributionGroup (see the IsDefault parameter in the TrafficDistributionGroup data type). If you call UpdateTrafficDistribution with a modified SignInConfig and a non-default TrafficDistributionGroup, an InvalidRequestException is returned.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about a traffic distribution group.

" }, "TrafficDistributionGroupArn": { "type": "string", "pattern": "^arn:(aws|aws-us-gov):connect:[a-z]{2}-[a-z]+-[0-9]{1}:[0-9]{1,20}:traffic-distribution-group/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$" }, "TrafficDistributionGroupId": { "type": "string", "pattern": "^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$" }, "TrafficDistributionGroupIdOrArn": { "type": "string", "pattern": "^(arn:(aws|aws-us-gov):connect:[a-z]{2}-[a-z-]+-[0-9]{1}:[0-9]{1,20}:traffic-distribution-group/)?[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$" }, "TrafficDistributionGroupStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "CREATION_IN_PROGRESS", "ACTIVE", "CREATION_FAILED", "PENDING_DELETION", "DELETION_FAILED", "UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS" ] }, "TrafficDistributionGroupSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the traffic distribution group.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "Name128", "documentation": "

The name of the traffic distribution group.

" }, "InstanceArn": { "shape": "InstanceArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the traffic distribution group.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the traffic distribution group.

" }, "IsDefault": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

Whether this is the default traffic distribution group created during instance replication. The default traffic distribution group cannot be deleted by the DeleteTrafficDistributionGroup API. The default traffic distribution group is deleted as part of the process for deleting a replica.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about traffic distribution groups.

" }, "TrafficDistributionGroupSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupSummary" }, "max": 10, "min": 0 }, "TrafficDistributionGroupUserSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the user. This can be the ID or the ARN of the user.

" } }, "documentation": "

Summary information about a traffic distribution group user.

" }, "TrafficDistributionGroupUserSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupUserSummary" }, "max": 10, "min": 0 }, "TrafficType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "GENERAL", "CAMPAIGN" ] }, "Transcript": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Criteria" ], "members": { "Criteria": { "shape": "TranscriptCriteriaList", "documentation": "

The list of search criteria based on Contact Lens conversational analytics transcript.

" }, "MatchType": { "shape": "SearchContactsMatchType", "documentation": "

The match type combining search criteria using multiple transcript criteria.

" } }, "documentation": "

A structure that defines search criteria and matching logic to search for contacts by matching text with transcripts analyzed by Amazon Connect Contact Lens.

" }, "TranscriptCriteria": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ParticipantRole", "SearchText", "MatchType" ], "members": { "ParticipantRole": { "shape": "ParticipantRole", "documentation": "

The participant role in a transcript

" }, "SearchText": { "shape": "SearchTextList", "documentation": "

The words or phrases used to search within a transcript.

" }, "MatchType": { "shape": "SearchContactsMatchType", "documentation": "

The match type combining search criteria using multiple search texts in a transcript criteria.

" } }, "documentation": "

A structure that defines search criteria base on words or phrases, participants in the Contact Lens conversational analytics transcript.

" }, "TranscriptCriteriaList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "TranscriptCriteria" }, "max": 6, "min": 0 }, "TransferContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "ContactFlowId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

" }, "UserId": { "shape": "AgentResourceId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the user. This can be the ID or the ARN of the user.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "TransferContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

" }, "ContactArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the contact.

" } } }, "URI": { "type": "string", "max": 2000, "min": 1 }, "URLExpiryInSeconds": { "type": "integer", "max": 300, "min": 5 }, "Unit": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "SECONDS", "COUNT", "PERCENT" ] }, "UntagContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "ContactId", "InstanceId", "TagKeys" ], "members": { "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "TagKeys": { "shape": "ContactTagKeys", "documentation": "

A list of tag keys. Existing tags on the contact whose keys are members of this list will be removed.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "TagKeys" } } }, "UntagContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UntagResourceRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "resourceArn", "tagKeys" ], "members": { "resourceArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "resourceArn" }, "tagKeys": { "shape": "TagKeyList", "documentation": "

The tag keys.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "tagKeys" } } }, "UpdateAgentStatusDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 0 }, "UpdateAgentStatusRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "AgentStatusId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "AgentStatusId": { "shape": "AgentStatusId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the agent status.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "AgentStatusId" }, "Name": { "shape": "AgentStatusName", "documentation": "

The name of the agent status.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "UpdateAgentStatusDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the agent status.

" }, "State": { "shape": "AgentStatusState", "documentation": "

The state of the agent status.

" }, "DisplayOrder": { "shape": "AgentStatusOrderNumber", "documentation": "

The display order of the agent status.

", "box": true }, "ResetOrderNumber": { "shape": "Boolean", "documentation": "

A number indicating the reset order of the agent status.

" } } }, "UpdateAuthenticationProfileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "AuthenticationProfileId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "AuthenticationProfileId": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfileId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the authentication profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "AuthenticationProfileId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfileName", "documentation": "

The name for the authentication profile.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "AuthenticationProfileDescription", "documentation": "

The description for the authentication profile.

" }, "AllowedIps": { "shape": "IpCidrList", "documentation": "

A list of IP address range strings that are allowed to access the instance. For more information on how to configure IP addresses, seeConfigure session timeouts in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "BlockedIps": { "shape": "IpCidrList", "documentation": "

A list of IP address range strings that are blocked from accessing the instance. For more information on how to configure IP addresses, For more information on how to configure IP addresses, see Configure IP-based access control in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

" }, "PeriodicSessionDuration": { "shape": "AccessTokenDuration", "documentation": "

The short lived session duration configuration for users logged in to Amazon Connect, in minutes. This value determines the maximum possible time before an agent is authenticated. For more information, For more information on how to configure IP addresses, see Configure session timeouts in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "box": true } } }, "UpdateCaseActionDefinition": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Fields" ], "members": { "Fields": { "shape": "FieldValues", "documentation": "

An array of objects with Field ID and Value data.

" } }, "documentation": "

The UpdateCase action definition.

" }, "UpdateContactAttributesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InitialContactId", "InstanceId", "Attributes" ], "members": { "InitialContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact. This is the identifier of the contact associated with the first interaction with the contact center.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "Attributes": { "shape": "Attributes", "documentation": "

The Amazon Connect attributes. These attributes can be accessed in flows just like any other contact attributes.

You can have up to 32,768 UTF-8 bytes across all attributes for a contact. Attribute keys can include only alphanumeric, dash, and underscore characters.

When the attributes for a contact exceed 32 KB, the contact is routed down the Error branch of the flow. As a mitigation, consider the following options:

" } } }, "UpdateContactAttributesResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UpdateContactEvaluationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "EvaluationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "EvaluationId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the contact evaluation.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "EvaluationId" }, "Answers": { "shape": "EvaluationAnswersInputMap", "documentation": "

A map of question identifiers to answer value.

" }, "Notes": { "shape": "EvaluationNotesMap", "documentation": "

A map of question identifiers to note value.

" } } }, "UpdateContactEvaluationResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationId", "EvaluationArn" ], "members": { "EvaluationId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the contact evaluation.

" }, "EvaluationArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the contact evaluation resource.

" } } }, "UpdateContactFlowContentRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactFlowId", "Content" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactFlowId" }, "Content": { "shape": "ContactFlowContent", "documentation": "

The JSON string that represents the content of the flow. For an example, see Example flow in Amazon Connect Flow language.

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 256000.

" } } }, "UpdateContactFlowContentResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UpdateContactFlowMetadataRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactFlowId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactFlowId" }, "Name": { "shape": "ContactFlowName", "documentation": "

The name of the flow.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ContactFlowDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the flow.

" }, "ContactFlowState": { "shape": "ContactFlowState", "documentation": "

The state of flow.

" } } }, "UpdateContactFlowMetadataResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UpdateContactFlowModuleContentRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactFlowModuleId", "Content" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactFlowModuleId": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow module.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactFlowModuleId" }, "Content": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleContent", "documentation": "

The JSON string that represents the content of the flow. For an example, see Example flow in Amazon Connect Flow language.

" } } }, "UpdateContactFlowModuleContentResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactFlowModuleId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactFlowModuleId": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow module.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactFlowModuleId" }, "Name": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleName", "documentation": "

The name of the flow module.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the flow module.

" }, "State": { "shape": "ContactFlowModuleState", "documentation": "

The state of flow module.

" } } }, "UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UpdateContactFlowNameRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactFlowId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactFlowId" }, "Name": { "shape": "ContactFlowName", "documentation": "

The name of the flow.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ContactFlowDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the flow.

" } } }, "UpdateContactFlowNameResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UpdateContactRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact. This is the identifier of the contact associated with the first interaction with your contact center.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactId" }, "Name": { "shape": "Name", "documentation": "

The name of the contact.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "Description", "documentation": "

The description of the contact.

" }, "References": { "shape": "ContactReferences", "documentation": "

Well-formed data on contact, shown to agents on Contact Control Panel (CCP).

" } } }, "UpdateContactResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UpdateContactRoutingDataRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactId" }, "QueueTimeAdjustmentSeconds": { "shape": "QueueTimeAdjustmentSeconds", "documentation": "

The number of seconds to add or subtract from the contact's routing age. Contacts are routed to agents on a first-come, first-serve basis. This means that changing their amount of time in queue compared to others also changes their position in queue.

" }, "QueuePriority": { "shape": "QueuePriority", "documentation": "

Priority of the contact in the queue. The default priority for new contacts is 5. You can raise the priority of a contact compared to other contacts in the queue by assigning them a higher priority, such as 1 or 2.

" }, "RoutingCriteria": { "shape": "RoutingCriteriaInput", "documentation": "

Updates the routing criteria on the contact. These properties can be used to change how a
 contact is routed within the queue.

" } } }, "UpdateContactRoutingDataResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UpdateContactScheduleRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "ScheduledTime" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact.

" }, "ScheduledTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp, in Unix Epoch seconds format, at which to start running the inbound flow. The scheduled time cannot be in the past. It must be within up to 6 days in future.

" } } }, "UpdateContactScheduleResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UpdateEvaluationFormRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "EvaluationFormId", "EvaluationFormVersion", "Title", "Items" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "EvaluationFormId" }, "EvaluationFormVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

A version of the evaluation form to update.

" }, "CreateNewVersion": { "shape": "BoxedBoolean", "documentation": "

A flag indicating whether the operation must create a new version.

", "box": true }, "Title": { "shape": "EvaluationFormTitle", "documentation": "

A title of the evaluation form.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "EvaluationFormDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the evaluation form.

" }, "Items": { "shape": "EvaluationFormItemsList", "documentation": "

Items that are part of the evaluation form. The total number of sections and questions must not exceed 100 each. Questions must be contained in a section.

" }, "ScoringStrategy": { "shape": "EvaluationFormScoringStrategy", "documentation": "

A scoring strategy of the evaluation form.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "UpdateEvaluationFormResponse": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "EvaluationFormId", "EvaluationFormArn", "EvaluationFormVersion" ], "members": { "EvaluationFormId": { "shape": "ResourceId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the evaluation form.

" }, "EvaluationFormArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the contact evaluation resource.

" }, "EvaluationFormVersion": { "shape": "VersionNumber", "documentation": "

The version of the updated evaluation form resource.

" } } }, "UpdateHoursOfOperationDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 0 }, "UpdateHoursOfOperationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "HoursOfOperationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "HoursOfOperationId": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hours of operation.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "HoursOfOperationId" }, "Name": { "shape": "CommonNameLength127", "documentation": "

The name of the hours of operation.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "UpdateHoursOfOperationDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the hours of operation.

" }, "TimeZone": { "shape": "TimeZone", "documentation": "

The time zone of the hours of operation.

" }, "Config": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationConfigList", "documentation": "

Configuration information of the hours of operation.

" } } }, "UpdateInstanceAttributeRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "AttributeType", "Value" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "AttributeType": { "shape": "InstanceAttributeType", "documentation": "

The type of attribute.

Only allowlisted customers can consume USE_CUSTOM_TTS_VOICES. To access this feature, contact Amazon Web Services Support for allowlisting.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "AttributeType" }, "Value": { "shape": "InstanceAttributeValue", "documentation": "

The value for the attribute. Maximum character limit is 100.

" } } }, "UpdateInstanceStorageConfigRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "AssociationId", "ResourceType", "StorageConfig" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "AssociationId": { "shape": "AssociationId", "documentation": "

The existing association identifier that uniquely identifies the resource type and storage config for the given instance ID.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "AssociationId" }, "ResourceType": { "shape": "InstanceStorageResourceType", "documentation": "

A valid resource type.

", "location": "querystring", "locationName": "resourceType" }, "StorageConfig": { "shape": "InstanceStorageConfig" } } }, "UpdateParticipantRoleConfigChannelInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Chat": { "shape": "ChatParticipantRoleConfig", "documentation": "

Configuration information for the chat participant role.

" } }, "documentation": "

Configuration information for the chat participant role.

", "union": true }, "UpdateParticipantRoleConfigRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ContactId", "ChannelConfiguration" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ContactId": { "shape": "ContactId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the contact in this instance of Amazon Connect.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ContactId" }, "ChannelConfiguration": { "shape": "UpdateParticipantRoleConfigChannelInfo", "documentation": "

The Amazon Connect channel you want to configure.

" } } }, "UpdateParticipantRoleConfigResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UpdatePhoneNumberMetadataRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PhoneNumberId" ], "members": { "PhoneNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or resource ID of the phone number.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "PhoneNumberId" }, "PhoneNumberDescription": { "shape": "PhoneNumberDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the phone number.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "UpdatePhoneNumberRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PhoneNumberId" ], "members": { "PhoneNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the phone number.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "PhoneNumberId" }, "TargetArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for Amazon Connect instances or traffic distribution groups that phone number inbound traffic is routed through. You must enter InstanceId or TargetArn.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance that phone numbers are claimed to. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance. You must enter InstanceId or TargetArn.

" }, "ClientToken": { "shape": "ClientToken", "documentation": "

A unique, case-sensitive identifier that you provide to ensure the idempotency of the request. If not provided, the Amazon Web Services SDK populates this field. For more information about idempotency, see Making retries safe with idempotent APIs.

", "idempotencyToken": true } } }, "UpdatePhoneNumberResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PhoneNumberId": { "shape": "PhoneNumberId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the phone number.

" }, "PhoneNumberArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the phone number.

" } } }, "UpdatePredefinedAttributeRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "Name" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeName", "documentation": "

The name of the predefined attribute.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "Name" }, "Values": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeValues", "documentation": "

The values of the predefined attribute.

" } } }, "UpdatePromptRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "PromptId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "PromptId": { "shape": "PromptId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the prompt.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "PromptId" }, "Name": { "shape": "CommonNameLength127", "documentation": "

The name of the prompt.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "PromptDescription", "documentation": "

A description of the prompt.

" }, "S3Uri": { "shape": "S3Uri", "documentation": "

The URI for the S3 bucket where the prompt is stored. You can provide S3 pre-signed URLs returned by the GetPromptFile API instead of providing S3 URIs.

" } } }, "UpdatePromptResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "PromptARN": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the prompt.

" }, "PromptId": { "shape": "PromptId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the prompt.

" } } }, "UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QueueId", "HoursOfOperationId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QueueId" }, "HoursOfOperationId": { "shape": "HoursOfOperationId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the hours of operation.

" } } }, "UpdateQueueMaxContactsRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QueueId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QueueId" }, "MaxContacts": { "shape": "QueueMaxContacts", "documentation": "

The maximum number of contacts that can be in the queue before it is considered full.

", "box": true } } }, "UpdateQueueNameRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QueueId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QueueId" }, "Name": { "shape": "CommonNameLength127", "documentation": "

The name of the queue.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "QueueDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the queue.

" } } }, "UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QueueId", "OutboundCallerConfig" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QueueId" }, "OutboundCallerConfig": { "shape": "OutboundCallerConfig", "documentation": "

The outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow.

" } } }, "UpdateQueueStatusRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QueueId", "Status" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the queue.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QueueId" }, "Status": { "shape": "QueueStatus", "documentation": "

The status of the queue.

" } } }, "UpdateQuickConnectConfigRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QuickConnectId", "QuickConnectConfig" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QuickConnectId": { "shape": "QuickConnectId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the quick connect.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QuickConnectId" }, "QuickConnectConfig": { "shape": "QuickConnectConfig", "documentation": "

Information about the configuration settings for the quick connect.

" } } }, "UpdateQuickConnectDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 250, "min": 0 }, "UpdateQuickConnectNameRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "QuickConnectId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "QuickConnectId": { "shape": "QuickConnectId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the quick connect.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "QuickConnectId" }, "Name": { "shape": "QuickConnectName", "documentation": "

The name of the quick connect.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "UpdateQuickConnectDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the quick connect.

" } } }, "UpdateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimerRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RoutingProfileId", "AgentAvailabilityTimer" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RoutingProfileId" }, "AgentAvailabilityTimer": { "shape": "AgentAvailabilityTimer", "documentation": "

Whether agents with this routing profile will have their routing order calculated based on time since their last inbound contact or longest idle time.

" } } }, "UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RoutingProfileId", "MediaConcurrencies" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RoutingProfileId" }, "MediaConcurrencies": { "shape": "MediaConcurrencies", "documentation": "

The channels that agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP).

" } } }, "UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RoutingProfileId", "DefaultOutboundQueueId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RoutingProfileId" }, "DefaultOutboundQueueId": { "shape": "QueueId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the default outbound queue.

" } } }, "UpdateRoutingProfileNameRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RoutingProfileId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RoutingProfileId" }, "Name": { "shape": "RoutingProfileName", "documentation": "

The name of the routing profile. Must not be more than 127 characters.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "RoutingProfileDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the routing profile. Must not be more than 250 characters.

" } } }, "UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "RoutingProfileId", "QueueConfigs" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RoutingProfileId" }, "QueueConfigs": { "shape": "RoutingProfileQueueConfigList", "documentation": "

The queues to be updated for this routing profile. Queues must first be associated to the routing profile. You can do this using AssociateRoutingProfileQueues.

" } } }, "UpdateRuleRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "RuleId", "InstanceId", "Name", "Function", "Actions", "PublishStatus" ], "members": { "RuleId": { "shape": "RuleId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the rule.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "RuleId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "RuleName", "documentation": "

The name of the rule. You can change the name only if TriggerEventSource is one of the following values: OnZendeskTicketCreate | OnZendeskTicketStatusUpdate | OnSalesforceCaseCreate

" }, "Function": { "shape": "RuleFunction", "documentation": "

The conditions of the rule.

" }, "Actions": { "shape": "RuleActions", "documentation": "

A list of actions to be run when the rule is triggered.

" }, "PublishStatus": { "shape": "RulePublishStatus", "documentation": "

The publish status of the rule.

" } } }, "UpdateSecurityProfileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "SecurityProfileId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "Description": { "shape": "SecurityProfileDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the security profile.

" }, "Permissions": { "shape": "PermissionsList", "documentation": "

The permissions granted to a security profile. For a list of valid permissions, see List of security profile permissions.

" }, "SecurityProfileId": { "shape": "SecurityProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the security profle.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "SecurityProfileId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "AllowedAccessControlTags": { "shape": "AllowedAccessControlTags", "documentation": "

The list of tags that a security profile uses to restrict access to resources in Amazon Connect.

" }, "TagRestrictedResources": { "shape": "TagRestrictedResourceList", "documentation": "

The list of resources that a security profile applies tag restrictions to in Amazon Connect.

" }, "Applications": { "shape": "Applications", "documentation": "

A list of the third-party application's metadata.

" }, "HierarchyRestrictedResources": { "shape": "HierarchyRestrictedResourceList", "documentation": "

The list of resources that a security profile applies hierarchy restrictions to in Amazon Connect. Following are acceptable ResourceNames: User.

" }, "AllowedAccessControlHierarchyGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group that a security profile uses to restrict access to resources in Amazon Connect.

" } } }, "UpdateTaskTemplateRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "TaskTemplateId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "TaskTemplateId": { "shape": "TaskTemplateId", "documentation": "

A unique identifier for the task template.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "TaskTemplateId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "Name": { "shape": "TaskTemplateName", "documentation": "

The name of the task template.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "TaskTemplateDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the task template.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow that runs by default when a task is created by referencing this template.

" }, "Constraints": { "shape": "TaskTemplateConstraints", "documentation": "

Constraints that are applicable to the fields listed.

" }, "Defaults": { "shape": "TaskTemplateDefaults", "documentation": "

The default values for fields when a task is created by referencing this template.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "TaskTemplateStatus", "documentation": "

Marks a template as ACTIVE or INACTIVE for a task to refer to it. Tasks can only be created from ACTIVE templates. If a template is marked as INACTIVE, then a task that refers to this template cannot be created.

" }, "Fields": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFields", "documentation": "

Fields that are part of the template.

" } } }, "UpdateTaskTemplateResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

" }, "Id": { "shape": "TaskTemplateId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the task template resource.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "TaskTemplateArn", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the task template resource.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "TaskTemplateName", "documentation": "

The name of the task template.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "TaskTemplateDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the task template.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow that runs by default when a task is created by referencing this template.

" }, "Constraints": { "shape": "TaskTemplateConstraints", "documentation": "

Constraints that are applicable to the fields listed.

" }, "Defaults": { "shape": "TaskTemplateDefaults", "documentation": "

The default values for fields when a task is created by referencing this template.

" }, "Fields": { "shape": "TaskTemplateFields", "documentation": "

Fields that are part of the template.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "TaskTemplateStatus", "documentation": "

Marks a template as ACTIVE or INACTIVE for a task to refer to it. Tasks can only be created from ACTIVE templates. If a template is marked as INACTIVE, then a task that refers to this template cannot be created.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the task template was last modified.

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the task template was created.

" } } }, "UpdateTrafficDistributionRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Id" ], "members": { "Id": { "shape": "TrafficDistributionGroupIdOrArn", "documentation": "

The identifier of the traffic distribution group. This can be the ID or the ARN if the API is being called in the Region where the traffic distribution group was created. The ARN must be provided if the call is from the replicated Region.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "Id" }, "TelephonyConfig": { "shape": "TelephonyConfig", "documentation": "

The distribution of traffic between the instance and its replica(s).

" }, "SignInConfig": { "shape": "SignInConfig", "documentation": "

The distribution that determines which Amazon Web Services Regions should be used to sign in agents in to both the instance and its replica(s).

" }, "AgentConfig": { "shape": "AgentConfig", "documentation": "

The distribution of agents between the instance and its replica(s).

" } } }, "UpdateTrafficDistributionResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Name", "HierarchyGroupId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupName", "documentation": "

The name of the hierarchy group. Must not be more than 100 characters.

" }, "HierarchyGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "HierarchyGroupId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "UpdateUserHierarchyRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "UserId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "HierarchyGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group.

" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "UpdateUserHierarchyStructureRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "HierarchyStructure", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "HierarchyStructure": { "shape": "HierarchyStructureUpdate", "documentation": "

The hierarchy levels to update.

" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "UpdateUserIdentityInfoRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "IdentityInfo", "UserId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "IdentityInfo": { "shape": "UserIdentityInfo", "documentation": "

The identity information for the user.

" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "UpdateUserPhoneConfigRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PhoneConfig", "UserId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "PhoneConfig": { "shape": "UserPhoneConfig", "documentation": "

Information about phone configuration settings for the user.

" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "UpdateUserProficienciesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "UserId", "UserProficiencies" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "UserProficiencies": { "shape": "UserProficiencyList", "documentation": "

The proficiencies to be updated for the user. Proficiencies must first be associated to the user. You can do this using AssociateUserProficiencies API.

" } } }, "UpdateUserRoutingProfileRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "RoutingProfileId", "UserId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile for the user.

" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "UpdateUserSecurityProfilesRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "SecurityProfileIds", "UserId", "InstanceId" ], "members": { "SecurityProfileIds": { "shape": "SecurityProfileIds", "documentation": "

The identifiers of the security profiles for the user.

" }, "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "UserId" }, "InstanceId": { "shape": "InstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" } } }, "UpdateViewContentRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ViewId", "Status", "Content" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "ViewsInstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ViewId": { "shape": "ViewId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the view. Both ViewArn and ViewId can be used.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ViewId" }, "Status": { "shape": "ViewStatus", "documentation": "

Indicates the view status as either SAVED or PUBLISHED. The PUBLISHED status will initiate validation on the content.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "ViewInputContent", "documentation": "

View content containing all content necessary to render a view except for runtime input data and the runtime input schema, which is auto-generated by this operation.

The total uncompressed content has a maximum file size of 400kB.

" } } }, "UpdateViewContentResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": { "View": { "shape": "View", "documentation": "

A view resource object. Contains metadata and content necessary to render the view.

" } } }, "UpdateViewMetadataRequest": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "InstanceId", "ViewId" ], "members": { "InstanceId": { "shape": "ViewsInstanceId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the Amazon Connect instance. You can find the instanceId in the ARN of the instance.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "InstanceId" }, "ViewId": { "shape": "ViewId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the view. Both ViewArn and ViewId can be used.

", "location": "uri", "locationName": "ViewId" }, "Name": { "shape": "ViewName", "documentation": "

The name of the view.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ViewDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the view.

" } } }, "UpdateViewMetadataResponse": { "type": "structure", "members": {} }, "UploadUrlMetadata": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Url": { "shape": "MetadataUrl", "documentation": "

A pre-signed S3 URL that should be used for uploading the attached file.

" }, "UrlExpiry": { "shape": "ISO8601Datetime", "documentation": "

The expiration time of the URL in ISO timestamp. It's specified in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ. For example, 2019-11-08T02:41:28.172Z.

" }, "HeadersToInclude": { "shape": "UrlMetadataSignedHeaders", "documentation": "

A map of headers that should be provided when uploading the attached file.

" } }, "documentation": "

Fields required when uploading an attached file.

" }, "Url": { "type": "string" }, "UrlMetadataSignedHeaders": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "UrlMetadataSignedHeadersKey" }, "value": { "shape": "UrlMetadataSignedHeadersValue" } }, "UrlMetadataSignedHeadersKey": { "type": "string", "max": 128, "min": 1 }, "UrlMetadataSignedHeadersValue": { "type": "string", "max": 256, "min": 1 }, "UrlReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Name": { "shape": "ReferenceKey", "documentation": "

Identifier of the URL reference.

" }, "Value": { "shape": "ReferenceValue", "documentation": "

A valid URL.

" } }, "documentation": "

The URL reference.

" }, "UseCase": { "type": "structure", "members": { "UseCaseId": { "shape": "UseCaseId", "documentation": "

The identifier for the use case.

" }, "UseCaseArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the use case.

" }, "UseCaseType": { "shape": "UseCaseType", "documentation": "

The type of use case to associate to the integration association. Each integration association can have only one of each use case type.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains the use case.

" }, "UseCaseId": { "type": "string", "max": 200, "min": 1 }, "UseCaseSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "UseCase" } }, "UseCaseType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "RULES_EVALUATION", "CONNECT_CAMPAIGNS" ] }, "User": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user account.

" }, "Username": { "shape": "AgentUsername", "documentation": "

The user name assigned to the user account.

" }, "IdentityInfo": { "shape": "UserIdentityInfo", "documentation": "

Information about the user identity.

" }, "PhoneConfig": { "shape": "UserPhoneConfig", "documentation": "

Information about the phone configuration for the user.

" }, "DirectoryUserId": { "shape": "DirectoryUserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account in the directory used for identity management.

" }, "SecurityProfileIds": { "shape": "SecurityProfileIds", "documentation": "

The identifiers of the security profiles for the user.

" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the routing profile for the user.

" }, "HierarchyGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the hierarchy group for the user.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a user account for an Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "UserData": { "type": "structure", "members": { "User": { "shape": "UserReference", "documentation": "

Information about the user for the data that is returned. It contains the resourceId and ARN of the user.

" }, "RoutingProfile": { "shape": "RoutingProfileReference", "documentation": "

Information about the routing profile that is assigned to the user.

" }, "HierarchyPath": { "shape": "HierarchyPathReference", "documentation": "

Contains information about the levels of a hierarchy group assigned to a user.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "AgentStatusReference", "documentation": "

The status of the agent that they manually set in their Contact Control Panel (CCP), or that the supervisor manually changes in the real-time metrics report.

" }, "AvailableSlotsByChannel": { "shape": "ChannelToCountMap", "documentation": "

A map of available slots by channel. The key is a channel name. The value is an integer: the available number of slots.

" }, "MaxSlotsByChannel": { "shape": "ChannelToCountMap", "documentation": "

A map of maximum slots by channel. The key is a channel name. The value is an integer: the maximum number of slots. This is calculated from MediaConcurrency of the RoutingProfile assigned to the agent.

" }, "ActiveSlotsByChannel": { "shape": "ChannelToCountMap", "documentation": "

A map of active slots by channel. The key is a channel name. The value is an integer: the number of active slots.

" }, "Contacts": { "shape": "AgentContactReferenceList", "documentation": "

A list of contact reference information.

" }, "NextStatus": { "shape": "AgentStatusName", "documentation": "

The Next status of the agent.

" } }, "documentation": "

Data for a user.

" }, "UserDataFilters": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Queues": { "shape": "Queues", "documentation": "

A list of up to 100 queues or ARNs.

" }, "ContactFilter": { "shape": "ContactFilter", "documentation": "

A filter for the user data based on the contact information that is associated to the user. It contains a list of contact states.

" }, "RoutingProfiles": { "shape": "RoutingProfiles", "documentation": "

A list of up to 100 routing profile IDs or ARNs.

" }, "Agents": { "shape": "AgentsMinOneMaxHundred", "documentation": "

A list of up to 100 agent IDs or ARNs.

" }, "UserHierarchyGroups": { "shape": "UserDataHierarchyGroups", "documentation": "

A UserHierarchyGroup ID or ARN.

" } }, "documentation": "

A filter for the user data.

" }, "UserDataHierarchyGroups": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId" }, "max": 1, "min": 1 }, "UserDataList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "UserData" } }, "UserHierarchyGroupList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "HierarchyGroup" } }, "UserHierarchyGroupSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "UserHierarchyGroupSearchCriteria" } }, "UserHierarchyGroupSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "UserHierarchyGroupSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "UserHierarchyGroupSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.

The currently supported values for FieldName are name,

 parentId, levelId, and resourceID.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return userHierarchyGroup.

" }, "UserHierarchyGroupSearchFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "AttributeFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneAttributeFilter", "documentation": "

An object that can be used to specify Tag conditions inside the SearchFilter. This accepts an OR or AND (List of List) input where:

" } }, "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "UserId": { "type": "string" }, "UserIdList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "UserId" } }, "UserIdentityInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "FirstName": { "shape": "AgentFirstName", "documentation": "

The first name. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML for identity management.

" }, "LastName": { "shape": "AgentLastName", "documentation": "

The last name. This is required if you are using Amazon Connect or SAML for identity management.

" }, "Email": { "shape": "Email", "documentation": "

The email address. If you are using SAML for identity management and include this parameter, an error is returned.

" }, "SecondaryEmail": { "shape": "Email", "documentation": "

The user's secondary email address. If you provide a secondary email, the user receives email notifications - other than password reset notifications - to this email address instead of to their primary email address.

Pattern: (?=^.{0,265}$)[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,63}

" }, "Mobile": { "shape": "PhoneNumber", "documentation": "

The user's mobile number.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the identity of a user.

For Amazon Connect instances that are created with the EXISTING_DIRECTORY identity management type, FirstName, LastName, and Email cannot be updated from within Amazon Connect because they are managed by the directory.

" }, "UserIdentityInfoLite": { "type": "structure", "members": { "FirstName": { "shape": "AgentFirstName", "documentation": "

The user's first name.

" }, "LastName": { "shape": "AgentLastName", "documentation": "

The user's last name.

" } }, "documentation": "

The user's first name and last name.

" }, "UserPhoneConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "PhoneType" ], "members": { "PhoneType": { "shape": "PhoneType", "documentation": "

The phone type.

" }, "AutoAccept": { "shape": "AutoAccept", "documentation": "

The Auto accept setting.

" }, "AfterContactWorkTimeLimit": { "shape": "AfterContactWorkTimeLimit", "documentation": "

The After Call Work (ACW) timeout setting, in seconds. This parameter has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 2,000,000 seconds (24 days). Enter 0 if you don't want to allocate a specific amount of ACW time. It essentially means an indefinite amount of time. When the conversation ends, ACW starts; the agent must choose Close contact to end ACW.

When returned by a SearchUsers call, AfterContactWorkTimeLimit is returned in milliseconds.

" }, "DeskPhoneNumber": { "shape": "PhoneNumber", "documentation": "

The phone number for the user's desk phone.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the phone configuration settings for a user.

" }, "UserProficiency": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "AttributeName", "AttributeValue", "Level" ], "members": { "AttributeName": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeName", "documentation": "

The name of user's proficiency. You must use name of predefined attribute present in the Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "AttributeValue": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeStringValue", "documentation": "

The value of user's proficiency. You must use value of predefined attribute present in the Amazon Connect instance.

" }, "Level": { "shape": "ProficiencyLevel", "documentation": "

The level of the proficiency. The valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about proficiency of a user.

" }, "UserProficiencyDisassociate": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "AttributeName", "AttributeValue" ], "members": { "AttributeName": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeName", "documentation": "

The name of user's proficiency.

" }, "AttributeValue": { "shape": "PredefinedAttributeStringValue", "documentation": "

The value of user's proficiency.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about proficiency to be disassociated from the user.

" }, "UserProficiencyDisassociateList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "UserProficiencyDisassociate" } }, "UserProficiencyList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "UserProficiency" } }, "UserQuickConnectConfig": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "UserId", "ContactFlowId" ], "members": { "UserId": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user.

" }, "ContactFlowId": { "shape": "ContactFlowId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the flow.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the quick connect configuration settings for a user. The contact flow must be of type Transfer to Agent.

" }, "UserReference": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The unique identifier for the user.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the user.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the user.

" }, "UserSearchConditionList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "UserSearchCriteria" } }, "UserSearchCriteria": { "type": "structure", "members": { "OrConditions": { "shape": "UserSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an OR condition.

" }, "AndConditions": { "shape": "UserSearchConditionList", "documentation": "

A list of conditions which would be applied together with an AND condition.

" }, "StringCondition": { "shape": "StringCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a string condition.

The currently supported values for FieldName are Username, FirstName, LastName, RoutingProfileId, SecurityProfileId, ResourceId.

" }, "ListCondition": { "shape": "ListCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a List condition to search users with attributes included in Lists like Proficiencies.

" }, "HierarchyGroupCondition": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupCondition", "documentation": "

A leaf node condition which can be used to specify a hierarchy group condition.

" } }, "documentation": "

The search criteria to be used to return users.

The name and description fields support \"contains\" queries with a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 25 characters. Any queries with character lengths outside of this range will throw invalid results.

" }, "UserSearchFilter": { "type": "structure", "members": { "TagFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneTagFilter" }, "UserAttributeFilter": { "shape": "ControlPlaneUserAttributeFilter", "documentation": "

An object that can be used to specify Tag conditions or Hierarchy Group conditions inside the SearchFilter.

This accepts an OR of AND (List of List) input where:

Only one field can be populated. This object can’t be used along with TagFilter. Request can either contain TagFilter or UserAttributeFilter if SearchFilter is specified, combination of both is not supported and such request will throw AccessDeniedException.

" } }, "documentation": "

Filters to be applied to search results.

" }, "UserSearchSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user.

" }, "DirectoryUserId": { "shape": "DirectoryUserId", "documentation": "

The directory identifier of the user.

" }, "HierarchyGroupId": { "shape": "HierarchyGroupId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user's hierarchy group.

" }, "Id": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user's summary.

" }, "IdentityInfo": { "shape": "UserIdentityInfoLite", "documentation": "

The user's first name and last name.

" }, "PhoneConfig": { "shape": "UserPhoneConfig" }, "RoutingProfileId": { "shape": "RoutingProfileId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user's routing profile.

" }, "SecurityProfileIds": { "shape": "SecurityProfileIds", "documentation": "

The identifiers of the user's security profiles.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" }, "Username": { "shape": "AgentUsername", "documentation": "

The name of the user.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about the returned users.

" }, "UserSearchSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "UserSearchSummary" } }, "UserSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "UserId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the user account.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user account.

" }, "Username": { "shape": "AgentUsername", "documentation": "

The Amazon Connect user name of the user account.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp when this resource was last modified.

" }, "LastModifiedRegion": { "shape": "RegionName", "documentation": "

The Amazon Web Services Region where this resource was last modified.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about a user.

" }, "UserSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "UserSummary" } }, "UserTagMap": { "type": "map", "key": { "shape": "String" }, "value": { "shape": "String" } }, "Value": { "type": "double" }, "VersionNumber": { "type": "integer", "min": 1 }, "VideoCapability": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "SEND" ] }, "View": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "ViewId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the view.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the view.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "ViewName", "documentation": "

The name of the view.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "ViewStatus", "documentation": "

Indicates the view status as either SAVED or PUBLISHED. The PUBLISHED status will initiate validation on the content.

" }, "Type": { "shape": "ViewType", "documentation": "

The type of the view - CUSTOMER_MANAGED.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ViewDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the view.

" }, "Version": { "shape": "ViewVersion", "documentation": "

Current version of the view.

" }, "VersionDescription": { "shape": "ViewDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the version.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "ViewContent", "documentation": "

View content containing all content necessary to render a view except for runtime input data.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags associated with the view resource (not specific to view version).

" }, "CreatedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

The timestamp of when the view was created.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "Timestamp", "documentation": "

Latest timestamp of the UpdateViewContent or CreateViewVersion operations.

" }, "ViewContentSha256": { "shape": "ViewContentSha256", "documentation": "

Indicates the checksum value of the latest published view content.

" } }, "documentation": "

A view resource object. Contains metadata and content necessary to render the view.

" }, "ViewAction": { "type": "string", "max": 255, "min": 1, "pattern": "^([\\p{L}\\p{N}_.:\\/=+\\-@()']+[\\p{L}\\p{Z}\\p{N}_.:\\/=+\\-@()']*)$", "sensitive": true }, "ViewActions": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ViewAction" } }, "ViewContent": { "type": "structure", "members": { "InputSchema": { "shape": "ViewInputSchema", "documentation": "

The data schema matching data that the view template must be provided to render.

" }, "Template": { "shape": "ViewTemplate", "documentation": "

The view template representing the structure of the view.

" }, "Actions": { "shape": "ViewActions", "documentation": "

A list of possible actions from the view.

" } }, "documentation": "

View content containing all content necessary to render a view except for runtime input data.

" }, "ViewContentSha256": { "type": "string", "max": 64, "min": 1, "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]$" }, "ViewDescription": { "type": "string", "max": 4096, "min": 1, "pattern": "^([\\p{L}\\p{N}_.:\\/=+\\-@,()']+[\\p{L}\\p{Z}\\p{N}_.:\\/=+\\-@,()']*)$" }, "ViewId": { "type": "string", "max": 500, "min": 1, "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-:\\/$]+$" }, "ViewInputContent": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Template": { "shape": "ViewTemplate", "documentation": "

The view template representing the structure of the view.

" }, "Actions": { "shape": "ViewActions", "documentation": "

A list of possible actions from the view.

" } }, "documentation": "

View content containing all content necessary to render a view except for runtime input data and the runtime input schema, which is auto-generated by this operation.

" }, "ViewInputSchema": { "type": "string", "sensitive": true }, "ViewName": { "type": "string", "max": 255, "min": 1, "pattern": "^([\\p{L}\\p{N}_.:\\/=+\\-@()']+[\\p{L}\\p{Z}\\p{N}_.:\\/=+\\-@()']*)$", "sensitive": true }, "ViewStatus": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "PUBLISHED", "SAVED" ] }, "ViewSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "ViewId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the view.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the view.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "ViewName", "documentation": "

The name of the view.

" }, "Type": { "shape": "ViewType", "documentation": "

The type of the view.

" }, "Status": { "shape": "ViewStatus", "documentation": "

Indicates the view status as either SAVED or PUBLISHED. The PUBLISHED status will initiate validation on the content.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ViewDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the view.

" } }, "documentation": "

A summary of a view's metadata.

" }, "ViewTemplate": { "type": "string" }, "ViewType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "CUSTOMER_MANAGED", "AWS_MANAGED" ] }, "ViewVersion": { "type": "integer" }, "ViewVersionSummary": { "type": "structure", "members": { "Id": { "shape": "ViewId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the view version.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the view version.

" }, "Description": { "shape": "ViewDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the view version.

" }, "Name": { "shape": "ViewName", "documentation": "

The name of the view version.

" }, "Type": { "shape": "ViewType", "documentation": "

The type of the view version.

" }, "Version": { "shape": "ViewVersion", "documentation": "

The sequentially incremented version of the view version.

" }, "VersionDescription": { "shape": "ViewDescription", "documentation": "

The description of the view version.

" } }, "documentation": "

A summary of a view version's metadata.

" }, "ViewVersionSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ViewVersionSummary" } }, "ViewsClientToken": { "type": "string", "max": 500, "pattern": "^([\\p{L}\\p{Z}\\p{N}_.:\\/=+\\-@]*)$" }, "ViewsInstanceId": { "type": "string", "max": 100, "min": 1, "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-:\\/]+$" }, "ViewsNextToken": { "type": "string", "max": 4096, "min": 1, "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9=\\/+_.-]+$" }, "ViewsSummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ViewSummary" } }, "Vocabulary": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Name", "Id", "Arn", "LanguageCode", "State", "LastModifiedTime" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "VocabularyName", "documentation": "

A unique name of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "Id": { "shape": "VocabularyId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "LanguageCode": { "shape": "VocabularyLanguageCode", "documentation": "

The language code of the vocabulary entries. For a list of languages and their corresponding language codes, see What is Amazon Transcribe?

" }, "State": { "shape": "VocabularyState", "documentation": "

The current state of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "VocabularyLastModifiedTime", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the custom vocabulary was last modified.

" }, "FailureReason": { "shape": "VocabularyFailureReason", "documentation": "

The reason why the custom vocabulary was not created.

" }, "Content": { "shape": "VocabularyContent", "documentation": "

The content of the custom vocabulary in plain-text format with a table of values. Each row in the table represents a word or a phrase, described with Phrase, IPA, SoundsLike, and DisplayAs fields. Separate the fields with TAB characters. For more information, see Create a custom vocabulary using a table.

" }, "Tags": { "shape": "TagMap", "documentation": "

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource. For example, { \"Tags\": {\"key1\":\"value1\", \"key2\":\"value2\"} }.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about a custom vocabulary.

" }, "VocabularyContent": { "type": "string", "max": 60000, "min": 1 }, "VocabularyFailureReason": { "type": "string" }, "VocabularyId": { "type": "string", "max": 500, "min": 1 }, "VocabularyLanguageCode": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "ar-AE", "de-CH", "de-DE", "en-AB", "en-AU", "en-GB", "en-IE", "en-IN", "en-US", "en-WL", "es-ES", "es-US", "fr-CA", "fr-FR", "hi-IN", "it-IT", "ja-JP", "ko-KR", "pt-BR", "pt-PT", "zh-CN", "en-NZ", "en-ZA", "ca-ES", "da-DK", "fi-FI", "id-ID", "ms-MY", "nl-NL", "no-NO", "pl-PL", "sv-SE", "tl-PH" ] }, "VocabularyLastModifiedTime": { "type": "timestamp" }, "VocabularyName": { "type": "string", "max": 140, "min": 1, "pattern": "^[0-9a-zA-Z._-]+" }, "VocabularyNextToken": { "type": "string", "max": 131070, "min": 1, "pattern": ".*\\S.*" }, "VocabularyState": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "CREATION_IN_PROGRESS", "ACTIVE", "CREATION_FAILED", "DELETE_IN_PROGRESS" ] }, "VocabularySummary": { "type": "structure", "required": [ "Name", "Id", "Arn", "LanguageCode", "State", "LastModifiedTime" ], "members": { "Name": { "shape": "VocabularyName", "documentation": "

A unique name of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "Id": { "shape": "VocabularyId", "documentation": "

The identifier of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "Arn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "LanguageCode": { "shape": "VocabularyLanguageCode", "documentation": "

The language code of the vocabulary entries. For a list of languages and their corresponding language codes, see What is Amazon Transcribe?

" }, "State": { "shape": "VocabularyState", "documentation": "

The current state of the custom vocabulary.

" }, "LastModifiedTime": { "shape": "VocabularyLastModifiedTime", "documentation": "

The timestamp when the custom vocabulary was last modified.

" }, "FailureReason": { "shape": "VocabularyFailureReason", "documentation": "

The reason why the custom vocabulary was not created.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains summary information about the custom vocabulary.

" }, "VocabularySummaryList": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "VocabularySummary" } }, "VoiceRecordingConfiguration": { "type": "structure", "members": { "VoiceRecordingTrack": { "shape": "VoiceRecordingTrack", "documentation": "

Identifies which track is being recorded.

" } }, "documentation": "

Contains information about the recording configuration settings.

" }, "VoiceRecordingTrack": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "FROM_AGENT", "TO_AGENT", "ALL" ] }, "WisdomInfo": { "type": "structure", "members": { "SessionArn": { "shape": "ARN", "documentation": "

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Wisdom session.

" } }, "documentation": "

Information about Amazon Connect Wisdom.

" }, "resourceArnListMaxLimit100": { "type": "list", "member": { "shape": "ARN" }, "max": 100, "min": 1 }, "timestamp": { "type": "timestamp" } }, "documentation": "

Amazon Connect is a cloud-based contact center solution that you use to set up and manage a customer contact center and provide reliable customer engagement at any scale.

Amazon Connect provides metrics and real-time reporting that enable you to optimize contact routing. You can also resolve customer issues more efficiently by getting customers in touch with the appropriate agents.

There are limits to the number of Amazon Connect resources that you can create. There are also limits to the number of requests that you can make per second. For more information, see Amazon Connect Service Quotas in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

You can connect programmatically to an Amazon Web Services service by using an endpoint. For a list of Amazon Connect endpoints, see Amazon Connect Endpoints.

" }