#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright Amazon.com Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the # License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed # on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either # express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # This script generates a file in go with the license contents as a constant # Set language to C to make sorting consistent among different environments. export LANG="C" export LC_ALL="C" # Global options readonly PROGRAM_VERSION="0.7.7" readonly PROGRAM_SOURCE="https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-eks-ami/blob/main/log-collector-script/" readonly PROGRAM_NAME="$(basename "$0" .sh)" readonly PROGRAM_DIR="/opt/log-collector" readonly LOG_DIR="/var/log" readonly COLLECT_DIR="/tmp/eks-log-collector" readonly CURRENT_TIME=$(date --utc +%Y-%m-%d_%H%M-%Z) readonly DAYS_10=$(date -d "-10 days" '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') INSTANCE_ID="" INIT_TYPE="" PACKAGE_TYPE="" # Script run defaults ignore_introspection='false' ignore_metrics='false' REQUIRED_UTILS=( timeout curl tar date mkdir grep awk df sysctl ) COMMON_DIRECTORIES=( kernel modinfo system docker containerd storage var_log networking sandbox-image # eks ipamd # eks sysctls # eks kubelet # eks nodeadm # eks cni # eks ) COMMON_LOGS=( syslog messages aws-routed-eni # eks containers # eks pods # eks cron cloud-init.log cloud-init-output.log user-data.log kube-proxy.log ) # L-IPAMD introspection data points IPAMD_DATA=( enis pods networkutils-env-settings ipamd-env-settings eni-configs ) help() { echo "" echo "USAGE: ${PROGRAM_NAME} --help [ --ignore_introspection=true|false --ignore_metrics=true|false ]" echo "" echo "OPTIONS:" echo "" echo " --ignore_introspection To ignore introspection of IPAMD; Pass this flag if DISABLE_INTROSPECTION is enabled on CNI" echo "" echo " --ignore_metrics Variable To ignore prometheus metrics collection; Pass this flag if DISABLE_METRICS enabled on CNI" echo "" echo " --help Show this help message." echo "" } parse_options() { local count="$#" for i in $(seq "${count}"); do eval arg="\$$i" param="$(echo "${arg}" | awk -F '=' '{print $1}' | sed -e 's|--||')" val="$(echo "${arg}" | awk -F '=' '{print $2}')" case "${param}" in ignore_introspection) eval "${param}"="${val}" ;; ignore_metrics) eval "${param}"="${val}" ;; help) help && exit 0 ;; *) echo "Parameter not found: '$param'" help && exit 1 ;; esac done } ok() { echo } try() { local action=$* echo -n "Trying to $action... " } warning() { local reason=$* echo -e "\n\n\tWarning: $reason " } die() { echo -e "\n\tFatal Error! $* Exiting!\n" exit 1 } is_root() { if [[ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]]; then die "This script must be run as root!" fi } check_required_utils() { for utils in ${REQUIRED_UTILS[*]}; do # If exit code of "command -v" not equal to 0, fail if ! command -v "${utils}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "\nApplication \"${utils}\" is missing, please install \"${utils}\" as this script requires it." fi done } version_output() { echo -e "\n\tThis is version ${PROGRAM_VERSION}. New versions can be found at ${PROGRAM_SOURCE}\n" } log_parameters() { echo ignore_introspection: "${ignore_introspection}" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/script-params.txt echo ignore_metrics: "${ignore_metrics}" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/script-params.txt } systemd_check() { if command -v systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1; then INIT_TYPE="systemd" if command -v snap > /dev/null 2>&1; then INIT_TYPE="snap" fi else INIT_TYPE="other" fi } # Get token for IMDSv2 calls IMDS_TOKEN=$(curl -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 360") create_directories() { # Make sure the directory the script lives in is there. Not an issue if # the EKS AMI is used, as it will have it. mkdir -p "${PROGRAM_DIR}" # Common directories creation for directory in ${COMMON_DIRECTORIES[*]}; do mkdir -p "${COLLECT_DIR}"/"${directory}" done } get_instance_id() { INSTANCE_ID_FILE="/var/lib/cloud/data/instance-id" if grep -q '^i-' "$INSTANCE_ID_FILE"; then cp ${INSTANCE_ID_FILE} "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/instance-id.txt readonly INSTANCE_ID=$(cat "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/instance-id.txt) else readonly INSTANCE_ID=$(curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $IMDS_TOKEN" -f -s --max-time 10 --retry 5 if [ 0 -eq $? ]; then # Check if previous command was successful. echo "${INSTANCE_ID}" > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/instance-id.txt else warning "Unable to find EC2 Instance Id. Skipped Instance Id." fi fi } get_region() { if REGION=$(curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $IMDS_TOKEN" -f -s --max-time 10 --retry 5; then echo "${REGION}" > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/region.txt else warning "Unable to find EC2 Region, skipping." fi if AZ=$(curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $IMDS_TOKEN" -f -s --max-time 10 --retry 5; then echo "${AZ}" > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/availability-zone.txt else warning "Unable to find EC2 AZ, skipping." fi } is_diskfull() { local threshold local result # 1.5GB in KB threshold=1500000 result=$(timeout 75 df / | grep --invert-match "Filesystem" | awk '{ print $4 }') # If "result" is less than or equal to "threshold", fail. if [[ "${result}" -le "${threshold}" ]]; then die "Free space on root volume is less than or equal to $((threshold >> 10))MB, please ensure adequate disk space to collect and store the log files." fi } cleanup() { #guard rails to avoid accidental deletion of unknown data if [[ "${COLLECT_DIR}" == "/tmp/eks-log-collector" ]]; then rm --recursive --force "${COLLECT_DIR}" > /dev/null 2>&1 else echo "Unable to Cleanup as {COLLECT_DIR} variable is modified. Please cleanup manually!" fi } init() { check_required_utils version_output create_directories # Log parameters passed when this script is invoked log_parameters is_root systemd_check get_pkgtype } collect() { init is_diskfull get_instance_id get_region get_common_logs get_kernel_info get_modinfo get_mounts_info get_selinux_info get_iptables_info get_pkglist get_system_services get_containerd_info get_docker_info get_k8s_info get_nodeadm_info get_ipamd_info get_multus_info get_sysctls_info get_networking_info get_cni_config get_cni_configuration_variables get_docker_logs get_sandboxImage_info get_cpu_throttled_processes get_io_throttled_processes } pack() { try "archive gathered information" tar --create --verbose --gzip --file "${LOG_DIR}"/eks_"${INSTANCE_ID}"_"${CURRENT_TIME}"_"${PROGRAM_VERSION}".tar.gz --directory="${COLLECT_DIR}" . > /dev/null 2>&1 ok } finished() { cleanup echo -e "\n\tDone... your bundled logs are located in ${LOG_DIR}/eks_${INSTANCE_ID}_${CURRENT_TIME}_${PROGRAM_VERSION}.tar.gz\n" } get_mounts_info() { try "collect mount points and volume information" mount > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/storage/mounts.txt echo >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/storage/mounts.txt timeout 75 df --human-readable >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/storage/mounts.txt timeout 75 df --inodes >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/storage/inodes.txt lsblk > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/storage/lsblk.txt lvs > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/storage/lvs.txt pvs > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/storage/pvs.txt vgs > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/storage/vgs.txt mount -t xfs | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I{} -- sh -c "xfs_info {}; xfs_db -r -c 'freesp -s' {}" > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/storage/xfs.txt mount | grep ^overlay | sed 's/.*upperdir=//' | sed 's/,.*//' | xargs -n 1 timeout 75 du -sh | grep -v ^0 > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/storage/pod_local_storage.txt ok } get_selinux_info() { try "collect SELinux status" if ! command -v getenforce > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo -e "SELinux mode:\n\t Not installed" > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/selinux.txt else echo -e "SELinux mode:\n\t $(getenforce)" > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/selinux.txt fi ok } get_iptables_info() { if ! command -v iptables > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "IPtables not installed" | tee -a iptables.txt else try "collect iptables information" iptables --wait 1 --numeric --verbose --list --table mangle | tee "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/iptables-mangle.txt | sed '/^num\|^$\|^Chain\|^\ pkts.*.destination/d' | echo -e "=======\nTotal Number of Rules: $(wc -l)" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/iptables-mangle.txt ip6tables --wait 1 --numeric --verbose --list --table mangle | tee "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ip6tables-mangle.txt | sed '/^num\|^$\|^Chain\|^\ pkts.*.destination/d' | echo -e "=======\nTotal Number of Rules: $(wc -l)" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ip6tables-mangle.txt iptables --wait 1 --numeric --verbose --list --table filter | tee "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/iptables-filter.txt | sed '/^num\|^$\|^Chain\|^\ pkts.*.destination/d' | echo -e "=======\nTotal Number of Rules: $(wc -l)" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/iptables-filter.txt ip6tables --wait 1 --numeric --verbose --list --table filter | tee "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ip6tables-filter.txt | sed '/^num\|^$\|^Chain\|^\ pkts.*.destination/d' | echo -e "=======\nTotal Number of Rules: $(wc -l)" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ip6tables-filter.txt iptables --wait 1 --numeric --verbose --list --table nat | tee "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/iptables-nat.txt | sed '/^num\|^$\|^Chain\|^\ pkts.*.destination/d' | echo -e "=======\nTotal Number of Rules: $(wc -l)" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/iptables-nat.txt ip6tables --wait 1 --numeric --verbose --list --table nat | tee "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ip6tables-nat.txt | sed '/^num\|^$\|^Chain\|^\ pkts.*.destination/d' | echo -e "=======\nTotal Number of Rules: $(wc -l)" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ip6tables-nat.txt iptables --wait 1 --numeric --verbose --list | tee "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/iptables.txt | sed '/^num\|^$\|^Chain\|^\ pkts.*.destination/d' | echo -e "=======\nTotal Number of Rules: $(wc -l)" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/iptables.txt ip6tables --wait 1 --numeric --verbose --list | tee "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ip6tables.txt | sed '/^num\|^$\|^Chain\|^\ pkts.*.destination/d' | echo -e "=======\nTotal Number of Rules: $(wc -l)" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ip6tables.txt iptables-save > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/iptables-save.txt ip6tables-save > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ip6tables-save.txt fi ok } get_common_logs() { try "collect common operating system logs" for entry in ${COMMON_LOGS[*]}; do if [[ -e "/var/log/${entry}" ]]; then if [[ "${entry}" == "messages" ]]; then tail -c 100M /var/log/messages > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/messages continue fi if [[ "${entry}" == "containers" ]]; then cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/containers/aws-node* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/containers/kube-system_cni-metrics-helper* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/containers/coredns-* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/containers/kube-proxy* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/containers/ebs-csi* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/containers/efs-csi* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/containers/fsx-csi* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/containers/fsx-openzfs-csi* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/containers/file-cache-csi* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/containers/eks-pod-identity-agent* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null continue fi if [[ "${entry}" == "pods" ]]; then cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/pods/kube-system_aws-node* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/pods/kube-system_cni-metrics-helper* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/pods/kube-system_coredns* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/pods/kube-system_kube-proxy* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/pods/kube-system_ebs-csi-* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/pods/kube-system_efs-csi-* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/pods/kube-system_fsx-csi-* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/pods/kube-system_fsx-openzfs-csi-* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/pods/kube-system_file-cache-csi-* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/pods/kube-system_eks-pod-identity-agent* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null continue fi cp --force --recursive --dereference /var/log/"${entry}" "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null fi done ok } get_kernel_info() { try "collect kernel logs" if [[ -e "/var/log/dmesg" ]]; then cp --force /var/log/dmesg "${COLLECT_DIR}/kernel/dmesg.boot" fi dmesg > "${COLLECT_DIR}/kernel/dmesg.current" dmesg --ctime > "${COLLECT_DIR}/kernel/dmesg.human.current" uname -a > "${COLLECT_DIR}/kernel/uname.txt" ok } # collect modinfo on specific modules for debugging purposes get_modinfo() { try "collect modinfo" modinfo lustre > "${COLLECT_DIR}/modinfo/lustre" } get_docker_logs() { try "collect Docker daemon logs" case "${INIT_TYPE}" in systemd | snap) journalctl --unit=docker --since "${DAYS_10}" > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/docker/docker.log ;; other) for entry in docker upstart/docker; do if [[ -e "/var/log/${entry}" ]]; then cp --force --recursive --dereference /var/log/"${entry}" "${COLLECT_DIR}"/docker/ fi done ;; *) warning "The current operating system is not supported." ;; esac ok } get_k8s_info() { try "collect kubelet information" find_kubeconfig() { if [[ -n "${KUBECONFIG:-}" ]]; then echo "${KUBECONFIG}" elif [[ -f /etc/eksctl/kubeconfig.yaml ]]; then echo "/etc/eksctl/kubeconfig.yaml" elif [[ -f /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service ]]; then echo $(grep kubeconfig /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service | awk '{print $2}') elif [[ -f /var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig ]]; then echo "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig" else echo "" fi } KUBECONFIG_PATH=$(find_kubeconfig) if [[ -n "${KUBECONFIG_PATH}" ]]; then command -v kubectl > /dev/null && kubectl get --kubeconfig="${KUBECONFIG_PATH}" svc > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/svc.log command -v kubectl > /dev/null && kubectl --kubeconfig="${KUBECONFIG_PATH}" config view --output yaml > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/kubeconfig.yaml else echo "======== Unable to find KUBECONFIG, IGNORING POD DATA =========" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/svc.log fi # Try to copy the kubeconfig file if kubectl command doesn't exist if [[ ! -f "${COLLECT_DIR}/kubelet/kubeconfig.yaml" && -n "${KUBECONFIG_PATH}" ]]; then cp "${KUBECONFIG_PATH}" "${COLLECT_DIR}/kubelet/kubeconfig.yaml" fi case "${INIT_TYPE}" in systemd) timeout 75 journalctl --unit=kubelet --since "${DAYS_10}" > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/kubelet.log systemctl cat kubelet > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/kubelet_service.txt 2>&1 cp --force --recursive --dereference /etc/kubernetes/kubelet/config.json "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/config.json 2> /dev/null cp --force --recursive --dereference /etc/kubernetes/kubelet/config.json.d "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/config.json.d 2> /dev/null ;; snap) timeout 75 snap logs kubelet-eks -n all > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/kubelet.log timeout 75 snap get kubelet-eks > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/kubelet-eks_service.txt 2>&1 ;; *) warning "The current operating system is not supported." ;; esac ok } get_nodeadm_info() { try "collect nodeadm information" case "${INIT_TYPE}" in systemd) timeout 75 journalctl --unit=nodeadm-config --since "${DAYS_10}" > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/nodeadm/nodeadm-config.log timeout 75 journalctl --unit=nodeadm-run --since "${DAYS_10}" > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/nodeadm/nodeadm-run.log ;; *) warning "The current operating system is not supported." ;; esac ok } get_ipamd_info() { if [[ "${ignore_introspection}" == "false" ]]; then try "collect L-IPAMD introspection information" for entry in ${IPAMD_DATA[*]}; do curl --max-time 3 --silent http://localhost:61679/v1/"${entry}" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/ipamd/"${entry}".json done else echo "Ignoring IPAM introspection stats as mentioned" | tee -a "${COLLECT_DIR}"/ipamd/ipam_introspection_ignore.txt fi if [[ "${ignore_metrics}" == "false" ]]; then try "collect L-IPAMD prometheus metrics" curl --max-time 3 --silent http://localhost:61678/metrics > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/ipamd/metrics.json 2>&1 else echo "Ignoring Prometheus Metrics collection as mentioned" | tee -a "${COLLECT_DIR}"/ipamd/ipam_metrics_ignore.txt fi try "collect L-IPAMD checkpoint" cp /var/run/aws-node/ipam.json "${COLLECT_DIR}"/ipamd/ipam.json ok } get_multus_info() { try "collect Multus logs if they exist" cp --force --dereference --recursive /var/log/pods/kube-system_kube-multus* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/var_log/ 2> /dev/null ok } get_sysctls_info() { try "collect sysctls information" # dump all sysctls sysctl --all >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/sysctls/sysctl_all.txt 2> /dev/null ok } get_networking_info() { try "collect networking infomation" # conntrack info echo "*** Output of conntrack -S *** " >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/conntrack.txt timeout 75 conntrack -S >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/conntrack.txt echo "*** Output of conntrack -L ***" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/conntrack.txt timeout 75 conntrack -L >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/conntrack.txt echo "*** Output of conntrack -L -f ipv6 ***" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/conntrack6.txt timeout 75 conntrack -L -f ipv6 >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/conntrack6.txt # ifconfig timeout 75 ifconfig > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ifconfig.txt # ip rule show timeout 75 ip rule show > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/iprule.txt timeout 75 ip -6 rule show > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ip6rule.txt # ip route show timeout 75 ip route show table all >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/iproute.txt timeout 75 ip -6 route show table all >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ip6route.txt # configure-multicard-interfaces timeout 75 journalctl -u configure-multicard-interfaces > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/configure-multicard-interfaces.txt || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"configure-multicard-interfaces unit output \" " # test some network connectivity timeout 75 ping -A -c 10 amazon.com > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ping_amazon.com.txt timeout 75 ping -A -c 10 public.ecr.aws > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ping_public.ecr.aws.txt if [[ -e "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/kubeconfig.yaml ]]; then API_SERVER=$(grep server: "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/kubeconfig.yaml | sed 's/.*server: //') CA_CRT=$(grep certificate-authority: "${COLLECT_DIR}"/kubelet/kubeconfig.yaml | sed 's/.*certificate-authority: //') for i in $(seq 5); do echo -e "curling ${API_SERVER} ($i of 5) $(date --utc +%FT%T.%3N%Z)\n\n" >> ${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/curl_api_server.txt" timeout 75 curl -v --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 10 --noproxy '*' --cacert "${CA_CRT}" "${API_SERVER}"/livez?verbose >> ${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/curl_api_server.txt" 2>&1 done fi cp /etc/resolv.conf "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/resolv.conf # collect ethtool -S for all interfaces INTERFACES=$(ip -o a | awk '{print $2}' | sort -n | uniq) for ifc in ${INTERFACES}; do echo "Interface ${ifc}" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ethtool.txt ethtool -S ${ifc} >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ethtool.txt 2>&1 echo -e "\n" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/networking/ethtool.txt done ok } get_cni_config() { try "collect CNI configuration information" if [[ -e "/etc/cni/net.d/" ]]; then cp --force --recursive --dereference /etc/cni/net.d/* "${COLLECT_DIR}"/cni/ fi ok } get_cni_configuration_variables() { # To get cni configuration variables, gather from the main container "amazon-k8s-cni" # - https://github.com/aws/amazon-vpc-cni-k8s#cni-configuration-variables try "collect CNI Configuration Variables from Docker" # "docker container list" will only show "RUNNING" containers. # "docker container inspect" will generate plain text output. if [[ "$(pgrep -o dockerd)" -ne 0 ]]; then timeout 75 docker container list | awk '/amazon-k8s-cni/{print$NF}' | xargs -n 1 docker container inspect > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/cni/cni-configuration-variables-dockerd.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"cni configuration variables output \" " else warning "The Docker daemon is not running." fi try "collect CNI Configuration Variables from Containerd" # "ctr container list" will list down all containers, including stopped ones. # "ctr container info" will generate JSON format output. if ! command -v ctr > /dev/null 2>&1; then warning "ctr not installed" else # "ctr --namespace k8s.io container list" will return two containers # - amazon-k8s-cni:v1.xx.yy # - amazon-k8s-cni-init:v1.xx.yy timeout 75 ctr --namespace k8s.io container list | awk '/amazon-k8s-cni:v/{print$1}' | xargs -n 1 ctr --namespace k8s.io container info > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/cni/cni-configuration-variables-containerd.json 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"cni configuration variables output \" " fi ok } get_pkgtype() { if [[ "$(command -v rpm)" ]]; then PACKAGE_TYPE=rpm elif [[ "$(command -v dpkg)" ]]; then PACKAGE_TYPE=deb else PACKAGE_TYPE='unknown' fi } get_pkglist() { try "collect installed packages" case "${PACKAGE_TYPE}" in rpm) rpm -qa > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/pkglist.txt 2>&1 ;; deb) dpkg --list > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/pkglist.txt 2>&1 ;; *) warning "Unknown package type." ;; esac ok } get_system_services() { try "collect active system services" case "${INIT_TYPE}" in systemd | snap) systemctl list-units > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/services.txt 2>&1 ;; other) initctl list | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -n1 initctl show-config > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/services.txt 2>&1 printf "\n\n\n\n" >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/services.txt 2>&1 service --status-all >> "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/services.txt 2>&1 ;; *) warning "Unable to determine active services." ;; esac timeout 75 top -b -n 1 > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/top.txt 2>&1 timeout 75 ps fauxwww --headers > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/ps.txt 2>&1 timeout 75 ps -eTF --headers > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/ps-threads.txt 2>&1 timeout 75 netstat -plant > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/netstat.txt 2>&1 timeout 75 cat /proc/stat > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/procstat.txt 2>&1 timeout 75 cat /proc/[0-9]*/stat > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/allprocstat.txt 2>&1 ok } get_containerd_info() { try "Collect Containerd daemon information" if [[ "$(pgrep -o containerd)" -ne 0 ]]; then # force containerd to dump goroutines timeout 75 killall -sUSR1 containerd timeout 75 containerd config dump > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/containerd/containerd-config.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"containerd info output \" " timeout 75 journalctl -u containerd > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/containerd/containerd-log.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"containerd info output \" " timeout 75 cp -f /tmp/containerd.*.stacks.log "${COLLECT_DIR}"/containerd/ else warning "The Containerd daemon is not running." fi ok try "Collect Containerd running information" if ! command -v ctr > /dev/null 2>&1; then warning "ctr not installed" else timeout 75 ctr version > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/containerd/containerd-version.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"containerd info output \" " timeout 75 ctr namespaces list > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/containerd/containerd-namespaces.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"containerd info output \" " timeout 75 ctr --namespace k8s.io images list > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/containerd/containerd-images.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"containerd info output \" " timeout 75 ctr --namespace k8s.io containers list > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/containerd/containerd-containers.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"containerd info output \" " timeout 75 ctr --namespace k8s.io tasks list > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/containerd/containerd-tasks.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"containerd info output \" " timeout 75 ctr --namespace k8s.io plugins list > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/containerd/containerd-plugins.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"containerd info output \" " fi ok } get_sandboxImage_info() { try "Collect sandbox-image daemon information" timeout 75 journalctl -u sandbox-image > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/sandbox-image/sandbox-image-log.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"sandbox-image info output \" " ok } get_docker_info() { try "Collect Docker daemon information" if [[ "$(pgrep -o dockerd)" -ne 0 ]]; then timeout 75 docker info > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/docker/docker-info.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"docker info output \" " timeout 75 docker ps --all --no-trunc > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/docker/docker-ps.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"docker ps --all --no-truc output \" " timeout 75 docker images > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/docker/docker-images.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"docker images output \" " timeout 75 docker version > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/docker/docker-version.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"docker version output \" " timeout 75 curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://./debug/pprof/goroutine\?debug\=2 > "${COLLECT_DIR}"/docker/docker-trace.txt 2>&1 || echo -e "\tTimed out, ignoring \"docker version output \" " else warning "The Docker daemon is not running." fi ok } get_cpu_throttled_processes() { try "Collect CPU Throttled Process Information" readonly THROTTLE_LOG="${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/cpu_throttling.txt command find /sys/fs/cgroup -iname "cpu.stat" -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' cs; do # look for a non-zero nr_throttled value if grep -q "nr_throttled [1-9]" "${cs}"; then pids=${cs/cpu.stat/cgroup.procs} lines=$(wc -l < "${pids}") # ignore if no PIDs are listed if [ "${lines}" -eq "0" ]; then continue fi echo "$cs" >> "${THROTTLE_LOG}" cat "${cs}" >> "${THROTTLE_LOG}" while IFS= read -r pid; do command ps ax | grep "^${pid}" >> "${THROTTLE_LOG}" done < "${pids}" echo "" >> "${THROTTLE_LOG}" fi done if [ ! -e "${THROTTLE_LOG}" ]; then echo "No CPU Throttling Found" >> "${THROTTLE_LOG}" fi ok } get_io_throttled_processes() { try "Collect IO Throttled Process Information" readonly IO_THROTTLE_LOG="${COLLECT_DIR}"/system/io_throttling.txt command echo -e "PID Name Block IO Delay (centisconds)" > ${IO_THROTTLE_LOG} # column 42 is Aggregated block I/O delays, measured in centiseconds so we capture the non-zero block # I/O delays. command cut -d" " -f 1,2,42 /proc/[0-9]*/stat | sort -n -k+3 -r | grep -v 0$ >> ${IO_THROTTLE_LOG} ok } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Entrypoint parse_options "$@" collect pack finished